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 No.585485[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's that time of year again. Discuss the September 11th attacks and the war on terror that followed. Discuss conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 and whodunnit. Discuss whether America deserved 9/11.

>It's not 9/11 yet

I just want a big fat megathread for the entire month



>done to death

who cares
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funny, just a few years ago i was giving some people my mild take that amounted to basically this and they acted like i was a schizo for it


>You can be from a country that supports the US and commit terrorism against the US it's not a contradiction.
Read the reply-chain, dumbass.


>Whether or not the US directly orchestrated it or just let it happen is not important
Uh yes, it fucking is, because the fact that the US government did one of the biggest acts of terror against their own people, is something that can potentially shake the population to their core, a lot of known CIA crimes are old enough that there's a dissonance - it happened long ago, so it was just a bad part of the past. 9/11 is fairly fresh and could potential spark revolt should the truth be known.
>Whether they flew planes into buildings or did a controlled demolition is even less important
It is very important, and anyone that says otherwise is literally playing into the COINTEL PRO handbook.
>is clearly the fixation of schizos who would rather spend hours poring over grainy footage than think for one second about geopolitics.
Strawman fallacy and false dichotomy, one can analyze the details of the facts and have a good understanding of the bigger geopolitical picture, in fact that is part of the main motive for the movement - people apalled at the wars that followed and noticing that the cassus belli was manufactured.


>9/11 trutherism is just another way of denying the historico-material conditions
Ok glowie, just because you parrot common phrases and vague narratives people on leftypol use and share, doesn't make your blatantly fallacious argument any more correct, your consensus cracking denialism is reminiscent of radlibs that claim to be leftist, but immediately point fingers at communists and say that "they're going too far with their conclusions"


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Kek reminds me of pr0n pic rel (spoilers are there for a reason)

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 No.583596[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Today big news came from Niger. The military announced it had seized power and arrested the ProFrench President Mohamed Bazoum. The Constitution has been suspended and power transferred to a military junta. This was caused by increased unrest in the country, caused by the failure of the government to fight the ISIS insurgency and the endemic poverty that has gripped the country since independence from France.
Many nigeriens rightfully resent French neocolonialism over the country, especially since 2022 when huge amounts of French soldiers established bases in the country after they were kicked out of neighbouring Mali by a proRussia military junta.
After the coup was announced today, hundreds of procoup civilians came out in the center of the capital, waving flags of Russia and Wagner PMC and chanting antiFrench slogans. This seems to be signaling that Niger might be joining their neighbours Mali and Burkina Faso, who broke free of French control and established alliances with Russia after their French puppet governments were overthrown by military juntas.
Indeed, Mali recently removed French as an official language, demoting it to a "working language", while promoting only local languages to the official status. Like in Mali and Burkina Faso, this coup in Niger was followed by harsh western condemnation, and if the junta doesnt cave in to western demands, sanctions might soon follow like in Mali and Burkina Faso.
This is especially a problem for France, since Niger supplies up to 35% of its uranium. If Niger takes control of its natural resources like uranium, this could spell big trouble for French nuclear energy.
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you mean nigeriens right?


Your channel is delivering
<Niger's junta warns against military intervention, vows return to civilian rule within 3 years #AfNews
>“I am convinced that … we will work together to find a way out of the crisis, in the interests of all,” Tchiani said, commenting after his first meeting with a regional delegation seeking to resolve the West African nation’s crisis.
Published about an hour ago, so on par or perhaps even slightly ahead of us on the news curve.




 No.578140[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Remember: It's Not Happening If You Have To Go To Work Tomorrow™

Your daily dose of u/k/rop nazis and z-gang duginites spamming at each others throats. Now go build your third camp!

Otherwise, consider applying for NAFO membership or become among the Wagners, the infamous professional-managerial class strata!


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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Gas the Krauts complete Teutondeath NOW


It's so over for the yankees


>great man theory


100% so far


>Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Bordiga

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 No.578648[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Remember: It's Not Happening If You Have To Go To Work Tomorrow™

Your daily dose of u/k/roper nazis and z-gang duginites spamming at each others throats. Now go build your third camp!

Otherwise, consider applying for NAFO membership or become among the Wagners, the infamous professional-managerial class strata!


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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>as of recently Putin is not anticommunist but at the very least communist curious
He is nationalist and interested in breaking away from NATO and might even be interested in a more dirigisme like economy, and reversing the privatization and looting that happened under yeltsin. But nationalization of key industries is not enough to say someone isn't anti-communist. Plenty of anti-communist leaders nationalized key industries.


He really wants to be a full-on anticommunist but material conditions hit him on the head really, really hard. He wants to venerate Gorbachev's death, but at the same time the people who support Russia against the West are not liberals like himself but rather communists and third world countries





I don't think a ¿Monarchist? whatever could do a "broken clock speaks truth twice a day" so easily, and I was correct.
I bet that he is referring to Sicario-yellowesque hollywood stereotype with latin america of lawlessness and gringos overhead. Although sadly, this is truth to an extend for most of latam history after the spanish left the mainland.
Mexico had Santa Ana more than 3 times as president (lost them half their country and still got the chair again), Central America imploded, same with Colombia and in the end, a consolidation of even a pale bourg state just was archieved in the XX century in the small banana republics.
But the second part seals that he is a retard.
>Maduro will bring economical chaos to Bolivia
The gamer move of joining both countries seem to have happened only in his head
>If Maduro (lmao) wins heckin race war/fleeing
How can anyone take this seriously?


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Shit, I misremembered Stalin saying it in a conversation.

>Stalin received French Ambassador Louis Joxe for a working meeting at which the ambassador in reply to Stalin’s question about the nature of NATO from Charles de Gaulle’s perspective hinted that the bloc was an absolutely peaceful structure strictly within the UN Charter. “Stalin laughed and asked Vyshinsky, who was present during the conversation, whether the U.S.S.R. should join it then.”

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 No.577769[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

red alert, red alert

Russia is going to do a terrorist attack on the nuclear plant it has controlled for months, that has its own troops guarding, and is in a region they plan to annex. (according to America)

Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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What is this wagner coup stuff msm is reporting? Is it complete bunk?


Of course it's not
Musicians will storm a position knowing they'll die if ordered to


How comparable is 2004 4chan to 2023 leftypol?


this guy literally turned out to be right


spot on!

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 No.577131[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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new bread when?


>He also worked for the CIA. Some of the details of Sime’s time with the agency have been around for a while. He spoke about it with the writer David Maraniss, and when Sime died in 2016 it made a line midway through his New York Times obituary. But more has come out as the CIA has continued to declassify its files, and the US academic Austin Duckworth has uncovered one of the strangest little sports stories of the 20th century. Sime was a bit-part player in a CIA plot to subvert the 1960 Olympic Games. So were a Ukrainian assassin, a cabal of Vatican clergymen, a Soviet long jumper, and George Orwell. It all unfolds in the CIA archives, under the heading Operation Aerodynamic




This one is funny cause they use the cartoonish music that Ukrainians set as the soundtrack when making fun of Russians.


nobody cares retard, take your autistic bitching elsewhere

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 No.577529[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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and just to be retaken next.
Meanwhile, ukarine is losing Kupyansk, each day, a bit more.


big oof for Ukraine.


I don't think they lose Kupyansk necessarily. It seems to be an operation to take Lyman back


new bread


Yeah well my dad works for thr FSB and says you're lying.

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 No.576520[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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REMINDER it's ok if the CIA/Pentagon/U.S. interests ransack another state, because you can call it a revolution, and use the argument that this state selling resources to the original state is 100% communist/leftist
I welcome anyone to do it in my country with a 7.62×54 caliber bullet :^), comrade


Literally all i did was point out that the focus for communists is the working class not supporting one side of capital, it is quite literally the most basic communist stance. Nothing about this is demsoc.


Except that's not even happening you delusional schizo.
Rojava hasn't even sold said oil to the united states.
>but t-they ransacked
They took control of a region which the Assad government left for dead. You can scream CIA all you want- it's clear you're incapable of having a rational thought and/or argument.


>Lenins point is that imperialism is a stage, not a policy. Its pretty explicit. His definition of imperialism is a dialectical materialist one, similar to the communist definition of fascism, or the marxist definition of communism.
Lenin explicitly states that imperialism existed prior to the latest stage of capitalism. The imperialist stage is different then imperialism as a form of oppression as expressed in the past, but that in no way makes that imperialism any less a case of imperialism. The imperialist stage is the epoch of imperialism and has different principle features compared to the imperialism of the past, but that doesn't make imperialism lacking the domination of monopolist associations of big employers not imperialism, because then talking about those in chapter 6 makes no sense.


>By Lenins definition imperialism is when capitalist nations forcefully export capital
No it's not theorylet
Besides every nation exports capital retard loser

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 No.576138[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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new xleb >>1502277


>It brings nothing but the continuation of international capitalism, only one in which the US won't have a monopoly on
This is why BRICS is called progressive


Le west… hab fallen


now, now…
having a vagina grants you the right to interrupt the national anthem?
either way, he would have you hushed if you had a pennis. don't pat yourself on the back for your troll post.


>The problem with Iron Felix wasn't that he was wrong
He was wrong lmao. Everything he said about Putin was western lies

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 No.574719[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/ukraine/ thread #117 - Leopards To Moscow Special


>⚡️Raytheon has decided to increase the production of its Patriot air defense systems to 12 units per year and plans to deliver another 5 units to Ukraine by the end of next year.


US is not sending Abrams, after seeing whats happening with their relatives

UKR attacks are getting a little further into the defensive lines, but not deep enough to really worry

>Bluntly, this looks to me like the Ukrainians have advanced into a planned kill zone, probably the first of many on the long road south.


even westoids admit it's over
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cucktin met with telegram schizos, are patriots in control?


Trust the plan
All will be known
The eyebrow is raising


Oh it happens, you just don't see it because thos e vids don't get shared often.


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A lot of retards trying to talk about why Russia is bad. You know what? I don't give a shit if Russia is bad, the US is still at least ten times fucking worse, they have controlled the global order up until now and gotten away with every crime and atrocity they have ever committed. I only care about seeing the American state get the death it deserves, only after that point will I be remotely willing to entertain the idea of criticising any non-western country.

Until the USA is dead and buried, there is no justice in this world.


Why has USA decided to send Ukrainians to suicide counterattacks? AFU have defense lines after Bakhmut, with which Russia would as well struggle for months while suffering serious casualties.

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