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 No.24754[Last 50 Posts]



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polcels are trolling military recruiters, thread got deleted but I found it funny


What happened to the recycling thread idea


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Doesn't bump


Today we celebrate the victory of brave Muslim BIPOCs over white supremacist Amerikkka, ending the 20 year colonization of Afghanistan!


Maybe they didn't set it to cycle, but threads normally cycle at 499 posts right? None of the generals are doing that. Recycling broken maybe?


A victory for the proletariat!


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It could have been better


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Burgers are extremely assmad and have changed the wikibox from simply saying Taliban victory into pic related


kinda funny but I'm 100% sure that those are chatbots.


lmao americoping again.


Daily Mail and other British media has been reporting about the adventure of Lord Miles from /trv/:



Need more US soldier tears


Absolutely seething.


>muh Qaeda
Like clockwork.


shit fucking sucks the whole middle east was hopeful in the 50s-70s but wahhabist psychos in saudi won that proxy war


Salt on the wound is that US was planning to invade Saudi Arabia during the crisis. The only time they cuck out from interventionist imperialism is aldo the one when it would have actually been good


what do you make of this?


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Can anyone explain to me what the hell is happening? I didn't even know Biden was pulling out. I figured that's something this board would praise/acknowledge Biden for. And now the Taliban is taking over? Does this mean that American interference in Afghanistan was actually a good thing after all? At least, that's what the media is painting it.

>t. no knowledge of MENA politics


>Does this mean that American interference in Afghanistan was actually a good thing after all?

Absolutely not.

> At least, that's what the media is painting it.

All of American media, even the screeching liberal one is right now to the right of Biden. The American elite is on pure copium right now and can't even take a single L for their empire project.


The correct take on the situation basically. Taliban victory is better long term than continuing the forever-war, and in all likelyhood in time Afghanistan will move away from extremism on its own. However the imediate consequance will result in a lot of needless pain for Afghanis, specifically women.


>Absolutely not.

But aren't the Taliban an inherently reactionary terrorist group? Soviet interference was almost always justified here as being the more progressive than letting Nazis take power. Isn't liberal capitalism more progress than reactionary theocracy? I'm still surprised that I saw no mention of Biden pulling out of Afghan until now, not even in Twitter. I've been preoccupied with college the whole time though. This seems like a historically big deal.


Basically here is the deal. This is good globally because it weakens US empire both in soft and hard power. And it is also good for Afghanistan to a point. Taliban is bad, but its better than the endless war. I say give people of Afghanistan the chance to solve this on their own terms instead of playing global police.


>But aren't the Taliban an inherently reactionary terrorist group?

Yes but so is the current Afghan government.

>Isn't liberal capitalism more progress than reactionary theocracy?

You have been propagandized into believing that the former Afghan government used to be the beacon of liberal democracy and secularism there. This couldn't be further from the truth, also the Taliban controlled half of the country throughout all this time anyway.


Why are people acting like this is a loss for Biden? Pretty sure the approval rating for the Afghan war was like 10-15%. The fact that BIden ended an unpopular war should give him a boost in popularity, right?


Yes. It's just the American liberal elite, its media and a small sliver of the terminally online and politically engaged. The overwhelming majority of the American people support pulling out and ending the war.


>I'm still surprised that I saw no mention of Biden pulling out of Afghan until now
We've been talking about it for months, you've just been under a rock.

You don't have a proper understanding of class struggle. We are socialists, interested solely in the liberation of the working class and the establishment of socialism. Soviet interference in other countries wasn't justified because it was "more progressive", but because it directly facilitated the spread of proletarian dictatorship. Nothing else matters.
The question of Afghanistan is simply "which government is more suitable for the growth of proletarian power?". We can't know that the Taliban are going to be better yet, but it would be very difficult for them to match the repression of a US backed puppet state.


>Why are people acting like this is a loss for Biden?
Losing wars is a very bad look in US electoral politics. Even though at the same time most people were wanting the war to end for years. Do not come here. It's a silly place.


So the United States failed multiple coups and regime changes and is now pulling out of Afghanistan. Is this it, the waning of the empire? What else is there? The Syrian wars? The dialectics are truly in motion, aren't they?

I would consider "proletarian dictatorship" as more progressive. But I understand. And yes, I've really been under a rock sadly. The pandemic combined with extensive college work has turned me into a slave with no free time.


The humiliation of Kabul shows that the US was driven from Afghanistan, that it did not leave willingly. It is clear to everyone that Biden did not bow America out of the region on its own terms, the military fled from the ruins of its own project.


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He didn't end it though. From the time Obama got elected, everyone was assuming they'd pull out the troops and the government would keep teetering onward. Not the moment they start pulling out, the Taliban fucking blitzes the country in two weeks and precipitates another Saigon.
20 years ""progress"" gone in a fucking puff of smoke.


A reporter on aussie news summed it up best.

The damage control plan for the yanks was to leave and have the afghan government teeter back and forth for a year or so until the majority of the public stopped paying attention and then the Tali’s would take over.

Instead the Taliban does the Tet offensive on PCP and takes the entire place in 10 days


Americucks are coping so fucking hard everywhere online holy moly

Is this how it was right after Vietnam? AmeriCUCKS are the biggest COPERS on Earth, they live in an alternate universe it seems


Even so the Afghan war was still unpopular. I'd figure most while might be disappointed with the results are just glad it's finally over.


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I dunno. Biden's people seem to be reckoning that most people don't give a shit – and besides, football season is starting soon. I think people will argue about it online for a few days, and then forget about it. It's not like the public was paying attention to Afghanistan in the past decade anyways. There were only a few thousand troops based there for years and years.

Most of the people freaking out about it seem to be D.C. think-tankers and journalist dweebs who are like "how could this have gone so wrong!?!?" I dunno guys, read your own reporting about it…

There are a lot of differences. Some similarities. One similarity I think is how anticlimactic it really was on ground. The NVA tanks rolled into Saigon, and aside from the dramatic images of people getting on boats and clinging to helicopters, life on the street pretty much returned to normal within a day. Markets reopened, and the only real difference is that you started seeing street merchants selling new flags and portraits of Ho Chi Minh. They didn't just flip the communist switch. Even today, the economies haven't been fully integrated (apparently).

But that's one difference in the U.S. – the loss in Vietnam was seen as a blow in this ideological conflict and the right held onto that grudge death-grip style. For non-Burgers, there's a thing here in the U.S. called the "POW/MIA" symbol and flag which arose after the Vietnam War alleging that Vietnam still held American prisoners after the war ended, but backstabbing liberals and the media were covering it up. It's like a stabbed-in-the-back myth. One of the Rambo movies from the 1980s is about Rambo going back to Vietnam on a mission to free the POWs but he's stymied by "corrupt Washington bureaucrats" too (the enemy within!). Crazy shit.

Another difference… Republican presidents presided over the withdrawal (Nixon/Ford), but this is a Democrat doing it. At the Obama "surge" peak in 2011, the U.S. had around 100,000 troops in Afghanistan. In Vietnam, it was 550,000. And way more bloodier combat. The U.S. lost 10,000 aircraft in Vietnam. In Afghanistan, it's probably in the hundreds?


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another angle of the apache crowd dispersal technique


The discussion level of this topic fucking plummeted in the last day or so because all of the white devil fat ass americucks came online. I followed a few threads and communities on this and the coper and morons came out of the woodworks. So many people are just repeating whatever they hear on the news.

Leftypol is no exception. You can instantly notice a lot of these people are just "ex"-polaks and /r/atheism-redditors with zero understanding of the region beyond their fbi.gov Twitter memes.




It's hilarious that polcels are mostly supporting the Taliban. Somehow they went SO racist they went full circle to cheering for brown Muslims.


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Fresh news from the other side of the wall.


It's crocodile tears from the press (including people who were responsible for the invasion in the first place) and the usual partisan "oppose everything the other party does" shit.
This is definitely a positive for him in the long-run, everyone will remember "Biden got us out of Afghanistan" and not care about the details.


>bringing up atheists for no reason


the mods wanted to archive it >>>/leftypol_archive/23533


Landing gear hanging - gusano tradition since 1975


So the Taliban is just waiting outside the airport letting the Americans and diplomats leave right?


Because a lot of you retards think screeching about Islam constitutes a coherent ciritque


He referred to those white devil cuntass american posters. Read again, anon.
Focus more.


It just blows me away how it wasn't enough for burgers to try to exterminate the indigenous people of north america, but they have to name their imperialist war machines after them, so rather than just scrubbing these people's names from history, they are instead appropriated and become known around the world for the burger military industrial complex. It's like killing someone and wearing their skin or something.


The US signed a peace deal with the Taliban last year, setting a May 1rst deadline to withdraw all foreign troops. Biden decided to extend the war for literally no reason whatsoever, shifting the withdraw date ,breaking the deal, pissing off the Taliban, and killing peace talks. The Taliban responded with a massive military offensive after the deadline passed. The media keeps failing to mention this. The takeover most likely would've happened anyway, it just would've been less retarded.


Because Bidne kept listening to the media which asks him to not withdraw or lose


Thoughts on this? It was posted a lot before the Bunkerchan split.

>One of the visions stirred up by this political fascism described by Galtung are ones referring to “exceptionalism” and the notion of the struggle “between good and evil” to which all imperial war ideology would be reduced. The messianism of the United States in this last stage would lead the country to suicidal wars, at a great cost for the world and for the American population and economy itself. Fascism would have, at its base, a personality cult of a leader and a powerful state.

>The growing evidence of decline would lead the empire to desperate wars, in what Galtung calls a “flight forward”, in order to conquer the Eurasian region, which is geostrategically dominant in the world. The end of the agreements with Iran, the distance with respect to Turkey and India, the manifest rivalry with China and the failure of the agreements with North Korea, point to the fact that the United States seeks to extend its interests in the Eurasian region to the field of war, in order, through a stroke of audacity, to regain control of a world region that would secure its global dominance for a hundred more years.


How many embassies have evacuated?


US, Canada, UK
The Russian Embassy will meet with the Taliban.
Other embassy will probably do the same as Russia


Reminder the "Socialist" government in Afghanistan murdered Communists.


Its even worse, they have several weapons and called military tactics and operations after indigenous resistence fighters, it is really disgusting


No, you're overthinking it. /pol/yps are still engaged in the culture war which means by they must, by definition, support one bourgeoisie party, in this case the Republican Party. if Trump was still in power overseeing this debacle they'd be calling for Trump to glass the outskirts of Kabul to stick it to the shitskins. they'd also be calling for refugees trying to get onto the fleeing helos and planes to be gunned down en masse.


name a socialist government which didn't do that




Holy fuck, Joe ain’t changing his mind


Well atleast he can fuck raw, she should be past menopause by now.


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/pol/ take on the situation


unironically correct


who cares


if the only conclusion you end up is "they're idiots who are acting against their own interests",you should maybe think you're the one wrong,but no,pol can't do that.
bunch of faggots.


lol that's a city in Afghanistan


so dumb, so so dumb


*tips fedora*


Dont worry Afghanistan the aussies are on our way on a super secret mission to save you!



They are incapable of analyzing the world in any terms other than their culture war BS


Her head must have been banged against the wall


o b s e s s e d


>every conservative is a soldier! muh valor


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Here's the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan's view of the situation, they think both sides are compradors, the IRA having more bourgeois characteristics and the Taliban having more feudal characteristics, but both are feudal-bourgeois compradors dependent on global-imperialism.

Reminder that the good guys lost 30 years ago, the Taliban and the Islamic Republic are both bastards but at least America is gone.



Lmao kinda sad when you put it like that but this is genuinely true. What matters is why it was done, because if by retards' logic simply murdering communists is bad and reactionary then Stalin is a massive reactionary too. Obviously, he didn't do it because they were communists, but for a number of reasons.


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Posting again because I want to


Every other government does that including socialist ones


>NOOooooooooOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo You murdered my schizo maotist cult!!!111!!!!!


This was probably already posted in the last threads but in case anyone hasn't seen it yet, people falling off an evacuating plane. Apparently they were holding onto the tires https://twitter.com/HizbkKhan/status/1427190452919361537


Holy shit.
How bad was life under these people between 1995-2001 seriously???


His own troop literally just murdered several women before leaving


This is probably how some fell off, not sure if it's the same plane but you can tell that position isn't sustainable https://twitter.com/TOLOnews/status/1427204278695997442?s=20


Tbh Ghani leaving like he did is at least somewhat understandable considering what they did to Najibullah, the thought alone would probably cause the same response by anyone




Even if they were able to hold on, they'd freeze to death in minutes.


im sad now


yeah after reading about that, I'll give Ghani some slack


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Jocko Willink (navy seal and podcaster) is doin slam poetry now. Keep in mind he asserted the U.S is an "incredibly benevolent nation with a conscience and a soul that - as a whole - is good" while he was doing a pod on the My Lai Massacre.


Some interesting info on who might potentially recognize the Taliban government. About China though, the only source suggesting they might recognize them is an article by The Economist. After reading it, it doesn't seem too convincing tbh. It's really all just speculation and propagandizing, the only comment by a Chinese official they cite is this one, by their foreign minister, on a meeting with a Taliban official:
>"We hope the Afghan Taliban will make a clean break with all terrorist organizations including the ETIM and resolutely and effectively combat them to remove obstacles, play a positive role and create enabling conditions for security, stability, development and cooperation in the region,"
What might happen is if they cut all ties with the ETIM they could potentially recognize them, only time will tell. Probably a lot of countries consistently opposed to American geopolitical interests will recognize the new government eventually. Here's the wiki article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Emirate_of_Afghanistan#2021%E2%80%93present

And the article from The Economist about China https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/china-preparing-to-recognize-taliban-if-kabul-falls-says-report/articleshow/85292773.cms


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Guys all the libs seething and burger tears make me so happy. Today is a wondrous dsy. May the taliban purge all burgers inshallah


his post makes me hopeful to play final fantasy 16


Anything that happens in a non-industrialized agrarian shithole like afghanistan is irrelevant to proletarian struggle. Cope more, leninists.


>resource extraction is irrelevant to industrial society
>attempts to forcefully integrate the margins of capital hegemony are irrelevant to the maintenance of capital hegemony

back to daycare, stupid


Saigon held out for like 50 days lol. Also the South Vietnamese army didn't collapse and kept fighting.


South Vietnamese army realised they'd get fucked decked if they didn't. Afghan Army has the luxury of just melting into the scenery.


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>the people of a poor nation that has been occupied for decades are reactionary!!!!
t. western leftists


Western leftists are pure shit



I am interested in this. Is it well known that an occupied people will go reactionary?


Taliban victory over the US puppet is a good thing, but the Taliban is still highly reactionary.


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>the noble asian can not be reactionary, for he is beyond the westoid understanding and mode of thought, he is of a different brain


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Yes, resource extraction in colonized countries expands and intensifies the contradictions of capitalism and is thus objectively historically progressive. Thanks for seeing the light.


Is that unexpected?
Do you need some Marxist philosophical rigor to understand this? They are a rural people with a literacy rate in the 30-40 range. They were attacked for decades by a world superpower. They resorted to violence and anyone who can protect them.
>he said they aren't reactionary
reading comprehension


you are the soyjak for denying that this is the case for moralistic reasons. its a not a value judgement of afghans who rightfully liberated themselves to say that they are objectively reactionary, they are largely salafists and their more ideologically involved figures would probably enthusiastically agree that they are reactionary

you have a baby brain


i did not say they aren't reactionary. reading comprehension. the focus on it is the empty moralism.


So your pic related was a self-portrait?


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>we must condemn the reactionaries and forget who caused them to exist!
t. westoid


>we must condemn the reactionaries and forget who caused them to exist!
Who said this here?


Barely anyone is saying this THOUGH, stop derailing the thread.


I don't think these are just average citizens that lived through the previous Taliban rule and would now rather die than wear a burqa or grow a full beard again. Nor are they probably composed of every openly homosexual man and e-thot in Kabul, because I don't think that so many random civilians would volunteer to trap themselves at the airport and hope that they could get a lift from the Americans when they already have problems getting their own fat asses off the country.

Most of these are probably people that collaborated with the occupation and they therefore think that they have a decent chance that burgers might also take their vassals with them. Above all that they probably did some shit that they know will end up hanging into the Kabul city centre lamp-post. Like imagine if you were translating for some enhanced interrogation sessions at Pul-e-Charkhi prison until about a month ago and now Taliban have set all those fuckers free and now the same people you helped to torture are roaming the streets of Kabul armed and dangerous and looking for your sorry ass and If your really unlucky your whole extended family too.


Will they align with Saudi Arabia or Iran THOUGH?


seethe, westoid
everyone who is so confused about all of the 'support' for the most evil people in history, the taliban


certainly not Iran, they are shia


It’s much less black-and-white than that.


Najibullah tried to leave but couldn't
Ghani was allowed to leave


Was the 444444 get in one of the previous threads, pls tell me someone capped it, or if not what was it


>no, we're not
holy shit, go back


I'm making it black and white


it was board wars bullshit


Fuck off, radlibcunt


>Support of various factions is always caused by moral conviction
Please leave, moralist


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What a fucking joke, why can't this fags understand gets are not for that but for pic related type kino shit?




>everyone who is so confused about all of the 'support' for the most evil people in history, the taliban
Who forgot that the US was responsible in the first place? That's literally something that was repeatedly brought up. And being against "supporting" the Taliban (which doesn't do shit in the first place) is not the same as condoning the US. It's great that the US is leaving. The Taliban are still shit, and I'm not going to voice any "support" for them.


>the 444444
You mean tag no 444444 or…
Oh thanks for the filtereds! Gotta smoke them all next morning!


>muh evil taliban
Your brain on westcunt media


I mean the 444444th post


exactly the problem with the incessant 'opposition'
then please continue to make post after post about how they are bad in a totally not moralizing way
it was sarcasm. sigh.


Oh. Because when I post sometimes I use the 44444 username though in the past.
>ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh muh sarcasmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22222222222211111111111112
No it isn't anon


you think i thought the taliban are literally the most evil people in the world? guess we have to do /s reddit shit here


Biden sending 1000 more troops to Kabul. What are they even going to do there? Stand around the airport until the last flight inevitably leaves?


>Stand around the airport until the last flight inevitably leaves?
Probably, in the name of "securing troops and vulnerable Afghans"
To "anti-American ideals" and whatever king burger peddles to them


What is the news on the ground like? So far Ive seen people are not being able to get visas and withdraw money from their bank accounts, dont know if its true. Will westernoids be evacuated, or will taliban get them first inshallah?


>then please continue to make post after post about how they are bad in a totally not moralizing way
This was already done two threads ago. Anons didn't even make post after post, it was just a few posts discussing it. What exactly is your issue with someone saying they don't support the Taliban if they also state that they support the US leaving?


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Found this in /pol/ and it's hell hilarious (MEGA COPE)


So are these people that are desperate to leave all afghani gusanos? https://twitter.com/islam_naserr/status/1427299612679938048?s=21


You are a subhuman


Dumb fuck, obviously I mentioned those two countries because they're the de facto leaders/powers of the Shia vs Sunni proxy war, read more


Bros why would you try hanging off the side of a plane? Even if you managed to hang on successfully, when it reaches height you would probably freeze to death.



Probably with the Saudis. Their strain of Islam are the same


>Thousands of US troops trapped at one airport and the surrounding area.
>Food is and supplies are also apparently running low.
>Biden sends more troops that will also eventually need evacuation while the airport is not even under any attack as the Taliban are letting the Americans leave in fear of giving a reason for full US re-entry.
> Troops are probably there only to keep the desperate Afghan gusanos in line and also to make sure that not even a single American dies during the evacuation because that would ruin Biden's presidency and soil the US image even further.


Based post


lmao why do westernoids have such a hard time comprehending death to amerikkka: https://twitter.com/wasimmughal_/status/1427298975531556871?s=21


Some info on the Iranian-Saudi rivalry's relation to Afghanistan"
>The rivalry has contributed to the ongoing instability in Afghanistan. Afghanistan shares historical ties with Iran, but is strategically important to Saudi Arabia. After the Cold War, Saudi policy shifted from fighting the spread of communism to containing Iranian influence in South and Central Asia.[149]

>Saudi Arabia was one of three countries to officially recognize the Sunni Taliban government in 1996, along with its allies Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates. During the Afghan Civil War, Iran and Saudi Arabia supported opposing militant factions. Iran assisted the Shia Hezb-e Wahdat, while Saudi Arabia provided financial support to the Wahhabist Ittihad-e Islami.[392]

>In 2001, the invasion of Afghanistan and the removal of the Taliban in the wake of the September 11 attacks benefited Iran, which had previously been on the brink of war with the group. The regime change removed Iran's primary threat along its eastern borders, and the removal of Saddam Hussein two years later further bolstered its position, allowing it to refocus its efforts on other areas, especially Syria and Yemen.[393] In the ensuing years, Iran sought to expand its influence over Afghanistan. It provided limited support to the Taliban as a potential means of increasing leverage with the Afghan central government and creating a deterrent to conflict with the United States, although the support waned amid growing backlash in Afghanistan against perceived Iranian interference.[394] Iran has also sought to expand soft influence by building pro-Iranian schools, mosques, and media centers, and by maintaining close ties with Afghanistan's Tajik and Hazara populations.[394]



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>It just blows me away how it wasn't enough for burgers to try to exterminate the indigenous people of north america, but they have to name their imperialist war machines after them
To be fair, the Pentagon won't name a weapon after a tribe without permission from the tribal leaders.

Pic: Lakota Indians, Lakota helicopter


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Lmao one tweet down and they posted the based vid


Reminded of the Boer War.


You guys were right


About what?


A different angle from people falling off a plane, you can tell more clearly here what's going on, far closer to the ground too https://twitter.com/AsvakaNews/status/1427206845706379266?s=19


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>CNN: They're chanting 'death to Amerikkka' but seem friendly at the same time. It's utterly bizarre.
Oh man, they're just like us.


t. stupidpol


The war on terror lol


that was my question
no one has to 'support' them (meaningless anyways), but the insistence on treating them like they are Al Qaeda fits the imperialist narrative of 'humanitarian' intervention


it was a grift my dude. take the flag off. join us


>no one has to 'support' them (meaningless anyways), but the insistence on treating them like they are Al Qaeda fits the imperialist narrative of 'humanitarian' intervention
Even if they were Al Qaeda, I wouldn't support western intervention. They are completely shit, and I'm not going to pretend they aren't, but the whole idea of "If they are like Al Qaeda, that means capitalist intervention is ok" already plays off of a liberal narrative. They are backwards reactionaries through and through, and I'm not going to change my already previously held views and instead give flattery because they happen to be in control now.


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good, don't flatter them, but in a sober and non-provocative way I will finish by saying that being a leftist isn't just about condemning reactionaries


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About 2 hours ago, the U.N. Security Council had a meeting about the situation. Here are some important speeches, in the order of appearance:

🇦🇫 Afghanistan (04:38) – Urges for the UN to use every means at its disposal to call on the Taliban to: Stop violence, respect human rights and international law. Provide an exit corridor for anyone trying to leave the country. Accept the amnesty offered to them, cease target-killing and revenge attacks. Not destroy public infrastructure and works of art.
Calls for an inclusive, representative transitional government, including minorities and women. Also calls for neighboring countries to open their borders and accept refugees.

🇺🇸 USA (19:36) – Calls Taliban to respect human rights, and not to kill civilians. To allow safe passage of humanitarian aid agents. Everyone who wants to leave must be allowed to. Calls neighbours to accept refugees.

🇷🇺 Russia (49:19) – We urge all afghan parties to refrain from hostilities. The international community must help Afghanistan together. The Russia-China-Pakistan troika is onto this, but we believe Iran could play an important role here. We will interact with the Taliban irrespective of their specific actions and the evolving situation. According to our reports, the Taliban have begun seeking to establish public order and have also confirmed security guarantees to civilians and diplomats. For now, our embassy in Kabul continues to operate normally.

🇨🇳 China (56:37) – A political solution is the only way out for Afghanistan. China take's note of what the Taliban has said yesterday: That they pretend to establish an open, inclusive, Islamic government, and to maintain the safety of the citizens and foreign missions in the country. China expects that these commitments to be fulfilled. We hope the Taliban will unite with all parties and ethnic groups to establish a broad and inclusive political structure that suits its national conditions in order to lay the foundations to achieve lasting peace. In the last 20 yeas, terrorist organizations such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and ETIM have gathered in Afghanistan, posing a security threat to neighboring countries. Afghanistan must never again become a haven for terrorists. We hope that Taliban will make a clear break with terrorist organizations.
The international community should step up its humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and neighboring countries, to alleviate the situation for afghan citizens and immigrants. We learned that some neighboring countries requested to participate in this meeting. It's regrettable that their participation was denied.
The chaos we see now is the result of hasty withdrawal of foreign troops. Relevant countries should earnestly deliver a commitment to support peace, reconciliation and reconstruction in Afghanistan, and play a constructing role.



you cant accuse me of having poor reading comprehension for not being able to untangle the riddle of your greentext soyjak lmao


>but in a sober and non-provocative way
If previous threads are anything to go on, being sober is apparently provocative.
>being a leftist isn't just about condemning reactionaries
No, it isn't. But recognizing them as still your opposition is.


>muh support/opposition
all you can do is understand a situation. the image board consensus has literally zero impact on the world


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people trying to cling on to the outside of american jets as they take off, falling to their deaths later

the evacuation is already failing


It's shocking but the reports of civilians being gunned down by US troops are being overshadowed by this. It's kinda sus, I mean if I were the US I'd definitely point to idiots getting themselves killed versus our own troops killing them.


I would think of a thread theme but the fags literally banned music last time they governed the country, can't have shit in Afghanistan


music only for the muhajideen lol >>24919


She’s hot. She better fuck all of the Taliban scumbags




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What's this civil war people are talking about? Are the talking about when we invaded Afghanistan and tried to artifical create a puppet government?


You guys think it's possible the Taliban turn into the new Hamas? What I mean by that is that they end up siding thoroughly with the Axis of Resistance rather than Saudi Arabia and company. With Hamas it was a similar situation, originally being part of the Muslim Brotherhood they weren't completely friendly with Iran and were open hostile against the Ba'athist government in Syria, due to the long history of conflict between the MB and the government, even supporting the rebels at the start of the civil war. Though after some pressure from Iran who had become their main aid provider they switched sides in favor of the government, and in 2017 become unaffiliated with the MB.

I think the Taliban has the potential to go through a similar process, after all Hamas are Sunni islamists too, so it's not completely impossible. I also think their Deobandi sect of Sunni Islam is more acceptable of religious minorities, at least in comparison with other Sunni strands like Wahhabism. Also how they seem to be more integrated into international relations and seeking diplomatic recognition, they might be softer than in the past. Probably what would need to happen for this to materialize is their complete unaffiliation and suspension of all ties with al Qaeda, who are definitely hardcore anti-Shia and would never seek an alliance with Iran or other Iranian allies. Between choosing al Qaeda or the stronger and more influential AoR, they might choose the latter as a means to guarantee consistent stability.


so far the US exit strategy has been
- land
- shoot random civilians
- not evacuate all of your collaborators
- run over your collaborators trying to get on the plane with the plane
- have all of the collaborators fall off of the plane they were trying to hold on to


Are there any videos of them shooting civilians? I'm not denying it's happening, I just want to see it for myself, if not videos any info talking about this.


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The Taliban were fighting elements within Afghanistan before the US invasion.



I like amerilards seething but this isn't the time to be celebrating. The Taliban is a net loss for everyone including most afghans. Other countries are suffering because of the Taliban as well. Lots of NGO workers, students, and teachers are stuck behind taliban checkpoints, desperately wanting out.



That is insane. There is something mentally wrong with both of them.


This is really dividing: on one hand the Taliban is reactionary as it can get, on the other every idpozzer and neolib on my social media is screeching for someone to vaporize the talibs.

It's satisfying to watch America being kicked out though.


shut up queer


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I dunno. Meanwhile…

BREAKING NEWS: Live from Kabul. Taliban official Abdul Hamid Hamasi visited a hospital in Kabul and assured the female doctors to continue their work and said that they will not be harmed.

I'll be back later with further updates on the angry Muslim savages who are marauding across Afghanistan and throwing its people into an eternal nightmare pit of slavery!


>You guys think it's possible the Taliban turn into the new Hamas?
it's hard to imagine, but stranger things have happened.


Retarded rightoids already retroactively blaming the US defeat on idpol and gender politics is absolutely infuriating. I don't care if that makes me a radlib in the eyes of some faggots, shifting the blame away from imperialism and the military-industrial complex should be a criminal offense.


>Abdul Hamid Hamasi
>Taliban turn into the new Hamas
Hamasi…. Hamas…



Neither of those 2 countries, even though they are more mellow about it, particularly trusts the Talibs either.

Russia has outright banned the group.

And tanks were amassed at the border, to guard it, in anticipation of the end of the war.


What does this half to due with topic of the thread.


Even back in the 90s the Taliban allowed for women to work in the medical field. The question is if they will be allowed to work in other areas


>What is wrong with a reactionary anti-communist regime other than misoginy



>it was a grift my dude. take the flag off. join us
I dont think the left has the answers. It has the critiques but not the answers. It's in a very confused place amidst the confrontation between liberalism vs nationalism at home and liberalism vs backwards countries abroad. Right now the left seems only able to rationalize liberalism as more progressive because the alternative is trump/brexit, Assad, putin, erdogan, and so on.
The left is confused on how to achieve independence when one side is neoliberal and the other reactionary by its own metrics


Was there an active communist movement in Afghanistan during past 20 years?


the group that is in power right now made sure that wasn't the case



The taliban are the mujahedin 2.0 and they only rose up because of their hatred of communism. they are all dead or hiding their past lives as commies.


so you want to pick the winning side instead of the correct side, even though you probably aren't an actual winner, i.e., bourgeois


NTA, but does there need to be another reason besides what he stated?


>/pol/ take on the situation

Stopped reading right there tbh


>Right now the left seems only able to rationalize liberalism as more progressive because the alternative is trump/brexit, Assad, putin, erdogan, and so on.
These are literally all still liberal.
>The left is confused on how to achieve independence when one side is neoliberal and the other reactionary by its own metrics
Neither of these are "answers" themselves, because neither actually fundamentally changes the system in the way that matters in the long run.


>that flag



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In 15 minutes, at 3:45 PM Eastern, Joe Biden will address the nation re: the Kabul debacle.

Apparently the talking points have already leaked so I’ve attached them.


holy shit

i'm not so sure. the fact they can't keep people away from the planes doesn't speak to them having the situation under any kind of control.
i suppose for the press it's one thing, but if i was in the US government i'd rather have to explain why a few people were shot than explain how people managed to crowd the runway and grab onto our plane. the former is just "to keep a bad situation under control", the latter is a confession the situation was completely out of control


>Muh tr00ns
Mental illness


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American dogs are more important than Afghan humans


Yes, It's somebody's husband




CNN confirms that U.S. forces really did kill two Afghan civilians at the airport.


Have you considered LeftNat?


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Supreme Leader Biden’s speech will begin momentarily. Watch on any state news network on TV or WH youtube here: https://youtu.be/dHM_1YOXpg4


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>Hundreds of Afghan soldiers fled to neighbouring Uzbekistan with 22 military planes and 24 helicopters last weekend, including one aircraft that collided with an escorting Uzbek fighter jet causing both to crash, Uzbekistan has said.
>According to Reuters, the Uzbek defence ministry said an Afghan military jet had been shot down and crashed after crossing the border.
>A total of 585 Afghan soldiers have arrived on aircraft and 158 more crossed the border on foot on Sunday, the Uzbek prosecutor general’s office added.



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>so you want to pick the winning side instead of the correct side, even though you probably aren't an actual winner, i.e., bourgeois
No. I just don't want to become a commie only to support liberalism ad infinitum because the revolutionary class never develops and we are just perpetually at war with reaction that over time is less traditional elite and more petit bourgeois. Picrel.
I have no interest in fighting for the democrats against the hinterlands because nobody knows how to organize past divisions of race etc. despite our advanced conditions and liberal unipolarity is threatened by capitalism failing
>These are literally all still liberal.
Trump/brexit, Assad, putin, etc. are still liberal? I get
>Neither of these are "answers" themselves, because neither actually fundamentally changes the system in the way that matters in the long run
Yes that's true


I heard it on CNN, no clip unfortunately. Perhaps Biden will mention it during his press conference.


I love me some damage control.


>But aren't the Taliban meemoopeepoo

>Yes but so is the United States


Watching American CNN-propagandist Clarissa Ward argue with a Taliban spokesman about what is and isn’t islamic (niqabs) is one of the most absurd things I’ve seen.


if your solution for reaction is to become reactionary then you don't get it




I dont understand, what do you mean? Anon asked why I don't become a commie, it's because I don't want to support the liberal bourgeoisie as progressive which you guys are stuck doing in the first world






Well, to continue your favored Qing China analogy, the hinterlands are the base of the Boxers. It would've been harder for a successful KMT revolution without the initial defeat of the ridiculous Boxers. The populist right base is basically like that, where in a way, the politics of the American hinterlands are unresolved issues stemming from the 1860's war. "White supremacy" is a thing in America, but mainly in places influenced by the culture stemming from the slave plantation economy that was eventually crushed by the Northern bourgeoisie.

In a way, the political legacy of the Confederacy, which today manifests itself most strongly in the GOP, has always been in favor of grotesque inequality as a means for corralling the population. I'm just saying this to say that all of it is entirely unsustainable, and in its current form of melding Trumpist populism with evangelical Christianity is one of the most frustrating ideologies to have to contend with. Going back to your China analogy, imagine being a young Marxist and watching those Boxers fuck everything up while claiming to be the ones who would beat the Qing and foreigners.


Is the zombie high on drugs and chemicals again?


>People took up arms to defend themselves against the Taliban and prevent a nightmare like a fundamentalist Islamic state. Still, each time they faced defeat and betrayal of the Afghan government. Their struggle was constantly suppressed and appropriated by governments and short-sighted political parties. Until the latest news, the Taliban have entered Kabul and want to take over Afghanistan.

>In the first place, such a government would deal with intellectuals and the younger generation who don’t share the Taliban’s reactionary views. We fear that our comrades and other Afghan freedom fighters will be slaughtered in front of our eyes, as happened at the beginning of the Islamic regime in Iran. The world watched with open eyes the killing of the oppositions of the Islamic Republic.

>Anarchism in Afghanistan is young, and our forces are small. Yet, we are pursuing different avenues to resist the Taliban’s advance because there is a small revolutionary capacity for a free, autonomous, and democratic society in Afghanistan that must be defended. Unfortunately, global and inhumane plans were predetermined so precisely to block any effective activity.

>Some of our Anarchist comrades in Afghanistan even prepared for illegal immigration, but they still hit roadblocks and could not escape the crisis. Now that everything is over and the Taliban are exactly on the verge of taking power, the danger to the lives of the anarchists has reached its peak.

>Now, our and their latest efforts must coordinate a path for them to leave. This is possible either through financial cooperation so that they can enter neighboring countries either legally or by smuggling them across borders, or through our formal or informal international relations to get them asylum in safe countries, if possible.


Donate: http://asranarshism.com/donation/?fbclid=IwAR1kXxaOsVRn9b3kw02StazkwOP4KjCIH25jbf19RvwKoCeW1GQu0yTqnD8


Supreme Leader Biden is repeating word by word many of the talking points from the leaked memo.



Of course, do you think he's sane enough to come up with shit without his handlers?


>"And the buck stops with me"
Biden got broken by the Taliban buck kek


By calling Afghanistan the graveyard of empires, the Biden regime more or less admitted to the U.S. being an empire.

Press conference is over now, to;dr: Biden stands by his decisions.


He also said that they admit it collapsed sooner than they thought. Less than a week ago the famed U.S. intelligence community said Kabul would last up to 90 days.


but it seems you are a conservative or something close enough, which means you support the bourgeoisie all the same


Ghani stuffed two cars and one helicopter with cash before fleeing the country :^)


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Found on the desk of a Taliban commander
>You Can Win - Shiv Khera
>Empower Yourself And Grow Exponentially. A practical, common-sense guide that will help you: Build confidence by mastering the seven steps to positive thinking. Be successful by turning weaknesses into strengths. Gain credibility by doing the right things for the right reasons. Take charge by controlling things instead of letting them control you.


That makes sense and I get why you have a wait it out attitude based on populism being boxerism, but again this goes on forever so long as there isn't a revolutionary class in the first world countries and just an antagonism between the liberal bourgeoisie and conservative petty bourgeoisie. This goes on forever.


So how long until the U.S. empire as we know it today, collapses? I don’t think anyone can deny that U.S. hegemony is on life-support. China bangs on the door from the future.

All of this is surreal in so many ways, to someone who was around when the Americans first went in. Interesting times indeed.


It's weakening and rapidly so, but it's not on life support. It is still very strong and alive.


The US empire will collapse when they invade Venezuela and fail spectacularly.


there is no way this isnt a grift lol


—Supreme Leader Yuusuf al-Biddu’un


They should write to NED maybe they’ll get some stuff f those famous bribes


Plenty of far leftists do. They do it in proportion to nationalism or the far right adopting anti capitalism and anti war, then accuse anyone who doesn't do it of being red brown Michael Tracey Glenn Greenwald types who support settler colonialism and favor anti imperialism because they like Assad
It's 'make the nation state great again' versus 'make the bourgeoisie/liberalism progressive again'


Taliban being neolib confirmed.


Ned Price sounds like a fucking robot lol


>750 military bases
they will stick around for much longer than they should, invading here and there when they get desperate, protecting the petrodollar etc. I think Iran is a potential target for war. We are not close to the end of Atlanticism


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>plenty of far leftists do
>far right adopting anti-capitalism
>and anti-war
holy fuck, this better be bait.


You sure these guys are far-left? I think even some ancoms have to admit that the Kurds have sided with Assad when it comes to Idlib or Turkey. Honestly MT and GG are kinda suspicious, I wouldn't doubt it if most of their money came from rightoids now. These dudes have to eat after all, I don't blame them for chasing a grift. Greenwald got a sweet deal with that right-wing Youtube clone right?


>Plenty of far leftists do. They do it in proportion to nationalism or the far right adopting anti capitalism and anti war, then accuse anyone who doesn't do it of being red brown Michael Tracey Glenn Greenwald types who support settler colonialism and favor anti imperialism because they like Assad
Where is the proof? No one on the far-right, or any far-right nationalist for that matter, is adopting anti-capitalism as well.
>It's 'make the nation state great again' versus 'make the bourgeoisie/liberalism progressive again'
These are effectively the same things at their underlying base. That is to say, they are both just obfuscations of the material social relation willing to be preserved.


How will the fall liberation of Kabul rank in the top craziest events of the last 10 years?


Assassination of Franz Ferdinand tier


>Reminder that the good guys lost 30 years ago, the Taliban and the Islamic Republic are both bastards but at least America is gone.
The same people you post here resisted the communist rule in the 80s, side by side with islamist forces. Fuck them, fuck their opportunism.


>No. I just don't want to become a commie only to support liberalism ad infinitum because the revolutionary class never develops and we are just perpetually at war with reaction that over time is less traditional elite and more petit bourgeois. Picrel.
"Communist" isn't organization, its a fucking political and economic position, with the proper conception being that based in Marx. I'm a communist because communism is the only way forward, and because Marx was entirely correct in his analysis. Everyone else could be liberal shills, and I would still be a communist. At no point is any communist supporting liberalism regardless, particularly in our current context.
>I have no interest in fighting for the democrats against the hinterlands because nobody knows how to organize past divisions of race etc. despite our advanced conditions and liberal unipolarity is threatened by capitalism failing
Who the fuck here is fighting for the democrats? And our whole argument is to organize past divisions.
>Trump/brexit, Assad, putin, etc. are still liberal? I get
Yes, they are. How are they not? They literally operate in and defend a liberal framework, both politically and economically.


"The US didn't lose in Afghanistan. They were just worn down and withdrew when it became politically and economically unfeasible to be there anymore."

yeah. this is literally how the vast majority of wars have been settled in history you stupid fuck


Was the quick fall of Kabul an intelligence failure?
>I can't answer that



The end of 2021 will be the return of Emperor Trump to power so i doubt it will be the craziest event.


yeah i noticed that too. ridiculous moment


STFU Tulcel




Tulcels don't exist


Yeah they do


it ok anon they were maoist :^)


I mean, you exist. Therefore…


I never supported Tulsi. I voted for Trump twice lol



>the hoe look like a kids
ur gay


bullshit but what is your reasoning


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Orange men statement


nou. ur pon is gays


Reminder that when empires collapse the last thing that usually collapses is the veneer of invincibility, because rot had set in ages ago and had eaten the innards away leaving nothing but a husk behind. They don't really go on life support. When the collapse comes it doesn't come in an instant, but it still does come relatively quickly, maybe a few decades at most. We might already be living through the dying of America and have done so for years now. The truth of it might only become apparent afterwards when it has already happened.

When the time finally comes for burger empire historians will probably look at the august 15th 2021 as one of the milestones of burger decay if not one of the tipping points that sent the final endgame into motion.


Used to think Trump had a chance in 2024 but honestly I think he's gonna lose now. And he might know it and is just pretending to be politically active to suck cash from his supporters.


It’s hard to not be amused seeing the imperialists today be burned by the same demons they unleashed to stop us 40+ years ago.


so, watched Uncle Joe's speech. thought he nailed it. made a perfectly sensible argument and pretty much obliterated the last 24hrs of media onslaught against the withdrawal.


Why do you have such poor taste in bitches lmao pick someone who isn't a crater faced dried up post wall zionist whore


>dead meme statement


Najibullah held for 3 years lol.


This time around it was minus 27 days because the exit was planned for 9/11.


>Why do you have such poor taste in bitches lmao pick someone who isn't a crater faced dried up post wall zionist whore
Projection from someone who spent days studying obscure marxists and their disputes only to vote for the lesser evil, which happens to be the neoliberals benefiting most from imperialism.


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Unironically a based take

America (and by extension) the west is a degenerate society by every metric
Mark my words in 20 years Burgers will be launching nuclear warheads at China because China doesnt accept giving porn to children like the degenerate West is now advocating


>what's tear gas
I guess is cheaper one minute flight of an apache than 20 tear gas canisters.


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>We have to protect the women and kids from the taliban!
Meanwhile these libs gave 0 fucks about afghan women and kids getting raped and bombed under american occupation. It's sad this transparent attempt by the media to drum up support to stay will work on a good number of people.


go back


Back to the coupist site, Tulcel.


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Of course, it could.
Probably infight between ultras and MLs.



>teens don't already look at porn online, it's the radlibs who are forcing them

Where have you been since the mid 90's?


>So what's the difference between the white man's burden and Liberalism?

also reported for bait


Rare good take from Yanis.


There’s a 41% chance the Taliban aren’t the ones who kill her


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Why leftychan is better at posting funny memes than us?


Social norms ENFORCED


Nice falseflag





The first pic is her on the balcony of the diplomatic mission in Kabul. The second is of her on the streets of Kabul. hmmm, i wonder which place would give more of a fuck about social norms, the embassy of a western power protected by hundreds of marines or on the streets of Kabul next to the taliban. hmmmmmm


did the pornographic parody version of the capital city's capture come out yet?


No, it would be misogynistic.


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>Bloomberg: Afghan and Taliban negotiators reached a deal for a 2-week ceasefire in exchange for President Ashraf Ghani’s resignation and the start of talks on setting up a transitional government. But it collapsed when Ghani fled the country, sources say


>Most of these are probably people that collaborated with the occupation they probably did some shit that they know will end up hanging into the Kabul city centre lamp-post. Like imagine if you were translating for some enhanced interrogation sessions at Pul-e-Charkhi prison

What percentage are fascist collaborators?


do we have footage of this?

does anyone know what season/episode of snowpiercer they shoot people boarding the train?


does anyone know what the taliban are going to do with all the lithium?


1) Confiscate all previous governments papers about it
2) Scope it out
3) Take on previous governments contracts if possible
4) Beg for investment
5) do some more begging
6) Finally china builds a lithium mine
8) Profit
9) Use the money for a nuclear program and nuke Israel


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>nuke Israel




What matters is that he spoke from the herat.


One common argument I hear from the western left is that imperialism changed, where basically there is no progressive bourgeoisie opposed to imperialism just a bunch of contending classes some of which the socialists make 'campist' alliances with.
I also notice this same left says liberals are a lesser evil and the bourgeoisie is still progressive as it globalizes and sort of expands democracy past the western nation-state.


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Do you guys serious think the US is collapsing because they lost in Afghanistan? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Burgerland got btfo, but it's pretty ridiculous to extrapolate the end of the US from this. I mean, losing in Vietnam was a way bigger deal (much higher American death count, mass opposition to and protests against the war instead of the general apathy we see among the American public today, the potential for all of SEA to go red, etc), but that didn't exactly end the American empire.


Loss in Vietnam wasn't related to recession in liberalism but failure of containment ideas. Afghanistan collapsed because the west struggles to export liberalism and maintain its order at home.


What is he thinking right now?


Quantitative changes become qualitative ones, and US can only shit the bed geopolitically for so long before they start getting defied openly. Vietnam bankrupted US, and caused the Nixon shock, and created the petrodollar system. If countries start openly defying US and the petrodollar, US will get hyperinflation as all its money-printing catches up with them all at once.


Rosa BTFO’d the “all self-determination movements are inherently good” sentiment some communists have.


>bourgeoisie is still progressive as it globalizes
this can be a take
>and sort of expands democracy
not this. 'democracy' in any form currently existing within or under the watch of an imperialist power is not democracy, there is simply no voting that matters when the entire system is controlled by one class.

The previous point, that 'capitalism doing things is ever drawing it closer to its own destruction' is of course true. We can see this as large companies like amazon lay logistical groundwork, but to aknowledge that capitalists are moving things along in favorable ways does not mean that they are moving them along in the most favorable way and that they should just be left to do their own thing because surely one day they will defeat themselves, even if they in fact would, because that history would not have been the most favorable history.


Sex guy here. Glad that the Pashtun people of Afghanistan successfully resisted Neoliberalism, zionism, and miscegenation.


The US is leaving Afghanistan as a compromise from different sections of bourgeoisie. Its part of a multi-decade campaign to pivot to an Asian focus. What this means is that the military was physically incapable of opening a new front and has huge material implications for China. "Collapse" doesn't happen all at once, it would be better to say it confirms a decline.


He's right tho.


>Afghanistan isn't in Asia
>losing a friendly government directly on the border with your rival is good
You best start speaking sense, boy. Right now.


A defeat in Afghanistan is not an immediate collapse but will surely be a huge blow to American foreign policy. It has been synonymous with neocolonialism.


I always wondered why, for all the talk of "muh minerals!" being older than a decade, I never heard of any mine construction in Afghanistan.


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Uninformed tourist/lurker here.

So in simple terms(I'm a brainlet), What are the chances the US just want's to have a (proxy?) war in Afghanistan and we are about to see the woke version of "axis of evil" speech for Afghanistan 2 Electric Boogaloo?


Very low. US is at 100% war exhaustion.


It all boils down to permits, laws, and logistics.


Very unlikely.


It's not idealism, the decay of liberalism and failure in export are related to material conditions and social classes. Abroad, liberalism is not enough to hold things together because universalist idealism is an abstraction of held by those privileged by liberal civil society which in turn depends on the middle class. This formula does not apply to less developed countries. It does not stitch together their ethnic and religious divisions.

At home, this decay of the middle class is pairing with liberalism's abstractions not being able to hold stuff together in post national states.

This is how one part of the world can be reified as too immature for democracy and the other manifesting as a threat to it.

Vietnam had none of these conditions. The government we supported was a dictatorship and the home front was held together by the nation-state and the middle class. Afghanistan is a failed liberalization project that had no relation to the conditions experienced by the people there, Vietnam was the failure of containment of revolution and national liberation struggle.


What, suddenly everyone involves hates money?


Woke imperialism will be a thing, but it will just mean the same old Atlantic liberal imperialism tailored to contrast itself with a generalized illiberal threat seen across developing and middle income countries as well as dying parts of the western nation-state.

It will also be based on soft power and multilateral diplomacy, not war.


No, I'm saying that because a country with few mines probably have rather strict laws on mining and strict procedures to obtain a permit as of now. Infrastructure is also a problem. The US wants to depose Taliban in order to install a pro-US leader and hence reap all the lithium all while protecting the Afghan government.


What, is 3 trillions of Lithium so unprofitable, they can't cut everyone in? Why is US suddenly so shit at creating banana republics?


I think this is overexaggerating the impact of ideology on the imperial administration. The main reason the puppet regime failed is because it was completely ruled by money. The US tried to solve a lot of its problems and get some darn stability by throwing cash around, and it resulted in shit we saw with Taliban troops chilling in mini-palaces built for high ranking Afghan officials. Barely any of the money funneled into the national government made its way down to the grunts and clerks.

It's important to remember this as the years go by, just like with Vietnam there will be a new Dolchstosslegende for why the US lost. Will it be the gays? The blacks? The ethnic US troops? Beijing paid Biden off? Who knows, we'll see.


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You're forgetting one very important metric for measuring the scale of this defeat: cost.

America sold its future for this stupid fucking war. It may not happen in 3 short years like in the USSR's case but losing a war in Afganistan has a tendency to collapse nations.


How much would it cost to VX all of Afghanistan? Ask for… reasons…






>Why is US suddenly so shit at creating banana republics?
The resistance in Afghanistan were too strong. Central America have less stronger pushback. Or maybe it's in America's backyard?


It's because the Taliban were more popular among the people of Afghanistan than the national government. Most Afghan people support Sharia law, not liberal democracy and Capitalism. Not to mention Bacha Bazi was banned under the Taliban and re emerged after under the US puppet government, and the ANA and ANP being disproportionately comprised of ethnic minorities.


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Remember anons you can't beat the govt with Small arms and RPGs.


>The ethnic US troops


So what's the plan anyway. Somehow not get peeled and die from cold/lack of oxygen when the plane gets higher?

Also , are these people like… US collaborators? How come they are allowed anywhere near the plane to begin with. Do they not fear attacks?


larpy comparison


Maybe it is, but foundational to our imperial ideology is the idea it represents universal human development. Its inability to make this create a national government out of Afghanistan is a disaster, particularly when you remember that the last handful of decades have been a frenzy of global capitalist development and growth of liberal unipolarity.

The middle east these last two decades have proven liberalism is failing at answering democratic and developmental questions outside of conditions where there was a progressive national bourgeoisie that reformed the country into modernity, like the West.

We hoped an advanced kind of liberalism would essentially let us skip that phase of development with an international order and idea of shared capitalist growth. This paired with post-national ideology at home, similarly hoping that liberalism would stitch together and reform what the nation-state couldn't.

The opposite is happening. Our destruction of Arab nationalism paved the way to islamism, not liberalism. Our destruction of the Eastern bloc paved the way for new ethnic squabbles, not liberalism. Finally, our post-national development in the west paved the way not for the dissolution of the history the nation-state couldn't get past and integrate into one universal humanity, it paved the way for the opposite.

Finally, liberalism becoming the sole ideological alternative following 1991 meant *more*, not less, post ideological cultural conflicts. Those conflicts gripped the middle east and eastern europe, and in the 2010s spread to western Europe and America.

All of this is explained by material conditions and social classes, because capitalism is no longer progressive and neither is liberalism. They are incapable of dissolving history, and in the absence of the revolutionary class promised by the communists, that history just continues to get worse. Barbarism.


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Veterans have literally had their brains broken (even more) over this withdrawal.


>white man's burden

woke man's burden


>I didn't even know Biden was pulling out. I figured that's something this board would praise/acknowledge Biden for
Thank Trump.


most are probably collaborators or otherwise people who fear the Taliban (like political activists)


Yea because we were sold a LIE, we were told going over there that we were exporting the nations ideals and this would totally work out. It didn't and now were being told btw those ideals suck and don't serve liberalism. In fact, they're saying the nation's ideals and the taliban's are the same lol. Of course we are mad.


On one side
>Organized high-spirited militia with support on both cities and countryside
On the other
>Army and airforce that either defected or fled to neighbor countries

I'm sure that's the current situation in the US of A.


okay they have to shove in transhumanists there for absolutely no reason


>In fact, they're saying the nation's ideals and the taliban's are the same lol.
How do you mean?


kek twitter wil ban him out of the liberal realm


>Thank Trump.
And trumo is asking to Biden to quit for compromise on a deal he signed? Like he could do better? lmao


Liberals now commonly say the nation is endemically premodern in character and the taliban is just carrying out the GOP's priorities


>people ITT actually supporting the taliban
Jesus fucking christ


I mean it could have probably been done differently if the US wasn't so corrupt and just intent on controlling the opium trade and having bases in Central Asia. Najibullah's government and army held out for 3 years after the Soviets withdrew with no support.


It' must be hard to be a true believer. Anyone can be a cynical simp for the winning side online or in domestic liberal democracy. But man, Imagine going to war for the US and holding on to your conviction through whatever amount of suffering you received and inflicted. No wonder vets are ticking time bombs.


Free Corps when? Or are these vets too busy killing themselves?


As I said in the first thread. I would give them a chance. After 20 years of NATO they could be antimperialists, and who knows how much they will be less social conservative.


If you look at photos of Kabul in the 70's it's a modern city with women walking around with skirts


There has already been outbreaks of violence against women in the provinces. I doubt a victory over the global super power will make them feel timid about their actions.


>denied the dignity and hope
he meant to say "dicking and grope"


So he was negotiating peaceful transition, but better break the deals by simply leaving the country?


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Based Kelly


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>inb4 CIA sources told us


It will most likely be like Hungarian/yugo revolutions. We gain the support of the people over a long period of time.


It's called "stalling". Russians say he fled with cars full of money.


Mujahedeen aren't exactly talibans.


You belong on another politics board if you don't care.


There's no barrier for posting on an imageboard either for /pol/yps or Vaushites.



All they have is bluster. If their "military response" was worth a damn they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.


I guess they waited to see how much money they could gather before leaving.
Anyway, all the people leaving is probably those full of $$$. Without U.S. direct connections, their money is worthless, and that's probably the reason they would stick to the chassis of a CH-130 before staying there.


I personally care, as much I was angry about the U.S. bombing indiscriminately women and children. I 100% sure the level of executions, women killings, children killings the talibans can do is much less than what the U.S. was doing.


I'm a third worlder concerned with the well-being of other third worlders.


>pretending to care
why would someone do this here


Based /pol/tard exposing himself


I remember reading in rags like TIME and Newsweek articles about the Northern Alliance, talking glowingly about this or that warlord, how they wanted to bring peace and stability to the country, and weren't Dark Age Muslim Fantatics like those Taliban weirdos. Here they are on December 2001 in control of over half the country, looking like they're well on their way to dispensing with the Taliban. 20 years later and the Taliban control the country and just kicked out the world's premier super power.




that depends strongly on what you mean by "care"


UN-Based you exposing yourself as a poltard.


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>I 100% sure the level of executions, women killings, children killings the talibans can do is much less than what the U.S. was doing.
"But at least they will better than the Americans" is 100% cope.


> this surely won't be the end of the US empire
You keep hearing these more and more often tho. Not this. Not that. These things keep piling up tho. One of these days it will be.


>Not caring is poltard


>caring about women is /pol/
What strange times we apparently live in.


Yeah, of course is cope. talibans are not the angels in the heaven coming to save afghanistan
The U.S. only wanted to have their poppy fields, now the talibans do the poppy production, the US didn't have a reason to stay.


>You keep hearing these more and more often tho
Wait, from who? People here? I doubt liberal Twitter even contemplates American hegemony, nevermind its end.


>wanting your people to not be massacred by foreign invaders is cope
Number of chins itt is rapidly decreasing.


The question is whether or not this is a tactical retreat meant to regroup and strike somewhere else, or a full on rout.


You are saying "based" to someone saying doesn't care about women, thus, you lost your cover.


Welcome to to imageboards, I hope you soon realise what sarcasm is.


meant for >>25143


Well, blinken said recently that the Russian and Chinese intel agencies are pulling that weird idea of the U.S. losing their hegemon.
I have never seen Russian nor Chinese intel agencies claiming that openly, like the CIA claimed once in the 00s that Russia would collapse and balkanize. Maybe the media, but media is not intel per se.
So if blinken is highlighting this, maybe some high-level libs are aware.


>quoting scripture instead of making an argument


At least they are having fun…


He probably thinks everyone who says the US is declining is a Russia/China shill.


Look everyone here would rather have the DRA again, I think we can all agree that a socialist government in afghanistan is the best thing that could happen rn.
Unfortunately we can't bend reality and life to our desires like that, right now the choice is between the US military and the Taliban, both of them are truly awful for /leftypol/ standards, but at least the Taliban winning means that the influence of the imperialist superpower will collapse in the region, and that's a good thing, also the Taliban won't invade other countries.

Also there's the fact that the population seems to support the Taliban to some degree, we can't force socialism into Afghanistan as the USSR learned after more than a decade of trying.


I know US presence in Afghanistan lasted so long, it's legally allowed to post on imageboards, but did you read what Taliban like before US invaded? Being "sure" that what will follow is less executions is absolute cope.


They're having more fun than anyone in this board, that's for sure.


>at least the Taliban winning means that the influence of the imperialist superpower will collapse in the region
They're planning on integrating with capitalism. A few years and the US will be back, or its corporations will. There's trillions in rare earth metals and other valuable mineral resources under Afghanistan.

And besides, you say that like China and Russia aren't imperialist superpowers.


Wasn't it obvious the Taliban would win once the US withdrew anyway? Nobody expected it to happen so quickly and so retardedly but it was a foregone conclusion that this would be happening unless you wanted the US to remain there forever



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Taliban fucking around with the toys the imperialists abandoned is wild to watch. It makes me wonder what they're thinking and how this overwhelming and sudden victory is going to affect how they see their role there.


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>There's trillions in rare earth metals and other valuable mineral resources under Afghanistan.
According to US military, anyway. A piece of information that gets rolled out each time the discussion of pulling out of Afghanistan comes up.

>June 16, 2010
>A recently unearthed 2007 United States Geological Service survey appears to have discovered nearly $1 trillion in mineral deposits in Afghanistan
>In 2004, American geologists, sent to Afghanistan as part of a broader reconstruction effort, stumbled across an intriguing series of old charts and data at the library of the Afghan Geological Survey in Kabul that hinted at major mineral deposits in the country.
>They soon learned that the data had been collected by Soviet mining experts during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s, but cast aside when the Soviets withdrew in 1989.
A whole trillion dollaridoos worth of deposits! That's been known for 30 years, and nobody bothered with.



Whoops, meant for >>25166


There have been reports in the media for years about how unreliable the Afghan National Army has been. Exploitative and abusive commanders, high turnover rate in lower ranks, outright desertion, theft, embezzlement, and in constant need of American resources in order to defeat the Tabliban in combat, especially the intervention of the US Airforce.

I think the Americans knew it was going to be bad. They've been pleading for some kind of deal for the past few years and the Taliban have been telling them to go pound sand. They'd have to know that the second they were gone the ANA would just collapse. They'd made an utter cock of it. That's why they just ducked out in the middle of the night.



Fact of history: The decision to attack Afghanistan and dismantle the Taliban's regime in 2001 wasn't taken by the US alone. It had the support of as wide an international coalition as one could imagine: UNSC, Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, India, etc.

Iran didn't just support US's invasion of Afghanistan. It gave it active military and diplomatic support. Qassem Soleimani worked as closely as possible with his American counterparts as they chased after Taliban.

And what exactly could the world have done as Taliban gave refuge to Al Qaeda who committed 9/11 and was preparing to commit more terrorist attacks?

Do people actually think about these things before reciting general mantras about interventions and empires and graveyards?


>according to the sun
>no link


America did 911 and many other terrorist attacks, follow the money, capital does not stop with state lines


Should have stayed out of the middle east to begin with cocksucker.


>That's been known for 30 years, and nobody bothered with.
Rare earth metals are more important than ever, both to China's economy and the United States'. Either possessing it or denying its exploitation to others is the entire point of anyone being there. The whole imperial adventure was to set up a liberal puppet state to facilitate its exploitation by resource-hungry corporations.


>Now, Afghanistan elders say the Taliban will take away their daughters and forcefully marry them and turn them into slaves. "Since the Taliban took over, we feel depressed. At home, we can’t speak loudly, can’t listen to music and can’t send women to the Friday market.

<They are asking about family members. The [Taliban] sub-commander said you should not keep girls over the age of 18; it’s sinful, they must get married," Haji Rozi Baig, an Afghan elder, was quoted as saying by the Financial Times.

<July 13

>Taliban have issued new laws and regulations in recently captured districts in Afghanistan's northeastern province of Takhar ordering women to not leave home alone and men to grow their beards among other diktats, reports have said.

>Ariana News cited civil society activists in Takhar as saying that the Taliban have also have set dowry regulations for girls. “They urged women in a statement to not leave without a relative (Moharam) and also urged men to have beards,” Merajuddin Sharifi, a civil society activist in Takhar, was quoted as saying by Ariana News. Sharifi also said the “Taliban insist on trials without evidence.”

Based "Anti-Imperialism" at work.


Well now it's China turn to try its hand in Afghanistan.


leave it to America to fund the worst incel child rapists, invade them while continuing to sell them kids, and then immediately hand them over the country


By the time it was a cuck of U.S. imperialism. After the USSR dissolution, and China being weak, the UNSC gladly took part in Yugoslavia, Iraq, the Gulf in ME, and many other adventurists, warmongering, and war stances.


China is already on good terms with the Taliban, there involvement will be strictly economic I assume


I've been saying this and I will say it again, very few people here will be like "Taliban fuck yeah" instead we're happy because even when they Talibs are awful at least their idiocy and reactionary shit will only affect afgha instead of the whole region.

And again, the people seems to support them, what you gonna do? force them to be like you? good luck!



Japan industrialized and exploited Manchukuo better in 13 years than US did Afghanistan in 20.

>The whole imperial adventure was to set up a liberal puppet state to facilitate its exploitation by resource-hungry corporations.

And this is absolute horseshit. Geological surveys came AFTER the invasion.


this is a questionable stance when you consider that just 2 years later there was zero prospect of getting them to back an invasion of Iraq.


Pure CIA media leaving aside the facts. Like if the Afghan population wasn't already this conservative before.
One of the reasons they took back the country is that the people indeed behave like that, or else they would support the puppet regime.
Those "warnings" are just pure formalizing things.
Pure liberal cope. Next step you will say the only way to deal with them is by dropping a nuke.


Why the hell would you be happy? Is it good to see a defeat to the American empire? Yes. But Afghanistan is going to be hell on Earth, perhaps even worse than under the American occupation


>state mandated gfs for everyone
wtf i love islam now(no)


>Like if the Afghan population wasn't already this conservative before.
They weren't asshole. Wahhabism is a foreign invention and your whole line is wrong, do not engage in tailism


Based. Fuck Angloid media
It’s funny how the synthetic leftists + Glowfags defend the BBC (literal British imperial state propaganda agency)


>They weren't asshole
That progressive Afghan you are talking about was erased by the mujahedeen, and again mujahedeen =/=taliban


like I said, wahabism was a foreign invention. The Afghan communists succeeded on their own at first. Even if you were correct with your excuse you would be wrong to fall for tailism


>They're planning on integrating with capitalism.
>thats a good thing tho
Yeah, like, what else are they supposed to do?



If we are going to fedjacket, I'd fedjacket "it's their culture" , "Based Conservative values" , "if they didn't like it they would have resited harder" (implying the women get a say in this lol) and definitely the "Nah dude, Taliban are based, it's all CIA telling you otherwise".


That's based especially for western media which hypersexualizes anything


>Hindustan Times
Pure cope by lord delta


anyone know the song?


>the people support it!
Ah yes and that's why so many are desperately trying to the flee, women have been taken off television in fear for their safety and people are tearing down images of women in public spaces in fear that business owners will be killed


Hindustan times is owned by a member of the Indian National Congress which backs non-alignment.


>so many are desperately trying to the fleeing the airport?
lmao, those are the ones keeping alive ghani, of course, they will run like cockroaches.
>during the war
everyone runs away from bombs.
Keep coing. I won't buy more liberal propaganda about muh abuses from taliban, when the US is showing they abuse the population to the same or worst degree.


Mostly ghani supporters and CIA stooges


treating "the population" as one homogeneous mass is a silly idea, doubly so in a country with a massive urban-rural divide.
if you're living in Kabul, the most prosperous and cosmopolitan city in the country, you're probably going to have a worse time under the Taliban than under the US. Imagine if one day everyone in LA was suddenly forced to live in conformance with the social norms of a 1940s flyover state.

at least >>25205 has the benefit of being internally consistent and partially true. (yeah, if you were working with the US you'd probably want to get the fuck out. especially if you're one of the ones America offered to get out, then turned around and started going "well actually, we need space on the jet for the McDonalds deep fryer… sorry")


I know, but that stupidity of believing the population now will be doomed, is pure liberal cope. The same liberals for years telling that they would give freedums to Afghans, while they bombed indiscriminately, while they lied about the casualities and the success.

Image believing you would place ISIL in the middle of Argentina and they would succeed to conquer in ten days the whole country. Nonsense. The people there in Afghanistan support the taliban. The only thing the western liberals can do is show them the benefits of leaving the strict religious beliefs, but then again, they would love to pay taxes to instead of having better things, to keep the bombing on innocents (+whatever "lucky" target they actually can hit)


>only liberals oppose reactionary extremists!
Not dialectical


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Listen fellow commie, you have been deceived by woke CIA propaganda, we must stand with the Chadiban. The people there like it, if they didn't they would be fighting harder. No, it's their culture and so it's a good thing. For now, critical support. Who knows, the Chadiban may surprise you with how tolerant they can be at times.

Also, very unbased and liberal of you , comrade. Surely the USA is bad, yes? Then Taliban good, yes? Glad we agree.

Now hold still I need to get a screenshot of this thread to Vaush's fbi.gov to show them how based and redpilled we are. Smile!


No, I oppose the same speech that libtards have. And it is very materialist to understand taliban success against the U.S.


If the population didn't like it then why did the entire Afghan army and state collapse like a house of cards in a few days?


Listen fellow commie, you have been deceived by woke CIA propaganda, we must stand with the Nazis. The people there like it, if they didn't they wouldn't have elected them. No, it's their culture and so it's a good thing. For now, critical support. Who knows, the Nazis may surprise you with how tolerant they can be at times.

Also, very unbased and liberal of you , comrade. Surely the USA is bad, yes? Then Nazi good, yes? Glad we agree.


Exactly my point. ISIL failed because not even their own base liked it. And the fact that some re-branded branches are still alive is not because they could have some base support but because of the U.S. is also giving them artificial life support, like in Syria.


Because it's a facade of independence for the US which is no longer interested in holding it up?


No the US really wanted the Afghan state and army to survive.



Ghani didn't pay his soliders in the last few months.

There have been numerous reports showing the army just takes bribes from the Taliban or sells them their weapons and then desert to the Taliban or just take their profit and go back to their lives.

The afghan army before america announcing its departure, was so bad that 50% of its officers and personnel would desert within a year

They also had these things called "ghost armies". Commanders lied about how many soliders they had and the government paid them more money than they needed to supply their troops. When the fight came to them, they surrendered and took their money with them.


Yeah that's why they chose to rout and commanded the media to counter the Taliban advances, which they ignored, for months.


Well there was 300 thousand of them on paper at least with American funding to the tune of 88 billion dollars like more than most NATO countries. If they really wanted to fight the Taliban they would have fought the Taliban. They didn't want to fight the Taliban.


Or, the US was holding the facade of an independent state with the means to hold together with bribe money until they no longer cared for it.


Nobody is saying any of those things, except "Taliban is based" in the sense that their success at resisting empire is based.


And also preserving its culture and traditions.


The us doesn't care about Afghanistan. It cares about the money it can extract from the war. The money that should have gone to the Afghanistan army and local development was probably just laundered to the rich instead.

And there's definitely plenty of ghost soldiers there as well.


So without US bribe money nobody is interested in fighting the Taliban?


genuinely think someone could write an excellent comedy film about the UK/US experience in Afghanistan.
from handing over weapons to guys who'll hand them right over to your enemy, to throwing loads of money at the most flagrantly corrupt bastards you could find, to all of the incidents of "well some guy who knew for definite said that there was a taliban bloke at this wedding, so we carped bombed the wedding and uh, turns out he probably wasn't taliban but now all of the families of the wedding-goers are…" moments.

a bunch of guys from the society that put a man on the moon and built gigantic global surveillance networks just constantly being outsmarted and clowned on by "illiterate goat herders"


So as to profit once the Taliban gets btfo'd.


Like the Taliban just entered Kabul with no resistance at all.


Because Afghanistan was a giant money laundering scheme for the rich.




this talking point comes up a lot but it's worth noting that they did fight the Taliban. The Afghan army took something like 70,000 casualties (more than the US in Vietnam) from a population about the size of Canada's.


Unlike Amerilard cucks, other people will not die for neoliberal capitalism


Well, if they really opposed the Taliban they would have fought harder and won. Which they didn't.
What does that say? Exactly. The Afghans support the Taliban.

Stop projecting your western values upon these noble savages, you colonizer.


> would have fought harder
Well at least for a few weeks but they just collapsed or fucked off to Uzbekistan


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People talk about ideology and the "failure" of liberalism as exposed by the Afghanistan war. And it's like, yeah, sure. But if there were some losers, who were the winners? The Afghan war might not have been so bad for pharma companies and the military-industrial firms. It kept a lot of contractors in business, that's for sure. They have names like Lockheed Martin, DynCorp, Black & Veatch, Academi (formerly Blackwater), and the oil companies that ship the fuel on which the Army runs. You see some U.S. elite freaks saying, oh no, the Taliban have seized all of that equipment that the U.S. supplied to the ANA… which was bought from these private companies which profited mightily from the war. So those companies didn't really "lose."

Plus, the U.S. pivot to the Pacific now, and they need to scale back the Army a bit and focus on the Navy.

Countdown to that clip of Taliban in bumper cars showing up in an Adam Curtis film.

Pretty much. The money spigot and contractors propping up the army pulled out. I think the "war" inside Afghanistan was really over money with different tribal chieftains parasitically leeching off U.S. aid and having their local people (poor peasants) becoming part of the ANA or ANP (Afghan National Police). Local, corrupt warlords with their dudes who the U.S. would hire, train and equip. But it's just like a grift. The tribal leaders are leeching off the U.S. military / USAID / contractors, who are leeching off the U.S. empire, and there's a whole economy constructed around this grift – which has also distorted the country's development – organized in a vertical fashion with people at different levels of the pyramid sucking from the flow of money.

The reason why the transfer of power is so peaceful is because there's nothing left to fight over. Mommy pulled the milk bottle out of baby's mouth. Also, there isn't really a change in the class character of the Afghan government happening. It's the still the same tribal chieftains and feudal landlords running it as before. Instead, you have a change in administration, from one group of chieftains to another – to one that was posturing as an anti-imperialist force, but is now going to have to rule a country full of those poor peasants without an empire to rally them against. How will that work out? We'll find out sooner or later.


>who were the winners? The Afghan war might not have been so bad for pharma companies and the military-industrial firms. It kept a lot of contractors in business, that's for sure. They have names like Lockheed Martin, DynCorp, Black & Veatch, Academi (formerly Blackwater), and the oil companies that ship the fuel on which the Army runs. You see some U.S. elite freaks saying, oh no, the Taliban have seized all of that equipment that the U.S. supplied to the ANA… which was bought from these private companies which profited mightily from the war. So those companies didn't really "lose."

Exactly. The ones who won are the corps, the rich, and the Taliban.


lel, the suggestion about bombing the presidential palace in kabul to "take out the taliban leadership" demonstrates that learning is constitutionally impossible for these people. truly, the taliban are lost lambs without their commanding officers!


No, the ones who won are the people of Afghanistan by reclaiming their land from the foreign invaders. Now that the US is no longer oppressing the Afghan people, they can truly return to their customs and show the world their values. God willing the Afghans will find security in an economic partnership with China, perhaps through their mineral and opium resources and show the world what happens when the US, rescinds it's influence.


your sooo cute and funny :)


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The Taliban was also making money this whole time… from the United States. It's not like the lines between that local tribal dude or neighborhood mafia who is leeching off the U.S. empire and the Taliban are clear cut. Probably something like 1/3 of the guys in the army and the police were "Taliban" all along. Or two different extended families would fight each other over who gets to be the leader of a town, and over whose illiterate cousins get to fill up the ranks of the local police force. Or they'd take the money and guns and then just run off with them.

My only other take is that it's a good thing that the U.S. is leaving. Liberalism, democracy, blah blah blah, it's a bunch of horseshit. It's as phony and full of crap in Afghanistan as it is in America.


>No, the ones who won are the people of Afghanistan by reclaiming their land from the foreign invaders

They are the ones who lost the most.

>they can truly return to their customs and show the world their values

The barbaric actions and beliefs of the Taliban do not represent the people of Afghanistan. They are in the same vain as the rest of the alt right filth that wish to return to the "good old days" that never existed.

>The Taliban was also making money this whole time

Most definitely.


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And the Taliban got an upgrade. They've got equipment and modern office space in Kabul and high-speed internet which means they can probably run the country, maybe, or at least for awhile until they screw it up because their own corruption gets the best of them, and the peasants revolt against them. But they're probably not any worse than the people they're replacing. Oh, they're "returning to tradition" or whatever? But what has actually changed in terms of class rule… like compare what's happening now compared to the transition to the socialist PDPA government in the 1970s and its collapse at the hands of these feudal warlords armed by the United States? That's a change in a regime's class character.

And then people say, "democracy" and "liberalism" are finished! It's kaput!!! What did those words even mean to begin with? Didn't the Afghan "president" just jump on a plane with suitcases full of cash? But they couldn't fit all the suitcases on the plane so they left some on the tarmac? It's a joke. It's a fraud. It's a bamboozle!


Very good take.


Is there a taliban news program? I would watch for a while


>all national liberation is good
Nobody is saying that
from literally the same text the other anon quoted


>be the first country to reach space to outsmart UK/US imperialism?
>having the largest population to outsmart the US/UK imperialism?
Fucking goat to outsmart the US/UK imperialism?


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does anyone know the name of that painting in the presidential office? pic related, i couldn't find it online



thank you


so large sections of the army were supposedly loyal to one warlord or another at the same time they were in that force of 300000, so when shit seemed to have gone against the comprador government and probably also when the usual piles of money didn't come in, many of the warlords just cucked out and betrayed the government or fled the place, not that they were particularly useful, in any case


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Colonialists BTFO
Communists BTFO
Imperialists BTFO
Long live the Taliban
Seethe more


Glowie backed group is alleged to have begun surrender, too.


A lot of loot the Talibs seem to have snagged.


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>quoting scripture instead of making an argument


I think you have a valid point about how knowledgeable Trump is about foreign policy and geopolitics, but his ignorance never previously stopped his supporters from supporting him.


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>>the degenerate West is now advocating [that we should give porn to children]
>only evidence is a singular bad tweet from BBC Woman's Hour that got ratio'd to hell
Can you demonstrate that this opinion is held by anyone else? Can you show us that this isn't just an instance of a moron saying a moronic thing?


I think it's legit, I'm quite sure that being an anarchist is grounds for execution under Taliban rule. The only other group are the US-collaborationist maoists


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How should one feel about the Afghanistan situation? On the one hand I am happy that the NATO coalition and friends has fucked off from this perpetual war but at the same time I'm not thrilled at the prospects for the average Afghan (especially women) after this insanely rapid victory.


How should one feel about any situation they have no control over?


I've heard an opinion that Taliban were the ones who fought Mujahideens in Aghanistan after USSR withdrew.


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new soyface just dropped


>an opinion
Uhhh, that's not an opinion, that's a statement, which can be true or false. (in this case true)


>A US soldier point his gun towards an Afghan passenger at the Kabul airport in Kabul on August 16, 2021, after a stunningly swift end to Afghanistan's 20-year war, as thousands of people mobbed the city's airport trying to flee the group's feared hardline brand of Islamist rule. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)


Thanks for helping me with english.

>(in this case true)

So, why are we pretending that Talibans are reactionaries and are baaaad, if they were fighting american puppets for more than 30 years, and have finally achieved victory with all of Afghanistan hailing them as liberators?

Man, american propaganda runs deep. Any time there's an anti-american sentiment, and rightoids and lefties in unison claim that "b-but they are worse", it turns out that antiamericanism is a consistently valid communist opinion that gives less than ~1% false procs. I just don't know how to put it. Whenever USA does anything overseas, to achieve the best communist/national liberation result, you have to support the opposite of what USA does.


>Whenever USA does anything overseas, to achieve the best communist/national liberation result, you have to support the opposite of what USA does.
The line that's currently dividing this site.


The "Taliban" means "students". It is a student movement, with all the zealotry that implies. After the revolutionary communist government fell, mujahidin turned on each other, that means it was time for the blackest reaction to take place. It is, quite literally, what Islamic fascism looks like.


They’re an afghan kulak peasant movement. They’re islamists because that group is islamist by and large. But I think that an actual popular organic socialist movement would have a better chance of rising up and overthrowing the Taliban than they would the US army.


The answer is quite literally propaganda
US would drop cluster bombs with yellow on them. Looking like air dropped aid packages and children would hurry to find them
US had loads of hated CIA trained death swuads around Afghanistan that would anger the population by taking away men in the night
They renamed men aged 18-40 as "militants" with no proof that they actually were

The fact the taliban can sweep Afghanistan in a few weeks should tell everyone that the Taliban, after 20 years of guerilla warfare (guerillas can only survive off a supportive population providing food, shelter and arms) that the Taliban right now are national liberstors

And for all the Western propagandists talk of "the poor women and girls" there is little thought of how executing the men in death squad raids or drone strikes has had on a partiarchal society where men are the breadwinners and when you're killing young fathers the children are forced into prostitution or onto a Cia run heroin farm (same thing)

The fact the entire regime and puppet state the US built for 20 years collapsed like a house of cards when the army outnumbered the Taliban 6 to one, had an airforce and outgunned them

Whatever you think about the taliban its a great day to see the defeat of US empire and soy cucks like Anthony Blinken look like hes about to cry on Tv or the UK defence minister who did cry on Tv


yeah but they have a screwy idea of innocent


life will be wore for a lot of Afghan civilians, especially some female demographics, The Taliban is barbaric and disgusting, the US being barbaric and disgusting does not take away from that. I am not going to cry that the Taliban defeated the American military, however making excuses for the Taliban takes it too far.



woman will be fine. at least they wont get bombed when getting married "to be saved"


The thing is Liberal Capitalism is more of a threat because its more capable right now.

Reactionary Theocracy is less powerful at the moment, how much power do they really have outside of a single or few undeveloped countries atm?


One thing is for certain. In comparison to Social-Darwinists or Nazis however theocracies would be more progressive because atleast they do not believe in eliminating people based on how they were born or their genes.

How much Social-Darwinists are in the U.S government right now? We are not sure. How liberal vs how social-darwinist is it? The question is.


ShitLib understanding of what has happened

Your whining about "females" doesnt extend to the girls that died from opening US cluster bombs, the girls that died from random drone strikes on their wedding day, or the girls that wete forced into prostitution as a result of the breadwinner in their family being arbitrarily murdered by US death squads


Again…Theres a reason the Taliban were able to walk through every single city in Afghanistan virtually unopposed or in most cases helped by Taliban sympathisers in the army

And its because the general population of Afghanistan views the Taliban as a better option. So cry as much as you like you soy cuck and save your crocodile tears for the next Cia false flag you'll eat up and use to justify supporting invading Iran/Russia/China/Venezuela et al.


I am almost certain that the repression and mass abuse from the taliban will effect more Afghan women than attacks from the American armed forces had


>Your whining about "females" doesnt extend to the girls that died from opening US cluster bombs, the girls that died from random drone strikes on their wedding day, or the girls that wete forced into prostitution as a result of the breadwinner in their family being arbitrarily murdered by US death squads
Yes it does. Why are you resoring to adhoms, do you have any statistics on the number of women killed by the American occupying forces? You failed to mention the instances of sexual slavery that continued to exist under the American regime, however it does seem that everyone agrees the Afghan government was more socially liberal and supportive of women's rights no? If I get anything wrong feel free to correct me


And the chai boys? You know what the chai boys are?


The child sex slaves? If so, yes that is what I was referring to.
There will no doubt be child sex slaves under the Taliban regime as well


Would you say from your point of view you believe that basically gender roles are still enforced by the U.S and its allies on women, just in a different way and the Taliban are less competent at hiding it?


>Would you say from your point of view you believe that basically gender roles are still enforced by the U.S and its allies on women, just in a different way and the Taliban are less competent at hiding it?
I think women are still coerced into occupying a less desirable social role than men in the US, but the social role for women under the Taliban is much, much worse


>There will no doubt be child sex slaves under the Taliban regime as well
Lol no. You are extremely overestimating the "radicalism" of the Taliban. They aren't some ISIS type extremely reactionary primitive force. They are more like what you'd see in Iran. Fucking libshit faggot.


In the Anglo-Sphere they very much still expect people to follow gender roles and its still kind of a backwards depressive shithole compared to say for example Scandinavia in that respect or Germany.

The situation with the Taliban is basically what will eventually happen as a consequence of having a right wing country I think. Creating overly toxic conditions for everyone till something like that eventually emerges, however misguided it is.


Adding to what I said earlier, while the angry reaction is driven by that kind of right wing society it is sad that these people just end up continuing the cycle and can't properly analyze what led to them forming groups like the Taliban in the first place.


<There will no doubt be child sex slaves under the Taliban regime as well
No there wont. The Taliban banned the practice which exploded after 2001 (American invasion)
One if the main reasons the Taliban came to power in 90s was their hatred of pedophillia
>Perhaps the most deplorable tragedy, one that has actually grown more rampant since 2001, is the practice of bacha bazi — sexual companionship between powerful men and their adolescent boy conscripts.
<The Taliban had a deep aversion towards bacha bazi, outlawing the practice when they instituted strict nationwide sharia law. According to some accounts, including the hallmark Times of London article "Kandahar Comes out of the Closet" in 2002, one of the original provocations for the Taliban’s rise to power in the early 1990s was their outrage over pedophilia. Once they came to power, bacha bazi became taboo, and the men who still engaged in the practice did so in secret.
And the degenerates the Americans brought to power brought back this practice
<When the former mujahideen commanders ascended to power in 2001 after the Taliban’s ouster, they brought with them a rekindled culture of bacha bazi. Today, many of these empowered warlords serve in important positions, as governors, line ministers, police chiefs, and military commanders.

American and british troops routinely walked in on boys chained to beds and were ordered not say anything. This is the degenerate regime the Taliban pulled down and is baste


>The Taliban had a deep aversion towards bacha bazi, outlawing the practice when they instituted strict nationwide sharia law. According to some accounts, including the hallmark Times of London article “Kandahar Comes out of the Closet” in 2002, one of the original provocations for the Taliban’s rise to power in the early 1990s was their outrage over pedophilia. Once they came to power, bacha bazi became taboo, and the men who still engaged in the practice did so in secret.
<When the former mujahideen commanders ascended to power in 2001 after the Taliban’s ouster, they brought with them a rekindled culture of bacha bazi. Today, many of these empowered warlords serve in important positions, as governors, line ministers, police chiefs, and military commanders.
<Since its post-2001 revival, bacha bazi has evolved, and its practice varies across Afghanistan. According to military experts I talked to in Afghanistan, the lawlessness that followed the deposing of the Taliban’s in rural Pashtunistan and northern Afghanistan gave rise to violent expressions of pedophilia. Boys were raped, kidnapped, and trafficked as sexual predators regained their positions of regional power. As rule of law mechanisms and general order returned to the Afghan countryside, bacha bazi became a normalized, structured practice in many areas.
>When the Taliban came to power in the 1990s, they imposed a very extremist patriarchal rule and banned female education all over the country. Additionally, women were not allowed to work and could not leave their homes without a close male relative. But in fact, misogynist policies were already shaped before the Taliban were created. After the mujahideen overran Kabul and toppled the last communist government in 1992, hostility toward women in urban areas increased. Also, the whole issue has always been exploited by both local governments and foreign powers that invaded the country.
<Since the Americans signed a peace deal with the Taliban in late February, it has become clear that, sooner or later, the insurgent group would somehow return to power in some form, at the very least in some sort of power-sharing arrangement with the government in Kabul. In fact, large parts of Afghanistan are already under the Taliban’s control. But especially in urban areas like Kabul and elsewhere, many Afghans still fear a regression toward the dark days of the Taliban regime. Especially when it comes to female education, some observers and activists believe that the Taliban would ban any kind of education for girls and young women again. Both the Kabul government and the American negotiators made clear that such a regression would not take place, while the Taliban leadership preferred to stay vague and underlined the importance of Islamic norms in the context of women’s work and girls’ education. “We are not against female education or work. But we have Islamic norms. This is still not the West,” Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, the head of the Taliban office in Qatar, previously said in an interview.
<The case of the girls school in Badikhel, however, shows that things are much more complex. “This is not surprising. The Taliban were never able to have a clear position to even convince their own men about the validity of un-Islamic orders like closing girls schools,” said Orzala Nemat, a political ethnographer and head of the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, an independent research organization based in Kabul. She described how even during Taliban ruling in the late 1990s, local officers made arrangements with local communities to keep the schools open. “This whole rule is one among a number of rules perhaps imposed on Taliban leadership by those who aimed to destroy the foundations of a progressive thinking in the country.”
< From 2002, the U.S. government reportedly invested around $1 billion to build schools, staff classrooms, and flood provinces with textbooks. But most of the money went into the gaping pockets of warlords and corrupt government officials, leaving entire schools empty and decaying. By 2015, at least 1,100 schools listed as active in 2011 by the Afghan Education Ministry were not at all operational. Later, these places became famous as “ghost schools.” Also, girls were often overcounted by officials to accumulate more U.S. aid money. The failure of the United States in Afghanistan was probably best, and most disturbingly, epitomized by the very existence of what are now known as ghost schools, where no female students actually exist.
Take your ignorance and social chauvinism and shove it up your ass. The US hasn’t been doing jack for the Afghan People.


Why did you lose though


Okay so you say the Taliban went harder on sexual slavery of boys? I have heard that the Taliban is abducting young girls and women to be "brides" what is the truth with this?

You mention that much funding for female schools was diverted to corruption, it's not surprsing. But the American occupation regime explicitly allowed girls to attend schools? Will it not be worse under the Taliban?


What was the most iconic retreat moment?

>Helicopters taking off the American embassy

>Crowds storming the runway
>Apaches clearing the tarmac
>640 Afghans sitting in a single military machine
>Army dogs sitting on plane seats instead of humans
>Bodies falling from the sky
>Corpse strapped to the airplane fluttering in the wind mid-flight


Tbh, it's fucking amazing how kino those last two days were. I couldn't have dreamed it up worse PR-wise. Those images went around the globe and back.


>Corpse strapped to the airplane fluttering in the wind mid-flight


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holy fuck


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What the fuck


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Check the airplane number on the front



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anyone wanna see how bad youtube has gotten, do a search for 'afghanistan'. it's just nothing but wall to wall corporate media. cnn, abc, nbc, fox, cnn, etc etc, endlessly.
One thing you won't see: youtubers!
You're not allowed to see regular people and independent channels talking about Afghanistan, just corporate US/Nato propaganda outlets. The only way you'd ever find youtubers is if you already knew of them and searched for specific ones.
I know it's been bad for a while, but damn. the brainwashing is relentless these days.


So one of them got stuck and the rest fell? Damn.


I wish there was an easy way to filter all the corpo channels


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Yupp. This shit is literally worse than Saigon.


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That's all you're gonna see. Corp news whilst interviewing the select few collaborators of US imperialism who only ever collaborated with US because the US dangled a green card in front of their face

None of the people that welcomed the Taliban into their cities will get a look in


Thanks for spoiling the gore anons, lol.


you can block them from being recommended in your feed, but i don't think there's any way to block them from word searches. and if you search for something like afghanistan, it's all you get.


>last two days
Even 4chan faggots love footage of Soviet retreat from Afghanistan to make music videos of them.


What was going on the last week was pure fucking circus.


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He made it


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Afghan news T.V. is back on the air, with female anchors.

Saigon was worse.



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I'm not going to say the situation for women under the Taliban is great. But it's not like much has changed. All the talk you hear in the western media about "gains" in women's rights apply to basically the Green Zone, the government district of a couple of the large cities, and nowhere else because all of the power brokers, besides the president and my personal favorite guy – Hero of the Soviet Union Gen. Abdul Rashid "Heavy D" Dostum – were Islamists who didn't really diverge all that far from the Taliban when it came to women. Or were somehow even worse. The rest is just whitewashing over a failed, kleptocratic state. Some news:

>The Taliban urged women to join its government as Enamullah Samangani, a member of the Taliban’s cultural commission, made the first comments on governance from a federal level across the country after their blitz across the country. “The Islamic Emirate doesn’t want women to be victims” Samangani said, using the militants’ term for Afghanistan. “They should be in government structure according to Shariah law.” He added: “The structure of government is not fully clear, but based on experience, there should be a fully Islamic leadership and all sides should join.”


>All the talk you hear in the western media about "gains" in women's rights
Such nonsense. I hate imperialist media


>tfw no cute afghan milf gf


Basically as long as it not communist…
Hope amerilards are happy.


The Taliban have worked out that if you let girls go to school, you control what they learn.

They're not going to ban girls from attending school, it's just that all the assigned reading is gong to be theocratic patriarchal propaganda.


GENEVA, Aug 17 (Reuters) - The chief of field operations of the U.N. children's agency expressed cautious optimism about working with Taliban officials following their seizure of power in Afghanistan, citing their early expressions of support for girls' education.

The U.N. children's agency (UNICEF) is still delivering aid to most parts of the country and has held initial meetings with new Taliban representatives in recently seized cities like Kandahar, Herat and Jalalabad.

"We have ongoing discussions, we are quite optimistic based on those discussions," UNICEF's chief of field operations in Afghanistan, Mustapha Ben Messaoud, told a U.N. briefing, adding that 11 out of 13 field offices were currently operational.

"We have not a single issue with the Taliban in those field offices."


Were they learning critical race theory under the puppet government?


>inb4 faggots at /trv/ cry it's fake again


What's wrong with Reuters?


>Some comprador Afghan's wife/child were prevented from escaping to make room for LORD MILES

He can't keep getting away this!




>worse than Saigon
Nope. It's on cue. Someone has that photo of a dude clinging to a chopper's wing in Saigon?


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There are rumors that Ahmad Massoud (the son of The Lion of Panjshir) Is rallying Anti - Taliban officers In Panjshir with the intention of forming a new Northern Alliance. He was the only High ranking millitary official who refused to leave Afghanistan and Has said that he will die rather than bow to the Taliban. He has made calls on Twitter and Youtube for afghans and former millitary personell to rally around him. There are rumors that thousands that failed to reach the airport in time are hiding In Panjshir which is the only city not yet occupied by the Taliban.






Part of me wished that that faggot would have ended up hanging from a lamp post at Kabul city center, but whatever.


Taliban seems to not be as insane as it used to be.
It was inevitable, anyway. At least now the cycle of violence has largely ended.


Nah, Rimmy saved the interpreter. Unless you think any non-national was going to make it onto that plane.


Personally I'd rather have him live the rest of his life in Afghanistan lmao


So when is he going to shoot (stab?) up a mosque?


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>vouched and praised his interpreter
>had a nervous breakdown
Nah, not the type.


no glasses too.




The chinooks taking of the embassy and the bodies falling from the leaving planes are the most iconic pictures I will never forget during my life.


I mean, they’re probably not wrong though
Genuinely what the fuck do you think the Taliban will be teaching girls in school?
The whole “molding worldviews via educational system” is one of those key features of modernity, odds are the Taliban will try doing what the Saudis did, have a theocratic dystopia with modern tech and foreign funding


No way that's real.



Right, they're bad, the other guys should have gotten into power after decades of occupation, you know the uhh… the… hmm… illegitimate pedophile drugdealing puppet regime?


Did all those people on the side jump off before takeoff? Only a few deaths were reported.


the chinook takes the kino award no doubt. 1:1 recreation of the Saigon retreat.


Man, if I was US, I'd track down, and kill the failson of a comprador that was the Afghanistan's president. I may or may not be a cartoon villain, though.


without the historical context of "there is no non-islamist non-reactionary force in afghanistan, and maybe just maybe this has to do with decades of imperialism," all criticism of the Taliban by westerners feeds into the imperialist narrative of humanitarian intervention. Criticize them in context pls <3
the US is chock full of cartoon villains


Will the taliban government be recognized by other countries? Russia seems to be pretty cool with them


Look at this picture with the huge crowd in the plane. It might look disheartening at first glance, but these people are actually privileged gusanos. The poor afghans on the other have no choice and must stay in afghanistan. The upcoming refugee crisis is again a gusano crisis.


>Get's kidnapped by the Taliban for being 'Kinda royalty ok guys?'
>Left alone in a cave while the Taliban figure out how to get his viscount family to pay up.
>All they leave him with is a Quran.
>Lord miles is such an autistic tradcath he begins hyper fixating on it.
>They take him out of his cell to make the ransom video
<"Maryam spoke to me' She said 'Bring order to the chaos, God will help you'"
>Miles become the Emir


china said they will


The rich leave in C-17s, the poor leave in caravans towards Iran, Turkey, and eventually Europe. The Taliban being anti-imperalist doesn't make them inherently progressive of proletarian. The Afghan proletariat in large urban areas is terrified of the Taliban. They want to leave.


how do you know retard? Don't they complain about it all the time and they get called traitors and hippies over it? kys


>Taliban seems to not be as insane as it used to be.

I suspect the US killed the entire Old Guard and the people now in charge are considerably younger.

We will see the rise of Wahhabi Tech Bros pushing Jihadicoin, mark my words


Do they? I've only heard their tears as the US is pulling out



Looks like it is 90% men.


more of pic


wrong thread but no. I hope they btfo americucks


How about burgers and the europoors. What about Iran?


>Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Tuesday that such ridiculous and shocking news is more likely the result from the old age of the senator that makes him a dotard or his confusion about the data with previous data in the 1970s or 1960s.

idk, seems legit


when you are still a rightoid cockroach at heart, but you think the hammer and sickle is aesthetic.


30k troops is quite a bit, if it's true then this is a diplomatic time bomb waiting to explode. That's about the same amount the US has in ROK or Japan.


ahistorical liberal moralism. this was a necessary development unless you don't want AF to have its own government
>the US being barbaric and disgusting does not take away from that
it literally does, because the US created the Taliban and this whole situation. the only way towards social progress is to let AF work itself out




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We got too cocky, dotard bros


Just make this thread a cyclical vols and stop making new threads. I get the first one to archive it for the historic value but there's no point in continuing to archive every single thread after it hits the bump limit


ShitLib doesn't understand the waves of history and just wants his ready made utopia to order part #4000394

<The same must be said of the revolutionary character of national movements in general. The unquestionably revolutionary character of the vast majority of national movements is as relative and peculiar as is the possible revolutionary character of certain particular national movements. The revolutionary character of a national movement under the conditions of imperialist oppression does not necessarily presuppose the existence of proletarian elements in the movement, the existence of a revolutionary or a republican programme of the movement, the existence of a democratic basis of the movement.

<The struggle that the Emir of Afghanistan is waging for the independence of Afghanistan is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the monarchist views of the Emir and his associates, for it weakens, disintegrates and undermines imperialism; whereas the struggle waged by such "desperate" democrats and "Socialists," "revolutionaries" and republicans as, for example, Kerensky and Tsereteli, Renaudel and Scheidemann, Chernov and Dan, Henderson and Clynes, during the imperialist war was a reactionary struggle, for its results was the embellishment, the strengthening, the victory, of imperialism. For the same reasons, the struggle that the Egyptians merchants and bourgeois intellectuals are waging for the independence of Egypt is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the bourgeois origin and bourgeois title of the leaders of Egyptian national movement, despite the fact that they are opposed to socialism; whereas the struggle that the British "Labour" Government is waging to preserve Egypt's dependent position is for the same reason a reactionary struggle, despite the proletarian origin and the proletarian title of the members of the government, despite the fact that they are "for" socialism. There is no need to mention the national movement in other, larger, colonial and dependent countries, such as India and China, every step of which along the road to liberation, even if it runs counter to the demands of formal democracy, is a steam-hammer blow at imperialism, i.e., is undoubtedly a revolutionary step.

<Lenin was right in saying that the national movement of the oppressed countries should be appraised not from the point of view of formal democracy, but from the point of view of the actual results, as shown by the general balance sheet of the struggle against imperialism, that is to say, "not in isolation, but on a world scale" (see Vol. XIX, p. 257).



You could change out the "Emir of Afghanistan" for the Taliban" and the rotten filth of "kerensky/Tsereteli/Renaudel/UK Labour" for "DSA/The squad/AOC/The Jacobin faggots and all the other 'left's that debase the word socialism by calling themselves socialist" and it would be as correct today as it was when Stalin wrote that


t. liberal excuses for interventions
Suck a dick, moron.


> mass abuse

The Taliban will close a few schools and universities in the Kabul area where the privileged daughters of the local warlord oligarchy went to (because these where the only pockets where women enjoyed any kind of 'rights' anyway). What a big fucking deal, woohoo. You know that the Taliban have always controlled up to 50% of Afghanistan at any point in time, right?


if the US had 30,000 troops in Taiwan then that would be public knowledge, no one can hide that many troops in the age of modern satellite imagery


whatever, the important thing is that we can use women as a prop to justify continuing a genocidal war against the mudslime sanduyghurs


those women will be flown out of Afghanistan on C-17s and will be given McMansions in Virginia.



Imagine being a democrat ITT lol


You belong in the same mass grave, btw.


We need to bring all the transhumanists of afghanistan to america.


>how do you know
Hearing and seeing hardly any of them speak about how women were treated when America was there versus now, retard.


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