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 No.8066[View All]

not pictured because i don't have the screenshot:
>that time anon made a post about trump being grown in a vat in somewhere france by the situationist to tank the us empire
277 posts and 134 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I guess…. also
>TFW none of the mod drama in the past 6 months is being capped and posted properly


File: 1632280526610.png (432.09 KB, 1864x3140, anon's dream.png)

Anon's Dream


File: 1632283668714.png (892.46 KB, 1852x4799, history be like.png)

thx for reposting my screencap
have this one too


thanks, and it's the reason for this thread :)


File: 1634579398969.png (296.97 KB, 575x946, ClipboardImage.png)

Lmao, turns out Catgirl Drawfriend made a drawing about it


fucking lmao, I remember this thread about the guy who plagarized finbol
iirc it was preceded by a thread a few days earlier where the dude asked for help dunking on his shitlib professor, and someone directed him to finbol. good times


baboon poster come back


i would fucking run for my life if i ever saw this in reality


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post was based


File: 1636847385168.jpg (43.3 KB, 680x383, 1556218437323.jpg)

>mfw I read COINtelegraph as COINTELgraph


ah thank fuck i legitimately got kinda sad


Thread archive https://archive.ph/zghix

Also a thread accusing Lenin of being a retard: https://archive.ph/F9cax



File: 1640251387146.png (149.47 KB, 1787x326, ClipboardImage.png)

found on /siberia/, I found it funny how quickly it derailed


bots from white supremacist sites and some indication of involvement from feds iirc


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Did anyone archive /penguin/?


Thread on Tariq Nasheed's Buck Breaking https://archive.ph/jASN1


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File: 1643903637292.png (121.46 KB, 1370x294, Picohitlers.png)

This 'cap always reminded me of pic related



Francisco Nguema and Co thread https://archive.fo/gBoK2 (sadly the Erdogan part did not get archived



has anyone archived the chronicles of the tomato anon?
i remember them from bunkerchan

sucks that archive.org needs a log in


File: 1652847333180.png (306.01 KB, 1834x628, 90.png)


>My post gets capped (kek)
<cuts out the rest of it
Come now


File: 1653360140571.webm (4.59 MB, 576x566, porkuuuu.webm)

Porkuu here's a relic from the past


File: 1653360480996-3.jpg (745.85 KB, 1100x1700, gogo.jpg)

i'm miss the old leftypol


apologies, this one looked better that's why


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Reposting the sacred prophecy


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I don't know what an Elvis accent sounds like, so I just read it in Johnny Bravo's voice.


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File: 1653533558259.png (206.4 KB, 1065x899, shut up nerd.png)


Trots = Nazis


when did you make this?


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>that time Black Pigeon Speaks made a video about leftypol(before 8chan's death) but he talked about the .pl site so his commenters shat that place up instead

What was the deal with that .pl site anyway?


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It was a mirror made by someone who split off from the old /leftypol/ mod team, I think. It was almost unused except for the hilarious morons raiding it because it was the only /leftypol/ that showed up in Google results (8chan pages didn't show up in google). I called it The Polish meatshield. Pic related


>le narwale bacon
>looks that up
Oh god, the redditors have a "I like your shoelaces" equivalent now.


tumblrina sista… it's from around that time too
what other sites have that secret code word

we should have one unironically, but not sex with soyjak pls


Every time a polyp makes a post I've always felt they weren't addressing anyone in particular but instead screeching at the boogeyman in their own head, and that catalog just confirms it for me lmao


MarxistMatey makes me laugh every time.
There will never be anyone as funny as him because he wasn't aiming to be a lolcow and was sincere.


>l mao


ayy comRED



File: 1708701798629-0.png (692.11 KB, 1314x761, libgeo.png)

Some Screencaps from /ukraine/

Unique IPs: 41

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