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 No.491424[Last 50 Posts]

Old Threads:
>Protests started for gas prices raise two days ago
>Rapidly became widespread
>Government resigned few hours ago
<Protestors started storming palaces of government and institutions all around the country
>CSTO called in, effect unclear yet
>no response yet from the west
Old thread full, continue discussion here


It's not a joke.


Shay is hilarious and you're just mad because you will never frot against her feminine penis


Do Chavistas really hate anarchists? I'm not from there and don't speak spanish so I don't know


you almost did it again my boy


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Democracy is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Human rights is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Freedom is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Equality is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Oppressive is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Free speech is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Anonymous source is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Open society is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Rights violations is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Evil is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Authoritarian is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Regime is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Markets is a code word for CIA-backed dissent
Meaningless slogan x is a code word for CIA-backed dissent


when it's coming from the cia? yeah ok


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Low gas prices ia a code word for "let's allow china to build more oil pipelines and BRI in kazakhstan"




Swolephin is cool, he looks like an alien species in a Jack Vance novel


I dont think actual Chavistas give a shit, I'm talking along the lines of western MLs with a crude and vulgar understanding of Marxism wherein their desperation to be contrarian leads to them uncritically supporting every country they think America isn't friends with.


It's from a Stellaris DLC




The Russian military will also be in the peacekeeping contingent sent to Kazakhstan by the Collective Security Council.

As we learned, a special forces company of the 76th Airborne Division, as well as a company of the 45th Airborne Special Forces Brigade, received the command from Russia. Several more special forces brigades are on high alert.

The address of the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan appeared on the official website of the President of Russia,


To clarify, the airborne divisions are going in because the rest of the military is caught flat-footed. They will secure logistically important infrastructure to allow the real military forces to enter the country without issue.


The Russians use the Spetsnaz as SWAT basically.


that's basically all correct


Yep, also this:
>Foreign investments and business of foreign companies will be protected in Kazakhstan, - Russian Foreign Ministry says


Reminder to keep off-topic/derailing shitposts to a minimum lest your post gets deleted or you get banned


>Even though Israel’s relationship with Kazakhstan has become noticeably closer since Netanyahu began his second stint as Israeli prime minister in 2009, Kazakhstan has been the lynchpin of Israel’s Central Asia strategy since the early 1990s. Israel is Kazakhstan’s fifth largest Asian trade partner, and imports over $1.4 billion worth of goods from Kazakhstan each year.

>The oil industry is the principal driver of Israel’s economic links with Kazakhstan. Israel imports 25 percent of its oil from Kazakhstan. Chen Bar-Yosef, the Managing Director of the Israeli National Infrastructure Ministry’s Fuel Authority, has praised the quality of Kazakhstan’s oil, and has encouraged Kazakh manufacturers to sell oil directly to Israeli private companies.

>Kazakh policymakers believe that Israel could indirectly assist Kazakhstan’s attempts to increase its oil exports to East Asia. In November 2006, Kazakhstan’s Deputy Prime Minister Karim Masimov announced that Kazakhstan would expand its investments in Haifa’s oil refineries.

>Masimov has also called for an extension of the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Pipeline to Israel. Should the BTC pipeline expand to Israel, Israel’s oil terminals at Ashkelon and Eilat could be used to increase Kazakh oil shipments to Europe and East Asia.

>In addition to importing Kazakh oil, Israel has played a prominent role in assisting President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s economic diversification efforts. Israeli business leaders have been especially vocal supporters of closer Israel-Kazakhstan investment linkages.

>Nimrod Novik, vice president of Israeli multinational Merhav, lobbied the Israeli government to invest in Kazakhstan during the 1990s, claiming that Kazakhstan is “one of the wealthiest countries in the world underground, and one of the least developed above ground.” Israeli policymakers heeded Novik’s advice. By 2009, 52 major Israeli companies had established business operations in Kazakhstan.

>Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has also used his close relationship with Nazarbayev to advance Israel’s business interests in Kazakhstan. Barak spoke to Nazarbayev in late 2014 about how Israel could help Kazakhstan harness its industrial innovation potential and improve the quality of its health services. Further advances in these fields will ensure that Israel remains a vital economic partner for Kazakhstan, even as Astana strengthens its alliance with Iran.

>Israel and Kazakhstan have been counterterrorism partners for almost two decades. Kazakhstan’s fear of terrorist attacks rose precipitously during the mid-1990s, due to the rising presence of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and Hizb ut-Tahrir, the destabilization created by the Tajikistan civil war, and blowback from the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. The Kazakh military believed that a closer relationship with Israel would strengthen its counterterrorism efforts, as Israel had decades of experience combating Palestinian terror organizations.

>According to a 2014 Jamestown Foundation report, Israel-Kazakhstan security cooperation increased dramatically after the 9/11 attacks. Israel became a natural ally for Kazakhstan after 9/11 because of its ability to produce sophisticated missiles, air defense systems, and stealth weaponry. Kazakh policymakers also believed that closer ties with Israel would reciprocally strengthen Kazakhstan’s security links with the United States and the European Union. As Kazakhstan was seeking to reduce its security dependency on China and Russia, Kazakh policymakers responded cordially to Israel’s diplomatic overtures.

>Recent Israeli actions in Kazakhstan reveal the strength of the Jerusalem-Astana relationship. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have trained Kazakh military forces to use Iron Dome technology, and repeatedly held joint military exercises in Kazakh facilities.


Kazakhstan? Don't you mean, minor Zionist Occupied East Asia??


Wow they must unnecessarily kill a lot of people


What good are specops at peace keeping tho. Do they form the police or take down insurgent cells?


My uygha have you even read about Beslan or the theater siege


sorry I accidentally moved this post



Something something Beslan siege


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I mean, famously yes.


Pretty obviously an American move with one or more of the major Kazak clans to pre-position themselves prior to talks with Russia


Who even are the Kazakh clans?


>4. Condemnation of Russian aggression in Ukraine
>5. Crimea is Ukraine
yep, NATO shit to encircle Russia.


>according to this pol thread


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This is a fake 4chan post you absolute retard


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Kazakhstan is still very much a "tribal" society in that the oligarchs are all family based and tied together. A ton of the central asian and southern caucus post Soviet states devolved into this.


How stupid are you guys. It's a 4chan troll making shit up. They linked a random article that says nothing of what they wrote.

Smarten up


And the sad part is it will get 300+ replies on /Pol/ and they will all believe it.


>privatisation of all banks and industry
So hilariously fake


I was calling the /pol/ post glow


Привет, russian speaker here: these don't even line up as translations. Its so fake that I am not going to bother lamo


I know that was true of Tajikistan I just didn't know it applied that far north


to be fair most of those replies are bots


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From a Kazakh communist
>inb4 mucho texto


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Yeah this is the guy they're getting it from


Ah so they're modern revisionists. Makes more geopolitical sense now. Putin/Xi simps can relax, this is actually going in your fucking favor (you goddamn hysterical illiterates)




>Pretty sure they [Venezuelan Bolivarians] only shoutout Trotsky due to their hateboner for anarchists
Shut the fuck up and read a book you autistic IDpol idiot.



So according to this Kazakh communist it is a spontaneous uprising from the workers and western liberal media will support it just to create a rift inbetween the CSTO countries, but just ignore them. It is the revolutionary proletariat that must take charge, although it is lacking and disorganized today?


This is probably literally a CIA gayop


Here is a real translation, since non of you actually speak russian:
1. reduction in the price of basic goods
2. reduction of fuel prices
3. lowering the retirement age to 58/60 years (I assume m/f)
4. resignation of the government
5. release all prisoners fro the demonstrations
6. raisin wages for common people
7. abolition of all subsidies for nation industries (?)
8. cancelation of recycling (note this is a term for it i have never seen, must be a specific policy in Kazakhstan)
9. cancelation of toll roads
10. raising the basic pension
11. raising child benefit
12. meeting witht he president for political demands (which i imagine is the 1993 constitution)


Sounds based as fuck.




I lost the other glowie webm. Post it fam.


So looking at number 7 might be because state owned companies are partially owned by the oligarchs and the subsidies go to their pockets? Note it doesnt say privaisation, just end of subsidies. Still slightly confused but yeah.
Also I am trying to look up kazakh recycling policy but all the kazakh websites are down due to the internet ban lamo


there is quite a few: https://lefty.booru.org/


>abolition of all subsidies for nation industries
WTF are the demands in service of killing the national industry? lmao


Was just gonna post this


See: >>491478 Iit sounds weird but yeah.


I mean, to put an example, the oil company is 50% owned by western companies, and subsidies always means the state giving payment to companies for free.


they are owned by oligarchs, so it likely goes into kickbacks for them


A working class movement against a government making neoliberal reforms in Kazakhstan is called a color revolution and we get Russian intervention cheered on by contrarian propagandists masquerading as 'leftist' who it so happens that all the reporters leading the charge of this information worked for RT or other Russian media in some capacity.


Well, fuck gorby and as Galeano said fuck the apparatchiknicks who changed their party cards for green bills


makes sense, and that is money taken by taxes from proles
prole wages->"national industry"->ogliarchs that actually own it


you ever think the west could take advantage of any uprising just to manufacture a pretext for interference regardless?


socialism for me but not for thee


>T. Hasn't seen the rest of the thread


it was removed dumbass


>why haven't you instantly read like 20 paragraphs
working on it, sheesh motherfucker


It's not there unfortunately.


It's right here lol.


Oh I thought there would be some under the "glowie" tag
Maybe it's just pics then


2) Based
3)Gigabased and Stalinpilled
4) Already happened
5) Potentially based
6) EXTRA based
7) Ultra cringe
8) ???
10) Based
11) Again based
12) Not gonna happen anyways.

Overall, 7.75/10

Would seriously consider voting for such a party in my own country.


both these people are referring to a different post/webm than that


7 is to stop subsidizing enterprises tho.
Their national state companies have major parts of them being owned by private (and even foreign) enterprises, they refer to that.


>3. lowering the retirement age to 58/60 years (I assume m/f)
f/m much more likely


it says "subsidiaries" of the national companies, not "subsidies"


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I've been playing vidya, whats happening?
Is there a provisional government now?
Where does Russia fit in?


Why would it be? I'm assuming it would be the other way because women tend to live longer.


oh shiiit


>Why would it be? I'm assuming it would be the other way because women tend to live longer.
Men are born to work.

>In China currently, the retirement age for men is 60, while for women, it is 55 for white-collar workers and 50 for blue-collar employees. These differences will stay in place to ensure policy continuity, said Jin. Jin said retirement age reform requires overall planning and coordination as it involves many supporting policies and measures.




Rightful Kazakh clay.


all of it is based except the recycling is ambiguous and why get rid of national subsidies?


like i said in the last thread, petty bourgeois nonsense


>>In China currently, the retirement age for men is 60
WTF. Why is it so low? I know 70 y/o technicians where I work.


They raise kids/manage the home, which counts as work along with their white/blue collar jobs


the proletariat is always disorganized in the early days of a movement, there's never an ideal situation you can wait on, revolutionaries have to do with the cards they are dealt with


It's a standard thing in Eastern Europe. I would be surprised if it's the other way in Western Europe tbh.


So you can enjoy life while your body is still healthy. The retirement age is lower for women because of the stress from childbirth.


Yeah i know but if they do that without nationalizing the private shares of State corps they'd essentially bankrupt them.

One of my EU4 all times favorite is Transoxiana, which is modern day Turkmenistan.
Can get strong pretty fast under the right circumstances.


It would be funny to see a trot country collapse.


What if neither the man or woman have kids? Does it change the retirement age?


Nope still same retirement age.


Good question. I think another thing to consider is do mem and women suffer from the same physical feeblessness that would force them to stop working at an advanced age?


Hordes were always busted.
For me, it's going Coptic Kongo tribal government into horde and razing everything but gold provinces


No, there's no inspectors following you around and checking if you help raise the next generation. But in general women perform unpaid labour throughout their life. That's common knowledge, no?


I still too remember "communists" (alike) from Ukraine saying how good the protests against yanukocih were.

>Communists have proposed their draft resolution on the resignation of the government, for which they are ready to vote.

Yatsenyuk said that the opposition would support the resolution of the Communists.



>>491521 (me)
don't fall for pseuds "communists" that claim to be communists, yet never achieved shit through political discourse and ended up not only forced to illegalization but also crushed by neo-nazis.


There are not enough reliable information to make a judgement of the protests. Like you said, every source must be investigated before jumping to conclusions. However, there is no need to dismiss news without investigation either. Stay alert.


Ok the Ukrainian communists made a mistake and things turned against them. Doesn't mean anything, it's a totally different situation in Kazakhstan, nationally and geopolitically. And relevant communist orgs were already deemed illegal by the government so you could say the fascists are already in power.

Anyway I'm just gonna watch Blumenthal be real quiet about Kazakshan for fear of loosing his RT job.


I have few hopes unless I see real protestors waving the socialist/communist flag. Everything else, to me, is euromaidan 2.0



It's not one or the other, stop fedjacketing/hysterics


>Huge ass border with Russia
<For some reason Russia isn't even in the top 3 markets of Kazakh export which are China Italy and the Netherlands

Also it turns out that they run a commercial surplus against other countries, surprisingly enough for a country whose industries are very basic in nature.


Average Putin fan



But the funniest shit is that their debt to Gdp ratio is 27,6%, meaning that all this gas prices hike shit which started everything in the first place was ENTIRELY POINTLESS AND AVOIDABLE.

At this point I wouldn't exclude that someone hiked gas prices on purpose to provoke popular anger from the beginning, as schizo as it may sound.


Ben Norton is right: if Radio Free Europe and Roman Protasevich are strongly supporting these protests, they glow hard as fuck, even if there is genuine dissidence, it is sus as fuck

Lmao, the US embassy even sent out a "Demonstration Alert" for January 5th weeks ago. Seems exactly like an anti-BRI, anti-SCO color revolution, regardless of actual needs for a dissident protest, which exist everywhere.


Bank bros we got too cocky


All Kazakhstani financial institutions have suspended their activities
Press Secretary of the National Bank Ramazanov: financial organizations of Kazakhstan have suspended their activities

"The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Regulation and Development of the Financial Market and the National Bank of Kazakhstan, taking into account the conduct of counter-terrorism operations by law enforcement agencies and taking into account temporary disruptions in the Internet, .. report a temporary suspension of the activities of all financial organizations," Ramazanov said

MOSCOW, January 6 - RIA Novosti. All financial organizations in Kazakhstan have suspended their activities against the backdrop of a counter-terrorist operation and disruptions in the Internet, the Khabar 24 TV channel reports with reference to the press secretary of the National Bank Olzhas Ramazanov .

He noted that this measure is also aimed at protecting the health and life of employees and clients of financial institutions.

Mass protests in Kazakhstan began in the early days of 2022. Then the residents of the cities of Zhanaozen and Aktau in the Mangistau region - an oil-producing region in the west of the country - opposed a two-fold increase in prices for liquefied petroleum gas, then the protests spread to other cities. In Alma-Ata , the old capital of the republic, on January 4 and 5, clashes with security forces occurred, the police used gas and stun grenades. Throughout Kazakhstan, the Internet was turned off, and the broadcasting of a number of TV channels was temporarily stopped.
On January 5, Tokayev introduced a state of emergency for two weeks in the Mangistau and Almaty regions , as well as in Alma-Ata and Nur-Sultan . This regime provides, in particular, a curfew from 23.00 to 7.00, a ban on holding mass events, strikes and the sale of weapons, as well as strengthening the protection of especially important facilities. On the same day, the state of emergency - also until January 19 - was extended to the entire territory of Kazakhstan.

On the morning of January 5, Tokayev dismissed the government and headed the republic’s Security Council, removing the first head of state, Nursultan Nazarbayev , from this post . In addition, the President stressed that the authorities will act as tough as possible in relation to the offenders, and promised in the near future "to come out with a new package of proposals."
On the night of January 6, Tokayev held the first meeting of the Security Council under his leadership, at which he called the situation in Kazakhstan "an undermining of the integrity of the state" and said that he had asked the CSTO for help "in overcoming the terrorist threat." On the same night, the CSTO Collective Security Council decided to send collective peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan in connection with Tokayev's appeal. The force, it was reported, will be sent for a limited time period with the aim of stabilizing and normalizing the situation in that country.


Well, there went my small few hopes of something good.


There is genuine reason for these protests.
Western glowies will use it as an opportunity to whine about CSTO but ignore them. They also want the protests quashed because the protestors were demanding better wages at American owned factories. They will complain publically and at the same time support the intervention secretly.


>Lmao, the US embassy even sent out a "Demonstration Alert" for January 5th weeks ago.

No they didn't. That alert for january is from today. Here is their website. Some of you get fooled so easily by deceptive reporting



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It sure is suspicious that not only does the CIA hope that the protests are liberal so they can hurt BRI and russia, but russia wants the protests to be liberal as an excuse to crack down on them. Everybody seems to want the protestors to be liberal so that they can justify attacking or defending them.
It's blackpilling when you consider that the banned communist party of kazakhstan probably heavily supports these protests, but still gets called a "glow op" by braindead westerners and russiatoday watchers alike.


see >>491434
I'm not talking about people that are actually from Venezuela


If we have material proofs of protasavich supporting this, if we already saw the ruomaidan, we are sus
Communists require to organize so they can get public support from everywhere.


This whole happening is sus from the beginning.
Why would they hike gas prices (a classic austerity measure) when they got nearly no debt?


lol are you saying this is a 5D inter-dimensional chess a plan by Tokayev and KPRF to reinstate the Kazakhstan Socialist Republic?


>why would a capitalist government enact austerity measures
>they must be provoking these protests on purpose


I know right, governments are completely incapable of doing stupid things on their own. Surely this is a plot by George Soros


it's funny how many people here have more in common with the political thought of Alex Jones than Lenin or Marx


Ben Norton just post straight up lies to be a mouth piece for Putin and so does the rest of his cadre of friends. Used to respect these people but days like this their agenda becomes so clear.

https://www.garda.com/crisis24/news-alerts/556991/kazakhstan-opposition-party-calls-for-protests-dec-16-gatherings-possible-in-major-cities (nothing to do with usa)

Protest were announced on december 16th as you see here by a party so us embassy alerts people these are happening and does their gay allow people to protest freely press release.

Then today there is protest and they do same messaging after. Ben Norton post completely distorted tweets to make it look like us embassy alerted people themselves to go out and protest and organized it. I'm not trusting people who lie like this so brazenly

https://kz.usembassy.gov/ check the alerts yourself



Please make it real.
I want to believe!


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By that logic we should denounce the USSR entirely because the United States talked positively about them during WWII. We should denounce figures such as Fidel Castro because the United States talked positively about them before he went mask off communist. We should denounce MLK because the US media speaks highly of him past his death.
Hell while we're at it, let's cast aside any support (critical or otherwise) for Venezuala seeing as they're on good relations with Turkey!

No one's denying this protest can't be co-opted by the CIA and other imperialist institutions, it can, but we also have to understand the factions within this protest that are set about bringing genuine revolution.
>But they're trOtS
Don't care, maybe they can actually redeem the tendency's shit reputation in this possible revolution.

If they're feds, shit sucks, but I'm not going to outright denounce them JUST YET.


it's not even that mamy people imo honestly, autist chads just can't help but eat the (illogical) bait


Support of protests shouldnt hinge on whether they are convenient to one national bourgeoisie or another, but on their class character and the socialist nature of their demands
This isnt Belarus (petite bourg/pmc, muh free elections), Ukraine (petite bourg, chauvinist, joining EU) or Cuba (also petite bourg/gusano, astroturfed)
see >>491474


>us embassy alerted people themselves to go out and protest and organized it
Ben is right, chums, they sent these messages to gather as much as they can their supporters in their ONGs, which they exist, as a public announce.(bad faith rule)


> United States talked positively about them during WWII
This is a false equivalence argument. Less stupidity, please.


Trots are one of the few nominally leninist tendencies that are even allowed to exist in many reactionary country.


Are you even reading the tweet? He's saying they announced 3 weeks beforehand. They posted an alert when there was protest on December 16th

Then posted again when there was protest today. There was advanced warning anywhere. It's alerting Americans who are there that there is protest happening at the moment.

Nothing Ben is saying is right


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Anon… I advise you not to take lighlty this subject because og leftypol got ripped appart over it


There was no advanced warning anywhere*


Right we need to stay stoic.


Event: Protests continue in multiple cities throughout Kazakhstan. Continued heightened security presence is expected as well as public transport disruptions, intermittent internet network outages, and interruptions to electronic banking transactions.

According to reports, clashes in Almaty between riot police and protesters have turned violent and crowds have broken into government buildings. Both protesters and police have reported injuries. Emergency services such as hospitals and poly-clinics have been affected. Authorities have declared a state of emergency in Mangystau, Almaty, and Nur-Sultan, and other cities may follow.

U.S. government personnel are advised to avoid demonstration areas and shelter in place, and avoid standing next to balconies, or windows, and stay indoors whenever possible.

Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence. You should avoid demonstrations and exercise caution in the vicinity of any large gatherings or protests.

Consulate General Almaty will be closed to visitors on Thursday, January 6 with personnel tele-working. All U.S. citizen services and visa interview appointments have been postponed for Embassy Nur-Sultan and Consulate General Almaty.

Actions to Take:

Avoid the areas of demonstrations.
Exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests.
Monitor local media for updates.
For Assistance: The U.S. Embassy is located at Rakhymzhan Koskharbayev Ave., No. 3, Nur-Sultan 010010. If you are a U.S. citizen in need of urgent assistance, the emergency after-hours number for the U.S. Embassy is +7 7172 70 22 00.

The U.S. Consulate General Almaty is located at Samal-2, 97 Zholdasbekov Street, Almaty, 050051. If you are a U.S. citizen in need of urgent assistance, the emergency after-hours number for the U.S. Consulate General is 8 777 0072359.


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>holodomor momument
yep, seems to me euromaidan, more and more.
Even if you don't want to connect the dots, see what the where they are gathering.(Straight making shit up to fedjacket)



I wonder if anyone no the communist left have written a critique of this lopsided and hysterical "analysis" of tankies the likes of Norton. The type that give all agency to the US state, but none to the proletariat, no matter where in the world, and will always defend a bourgeois government no matter how anti-communist, even when proof of US meddling is dubious (like now, when there's massive proletarian Kazakh rudimentary class-conscious involvement and both legal and clandestine communist in the country) or worse even non-existent.


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>Its about proletarian vs plutocrat nations
Is literally picrel


They are Xi-/KPRF-alligned "Trots", also there is a relatively successful legal ML party, also Xi-/KPRF-alligned, that's legal and part of the parliamentary process in Kazakhstan.


You're jumping to conclusions without enough reliable information, as are those condemning the protests as color-revolution. Take a step back and do some research.


Overthrowing the U.S. will be the major favor to the world and proletariats in general.
This anon is about right:


Protests are not nations nor civil rights leaders. Also I'm not denouncing the real grievances that those people have. I am feeling fishy about the way they will be managed/influenced by the world's most powerful people, as everyone else is ITT.
Good point I still have questions. Do US embassies report on every protest in the world, or just ones they deem legitimate?(…) Why did the embassy in Kazakhstan send out a similar notice weeks ago? Did protests happen then too? My sus radar is still off the charts.

Did this shit happen with the Maidan coup? I was too young to pay attention back then, to be honest.
Do you really know all that about this protest? How can you be sure about its class character based on generalisations of nations?


You're missing the point with all this hair splitting. Capitalism may be far from ideal, but it is better to have it run by anti-imperialist leaders who can redirect capitalism to serve the people, as opposed to a "socialist" movement which will invite western backed capitalism. To act like western capitalism and anti-western/state capitalism are the same thing is a ludicrous false equivalence.


>You're jumping to conclusions without enough reliable information
I'm simply founding a momentary conclusion based on the facts at hand at presently. None of what I said was speculative.
>Take a step back and do some research.
Care to be more specific?


You can figure out the class character through its actual demands.The Belarusian opposition is explicitly neoliberal and petite bourgeois/pmc with no economic demands (like lowering retirement age, expanding social security, raising minimum wage, nationalization, forming unions/co-ops) except mass privatization/shock therapy, de-regulation, lowering taxes (including for businesses), dismantling state firms and firing their employees, etc
The Kazakh protestor demands are the opposite of that


Both radio liberty and russiatoday want us to believe that the protestors are western-backed liberals. You are right to mistrust russiatoday and radio liberty, because we should not trust glowuyghurs. We should wait and see what politics the protestors present as an alternative to kazakhstani centrism.


Us embassy regularly warns u.s citizens in foreign nations of protest here are some recent examples.


From a optics and practicality stand point it would be a PR nightmare to have an American die by foreign forces in these events for a us president. These alerts just get very little attention unless it is something major on news


>as opposed to a "socialist" movement which will invite western backed capitalism.
What are you basing this on?


>Did this shit happen with the Maidan coup? I was too young to pay attention back then, to be honest.

NTA, but they issued one of these every-single-fucking-time when the 2017 guarimbas in 2017 Venezuela. That's a way to warn their ONG-affiliated parties to mobilize their pawns.


So has the First Kazakh Bitcoin War been resolved yet?


>You're missing the point with all this hair splitting. Capitalism may be far from ideal, but it is better to have it run by anti-imperialist leaders who can redirect capitalism to serve the people, as opposed to a "socialist" movement which will invite western backed capitalism.
>Russian and American capitalist puppet has a worker's strike for better conditions, including at majority American owned factories
>based anti-imperialist Russia should roll in the tanks to kill the strikers and armed protestors to stop the fake socialists from inviting in western capital that is already there.
You didn't read any of the thread did you? Are you an actual bot? None of what you said was even brought up by other people.


Shay being the voice of reason in a serious current event thread, damn. This really is the bizarro timeline.
Shay make an onlyfans to bait coomers but make all the content political commentary.


unless this was sarcasm in which case I was an idiot and my apologies


Because I stan shay for her brains as well as her CAKE.


This cringe isn't a contribution to the discussion. Stop. >>>/siberia/


the future is our best minds furiously debating theory while furiously masturbating


I'm basing it on the fact that Trotskyism is a tool of the west, and any Trotskyite nation will invariably sell itself and its people out to the United States in order to enrich their elite, all while maintaining their bastardization of a proletarian mode of production. Given that the lead "communist opposition" in Kazakhstan is avowedly Trotskyite, this would be the invariable conclusion. The bottom line is that anti-western capitalism is more a threat to capitalism as a whole than pro-western socialism.(sectarian rule, bad faith)


>anti-western capitalism is more a threat to capitalism
Imagine believing this
>sell itself
This was already done by ML states decades ago
Name one "Trot" state that did this



>anti-western capitalism is more a threat to capitalism
It kind of is tbh. Multipolarity weakens capitalism.


This is rubbish sectarian nonsense, firstly the communist opposition you talk about is part of the IMCWP and secondly Kazakhstan is already western affiliated, see the who owns the share of the oil companies within which the communist opposition supports strikes.


Why do you have such a hateboner for Shay? you are just further derailing anyways.


But how "Trotskyist" could these Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan really be? They're in IMCWP and let International Socialist Alternative membership lapse. That's openly showing closer ties to parties like KPRF, CPUSA, KKE and the CPC.


It's 11am in Almaty. Is there any recent news?

might be a mod trying to stop it turning into a board-celeb circlejerk


I know this is probably confusing to you, considering you clearly aren't well read, but once you factor in Marxist metaphysics you can clearly see that this shit is much more complicated than "capitalist thing bad socialist thing good". True, capitalism is bad, but the context of capitalism is almost as important as capitalism itself, and in the context of capitalism here it is being used to maintain a Soviet Republic longing to reintegrate with its motherland. Putin is setting the stage to reform the Soviet Union sometime this year, as such a temporary period of state oriented capitalism (which is indeed socialism, read Mao and Deng) is necessary both to build up the material conditions and productive forces and lull the capitalist world into a false sense of security. America sponsored this glowie uprising because they caught wise to the fact Kazakhstan wasn't in their grasp as they thought, and their Trotskyite puppets are dancing to their tune just like in the 30's. Ipso facto, when we look into Marx's view of history and its pattern for repetition, we can see that this battle is not nearly as simple as "capitalism vs socialism", but "western decadence vs eastern productivity", the later of which is much more amiable to the development of healthy socialism.

You are like the other poster neglecting the inherent complexities of socialist dialectics. Take for example the Molotov Rippentrop pact, certainly at first glance to the untrained eye this would seem a "betrayal" of the revolution, and Trots naturally took advantage of this surface level observation to rally support to their faction from workers who lacked true class consciousness. However one who has sufficiently read and understood Marx and Lenin could see that move for the brilliance it entails: by allowing these two opposing entities to join, it forced the manifestation of the dialectic, as every action must have an equal and opposite reaction. Thermodynamics, dialectics, thermodialectics if you will. Much in the same way would it be all too easy for us to throw support to these Trotskyite liberalizers, when it is in fact because of its opposition to socialism that we must support the current government as doing so is necessary for the contradictions inherent in the system to fully manifest themselves much as they did in World War 2.


holy shit go outside


>When Dengist MZT is so strong that it not only empties socialism of meaning but also makes membership of your communist international irrelevant in comparison to the short-term profits of your anti-communist bourgeois state trade partners
Peaceful collaboration, praise Zi


>this is what westernoids believe
Putin has had twenty year to seize the ill gotten gains of the Russian capitalist class and what has he done instead? Smeared socialism, allied with reactionaries, raised retirement age, propped up the corrupt church, enriched his bourgeois allies, and recently his party stole the election from the KRPF who were set to win the majority of seats in places like Moscow
He had over twenty years to "build up the productive forces" where did all the money go?
>America sponsored this glowie uprising
The protest started after gas price hikes
>"western decadence vs eastern productivity"
This is fascist drivel, literally variation of >>491559
>Soviet Republic longing to reintegrate with its motherland
Stop watching RT or wherever you people get this nonsense from


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By research, I mean we need to find reliable sources of information from Kazakhstan and post them here. Right now we're making judgements based on a couple of screenshots. Who knows if those screenshots are real or not. Don't ask me for sources, I would be posting them if I knew where to find them.


>Putin has had twenty year to seize the ill gotten gains of the Russian capitalist class and what has he done instead? Smeared socialism, allied with reactionaries, raised retirement age, propped up the corrupt church, enriched his bourgeois allies, and recently his party stole the election from the KRPF who were set to win the majority of seats in places like Moscow
>He had over twenty years to "build up the productive forces" where did all the money go?
It is tragic that you are so short sighted, but I suppose again this is an inevitable conclusion of one going down the utopian route and looking to Marxism as a battle of "good vs evil" rather than as a series of conjugating and contradicting conflicts that shape all sides ultimately refining our species towards a better future, which is the true socialism Marx and Lenin speak of. Socialism is also a process, a changing of phases, Russia's material conditions had sadly collapsed due to Yeltsin and needed heavily restructuring if it was to survive as a socialist state in the modern era, hence Putin's tutelage. By having a paternal leading figure, a state can safely build up capitalism and ready itself for a strong transition into socialism, and due to socialist metaphysics this makes it already socialist by its intent. The KRPF wasn't put down due to Putin being anti-communist, but rather because they were trying to jump the gun and end the paternal autocracy period necessary, as outlined by Sun Yat Sen, whom as we all know is the predecessor to Mao Zedong himself. There is a lot of subtlety involved in this conflict that is clearly going way over your head, and I strongly urge you to do some further reading and ask real Russians their real opinions before spewing state department propaganda on behalf of the United States.


Important Read


Yeah, in that sense I agree


Where did that screenshot come from? Is there a Kazakh leftypol?



Seriously you all seem to be newfags.
Don't you remember l/pol/ in 2013-2014 when the euromaidan happened?
Damn son, all hyped by the ousting of the 'liberal pro Europe guy' and all that stuff. Can't be I am the only one remembering all that crap.


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This response is worth considering.


I was still going to school by day and watching pewdiepie at night, clue me in


China's MSS and the communist party of kazakhstan are leading the protests from the shadows.


I hope so.


>Putin is setting the stage to reform the Soviet Union sometime this year, as such a temporary period of state oriented capitalism
There's no fucking way you actually believe this.

>Maidan coup is the only movement that has ever happened
I hate you faggots, you learn about two events and think it's enough to apply to everything that subsequently happens, fucking pathetic tbh


Internet is still down and it seems there are power grid issues in most of the country so it'll be hard to get raw news, agencies still have their own channels with satphones and all so we just have to wait for them to publish tomorrow but they're not really the investigative type.


We can go further back in history. Look at solidarity in Pooland, that didn't turn out well for communism.


It's too bad we don't have any anons on the ground there.


>It's too bad we don't have any anons on the ground there.
I was thinking we should start an international network of comrades with satphones in volatile areas prone to internet outages.


>We know "unorganized"/"leaderless" protests don't exist.
Uh…. no. That's wrong. In fact it often happens that you see spontaneous protests if there is something affecting a large number of people, without any leadership or organization. What a strange assertion to make and to then rest your point on.
>So who is organizing these protests?
This is paranoiac thinking. "We don't currently see proletarian leadership, so someone else is and it's fishy." It may be that there is organization happening by someone else but to take this as a given is unreasonable, especially given the purported cause of the protests being an economic situation that has a widespread effect on consumers. If anything is orchestrated it makes more sense for the national policy to be than the response to it.


No idea who Aisin is but his name seems irrelevant in the internet. Like a ghost what is this website anyway, and who brought this to the thread?


Was there ever a central asia thread on leftypol? I can't find one.


>future of the species
Is irrelevant. There is only the lived lives and experiences of workers, and the forces of capital trying to control and exploit us
If I am shortsighted it is because I realize that it is my immediate (class) interests that matter, and not excuses by capitalists and revisionists who want to keep us waiting for decades. The point of socialism is not to wait for the "productive forces to develop" until capitalist are comfortable handing them over, but to seize power for the working class and use it to abolish itself
>ask real Russians
I have Russian friends, what you are saying is bs

Demanding to join the EU is not the same as protests over inflation
There is proletarian leadership - seen in its demands - but no revolutionary party ready to take over



Anarchists protests in 2022? Yeeeeea. No. Perhaps, in the very beginning of the 20th century.


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Ive made two or three central asia general threads before because i looked at a map one day and noticed how huge kazakhstan is. I wanted to know more about central asia but was ignored because nobody cared about the huge ass country on the map


А партия в будущее надо. Иначе не обойдется движение


Who said anything about anarchists? Spontaneous unrest is a quality of working classes not some particular ideology.


>Demanding to join the EU is not the same as protests over inflation
I never said by the time in infinitechan the hype was pro-eurpean, in fact, it was praised the oust of a guy that wasn't communist, was too open to close in to Europe and somehow the popular working class would lead the fight with overconfidence on what the now defunct communist party there could achieve.


>Communist party in Kazakhstan is literally banned
Seems it was reestablished under a different name (?) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Party_of_Kazakhstan



It's a split from 2004, they're not communists at this point, look at the ideology section.


>There is proletarian leadership - seen in its demands - but no revolutionary party ready to take over
There's no evidence that the demands are representative of the whole of the protest movement or even a plurality. It's safer to assume that different groups are protesting united by some shared interests, but these groups probably have many disagreements too. Have any other lists of demands been publicized yet?

Yea, that explains why there is no overt communist leadership. But what about non-communist workers' organizations like unions, have we heard anything from them?

The twitter post is self explanatory, presumably some communist in Belarus conversed with a communist in Kazakhstan. But like you said, we don't know the details of these two people.


Then you don't know what a communist or socialist revolution is. They need a leadership. Not one single successful communist revolution has ever existed without leadership during the praxis epochs.
Believing the contrary is fairy tale.


Where did I say this was a communist or socialist revolution? We're talking about whether the present unrest is a response from the regular working people of Kazakhstan or some kind of op. Whether it's a real communist revolution isn't what I was talking about. I was addressing this post >>491598 which implied there has to be some kind of leadership behind it. If there isn't (which looks plausible right now) then the communists in Kazakhstan need to fix that.


And leadership defines itself trough struggle, believing otherwise is counter revolutionary


It helps to have organized cadre ready when the moment is right. Compare 1905 to 1917.


without 1905 there wouldn't have been a 1917


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The Virginia district of CPUSA published an article going over the situation in Kazakhstan, for those interested.


tl;dr, this uprising reeks of a Western-backed color revolution in the vein of Ukraine, HK, etc.

>It is well known that Kazakhstan is a very important player in several key geopolitical formations. It is a member of the CIS and CSTO; it is also a key supporter of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. In clearest terms, it is a key strategic ally to both China and Russia. So, naturally, a destabilized Kazakhstan would be a big win for imperialist forces, such as those dumping over $777 billion into “defense,” with the stated priority of stopping the rise of Socialist China. Geographically speaking, with the failures of imperialist expeditions in Afghanistan and attempts to manufacture a narrative of genocide in Xinjiang, Kazakhstan is the natural next target. To compromise Kazakhstan would mean to paralyze the entirety of central Asia, and create a “soft underbelly” in the midst of the emerging alliance of China, Russia, and Iran.

>Reports surrounding the situation in Kazakhstan now contain indicators that will come as no surprise to those who have been following the development of “color revolutions,” which came to prominence as an imperialist tactic with Ukraine’s Maidan revolution of 2014, which saw the country split almost completely down the middle between western-backed liberal and neo-Nazi forces, and those supporting the Russian Federation and a return of Communism.

>The U.S. State Department is, at the very least, well aware of the situation and which forces are active on the ground, as indicated by its warning from the embassy of demonstrations being put on in December by another outlawed political faction: Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan (QDT). No such announcements were made regarding the actions being undertaken by other forces on the ground.

>As is standard practice at this point in attempted color revolutions, the QDT are suspected of receiving direct and indirect support from the United States, as indicated by the above, as well as through more difficult-to-trace back channels such as the National Endowment for Democracy, a well known conduit for US foreign imperialism, which has been pumping money into Kazakhstan. It is worth noting here that, as far as Kazakh politics goes, the QDT stands as the most likely favorite for US imperialist interests. Founded and led by overt capitalists, such as current leader, billionaire, and alleged embezzler Mukhtar Ablyazov, their political platform reads like a CIA wish list: neoliberalism, populist nationalism, and anti-China militancy.

>Confirmation or refutation regarding the involvement of the QDT or any other organized group in the current crisis is yet to appear, but we see here clear parallels to the actions surrounding the failed color revolutions in Belarus, Hong Kong, and elsewhere over the past several years.

Note also, it seems the NED has been quite busy in Kazakhstan over the past few years:



The "cadre" defined itself partly in 1905, Trotsky was president of the petrograd soviet then, it's only because of his position at this moment that he became a very important member of the vanguard in 1917


Then at best the current protests will be the 1905 for Kazakhstan.


So CPUSA is against the protests while KKE supports them. Seems like it's too early to make a call on the exact nature of these protests.


sounds like schizo shit tbh. "we want food" "wow you sound like the US state department, sorry I have to leave, gotta to prepare my support for the dems this midterms"


Hahaha, that's CPUSA for you


>Ask for better wages.
>Ask for better pensions.
>Ask for lower prices.
<Akshually they share the objectives with neoliberal force (when has a neoliberal lied?) so they are just neoliberal nazis making the azov division 2 ok? Support the Russian neoliberal instead, thanks for reading.
The world should range-ban all US IPs.


Ok, seems indeed a color revolution.
Oh, anon, sorry to hear your concerns about Bana Alabed, I am so sorry you are too concerned about that.


>Kazakhstan literally being buddies with Israel.
>President was a UN secretary.


The first pic demands was debunked earlier in thread
>neolib is when you lower food prices
True. This will fizzle without
I get what you mean, but there is no pro-EU hype here except some protester saying he wanted to live like people in Sweden/Norway
>There's no evidence that the demands are representative of the whole of the protest movement
True, coming days will show who will win and if protests will continue


That's not enough, they want Ukraine 2.0


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shouldn't we just wait and see before making assumptions or see if some guy from kazhstan pops up


How do you know
Are you in kazakhstan? Are you just assuming?
If in Kazakhstan, tell us more pls.


Ok whichever anon is in closest proximity to Kazakhstan please stand up.


Wow based Russian security forces! Peoples revolutionary killings.



B-But critical support and anti-imperialism.


Source tho?
Why should I trust them?


I heard that the CPUSA is also incredibly retarded tho


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It's a heckin Jan 6!

>Protesters inside of the Mayor’s office (Akimat). #Kazakhstan is fed up with #Nazarbayev's regime and deterimed to get rid of it. Protesters around the country take over local City Halls (akimats).


Don't worry friend I got the Russian version approved by Lord Putin!

The police officers had to struggle to defend the communist revolutionary president of kazahstan against invading terrorist forces!



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Excellent foresight from the folks who gave us Browderism


>Nazarbayev's regime
Didn't he step down years ago?


Not a putin supporter buddy.
It's just that you showed up an AFP twitter post with just the AFP logo and, I mean, if it was a colour revolution, this is definitemy something they would do, just proclaim something, not prove it, and that's it.



Yeah no, the legal “communist” party is fake opposition careerists that split from the CPK. They don’t do shit for the workers and just participate in the rubber-stamp process of the elites.
The revolt we see now is very similar to the October revolution where the working class spontaneously protested after decades of clandestine organizing and falling material conditions of their society, leading to all groups from Communist to liberals to participate. There’s very little reason not to back the angry workers and the more organized SMK and CPK in this revolt


Surely all those "anti imperialist" who are always going off about dead protestors on twitter and regime change who happen to constantly defend Russia are going to tear into the Kazakhstan leadership for killing all these protestors. Right? Right?…. Oh wait you mean they'll stay quiet?

Wait you are saying they are even going to say noone actually died and this is CIA propaganda? Wow


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Everyone in this thread



WAOOOW based russian peace keepers mowing down protestors! Now there is some real anti imperialism! Video Brought to you by TASS too! (Russia state media)


Based Russia sending its military to defend Kazakh oligarchy and to shoot common people protesting 30 year dictatorship.


>right under a video of "protesters" robbing a bank and stealing RPGs from the military


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Ah, so that's where Russia fits into all this, I see.


Yeah, just that this other list did described them differently, which confused me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Kazakhstan#Parties_represented_in_the_Mazhilis
but yes, reading the description its clear they're spineless cucks
Yeah I was mixing up PPK and CPK earlier ITT.
>Yeah no, the legal “communist” party is fake opposition careerists that split from the CPK. They don’t do shit for the workers and just participate in the rubber-stamp process of the elites.
I see.
>SMK and CPK
More focus should be on these in this thread instead of this endless peculation about meta or foreign forces


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>NOW - Citizens in #Kazakhstan detain military personnel as violent anti-government protests continue to roil the country.


Yep, civil war time.
Post thread theme


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Wait… HOW???


>right under a video of "protesters" robbing a bank
Good and Stalin pilled
>and stealing RPGs from the military
Good and Mao pilled
The fuck are you trying to say


>inb4 protesters become ISIS
Can you assure me that there's no islamist shit going on in kazakhstan?
I mean, Afghanistan is literally soith the border and it has a los of muslims.



RT will be calling them terrorist very soon and explaining why they deserved it. Then all the RT adjacent journalist will search for any documentation they can spam out to call the protestors radical or CIA funded so they can rationalize them all dying.

It was simply defending the people's Republic of Kazakhstan and their communist leader or for right wingers there uh anti vaccine or anti globohomo leader they can picture in their head


It's disengenous to call them protesters. Call them Insurrectionists, rebels, or something.

What this anon said too. Just because the people are trying to overthrow a corrupt government doesn't mean they're necessarily better or even going to do much besides throw the country into turmoil only the have the original regime come out on top.


Conscripts probably refuse to shoot citizens and surrender to them.


Dows anyone know where this happened?
Is it on the russian side of kazakhstan or on the kazakh side?


>The embed


I would be more worried about Uzbek islamists filling a power vacuum than the average protester establishing a theocratic state.


More research on SMK and CPK needed ITT NAO


At least ISIS is anti-imperialist, these guys are such blatant western puppets it's not even funny


>ISIS, the bastard child of US and Saudi Arabia, feudal rape caliphate of the Levant and aspiring empire of MENA


I can nearly guarantee 48 hours ago you did not even know who the president of khazakstan was.


Chingis Khan?


It does not matter the names, what matters is that the productive dialectical forces are in motion. Socialism is being made with the blood of the rabble and warriors of the east. Will you fight? Or will you die on the streets like a dog? The clock is ticking as always, illusions, illusions…


The president of khazakstan was a director general of the UN from 2011 to 2013. He's not making shit regarding socialism.



People who see every protest in terms of "colour revolution" are braindead, RT-addled clowns.


we've always had dipshit 14 year old-tier campists but when did they start pushing majority status here?

oh, never mind


around 2017/18


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chungus khan?


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>You're all dipshit campists
>Unlike me, a third campist


I know a bit about the ISA and CWI given that I live in Seattle and know some trots. So basically what happened is that there was some nasty accusations of power tripping, favoritism of some national branches over others, and poor handling of rape allegations that imploded the organization so bad it went through multiple rounds of splits that killed the organization as an international body. If these trots are anything like the ones in Seattle they probably have tried to make allies in trade unions and run a bunch of front organizations where they do activism work exposing and trying to fix whatever injustice is going on.
The CPK, going by their Wikipedia page, seem to have been split up and made illegal to prevent them from gaining power, with the only head of the party with a page being in jail several times. Since then they’ve joined some popular fronts of the wider opposition to reform Kazakh democracy and weaken the current ruling oligarchy. I think both organizations are legit and do want to help out, and it seems that those parties with better access to what goes on in the ex-USSR, like KKE, are voicing solidarity to the main workers movements in the country.


>you are a campist!
>no you are a campist!
>these people are working class!
>nooo they are bandits!
Most of you probably knew very little about Kazakhstan up until today. Why don't you investigate the situation a bit more carefully and wait a little bit so we know what we are dealing with here before giving it grandiose statements of solidarity or denunciation.



Fully set in since 2019. Hasn't been the same since.


the grayzone guys defending the Myanmar junta for no apparent reason was about where I cracked lmfao


Will the anti-imperialist people's revolutionary troops of Russia kill under 100 today or more?


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>The type that give all agency to the US state, but none to the proletariat
Yeah, I'm sure you'd like to give the Agency to the proletariat.


US got pushed out of Afghanistan, so they try to stir bullshit in other stans in order to give China troubles.


You know as a dedicated anti-imperialist usually I'd say ACAB and fuck the cops but these brave policeman today who put down vicious terroristic Nazi protestors who are CIA backed and Ngo and more stuff.

These police officers are comrades fallen defending the legacy of socialist nation of kazahstan and our dear leader president Kassym-Jomart Tokayev who is working to establish communism as we speak. I will keep them in my prayers



What's so improbable about USA trying to stir trouble in Kazakhstan? Russia's alliance determined that there's a foreign interference there. Why do you trust Western glowies over Russian glowies? There's a bias here on your part.


>Why do you trust Western glowies over Russian glowies?
why would you have preference?


Outside of any financial incentive they get from RT shows, I think it makes sense given how fast the unreliable US narrative became. The US Glow-Industrial Complex spent decades building her up, recent years criticizing her as a genocidal maniac, and then started simping for her once she got overthrown. That’s not consistent.
Outside of a few bad mishaps the work by the Grayzone team is good at exposing the bullshit, it’s just that with all sources they have biases and are affected by a lack of equal reception to any and all possible information they can get, which is any source. It is insane to throw them out over some bad takes. Just investigate things a little and know their (financial) biases and you should be good.



>Russian airborne troops pn thw way to the airport that will bring them to Kazakhstan



3600 is the pronected number of CSTO troops to be sent (for now) to Kazakhstan.


>borderline word salad


Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, and Armenia are also deploying peacekeeping forces
Azerbaijan will probably pitch in as well


The idea is basically that you should ignore that Glowzone constantly goes out to bat for the Russian petro oligarchy and seems practically dominated by Russian and Chinese glowies because they criticize America a lot


US-led Western NGOs have been operating in Kazakhstan for many years. The riots are obviously a color revolution that has been brewing for a long time. This is exactly why President Tokayev urges people to remain reasonable and not to listen to provocations aimed at undermining stability and social unity. The intention of the West is to disrupt Kazakhstan to send large numbers of refugees and terrorists to Central Asia in order to achieve the goal of containing China and Russia.

Same shit as Yugoslavia with Milosevic, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Cuba and many other protests.


Why do you operate under the impression that the US-NATO empire only attacks socialists?

Further, why even give a shit about what's happening in Myanmar? Beyond the imperialism angle, all you have is a military junta struggling with neoliberals. Not really the sort of conflict you'd have much stake in unless you were looking at the larger geopolitics.



Maybe. But we don't know yet.


<You must blindly support this actual porky state created by the protege of one of the executors of the USSR
<You gotta suck off fucking Yeltsin’s apprentice/successor who did election fraud just last year to crush the Russian communist party
Kill yourself


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>The Grayzone is a RUSSIAN FAKE NEWS outlet despite the fact that they've literally never said anything nice about Russia, they're just overly critical of the United States and suspect its involvement everywhere without talking about muh Russia and muh China
<wh-why are you calling me a glow?
<k-kill yourself!


>Never said anything nice about Russia
So I take it you’ve never listened to Glowzone and only read about them here?


I've read their articles and listened to them at times as well. They've literally never said anything nice about Russia. They basically don't talk about Russia.


Looks extremely trustworthy


Holodomor monument is approved and built by current government my guy,


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Communist party of Burma reformed after 30 years of exile and launched people's war against the junta in Myanmar tbh, so albeit they are still very weak there is a socialist presence in that conflict.


Are the protesters /ourguys/ or not? I'm not reading three threads to get an answer.


They are beheading cops so probs ANTIFA/BLM.



China's take on the protests: they seem kind of disappointed in a sense that CSTO was called upon to inrervene,but maybe I'm just overinterpreting.


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KPRF Statement:

"Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov on mass protests in Kazakhstan"


Translation/ Summation (not mine: https://twitter.com/NarchoArmChair/status/1478868119808614400):
"The unrest in Kazakhstan, in fact, was provoked by the government itself, which inflated the price of gas by a factor of two. This has hurt many segments of the population, since more than 60% of the consumption of liquefied gas accounts for motor vehicles. At the same time, it is obvious that citizens' discontent is of a broader nature: the prices for everything are going up, while the salaries are low. In general, the oligarchic capital, which has established itself in the post-Soviet space, does not take into account the interests of working people. All of this has led to mass protests. Looking at what is happening in Kazakhstan, there is something for Putin and Mishustin to think about. Prices are skyrocketing in Russia too [..] It is the oligarch's free reign that leads to such consequences. The powers that be are actively exploiting this by declaring a hybrid war on Russia. This time they are trying to take over Kazakhstan, rich in natural resources and having the longest border in the world with our country - more than 7,500 kilometers. It is important to understand that there will be no peace in our expanses without close socio-economic and political-diplomatic ties with the CIS countries. We are encircled by NATO from all sides. The collective West will do everything to destabilize the situation."


WTF KPRF having the perfect take for once?
If only they weren't so ficking cucked…




perfect, almost lenin-like in their analysis


They aren't anymore that is why they're being thrown in prison


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- We must set aside the quarrels of our countries, and unite under the banner of Stability.
- Ah, So this is an Intervation!
- No, no, no, we won't call it like that! Damn, what do the american cows say?
- "Peacekeeping"?
- Right! So shall we 'keep the peace?


If the Kazakh protests weren't anti-Russian to begin with, they sure as fuck are now.


gr8 2 see r russian comrades tking the f8 to the nme


>It seems noteworthy that Kazakhstan represents ~22% of Bitcoins hashrate (~45 TWh/year of electricity), at the same time as people are out in streets rioting over the price of heating their homes.


They're not exactly /ourguys/ (as in, they're not organized so they can't do shit) but the case for protest is legit.
They will get massacred brutally and the putinoid simps would justify it by calling them CIA provocators.


then they are /ourguys/
"if you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine"


Where is there any proof any of the protestors are Maoist?

Also getting a bit sick of this “China does business there, Russia does business there, therefore me westerner says nobody in those countries are allowed to protest” even though Tony fucking Blair was doing spin for them a few years ago and they are a key ally of Israel, economically and strategically. Like yeh, maybe it is a colour revolution and there are some indicators perhaps, but these people have taken what amounts to flimsy “proof” that it’s a CIA something or other and ran with it. The US embassy posting times of the protests makes sense in other contexts, if there is going to be big destabilising possibly violent protests people need to know about it, normal work places do this in my city or if there is a big football game on or something and you’re in the vicinity.

Again, I’m not saying either way, I don’t think there is enough information, I think there are interesting lines of inquiry on both sides, but to immediately be like aha! You see! It was my Twitter enemies from my weird online sectarian hate boner all along! Is so fucking lame


Isn’t this supporting Russian intervention though? Cool story bro about parallels between Russian and Kazakh oligarchy, but the statement seems to just be resolving that focus should be on opposing NATO (I.e pls no revolution, the west might hijack it ;__; ) which is true but also the common go-to excuse for Russian opposition parties in general to advocate doing nothing in response to corruption.


Statement from /ourtrots/


>В Казахстане сейчас настоящее народное восстание и с самого начала протесты носили социальный и классовый характер,
<In Kazakhstan right now is daily popular uprising which has from the very beginning of the protest carried a social and class character.
All you need to know.



Ok but can Baikonur keep operating


Damn, the ISS gonna starve.


>i have 0 reliable non biased info
>i have 0 knowledge of the country
>lets trust the state media of the country that just sent in its military
are you fuckers this stupid ? did you not notice all the "support" to russia we gave in the past was in the context of nato aggression&propaganda and the benefit of a multipolar world ?
holy shit im starting to think we should ban all the morons than cant observe anything happening without their schizo brain shouting stupid and meaningless buzzwords rather than actually trying to understand a situation, and the paranoid fucks for whom the cia is all powerful and behind every protest in non western country
get a grip you fucks


>i trust russia glowie !
youre retarded beyond salvation. The soviet union doesnt exist anymore moron


More of this then, but i think Zyuganov is still too deferential to Putin IMHO.


>go from protests to weapon depots being seized and soldiers being beheaded in less than 24 hours
>organic in any way whatsoever
The reasons for the protests are legitimate, but the protests themselves are glowing brighter than the sun


This goes hard WTF


terminal burgerbrain. kys

nobody knows. Prolly not communist, just regular ppl fed up with their gov, with some weak lib demands. They for now have my sympathy at least, as it feel p much like a more radical gilet jaune movement.


"if you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine"
this tbh


Have you considered that their state was just weak as fuck and not every country has a state structure as powerful as the West? I wouldn’t be surprised if Kazakhstan’s military and police forces are weaker than Egypt’s.


retard, apparently reading a nuanced take with no support for anyone (which doesnt amount to anything regardless) is too hard to comprehend for you


Russia is actually intervening in Kazakstan though, if your point is that opposing NATO is the most important thing, more important than opposing oligarchs, then you’re in support of intervention. It’s not nuance as much as it’s advocating for something without saying it explicitly.


Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world
all other countries are run by little girls


Yea so basically what >>491742 is saying is that your directly supporting Russian imperialism on the basis of some cringy neo-con geopolitical realism, just from the perspective of a US adversary rather than the US
You’re supporting Russian intervention against a mass movement of the proletariat, an inherently reactionary action, because Russia, despite being an explicitly capitalist imperialist state, is opposed to the one you live in

In other, other words, you’re doing the equivalent of that meme where Lenin says critical support for Germany in its war against world spanning British imperialism


>if your point is that opposing NATO is the most important thing
learn to read retard

>more important than opposing oligarchs

learn to read retard

>then you’re in support of intervention

learn to read retard

apparently, you are indeed too stupid to comprehend a nuanced take with no support for anyone.


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13 police officers killed in Almaty
>The number of police officers who died in clashes with protesters in Almaty, Kazakhstan has reached 13 people. This was reported on Thursday by the Tengrinews agency with reference to the commandant's office of Almaty.
>According to the TV channel Khabar-24, as of 13.00 (10.00 Moscow time), the body of one of the victims was DECAPITATED.

holy moly, this is some wild shit, man


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How is instantly writing schizo posts about glowies the second a mass movement happens in a non-Western country nuanced exactly?


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A VK group of Kazakh communists. Follow them for more news


Holy Shit This is reaching Ukraine 2014 levels


>it’s nuance!
You seem to think that word means something that it doesn’t. It’s not a get-out-of-critique-free card where because you claim the implicit advocation of the intervention of one oligarch state by another to protect oligarchy in general is a “nuanced” take, that means that’s not what is happening.

But it is, Russia is intervening because A. It’s supporting a fellow oligarchy and B. there’s a slight possibility NATO could hijack the situation to install a pro-west government on Russia’s largest border. Making a bigger deal out of B doesn’t make effectively supporting A any less anti-communist.


>Russia calls them foreign funded
>EU says muh both sides so does America
It's either an independent movement or it is Dengs 4d chess


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I used google Translate to translate an informative post:

What is happening in Kazakhstan? Why did this happen and what is the position of The Red Yurt?
We receive dozens of messages with questions: "What is going on there?" With this post, we want to express our position on what is happening.

0) The people of Kazakhstan groan under the yoke of the bourgeoisie. Every wave of devaluation, another jump in prices hit the working people. Go through the chronicles of labor over the past few months and you will see that the capitalists, taking away from the working people the gains of Soviet power, drove people into poverty, despair and anger. Constant cuts in social benefits, fines, falling wages and glaring inequality could not go unanswered indefinitely. Although the temporary lull gave the impression of boundless patience among the people, we understood that at any moment a storm could break out, and now - this happened.
1) The unrest that swept through large cities and small towns was preceded by a series of strikes.
Here and there, workers rebelled against bestial working conditions and meager wages. It is obvious that the socio-economic situation of the masses of the people pushes people to fight for their rights. It is also known that any economic struggle always develops into a political one. No one, however, expected that the events would take on such a massive and rapid character. Another, local, as it seemed at first, surge of discontent in a small city in the west of the country, caused by an increase in prices for liquefied gas, in a matter of days grew into protests that swept almost the entire country. Despite the fact that Zhanaozen residents remember the bloody massacre of ten years ago, they again dared to go to the squares. This time they first expressed solidarity and support for small towns, and then large cities in the west. Soon Zhanaozen attracts the attention of the whole country. The government is backing down, but then political slogans are added to the economic slogans and it is no longer about gas, but about changing the ruling regime.
2) Suddenly, Zhanaozen was joined by a regional center close to it - Aktau.
Later, people began to gather in other cities of Western Kazakhstan. Soon, in many major cities of the country, in both capitals (Almaty and Astana), people began to take to the streets in support of protests in the Western regions. Most of the demonstrations were peaceful, but on the last night in Almaty they escalated into mass riots.
3) The authorities have taken the dual position of "carrot and
stick". On the afternoon of January 4, it is announced that gas prices are returning to the old ones, the government is resigning, and with the other hand communication is turned off, entry into cities is blocked, special equipment is introduced, and threats of criminal prosecution are heard. Now the situation seems to be leveling off for the authorities. Protesters have already been dispersed in many cities, and, most importantly, in both capitals it is already relatively calm.


1) Competitors.

When the first protests began in Zhanaozen, the liberals sang an old song, saying that it was not the workers themselves who were protesting, but they were being attacked by competing corporations and firms.
No one has evidence for these allegations. The New Year's price increase was indeed sharp and unfounded. It is becoming obvious to people that with gas prices, the prices of all vital goods will soar. The notorious middle class becomes poor, and the poor become beggars.

It is not the first year that the odious fugitive oligarch Mukhtar Ablyazov has been broadcasting from Western Europe - a kind of cross between Navalny and Khodorkovsky.
Despite the fact that in Kazakhstan it is outlawed, thanks to financial levers, Ablyazov has his own manual organization in the country. Nationalist movements are still strong in Kazakhstan. Both of these forces immediately began to try to ride the wave of popular protests and impose their slogans. So far, Ablyazov has achieved only a lot of information noise, and Mamay - one of the main nationalists - was detained by the police.
As long as the spontaneity and disorganization of the protesters indicate that these unrest was not originally organized by anyone, it is indeed a disorderly popular
uprising. But then there was an aggressive vector aimed at riots and vandalism, introduced, apparently, by these opposition forces.
3) Provocateurs.

As soon as the protests began to take place in Almaty, the intensity of cruelty immediately intensified.
There were all sorts of provocateurs and instigators of the crowd. It is possible that these people are government workers who will give room for more decisive action on the part of the military and police.
4) Hand of Moscow / West / Beijing / Washington / Erdogan.

Of course, in any protests, someone from the outside is found to
blame. Even when workers in Zhanaozen went on strike, there was a lot of conjecture, attempts to link unrelated events and blame anyone but the chosen economic model. There is no evidence that the current strikes or protests will dramatically benefit any country. It can be taken into account that Kazakhstan is the most open country for investment; Here, Chinese, Russian, American, and British companies host as at home. Nothing needs to be captured. Through pleasing power, everything can already be bought.
5) Determination on the part of the Kazakh authorities.

We must understand that Nazarbayev is not Yanukovych, it is rather Pinochet.
If it is necessary to shoot the crowd, Nazarbayev will shoot it, without looking back at the "Western partners". He is a tough Eastern tyrant and a cunning politician of Lukashenka's level.


1) Of course, we support the workers of Kazakhstan in their fair demands.
It is time for the oligarchs and the state power that represents their interests to finally listen to the needs of the people!
2) But we cannot yet go to the protest itself as an
organization. We clearly understand that we do not have the broad support of the popular masses, who are not yet aware of the class nature of the contradictions that led to the conflict. Decades of anti-communist propaganda contributed to this. If we take to the streets now, we are likely to become a toy in the hands of nationalists and pro-Western oppositionists. People who seriously claim that we can take to the streets and "catch the hanger" are dreamers.
3) Even if an unlikely scenario occurs and the current Kazakh government is overthrown, nothing will fundamentally change for us - for the Communists.
It's just that there will be other people at the feeder.
4) We are against coups d'état without changing the
formation! We advocate radical transformations of social and political life that will improve the lives of the working majority, provide guarantees of social protection, access to quality education and health care. The problem is not the individuals in power, but the world's dominant socio-economic system. And it can be changed only if the whole nation realizes it, and only in alliance with the working people of other countries. That's what we have to work on.


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I just gotta say, Kazakh flags and the like are fucking dope




>a tough Eastern tyrant and a cunning politician of Lukashenka's level.


Steppe people are pretty cool.


TL;DR for the denizens of lefty/pol/

>No this shit didn’t come out of nowhere and has been developing for a long time, you just didn’t know because you weren’t paying attention to the things happening in Kazakhstan


lmao pathetic

we do not have support of the masses so we will continue to sit on our ass instead of going to the masses and start working with them


leftypol 2011
>we should support the libyan rebels guyz. they are fighting a tyrant and he's not a leftist and the rebel win will be a victory for socialisms
leftypol 2014
>we should support the syrian rebels guyz. they are fighting a tyrant and he's not a leftist and the rebel win will be a victory for socialisms
leftypol 2021
>we should support the khazak rebels guyz….

there's always a few of you guys


Fagflags supporting glowed revolts against pro-China governments - name a more iconic duo


so we should … support the oligarchy instead?


>revolts against pro-China governments
Kazakhstan is literally buddies with Israel and the guy leading the country came from the Yeltsin era.


Because all rebels are bad and all have the same goal, moron.


>Tankies and opposing any mass movement that occurs in a non-NATO state
Name a more iconic duo


Everyone is buddies with Israel and everyone came from Yeltsin era. They all are anticommunists. The thing is, China's influence makes them lose a lot of teeth. Hell, do you know why present day Russia doesn't remove Lenin's Mausoleum from the Red Square? Because of TOURISM. That's the official explanation, lol. Guess which country those tourists are coming form.


>glowie movement is a mass movement

Screencap this yourself and keep it at an arm's reach. I want you to post this screencap when "mass movement" becomes coopted by the Western glowies as usual and starts eating people alive. I wonder if you have any intellectual honesty left.


And why is it a “glowie movement” again?
Because it happened in a country you were never paying attention to that isn’t in NATO?
Tankies have devolved to the point of supporting various factions of capitalists, fucking putinoid-dengoid worm?


Our support or the lack of support is irrelevant at this point
Why sperg out about it?


>muh oLiGaRcHy
good thing there's no oligarky's in libya or ukraine anymore since tHe PeOpLeS defeated ThE tYrAnTs.
oh wait, that didn't happen, they just replaced one local oligarky with another, while strengthening the much larger and much worse international oligarky.


that why you need to support the masses, not the fucking oligarchs pro-neocons and not the CIA smashies


You are supporting American glowies by supporting overthrowing anti-NATO governments. Stop being stupid. And screencap your posts, okay?


Bet your ass Grey Wolves/pan-turkroaches are behind these


>Russia 1917
>Still at war with Germany
>Many factions vying for control after collapse of tsarist regime
>leftypol: it’s leaderless and we don’t want Germany installing a puppet state in Russia, so support the western intervention, come on, seriously you guise


How the fuck is anti-NATO when you just aren’t in NATO? And “supporting Western glowies”? You really are the sort of retard to support the German Empire in WWI, fucking moron


Da newest Politsturm shit
>Right now, there are massive protests across Kazakhstan that have erupted in Zhanaozen over the rise in the price of liquefied gas. What can be said about the situation at the moment?

>1. The rise in gas prices has only become a pretext for popular discontent. The main reason for the protests is the bad situation of the working people of Kazakhstan due to the economic crisis of capitalism.

>2. The protests are spontaneous in nature: they began spontaneously, do not have specific goals and unified coordination of actions. The government is trying with all its might to divide the protest, for which the Internet was turned off throughout the country.
>3. A significant part of the protest in Kazakhstan is made up of workers at various enterprises. Accusations are also made against employers: for example, employees of the Kazakhmys foundry and mechanical plant demanded better working conditions and higher wages, miners of ArcelorMittal Temirtau refused to go to work and went on strike, etc.
>4. The bourgeois authorities of Kazakhstan are trying to reduce the intensity of protests and are making concessions. The government resigned; the authorities promise to reduce gas prices to 50 tenge per liter. The massiveness of the protests is still holding back the bourgeoisie in the repressive suppression of protests, but the situation is heating up.
>UPD: Tokayev's bourgeois government is rapidly losing control and asked the CSTO for military assistance and specifically to the imperialist Russian Federation.
>5. Among the protesters, economic demands predominate - improvement of living standards, abolition of high gas prices, lower food prices, higher wages, etc. The workers are not yet fully aware of their class interests: the political slogans put forward by the protesters are still scattered and are predominantly bourgeois-democratic in nature - the resignation of the government, change of "regime" and the president.
>6. The intensity of the protests and their social orientation were a surpriseeven for the bourgeois "opposition". some of the liberals are afraid of the activity of workers and their demands. Some of the frightened liberals even went over to support the ruling regime under the slogan of “keeping the crowd out of power”. Others are trying to impose their agenda on the protesters
>7. The lack of a coherent political program is a consequence of the fact that the working people of Kazakhstan do not have a political organization. Without its own party and its firm leadership, things will not go beyond economic demands and petty-bourgeois political slogans. In the absence of a communist party that consistently guides and guides workers in the struggle for their rights and socialism, the protesters will inevitably fall under the influence of the bourgeoisie and be deceived.
>8. However, such mass demonstrations of workers in Kazakhstan have not been for a long time, therefore, the unification of the working masses, even in a spontaneous struggle for their rights, can only be welcomed.
>Given the repressive policies of the current ruling group led by the Nur-Otan party, the revitalization of the country's political life paves the way for a serious workers' struggle for their rights and socialism.
>9. The growing political activity of the masses inevitably affects the political life of the entire country. If hundreds of thousands of workers, united even by spontaneous demands, were able to shake the bourgeois regime, then with the presence of their own organization, clearly knowing their goals and the path to them, they will be able to win in the struggle against all groupings of the bourgeoisie. An organized political struggle and victory can be achieved only under the leadership of the Communist Party. She's gone now. But it's never too late to work to create it.
>10. The main misfortune of the workers and communists of Kazakhstan is fragmentation, lack of organization, spontaneity. We call on all conscientious readers from Kazakhstan to unite, to educate the local community, especially workers, to help organize trade unions and labor collectives, to send us news and any useful information, and also to join the work of the Politsturm in Kazakhstan.


>because you claim the implicit advocation of the intervention of one oligarch state by another to protect oligarchy in general is a “nuanced” take, that means that’s not what is happening.
you really dont know how to read. Go ahead, quote their support for anyone but the protesters, Im waiting


What about “glowie this, glowie that” in response to the protesters successfully defeating the government instead of being suppressed and slaughtered?


<Gaddafi is literally the same as a former Un director and Israel ally

I too have many doubts about this whole series of events but this comparison is retarded.


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I am a paranoid fuck who thinks the CIA is behind everything but I agree people should stop having opinions particularly sectarian and/ or ones that fit their general narrative and try to look at the facts more.


Leftypol didn’t exist in 2011, didn’t support the FSA in 2014, and the jury is out on the current thing.


Like I said, the support is implicit


Also can one of the people firmly in the colour revolution camp please give me your explanation for why this supposedly based anti imperial administration is in a tactical “counter terrorism” alliance with Israel, an economic alliance with Israel, had spin done for it by Tony Blair when they shot striking workers, and the next year banned the communist party.

It’s also a haven for bit coin goons.

Is your entire argument really that China is investing in BRI there so it’s verboten to oppose the admin?

What is your solid proof it’s colour revolution?


Now we must know… whose side is the Kyrgystani government on?

Lads it is time we upped our Stan game. So we can decide who to Stan. I have been thinking it for a while but been too lazy. We should create a Stan general and try to gather all info


it is not in the statement we're talking about (just 'careful they will prolly try to use this', like any trouble in the region), and I explicitly criticized the retards accusing cia like a pavlovian response


dometimes theres no side to support. sometimes its just regular people being fed up with their governments shit. Just because you live in a country that has some semblence of normality doesnt mean others do. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.


>Implying Tourism only exist if the tourist is foreign
You know there's people who go on tourist places of their own country, right?
Do you think everyone going to the Lenin Mausoleum is a chinese communist?
Or is it maybe a place where a lot of communist gather to see in general? Like, dunno, Russian communists? Or german communists? Or whatever communists?
>Everyone is buddies with Israel and everyone came from Yeltsin era. They all are anticommunists. The thing is, China's influence makes them lose a lot of teeth.
Kazakhstan's communist party is banned and China straight out supports Duterte, who is directly waging war against communists in the Philippines.
>Hurr durr real politik
China isn't communist and it stopped being so before the soviet union collapsed, it's a capitalist country which seeks to help it's capitalist class. Stop supporting shit just because of real politik
>bruh they have them on a short lease.
You know they could not have capitalists and be done with it, right?
>They're helping third world nations.
No, they're buying and making ports, railways and mines in order to have their companies control their resources, extract them and have the chinese companies get more money. You know, imperialism in the leninist sense.
>They need capitalists enterprises to do so.
The Soviet Union didn't and it literally gave away industrial equipment to third world nations if they were on their side (reason why a lot of third world countries became soviet-aligned btw)
>But uh they're fighting NATO imperialism
In order to impose their own imperialism or mantain the imperialism they have going, like Germany in 1916 and Germany in 1939 Of course, not saying they're literally nazis, or like Japan in 1916 and Japan in 1933.

Seriously the simping there is for China in /leftypol/ is so fucking stupid, I swear.
Of course, we know this might be a colour revolution, not denying that, but seriously, just wait to see what the fuck happens.
I swear to god you people are retarded, US level retarded. For what I've gathered, the demands are quite concise, better wages, better pensions, lower prices, stop giving free gibs to enterprises and the goverment to be expelled. There's no shit about cutting ties with Russia, or general Russophobic agenda going on (now it has, but that's literally because Russia has sent their military to quell protesters in a foreign country).
If it's a revolt to put another oligarch in power, the situation of Kazakhstan doesn't change, if there's a war on it, that means that Uranium will become much harder to come by, which means climatic accelerationism. If the current oligarch keeps it's power (which is fucking buddies with israel, you can't say that of Belarus, or Iran, or Cuba, or fucking syria, places where real attempts of colour revolution have happened), then nothing changes.



> Is your entire argument really that China is investing in BRI there so it’s verboten to oppose the admin?
Yes it literally is, and it tells you a lot about dengoids and what they actually support
Spoiler alert: Were China to execute an entire village of striking African workers, dengoids would absolutely support it and Glowzone would write an article explaining that the Africans were NATO operatives


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If the Grayzone claimed that the African workers were funded by the CIA, it's probably because they were or at the very least the they had dubious connections to the CIA. Actual Grayzone articles (not hot takes by Ben Norton on Twitter) don't make totally baseless claims.

Solidarnosc were also "workers".


Tbf stan talk would fit better into a Post-Soviet general, allow our russkoyazychniy to connect.

As for whose side the kyrgyz are on, I would say their own: it is the only liberal democracy in central asia and they know that hteir people would throw them out if they were seen violently repressing protest in a neighbouring country.


>This is the level of Glowzone deng beetles unironically


Turanic juche by 2023 etc


So is the Grayzone Russian or Dengist? Get your story straight.


Only state actors, no one else, no masses, just state actors.

fucking morons.


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communists from post-soviet countries:
>well, the demands of kazakh people are legit, but there is a danger of the protests being hijacked by the liberals
retards here:


what glows more than Solidarnosc/ AFL-CIO is the fact this is literally the only time you people ever mention trade unions despite them being the most important mass organisation in a majority of socialist revolutionary movements that aren't Maoist peasant insurgencies. One of the earlyist things Lenin was doing was Labour organisation.

I've asked directly, where are your connections to to the CIA here, even dubious ones? Haven't them, the most damning thing is who supports them, the new york times and radio free asia and so on. What you have to remember is your average New York Times journalist is a literal burger retard, heres the country ending with "stan" followed be "protests" and immediately starts clapping based on an innate fear of asian people.

Most of these jew york times journalists won't even have looked far enough to know that the country is buddy buddy with Israel, and if they did, might start calling the protests anti semitic or some shit in their next article.


Where's the trot party tho.


TL:DR support the workers demands for better material conditions, reject calls for regime change



They don’t have an ideology, they’re basically just anti-US, your blind support makes you a retard considering that


>Lukashenko with some cryptic messages: What is happening is happening as I told you before in details that it will happen. We are right now in the middle of events(Kazakhstan). We don't know what will be next, we don't understand that, but we need to be prepared for everything


Luka talking like a schizo on /pol/


this website looks like its from 1994 and the sourcing is terrible


So basically revolution can’t happen until there’s no bad actors in the world who *might* be able to hijack that revolution? Or it needs a leader who already has the legendary status of Lenin post-revolution but pre-revolution so we know we can trust them?


Lenin had a legendary status pre revolution and had been engaged in underground labour and other organising for years


>Kazakh police detained 2000 people in Almaty



Was he widely known around the globe before the revolution? Would Kazakhstan’s modern equivalent be? The only leaders we hear about are the CIA’s picks like Juan Guaido.


I mean the question is how big and independent is the labour movement now??


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We live in the era of a gradually receding US imperialism which is being gradually being replaced by an actually fair and equal international economic order led by China, which is an undoubtedly good thing, but this has one downside. The national capitalist classes of each country have almost no enemies. The capacity for the USA intervene has dwindled and while the American Empire is slowly dissolving into thin air, it has no clear communist enemy to strike against. China is mostly keeping itself to slowly dismantling this empire and promoting economic development.

Those in each country that are on the side of the people - the communists - have no one to look towards and face the arduous task rebuilding their movements from scratch after the destruction of the neoliberal dark ages. They are no better off than the European working classes of the mid-19th century, save for the wealth of historical experience at their disposal.

Still, the USA won't go down without a fight. To a certain extent the intensification of class struggle is a good thing for them, if it allows them to destabilise the pro-China national capitalist regimes of each country just enough so that it leaves them intact, but in a weaker position or if their remaining cultural hegemony which is enforced through the control of such systems as the internet and the strength of their intelligence service allows them to coopt the people's discontent and direct it towards the pro-Western liberal opposition.

But this shouldn't lead communists to give up any prospects of worker's power.

Daily reminder that Navalniy, the person whose political revelance (if that exists at all) in Russia is entirely owed to glowmoney, gave support to the strongest opposition party in any given region in the recent Russian elections, which in most cases was the CPRF. The same CPRF that the CIA intervened against in 1996 and the same CPRF that has kept itself to giving critical support to United Russia only until very recently.

Obviously, we should view every single political action undertaken by the USA as having a malicious, sinister intent, but having such intent doesn't necessarily translate into the actual capability to cause harm. It might as well be that the USA will keep pouring money into their controlled opposition through the usual means and it fails because no matter the weakness of the communists, only their demands truly resonate with the people.

Communist should work towards overthrowing their own national capitalist classes while at the same time isolating the CIA-funded glowpposition. Even if only viewed from the standpoint of anti-imperialism, the actual overthrowal of national capitalist regimes by genuine communist forces only weakens the efforts of the USA to destabilise anti-imperialist forces, because there can be nothing more stable than pro-people regimes.


This. Every single word.
Also screencapping for future use.


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Erdogan comes out against the gov.


>glowuyghurs versus kremlbots


Tokayev disbanded the government and is forming a new a new one.


Excellent post.

Reminder: when you see shit popping off in another country that you know little about, and your first thought is anything other than "what are local communists saying about this?" then you are a fool and a chauvinist.


>No, they're buying and making ports, railways and mines in order to have their companies control their resources, extract them and have the chinese companies get more money. You know, imperialism in the leninist sense.
you say that like the basic infrastructure for resource extraction wasnt already set up during colonial times, and it was already happening before china showed up. Also, afaik, contrary to western nation, they leave a lot of the infrastructure in control of the country and are ok with restructuring debts without fucking over your state


this is on the button, but with one major addition. The industrial proletariat is worldwide the biggest class in society, there is no longer the semi-feudal arrangements like the capital of the 20th century and this has come to culmination very very recently. the urban population is now bigger than the rural one and agricultural production has largely subsumed into industrial production.

The settler colonial project that built capitalist world markets is dying at rapid paces in the fires of economic and urban development. There's nowhere to go for them now, it'sall inside.


>he doesn't know
Kazakhstan will be incorporated into the Union State and following a successful resolution of the hohol problem, Putang will resign and Luka will announce the reformation of the USSR


Its sad that their party has a chance of a lifetime but they decide to do nothing. Now this will turn into nationalist against russian "peace keepers".


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>MP of Russian State Duma Sultan Hamzaev on his Instagram calls Russia to annex "historical lands of Russia" Kazakhstan



but like lenin said in october 1917 "we have to wait for broad support and sit on our asses"


>US Embassy in Kazakhstan: We are closely monitoring the situation and condemning acts of violence and destruction of property


A small force of professional revolutionaries took key points in St. Petersburg in Oktober Revolution. Lenin did not wait but tried many times.


Yup, sure definitely seems like a color revolution to me!1!!11!


Oh no bot the property! Think of the wages that are lost when rioters in a different country destroys the property. Think of the business owners! Americans say as they violently oppress their own population.


I thought the irony was palpable but yeah that was my point


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Is this guy like the Russian equivalent of pic related?


>US embassy is informed by the IDF that their tanks only have petrol for another week


>Communist should work towards overthrowing their own national capitalist classes while at the same time isolating the CIA-funded glowpposition.
Literally not possible(Glow harder)


Yes the CIA is all powerful, it is impossible to neutralize us


<Socialist revolution is impossible, best you can get is socdem nationalism

Inspiring take


>yes good prole
>you can only choose between national capital and imperial capital
>never revolt pls


You know the whole issue of Western communists immediately calling mass protests in an "anti-imperialist"/"anti-western" country a color revolution made me think of the rightoid equivalent. They do it too, but from what I can tell it's not as often and they also tend to not always blame the same people.

For example, the closest thing I would say to be a kind of equivalent of this in the US (not protests but during an election) was the kvetching about Russia with the dems after they lost. I also know iirc that Spanish rightoids were saying the referendum protests in Catalunya in 2018(? I think it was that year, can't remember too well) were orchestrated by Russian glowies. Some Colombian rightoids, the president included lmao, were claiming the same shit about Russia during the protests in Colombia.

I also remember how the same thing happened in Chile during the 2019 protests. Rightoids claiming they were organized by the Communist Party of Chile with the help of Venezuelan glowies. Some people also blamed Cubans and even Colombian commie groups.

Ironically I didn't really see much of this during the George Floyd protests. I find it odd because it happened at a point where animosity towards China was at an all time high, maybe some anons itt saw something like blaming Chinese glowies and whatnot on Twitter or some shit but I didn't see anything like that.


>nooooo how dare you call mass protests a glowie operation!

First, USA got rekt in Afghanistan, China literally came in and took over American bases there. Second, Russia entered troops to oust foreign interferences. Put 2 + 2 together, you retard.


>Ironically I didn't really see much of this during the George Floyd protests. I find it odd because it happened at a point where animosity towards China was at an all time high, maybe some anons itt saw something like blaming Chinese glowies and whatnot on Twitter or some shit but I didn't see anything like that.
It's maybe because Americans are so obsessed with their own woke vs. anti-woke culture war retardation which they export everywhere around the world that the easiest explanation (it's something foreign from another country!!!) didn't even come to their mind.


CPRF holds dear to itself every anticommunist myth in existance. They even defended Memorial. CPRF is getting increasingly glowed, and they are the ones pushing anti-China message in Russia right now.(Glow in the dark fedjacketing, bad faith rule)


Macron called the Yellow Vests a Russian op. This plays on the capitalist realism mindset with conspiratorial characteristics where insurgencies can't be popular and have to be organized by secretive groups.


>They even defended Memorial. CPRF is getting increasingly glowed, and they are the ones pushing anti-China message in Russia right now.
Wtf give me more info on this


That makes a lot of sense actually, that culture war shit is almost exclusively an American thing that is now unfortunately becoming more common in the most Americanized countries


basically he concludes its organic gilet jaune moment, even if US is obviously interested and trying to coopt what he can


>I find it odd because it happened at a point where animosity towards China was at an all time high, maybe some anons itt saw something like blaming Chinese glowies and whatnot on Twitter or some shit but I didn't see anything like that.
Well anon, you're in for a treat then


Not sure if it was posted earlier but the Wiki page was updated with some political parties supposedly supporting the protests. No citations though https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Kazakh_protests


>the simplest explanation
>not that workers hate their shitty capitalist government
>must be glowies from America that already own half the country and are condeming the riots publically as they want business as usual


Wow this is atrocious lol


This article suggests this movement is a big opportunity for Russia to do a little empire building and stop Kazakhstan from exiting its sphere of influence. Lol imagine if it was pushed by russian glowies all along


my sides
>>In 2010, Russia rejected a request from Kyrgyzstan for the CSTO to send in peacekeepers when ethnic violence erupted there, saying it was an internal matter.


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Every single person who didnt post in my central asia threads when i made them but is now pretending to be an expert because russiatoday and radio liberty told them the protestors were liberal is a bitch ass uygha


Nothing is cited so obviously this should be taken with a grain of salt but these look like the typical parties/orgs in a post-soviet country that NED would fund


glowies are probably editing wikipedia around the clock to make their orgs appear there even if they have no boots on the ground


>We live in the era of a gradually receding US imperialism which is being gradually being replaced by an actually fair and equal international economic order led by China, which is an undoubtedly good thing
You are a fool if you think China will just decide to not do imperialism worldwide, which they are already doing today.


They also ban independent media outlets. You cannot get information internationally from Wikipedia unless it's from the oligarchy or the glowies themselves.


>(Glow in the dark fedjacketing, bad faith rule)
WTF Jannies? That's allowed in the rules.


A naive fool, yes
The only sane position is that regardless of what China may want, America will likely be the last empire and imperialism is tapped out due to the crises of this century
Or we are in the darkest of all dark timelines and rather than destroying empire once and for all, climate change brings back slave empires and creates a situation for barbarism associated with the Dark Age


Probably an hour ban, don't give it too much thought. It'll help to calm him down.


11, 14a
the bans in this thread range from 10m, 20m, and one hour


not really true, yeah they sometimes ban independent media after lengthy discussions but the reasons are generally valid. The issue is that msm like RT or NYT get a pass even if they lie all the time


This is also an accurate description of Burgerstan these days except the men have really short beards and the women are not dominant.


>not really true, yeah they sometimes ban independent media
They banned the Grayzone despite the fact that their articles contain multiple sources.
They will also ban "state sponsored media" from Non-NATO/Anti-US countries such as CGTN.


I don't think we could say until we've shot all the bullets in the magazine. Communists are sleeping now, we won't know what we can achieve until we've risen up and fought as hard as we can for our future.


So is it true that this whole mess was caused by crypto mining faggots?


If it is. That would be hilarous considering how much the bitfags are malding right now.


> they are already doing today.
Building infrastructure for cheap prices is not imperialism.


RT is classified as the same as Radio Free Europe, it's fine to use these in the right context as per the rules but in practice RT is widely used as a source so you're wrong. Wikipedia had grounds to make the grayzone unreliable imho, the real issue is that editors often act like the rest of MSM is objectivity incarnate. Ideally they should ban most of the medias, use press release and wait for academic papers or do workgroups to interpret primary sources in an encyclopedic way.


Extracting raw resources from underdeveloped countries without manufacturing capabilities and with very low wages is imperialism.


If there is one thing I will praise China for it's banning crypto. Using energy to create speculative "wealth" at the expense of society. Fucking parasites had it coming.


How is a communist movement supposed to avoid aiding one imperialism or another? It's essentially a zero-sum game between the two rival bourg cartels


Kazakhstan unrest: Dozens killed in crackdown
>Security forces in the Central Asian state of Kazakhstan say they have killed dozens of anti-government rioters in the main city, Almaty.
>They moved in after protesters tried to take control of police stations in the city, a police spokeswoman said.
>Twelve members of the security forces have been killed and 353 injured in the unrest, sparked by a doubling in the cost of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
>Russia is sending in troops at the request of the Kazakh president.
>The CSTO confirmed Russian paratroopers were being dispatched as peacekeepers, with advance units already deployed.
holy crap, Lois


The people itt and this site in general that kvetch the most about CIA sponsored color revolutions every time there are protests in a non-Western country probably don't see it that way. Or at least, if protests in the US for example end up aiding the imperialist ambitions of Russia it's seen as not that big of a deal or even a good thing.


Believe it or not Lenin was a German op


Even revolutionary defeatism ends benefiting some porky.


Just back the movement that isn’t confirmed as a glowing movement, in this case it’s confirmed that Russia is intervening in a mass movement occurring in a nation that is very much in its sphere of influence, while the mass movement being a NATO op is merely a schizo rumour.
Western attempts at hijacking protests are rarely subtle, look at Venezuela and Belarus, both attempts involved promoting a literal who as the rightfully elected leader in an election they also claim was rigged and therefore had completely unreliable results to draw ANY conclusions from without a second audited election.

The west is successful in overthrowing new regimes by targeting the usually reactionary military left over from the old regime or politicians who feel slighted by their positions in the new government.


Is it fucking 1917? Don't support either, support the workers. This isn't a temporary alliance with the national bourgeoisie against an imperialist invader like the Chinese communists allying with the KMT to resist Japan. The situation in Kazahkstan is that the workers are fed up and revolting on their own. Both Russia and the western imperialists own Kazahkstan and striking workers are a threat to both. Support the workers and fo not hesitate for fear of glowies glowing. The communist party in Kazahkstan has the task of getting out in the street and resisting occupation, organizing the workers. If they fail that is on them, but they sure as fuck are not glowies if they would try.


protestors btfo


>without manufacturing capabilities
They are literally helping them establish manufacturing centers.


>it's fine to use these in the right context as per the rules but in practice RT is widely used as a source
Not in all contexts. It's not treated the same as Radio Free Europe.
>Wikipedia had grounds to make the grayzone unreliable imho
Their arguments could be used in exactly the same way for MSM or US State-Sponsored media. Except for MSM and US state-sponsored media it's even worse.
>Ideally they should ban most of the medias, use press release and wait for academic papers or do workgroups to interpret primary sources in an encyclopedic way.
I agree with you on this. However, you can tell that wikipedia is pretty much a tool of the west.


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Watermelon salesman stands in solidarity with the people's revolutionary former director general of UN president of kazahstan who is implementing communism and putting down violent evil terrorist with help of revolutionary Russian troops

Guys socialism is being built as we speak. Keep the pressure against the protestors!



I don't even know what bad faith means in this context. I didn't answer or clarify the question I've been asked? Sorry for that, but also whatever.


>Faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Council of the Komi Republic:

>"The trial of Memorial is part of an undeclared, large-scale war of the state against Russian civil society that has been waged for several years. Human rights activists, participants in peaceful protests, journalists, anti-corruption fighters - the current political regime is not ready to put up with anyone who is critical of relation to him ".

Admittedly, it's a Komi Republic's CPRF, but come on.

Regarding anti-China messaging, all the CPRF's talking heads (except Zyuganov) are saying usual Western leftist crap about China, such as dept trap diplomacy, but with Russian specifics, like the alleged Chinese wish to annex Siberia. Also, alleged Chinese wish to annex Central Asia, which is still regarded as Russian turf, lol. In Afghanistan, they hated Taliban more than Americans. In Belarus, they were split, but all the "CPRF lite" people like Kagarlitsky were supporting protests, and before that those same people were supporting Maidan as if it was workers' revolt that got hijacked by nationalists/fascists/glowies/etc. Remember when Navalny asked liberals to vote CPRF? Isn't that a clear sign of getting increasingly glowed?


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Opinion discarded


>use press release and wait for academic papers or do workgroups to interpret primary sources in an encyclopedic way

What makes you think "scientists" and "academics" are not the same kind of paid shills as journos? Wiki always uses academics to push it's point across, and it achieves the same result when they just quote journos directly.


Friendly reminder that chinese glowies are the ones supporting and funding the kazakh protests


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some riot porn for ya


BBC quotes Komi Republic's CPRF's opinion.

From telegram https://t.me/justicepoet/1864


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How and what is your source?


You said so yourself that this was the “Komi Republic’s” CPRF and not the main organization


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another one


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WOWEEE guys the usa is betraying their CIA protestors!!! Could it be that they are not backed by the usa and they are actually upset people? No way no way RT told me this couldn't be!



Terry would be proud


this literally says nothing and I am not even on the side of saying this event is an op lol.


bro even though I wouldn't like being under machine gun fire I miss rioting and I kinda wanna be there, I hope there will be another movement in my country soon


>the side
This isn't a sports team spectacle. It is important for a person to have an accurate perception of what is going on in Kazahkstan but it is a simple falsifiable answer of "if these protests are an op"


What country?


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Motherfucker had moves, still can't believe it's been 4 years without him




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It's not a "colour revolution" lol, Kazakhstan is already firmly ruled by compradors and bourgeois parasites who banned the communist party and plundered the Kazakh SSR.

KPRF statement on the protests.

>"The unrest in Kazakhstan, in fact, was provoked by the government itself, which doubled gas prices. This hurt many segments of the population, since over 60% of the consumption of liquefied gas is accounted for by motor vehicles."

>"At the same time, it is obvious that citizens' dissatisfaction is of a broader nature: prices for everything are growing, while wages are low. On the whole, oligarchic capital that has established itself in the post-Soviet space does not take into account the interests of the working people. All this led to massive protests."

>"Looking at what is happening in Kazakhstan, there is something to think about for Putin and Mishustin. In Russia, prices are also going through the roof, and real food inflation is approaching 20%. It is the oligarchic freemen that leads to such consequences."


>inb4 muh Trotskyism

It's a member of IMCWP, which is a mixed bag of anti-revisionst Stalinist chads and Dengtards.

So Dengtards and vlasovites, pipe down.


Shouldn't have told me uygha


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you said "WOWEEE" you fucking retard. If I am playing "sports" like how you suggested, you are conducting yourself as an adult with an infantile personality.


I use tor bro get fucked


much agreed comrade


Is rioting fun? I can't even go to protests because as a faggot in the Burger defense industry, I would get fired if the government figured out I went to protests.


>you said "WOWEEE" you fucking retard
What are you talking about?


This is lowkey evil in a way. This is the nature of class warfare essentially.


You can do your own covert form of protest, also be careful posting shit like that


Noooo THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!!! law and order law and order!!!!

Get the Russian troops in there to lay the smackdown!!!



Interesting info, thanks for posting


god I miss him


>faggot in the Burger defense industry
Kys. But yeah it's fun as long as you don't get kettled or caught


Wow, first time I've seen something like this. Usually it appears to be more common for them to switch sides but this shit about capturing them is much more war-like.


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major development; i have contacted a mongolbro who confirmed that kazakhstan's ruling government supports sinkiang east turkestan separatism, and that china glowies retaliated by staging these protests as a form of regime change


Google translate from russian:

1. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main administrative buildings in the center of Alma-Ata were taken under control during the battles with the rioters. Nevertheless, it is too early to talk about full control over the city, even after lunch there was organized armed resistance

2. Attacks on the TV tower and the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were repulsed, the attackers were killed. Judging by these and other statements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, today in Alma-Ata the security forces have killed at least several dozen people.

3. Also issued a warning - all who resist and will be caught with a weapon in their hands will be killed. In fact, this is already a complete carte blanche for the destruction of any organized resistance. Read the scenario of Tiananmen and Andijan, where the political leadership also gave the security forces complete freedom to restore order. By their actions on January 4-6, the rioters in Alma-Ata themselves did everything to make their shooting perceived as a purely positive phenomenon.

4. Contrary to the stuffing that Venediktov also spread, the CSTO forces are still deploying in Kazakhstan and are not taking part in any suppression of protests, especially since such a task is not even set for them. The protests are crushed by the security forces of Kazakhstan, who are being pulled to the centers of the rebellion. The forces of the CSTO make it possible to release reliable people to strengthen the cleansing units.

5. In a number of cities, protesters say that they are not with the rioters in Alma-Ata, and in general they have already achieved their basic demands - they drove Nazarbayev out and lowered gas prices. With these protesters, the authorities, I think, may well conduct a reasonable dialogue. The conversation with the characters from Alma-Ata will be short. The authorities also called on ordinary citizens who participated in the protests to go home, promising that there will be no prosecution for simply participating in the rallies. Questions will only be for the pogromists.

6. Kyrgyzstan today could not make a decision on the introduction of troops into Kazakhstan. We were unable to collect a quorum. They promise to accept it tomorrow, with a separate proviso that the Kyrgyz will not take part in suppressing the riots. Japarov said this several times for the deputies and the public. Russia, Belarus. Armenia, Tajikistan - all have already formalized the implementation of measures for the introduction of troops.

7. Erdogan said that he expects the soonest formation of the new government of Kazakhstan and the normalization of the situation in the country. Worried about Turkish business. China also called for an early end to the crisis and the restoration of stability. It is worth noting that all phrases about stability are associated exclusively with Tokayev. Not a word about Nazarbayev, as if he no longer exists.

8. The total number of killed employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops was 18 killed and 742 wounded. Of those killed, 2 or 3 with their heads cut off. The numbers are likely to rise by the evening. It is also reported that 30 protesters were killed at 15-00, but this is most likely an underestimated figure.


Stop making up bullshit please.


Enjoy your dopamine hit, schizoid



>CSTO forces not attacking protestors
> The total number of killed employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops was 18 killed and 742 wounded. Of those killed, 2 or 3 with their heads cut off
This sounds lind of like RT propaganda what is the source?


So this thread is now cyclical? Because someone made Kazakh general 4.0 >>677933



I meant to uncycle. I will unlock it when this one is full. Thanks


>Deep rooter problems causing East Turkestan mess outdates the PRC by two millenias
Except that the Uygurs are non-native and the Han have been there longer than the Uyghurs have


colonel cassad supports the line of the Russian state and are affiliated with them, as seen in Donbass (fuck maidan nazis too don't get me wrong)


You know the "protestors" have been taking guns and going rampant burning down things, right? what do you expect they are going to be treated if there were also decapitated police officers?





>ctrl + f "protest
>4 results
>all retarded takes


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GULEN AND ISLAMIC STATE ORGANZIED THESE PROTEST!! My trustful revolutionary comrade has informed me



So you advocate for killing BLM protestors too?


- Haz


This uygha looks like depressed Timothy Chalamet


BLM took bazookas and rifles and decapitated policemen? Of course is not your country.
Ok, what about CIA ops. Better results now?


What could've been :( Haz could've gone down in history as the mongol communist guy but now he'll be remembered as the 2 holes guy


Tfw blm is comparable to this



Did some of these uyghas really decapitate cops? Kinda barbaric but also lowkey based.


Embedding error.
Tuvan chads stand with the nomadic mongol protesters against the angloid menace


Yes. They are both spontaneous uprisings. This Kazahkstan protests are more militant, but the BLM protests got pretty hot too.


So you draw the line at anti tank weapon use by the people to justify mowing down civilians by capital militias? Good to know comrade


I hope you’re right


he does look like a depressed twink if that's what you are saying lol


No, I know two things: Your protestors aren't waving a flag of socialism and communism. "Aesthetics" matter, because I have seen "just demands" all across the color revolutions, I have seen the a 7 y.o. syrian girl asking for food thanks to muh oppressive Assad.
It is not your western country which is in flames. I am tired of seeing a jerkshow here about something that doesn't have any signal of being favorable but to the U.S.


The kazakh is sub-servil to the U.S. but at the same seems to respect Russia, but at the same time its economy is highly dependant of the U.S. enemies. Pretty much the same as yanukovich in 2014, my concern is that we see, and it seems so far so, another euromaidan.


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My trips say that i am right.
We know for a FACT that the liberals support the kazakhstan government because these protestors are destroying property and hurting private businesses.
CSTO supports the government.
The communist party of kazakhstan supports the protests.
China is remaining silent because china is behind these protests.
The USA and turkey oppose the unrest because it hurts their business and national interests. Turkey supports kazakhstan because kazakhstan's government is turkic and sympathetic to EAST TURKESTAN SINKIANG UYGHUR ISLAMISTS
China is promoting regime change in kazakhstan because kazakhstan is more dominated by russia and the west than they are by chinese interests.


Embedding error.
Also I just remembered today is the one year anniversary of the Capitol riots


>It is not your western country which is in flames. I am tired of seeing a jerkshow here about something that doesn't have any signal of being favorable but to the U.S.
t. burger that willfully avoided reading all the people pointing out that America owns much of the industry there and has condemned the protests publically.
You think people in Kazahkstan rioted and took up arms against the state because they love how things are going? LOL


>but to the U.S.
The US is afraid of those protests you moron they have stakes in resource extractions and investments they don't want to loose


The fact that no countries like Cuba or the DPRK have commented anything on this shit and the people that have only say vague shit about hoping things calm down goes to show how probably everyone doesn't really have a clue of what's going on. They're all figuring this shit out as it happens.


Russian news outlet claims kazakhstan president has fired to Russia. Don't have confirmation elsewhere though. If true you'll definitely be seeing it all over



Has fled to Russia*



>burger that willfully avoided reading all the people pointing out that America owns much of the industry
See the exports/Imports trades of Kazahk.
Their economy is Chinese/Russia oriented.

>You think people in Kazahkstan rioted and took up arms against the state because they love how things are going? LOL

t. ukrainian
t. moderate rebels
t. guarimberos
t. iraqi kurdistan

Even I pointed out where the protestors were gathering, at a fucking holodomor memorial and one of the mods belieev that fedjacketing. In which world we support anti-communists protestors?

>The US is afraid of those protests you moron they have stakes in resource extractions and investments they don't want to loose

No, they are not.


Why can’t burgers do this?




Does this seem like a massive overreaction (if it's true) to anyone? I don't know why this would be considered necessary, considering this shit has been going on for four days only and it doesn't seem to be complete utter chaos yet.


my nomadic ancestors are smiling imperial, can you say the same?


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becauze they are fad XDDDDD






China supports these protests because kazakhstan supports uyghur independence




some guy claiming to be a protestor did a photoshoot at a "holodomor memorial"? That is not the protestors in general. Of course glowies are going to glow. These protests are a spontaneous uprising of pissed of workers striking rioting after deteriorating conditions in Kazahkstan, a capitalist comprador regime owned by foreign powers, yes including Russia and also America.


Fuck you dipshit, that's from 2016.


Me and the boys heading to get our unmarked AKs and burn down the city hall


If only :' )
I've also seen it in an antifada compilation, idk


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That's contradictory to this statement:
Because ISIL is one of the separatists groups of the Xinjang province.





if what you say is true and the protest is spontaneous with no glow starting or backing it up, them the communists in kazakh needs to unite and act to take helm on the protest.


too based to live


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That statement is glowie shit. Isis (which is well known to be funded by turkey, who supports kazakhstan) is not present in the demonstrations. Russia and the usa hate the unrest because they have business interests in the country. Stop listening to radio liberty and russia today. The communist party of kazakhstan, the KKE, the trotskyist party of kazakhstan ALL SUPPORT THE PROTESTS. China are the glowies giving weapons to protestors from unmarked vans.


Exactly, but they are too few rn. What they can do is the proactive amnong them can go out in the street and organize, and help the protestors to stay safe and resist the occupation.


Greek Communist Party also gave their thumbs up





if they all unite, even if they are few they can make noise, also they NEED to do the contrary and stop the rightoids from getting to the top and the movement cooptaded.


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>Taliban urging Kazakh government to solve this peacefully


New thread Once this one hits 600 posts


>socialist metaphysics

Based. Assuming dogmatic retards need to check themselves and refrain from jumping to conclusions. Materialist analysis must be upheld.

Great post.


Here's hoping. At least they can use the unrest as a lesson in class consciousness for the Kazahkstan working class.


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This is some pretty metal shit, protesters using cops/soldiers as human shields


>pause at the end to slide down the hill a bit
lmao how whimsical


No the point is that this vulgar position that if it's muh workers doing it, it must automatically be good and you don't have to take anything else into account.


China is also imperialist, in fact they will be the new imperialist superpower that needs to be beaten back by the international proletariat unless they return to a socialist line of development and reject national chauvinism


And if you seethe at people simply being anti-US, what does that make you?


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18 cosmonauts dead


(you): *supports Nazi Germany and imperialist Japan*


In current conditions, China is incapable of being imperialist. The United States absorbed the European imperialist apparatus that was left in tatters after the second World War creating a single, super-imperialist entity which basically holds a monopoly on imperialism. All the major imperialist institutions are now under one umbrella and international law basically only allows for US-NATO imperialism. Wannabe imperialist institutions cannot grow because they're muscled out by US-NATO and cannot be enforced because they'd come into conflict with US-NATO and would immediately lose, and lose in such a way that would be several times worse than whatever they were trying to gain by enforcing their imperialism.


Check this out comrade, courtesy of based news anon: Statement by the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan on the situation in the country
In a statement about the large-scale mobilizations and protests in the country, the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan calls for international solidarity to the demonstrators and demands the withdrawal of troops from the cities, the resignation of all Nazarbayev officials, the release of all political prisoners and detainees, the legalization of the Communist Party and trade unions, as well as the nationalization of Kazakhstan's entire extractive and large-scale industry.


Communist countries cant be imperialist


Anti imperialist UK stands in solidarity against violent terrorist rioters challenging the Kazakhstan revolutionary government.

We must follow the party line and call for the Russian troops to put down these hooligans and restore LAW AND ORDER!



Imperialism does not require gunboat diplomacy. China can just outbid the west for market share in the comprador regimes, as they are doing now.


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>pre-WWII international politics are exactly the same as post-WWII international politics
There were no competing imperialist powers after WWII, the entirety of the imperialist apparatus was absorbed by the United States. So, before WWII, you could have a nation that opposed the US, but was imperialist itself. Now, that's impossible, opposition to the US is opposition to imperialism because only the US-NATO empire has the capacity for imperialism, it essentially holds a monopoly on empire.


I agree. They are not communist or socialist.


Not true. Example: France in Africa.


Not even the CPC themselves says they are communist, they say they are in the early stages of socialism.




I will say it again:



>comprador regimes
I don't see the Chinese overthrowing governments. Nor do I see their version of the NED.


I haven't see it either but they do utilize and fund comprador regimes like in the Philippines


> they do utilize and fund comprador regimes
The Philippines is funded by China? Really?


France is a part of NATO, the American imperialist bloc.


t. Karl Kautsky



They also sell arms to India. Actually they make deals or outright collaborate with many states that are killing maoists.


Okay sure, fair.


Kautsky lived before WWII. If he said something like that, it was wrong for the time he lived in, but came true after WWII. Things change, you see. It's wrong to read theory like the Bible and assume that imperialism is and will always be like how Lenin described it in 1917.


Just like it's wrong to assume that the conditions which predominates in the immediate postwar conditions apply today.


>give citizenship (and therefore rights) to migrant laborers from Kazakhstan
Yeah, not gonna happen


The only significant thing that changed after the postwar period is the collapse of the USSR, which massively strengthened the position of the US-NATO imperialist bloc. US-NATO is *stronger* and *more hegemonic* than it was in the postwar period.


Lenin had a party, these guys have a book club.
What they're saying in the post is that they don't currently have an organization sufficient to do shit about the protests one way or another.




where is the riot kino


>Why can’t burgers do this?
Something something the poor something something something temporarily embarrassed gorillionaires…
t. Steinbeck maybe


"The US holds a monopoly on imperialism"
>Israel has entered the chat
>Saudi Arabia has entered the chat
>Turkey has entered the chat
>Iran has entered the chat
And that's just MENA. And I'm probably forgetting some country too.


Iran is not on the same level as first three.






Yes, and?


I'm saying it's not good to make that equivalency.


Things are shaky right now so they are playing it safe, at least with their families.
But it shows that this is more than the sunday protest, and more than some gilets jaunes.
what is the current info on the bloc intervention?


>those shields
We're about to see some kino this year.


Meanwhile, which communist party is not supporting it? That's right, CPUSA lmao.


Unlock the fourth thread uyghur jannies


right now the KKE is the only major ML party officialy supporting this i think the other parties are still debating


when I said not supporting I mean supporting the Kazakhstan government, sorry


go go go

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