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 No.22911[View All]

Well they gave it their best shot. Maybe World Cup will be the one. At least they still have cricket. Hopefully a riot breaks out right nor or something.
571 posts and 128 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


<a onclick="highlightReply('414914', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#414914">&gt;&gt;414914</a><br/>Not openly and this is a personal list. I think the range is 3-12.<br/><br/>My list of 6<br/>Corbyn<br/>Burgeon<br/>Mcdonnel<br/>Abbot<br/>Carden<br/>Morris.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('414924', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#414924">&gt;&gt;414924</a><br/>I wouldn't say all of them are commies but it looks about right<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('413813', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#413813">&gt;&gt;413813</a><br/>what a retard, he also retweeted this and then pussied out when he presumably got an angry call from Labour HQ


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The Cornish Land War is about to begin.


<a onclick="highlightReply('414979', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#414979">&gt;&gt;414979</a><br/>kek


<a onclick="highlightReply('414924', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#414924">&gt;&gt;414924</a><br/>Pretty sure burgeon voted for the Iraq war


<a onclick="highlightReply('414912', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#414912">&gt;&gt;414912</a><br/>Must suck to be English. Plenty people in glasgow are open commies or at least avowed socialist anti imperialists


<a onclick="highlightReply('415020', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415020">&gt;&gt;415020</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Plenty people in glasgow are open commies or at least avowed socialist anti imperialists</span><br/>Good point. There are many scottish communists, such as the legendary George Galloway for instance.


remember this based lad though


<a onclick="highlightReply('415035', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415035">&gt;&gt;415035</a><br/>I saw a video on twitter the other day of a builder doing the same thing, and I immediately thought of this legend. Hope he's doing well.


<a onclick="highlightReply('415022', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415022">&gt;&gt;415022</a><br/>In fact he himself says he is not even far left never mind a communist, and has only ever supported mild social democracy. But yes I think you could definitely call him an avowed socialist anti imperialist, even if he is a gritting cunt who robbed a food bank and hangs out with the CIA in his hotel room


<a onclick="highlightReply('415020', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415020">&gt;&gt;415020</a><br/>I mean I can go to an activist space and find people calling emsleves commies. But theres no relevant social force. Same seems to be true in Scotland. Maybe Im wrong, but I don't seen any powerful commie orgs in scotland.


<a onclick="highlightReply('415035', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415035">&gt;&gt;415035</a><br/>Why the fuck are people walking right up to it, are they fucking dumb.


<a onclick="highlightReply('415049', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415049">&gt;&gt;415049</a><br/>Yeh but it’s not just in activist spaces. I regularly speak to random old people who used to be in the communist party. There is a whole cohort of earlt millennial/gen x trots who were in the whole SSP thing before it collapsed. Most of these people are now in the SNP. You can walk into numerous Celtic pubs with che and Gaddaffi flags, fsln flags, etc. Glasgow itself is covered in various socialist memorials such as Spanish civil war memorials. There is a festival in paisley where they literally burn an effigy of a boss, although Paisley is technically not on glasgow, technically. No, you are correct there isn’t really a guiding party, but there is a huge communist and socialist culture. It’s a city where you extremely regularly meet people whose direct family (dads, uncles, grandads) were in the iRA/are currently in the IRA. The largest football club is explicitly anti fascist and lead the anti fascist movement for years. Being a Tory is a social faux pas, basically nobody who isn’t an out and out tarquin would ever admit to being a Tory. Toryism is shamed and bullied.



<a onclick="highlightReply('414979', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#414979">&gt;&gt;414979</a><br/>Has anybody actually experienced these shortages? I haven't seen any and I've been to quite a few towns/cities recently.


<a onclick="highlightReply('415042', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415042">&gt;&gt;415042</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;who robbed a food bank</span><br/>kek, do tell


<a onclick="highlightReply('415129', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415129">&gt;&gt;415129</a><br/>He told a food bank he would donate to them during an election campaign and then never did


<a onclick="highlightReply('415071', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415071">&gt;&gt;415071</a><br/>ah fair enough.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('413813', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#413813">&gt;&gt;413813</a><br/>He got absolutely bodied by a PhD lamo.


<a onclick="highlightReply('415800', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415800">&gt;&gt;415800</a><br/>This guy was on media roots radio doing and episode about Cuba, he’s based (and also Scottish)


<a onclick="highlightReply('415071', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415071">&gt;&gt;415071</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;there isn’t really a guiding party</span><br/>Hopefully if independence happens (or the SNP falls apart) something might come out of that.


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Any idea who this Chris Briant is? The liberal left in Peru is using him to show "leftist opposition" to the goverment.<br/>It says is a laborist from Wales


<a onclick="highlightReply('413813', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#413813">&gt;&gt;413813</a><br/>A, it was a blairite.<br/>Shit<br/><br/>Anyway, as I said, liberal left will push blairite opinions to degrade the goverment. Knife in the back, always a knife in the back<br/><a href="https://archive.is/pNQyQ" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://archive.is/pNQyQ</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('415800', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415800">&gt;&gt;415800</a><br/>Thanks


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Vegans escaping the vax


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<a onclick="highlightReply('418404', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#418404">&gt;&gt;418404</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Chris Bryant</span><br/>Some late Blairite (Brown) era careerist


<a onclick="highlightReply('419507', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#419507">&gt;&gt;419507</a><br/>well if the vaccine does kill us all at least the animals will be better off


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Where’s should I go for lunch lads?


<a onclick="highlightReply('420641', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#420641">&gt;&gt;420641</a><br/>Zac Goldsmith's creampied Carrie again lads. What is the marxist position on this development?<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('420647', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#420647">&gt;&gt;420647</a><br/>Greggs. You shouldn't even have to ask.


<a onclick="highlightReply('420641', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#420641">&gt;&gt;420641</a><br/>Legit wheezed.


<a onclick="highlightReply('420654', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#420654">&gt;&gt;420654</a><br/>What should I get from greggs tho


<a onclick="highlightReply('420675', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#420675">&gt;&gt;420675</a><br/>idk depends what type of greasy, undercooked pastry takes your fancy


<a onclick="highlightReply('420675', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#420675">&gt;&gt;420675</a><br/>Chicken bake


<a onclick="highlightReply('420696', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#420696">&gt;&gt;420696</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('420675', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#420675">&gt;&gt;420675</a><br/>Anything other than a steak bake with yum yum for desert is Tarquin activity.



<a onclick="highlightReply('421031', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#421031">&gt;&gt;421031</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;An NHS spokesman said: "The NHS was asked to produce this discussion document based on a specific and extreme hypothetical scenario to inform the Government's pandemic flu preparedness programme rather than for operational use and it did not form the basis of the NHS response to coronavirus."</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('421031', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#421031">&gt;&gt;421031</a><br/>Then why didn't they do that?


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Is Britain on the verge of suicide if we don't go Pol Pot?


<a onclick="highlightReply('422796', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#422796">&gt;&gt;422796</a><br/>I'm on the verge of suicide if we don't go Pol Pot


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Why are Labour MPs like this? They're so fucking incompetent in every regard.


<a onclick="highlightReply('423734', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#423734">&gt;&gt;423734</a><br/>Every Labour month I’ve met has been a dullard.


<a onclick="highlightReply('423734', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#423734">&gt;&gt;423734</a><br/>What does she even want in this clip?


<a onclick="highlightReply('424464', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#424464">&gt;&gt;424464</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('424295', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#424295">&gt;&gt;424295</a><br/>I presume she was just given a slip of paper with that question, with no further elaboration.<br/>"I'm asking you *the* question."


<a onclick="highlightReply('423734', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#423734">&gt;&gt;423734</a><br/>during the Blair/Brown years people were primarily selected and prompted as MPs based on factional loyalty to either Blair or Brown, not based on their talent.<br/><br/>Indeed, neither wanted a particularly talented individual to come forward: if one came forward on Brown's side, Blair was afraid that it would build pressure for his resignation, while if one came forward on Blair's side, Brown was afraid Blair would make that person his successor rather than letting Brown take over.


Anyone have that article written by Blair before he led the party?


<a onclick="highlightReply('415035', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415035">&gt;&gt;415035</a><br/>is this direct action


<span class="quote">&gt;The failure of these parliamentary moves led radical suffragettes to turn to violence. Many went on hunger strike in prison, demanding that their actionsbe recognized as political rather than merely criminal. By brutal force-feeding, and then by release and rearrest, the government prevented death instate custody, though some women did die outside prison as a consequence.They suffered not for all women, but for some women, for the removal of the ‘sex disability’ rather than votes for all women. </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;The decidedly non-militant suffragist Mrs Millicent Fawcett turned to support the small Labour Party, the only one committed to votes for all women, and all men. Votes for all men was as objectionable to much of the political class as votes for some women.</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('431196', event);" href="/leftypol/res/431196.html#431196">&gt;&gt;431196</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('431196', event);" href="/leftypol/res/431196.html#431196">&gt;&gt;431196</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('431196', event);" href="/leftypol/res/431196.html#431196">&gt;&gt;431196</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('431196', event);" href="/leftypol/res/431196.html#431196">&gt;&gt;431196</a><br/>new


<a onclick="highlightReply('431457', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#431457">&gt;&gt;431457</a><br/>thanks


not coming home

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