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 No.493107[Last 50 Posts]

The last one got to 600 posts.

Original post:
Is there a proxy conflict coming?
US will act ‘decisively’ if Russia deploys military to Cuba or Venezuela – White House
Are NATO and Russia on the brink of war over the Ukraine crisis? (Ex-UK ambassador to Russia)
US claims Russia preparing ‘false flag’ in Ukraine
Russia ‘fabricating a pretext for invasion’ of Ukraine – White House
Is Russia really preparing an offensive against Ukraine?
CIA-trained special ops could fight Russians in case of Ukrainian invasion – report
Ukraine hit by huge cyber attack
Russia-NATO relations at critical level, Moscow warns
US to train ‘Ukrainian insurgents’ in EU – media
US seeking ways to profit should Russia-Ukraine conflict break out – reports
Also: requesting that tweet where Lukashenko says that this year they reunite Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, etc.

To check for news: https://liveuamap.com/es
To check for (military) planes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/


>Minister of Defense of Ukraine: The second bird in Kyiv. More than 80 tons of weapons to strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities from our friends in the USA


>Starting January 24 to 29, Latvian inspectors will check Russian military facilities in the Smolensk and Bryansk regions, - head of the Russian National Center for Nuclear Risk Reduction Ryzhkov


It’s literally all larp

They pulled the same shit twice after crimea and the other after the Chechen wars. There will be no war


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There isn't going to be a war. Vlasovites and Banderaites aren't enemies.

"Anti-imperialists" who think Russia is somehow not a bourgeois nationalist capitalist comprador regime are the types of people who'd call the October Revolution a Judeo-German-Subhuman plot. Enemies of our class, so to speak.

In any case, the proletariat of Russia and Ukraine need to turn their guns on the bourgeois parasites who plundered the USSR and restore Soviet power. No war but class war.


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Literally just the western MSM trying to find a way to force america into another war. It’s all larp


Yeah starting to think this might be all pomp and circumstance. The Russians have mobilised a lot troops, their resources and infrastructure can't handle this for a long time. They keep on saying "No but really meet our demands!" then delaying their deadline for a week and making weird shit like "remove Romania and Bulgaria from NATO!". I think they are trying to force the US' hand and the US didn't understand Russia's demands (they kept on offering missiles and shit).


Nothingburger? Nonthingburger


Take it for what they're worth, but some of the American glowies who are going on CIA think-tank podcasts and talking about this are suggesting that the Russians are doing it this way to maintain a kind of tactical or operational surprise, knowing that there's no chance of maintaining *strategic* surprise in the modern era given that other countries like the U.S. can see everything they're doing (with satellites). To put it in plainspeak, the Russians know that everyone knows they're coming, but no one knows when exactly it will come. That also means, if Ukrainians panic and mobilize their forces, the Russians could use that as a casus belli.

So, the Russians build up their forces gradually over a long period of time until they have enough troops near the border to invade, and then it only takes them a few days to actually launch an invasion from their forward positions, along with surging the last stuff that would be the clearest tip-off that they're up to something (logistics, along with aircraft which can be more easily flown to nearby air bases).

But, as you pointed out, the longer the Russians keep their dudes standing around, the more it costs them, which also degrades their fighting capacity the longer they're there. So that's why these glowies think an invasion – if it happens – is going to happen sooner rather than later. They also seem to think that not doing it would be bad for the Russians as well, because doing all of this only to send the troops back home – after they've been presumably gearing up for in invasion – would demoralize their own men; like a giant case of blue balls.


eh, this is mostly equipment in place and not actual soldiers
all the numbers about "muh 150,000" troops are if you include the entire southern military district and what not

Plus, another Blinken-Lavrov meeting took place the US is set to have another one this week with more firm possibilities on a security agreement.
This whole thing is 90% theatre, especially for the US in terms of distracting from a dismal domestic policy and outlook


Terrible analysis, the similarities between imperial Britain and Germany were not enough to stop WWI.


Good thing you told us, I have Russian and Ukrainian proletariat right here, and they were just waiting for your words of wisdom.


>russian killing hohol civilians with heavy weaponry


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Paying attention to possible ww3 scenario doesn't mean you want it to go down. The US might actually be stupid enough to start shit though, which would basically mean bringing down the whole world with them in their empire's collapse. Maybe 3rd worlders would have enough survivors to rebuild, but this shit popping off in a war could literally mean end times.


I disagree here. Capitalist nations have fought each other all the time in the past over resources and territory, and continue to do so today. If we want the wars to stop we should hope for the removal of these capitalist classes that profit from them.


It's not 1914. Russia is a comprador state, built on selling out to NATO capitalists, not a world empire rival.
Many Russian communists see it the same way I do. They regard Putin as a Vlasovite running an occupation government that sells off Russian resources and Soviet era industry to foreign capital.



Or let's them be destroyed / rot.




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Fuck yeah let's go Russia!


Yep, I've read about all the closed down enterprises and massive drops in production. Unsurprising really, and shows Russia is little different to Ukraine, Estonia etc. Only Belarus has really escaped that, and even then…


Xi did not ask Putin ‘not to invade Ukraine’ during Olympics – Chinese officials


>The day when I and Leninhat are actually in agreement
These are dark times
Dark times indeed
Godspeed o7


Realistically I don’t think the US will start WWIII over this
If nothing else they literally cannot win in really any circumstance and Europe won’t fall on their sword for Burgerstan, if America pushes this far enough NATO might finally unravel as Germany decides they need gas for the winter above all else and the French decide they prefer being alive, every other NATO country is a joke and even counting Germany and France and the UK leaves America as the only military that can actually challenge Russia
NATO doesn’t need Ukraine to exist and fighting for Ukraine is an existential threat, ultimately I do not think WWIII will occur here


>when fucking Noam Chomsky sees things more clearly than our resident "Leninists"


Woah, woah, woah there, slick. You can't just introduce even basic bitch geopolitical analysis, like Chumpsky. That's way too much materialist explanation. Don't you see it's time to spew platitudes, like you're getting paid per word?


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>schizo Leninhat of shitty takes and repeated bans agrees with me!
>this must be a point in my favour, rather than against


> like you're getting paid per word?
id wish


Stop whining!


Nothing is going to happen. This is just the state department beating the war drums since Afghanistan is over and they need an excuse to increase the military budget.


If Russia scares NATO into not expanding to Ukraine, then something happooned


Dissent among NATO members means US is a lot more serious about this than usual saber-rattling.


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There should be a war. You all just spoiled urbanites scums who thoughts peace is possible & all. There won't be a peace without war. There are no even AES countries after Soviet collapse back then. War is suitable for our causes.

We're tired with those new normal shit & stuff, pretending nothing happened after porkies genociding us. It'll be better than illusion of peace they sold. In fact there's no peace whatsoever. It's just liberal notion to sell us superstitious stuff.

Besides war means something shall changing. If somehow we can exploit it, then let there be a war.


I hope this is sarcasm
The last thing any wage worker wants is NATO having another excuse to sell off workers to corporate billionaires in charge of the arms industry.


>NATO having another excuse to sell off workers to corporate billionaires in charge of the arms industry.
Now this is opportunity. We need our guns to take care both Russian & NATO.


won't war increase the rate of profit in the short term though through the destruction of capital?


There will be no war.
Verdict is out at this point.
It's (mostly) kayfabe.


You mean destruction of constant capital, well yeah but it would also boost domestic consumption rates which would allow the production of profits and hence markets to increase drastically. I don’t care that much either way, I’m not fighting for capitalists because you and I both know that even in the worse case scenario where a war actually breaks out the same people that sold off the workers are just gonna treat me like shit the moment they come back home


Cope radlib, you'll also get the bullets


The best outcome if shtf:

Ukraine gets thoroughly de-Nazified by Russian troops with the communist party there unbanned and Putin gets overthrown by anti-war protests leading to the communist party taking control in Russia.


The best realistic outcome in case of happooning: Russia denazifies Kekraine, US removes Russia from Swift banking system (use of USD), Europe needs Russian gas despite having to buy it in rubles, Europe begins to turn away from America, the world's turn towards Asia accelerates.


Please explain further


The logic of imperialism necessitates confrontation over land and resources


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The US would risk war before being denied expansion, empires can't stay static, they have to expand or contract, America knows this, Russia knows this, this is an existential issue


Can't wait to see wave after wave after wave of these just roll into Kiev.


>WWI 1914-1918
<Russian Revolution 1917
>WWII 1939-1945
<Chinese Revolution 1949
Idk I'm starting to see a pattern here


They would risk Ukrainians fighting a war, trained and armed by Americans, and who would lose. The US would not risk an actual war fought directly with Russia. They have said they will impose harsh sanctions, which will only aid the movement away from the US and the dollar
Germany wants the Russian gas pipeline no matter what, and Germany going against US could be the beginning of Euro states siding with Russia or China over US, or at least playing both sides, instead of broad American domination.


I don't think the *Leninist* can even be called like that.


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>There should be a war.


woops, seem our pseudo intellectual liberal got cheka'd, eh what a shame, he was saying something that resembled and coherent argument backed by some proof other than claims made up in the cold war.


but just a bit, he still claimed that we tought everything was perfect for denying his falsifications.


Keep the Ukraine thread about Ukraine; we'd rather not have to start banning people who take the b8.


Russia may just invade the eastern parts.


Horribly based



Analysis: Crisis in Ukraine a showdown of two world views
>The crisis in Ukraine is hardly going away — a showdown of two world views that could upend Europe. It carries echoes of the Cold War and resurrects an idea left over from the 1945 Yalta Conference: that the West should respect a Russian sphere of influence in Central and Eastern Europe.

U.S. could send troops to Eastern Europe amid Ukraine standoff with Russia: report
>The New York Times reported that President Joe Biden is considering sending troops, aircraft and warship amid a standoff with Russia over Ukraine.

It's Not Just About Ukraine. Putin Wants to Evict the U.S. From Europe.
>Vladimir Putin's aim is bigger than closing NATO's "open door" to Ukraine and taking more territory — he wants to evict the United States from Europe.
An incredibly based news piece. May his efforts be successful. Communism wins again!

State Department urges U.S. citizens in Ukraine to leave the country amid Russian buildup at border
>The State Department also ordered eligible family members of personnel at its embassy in Kyiv to leave the country due to the deteriorating security conditions.


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the fact checkers have joined the fray


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bongs begin evacuating their embassy staff


Russian military doctrine simply doesnt work by massing troops on borders. If there was an invasion in the works, there'd already be civil strife in Ukraine, dozens of russian psyops, plenty of false flags. There's nothing like what was happening in 2014, when everyone was too buy with the olympics or whatever to realize ukraine was about to get invaded.


Thank God, I almost committed wrongthink!


>NATO: Alliance 'putting forces on standby,' sending additional warships and fighter jets to eastern Europe as Russia continues military build-up around Ukraine: statement


>Putin Wants to Evict the U.S. From Europe
the horror! that land belongs to america! somebody stop this madman before it's too late


Libtard friendly link detailing how Ukraine is full of Nazis
For conservatards use this link it's the same article with a headline more amenable to them criticising mainstream media
The attitude of the publication don't be their cup of tea, but it'll tickle their ego that you sent them a link to an article on a serious serious obscure policy journal




if anyone compared Germany before WW2, when they took Poland, do not you think Russia is not as developed as Germany was and does not have people support?
How do you explain the war, like, what for?


That does make this weird. But aside from the question of whether they are going to invade this time… both Georgia and Crimea had a limited window of opportunity to get in, so they did. Ukraine was in turmoil as Yanukovych had just fallen, and there were still active uprisings happening in Crimea and Donbass. In Ossetia, on the other hand, they had been reinforcing their local troops since April, so that's several months before the beginning of hostilities in August, but in the end they acted with the justification / pretext that Georgia endangered the peacekeeping mission in Ossetia and shelled Ossetian civilians, and they needed to respond immediately.

Meanwhile in the ongoing case, there is no urgency, nothing is pressing Russia into acting right away, even if the long delay is seemingly giving Ukraine time to prepare, it has no means of doing so in a meaningful way. That is, Russia is confident Ukraine is on its own. Otherwise we can now expect Putin to back down now like a coward, which doesn't sound like Putin.


>The US Embassy in Belarus: We warn our citizens of unusual Russian military activities on the borders of Ukraine
<Head of occupation authorities in parts of Donetsk region of Ukraine says that they have increased combat readiness preparedness


Australian foreign affairs just told any citizens to evacuate from Ukraine.


It's gonna happen



Germany had 66 divisions when entering Poland, it is far more than 100k solders.
Just saying..


<india revolution of


You get that song is satirical, right?


>le heckin wholesome fascist doggerino


>WWIII 2022-2024
<Albanian Revolution 2025


Yeah, it's pretty obvious pro-NATO Nazi shit


Nah it is just ironic russian humour. Being overly bellicose making fun of bydlo.


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So the Donbass Rebels are known as "Occupation Authorities" now? talk about Propaganda.


I'd have to cope if something happened, which is clearly not the case.
Stop projecting though it's bad for yourself.


Well if they're occupation authorities Russia moving troops into donbass isn't an invasion
Maybe it's a climb down save face move


that's from hoholmaps so it's fairly biased



Post your address so you can experience some of what you wish on others, nigfga




There is a small problem with that line of
>NATO doesn't need Ukraine exist

They do, the whole point is to have NATO expand onto the Russian borders. To place Missiles close by and eventually invade Russia. The US is in a state of Crisis and the only way to keep the debt flowing is to have constant wars, by having these constant wars you can keep people occupied. Its a sick way of doing it but remember the Cold War Never ended it just shifted focus. It might not be WWIII yet but it will come close and we will just see how Nuclear Annihilation suits everyone.


For real tho



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NATO members will order more fleets and fighter planes into Eastern Europe amid a worsening standoff with Russia, with the bloc citing reports that Moscow is building up troops on its side of the Ukrainian border.

In a statement issued on Monday, the US-led military faction’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that he welcomed the commitment of “additional forces to NATO,” vowing that he will “continue to take all necessary measures to protect and defend all Allies, including by reinforcing the eastern part of the” bloc.

According to his comments, a handful of member states have made announcements that they will step up their current or upcoming deployments, including Denmark, which is sending a frigate to the Baltic Sea and four fighter jets to Lithuania “in support of NATO’s long-standing air-policing mission in the region.”

Spain and France are focusing on southeastern Europe, with Madrid reportedly contemplating dispatching ships to “join NATO naval forces and is considering sending fighter jets to Bulgaria.” Meanwhile, Paris “has expressed its readiness to send troops to Romania under NATO command.”

At the same time, Washington “has also made clear that it is considering increasing its military presence in the eastern part of the Alliance,” the statement said.


The U.S is facing massive supply chain issues, and a collapsing Healthcare system. They can't even get a vaccine mandate to stick. A draft would tear the country apart. Conservatives are talking about wanting a war but you know as soon as Rachael Maddow does a piece on way dying for Ukraine is good. They'll immediately side with Russia out of oppositional defiance.


With the US, I kinda understand why they're overplaying this, they are a great power and doesn't really believe what they're saying.
But the UK?
I mean, the UK kingdom feels schizophrenic when it comes to Russia, like it is quite literally coping so fucking hard for russian troops being in russian soil, not invading anything, and they're saying this retarded shit constantly, like a dog barking at a stranger.


>A draft would tear the country apart.
unwavering support for the reinstatement of the US draft


Reminder that american said that they would attack using both it's european capabilities of the US (US army inside Europe) as well as from american soil (presumably Alaska).



Israelis are preparing a possible emergency airlift of all 75.000 jewish Ukrainians


The UK runs on pure cope nowadays it seems, after Brexit the whole shtick of "akshually we'll be able to reinstate British pride and prestige" fell flat on its face. It was only the fact that the Anglos controlled half the fucking planet's peoples and resources that anybody to listen to a fucking annoying Englishman full of himself.


Lmao for what reason? Azov nutcases or the Russians?


they will blame the russians while obv. the nazis are in ukraine

like, can you imagine Putin ordering his troops to detect and execute Jewish ppl? ofc not


Ok this is the first thing of some substance.
Calling the Union State treaty between Russia and Belarus a Russian occupation is a clearcut escalation, at least from a diplomatic standpoint.


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please let this be a nothingburger, I'm not ready for war


We are still FAR from anything big though.


what about my cock, tho?


checkem lmao


It is even if a war broke out the deaths would be less than a million since the usage of drones and artillery have made demands for large armies obsolete


Trips confirm it will be dealt with by Russian forces (you choose the gender).


>only women and children
the fuck is this bullshit


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How the turn tables


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>give us only your women and children…
>We'll take care of them…
that's some shady shit


I love the 20s


My god, they are so stupid. The US never had any gratitude toward countries that cucked for them, never gave them any kind of support in return. Look at all the insignificant armies from random countries that joined the Iraq occupation to show Uncle Sam how loyal they are. Did they receive anything in return? NOPE.


Starting more and more to support Russia just to see all these assorted reactoids crushed tbh.



Ya'll motherfuckers lying on me, that story isn't anywhere on BBC >:( still I believed it though, that's how crazy life is


Just how communist are the LPR and co.?


Yeah I was looking for a link too, pic says bbb news lol



true that
Also compare our resident 'Leninists' (read retards and fags) to Russsel Bentley
<The time of the "Unipolar World" is over. In fact, it has been for some years now, and all that remains is for Russia to administer the coup de grace to the fascist zombies who still imagine themselves as the masters of this now bygone era. When Russia finishes this undeclared but ongoing military war in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, the economic war will begin in deadly earnest, and may in the end prove to be as destructive as a third world war. If Russia can save the world from fascism, just as it did in the last century, the world will again owe Russia a debt that can never be repaid. But let's hope the debt will not so easily be forgotten this time, and the gratitude, respect and support of every decent human being on the planet will be forthcoming. Good luck to all good people in the hard days ahead. May God protect the innocent, and may the rest of us get everything we deserve. Davai.

This is basically the last dying gasp for the degenerate USA. They either let history pass and the American empire falls within a decade or they ratchet one last gamble

World war 1 was almost entirely instigated by UK and world war 2 was egged on and instigated by UK again and both times they were able to stop the rise of Germany
USA could start a world war and feasibly win it ( i doubt it) and put off rise of Russia and China for another 30 years
Americans are psycho and antihuman enough to do it

I expect Ukro-Nazis to escalate the war, Russia to finally end the franken-state of Ukraine and teach nazis some humanity to then spiral to an economic war where the dollar will quickly go to Zimbabwean levels of inflation.
Without Burgers ability to consoom using an inflated dollar predicated on imperialism the retards will be cheering for a world war


Lol, you are clowning dog. If there's an 'economic war' the USA and allies will win easily, Russia is nowhere near able to compete with NATO. They will get mildly fucked by sanctions like last time and then the west will eventually give up and return to normal.


Not much. Just like in Russia soviet symbols are more about nationalism then socialism. And also like Russia the communist party has been suppressed.
>… At the beginning of June without charge or trial, formulated “due to loss of confidence”, the communists B. Litvinov and N. Ragozin were deprived of their deputy mandates. The Speaker of the People’s Soviet, Denis Pushilin, had insisted on it. He is also the representative of DNR at the three-sided commission at the Minsk negotiations.


I saw the video as clearly a joke aimed at Russophobes.


>The time of the "Unipolar World" is over. In fact, it has been for some years now, and all that remains is for Russia to administer the coup de grace to the fascist zombies who still imagine themselves as the masters of this now bygone era.


Multipolarity bros, let's fucking go


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>Lol, you are clowning dog. If there's an 'economic war' the USA and allies will win easily, Russia is nowhere near able to compete with NATO. They will get mildly fucked by sanctions like last time and then the west will eventually give up and return to normal
Lmao now you're clowing
If there's an economic war serious enough to hurt Russia, Russia can just switch off gas supplies to Europe and watch everyone freeze in their beds in February

Gas prices have already risen %500 in places like UK and Germany

Secondly, the only economic effects the West can do against Russia is disconnect them from swift like neocons advocate
Except the German bourgeois came out and said taking Russia off swift is off the table
And russia has made itself sanction proof since 2014 by buying up huge gold reserves and foreign currencies

The West is cucked in the confrontation and the Ruskies know it


Russell Bentley has the "zeal of the recent convert." The idea that Russia taking over a basket-case of a country like Ukraine is the "last dying gasp for the degenerate USA" is a bit of a stretch. While Russia's leaders may believe that what goes down in Ukraine is existential, the leaders of the USA do not believe that it's existential for the United States.




hi, /pol/


>dedollarization has been cancelled
Multipolarity bros I don't feel so good


>If there's an economic war serious enough to hurt Russia, Russia can just switch off gas supplies to Europe and watch everyone freeze in their beds in February

Russia won't do this because they can't afford to, their economy would be permafucked if Europe stopped buying their gas. This is why this whole situation is a nothingburger.


Russia for a win doesn't need to "take over Ukraine"
They just want a neutral country as their neighbour. Russia would be happy with Nato out the country and a federalised Ukraine where the russian speaking parts have equal power
If Russia cuts ukraine down the western side to Moldova they clear our Nato out of Ukraine and Moldova in one coup de grace
>USA do not believe that it's existential for the United States.
Afghanistan was just the start. When empires can't expand they unravel


Russia has enough leverage here that they might be able to have their way with NATO (prevent expansion), but that doesn't necessarily mean invasion.


NATO expansion was already not happening, Russia has only spurred it on if anything.


If that's true then they will invade and the happoooning is on


Recent converts from the West to Russia/Belarus includes such significant personalities as Gérard Depardieu, Steven Smeagol, and Edward Snowden.

What comparable forces does the West have, defecting from Russia?

That's right, you have NONE. Already we see Hollywood and French cinema turn against the degenerate West, and prominent politicians as Snowden dunking on America.

Marxism-Leninism-Putinism is the way. Embrace MLP.



>What comparable forces does the West have, defecting from Russia?
Mostly supermodels


Even if they invade Ukraine there won't be a happoooning, the west will back down as long as they stay in the East of the country, and they won't go to the West because the people there hate Russia anyway. Russia just wants a land link to Crimea because it's making their administration difficult.


>Russia won't do this because they can't afford to, their economy would be permafucked if Europe stopped buying their gas. This is why this whole situation is a nothingburger.
Russia would only cut gas supplies if something like SWIFT disconnection happened
The German bourgeois have already ruled that out so the West has no economic leverage over Russia. Russia switched it's economy to China

And the raft of sanctions in 2014 meant that the Russians had to invest in their own local agriculture… Which made them the largest wheat exporter in the world

Russia brought this ultimatum cos they know they can cuck Nato. What's more this has all been coordinated down to the letter with China and Xi
They know China has their back

And Russia (and China) are doing it at a time where they both have hypersonic missiles whilst the fags in USA can't even launch one


>And Russia (and China) are doing it at a time where they both have hypersonic missiles whilst the fags in USA can't even launch one

The 'missile gap' is meaningless, nuclear war will obliterate all sides regardless


M.A.D. rules out nukes. Get real.


That's what I just said


The more Russia delays, the more time the Western imperialist forces have to rally, so war is probably unlikely to occur.


Get real.


I mean that's a happooning in my book. WW3 is obviously not possible here
The West slowly digs its own grave with sanctions


no u

Yeah I feel that if Russia was gonna invade they wouldn't have waited for a bunch of USA/Euro deployments, maybe their plan was just to waste the west's money and effort, I don't know.


>The 'missile gap' is meaningless, nuclear war will obliterate all sides regardless
Hypersonics returned MAD though.
Prior to that the USA thought their missiles shields would catch must nukes
Hypersonics returned MAD as nothing can stop a hypersonic

What's more hypersonics can be launched from the back of trucks anywhere. Which means all that fancy naval equipment like USAs 11 aircraft carriers are now nothing more than floating coffings to Russia, China and DPRK (who also now have hypersonics)

So even in a conventional war hpersonics would be used - just not necessarily nuclear tipped)



Nuclear weapons aren’t that useful in war if they were NATO would be spamming them endlessly
There just used as a scare tactic, now ordinary bombing strikes those get deadly quick if you remember what the USA did to Cambodia and North Korea


Missile shields are just a way to extort the taxpayer and US strategists know it, they never actually solved MAD. A missile is much cheaper than an anti-missile. Every country's navy is fucked if it becomes a hot war, hypersonics don't change that


My gut feeling is that Russia has already won this



Every time NATO says something will happen the opposite occurs. NATO can only ever solve a problem they themselves caused in the first place, a good example was western media screaming endlessly about Ethiopia balkanizing due to the tdf but that just never happened regardless of endless sanctions and coup attempts


In 2018 Putin unveiled hypersonic capability in a huge press conference stating the rules have changed
So the Russians think it's a game changer and given their escalation in Ukraine I'm inclined to take Russian view


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I'm supposed to be studying for an exam but I am addicted to news and habbenings
What do


>autocrat who spent billions on military technology hypes up its performance and saber rattles for the domestic audience

not exactly meaningful


Log off. Nothing is happening. Literally nothing ever happens.


Fair enough
Fukuyamachads, you win


also even if something did happen you can't impact it anyways, might as well focus on your own life


It seems Russian stock market is getting shredded.
-10% since the beginning of this shitshow.
Probably more to come if things get worse.


Go fucking study, there's no happening.



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But what if there IS a major habbening and I miss it?
Also I live in a country neighboring Ukraine, very close to the border too, so if anything happens it definitely does affect me


>nothing can stop a hypersonic
Is this what you Russian commies actually believe? We already have laser weapons in space for the USA. We can desintegrate your shitty Sonic weapons on an atomic level at a press of a button the very moment you launch your nukes and they blow up while still in your country, causing a bigger catastrophy than chernobyl times ten.


dude, it's global


>muh stonks
Merchant capitalism is worthless without industrial capitalist production. I and no one else in Russia should give a shit about lines on a fucking graph


Get studying.


Have a TV, radio or news stream on in the background son, if there's a happening that's big enough to affect you it'll be breaking news

When that happens jump back on leftypol but in the meantime you may as well just leave this thread updating in the background and get on with your study lad


Yeah i know but the Russian market has a degree of security which makes it kinda separate from Us ones.

The very existence of Russian stock market means there's a good deal of people that do give a shit about it, and include it in their decision making.


>MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/. The risk of the Ukrainian Armed Forces staging provocations in Donbass is now higher than before, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday, when asked what was the Kremlin’s view of the risk of a Ukrainian offensive and provocations against the self-proclaimed Donbass republics.

>"The risk is there, it is very high. It is higher than before," the Kremlin spokesman pointed out.

>At the same time, Peskov declined to answer the question when, according to the Kremlin, Ukraine might launch an offensive operation in Donbass. "Let’s not behave like our vis-a-vis and engage in what looks like hysterical actions," the Russian presidential spokesman said, hinting to Western allegations about Russia’s possible invasion of Ukraine.

So according to Kreml, Ukraine is preparing an invasion of Donbass and probably Russia itself with the support of NATO.


Seems like both sides will say the other invaded no matter what happoons


>he doesn't know about the Russian lasers floating behind american lasers ready to destroy them


I know it sounds sci-fi but anti-missile lasers are becoming common in american military.


Does it even matter "who started it" at this point? The chess pieces are set. The match will be had.


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you are browsing the wrong happening thread


>Is this what you Russian commies actually believe? We already have laser weapons in space for the USA. We can desintegrate your shitty Sonic weapons on an atomic level at a press of a button the very moment you launch your nukes and they blow up while still in your country, causing a bigger catastrophy than chernobyl times ten.
What some 4cuck retard thinks
<“Right now, we’re helpless,” Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in advocating for more investment in hypersonics, along with missile defense.
<But in congressional testimony last week, Hyten conceded U.S. missile defense cannot stop hypersonics. He said that the U.S. is instead relying on nuclear deterrence, or the threat of a retaliatory U.S. strike, as its defense against such missiles.
You are a helpless and defenceless faggot lol


Pretty sure he was joking lol
"Russian commies" is a dead giveaway


These two happooning are linked.


Let the poor lad study you jerk


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And I'm going to choose to believe the Russians because I'm on polarity train


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If Americans could shoot down hypersonic missiles they would have nuked Russia already and prevented 2nd strike with this technology.



Nah man
We’re pussies the us army isn’t built to go to war with countries that can actually defend themselves much less Russia. We wouldn’t nuke them


I don't see how the U.S can build consent for a major war. Half the country would side with Russia to own the Libs. Also imagine trying to draft people? The vaccines alone would cause a shit storm.


Russia "won't exclude" putting military hardware in Cuba or Venezuela amid "unsuccessful" talks with U.S. over Ukraine
The Supreme Court agreed Monday to hear challenges to the admissions process at Harvard and the University of North Carolina, presenting the most serious threat in decades to the use of affirmative action by the nation's public and private colleges and universities.


There would be no need for conventional forces in this type of war as most of your enemies populations would have died.
False flag operation are made for this reason.



What would the glowies do? Blow up Anchorage Alaska? Then tell people they have to join the military, get vaccinated and die in eastern Europe? The U.S blew any goodwill and political capital on Iraq and Afghanistan. Theres no way the U.S can enter into a major war with how divided and weaken it is from the pandemic.


>Theres no way the U.S can enter into a major war with how divided and weaken it is from the pandemic.
Yes, you're correct.
But do the elites (and the CIA) know this?
What makes you think they haven't deluded themselves?


>Blow up Anchorage Alaska?
Something like that. A sacrifice made to get rid of Russia and China.


I would love to be a fly on a wall for those meetings. I'm sure they have Lockheed and Martin convincing them for 2 trillion they can win the war with some stupid gizmo they want to roll out.


>BREAKING: Putin has held a phone meeting with Cuba’s president. They’re discussing a strategic partnership between Cuba and Russia.

The saber rattling goes up a notch. Let's see what happens now.


<Bloomberg has publicized utter jaw-dropping fake news recently, claiming that Xi Jinping had asked Putin not to attack Ukraine during the Olympic Games," she noted. "Frankly speaking, I did not expect this level of disinformation from Bloomberg not because it is an unconfirmed fact but because it is sheer impossibility and unbelievable stupidity. I could have expected it from some US newspaper but not from Bloomberg. They used to be less susceptible to these types of propped-up leaks, but now they seem to have given up on that," Zakharova stated.
<On Monday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry refuted a Bloomberg report which claimed that the Chinese leader had allegedly "asked Russian President Vladimir Putin not to invade Ukraine during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games."
<"The report was purely made out of thin air. It seeks not only to smear and drive a wedge in China-Russia relations, but also to deliberately disrupt and undermine the Beijing Winter Olympics. Such a despicable trick cannot fool the international community," Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a routine press conference.
<The Chinese Embassy in Russia also refuted the report, saying in a statement sent to Russian news agency TASS on Saturday that the news "is a hoax and provocation." The embassy noted that China's position on the Ukrainian issue is consistent and clear.


these are clear signs of escalation


Ukraine's mobilizing.


Happooning bros have you coomed yet?


The happening-o-meter signals:
35% happening
65% nothingburger

Let's see how it goes


Reports of 130k troops to be deployed.


So does this mean Kazakhstan was some kind of glowop to buy time?



Embedding error.
Thread theme…


More like UK raine


Not even the tiniest bit of glow elements? Can't be a coincidence


based tbh



>Occupied donbass.
Either way tbh.
Also quite curious how they started to change saying the republics of donbass into "russian occupied territory"
What's next? "Russian Occupied Goverment"?


I almost wish this pops off so I can either kill myself or draft dodge and monkeywrench


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Nothing is going to happen.


Yeah tbf, traditionally when a country mobilises its entire army to a border nothing occurs afterwards.


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>Not realizing in the lead up to WW2 things played out gradually over a period of months.
>Not realizing the chess pieces are slowing falling into place for WW3.


Why is Britain larping as a world power, they aren't one


Cope euro poors murdering each other had little effect on the actual planet, the ussr did more to change history than another instance of those reactionary turds deciding to kill each other over whose the most cancerous to the planet again. Even if a real war broke out the deaths would be less than a million due to squad tactics taking over human wave based combat



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>Go on twitch
>check "political" streamers to see if they are talking about the specter of war in Ukraine
>same old idpol shit
>same old culture war shit
>same old online drama shit
>same old hog-watch shit
>Turn and watch the tv
>jingo American-centric bile
>we need to send troops
>we need to show Putin that invading will only lead to heavy casualties
>let the bodies pile upon the flesh piles
>we can only threaten death and deal death
>death for profit and blood for war
Truly dark times. I hope there are anti-war protests if something does happen, else we resign ourselves to the oncoming bloodshed and share the blame with the taskmasters pushing for these atrocities.


That hasn't happened.
There's been countless war tensions, it's the bourgeoisie trying to scare us


The Czechs want to fill their brothels with them, both the women AND the children. After all, prague is a big center for sex trafficking


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"We'll jam Nato radars in Baltics, install SAM and anti-naval missiles on Gotland isle, proclaim Baltic sea a non-flying zone, and occupy Baltic states with our little green men" on Russian state TV

Jesus I hope so. I fucking hate the Baltics


Is that why so much euro porn is Czech?


Holy shit. But nothing is certain until Russian forces move into attacking formation. At least that's what they teach us in army.


alot of prostitutes iin germany are also czech



Russian Navy warships embark on ‘long-distance’ mission amid NATO tensions
>>>long distance

These fuckers are actually going to move to Cuba, lmao. Putin will fucking do it.




Hrrm so putting the pieces together
The UkroNazis plan an attack on donbass etc
Russia moves troops in response
The UkroNazis lie to the burgers that Russia is planning a false flag attack so they can get their war on w/ NATO backing
The burgers believe them because burgers are retards and because it's what the burgers want to hear, the rest of NATO tells the burgers to fuck off and they aren't going to war over donbass etc and maybe even Crimea because they like not freezing in winter (Biden's gaffe that a minor incursion would be ok to the euros)
Burgers now running around like headless chickens realise the UkroNazis lied to them
The face saving climb down begins donbass republic etc are now officially Russian occupied territories even if there isn't currently a single Russian trooper on their soil so if Russia sends in troops it's not an invasionTM

Hopefully no war
Ultimately comes down to if the UkroNazis attack the free republics and maybe even the Crimea in force


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I believe this is fake news.


Why? Its good diplomacy and Russian officials have compared the situation to Cuban crisis.


<Baltics getting wiped out

I could coom


I believe it was a very casual comment made by a government guy on tv. When asked if they were going to do it, he said its not off the table. It wasn't really an announcement by the goverment to international bodies. If the shit that's spouted on CNN and Fox News were propagandized in this manner, the US would "declare" horrible shit every day of the week.

Could have been another instance though, the article linked is about another thing.





>. If the shit that's spouted on CNN and Fox News were propagandized in this manner, the US would "declare" horrible shit every day of the week.
By storeshittistahni officials etc I presume


I Ukrainians kill every NATO and Russian soldier on their soil and every Russian leftist should be protesting to stop the invasion invasion.


I will always side with peace but damn, a theater of war encompassing Alaska and the Russian Far East would be kinda cool


The naval stuff would probably be interesting but a land war would suck so much. There would barely be any progress for months and like 80% of casualties would be caused by starvation and the cold


>WW3 starts.
>America sends it's troops to alaska to attack the bering strait.
>They freeze to death cause they couldn't buy fucking winter equipment
A tale as old as time.


>lol do you propagandized commies seriously believe this? we americans literally have magic space lasers that can stop anything


There probably won't be significant anti-war protests because American media has successfully convinced most that Russia a dangerous bad guy and only the US can stop their evil. There would probably be less resistance than to Iraq and Afghanistan.
I'm also not sure if I agree with people who are saying conservatives would pivot to anti-war to own the libs. Yes, blind contrarianism is a part of their grift, but war is one thing both parties tend to consistently agree on.


>There would barely be any progress for months and like 80% of casualties would be caused by starvation and the cold
I think it's exactly the slow agonizing pace and survival aspect that makes it interesting to me. It's the kind of thing that would be more interesting to read in history books than to keep up with in real time though


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if you want to beat the americans just cut them off from their supply lines
mutts can't survive a week without new ammo since they can't aim


Forget ammo, they're going mad after three days without burgers


I love how Cuba is willing to punch USA whenever the opportunity arises.


Baltic states were supposed to be the invasion's staging ground into Russia, just like Nazis wanted to do initially, but for some reason NATO just didn't create any infrastructure there to support the possible invasion plans, lol


no, this




>true patriots
>patriotic duty
>shadow globalists of the British empire
I mean I like the message (even if it's false because The People all believe propaganda) but I wish to delete this Haz-speak from my brain


>but for some reason NATO just didn't create any infrastructure there
they would be retarded if they did so.
NATO in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is encircled by Russian and Belarusian forces all they can do against Russia is waging delay battles.


>for some reason NATO just didn't create any infrastructure there to support the possible invasion plans

European NATO members are the main boots on the ground for America. I don't think US wants to stick it's head out by putting their boys in the area that will receive the first concentration of bombs and artillery fire if anything happens. Burgers will sit in Germany or in Poland and hope that if anything happens the balts and poles will hold on long enough for reinforcements arrive across the Atlantic, since even during the cold war the existing troops in Europe were only meant to buy time for the actual army to arrive across the pond and the amount of troops has been reduced after the dismantling of USSR. So yes I think in NATO planning the balts are merely a sacrificial speed bump give US time to react. There is a American tradition in using the locals as the frontline shock absorber while America does airstrikes, support and only actually joins in if situation is actually dire.


his best take tbh, fuck supporting this war and fighting for imperialist.


>I hope Russian leftists support the independence of a literal neo-Nazi regime


>I hate neo-nazis. Anyway, listen to what Alexander Dugin said about Ukraine!


I know that Canadian troops in Latvia are calling their deployment "Operation Speed Bump".


what did he say about ukraine


Lol is that true


t. Former Canadian soldier


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>literal neo-Nazi regime


Is he wrong?


>sHaDoW gLoBaLiStS oF tHe BrItIsH eMpIrE cReAtEd HiTlEr



well, Britain did allow Germany to build up and gladly financed the Fascist


chamberlain was a nazi fifth columnist


Yes. Even if the Russian oligarchic state has justification to defend against NATO incursions, it doesn't mean they represent the Russian masses, and especially not the working class. There is no "patriotic duty to stand with Russia," come on now.


shut the fuck up, schizo


Checking on the Donald and not a lot if threads. They're mostly on about mask and trump getting re-elected. The few couple of threads about Russia is shit like this.


>more like bleeding from the front
do they…do they think transhumanists get periods?


75% chance Haz posts here


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<American union labour of the glorious american people fueled those Nazi warplanes fighting the evil russian red liberal empire where a small man called Lenin was risen to power fiananced by English Anglo-Bankers to topple the socialist Tsar Empire with Mongol characteristics


It’s a neovagina joke methinks, though from what I hear nobody has those


Ok Fed


It's over, Putin's cucking out again.
Shouldn't have basically told everyone you were going to invade so that the US/UK could blitz in and basically make it a de-facto member anyway dipshit.

Still good if it avoids war anyhow.


(Google translate:) In Ukraine, the scenario of Georgia in 2008 is repeated to the smallest detail

There are all signs that the West is preparing to use Ukraine to attack the Donbass, following the example of Georgia's aggression against South Ossetia in 2008.

This was announced on the air of the Russia 1 TV channel by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the correspondent of PolitNavigator reports.

“We do not rule out further large-scale information manipulations and provocations. We do not rule out the conduct, including military provocations. Moreover, Bloomberg revealed the plans, the material was submitted with a link to the Olympic Games. They fired past, possibly hit themselves. Because everyone remembered the year 2008, also the Olympics, also the Olympics in China, only in summer. Who, then, committed a provocation, aggression, who attacked whom? Let me remind you that it was Saakashvili’s aggression, I don’t even want to tell Tbilisi, because it was not the people of Georgia who did it, it was performed by Saakashvili, who attacked South Ossetia,” Zakharova said.

She also recalled the chronology of events in the summer of 2008.

“What happened a month before this aggression that unfolded at the entrance of the Beijing Olympics? US Secretary of State visit, then it was Condoleezza Rice, Tbilisi. A press conference with Saakashvili, during which they spoke about the advantages of NATO, about the plans that the United States has for Georgia in this direction, a lot was said. Exactly one month has passed since then. This visit took place in the period from 9 to 10 July 2008, when the aggression happened, you remember very well, in fact, in the first days of the Olympics. That's all, here's the classic story of the preparation of multi-level provocations, ”concluded the representative of the Foreign Ministry.


Avoiding the Georgian war wasn't an option and this one isn't either.


>ctrl+f Russia
>191 results
Rent free


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Can I get a qrd?


Why is peace not an option?


Because the US doesn't make it one: >>493131


This will be a funny conflict


Imagine going to a kid that is struggling from bullying on a daily basis and giving him the advice "just let it go, just let it happen! When a bully wants to take your lunch, give him your money as well!"

This is literally you ITT if you argue for peace, if you think peace is a "choice" or an "option".


Embedding error.
Thread theme


>Maria Zakharova
That woman is such a sigma stacy


Even if Ukraine joined NATO how does that physically 'hurt' or 'bully' the Russian state and its people?
Ukraine is not like Taiwan-China where its basically a cold civil war.
Ukraine IS de-jure and de-Facto its own country.

Russia has fucking nukes.


>Councilors and school officials will actually promote this
Just like the our so holy and successful international law.


Because Russia would be an idiot to tolerate an international organization created in the first place to attack its interest and sovereignty to get an inch closer to its border.

Are you seriously this fucking dumb or just an eternal idealist? I don't know which country you are from, let's say Denmark, and imagine if the main world power created the Anti-Denmark Alliance (ADA) that starts spying on you, sabotaging you, works for destroying Danish sovereignty, sows distrust in your government through constant propaganda, swears to use its nukes against you first, your government then collapses, getting reassurance from the ADA that since you now stopped your bad Danish ways, they won't go after you any more if you comply, and you do comply, but turns out complying with ADA means that they freely loot your country's resources, economy, killing a hundred thousand out of your 5 million Danish compatriots, so you realize that their "peace offer" is actually just continued war in disguise, so you kick them the fuck out and re-install a more authoritarian system to protect your sovereignty, and 20 something years later a neighboring country joins ADA showing signs that it will comply with the same murderous agenda.

That's why.


Russia is going to invade Ukraine because President BRANDON is gay


and thus dialectical faggotism is born



So to get this straight
Ukraine is property of Russia?



Dengists will totally sell russia off, stay "neutral" while supplying nato for loads of cash


I know this is an emotional topic at leftypol, but Russia exists in a liminal twilight zone where stuff that looks extremely gay to people outside of Russia doesn't look gay at all to Russians. This is why, despite how hardcore Russia is trying to look, kids still think Russia is gay and weird.

They also have very serious cases of AIDS due to the HIV they acquired from irresponsibly sharing needles, which is hilarious, but also not in any way related to homosexuality. Anyways, I was just watching this video for "research purposes" as part my job as an OSINT analyst and Substacker. That's why I refer to myself as an "Old Russia Hand." I'm also totally megastraight, I only do this stuff for money, not gay at all.


>implying Russia is the bully (CMIIW)
But Ukraine is a straight-out US lapdog, and it's situated on the doorstep of Russia. Doesn't that mean that Russia needs active measures?


He was implying NATO or Ukraine is the bully, Putinboy
But honestly, do you really, truly believe, in your heart of hearts, that Ukraine would ever actually attempt to invade Russia of all countries?


>Muscular men doing military stuff is "looks gay"
Maybe if you're a terminally online twitteroid or a malding lib pulling off their favorite cope to "own" the homophobes; calling them gay because that's what their haha funny quirky brain homoeroticism ridden brain thinks is le epic own


>do you really, truly believe, in your heart of hearts, that Ukraine would ever actually attempt to invade Russia of all countries
I don't have to "believe" in something I know to be true. They have been mortaring secessionist areas for years now.


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Putin 'won't stop' with Ukraine: Why Americans should care about Russia's aggression against its neighbor
>Biden has said the U.S. would not send troops to defend Ukraine but could deploy more American forces to Poland and other eastern European countries.

U.S. considering controlling exports to Russia if there is an invasion of Ukraine
>The Biden administration is considering controlling exports related to semiconductors to harm Russian industries, should Russia invade Ukraine, a senior administration official confirmed to CBS News.

Pentagon Puts 8,500 Troops on 'High Alert' Amid Ukraine Tensions
>The move signals a shift for the Biden administration as the United States and NATO allies brace for possible Russian military action.

Anxiety in Ukraine as NATO, U.S. and Russia bolster forces and accuse each other of pushing toward war
>A Russian lawmaker warned that Moscow would "respond appropriately" to any more U.S. troops arriving in countries near its western border.

Why is Ukraine coming up so much in American politics?
>From Crimea to Trump's impeachment to Biden's next big challenge, why Ukraine keeps popping up in American politics.

Putin Shores Up Cuba, Venezuela Ties as Tensions with U.S. Worsen Over Ukraine
>Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to bolster ties with Latin American partners in a series of phone calls to his counterparts in Cuba and Venezuela at a time when tensions with the United States were simmering over Ukraine.

U.S. puts troops on alert and NATO sends ships, fighter jets to Eastern Europe as Russia continues buildup on Ukraine border
>Also Britain ordered some diplomats and their families to leave Ukraine, amid growing alarm that Russia may invade.

Biden to meet with European allies about Ukraine as US considers sending troops to region
>President Joe Biden planned to hold a video call with European allies on Monday as Western nations warned the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine remained high.


So you genuinely think Ukraine will invade a nuclear armed power with the second most powerful military on Earth with a far larger army and far larger population to gain…what exactly?


>Let's hurt the Russian economy, indirectly hurting the vast majority of the Russian population, I'm sure that'll get the Russian people on our side against their evil authoritarian government
Why are Amerifags like this


t. Libtard
>But honestly, do you really, truly believe, in your heart of hearts, that Ukraine would ever actually attempt to invade Russia of all countries?
They can't, instead, they get anschlussed.


Realistically is there a single country on the planet that would simply allow state secession? Why is this a reason to assume, realistically, that Ukraine would or even can invade Russia?


So you’re pro annexation of Czechoslovakia by Nazi Germany?


The fact you think these are comparable says more about you tbqh


>Putin 'won't stop' with Ukraine
>U.S. considering controlling exports to Russia if there is an invasion of Ukraine
literally your loss
>Pentagon Puts 8,500 Troops on 'High Alert' Amid Ukraine Tensions
as expected
>Anxiety in Ukraine
maybe next time don't let nazis & NATO puppets in power
>Why is Ukraine coming up so much in American politics?
gee, idk
>Putin Shores Up Cuba, Venezuela Ties
>U.S. puts troops on alert and NATO sends ships, fighter jets to Eastern Europe as Russia continues buildup on Ukraine border
as was expected
>Biden to meet with European allies about Ukraine as US considers sending troops to region
as was expected

why are burger sources so basic shit? Like, "hey guys, did you know Ukraine exists" is news for you?


You’re the one that directly referenced Nazi Germany’s annexation of Czechoslovakia in reference to Russia potentially invading Ukraine while also saying you’re in favor of such an action
The first and only person to directly reference the Nazis was you in fact, which actually says a lot about you


Ask an American to locate Ukraine on a map.


>Realistically is there a single country on the planet that would simply allow state secession?
I don't care. Next time don't let nazis into power and don't take away minority rights from your population if you don't want them leaving your country in an area where that "minority" is like 90%+ of the population.

he's a fed, not even kidding


I wasn’t that anon, chief



check those chiefly 7s


Ukraine is rightful Mongol clay. Based Russians are simply pan-Mongolists


>So you’re pro annexation of Czechoslovakia by Nazi Germany?
are you fucking retarded
Imagine accusing a commie of hypothetically supporting a fashoid regime invade a neutral country. This case is the reverse of it.


love how you can't exist without your strawmen


throat sings at u


notice how they can't respond to this


I mean, you’re supporting an inter-imperialist war, so…


how much does an agent at the CIA get payed these days?


>The people who run them don’t want to do their job.
It's not that they don't want to do their job it's more like their public job description and their actual job description don't match. My highschool for example got an influx of forcefully relocated lumpens. THe people there who wanted to take a chance for a better life for their sons and daughters were the minority. Most piled up trash, stripped the appartments down to the copper and left, illegally rented it to actually desperate people and so on.

Whether it was carjacking, stealing, drug dealing organized crime… most of the parents had no interest in keeping their young at school, the only reason they did so was because of the government paying them a weekly bribe to do it. When they realized the school would falsify attendance to keep up the facade of "integration" they took many of them to "learn the trade" with their family. The point was to give them everything free, bribe them with over the top welfare and hopefully they'd keep quiet, still criminals, but not make any PR problems for the municipality about that whole bulldozing shantytowns business.

In that sense, the director and higher ups of the highschool were on the same tune. Their positions benefit from political favor and so their job is to minimize the trouble for the city hall. The higher administrative posts are just bureaucratic leeches, figures of authority whose job is to to be the political liaison to the institution but have no actual job to do but be bossman/woman. So it didn't matter if the relocated students beat people up, mugged them at knifepoint or otherwise flaunted all social and institutional norms, within the highschool grounds. The highschool would never involve the police or write them up.The new students would rack up literal hundreds of "writeups" that were nonetheless never processed further, when less than a dozen would start risking temp expulsion. Because doing so would leave a paper trail of trouble about the relocatees, if nothing else because the parents would stop have receiving their anti truancy welfare temporarily.


Yes yes, CIA whatever
Surely Russian communists are proud supporters of the Russian government and are hoping it will fight a war with NATO, this isn’t largely a desire of bloodthirsty westerners who feel bored with their lives


>Russia and co are equal in terms of their ability to enforce capitalist hegemony compared to the US


how much?


Embedding error.
Turks can claim Ukraine then


Didn't mean to embed


>I mean, you’re supporting an inter-imperialist war, so…
Imagine being this closed minded of a burgeroid. Cope and seethe.


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USAF that will defeat Putin's fascism


>Le CIA is anyone that isn’t a proud supporter of the Russian Federation and the United Russia Party
I am actually quite close minded to the idea of a continental European war


>Surely Russian communists are proud supporters of the Russian government and are hoping it will fight a war with NATO
That's a very good thing if true. And? It makes you cry a lot? That's bonus points for them.
he's joking


Reminder that the post-Soviet world was never properly settled and this is a direct continuation of the cold war. Promises to limit NATO expansion were made to Gorbachev but never acted on.


>RF and UR bad!!!
Kill yourself amerilard, even if you can compare both countries it shows that Russia is the lesser of 2 evils. And who doesn't want the restoration of the immortal Union?


>Another thread of westerners, mostly Americans, hoping to watch millions of people in other countries die to alleviate their boredom
>Another thread of leftypolers shilling for some faction of capitalists because they are le Wholesome Eastern capitalists instead of le Degenerate Western capitalists
>Another thread of shitposters begging for a Third World War
Boring tbh


Ok Reddit


>this is a direct continuation of the cold war
It isn't since the nature of the contradiction between the US and USSR was vastly different than that between the US and Russian Federation. They are similar in form because of the continuity in terms of geography, MAD, etc. However the content is completely different.


They will finally be in NATO lel


you can fuck off from this thread anytime, but you keep coming back shitting it up



>"support for BASED germany against the anglo empire!"
<gets mustard gassed


>implying i dont just want to see amerilards die


right, right, previously it was
>fucking commies want to spread revolution
>we need to undermine them, take their resources, and crush their sovereignty
and now it's
>these fucking Russians don't want to spread revolution anymore
>we need to undermine them, take their resources, and crush their sovereignty

This makes a HUGE difference when determining which side you should support.


>This makes a HUGE difference when determining which side you should support.
It absolutely does, considering that previously it was a struggle between porkies and workers. Now it's a struggle between porkies and different porkies. A conflict between factions of the bourgeoisie obviously has a different character than a conflict between bourgeoisie and proletariat.


Really a stretch though isn't it. WW3 is not going to habboon
The main point is that if a security treaty was agreed on back then as the Soviets wanted and as the Westerners didn't want, Ukraine wouldn't be at risk of becoming part of the Mongolian Khanate 2.0 today


Ukrainians should threaten to blow Chernobyl up and release tonnes of deadly radioactive material across Europe and Russia unless NATO and Russian troops fuck off and give them a fat stack of cash.


Dark Marxist is Lear but more annoying, confirmed.


>porky-on-porky violence is NOT ok guys!!!
lotta retards in this thread it seems


>dropped flag
cope and seethe
because the invasion will be a step towards union restoration


Last post
But never forget “porky on porky violence” is never capitalists actually fighting each other
It’s actually “prole on prole violence in the name of porkies”

Anyway, “communists” have fun shilling for the deaths of working class people at the behest of capitalists because said capitalists rule a government occupying the same geographic landmass that Soviet Russia did, cheers, chauvinists


>Last post
this faggot will be back tomorrow
they always are


No see if you appreciate it, that means you "support" a capitalist winning which means you have commie blood on your hands. duh


>Last post
Good riddance, pseud.
>Anyway, “communists” have fun shilling for the deaths of working class people at the behest of capitalists because said capitalists rule a government occupying the same geographic landmass that Soviet Russia did, cheers, chauvinists
except that we're not like such, faggot
fuck back to reddit, amerilard
for the invasion is a prelude to the restoration of the Union


It's a form of blackmail more than anything.


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Ask an American to name Ukraine


Because they are not interested in actually spreading their style of government, convincing others, etc. they just want your stuff and will conquer you to get it and install a comprador bourgeoisie.

The Wealthy West Club is full, and the rest of the world is not invited.


NTA but I'm curious about something here that I've seen several people talk about that never really understood properly, but what is a comprador bourgeoisie? Can you elaborate a bit on that?


They've been trying to invade the Donbass for years and were stopped both times by Russian mobilisation
Zeldnsky has referred to East Ukrainians as "species" and said anyone that feels Russian should go to Russia
Ukro-nazis are currently putting signs up on Russian speaking people's businesses saying they don't respect Ukraine and 'real' Ukrainians shouldn't buy stuff from there and harassing them

The current state of Ukraine is run by ethno nationalists and needs to be wiped out


Russian communists put a bill forward to the Russian gov to recognise the DPR and Lpr lul


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Russia has tried to join NATO, twice.
No real reason for NATO to actually not accept, you would literally have world domination, aside from China.
This is because of a very simple reason, NATO wants to balkanize Russia. The very existence of Russia is a menace to NATO, and I don't mean this because they're "scared" of russian people, but how much territory they occupy.
Russia is the major country that will get a benefit from climate change, it's a country with a lot of natural resources because it literally owns about 1/8 of the planet or so.
It's the literal counterpart of the US, and the US wants it destroyes so it can truly be the world dominator without having no one to actually stand to them. Also Russia has lotsa nukes.
Not saying tho that Russia is an anti-imperialist nation, it is a capitalist nation and capitalism itself enables imperialism, it's a feature, not a dlc. But the thing is that NATO is searching for Russia is to be completely destroyed and balkanized in 5 states or more.
Also the Rimland theory is more important (at least that'd what NATO officials believe) than what you think.
So in thic conflict I support Russia for these reasons.
>Russia is actively defending itself against an outside invader that wants to mutilate it out of paranoia.
>Ukraine isn't worth a damn supporting, they have incorporated in their army neo-nazi paramilitaries.
>Ukraine is also a shithole that would be better under russian control… Probably (not that hard of a test tbh, being better than a comprador regime for NATO isn't that hard).
>More power to Russia means less power to the US, which will make it more aggressive. Supporting Russia is literally accelerationism to ww3, but accelerationism nonetheless, and no, I don't want ww3, I don't like to happen, but one thing is to not like war and the other is to delude oneself into believing that it will not happen, it will happen because it's the natural course of capitalism. This is more asking for a swift death than a prolonged, painful suffering under late stage capitalism.
>Seriously, fuck the Ukrainian goverment.
>In fact, fuck ALL nato states, including mine.

Despite this, I recognize that:
>Russia is a capitalist country. Thus means that it is imperialist because imperialism is the capitalist drive for profit natural course of action, read imperialism, the last stage of capitalism. Every capitalist country will become either imperialist, or imperialized, and Russia clearly isn't being imperialized as, say, Togo is.
>Russia is ruled by a capitalist class, the same class that killed the Soviet Union and thus killed AES.
>The russian state is actively smearing the soviet union, by example making the gulag archipelago a required reading in schools, meanwhile putting into a shrine a fake version of Stalin, deluding themselves into thinking he was a fascistic strong dictator instead of the antithesis of fascism which is why russian rightwingers love to say that they liked Stalin but hate Lenin, despite the former being literally a disciple and rightful succesor to Lenin's theories and politics.

Also btw this also applies to China.




Based oped right there.


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Reddit has the balkanization plans


>Why is this a reason to assume, realistically, that Ukraine would or even can invade Russia?
because the current Ukrainian regime is an American lapdog.


< Russian Communists want to up the ante with Ukraine
<Party leader Gennady Zyuganov pens resolution to recognise the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics as independent
<It would be “morally justified” for Russia to recognize the independence of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics to save the people from “genocide,” a group of Russian Communist MPs claimed on Wednesday.
<“The Ukrainian authorities have stopped paying pensions and social benefits and imposed a complete economic blockade on the population and enterprises of the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics,” the document reads. “The actions of the Ukrainian authorities can well be compared to the genocide of its people.”

The Communist MPs also claimed that “democratic bodies and governments with all the attributes of legitimate power have been built” in both the DPR and LPR since 2014.

<In response, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that he had not seen the draft bill and could not comment.



Nice cope


cartography was a mistake




I was more thinking about the opera diva in drag-queen makeup.


95% of the territory ? are they crazy ? do they even think NATO is going to siege down the entire country or something ?
Also Ukraine would get diddly squat in that scenario.


I have never seen warmongering like this since War on terror.


and the anarchist are celebrating and cheering on NATO once again lmaooo


>The lessons of the russo-japanese war and the winter war were not learned.
<Yeah, you see, this wall can totally be crossed. Look at this scratches, this wall is totally going to crumble down. See those scratches? It means it's going down the next Time I try to pass, I mean, SUCCEED to pass through it!
What a cope, jesus.


Ukraine: Boris Johnson warns Russian invasion would be disastrous
>PM Boris Johnson has warned Russia that invading Ukraine would be "disastrous" and a "painful, violent and bloody business". Speaking as the Foreign Office pulled some embassy staff out of Ukraine…


> the winter war were not learned.
but they won that, even with heavy losses they got the land they asked, this is not a good lesson for the NATO because it means we gonna win in the end.


top kek


>russo-japanese war
>imagine equating russia atm with imperial russia which was extremely inferior
Liberals be cryin'


I know.
That just make it funnier! He could have said the afghan war, but I suppose saying that would make the US look bad because they also lost that one.


We can distinguish between the national bourgeoisie and the comprador bourgeoisie. The national bourgeoisie develops the productive forces of a country, employs scientists and specialists to have technology developed, builds infrastructure to aid production, and tries to export its surplus products to other countries. The comprador bourgeoisie on the other hand act in a country on behalf of another country's national bourgeoisie, classically in a colonized setting, and for the purpose of resource extraction from the colonized country to the colonizing country, so they don't actually develop productive forces beyond what is necessary to steal shit, and typically are involved in mercantile/trade businesses, and when they build infrastructure it's only for the purpose of streamlining resource extraction out of a country. A typical example is Latin America, where to this day roadmaps can be quite insane because they were built for example from mines in the heartland to the nearest port so they could be shipped, and not for connecting cities like in a normal country, which extracts its own resources just to have it turned into end products in different cities. After neoliberalism and offshoring the character of both changed. The comprador bourgeoisie are basically overseers of production in third world / capitalist periphery countries, where they lobby (and bribe) for worse working conditions on behalf of the capitalist core country's national bourgeoisie, ensuring that relatively high paying jobs (research and development, administration, etc.) can stay in the core, while actual immeserated production remains in the third world. A good example is ex-socialist bloc countries, where they intentionally destroyed the factories, but kept the mines (etc.) and the required infrastructure to extract resources, so that their markets could be prepared to buy international businesses' products and can't produce on their own, while keeping the resource extraction going. It's basically reselling your own "stuff" to you for the profit of another country's bourgeois.


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The only universe where Ukraine claims that much Russian territory is one where they commit to the LARP fully and are just like


KPRF are full of people that supported Gorbachev in the 80s and are UR controlled opposition anyway.

The stance of socialists since WW1 has always been to say 'No.' to inter-imperialist wars between capitalist empires.


Thanks for the explanation




So the KPRF is full of pseuds? Anyway regardless of what they say Russia must take active measures to combat Nazism in their backyard, particularly when it's right in front of their doorstep.


Kind of a dumb question, but why is the U.S. so aggressive towards Russia?
Is this still about oil?


>Is this still about oil?
It's about Siberia. It's home to unexplored deposits of NRs.


What about ww2? Or the Russian civil war?
Or any war of liberation for the right of self determination?

If you think a literal Nazi State that had its government overthrown in 2014 by USA and is attempting to create an ethno state in a State that has a lot of ethnic Russians is an "inter imperialist war" you're either
-trot (same as above)
-or a long haired peacenik faggot that thinks socialism is just about "being nice"
Kprf are correct on this


Yes. Obviously. Petrodollar at all costs. Same shit with Iran's nuclear deal - oil they're not burning, is oil they could be selling.


>What about ww2?
The various communist parties associated with the USSR globally didn't support the war until 1941 when the USSR was attacked.
>Or the Russian civil war?
Revolutionary war of socialists on one side and Liberal republicans + reactionary's on the other side.
>Or any war of liberation for the right of self determination?
Anti-Imperialist struggle as defined by Lenin.

What is going on in Ukraine is clearly none of the above, With the USA and Russian-Fed simply wishing the state to be part of their respective economic exploitation bloc(s)


Actually no.
The petrodollar is literally the reason why the US isn't on weirmar's germany levels of inflation.
By forcing everyone to trade oil with dollars, it makes it so you can print and print and print dollars without it being devalued to zimbabwean hell, because every country needs dollars in order to buy oil.
In fact, this is the reason why Iraq was so rapidly invaded, because they started trading oil for euros instead of dollars.
The US has always been on the brink of complete economic collapse because of this. Thanks to the petrodollar, they can fund all their shit and their military, cause they can always print more money, and because everyone needs it, it will never "devalue" like crazy.
They literally just can print more money, and that's the foundation of the US. Literally what a five year old would suggest.


>Russian-Fed simply wishing the state to be part of their respective economic exploitation bloc(s)
Russia's taking active measures in the region and you call that wanting to exploit? I understand your mindset, but this can't be applied to all countries who invade someting for some reason. You think China invading Taiwan is because that they have massive oil reserves? No!


Uh, yeah, thanks for agreeing. Russia and Iran aren't on-board with the petrodollar. Therefore, US acts shitty towards them, and wants to invade them. Venezuela, too. China is a geolpolitical rival, pursuing an independent policy, which is not on.


i'm gonna kill myself if this happens,
i can't take it anymore



Russiagate fried the brains of the liberal elite


>There should be a war

Says the same spoiled urbanite philosopher scum

Nobody said revolution will be peaceful, But where are the ukrainian communists in this all?

Are they the one leading some fight? No.

This is two porkies fighting, It's not good for any, Sure, The spoils may inspire some new communists but try not to get a hard-on for the civilians that are going to be lost for that to happen


No, Crimea is a warm-water port, and Russia was pursuing one, since 🅱️eter the Great, you idiot.

>"Russia is imperialist!" crowd knows jack-shit about geopolitics, history or strategic interests

Really puts the cortex in a vortex.


>T. Doesn't know what imperialism is


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>Lenin said imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism
>Russia is a pretty capitalist
>therefore it is imperialist
>hence, "every imperialist is the exact same as every other imperialist"
>post successful
>mission accomplished
>program terminated


>>Or any war of liberation for the right of self determination?
>Anti-Imperialist struggle as defined by Lenin.
So why are you against DPR and LPR self-determination?


I can clearly explain why China-Taiwan is nowhere near as similar as Russia-Ukraine.

China views Taiwan as an actual province of China to be governed same as any other as part of its state. And that Taiwan will be equally subject to development as every other part of China, Taiwanese citizens will be granted Taiwanese citizenship, and no hyperexploitative system will be established.

The Russian relationship to other post-soviet states in the aftermath of the collapse of the USSR clearly is not an attempt to ‘revive the USSR’ or anything else to that effect but is to establish a band of third-world exploited states in Central-Asia and Eastern-Europe it can manipulate economically through organs such as the EEC for the Russian national capitalist class

>Establishing a warm water port has nothing to do with economics or economic necessity.
>Russia is only doing what it does because of Idealist romantic nationalist concepts of greater Rus


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Not that Eurekan anon, but personally I'm more of the belief that Russia and the Ukraine can go fuck themselves, and my main concern lies for the independence for the DPR and LPR, because they at least have the slim possibility of sticking it to the Ukraine and not becoming mere puppets for Russia.


>Establishing a warm water port has nothing to do with economics or economic necessity.
It's a military and security issue first.


>>Lenin said imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism
>>Russia is a pretty capitalist
>>therefore it is imperialist
Where is the flaw in this thinking?

May not be on par with american imperialism

But how do capitalist countries exist and function without doing a little bit of imperialism?


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Rise above it, Jack. These e-celebs have little to no influence on real politics. The only people who take their shit seriously are kids in their late teens or early 20's who'll just move on to simp for another e-celeb in 6 months/ 2 years. They're hardly a threat or a meaningful source of genuine political action. They're just loud mouth pieces with all bark and no bite.

Their pseud-opinions on the matter means as much as the pseud-opinions on this hellscape of a board and have equally as much influence on foreign policy.


>small capitalist country doesn’t do imperialism because it doesn’t fit into my dumbass American centric vision of it being the great satan
News flash jack. Everyone under capitalism does some level of imperialism these days. Even tiny ass end proxies like Australia and Indonesia do imperialism on their own for the sole purpose of national interests. It’s a systemic problem.
Hell even what you dumb western mf call aes does imperialism to an extent due to the simple fact that it creates more profits. The US being hyper-imperialistic is like the big gangster controlling other bastards.


>They're just loud mouth pieces with all bark and no bite.

I mean this applies to regular news anchors too, no?

Do they have influence


>Even tiny ass end proxies like Australia and Indonesia do imperialism on their own for the sole purpose of national interests

How, I want to know


List imperialism committed by Central and South American countries. Go.

Is this CIA? Pretending to be a third-worldist or whatever, horribly butchering Marxist theory, shilling against the current target of NATO aggression and then going "Noooo, it is you who doesn't understand imperialism"?


Again, influence on WHO? Considering the fact that a good chunk of the American people don't trust mainstream media or journos for that matter. The problem isn't entirely the medium itself, but rather that your average consumer hasn't developed critical thinking skills to know any better and turn to an alternative.


I take it you haven't seen what Australia's doing in East Timor?




>How, I want to know


Stop spreading TERF propaganda. The majority of trans women who get GRS are happy with the results.


>even with heavy losses they got the land they asked

Yeah, nah. Finns overexaggerated Soviet losses tenfold, and then the West collectively decided that Finnish war propaganda is more trustworthy than Soviet numbers, and then anticommunists came in power in USSR and decided that Finnish war propaganda is more trustworthy than Soviet numbers.

Pray tell me how finns could have killed that many Soviets with no antitank weaponry, with half the army fighting in civilian clothes with civilian firearms, with no artillery, with nothing but static bunkers, which were based off Maginot line and with Finnish army instructed by French and British instructors who showed to the whole world their complete incompetence barely a year later? Hell, Poland also had French and British instructors helping their armies out, and French and British weaponry. The only fucking nations who learned no lessons in WW1, lol


Genital GCS is generally less common than chest surgery, with prevalence rates of about 25–50% for transgender men and 5–10% for transgender women (7,9,32). For transgender women, genital GCS comprises a number of procedures, including vaginoplasty (most commonly intestinal or penile inversion) with labiaplasty and/or clitoroplasty, penectomy, and orchiectomy. Transgender women report bottom surgery at rates between 5–13% (7-9,32).


>Yeah, nah. Finns overexaggerated Soviet losses tenfold,
Nope. Our records are quite accurate for WW2 situation but Soviet records are a mystery because 200 000 soldiers "missing".
>with no antitank weaponry,
Molotov cocktail and other explosives. Tanks don't really work that well in dense forest.
>with half the army fighting in civilian clothes with civilian firearms,
Not true.
>with no artillery,
If anything Finnish artillery was a huge success story because leadership was extremely competent.


>200 000 soldiers "missing"

Where do you get those 200k soldiers "missing"? That's fucking right, Western reporting.

>Molotov cocktail and other explosives. Tanks don't really work that well in dense forest.

Gee, all Germans had to do in WW2 against tanks was to throw Molotovs, apparently. Huh, and the Germans went to the trouble of pointing an AA gun at them instead - Germans are totally subhuman compared to godly finns who can destroy tanks with Molotovs, lololol

>Not true.

True-true, it's according to both official Finnish stats and to Mannerheim's memoirs. He phrased it like a heroic defence/sacrifice kind of thing, though.

>If anything Finnish artillery was a huge success story because leadership was extremely competent.

If anything, Soviets steamrolled Finland faster than they planned, due to utter incompetence of Finnish command. Stalin planned to win that war in a year, instead it took only a winter, and ended in COMPLETE ENCIRCLEMENT OF THE FINNISH ARMY AND SOVIET TANKS ON A FREE HIGHWAY TO HELSINKI. That's the level of competence of the Finnish army we are talking about.



when it comes to soviet losses the wikipedia numbers are always wack, even if i believe the soviets suffered much more loses i highly doubt these numbers.


Using their stories, which are important and valid, as ammo for a transphobic attack against trans people who get GRS, is a bullshit technique reminiscent of a typical low autism score TERF. You sound like a transphobic poltard and yet you claim to be a communist. You have no solidarity with trans people?


I'm asking you a question

I didn't make any statements, I don't know if they south american central countries have done imperialism

Are you saying they have not?

Influence on policywonks, people who are can make a difference
Do you think in liberal democracies, the people being influenced by media can achieve anything meaningful? Like stopping a war

I don't particularly think so, The vietnam war didn't stop because of them, they might have been 1% in the list of reasons to stop but they never were a major cause

Same with Iraq war and what not

Wow, you were right
Never heard of timor before

Seems all capitalist countries are doing some form of foreign exploitation


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Have a read. Again, Soviets were planning to fight that war for a year at best, instead they steamrolled Finland, which was a nice surprise for them. Finns, being the sore losers that they are, started spreading propaganda that they were super heroic and had 10 to 1 K/D ratio. Same as with Germans. Funny how despite gazillion losses, Soviets never conscripted kids into the army, but Germans and Finns? Oh boy.

Go read my link. That's Molotov's report to the Supreme Soviet. Wikipedia is pure unadulterated propaganda.


Transitioning ain’t the same as GRS, fam


>Finns, being the sore losers that they are,
How ironic.
>Soviets never conscripted kids into the army, but Germans and Finns? Oh boy.
Yes we had 4 entire divisions consisting from children that Soviets steamrolled. It was really sad.


what does this image mean to say?


Basic information about Finland in WW2 and that it was 3 different wars for Finland. Looking only information about winter war doesn't give you the whole picture.


>How ironic.

What's ironic about being destroyed so thoroughly that in the "continuation war" Finns refused to advance at all without German divisions? USSR destroyed Finland's offensive capabilities in the Winter War. Gee, I wonder, how much damage to country of what, 3 million people, with 10% of population getting consripted, and losing 60k out of that 300k figure, would do to Finnish morale and the ability to do any military moves.

And don't fucking forget how Finnish ARMY, not some auxillaries, ARMY, was using looted Soviet weaponry. Because, you know, it turns out that Molotov cocktails of Winter War actually didn't work and were a pure propaganda.

>Yes we had 4 entire divisions consisting from children that Soviets steamrolled. It was really sad.

Soviets didn't have 18 yos as officers, but both Finland and Germany had. Because of the lack of manpower. Because USSR was fairly fucking efficient in destroying enemy manpower.

It's meant to say that Finns were good, actually, and held their ground against both sides. You know, how Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary all did when Soviets/Allies entered their countries. Utter nonsense.


>What's ironic about being destroyed so thoroughly that in the "continuation war" Finns refused to advance at all without German divisions?
You are extremely misinformed. Finns reached their natural borders and fortified their positions so we had better position in negotiations with Soviets if German would lose. This was crucial for civilian in Leningrad because we let Russians to supply them with weapons and food to survive. I suggest that you read basic history about eastern front.


Failed to do what? They won the winter war


With the combined manpower of russia itself, central asia, the baltics, ukraine, and belarus, the ussr actually had around 300 million citizens.


>Finns reached their natural borders and fortified their positions

What a bunch of Finnish cope. Finns were bled dry by Winter War, that's why they had no will to fight on. When Soviet focused their attention to Finland, Soviets steamrolled, YET AGAIN, Finnish "natural borders" and forced Finland to betray Germany. Just like they did with other small countries in Europe, by the way.

"Better negotiation position" has still resulted in Finland not getting fucking anything out of that war except dead Finns, with Finland banned from joining any alliances to this day, and with USSR having a free reign of Finnish territorial waters. Gee, what a victory that was for you.


Didn't you fucking know that Soviets have constructed sturdy supply lines to feed Leningrad in 1941-42? Finland, just like Germany, planned to genocide Leningrad, but they failed utterly at that, with German tank divisions getting slaughtered, and then defenders of Leningrad repelling any and all attacks afterwards. Germany failed at EVERY objective they had in WW2, that's the reality of the war. Out of initial plan Barbarossa NOTHING was achieved. Archangelsk-Astrakhan line (and that implied Finland pushing to Archangelsk, by the way) was NEVER achieved.


>This is really funny when you think that Soviets failed

Where's fail, you retard? Finns have constructed a Maginot line like French and wanted to stall until British and French came and relieved them. Stalin planned for a year-long campaign, instead it was all over in 3 months, with British getting straight up excluded from the peace talks because FINLAND WAS FUCKING DESPERATE FOR A PEACE BECAUSE IT'S WHOLE ARMY WAS ENCIRCLED. Finland got blitzkrieged, and everything to the contrary is a Finnish cope unsupported by the factual evidence - both Britain and France planning to send 100k large armies to Finland to help, and not getting to do that because Finland surrendered faster than those troops arrived.


How big is the finnish communist movment?
imma google


>Communist Party of Finland (1994)
oof lads 0 parlimentary or munciplaity seats


>What a bunch of Finnish cope. Finns were bled dry by Winter War,
But this is not true. 50 000 deaths was an acceptable cost for not being conquered.
> When Soviet focused their attention to Finland, Soviets steamrolled,
Also this is not true. Soviet tried this steamrolling with 1,5 million men but our positions held because masterful use of artillery that killed tens of thousands of them while their divisions were grouping for offensive.

>Where's fail, you retard? Finns have constructed a Maginot line like French and wanted to stall until British and French came and relieved them.

This is wrong on so many levels. Having fortification of bunkers doesnt mean its the fucking impenetrable maginot line meant to hold entire Red Army for months. Finland did seek foreign help during winter war but no plans were made on this idea that the French army would help us from the other side of Europe. We were not allies the British nor the French.
Not big anymore but we have traditions as a close friend and neighbor of Soviet Union.


That's because (white) Finland has tried to erase the labor movement from history.


Kek, at least from all the happonings this has emerged.
Good posts anon lmao
>The soviets in the end managed/forced the reactionary goverments to betray Germany
Yup, just like Romania and partially Hungary. Oh, how many lives were wasted for some fucking germaboos.


Whites genocided 15 000 communists during civil war. Communism was legalized after WW2 and the secret police was in communist hands and it was used for revenge.


Left alliance WAS a communist party and it got 8% votes last Sunday in regional elections.



<bu-bu-but Soviets were stalled in a first month of war! Unsuccessful offensive that didn't break through Mannerheim line!

Soviets DENIED Finland a field to maneuver in the first month of war, taking the flatlands near Leningrad and forcing the Finns to group their armies IN FORESTS AND SWAMPS BEHIND THEIR BUNKER LINE. Meanwhile, Soviets could bring in tanks and artillery and set up them however they wanted and in whatever formation they wanted, because, you know, FLATLANDS WITH NO OBSTACLES. When Soviets brought everything they needed in a couple of months, they broke through the bunker line with ARTILLERY FIRE, with INFANTRY BREAKING THROUGH, and then tanks FOLLOWING THROUGH AND POURING BEHIND THE FINNISH LINES. Then Soviets hounded Finns till some city and COMPLETELY ENCIRCLED ENTIRE FINNISH ARMY. When the peace talks happened, SOVIETS GAVE AN ORDER TO DESTROY THAT POCKET, which gave a huge fucking sense of urgency to Finnish diplomats, and resulted in Finland losing territory, it's waters and islands, as well as any offensive capability Finland had.

>50 000 deaths was an acceptable cost for not being conquered.

<The war in Finland has exacted heavy sacrifices both from us and from the Finns. According to estimates of our General Staff, on our side the number killed and those who died of wounds was 48,745, or somewhat less than 49,000 men, and the number wounded 158,863. Attempts are being made on the part of the Finns to minimise their losses, but their casualties were considerably bigger than ours. Our General Staff places the number of Finnish killed at not less than 60,000, without counting those who died of wounds, and the number wounded at not less than 250,000. Thus, considering that the strength of the Finnish army was not less than 600,000 men, one must admit that the Finnish army lost in killed and wounded over one-half its total strength. Such are the facts.

>Soviet tried this steamrolling with 1,5 million men

Are you retarded enough to believe that USSR committed half of it's total army to Finnish War? USSR fought Finland with the forces of it's Leningrad Military District alone, you copefuck.

>Having fortification of bunkers doesnt mean its the fucking impenetrable maginot line meant to hold entire Red Army for months.

It was meant exactly for that, just like French instructors told Finns. French have built that line, French have trained the Finnish army, and the result was similar to what France has experienced.


holy shit there was a Finnish Socialist state
I hate the whites


>It is socialist and democratic-socialist

wut, it's okay, it's okay
victory and allies are important


Oh, forgot one more thing. As a result of Finnish War, Finland was banned from allying with Sweden and Norway, like they wanted. Meaning that USSR, in the end, prevented Sweden from joining into the Axis, huh.


>Left alliance WAS a communist party.
what happened ?, cucked out to the libs.


General offensive of 1944 was only half million men. I stand corrected.


*forgot the fucking "?" in the end there.


>what happened ?,
Fall of Soviet Union and ideological shift.
>cucked out to the libs?
Exactly that. They are now just another flavor of social democracy.


Soviets please stop being based even after collapse challenge (very hard)


I'm too tired to debate about WW2 but the Finnish people are satisfied about the result of WW2 (maybe not Karelians) and we consider it a victory that Finland with the population of 3,5 million people could beat Soviet Union with the population of 168 million. We say its a defensive victory because Soviets planned to conquer all of Finland.


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Exactly the same position defeated Wehrmacht generals had, lol. Keep coping

>We say its a defensive victory because Soviets planned to conquer all of Finland.

Finland was offered a land exchange, offering land triple the size of what Soviets wanted. Due to Finland being dumb and willing to throw Finns under Soviet artillery fire, Finland has lost everything, was forbidden from joining any alliances, from hosting any other country's military, lost access to the White Sea, lost islands, let USSR roam freely in it's territorial waters, and gained nothing in return. And as a cherry on top, Finland forever became known as a defeated Nazi collaborationist government who even sent out jews for Hitler's whims, as well as creating concetration camps for Russians. And you lost MORE TROOPS THAN SOVIETS! Pure fucking cope.


>for the invasion is a prelude to the restoration of the Union
elaborate on this in a way that goes further than being pure fanfiction wankery


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Yes there was


>not wanting to be conquered by the Soviet Union


Maybe some kind of a "united economical community" kind of thing. Ukraine's mostly in the Russia's sphere, all the things Ukraine needs it buys mostly from Russia, anyway. Ukraine switching to the Western side is basically West's attempt to claw back into Russia itself.


holy shit i didn't know that finland attacked soviets before anything

this screencap needs to be uploaded to leftybooru
this is nuts

so how did these fashy state break down into social democrat nordic model of today?

and what exactly can be done today when they ban communist parties again?

did the finns try underground commie parties? violence?


>and gained nothing in return.
Finland was the only Axis country not to be conquered and occupied.

>And you lost MORE TROOPS THAN SOVIETS! Pure fucking cope.

You are entertaining. You seem to have lost relatives in the hands of Finns or something.

>holy shit i didn't know that finland attacked soviets before anything
Soviets faked artillery attack in 1939 and blamed it on Finns. Finland invaded Soviet Union in 1941 when we saw opportunity to get our land back.

>so how did these fashy state break down into social democrat nordic model of today?

Communism was legal after WW2 and fascism was outlawed. Social democrat + communist alliance fixed the country and made it a wealthy Nordic welfare state. Now its being dismantled by neoliberals.


>Finns reached their natural borders and fortified their positions
>This was crucial for civilian in Leningrad because we let Russians to supply them
holy kek. imaging actually believing this.


>Finland forever became known as a defeated Nazi collaborationist government who even sent out jews for Hitler's whims
During the war, the Germans tried to get Finland to extradite its Jewish citizens, but this ultimately culminated in the opposition of Commander-in-Chief C. G. E. Mannerheim: because Jewish soldiers fought in the Finnish army, no other Finnish Jews would be extradited to the Germans. The Germans had to accept this. In fact, there was a strange situation on the scale of the whole of the Second World War in Finland: Jewish soldiers fought alongside the Germans, and Germans were powerless to intervene, Jews even had a field synagogue.


What can I say Russians weren't exectly in strong position to supply Leningrad but they could do it quite freely. Neo-nazis today screech about it because they think killing all civilians in Leningrad would have made Hitler win the war.


Speaking of white Finland, the Vlasovites who rule the Russian Federation put up a plaque to Mannerheim in Leningrad at his old barracks from when he served the Russian Empire before the revolution. Dwell on that Putinists and Dugintards. Fascist butchers and plunderers of Soviet Russia honouring another fascist butcher of the Finnish and Soviet proletariat who helped the nazis.


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>walk into Ukraine Hapooning thread
>see FIntarded Winter Cope


Mannerheim and President Risto Ryti opposed the conquest of Leningrad and direct support of the siege, as well as the disruption of the Murmansk railway, in order to maintain the argument of a separate war and to preserve Finland's chances of peace negotiations in the event of Germany's defeat. At the order of Mannerheim, the progress of the Finns came to a halt in December 1941, when the so-called stationary war began. It lasted two and a half years. The areas lost in the winter war were reunited by Parliament decision on 6. December when the borders of the Tartu peace were restored.


it's a slow day, what we gonna do.


For every such monument in russia you will find 20 in hoholstan

duginbots and putinoids are retarded, but I cannot care less if hohlotards get land backed by russia


>What is going on in Ukraine is clearly none of the above, With the USA and Russian-Fed simply wishing the state to be part of their respective economic exploitation bloc(s)
<Just straight up ignores the socialist nature of the DONETSK PEOPLES REPUBLIC and the Luhansk People's Republic (caps to emphasize the socialist name they deliberately took)
<Straight up ignores the fact one side massacred a load of communists/socialists and trade unionists
<Straight up ignores that communists are executed in Western Ukraine in the street
<Neonazis from all over the globe are flocking to Ukraine for training
I know which side I'm on.
You can keep yelling Neither Washington or Moscow as much as you like like a stupid trot
The world's proletariat benefits by Ukrainian state getting smashed


<Neonazis from all over the globe are flocking to Ukraine for training
Finnish and Swedish neo-nazis get military training in Russia.


Is the democratic people's republic of congo socialist?
LNR/DNR are socialist in aesthetics only.

You're really overstating you're case, given that you're still right - literal nazis who want to aspire to be like OUN grandaddy are far far worse than russian revanchism.


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My point is that Russia, Ukraine, Finland are all ruled by anticommunist bourgeois scum.


Nice royal "we".
The distinction between the Finnish front of 1941-1944 and the rest of the fascist invasion by their allies in Germany, Romania, Hungary, is a false one. The Soviets considered it part of the Great Patriotic War and the Finnish/Karelian front of the overall conflict.


If it looks like a cope and sounds like a cope…


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Straight up lies and cope
There was huge communist influence in DPR and Lpr
Where DPR forces arrive they were tearing down Nazi flags and Ukrainian flags and replacing with them with the flag of Soviet Union

Dprs postal service has been issuing stamps and postal cards of Soviet leaders

Russia has actually tried to sideline the communists in DPR because they don't want a communist State next to them for obvious reasons. But doesn't mean the DPR State isn't fulled with communists trying to do that


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Here's DPR Police Academy unveiling a statue of Felix Dzerhinsky (Cheka leader under Lenin)


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>finland apologists: "nooooo, finland just wanted to return its pre-war territories"
<the finnish president at the time: (pic related)


and what this proves ? that there are pro russian parties in europe ?, because unless there is proof that they are funded by russia and/or have members and ex-members of Russian parlament on their parties it is just slander.


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Statement from communist party of DPR

On 14 April, 2014, the il­legitimate Kiev regime, which came to power as a result of a coup d’état, launched an aggres­sive war against the people of Donbas, who had chosen the path of self-determination. This has led to huge civilian casualties in the region, and mas­sive destruction of production facilities and infrastructure.

The people’s republics of Donbas have been living in incessant hos­tilities for more than seven years. The systematic violations of the truces by the Ukrainian side indicate that Kiev and the West­ern imperialists behind it are not interested in a peaceful resolution of the conflict. We should respond to this with the strengthening of interna­tional workers’ solidarity and the strengthening of the co-operation of the world’s progressive forces.

The Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic demands:

— from Kiev to stop the conduct of hostilities in Donbass, to begin negotiations with the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics over the establishment of mutual relations on the principles of peace;

— from the European Union and the United States to stop financing Kiev’s military spending and arms supplies for it;

— from the international community to demand criminal prosecution of Ukraine’s war and political criminals.

The Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic calls on all fraternal parties and organizations to protest against the war crimes of Kiev and draw the attention of the international community to the true causes of the bloodshed, to the Donbass tragedy.

No to the war in Donbass!

Yes to the self-determination of the DPR and the LPR!

Central Committee of the Communist Party
of the Donetsk People’s Republic


and what this have to do with what i say ?.


People really love to overrate the nazis don't they?


I love how that retards picture includes UKip as some sinister Russian plot
Brexit was genuinely popular with the masses

A lot of the Russia haters in UK turned out to be complete fakes
Take Carole Cadwalldr, the Rachel Maddow of UK. She went on a Ted talk and accused Aaron Bank's of being in the Kremlin's pocket
I genuinely believed her at the time thinking Russian money in London is probably doing it
She's now in court after Bank's brought a libel case to her and she just DROPPED THE DEFENCE OF TRUTH
Now where do these hysterical claims against Russia come from, NGOs from the USA


so russia is not a bitch and fight the virtual info warfare agains the US, got it.


What’s with this “tu quoque” shit?
1) Russia’s funding of far-right parties is “any party who opposes the EU and NATO”. Which is gross, but also geopolitics.
2) Nazis may enter Russia to train, but they aren’t integrated into the armed forces and receive NATO arms shipments
3) The largest opposition party in the RF is the communist party and what manufactures consent for Yedinros is the fact that they have an actual hostile west on their doorstep. Take that away and people in Russia will understand how corrupt, but also fragile their local bourgeoisie are



Yes. Russia has started anti-communist crackdowns, even against the milktoast kprf. Hell even the pure boomer Platoshkin was jailed.

Few if any here who are sympathetic to Donetsk and Lugansk are
have any sympathy towards the contemporary Russian state.

Are resident westoid libs as usual have little of no awareness of politics outside their burgerized domestic political masturbation.


RT is based
Let me know what other channel puts on quality Marxists like
Chris Hedges
Abbey Martin
Afshin Rattansi
George Galloway
Ross Ashcroft

And gives columns to Zizek
Sputnik also hosts podcast By any means necessary by two black communists also

I hate fag woke IdPol shit too so it's just a bonus RT pushes back on that queer shit too
>supported Moscow’s annexation of Crimea, and denounced the EU, NATO, and other Western institutions. Lega and the FPÖ had little power in 2014, but Moscow elevated their voices as evidence of European support. By the end of the year, Russian officials had hosted Lega members in Crimea, Putin had met with Salvini in Moscow, and Russian state-owned media were lavishing attention on sympathetic Italian and Austrian far-right figures who lamented the West’s anti-Russian policies.28 Formal cooperation agreements between Russia’s ruling United Russia party and both Lega and the FPÖ soon followed.29 If Russia could not break Europe’s official position, it could at least chip away at the EU’s carefully constructed image of solidarity against Moscow.
Ending EU and NATO is the urgent necessity of our times (both subject European nations to USA. EU itself is anti democratic and filled with Atlanticists)
I'd prefer Brexit to have been championed and led by communists but it was largely done by UKip and Farage
I still voted for that, cope lib


>Paradoxically, intelligence services in the West have largely ignored these mercenaries, who are far larger in number than those who travelled to Syria to join ISIS.
Could it be that neoliberals don’t give a shit about Nazis either?


>Implying that European fascism won’t come from the existing political leadership, but these 3rd, 4th and 5th-place parties
Honestly, the europeans are doing a fine enough job supporting european fascism by themselves. Pinning it on the Kremlin is deflection.



Seriously what it is with westoid spam? Obviously Russia and the west are enemies and seek mutual destabilization. So Russia will support rightoids in the EU and the US support literalworsethannazi banderists in Ukraine.

We support communist struggling against both sides, hoping of course that the much stronger atlantic imperial alliance is weakened relatively more.


It's like someone triggered a NATO NGO bot



This too. As theotherthread said,euros are more primed for fascism than anyone on the planet, being basically the golden city for petit bourgeois fat off of imperial plunder and unequal exchange but terrified to death to lose it.


>English social chauvinist fuck is English Social Chauvinist Fuck
The PRCF in France supports what they call a progressive Frexit, but christ, you’re really gonna be uncritical of RT because “I don’t like the gay agenda?”



Honestly, it very well could be. No original thought was posted, just regurgitation from the links.

We should test it to see how it might reply. Perhaps type up some keywords.



Could be the same poster as lib bot trying to initiate a fake debate. Recommend not to engage.


I’m not even going that far, I mean to say that the existing neoliberal parties are themselves cryptofascist and will soon go mask off about it. The rightoid parties that Russia is totally bankrolling and commanding are where the dissatisfied elements of society can be kept until they need shock troops to attack the left. If they posed a real threat, they’d be liquidated on the spot.


And for the record, Russia itself, despite its so-called fascism and “based tradness” in the eyes of westoids, takes in a shitton of immigrants from central asia.



Would not the more appropriate be authoritarian/security state liberal-libertarian.

Ie. Market liberal in economy and culturally libertine/permissive but with a highly repressive security apparatus for anyone with real aspirations to significantly alter the economic system.

Identitarian competition of the rightoid type allowed as long as it is kept larpy, consumeristic and violence restricted to the lumpen and poor.


Thank the American reich
wow so the Germans actually lost more? What's up?


Buddy, this is still commensurable with fascism. The OG fascists weren’t even that trad, they just had a reactionary movement that was about creating a new society that embodied all of the existing petty booj spooks in a way hitherto unseen before.


>This too. As theotherthread said,euros are more primed for fascism than anyone on the planet, being basically the golden city for petit bourgeois fat off of imperial plunder and unequal exchange but terrified to death to lose it.
NATO is fascism though
Fascism can only have meaning under context of imperialism and the seeking of new markets to expand
It is NATO blitzkriegs and bombs defenceless countries, that deliberately spread radical islam across the globe, that have supported massacres of communists worldwide and support the most reactionary colonial ventures like Israel etc

This doesn't even look at NATO history in how they ratlines Nazis out of Germany and put them to work in cia, or the amount of Nazis in West German government or literal Werhmacht generals entering NATO command structures


>Not worth of support
1) Russia in Europe provides the now current sort of check on Nato’s rapacious neoliberalism
2) Nato and its incursions towards Russia are one of the one things that manufacture consent for the ruling bourgeois clique. Once There’s no big bad West threatening to swallow up Russia, people are going to be far less willing to shut up and keep their head down
3) Nato and the westoids have always channelled domestic discontent with the real problems of post-capitalist eastern europe towards neoliberal sympathetic movements like Maidan or Tikhanovskaya’s Zmagars. A rollback of NATO power better ensures that an organic commjnist opposition can grow instead of being glow-op’d
4) Reducing the scope and influence of Nato in Eastern Europe reduces its hegemonic influence over Europe as a whole, which may allow for similar anti-neoliberal movements of a communist persuasion to appear

For a so-called pragmatist, you really just seem to be “both-sides’ing” it


Do they? Or do they want to build a “wall of europe” to keep out the immigrants?

They’re mostly butthurt about the brown people, not anything else. And fascism isn’t just when you’re really racist.


A large part of the reason OG fascists even called themselves third positionist in the first place was to situate themselves as not being reducible to the binary between progress and tradition. The 'new ideal' they sought was in a sense inherently progressive, but they weren't opposed to the preservation of vital elements insofar as they could prove to be of use & worth, either. So yea, a real preface to 'radical centrism', in a sense.


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that's not a unified statement
There are plenty of far right that love being in NATO and see their civilisation in "West is the best" and they are far closer to Nazism than some of the milquetoast parties NGO bot mentioned like UKip


oh shit the neolibs are dismantling it?
porky not even happy with porky lite

they want to go full fucking pig



Maybe, but just don't see them going full ethnic nationalist. Big porkies has too much money to lose in that.

Some kind of Pinochet 1973-83 but with delapidated social program remainders and fully hyper degenerate porn-drug-violence culture.


>why do far right parties want to dismantle it?
Le brown people, le immigrant


Far right parties want to dismantle the EU, not NATO, and purely because of muh immigrants.


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It's hilarious that UKip is on there
Also the portrayal of the National Front in France as this Uber evil party when En Marche (Macrons party) recently accused the National Front of being soft on Islam putting Marine Le Pen in the position of defending Islam
>Gerald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior for the ruling Republique En Marche party, slammed Le Pen as having gone “a little soft” on the issue of Islam in France as the pair debated on Thursday on the France 2 channel.
>“You’re not tough enough here,” Darmanin told Le Pen. “If I understand you right, you’re prepared to not even legislate on religion, and you say that Islam is not even a problem” but rather “ideology, the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood,” and so on, he argued, suggesting the right-wing candidate had gone soft since the last election.

Which is just proof that liberal-fascists like Macrons En Marche party will move to the right of parties that NGO bots describe as far right to retain their iron grip on power.
The democracy liberal-fascists afford is a theatre with nice decorations, curtains, tinsel and the appearance of fair play etc.
Neoliberals will tear that all down and have you staring at a brick wall if they need to stay in power


So what? Nazis & Zionists are chauvinism just with different color. And it has nothing to do with race anymore. It's class & praxis.



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>Anon shares a Carnegie endowment video
>Carnegie endowment is a massive liberal imperialist think tank
> Started by a porky and the "richest American"
>Wonder why they are pushing the angle that they are 🤔


File: 1643105233750.mp4 (1.12 MB, 464x480, Father Sergei.mp4)

Of course, no. But critical support for them too. Fuck NATO & USA.


Carnegie Endowment, National Endowment for Democracy, National Endowment for Humanities, just how many Endowments are there?


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Post Taboritsky warlord-ass looking uygha


>Russia army has started making combat readiness inspections in its southern military district, which borders Ukraine, with more than 6,000 troops
<Security Service of Ukraine neutralized a "criminal group that was preparing a series of attacks on facilities in the border regions of Ukraine". A large-scale operation took place in Zhytomyr and Kharkiv. "The criminals were coordinated by representatives of the Russian special services"
>The Russian military has deployed additional electronic warfare battalion in the Belgorod region, - Russian Western Military District
<Latvian MoD: Russia's Defence Ministry declines Latvian OSCE inspection in Russia and publishes false statements about arrival of Latvian inspectors
>Protest of entrepreneurs at Maidan in Kyiv


Nazi posters for their "crusade against Bolshevism" all have the white and blue Finnish bourgeois cross flying alongside the swastika and other fascist flags.


This, the peoples republics are disliked by both the Ukrainian junta and the Russian bourgeoisie for their communist presence.
I hope Lugansk is renamed back to Voroshilovgrad.


‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING TNO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 TNO IS THE BEST FUCKING MOD 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 SABLIN IS SO BLESSEDDD 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊 BLACKSUN BLACKSUN BLACKSUN BLACKSUN BLACKSUN 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY NIXON IS NOT A CROOK! RFK BLESSED RFK BLESSED RFK BLESSED RFK BLESSED Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Alexei is still alive?!? TICK TOCK FUNNI MAN HAS A MENTAL BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓SHRIMP BOAT SHRIMP BOAT SHRIMP BOAT So Long…‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? 😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? 🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Yockey and Hall best paths for America r/TNOmod r/unexpectedTNO r/expectedTNO perfectly balanced as all things should be r/unexpectedthanos r/expectedthanos for balance r/DSRfunny



what's the appeal of TNO anyway? seems like it attracts mostly irony-poisoned weirdos (and run of the mill weirdos)


File: 1643116853765.png (790.58 KB, 597x451, lemoderaterebels.png)

So the world could end over a war about these jerks, set to low fidelity Touhou tunes.


its a hoi4 mod where the axis wins ww2, so you can predict the audience it would attract.


kek is this oc?


maupin aged fast


>Slavic nazis
>black white supremacists
>confederate blm supporters
>imperialist natives
Add to this list


File: 1643118430228.jpg (1010.9 KB, 3840x2160, you.jpg)


No its quite a common TNO copypasta.


oh whoops


Who will win, the Russian Atlantic Fleet or the Irish Republican Navy?


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The fuck is going on???


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It's a stupid hoi4 mod that's all about narrative story telling after nazi ww2 victory.
But the narrative always finds ways to sympathize and humanize the nazis, and meanwhile trys to paint communists as worse.
The mod paints Lysenko as basically being worse the Mengele, which is insane
(I think all the "Lysenko was ackshually right" people are dumb as hell, but the propaganda about 'evil mad scientist' Lysenko have gone too far)

I think it came about that some of the devs were clearly e nazis, and the game necessarily attracts e nazis

Anyway Speer is wholesome 10000000 democracy angel dindu nuffin wrong thanks for the gold based nazi dengism <3 <3 <3 free the slaves but only a little bit hehe X3 generalplan ost all is forgiven :DDD


Ah so it turns out they are small business tyrants that are anti-government because of lockdown??


It's the russian colour revolution


To be fair even when you play Speer the game still acknowledges that he was complicit in Nazi genocide. He basically exists as the lesser evil option when playing the evil nation (although in TNO there are like 40 "evil" nations)


hang tnouyghurs from trees xD


messed up tag


>small porkies against taxes swarm the parliament
Yeah, these are the people that expect an invasion to happen any day now lol


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>Pov you're a weak, dumb cunt and piece of shit mediocrity that has failed up the US government and you suddenly have to sit in a room and do diplomacy with this guy

Croatia to Withdraw Its Forces From NATO in Event of Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Is Germany a Reliable American Ally? Nein
Berlin goes its own way, prizing cheap gas, car exports to China, and keeping Putin calm.

German foreign minister: Cutting Russia off from Swift 'not sharpest sword'

Western governments drop plans to cut Russia off from SWIFT – media

Political advisers to hold four-way talks on Ukraine in Paris
Political advisers from Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany will hold "Normandy format" talks on eastern Ukraine in Paris on Jan. 25, a source in Russian President Vladimir Putin's administration said on Saturday.


>Shots were fired on the street in central Kyiv, possible domestic or business conflict


>Political advisers from Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany will hold "Normandy format" talks on eastern Ukraine in Paris on Jan. 25
>US not invited
is this really gonna be the american suez crisis


/thread theme/


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They had to evac the parliament becauses of the small business tyrants trying to storm it.




Such a format has been operating since 2016 at the very least.
If anything this just means that there is still some margin for talks between EU states and Russia.


>They're trying to storm the parliament
<Because now they are mandated by law to have automatic cash registers

Petty booj are literally a parody of themselves



what is this shit? some islamist terrorist blows a guys head off? didn't qatch till the end but why post here?


Islamist attack on Kiev! 100 dead and 500 injured!
Our intelligence says that they were payed by Russia to go through this attack in order to insult on Ukrainian traditions, as they did in 9/11.
Alongside the Quran, they also had a Putin shrine.
We must declare war on Russia so no more islamist attacks are made in Ukranian soil.


from RT
⚡️KIEV: Gunman OPENS FIRE Near Ukrainian Security Service HQ (Warning: Clip 18+)

Reports have emerged of an unknown man firing a shot over a crowd of people at the HQ of the Ukrainian Security Service in Kiev.

Authorities are investigating the situation but have not confirmed if there were any victims or if anyone else was armed.


oh am I just being racist?🤔


This is just a rumor, and don't ask me where I got it, but we are probably going to see something limited pop off. Both sides have too much to lose by backing down, and there are moving parts going on. Rumor has it that the state department is putting assets inside of Ukraine time now IOT set up direct lines of communication. If Russia invades Ukraine, you're going to see a rush from the borders of Ukraine to pre-determined strongholds and we're going to see some Korea-style shit if it doesn't go down within the first 72hrs. Stay ready, but I think we are going to war.


More US armament being delivered to Ukraine.



>.@jensstoltenberg tells @amanpour that NATO will send written responses to Russia later this week in coordination with the US. "We are finalizing at NATO the proposals, the written document we will send to them later this week. We will do that in parallel with [the] United States"


>NATO chief @jensstoltenberg draws a line: "NATO will not deploy NATO combat troops to Ukraine," he tells @amanpour


that feel when too old, fat, stupid, and mentally ill to be drafted


Obviously world war 3 was never in the cards
Will NATO bend over for US?


*for russia





Those javelins are old stock, some of them have expired and are just re-certified. They're mostly just for show, and you can't really use the laser rangefinder on them without letting a tank fuck you.


Did the Burgerfats cucked out?



Republicans still can't get over the impeachment of their criminal president, so they insist that the other neolib is just like him.


No. NATO not deploying troops is not the same as the US not doing so on the borders and potentially NATO deploying troops later if Russia invades Ukraine. There is nothing stopping a war as of now other than diplomacy. There must be some sort of even that both Putin and Biden can claim as victory without embarrassing the other.


>the other neolib is just like him
well he kinda is


>Republicans still can't get over the impeachment of their criminal president, so they insist that the other neolib is just like him.

Lol are you implying biden is different?


Crocodile tears makes you repeat certain words


He doesn't extend into impeachable offenses. Trump was guilty of what he was accused of. Republicans just refused to vote to convict. An impartial jury would have convicted Trump, but there is not concrete charge against which you can convict Biden in the same circumstances. I don't like either, just for the record.

Biden isn't completely politically retarded, so he didn't do anything that you could claim is an impeachable offense. Trump did, twice over.


I called it, The republicans are going to side with Russia to own the libs. America is far to divided and weak to back up any threats against Russia.


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This is a complete nothingburger the libs are conjuring to distract from the shitty economy/pandemic policy.

If something happens, I call picrel


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>thought Germany was going to maintain a neutral position cuz muh Russian natural gas
>Krauts pull some fuckshit as usual


Putin is part of an autocratic government, but he himself is not a dictator. That is incorrect. Also, you are assuming some stances of me that I do not take. I do think that the invasion of Crimea should have been countered more strongly, however that was borderline tolerable as the people there ostensibly did want to be part of Russia. That is not the case with the half of Ukraine that Russia wants to invade, and is unlikely to annex anyway. I am saying that war is coming unless cooler heads prevail, and that does not seem to be happening right now. Unless both the US and Russia can find some sort of way to claim victory simultaneously, there's going to be a war. I don't know what that event might look like, but I am hoping that it does get resolved soon.


One of these things is not like the others.


these are nowhere to be found


If you don't see that this shit happens literally every year, I can't help you.
If you don't see that Russia has 0 incentive to annex the Ukraine, I can't help you.
If you don't see that you are arbitrarily supporting a reactionary kleptocracy against another reactionary kleptocracy because the "good guys" said so, I can't help you.


The Germans do not trust the Russians and have no reason to. The past government did think that the Russian government was worth dealing with as the world turns back into a multipolar landscape, but the fact is that the current government in Germany knows that it's going to be much harder to deal with things in a post-US world, and so it's going to try and maintain that global order at any cost. A Europe that is forced to deal with a strong Russia is not a happy Europe. Natural gas from Russia is good and all, but it's not worth ceding territorial integrity for.


It's going to be great seeing Russia make the us eat shit. I hope they hang all those Nazi Ukrainians too


It's pure dickwaving, the germans have no interest in having this escalate.

except ofcourse for the greens.


I don't know what kind of delusional world you live in, but the US is good at exterminating conventional armies. What it isn't good at is using the military to do "peacekeeping" operations. The US military is simply not designed for that. This is like trying to fix a boat leak by dumping water overboard really fast. Sure, you might be able to do it well for a while, but it's a losing proposition. The average US soldier and Marine has more training, better equipment, and they are better supplied. If the goal is only to maintain national integrity in Ukraine, a host nation that ostensibly does want US troops defending it, I have a hard time believing that the Russians will do much there. It's a very outdated military with a host of problems on its own. You only have to look at recent engagements to conclude that this is the case. Again, I think the best solution for all is a negotiated peace and a de-escalation of what has been going on.


based retard


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Yes, the famous USA trained soldier


Nta, but what is this cope?


I know Russia starting to kill Ukrainians civilians is hecking because hohols are literally nazis but the end game should be Russia integrated into EU to get rid of American filth on the continent.


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>If you think Russia annexing Crimea
Declared themselves independent with even American owned polling companies putting reuniting with Russia in the 90 percentile
> and starting a war in Donbas isn’t a solid reason to be extremely nervous when a dictator is moving hundred thousand troops and all sorts of military equipment right up to your border - nothing will convince you.
Russia doesn't even want Ukraine. Russia has been trying to get Ukraine and the West to abide by the Minsk accords (which Ukraine and the West signed)- which means Donbass has some autonomy but is still a part of Ukraine

It is Ukraine that has broken Minsk accords time and time again by shelling Donbass and referring to ethnic Russians as "species"


Endgame: Russia becomes part of NATO.

I don't know why you have a problem with this. They train more often and in bigger exercises than any nation in the world. The standards for the individual infantryman are higher than almost any nation and especially for non-western nations. Not really that far-fetched to believe that this is the case. Let's not forget the Armor that would be much more prevalent in a conflict with industrialized nations. The US has arguably the best armored forces in the world, and it can field much more of them much faster than anyone else. I think it's fantasy to think that conventional Russian forces are somehow going to push the US back.


>Russia should integrate into the big neoliberal european order because America bad


Is Russia really the aggressor? I've heard someone say that if Ukraine decides to ally with the West, then they have a sovereign right to do so. Al Jazeera and other news sites (besides RT) seem to point Russia being the aggressor. Are there news publications that provide even the slightest hint of nuance?


Are the living conditions in Russia actually better than Ukraine?


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Can this war please start now and have both sides lose.


>Declared themselves independent
This is really a stupid thing to say, repeating Russian propaganda ain't making it the truth. Crimea was annexed and yes people living here voted yes to the plebiscite because they liked it, but then again people voted yes to Napoleon III assuming imperial power 170 years ago


So what? Armies aren’t individual infantrymen vs one another and armor aside, who is willing to die for Ukraine


>The republicans are going to side with Russia to own the libs
No they are not, not in any way that matters at least. It's been said already, but war is one thing both parties always agree on.


Not even trying, are you?


Unity in Europe should be maintained to prevent war and nationalism. We wont have any communism if things escalate into Nuclear War.


They can have their simulation however they want. They are poor fighters on the ground. They only ever win due to total air superiority and they haven't been in a conflict where they didn't have it. Korea maybe and Vietnam shot down quite a few of their planes.


>Russia doesn't even want Ukraine. Russia has been trying to get Ukraine and the West to abide by the Minsk accords (which Ukraine and the West signed)- which means Donbass has some autonomy but is still a part of Ukraine
>the west
No such thing, and the only signatories are Ukraine and the Russians. Germany and France only acted as mediators, and Minsk II failed to stop the fighting anyway, so neither party is currently abiding by those accords.

>It is Ukraine that has broken Minsk accords time and time again by shelling Donbass and referring to ethnic Russians as "species"

It is unknown who started the fighting up again. However, these talks never worked and a proper solution is yet to be found. They'll never work because the separatists arguably do not answer to a government (though we all know they do) and the Ukrainians do not want to lose more territory.


>russia is a dictator
>you can trust people to vote cos their stupid


Unity based on what, you stupid shill


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>Endgame: Russia becomes part of NATO.
America would prevent this because NATO would become obsolete. Its not the right organization for this idea.


You really aernt paying attention. All the big right wing voices are cool with Putin and Russia


God i hope so. I dont really want russia to outright lose, but i do want ukraine to die. The best case scenario is if russia heavily funds, arms and recognizes donetsk and lugansk and helps them take over ukraine. Because donetsk and lugansk are both peoples' republics.


Ukraine does have the right to ally with whomever they want. The Russians never really had a problem with that until Putin needed visible victories to maintain his popularity amidst a collapsing economy. This is a powerplay based on the idea that they'll somehow get away with it. Biden cannot back down, and he won't because he already fucked up.


European Union. I want to believe it can move towards socialism without American influence. Causing chaos and war in Europe to own the libs is a retarded idea.


>>that was borderline tolerable as the people there ostensibly did want to be part of Russia
>which of course is not a ground for annexation
If the results of the referendum reflect reality then yes, from a moral standpoint, it is very much grounds for annexation


>Is Russia really the aggressor?
>I've heard someone say that if Ukraine decides to ally with the West, then they have a sovereign right to do so.
In an abstract sense sure, but at the same time Russia has its own security to worry about, and that would be compromised by the further expansion of NATO on their borders. It's just unrealistic to expect them not to react to this the way they have. Their demands for Ukraine to remain neutral are perfectly reasonable.


You're missing the point, Napoleon III doing his little farce doesn't make the french people having declared the new empire just because muh plebiscite. A referendum is a tool of a state actor to make legitimacy, Crimean people were simply used to approve of an annexation like the french were used to approve of a new empire trough the polls. Nobody "declared themselves"


I feel that if Russia were going to invade it would've done so by now. The longer they wait the longer NATO will build up and prepare.


Then you’re wrong and actual european communists see it as the incubator for future fascism


And I understand that 3rd worlders including Russians feel threatened by Europe but war and chaos will end up killing you too if it turns nuclear.


>which of course is not a ground for annexation.
No, it is not, but that annexation is also not credible grounds for US intervention other than sanctions.
>your kleptocratic leader knows that the only way he can hold power is by keeping population (idiots like you) in perpetual state of worry about external enemy. and little wars like in 2008 and 2014 is just enough to keep you enslaved. now we have another escalation because he intends to keep raping you until he dies and you will all swallow it.
I'm not Russian, anon. I'm just sayin that the Russian government (if they're smart) do not plan to annex Ukraine, as they could never hold it, and they especially could not hold it when given that NATO and the US have ostensibly shown support for Ukraine. What I do not want to see, and I'm sure you'll agree, is a war in Ukraine, because civilians will die in large numbers. This is not a low-intensity conflict like the one that happened in Georgia and South Ossetia. This time it will be a very large war if it happens.


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>We wont have any communism if things escalate into Nuclear War.
Reported for sectarianism


I disagree with them as every single piece of information indicates that actual fascists want to dismantle EU.



Space gulage'd


>I want to believe it can move towards socialism without American influence
I want to wake up tomorrow in world communism and with the best boner of my life, but that doesn't make it plausible, does it


>mutt batalion fan and US cuck shed defender starts posting anticommunist memes after people did not defend their poor neonazi shithole.
like pottery.


Many communists see the EU as a necessary evil to put the breaks on US imperialism


You're right, it's not, but the US also has more combat experience, better logistics, and a better integration of the services on the level which cannot be matched by Russia alone. If the US intends only to defend Ukraine, it's going to win, and it's going to win hard.


Hardly, there's tons of pro EU fascists, fascists like Oswald Mosley supported pan European organisations and it has its roots in the nazi New Order project.
EU is a bourgeois parasitic regime that talks about defending Europe the exact same way nazis did and do.


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Then again we should support German Empire in its struggle against imperialism of British Empire.


Every communist party in Europe supported Brexit and communists were and always have been the largest opposition to the EU from the 70s onward.


Yeah, the very slow and flashy "we're totally gonna invade guys" does look more like an attempt to look threatening and force negotiations than actually wanting war
I mean, I know this kind of stuff takes time even when it's real, but it's suspicious


>EU as a necessary evil to put the breaks on US imperialism
Doesn't look like it's doing a very good job


So Russia is the aggressor because of Putin?

All the news sites I read seem to imply it. What do you read? I don't want to read biased stuff.

So if NATO is the aggressor here, one should advocate for anti NATO aggression, without wanting Ukraine to be annexed by Russia. But where does that leave Ukraine? Why do they want to be with NATO anyways?




>They can have their simulation however they want. They are poor fighters on the ground. They only ever win due to total air superiority and they haven't been in a conflict where they didn't have it.
Yes, and this won't be any different. This is like saying that an individual is only good at fighting because he has a gun and has never been in a conflict where he didn't have it. The US picks how it wants to fight. Also, I disagree on your characterization of the US as being poor fighters on the ground. The initial operations in Afghanistan lacked air support for the most part and yet they accomplished their mission. Any urban war, the like which is expected in Ukraine will not involve air assets knocking down buildings left and right so as to not damage infrastructure or local civilians. The US has fought wars like that too and won every time.
>Korea maybe and Vietnam shot down quite a few of their planes.
Yes, they did, but those were more even matches than what you would see today.


bros, i'm really worried. usually these habbenings just fizzle out after a week or two. but reading all the updates of embassies closing down, people relocating, worrying about their families in europe. when will this fizzle out?


>the US also has more combat experience
Yeah, I guess losing every war since ww2 counts as "experience"


Its part of Russian PsyOp to keep Western public in state of fear and anxiety. They seem to rethink this whole invasion as Russian army is quite weak compared to NATO.


>So Russia is the aggressor because of Putin?
No. Russia is becoming threatening because of him, but it is not yet the aggressor in this particular case because they have stayed within their borders. If they invade Ukraine, then this would be an act of aggression, and the US should determine whether it is or is not beneficial to defend Ukraine. The US and the rest of the European Community think that it would be a very bad thing to allow one nation to invade and annex territory of another nation the way it was done in the 20th century. Part of the global capitalist project is an assurance of peace so as to allow easy flow of capital. The invasion of Ukraine would badly disrupt that assurance.


Last I checked the government put in place in Iraq was still standing. Kuwait was defended from Iraqi aggression, and North Korea was pushed back from the south of the peninsula. Vietnam stood for a while after leaving it and so on. Combat-wise, the US is very good. The main problem, and this is something you can look at for modern history is that the US military is not designed for building things. It's designed for destroying them. You cannot invade a country and try to change the minds of the people on the ground. It's the wrong tool for the job. The main reason the US loses wars is because it picks wars that cannot be won in the first place. The solution should be diplomacy, but that is what the US fails at the most. The Americans are poor diplomats, and this is a failure much bigger than any military one.


The closing of embassies is an overreaction to show that the US thinks the Russians are going to invade. Also, some people actually went from the US to Ukraine in that same trip from the same state dept. This is a switcheroo. The Russians now have a choice: Say nothing, and let the US write the narrative, or de-escalate. This is a political move and nothing more. However, if this fails, I think we will have a war.


And I understand what your perspective may be. It may even be downright criminal, but from a US perspective, that tiny strip of land, which is a valuable asset for the Russians was not worth risking another international conflict, especially when the war in Afghanistan and the war on ISIS was ongoing. Now it's a much bigger deal because President Biden has something to prove after his failure in Afghanistan. Neither he nor Putin can afford to back down, which is why this is a credible path to war. I think we are both hoping that this does not happen, though.


>aggressor in this particular case because they have stayed within their borders.
Explain Crimea and Donbass.
>inb4 hurr durr no russian military there


Russians actually have A.a.


I don't think it's going to. The US has no physical means of stopping Russia, is refusing to acquiesce to any of Russia's demands, and since the EU doesn't have the military to stop then either, so Russia forcing the issue is the only possible outcome. The Biden admin's strat atm is just stalling for time, but the talks aren't going anywhere in part because they're trapped by five years of anti-Russian fear mongering and their ineptitude exacerbating the pandemic and sending Biden's approval rating down the tubes, making them in desperate need of a "win."

At this point the only way for this to "fizzle out" would be for the US to cave the or for Russia to decide that Ukraine becoming part of NATO is fine, and neither of those is likely to happen.




But Russian troops invading anywhere where there isn't a clear pro-russian majority (Western Ukraine, Baltics) will still end up in disaster as there will be firece nationalist resistance getting endless supplies of weapons from the west. Russia doesn't wanna do something as stupid. They have the east and crimea. That is it.


>has something to prove after his failure in Afghanistan


Why was my post deleted?


>Explain Crimea and Donbass.
Crime and Donbass are separate incidents where I will agree that Russia was the aggressor. What I don't agree is that at the time the US saw intervention as warranted.

Yes, so does the US. It may be a contested air war at first, but the US can afford to lose many more aircraft than the Russians, and has enough armor to punch through and take out AA batteries if it has to. AA isn't an impenetrable shield.


It doesn't matter what pundits are saying, it is all just posturing. If Russia invades and Biden doesn't do anything, then they will switch sides and attack Biden for not defending European allies.


Removed a puppet dictator and the country immediately descended into civil war, spawning ISIS and getting the US kicked out of the country
Had to put together a coalition to defeat the dictator that didn't fight back because they were fucking bankrolling him to begin with
>North Korea
Didn't defeat NK and technically still unresolved to this very fucking day
lmao you have to be fucking kidding. It was a shit show every step of the way that failed to stop NV operations and ultimately resulted in NV victory after SV fucking collapsed almost immediately

They couldn't even win in Afghanistan after 20 fucking years and 8 trillion dollars spent

lol they were able to beat Greneda though. USM ftw!!


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Because everything you post is shit


>US to cave the or for Russia to decide that Ukraine becoming part of NATO is fine,
Never going to happen. NATO is seeking Finnish and Swedish memberships quite strongly because of this situation and NATO open border policy would be threatened by this. Ukraine could separately make a deal about NATO with Russia but both parties have extremely low trust for each other so any agreement is difficult to obtain.


>Removed a puppet dictator and the country immediately descended into civil war, spawning ISIS and getting the US kicked out of the country
The goal was to remove Saddam and establish a government. That was done, and the martial prowess of the US stands. They didn't lose the conflict militarily.
>Had to put together a coalition to defeat the dictator that didn't fight back because they were fucking bankrolling him to begin with
Come on, anon. You don't believe that. There was fighting, even after the ceasefire. The fact is that the US is far more competent at destroying things than you think. It's just that it also thinks that it's the answer to every question.
>Didn't defeat NK and technically still unresolved to this very fucking day
The original plan was to push them back to the 38th parallel. McArthur violated his orders and wanted to push into China, but the original goal of the operation was met.
>lmao you have to be fucking kidding. It was a shit show every step of the way that failed to stop NV operations and ultimately resulted in NV victory after SV fucking collapsed almost immediately
Two years is not almost-immediately, and it also collapsed because we stopped funding them, not because the NVA or the VC had much military success in direct conflict with US forces.
>They couldn't even win in Afghanistan after 20 fucking years and 8 trillion dollars spent
At the time of the US withdrawal, major military operations had already ceased. The people taking charge in day-to-day operations were the ANA, who were successful at their jobs just as long as the US kept supplying logistics. That was what fucked them. Of course, Biden knew this was the case. Just look at the helicopters we gave them, replacing their Hind models. The only ones that could work on them were US contractors, and we withdrew those. Afghanistan almost looks like sabotage. However, do you think Taliban forces had any military success in direct conflict with US troops? The answer is no.


Which is why Russia isn't planning on invading Ukraine. Ukraine is big and poor and Russia has no interest in having it. The whole "Russia's going to invade" is burgerstan propaganda. The most likely thing is Russia making long distance strikes on NATO material and installations I'm Eastern Europe.


That’s a big IF


>Germany was never defeated in battle in WWI you guyz!
War isn’t just about le army’s ability to fight


>The most likely thing is Russia making long distance strikes on NATO material and installations I'm Eastern Europe.
I agreed with your post until I read this. Its full retard to think that Russia would attack a stronger enemy.


Ukraine making an independent deal with Russia also isn't gonna happen because Kiev has been in the US's pocket since the 2014 coup.


Okay, time for Rumor mill again:
The current model of how a Russian invasion of Ukraine would go is for a pro-Russian group to stage a coup of the Ukrainian government, giving Russia justification to partake in "peacekeeping operations IOT prevent conflict spilling over the border into Russia." This would then put the US on the spot as it could be seen as the aggresssor if it then decided to cross the border into Ukraine at the same time. Timing is key, and so is defense of the Ukrainian government. For this reason, one can reasonably expect that "civilian" "advisors" are operating in Ukraine at this time. If on the other hand, a coup fails, the Ukrainian government would have all the justification it needs to host US troops inside its borders and then Russia would have to take the initiative in starting this war. It's all about timing and control.

I do not think the US plans to invade Russia, at least I would hope not, but we have done much dumber things.


If invasion happens Ukrainians are forced by gunpoint to sign agreements they cant refuse.


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>Why was my post deleted?




>War isn’t just about le army’s ability to fight
But Germany was defeated in WWI. It lost the ability to maintain combat readiness and conduct combat operations. That's as defeated as you get other than the other side literally in your capital. But you are correct, war isn't just about your ability to fight. However we were discussing that ability at the moment. You cannot on one hand claim that the US has poor soldiers while also admitting that the US sucks at war for reasons other than its combat ability.


They want more influence on the internal Ukraine politics, but that is it, yup.

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