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 No.539392[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Twitter accounts for war updates, all informative. If you remake this thread add twitter or news updates you see that are good







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Read Grover Furr, there were actual Polish spies and saboteurs, Poland was by no means a nice country, they were expansionists aiming for the conquests in Europe. They have created a wide network inside the USSR to instigate anti-soviet uprisings and conquer Belorussia and the Ukraine.


>You tankies can't really take any contradiction
mald radlib, this is not voosh twitter cargo cult
> you act like spoiled children
we are the spoiled for not repeating Western media talking points and swallowing ukranian war propaganda that openly stated shit that did not happen as real like the fucking ghost of kiev.
>You just can't face the truth.
and you can't face the fact that the entire ukraine is being steamrolled, just three days in an war entire armies are being circled in maripol and their capital is under siege when russia is using just a 1/3 of they army power, so you just cope with these shit that is not based in anything other than denial.
>That's why the USSR collapsed
the ussr got couped and illegaly dissolved, not because what your projection of what ML is.
>Marxism-Leninism is a failure and always will be.
at least we did something in the world to fail and not what other opportunist ideologies that try to use the fall of the USSR to grow, which is nothing in their history, what ever is your snowflake ideology you never had a country to call your own so they call the only ideology that trully challanged capital in the world.
remember this, a failure did more for the world than an nothing like you.


what the fuck, where did that voice over come from?


Different videos from the same shooting
During/immediate aftermath: >>539113
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FNCcxQaKxw

Warning: a dying dog is heard crying in the background, a man is seen dying (?) on the pavement

After >>539977
Warning: dead dog, blood on the pavement

Running the title through a translator, we get: "In the Kiev region, Russian invaders killed a father in front of his son. Ivankov region."
Caption says: "Киевский Движ / Kiev Movement"

Ivankov/Ivankiv appears to be a small town of Kiev an 80 minute drive north of Kiev.

Any thoughts on what happened here?


>Any thoughts on what happened here?
This is fucked. What thoughts can I have?

 No.542695[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Twitter accounts for war updates, all informative. If you remake this thread add twitter or news updates you see that are good






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So then the entire plan is to ruin Ukraine and try to turn it into an Afghanistan because they're not going to stop Russia. The massive media campaign is to get randoms to travel to Ukraine to be a hero like in vidya since Ukraine doesn't have enough native rebel fighters otherwise?


>Was he right about everything?


If this latest invasion was imperialist the movie exchange wouldn't be in freefall and rubles wouldnt be worth less than roblux


Are americans so stupid that they forgot the same shit happened to them in afghanistan under a year ago


Moscow not movie* dumb autocorrect censoring anything russia related

 No.538743[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Twitter accounts for war updates, all informative. If you remake this thread add twitter or news updates you see that are good







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>nobody on the internet "stands with ukraine", nor does anyone "stand with russia", to stand with someone you have to offer concrete material assistance.
Standing with Ukraine means agitating against the EU and NATO.


My mother and my siblings just died in Kiev thanks to you guys. Will you say "I'm sorry" to me now?????

Or will you keep to your Stalinist views and admit no moral wrongdoing?


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>made up shit 99% sure
your post was so cringe a basket full of puppies died because of it.


I actually saw people on Twitter had set up some way for individuals to send direct wire transfers to the Ukrainian military.


So after the devastating defeat of the Russian army, how long do you think it will take for the Putin regime to collapse? I think 6 months at most.
Russia should be partitioned too to avoid autocratic tyrants to take power in the future.

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 No.546044[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Twitter accounts for war updates, all informative. If you remake this thread add twitter or news updates you see that are good






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>huge ass rocket that lands and does not explode
It's a depleted first stage, most probably.


"Converting" /pol/yps was a mistake.


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I've been in an Elden Ring induced coma for the past two days. What's changed?


The US is driving Europe into Chinese arms

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 No.554797[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Twitter accounts for war updates, all informative. If you remake this thread add twitter or news updates you see that are good







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Oh really ? Are you aware of his bad opinions about LGBT and he literally thinks that "unequal exchange" cannot happen ?
His "proposals" are just
1) Utopian socialist talking points
2) Apply big computers. I believe that if a revolutionary party comes to power they can do it themselves without needing Mr Dickblast reactionary utopian drivels.


Yeah, my parents are indian. My partner’s parents fled antisemites from ukraine. I won’t apologize to Russia, since I, like many of the people who can trace their lineage to colonized and imperialized countries, fully support it


European countries will now have to buy Russian gas in Yuans/RMB instead of US Dollars.


>Are you aware of his bad opinions about LGBT he literally thinks that "unequal exchange" cannot happen ?
1. bait and switch fallacy, topic was geo-politics not social values, or economic theory
2. Cockshott attacked specifically Judith Butler's version of gender theory on theoretical grounds, he did not push for social discrimination, learn to accept that some people have opinions that are very different from yours, without demanding to "burn the heretic". (Personally I'm undecided on the issue of gender theory, I'm holding out for evidence from brain research before i make up my mind, but if you do anything to imply that this theory is unquestionable doctrine, you are signalling a faith based believe system that will convince me to file it under highly improbable. I'm very allergic to anything that gives off religious zeal vibes)
3. unequal exchange theory is likely wrong, nobody has been able to challenge Cockshott's on a theoretical level on that. Some Marxist say that unequal exchange and profit equalization can be rescued when you restrict it to the realm of pure finance capital. I haven't drawn my conclusions about that yet, because it's dense theory that takes time to process.

>His "proposals" are just

>1) Utopian socialist talking points
Cybernetic socialism is a realistic economic system for creating an economic system that could plausibly deliver on money-less economy.
Sortition democracy with democratic issue polling, is probably going to solve socialist problems with party politics, ie remove the need for purges..
>2) Apply big computers. I believe that if a revolutionary party comes to power they can do it themselves without needing Mr Dickblast reactionary utopian drivels.
<Noo you can't think about possible ways how to construct a better future beforehand.
I'm pretty sure that this hostility towards thinking about technical details about how to build a better future comes from an internalized desire to maintain the status quo, because if people can imagine how a better world could look like, they might actually change something.

TLDR you did not critique anything about the geo-political Article that Cockshott re-posPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>send in a column with no infantry to back it up
>it gets destroyed
>repeat 5x
russia is dogshit at war

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 No.538129[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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of course


Russia would very much like a F22 but it's a plane the US only keeps for itself. Too much secret tech.


>The highest level of confidence in the Armed Forces is in the West and in the Center (75-78%). Relatively lower - in the South and East (64-66%).
kek, gee I wonder why


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big line


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Hey I managed to find one on my own but I don't speak Russian lol

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 No.537496[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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new bread


Not any of those anons, thanks for the article. It was a good read.


Thank you anon, primo content


Literally the entire Vietnamese population: Are we a joke to you ?

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 No.536742[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


I am too lazy to post information or do a write-up. All the information I have is unconfirmed footage from Twitteroids.
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> regime


in ten years tankies will start saying this


What if the US is simply being run by their own Gorbachev clique at this point?


So what countries are officially -disconnected - from western economy now?
I think they'll be alright. Ironically China is now free to do whatever they want, they can't be bullied with the swift shit anymore. If china is also sanctioned it's over for the west, it would be suidice


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 No.536098[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Not going to post any information, in fact, the next one is going to only have the subject and I will just put "aaaaaa" until the character limitation is overrun.
Fuck you
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> If Russia did collapse in that manner, this war wouldn't be the causal factor.
What does Russia even have going for it? It literally allienated all of the world from itself, even it's allies. Cut ties with the world economy and made Putin look like someone who will start pointless wars.


Got any more info about that, looking it just comes with up with a ton of articles bigging up (or dismissing out of hand) the threat.


WHO?! Who are the nazi's?

The ukranian citizens getting their homes bombed by putin?


both rus and uncle sam will nuke germany first


That hardly makes a difference, “just following orders” is no excuse for genocide

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 No.534786[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Kyiv warned of toxic fumes after strike on oil depot

Germany to send weapons directly to Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine latest news: Russian troops enter Kharkiv; west cuts off banks from Swift system – live https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/feb/27/russia-ukraine-latest-news-missile-strikes-on-oil-facilities-reported-as-
Raid on twitter agsnts azov battalion

Russian broadcasts hacked to play Ukraine song on all channels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ0AYGSI9uQ
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Russians can be pretty racist, too, man


The USSR and PRC?


I'm not a p*tinoid but I want Novorossiya to happen just for the cool flag


>Ukraine is Nazi germany,
>Zelensky is Hitler inside the Fuhrerbunker
>Kiev is Berlin in april 1945.
Maybe history is truly ciclical.

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