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 No.495626[Last 50 Posts]

Post the best pictures you got.

I like to see what others have and we need a thread to combine all the good materials.
Here I concentrated on the fact that Pol-Cel Nazis can literally not read more then 50 characters of text and are proud of it.

For these idiots everything must be a "meme" or have a "joke". Pol-cels are oblivious to the fact that others are giving them information and knowledge not jokes or memes.

Did anyone else observe this behavior from Pol-Cels ?
These idiots are unable to read children literature let alone anything important.

It looks like daddy Hitler hates people who can read or have attention spans greater then ADHD gold fish.
I never imagine the ability to have a attention span or read more then 50 characters of text will ever be something that I need to argue for. However here we are !
And this is no slander you cab go to /pol/ and engage these idiots yourself.
Of course it is like going to a zoo to look at the stupid animals.


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More pictures (because its over the limit).


>a thread died for this


Whats the point of this thread again?



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Replace race with class and you have average leftypol user.


>he doesn't understand that we live in a perpetual class war like it or not.
What even lmao?


I can't argue with that


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Where can I find a cute fashy femboy to date? Serious question.


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Racism will always exist.


The difference however is very clear. We discriminate because we have been treted unjustly by the rulers. White people? They discriminate other Homo sapiensfor the sake of supremacy even though they are just your casual Homo sapiens


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Found this


What has "white people" to do with "nazis"? Nazis were german supremacists, not white supremacists (or rather, not anymore than was common at the time).
Their main goal was to kill as many white people as possible to colonize their land. Google "Generalplan Ost".
Fucking Americans…


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Seething over DuckDuckGo


more than antifa has done


In /pol/ where your home is




Dis pol bait or a funny the went over my head





Isn't gigachad actually from an FSU country?

Would be hilarious if it turned out he had communist sympathies. The amount of seethe and cope if converted into electricity would-be enough to solve the climate crisis.



I made that screaming chinletjak kek


germans are white, cryptoid


No the other anon is correct there aren't "white people" in Europe. I hope you aren't a racialist that's going to throw feces at me, so i'm not wasting my time here. "White people" is a political designation that is uniquely American. It doesn't make sense to project this onto Europe, just like it wouldn't make sense to project euro national type sentiments onto Americans living in different US states.


that's literally a furry porn site FYI, so add furfags on top of everything else.


>It looks like daddy Hitler hates people who can read or have attention spans greater then ADHD gold fish.
wtf I love hitler now?


wtf are those pockets lol
that man must be bourgeois
what could he be fitting in there….


>wtf I love hitler now?
He says so in Mein Kampf he did not want his master race waiting their time on useless knowledge only to listen to propaganda, because he literally did think if you make propaganda that is dank enough you can win every war regardless of what numbers you have.

This explains everything you need to know about Hitlers strategy in WW2.


This is another level of the insane self contradiction that is the neo-nazi ideology not to be confused with the OG-Nazis.
Most neo-Nazis are not German and they think that Hitler was fighting for the white race.
This is incorrect even a cursory reading of Mein Kampf makes it perfectly obvious that Hitler did think that the German race is something and the French race is a totally different thing and that members of the French race can never be turned truly German.

Also there are materials from the Nazi government itself propaganda posters who call the KKK itself evil and America the evil KKK country.

Most Neo-Nazis are to stupid to realize this even if you tell it to their faces, these are people who struggle to read 4 words after all.

Effectively modern neo-Nazis are stupid idiots who literally think that their 4chan meme pictures are 100% true and represent reality or some deep knowledge transmitted to them and not some bullshit some basement idiot made up.

Either way, they will literally ignore materials produced by Hitler and the Nazi government itself and get their ideology from memes.



Can anyone read this? It is literally pixelated as fuck.


>To be honest zoomer rightiods who are into this hitler stuff seem like a bunch of do-nothings.
Yeah, pretty much, they are mostly lonefags that have few friends IRL or even none so they decided to act edgy online for the sake of attention with following such ideology being considered "edgy" and "cool". Most of them are larpers tbh
>At least radlibs break shit sometimes.
Such as?


>zoomer rightiods who are into this hitler stuff seem like a bunch of do-nothings.
Yep, after having debate with these guys you know they are either severely mentally disabled or did not leave their basement in 10 years. They will not do shit.
You are literally talking to people who have trouble paying attention or reading anything that is more then 5 words long.

They will never do anything they don’t have the patience to even read a basic manual how to operate a gun. Never speaking of them making bombs or learning how to make bombs.

I disagree they are not larpers, I actually think that the FBI or a handful of real Nazis memed severely mentally disabled adults into liking Hitler etc. This is what happens if you meme a severely mentally disabled human into an ideology. They actually believe this only they have mental problems and have mentally disorders and mental disability and this is how an ideology manifest filtered thru all their mentally illness.

What the FBI did was basically go to schizophrenics and did keep on telling them that the voices in their heads are real, this is the result.

They actually believe what they say only in their mentally disabled state they see no contradiction between them sitting all day and posting pictures on POL and them needing to do something, once more this is ideology over what are severely mentally disabled people.
They see no problem because
<Something something
<Us posting pictures got Trump elected ! MEME MAGIC !
As opposed to these idiots realizing that payed Trump shills from the Trump campaign bombarded their shit website with pro trump garbage.

Maybe families should not give mentally disabled members internet access ? Or Maybe they think getting the defective fucks glued to the computer for 24/7 and not dealing with their outbursts IRL is the best solution.

We are talking people who make Chris Chan look like a genius everyone !


Congrats for the least intelligent post in the thread.


not just that
why are they gasping breath?
the whole video has some grotesque tones


File: 1633023434009.webm (18.49 MB, 720x405, homofascism.webm)

>no one has posted this one yet


that was lulz.net. it became a fash hellhole.


Does anyone have the other pictures of WW2 nazis in drag?


man you didn’t understand the point of that post at all


>No. If you asked a Pakistani or Nigerian what race a German was they'd say white.
Because the term itself and the connotations of it has been exported around the world now. Now even completely disparate nationalities and ethnicities are just grouped under vauge burger-esc terminology.


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That just means you got cucked hard by Ameriburger culture.
The authentic German identity got replaced by the Amerimutt term "white".


Well said.
I think its the result of Anglospheric education system. WW2 in europe is being described with this aura of it being war of white nationalists (nazis) vs wholesome antiracists. In reality it was war of german supremacists vs white supremacists+USSR. You could almost say white supremacists united the white race against the german threat to white race.
The phenomenon of white nationalist neonazis, which as you say is hilariously contradictory and antithetic to original nazism, is a weird echo coming from fash revival in white supremacist countries (USA, France, UK).


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What is the name of this black dude who bought a plot of land in the middle of nowhere? Gazi or something?


yeah, you didnt get the point of the post at all. It seems like you've inserted your own strawman about Africans, when the point was Americans imposing their white identity on Europeans


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Benjamin al-Ghazi? I think I remember reading something about him calling Hillary Clinton on the phone.


The idea that race is just a color is distincly American


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>A pre colonial African from the Congo river basin would know that he has more in common with a different African than a European and he'd attack any European man that fraternized with black women
<Racism is human nature
Kys yourself


can you misconstrue anymore arguments? I bet you can


>inb4 retard pulls out a worthless anecdote and sets it as an universal fact




Do you guys know what else is human nature? Suicide

Better commit suicide because apparently a concept being part of the human nature means it is a categorical imperative


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>appeal to human nature
>on a marxist anglo sketch video sharing webzone


>What do you think a Somali would do if his daughter was courted by a white man?
Whst either of us thinks is meaningless. Show me documentation of what actually happened or STFU.


404: chin not found


nazis are an astroturfed meme


Is this the interracial sex pest?


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it's funny how the /pol/jak gets bandied around endlessly because extremists of different stripes tend to be losers, almost all losers are ugly, and ugly people are generally losers

On the other hand it's kind of a shame that freaks with psychological problems are the face of opposition to the status quo. Makes you think.


>because extremists of different stripes tend to be losers, almost all losers are ugly, and ugly people are generally losers
True. Polface and soyboy are two sides of the projection coin.


but the antifa that shot the antivaxx did nothing wrong tho, the bullet was the only vax they believe.


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>this again


It has been responded to many times. Just looking into it you can find responses. Not withstanding that Leuchter is generally considered to be a fraud anyhow.


Much of human history relies on oral accounts to varying degrees. Regardless, physical and documentary evidence for the Holocaust makes the event 100% undeniable.


Made up argument. Many Jews were entirely aware that their fate in the camps was death. The call to arms for one Jewish partisan org. was "We will not go like sheep to the slaughter"


These ”questions” have been answered a thousand times over, but your kind doesn’t like the answers despite all your mewling about how truth does not fear investigation. It’s funny how the image of this kind of scheming Jew, greedily rubbing their palms together, is really far more expressive of your own dishonest character than anything else.


There is a reason we beat them instead of try and reason with them


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Do you also have response images to these?
>implying I have seen the response


Are you saying you're not one of those people? If that is the case, my mistake. It was directed at the revisionists.


>Recessed chin
>Shitty hairline
>Barely taller than the woman
Yep, thats a fashoid.


The vast majority of these aren't actual answers, the vast jority literally just state that the opponent is making an "argument from authority" and leaves it at that, failing to actually explain how the authority itself in it's claim is flawed. The one time they attempt an explanation, they try to make the unfounded assertion that redoing a study means that the new study is being fabricated, even though it could very well be that the old study really was flawed. They also flat out lie at many point or fail to elaborate on their point, or take clarification and a context as a concession, which is entirely dishonest. For example, in the third one for the six million figure, the person ignores how the 6 million figure largely related to newspapers speaking of the estimated population of Jews in Russian controlled Eastern Europe, which most countries estimated to be around six million. This figure has nothing to do with the Holocaust figure, which came as an approximation from multiple numbers, both from the Nazi themselves and from a calculation of total deaths that could be attributed to them, which came to between 4 million to 7 million. 6 million was the one most just settled on, because it was what the Nazis themselves stated.


>Trying to use these as your best possible argument a flabby boomer and a generic 40 year old
Dude, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you shooting yourself in the foot right off the bat?


>nazi troons


I remember when Nazis used to bump this thread with soyjak variations in retaliation. Now they bump it with CP instead lmao.


Then goes and claims that they don't have that on their shitty board yet they have folders upon folders of it. Just like their gay BBC pictures tehy posted yesterday.


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>That second one
*assisted in saving.



post more National Socialist transhumanists projecting onto normal socialists about muh transhumanisters and muh degeneracy


posting this is a great way to torture fascists
well done


Not really. I enjoy femboys.


quelle surprise!



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actually i'm still confused as why they tried to portray themselves as "Lezlie"
they do realize that not only obese bulges are actually fallen crotch flaps more-often hiding a micro-dick but also that Lez is a literal drug addict with as much charm as Eric Cartman right?
like yeah i can see how that could appeal to them but like, i mean i'm not even on "their side" and the idea of it it's already demoralizing me lmao



Why hate nazis? They were socialists too. Germany unironically got better after nazis took over in 1934. Their only fault was that they excluded Jews from their socialist project. Which sucks but understandable because Jews controlled finance and banks.


>They were socialists
Stopped reading tbh. You should start reading.


>nazoids are socialist
Except that they support capitalism and racism, you literal son of a bitch


>he fell for propaganda
Look at their policies
Look at their speeches
Look at their books and theories
They are just your average socialists but anti-jew(which most commies were too back in the day)
Naziism came from socialist thought


They supported capitalism as much as ussr supported capitalism.
Who wasn't a racist back then? Even Marx was Eurocentric and racist.


>ussr supported capitalism.
>Even Marx was Eurocentric and racist.
top kek
t. patriots.win


except that they are super trad, super conservative, pro-capitalist, and anti-tolerance you dipshit


I did, did you?


>The economic upswing commencing in 1934, as interviews with those who lived at the time reveal, it created a mood of optimism and confidence.
>In addition, the period saw a number of social innovations with profound implications for individuals’ happiness. In 1938, for instance, a third of all German workers enjoyed the benefits of the Nazis’ state-subsidized “Strength Through Joy” vacation program—and that at a time when traveling abroad was still considered an exclusive privilege of the wealthy. “It has long been overlooked,” writes Hans-Dieter Schäfer, “that upward social mobility during the Third Reich was by no means solely symbolic.… People were twice as likely to move up in society in the six peace-time years under Hitler as they had been in the final six years of the Weimar Republic.
>Nazi state organizations and quasi-private associations absorbed one million people from the working classes.” By 1938, Germany no longer suffered from the mass unemployment of the Depression. In 1939, 200,000 foreign workers had to be brought in to cover a shortage of labor.
>it was under Hitler that failure to offer assistance in an emergency became a punishable crime in Germany. Yet that dictate applied only to the Nazi Volk community and could not be extended to people’s refusal to help Jews.

Yep they were totally heartless and evil amirite?

Marx believed in noble savage myth, hated poor uneducated people(he thought only educated middle class will spur the revolution), and believed in a social evolutionary model that marked European societies as more civilized and enlightened.


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>super trad, super conservative
It was just the norm back then. You're looking at history through modern liberal lens.
USSR was super trad and they criminalized homosexuality and thousands of transgender people were thrown in gulags.
Females were still subjected to traditional gender expectation even if they were allowed in workplaces


socialism is when you are financed by capitalists, kill all the leftists, destroy worker's organizations, give all the power to the bosses, cut salaries and put back slavery, got it


And Alan Turing was forced to be chemically castrated which made him grow breasts.

Never mind that the USSR is not the alpha and omega of AES when it comes to LGBTQ rights and gender roles.



>"it was just the norm back then"

so you're telling me that as soon as eating tide pods becomes the norm again you're going to defend eating tide pods?


It was social democrats who completely wiped off communists. There were no leftists left to kill for nazis.
If you think they weren't socialist to some extent you're also against other socialist countries


Do you support child prostitution? Because that’s what happened in the 90s after the collapse.

The USSR probably should have been more culturally progressive, but I’m not going to cancel them for it, especially with the social progress they did make compared to the Tsar’s time.


>What is East Germany


>weren't socialist to some extent
They weren't, Nazi Germany was some sort of hyper capitalist paradise where the big German bourgeois took over the state and let the military plunder Europe for their personal gain. Syndicalists were exterminated, slave labor rampant and workers exploited like never before. The total opposite of socialism where the working class has control


Do you realize that that's how people are propagandized to talk about USSR too?


>USSR was some sort of hyper capitalist paradise where the big party members took over the state and let the military plunder Europe for their personal gain. Syndicalists were exterminated, slave labor rampant and workers exploited like never before. The total opposite of socialism where the working class has control


Show me the wealthy billionaires soviet industrialists then.


You mean how people who are correct talk about the USSR?


>Yep they were totally heartless and evil amirite?
Give the goalposts back you cunt.



every last "real socialist" that ever was part of the nazi party quite literally died in the night of the long knives


no, "nazism" it's just fascism which came from something along the lines of "imperialism" or whatever people want to call the romans; i'll just call them faggots (which is not even a slur in this case that's just quite literally what they were in both meanings of the word)

despite what retards might tell you Mussolini was not by any means a leftist
HIS FATHER was the leftist one, that's why he was named Benito after Mexican indigenous governor "Benito Juarez"
Mussolini political trajectory was quite literally a huge projection of his daddy issues by betraying everything his father ever stood up for, his biggest achievement might have been killing bordiga by *checks notes* "feeding him all the lasagna he can eat"

and trying too hard to be anything but a coward who challenged to sword fights: journalists, and literal old people

sending literal armies of 20,000 fascists just to get btfo'd by 350 anarchists

and then hiding like a fucking coward just to get found out and hung like a piñata while he squirms and yells that the people betrayed him.


No, do you support being a fucking loser?
because that's what the nazis were.


Wrong post? I was talking about tthe soviets


>tfw no elite cryptographer titty femboy husbando


>every last "real socialist" that ever was part of the nazi party quite literally died in the night of the long knives
This, plus Strasser and co espoused a highly idealistic and retarded form of guild socialism at best. The trajectory the Nazi party wholly embraced post-Long Knives was class-collaborationist and petite bourgeois. It was at most something similar to keynesianism, kept afloat by war plunder, with the promise of turning the entirety of East Europe into suburbia and highways lebensraum for the master race petit booj after victory. I mean, even those Volkswagens were never delivered despite popular myth lol.




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>Brevity is the soul of wit, you braindead leftist faggot.
Your memes are shit because they aren't based in truth.

<my sides


nice boomer memes retard


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Quite presumptuous from someone who can't tell the difference between birds and humans


>Sure I can- birds can fly
Look at him go! Nazis sure are smart


The point isn't that birds and humans are one and the same, dumb fuck.
It's just that we recognize different the formation and existence of various subspecies in animals but we refuse to do the same with humans when different races clearly look and behave differently.


Only good post in this entire thread


<Why don't you understand jokes? Is it autism or just plain stupidity?


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putting the thread back on track and leaving the polfags to cope-troll alone


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Literally every single fascist is a pedophile.

Every single one


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>even the cherrypicked chins are small
Hahaha oh wow.



Why did the Nazis build Israel anons?

Why did Mussolini train the first ever Israeli Navy?

Why was the first ever Israeli prime minister a fascist?

Why the the Thule society founded by a Freemason inducted into the Freemasons by a Jewish silk and Banking Merchant??? Big confuse

Y they all pedophiles?


The redpill is actually originally a metaphor for accepting gender transition. Sometimes it's funny how the universe works.



>Rio police say €3m Nazi trove found at home of child sexual abuse suspect

>Police in Rio de Janeiro have found a haul of Nazi memorabilia and weapons worth an estimated €3m at the home of a Brazilian man suspected of raping a minor.

>Rio’s civil police said they found more than 1,000 items at the home of the 58-year-old unnamed suspect, including Nazi uniforms, periodicals, paintings, Nazi insignia, images of Adolf Hitler, flags and medals of the Third Reich. They also found guns and ammunition from the era.

>The haul was discovered after police went to the man’s home to serve an arrest warrant on suspicions he had raped a minor and abused other children in his condominium in the west of the city. The suspect was also charged with illegal possession of a weapon and racial discrimination.


Quiet pedo and post chin



That's religious people for you. Also it's in Israel, which is basically a fascist regime not unlike the nazi one.


Danish "Hardline" fascist leader caught showing porn and snuff videos to 13-year-olds on his fbi.gov.



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A /pol/fag literally started posting lolishit an hour ago.



And yet they were ruled by and died for chinlet manlets such as these.


>churchfags are pedos
what else is new. burn them down.



>A GOP strategist was arrested on 10 felony counts of underage sex trafficking, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice



go off sister!



Here's a list of some British neo-nazi nonces, but I'd like to see updated version with all the US/UK/Europe creeps, since there's so many of them in Atomwaffen, National Action, Nordic Resistance Movement, Sonnenkrieg and other Iron March weirdos.

Martyn Gilleard, local leader of the National Socialist British People’s Party, prepared for bombing. 39,000 child pornography images were in his possession: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk/7469180.stm

Two members of the far-right British National Party drank 14-year-old girls to death and sexually abused: https://theukdatabase.com/2012/05/08/ian-hindleandrew-wells-blackburn/

A 40-year-old fascist addict brutally beat his 16-year-old girlfriend: https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/14249499._Controlling__Blackburn_drug_addict_repeatedly_punched_and_kicked_teen_girlfriend_as_she_lay_on_on

A 13-year-old girl was sexually abused by a racist fanatic and held illegal images of her: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/race-hate-thug-who-chanted-7916756

The National Socialist 43-year-old BNP member found 17,058 child porn images and 215 videos. He himself had also filmed child pornography and told his pedophile friends online that he wanted to murder the little boy and videotape it: https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/walker-nazi-worshipper-exposed-paedophile-1406079

47-year-old member of the Nazi organization Blood & Honor convicted of shocking violent rape: https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2016/02/17/darlington-s-nazi-rapist-jailed-for-nine-years-for/

Ryan Fleming, a member of the National Socialist National Action, tortured and sexually abused a teenage boy: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/national-action-launch-paedophile-hunting-investigative-journalism-series-even-though-one-of -its-members-is-a-sex-offender_uk_5756cfc7e4b0411d4de1fe4c

The same white nationalist Rayan Fleming was also convicted of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl: https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/15441403._Boastful_and_arrogantman_jailed_for_sex_with_girl14__he_met_on_Facebook/

A 43-year-old far-right White Man March supporter raped two children at least 13 times: https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/horrific-abuser-who-raped-vulnerable-children-after-buying-them-sweets-jailed -for-20-years-1-7582633

A 60-year-old BNP and EDL activist murdered a 15-year-old girl who was sexually obsessed in his apartment: online: https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/crime/paige-murderer-jailed-for- more-than-three-decades-1-7381160

A far-right EDL activist couple exploited a 7-year-old child, photographed child pornography and distributed it online: https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/crime/heysham-woman-accused-of-using-seven-year-old -girl-for-worldwide-pornography-1-7364866

The same couple has also fledged a 13-year-old girl to her apartment where the man had sexually abused this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/lancashire/8572755.stm

A far-rightist who was previously convicted of a mosque attack and appeared as a "pedophile hunter" was revealed to be a pedophile himself who tried to lure a child into sex: https://www.romfordrecorder.co.uk/news/crime-court/romford-paedophile-squad-jailed-for-grindr- blackmail-1-4156153

The far-right nationalist repeatedly raped a 12-year-old girl: https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/jailed-army-cadet-sergeant-groomed-9400037

An EDL active sexually assaulted a 13-year-old boy, and lured teenage boys into sexual activity via the Internet: https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/kane-hutchison-gateshead-sex-offender- 8937114

A member of EDL and Britain First, convicted of attempting a bomb attack on a mosque, was in possession of child pornography: https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2015/01/07/britain-first-officer-on-sex- offenders-register /

A member of the far-right North West Alliance was convicted of several rapes and child sex offenses: http://www.deeside.com/shotton-man-mervyn-jones-sentanced-17-years-jail-sex-offences-four-children/

EDL member raped 14-year-old: https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/11278914.Man_charged_with_rape_of_Blackburn_schoolgirl

An EDL member convicted of armed robbery kidnapped a 10-year-old child and tried to rape this: https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/10740053.Armed_robber_and_child_kidnapper_could_be_on_the_run_in_Sussex/

A member of the nationalist North West Infidels, he admits to being a child abuser. Received convictions for several sex offenses: https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/8030864.Child_molester_jailed_after_girl_relives_horror/

Matthew Woodward, an EDL member, found child porn images and videos of 10-year-olds: https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2012/05/20/why-did-the-edl-not-protest-this- paedophile-case

An EDL activist working with children sent sexual text messages to a 14-year-old: https://www.leaderlive.co.uk/news/15935498.Connah_s_Quay_project_worker_sent_sexual_texts_to_teenager

The EDL man prepared for the 13-year-old to be abused online and eventually raped him: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/crime/facebook-pervert-stephen-payne-walks-1736961

Richard Price, a founding member and former director of EDL, was in possession of child pornography. Tommy Robinson, considered a far-right martyr of freedom, defended pedophile Richard: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/176587/Paedo-rap-for-EDL-leader

BNP racist activist convicted of child pornography images and videos: http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/8771457.display/

BNP member found child pornography in a home search: https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/local-news/meliden-killers-dad-child-porn-2053471

The same BNP fascist, Ian Siree, previously raped a 14-year-old and harassed a 12-year-old: https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/8043021.Karate_instructor_on_sex_charge/

The racist, who was also a candidate for election to the BNP, was part of a child pornography network where he distributed material about boys under the age of 13: https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2012/07/18/bnp-hypocrisy-over-paedophile/

Another racist who was a candidate for the BNP election, Roderick Rowley, was also convicted of possession and distribution of child pornography: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/10-things-you-should-know-about-the- bnp-when-you-watch-question-time-Tonight-1806874.html



Here is a sneak peak at neo-nazis defending marrying 12 year olds to own the jews

you still haven’t posted your chin pedo



So, people who believe in a state built by the Nazis then


>you should attack only a third of the porkies because my pedo movement said so!
Nope, all of them will get expropriated.


Who built Israel pedo?

Let’s go through it again.

60% of capital that went into Israel in the 30s came from Nazi controlled Germany.

This was but one of many policies by which the Nazis encouraged migration of the Jewish population to Israel.

Mussolini then trained their navy.

The Thule society, from which came the Nazi party, was founded by a Freemason who was inducted into the Freemasons by a Jewish Zionist silk and banking merchant

To this day, Israel backs far right movements across the world, such as provided rifles and funding to azov battalion, and funding right wing media such as therebelmedia

You are a zog puppet and a pedophile and probably a federal agent to boot. But maybe not, maybe just a pathetic patsy


>stopping at only the jewish ones


>white billionaires dindu
Kill all of them. Even the trans black jew bourgeois.
What part don't you understand?


>lefties will defend ethnic-supremacist jewish billionaires
You misspelled nazis, you dummy.




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>le lefties will [thing socialists dont do]
read uygha read!


>jews are the most bougie ethnic group in america and you so-called "lefties" keep sucking their circumsized cocks.
Aren't most cocks circumcized in America tho


>and you so-called "lefties" keep sucking their circumsized cocks.
Like when we support Palestine and chant "Let's Go Bomb Tel-Aviv!"?


No, they're talking about when we say eradicate religion, kill Zuckerburg, blow up the federal bank and destroy capitalism.


None of those headlines you posted prove this.

Nonetheless, what you say is perfectly true. Zionists have planned Zion for a very long time in deed. And yet, it was only under Hitler that this huge boost from Germany happened.

Btw who was one of the main signatories on the Balfour declaration? Rothschild? The guy whose family member the Nazis let go even after capturing.


Cope pedo


Riddle me this pedophile, why was Jeremy Corbyn and even Bernie Sanders smeared as anti Semitic?

Why is the main movement against Israel left wing in basically every instance? Including the popular front for the liberation of Palestine itself?


>it's pretty funny that you lefties will defend ethnic-supremacist jewish billionaires that enable systematic childexploitation
we don't
>just because they convinced you that nazis are bad
the actions of nazis did that. Why did they attack the Soviet Union ? It had no billionaires, no ethnic supremacism, and no systematic child exploitation either.


Don't forget Finklestein! Even /pol/ can't hate this based commie.


Norman Finkelstein.
Don't come back until you know who he is.


<because right-wing anti-semites get compared to nazis, and since americans are sent to the holocause museum multiple times as children, most of us think nazis are the worst thing in human history.
>T-they won't let us do anything!
Sounds like cope.


>name one
<names one


Norman Finkelstein.
Don't come back until you know who he is.


I'm not butt-blasted. He's right.


> because right-wing anti-semites get compared to nazis, and since americans are sent to the holocause museum multiple times as children, most of us think nazis are the worst thing in human history.

>because that’s what they do to their enemies

So.. you admit that in fact the left is the enemy of Israel


lol he got caught out


No answer to this the pedo


No, you'll have to find it yourself. It's common.
He frequently denounces the Judaic religion and much of the traditional culture of Jews, along with certain opportunistic groups of Jews.
>b-but that's not denouncing their genetics!


So if it's not supporting Isreal, then how exactly does the left "keep sucking their circumsized cocks"? By demanding the death of all bourgeous instead of only the jewish bourgeous?


>toxic capitalism
The most toxic form of capitalism that existed to this day is indubitably the third Reich tho


>ignoring Neoliberalism


>toxic capitalism
All capitalism is.
Killing all the Jews will just leave the same system that optimizes for the same abuse. Capitalism was shit the whole time, not just when Jews became over-represented in American business. They just worked their way to the top of a system. Any race can do that and many did.
(but I guess whites dindu nothing for toxic capitalism despite being at the top almost the entire time, including today)
>Marx said
Marx would have called you a Jewish nigger. Hitler declared some Native American tribes honorary Aryans, who cares? Famous people can be retarded too.


Neoliberalism exists since 40 years and during that time they didn't declare a world war or enslave a fourth of the population.

But Nazis probably hold the record for killing the most white people in the less time possible so I guess they're not all bad


Okay so you will become a communist then in order to defeat Zionism

And stop posting random Jew shit. It isn’t about Judaism, it’s about zionism and capitalism


>/pol/ retard chimes in this thread to whine about les jewerinos
>local retards respond to him with muchos textos
when will you fucking learn?


when it stops being fun


Nazi Germany was a prototypical neoliberal state lol


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>look at their policies, speeches, books and theory
<doesnt post any of these


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stop derailing the thread first warning


>Doesn't know how subspecies are categorized


I'd bread with this lil uygha
you ever have fresh bread with some butter?


>Implying human beings have the necessary genetic variation for sub speciation
>Getting hung up on categories as though they’re real things and not created by the human mind.


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>birds can fly


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>sending literal armies of 20,000 fascists just to get btfo'd by 350 anarchists

can u elaborate on that? I haven't heard about that story



"The 1922 parma barricade"

i can believe it because the Arditi del popolo were trained by actual WW1 veterans as mussolini troops were beyond fucking useless


>Comic's author's "chin" just freely morphs into his fat neck
Literally every time left or right makes a "youre ugly" meme, its always a projection. Every time.


Yes, there were a lot of WW1 veterans among the defenders of Parma.


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A variant


'homofascism' is redundant. LGBT is inherently imperialistic.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


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show chin or show bussy


What are they talking about? Also where might one purchase those pants.


lol, get hammered.


Image using crows and ravens as a counter-example of interbreeding between species, as an excuse to say that exists multiple human sub-species.

The only times these birds interbred is when they are in captivity, otherwise, they will viciously try to attack each other out of their territories. Something not even during the slave era would happen because oh how fucking pervert the slave owners were having black babies all time with their slave women.

God, I wish a particular race of chimpanzee could exist that can inbreed this moron and put half a dozen of babies inside his poophole so he can get the offspring he deserves, in fucking captivity.


kys nig


can't read ?


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>The suspects are aged “around 25,” and most of them have a previous criminal record, the police said in a statement. Weapons, ammunition, and fertilizer – which can be used to make explosives – were seized in the raid during which they were detained.
>The group appears to have been motivated by “accelerationism” – a white supremacist ideology that rests on the idea that Western governments are irreparably corrupt and seeks to hasten their demise by sowing division and interracial strife. The ideology has been linked to several high-profile shootings in the US as well as to the Christchurch mosque attack in New Zealand in 2019.


Love to do accelerationism in the heart of western degeneracy… Finland and New Zealand.
Terrorists annoy me so fucking much. Everything about them is lazy. I bet these guys would have killed some literal who Finnish backwater liberal politician or shot up a fucking kebab shop after spending months stockpiling weapons and recruits rather than doing something totally bombastic almost anywhere in Europe with their one (1) attempt in their whole lives.


>expecting nazoids to do anything smart


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It was late, outdated, and mostly useless and most of the resources promised did not arrive at all. The American's aided the nazis more in their financial and technological dealings than they did the Soviets


majority of the army equipment the soviets used was soviet, just because the amerilards gave what amounts to just 20% of the soviet equipment pool did not positively or negatively help the soviets.


lmfao, is this supposed to prove anything? because it just proves that soviets were better in politics and diplomacy than nazi cucks and retards.


>Most Lend Lease didn’t come until 1943, after the battle of Stalingrad
>Lend Lease made up a tiny portion of soviet materiel
>Without it, the Soviets would have steamrolled Berlin in 1947 instead of 1945


you are giving them way too much credit


Giving whom too much credit, now?


The american lend-lease. Most of the equipment was useless, outdated, late and inferior to then modern Soviet equipment. The Soviets were buying this useless equipment with Gold and resources of their own, it wasn't free.


Jesus christ. This is the gayest uyghur faggot website I've ever seen.






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>/pol/ retard doesn't know a word filter when he sees one


fucking retarded jewish nigger lmfao


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I jerked off to their porn videos before


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Wtf XI you cant say that!




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I guess he figured out the secret to defeating the wordfilter


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can i has ip?


I want to do Neco so badly, holy shit


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A local anti-fascist network publishes a Christmas calendar, detailing the exploits o
One shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but Jesus Fucking Christ, look at this specimen. This is the horny teen whining on Ylilauta about women being degenerate and blacked.


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We need a soyjak of him


Is that the guy designed to survive a car crash


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Racialists and Nazis have been getting cuckolded by communists since the 1840s.


Why are all these daughters of fascists basically the same?


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>Why are all these daughters of fascists basically the same?
insufficient pic related


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>/pol/ is secretly submissive
this makes a lot of sense tbh


Being reactionary is the most submissive thing in the world tbh. /pol/ is just a bunch of self-hating subs


no no no no no


they want a daddy to decide everything for them and are completely unable to decide things for themselves
if you think trans hitler is great, just wait until you hear about the Heydrich/Himmler fanart


>thingnoticer has a daddy complex projected onto twitter personalities

ohhhh no no no no no no no


I've also noticed that reactionaries and pol obsess over transhumanist's way more than any other community I've seen. I've also noticed that communists are actually more "conservative" than they usually let on but not conservative in a reactionary way but in a way that they genuinely value things like certain morals and women with smarts and strong values and convictions. Pol are usually the ones engaging in fetishistic weird shit like scat or whatever degenerate crap.


Oh, absolutely. The whole "trans woman hanging herself" gif that they spam on here, the obsession with aesthetics more generally, their conviction that aesthetics is some kind of epistemological skeleton key: it's all just giving away the game that they're no different than the soy consoomers they hate, they want to crawl into a bubble where nothing that might chafe against their fragile feelings or preferences will ever reach them. Their white trad ethnostate is just a way for them to crawl back into mommy's womb. it's legit pathetic


You people really are all the same. You destroy all established order and hierarchy to turn humanity into a grey formless goop, and when people take offense to it, you handwave it away with irony and motte and bailey tactics.(USER WAS BANNED FOR BEING GAY)



lmao pathetic


Stop impersonating me, samefag


lmao he's admitting it

tell us more about how you get your opinions from supreme authorities like twitter e-celebs


Nice try, samefag


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>obsess over transhumanist's way more than any other community
that's because they're closeted transes and/or deeply insecure about their masculinity


>dude naming himself after a kid diddler is lecturing others about morality

lmao reactoids really are moral denegerates




You didn't have much of a strong father figure in your life huh, so now you're trying overcompensate for your weak little frame.


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contributing some reprisal memes


I’ll put some grey formless goop inside of you. If you’re into it, of course


*poljaks not wojaks, my bad




go outside


>Brainlet has sour grapes about being a brainlet
Marxist theory isn’t hard, bourgeois indoctrination is just difficult to unlearn


Anticommunism is a conflict theory.


man /pol/yps really ARE masochists, like why would you post here if not because you secretly get off on the attention given to you by getting yelled at by people you don't like


Because they’re retarded enough to think they can change our minds.


That's the funniest part to me. Like, their arguments when they come here really just amount to impotent sneering without anything resembling coherence, just "huehuehue this is true because I say so" and then they get assmad when we treat their shitty attempts at "arguments" with mockery and derision. like how the hell do you manage to get through life with so little self-awareness


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basically this evergreen meme


can you then try to rebuke historical materialism then


they still fought agaings 80% of all nazi forces and still marched to berlin, the Land lease did nothing, cope amerimutt.


Provide the quotations, catamite


>Not understanding the actual historical background and events of those wars that the Union “lost”
Tell me you're a useless anglo without telling me you’re a useless anglo


>The USSR (russia in general) like the US barely fought against an equal oponent
>Sino-Soviet conflict
China and the Soviet Union broke up a little but they never really went to war against each other
>Afghan war
The Soviets did a little better than the Americans
>the reason why Leand-Lease was necesary is becouse stalin´s economical and production system was pretty much an economical bubble of cheap/low quality products
Lend lease was helpful and a nice gesture but ultimately inconsequential, considering the unbelievably massive soviet industrial output had produced 180.000 tanks by the end of ww2. Socialist economies like the Soviet Union did not have economic bubbles, that would require having a stock-market. The Soviet Union didn't really have anything of that nature.
>the production methods couldn´t stand an industrial-tier war and led to heavy casualities and the only way they could resist the invasion after most of Eastern europe except from poland joined the nazis was due a massive population.
No that turned out to be a lie that Nazi generals made up after the war, trying to safe face after the crushing defeat. The Soviet Union did have much greater industrial capacity then the Nazis and could outproduce them in heavy weapons and ammunition, but not manpower. The "communist hoards" are just a ideological and propagandistic image that is being conjured up.
> by the end of the war lots of soldiers in the red army where women
Yes the Soviet military had a lot more women than their contemporaries, but that was so from the start, and because they were a more equal society.
>some elderly or minors
the only faction in WW2 that actually conscripted old people and children were the Nazis by the very end of it.
>the only reasson why russians took over Berlin was becouse Eisenhower allowed it to avoid political tensions
The Soviet military that was occupying Germany was 6 times larger than the US, French and UK forces combined. The war ended because they were allies, and everybody involved in the fighting on the ground had enough of it, there wasn't a single commander that could have ordered anybody to continue fighting.
>the soviet system should not be seen as a paradise or utopia but rather as an object of study to avoid its mistakes
sure but if you want to study something you have to study the actual thing, not a propaganda distortion


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>the production methods couldn´t stand an industrial-tier war and led to heavy casualities and the only way they could resist the invasion after most of Eastern europe except from poland joined the nazis was due a massive population
The USSR was literally outnumbered at the beginning of the war and by the end of it had a lower industrial labour force then Germany. The only reason they survived despite being taken completely off guard and their forces stretched thin across the whole of the USSR was because of it's rapid adoption of strategies which countered and rubuffed the German advance and it's unprecedented retooling of production to suit the necessities of WW2. The whole narrative of "the USSR only survived due to its population" is cope, because it ignores how much of said population is needed to actually keep it's agriculture still running and how population doesn't itself determine success.


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>le asiatic hordes


>fucking retarded jewish nigger lmfao
I've been here for 2 years and still don't know what this particular phrase filters for




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it filters for jewish nigger


they actually aided the nazis, it's these histories that is brushed aside.


TNO was a mistake


Thought I might as well post this here.
<Nazi Admirer Also Wounds 5 in Wild Attack Followed by a Siege at Moving Conpany
This was in 1977, it's always been a thing.


jewish nigger


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, baldie? Just because you got into a scuffle with a couple of Indians over a girl doesn’t mean your autism actually extends to the real world


Probably Germany's closest ally in WW2, but of course nobody remembers them for that today lol


All races are militantly anti-miscegenation, only Europeans are shamed for it


Touch ass


Proofs plz.


Uygha, Castro was White. One hundred percent Galician


Castro was white himself, by this logic why would he care? You do realize that Cuba itself is a multiracial, multiethnic society? You do realize the soviet union was a multiracial, multiethnic society with three times the interethnic marriage rate of the modern US and Europe?

Even then: provide the proof. For bonus points, provide proof that it was strictly a racial thing and not because of laws against soldiers fraternizing with the locals that exist in modern armies themselves everywhere and can be punished by military law.


>You do realize the soviet union was a multiracial, multiethnic society with three times the interethnic marriage rate of the modern US and Europe?

BITCH where!?!? All Russians are blue eyed Aryans. Two or three Mongolians don't count.



Ты хоть раз побывал в России? Откуда тебе “одни белокурые арийцы”? Если что, так названные арийцы постарался (и не успел) искоренить все советские народы, включая русских, потому, что они “унтерменши”. Пусть 80% приходятся на славян, а остальная пятая часть? Татары, буряты, удмурты, мордвины, даже кавказцы.


This is a cope, he was still galician and most cubans still consider themselves white even in the 2000s and 2010s, forget the 1960s. Holy shit, you’re really this fucking ignorant


No, he wasn’t taino at all, you fucking moron. Batista was more of a Taino than Castro and he let the Mafia turn Cuba into their own fiefdom. It’s amazing how you race obsessives are so ignorant of actual history.


Okay I don't speak Russian, but I was being sarcastic to point to the fact the /pol/ types consider everyone with light skin to be "white" despite the fact that you have tons of different ethnic groups in some places that can almost look the same phenotypically


Oh, my bad. Poe’s law and all.


Yeah, I just think it's really interesting how even in "white" (lol) countries like Spain you have different ethnic groups who look largely the same but fucking hate each other. You have this in almost every large country in the world. It's pretty fucking weird. I remember being shocked finding out that Finland (which actually is pretty homogenous) has the Sami people who they very badly mistreated and I go to look them up and they are like indistinguishable from a regular Finn…..


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>No, he wasn’t taino at all
Get your fucking eyes checked. Dude was so brown he'd look perfectly natural behind the counter at 7-11


Quit trolling, fam, he had no taino ancestry. And castro looked pretty white.

Did you really lose the plot so bad that you have to fixate on THIS?


Who gives a shit. What are you, libs?


right winger wear an ascot? i am not so sure


uyghur tier reading comprehension


No, his mother wasn’t a meztiza. I can’t believe you don’t know this. And most cubans even today are white.


>And most cubans even today are white.
Cubans are some of the brownest Latin American people


>Just because you got into a scuffle with a couple of Indians over a girl
I've been in more fights than that. Too many to just be discounted as coincidences or one off incidents.


Not even anecdotes, just hints at them. Pathetic.


I've already recounted a bunch of experiences on here before. I've probably fought a man from nearly every race at this point. Just name one and if it's one that I fought I'll tell you a story.


>I fought a man of every race
Look out, we have a badass, over here!
1)I don’t believe you
2) Even id this were true, it sounds to me like this is a you problem
3) Literally communism was implementrd in multiracial, multiethnic societies, where whites comprised a substantial chunk, if not the majority of them. You’re simply wrong


>Even id this were true, it sounds to me like this is a you problem

Nope. I never hit first unless I'm sure I'm about to be hit.


>Unless I'm sure I'm about to be hit
Doing a lot of legwork for you, this phrase is.


Why are you talking like Yoda?


we need to raid this place ASAP
Use rambler as an email it doesn't require phone number
more info: >>669398


File: 1641057155156.png (124.65 KB, 569x632, 123123123123123123.png)



Name checks out.



Raiding schizo right wingers is like punching a bag of shit.


imagine going back in time and showing this to the entire audience at the Nuremberg trial without context


File: 1641075049256.mp4 (14.86 MB, 1280x720, upside down.mp4)

thread theme

>1st pic
damn shawty


This is why I have to disagree with anarchists, retributive justice is based as fuck.


This is war time justice tbh, and I remind you that catalonia anarchists beat stalin on the horror scale with 1.6 hectohorror


File: 1641095306277.jpg (555.22 KB, 1600x2076, poljak vs gigachad.jpg)

first gem of 2022


Not definitively a gem, but I'll call it a highlight of the day. Well done.


Speak sense, you must


File: 1641128227182.gif (48.79 KB, 448x480, tenor (3).gif)


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>>495878 (me)
>damn shawty
there's lots of delicious accounts of liberation reprisals floating around
>vid related
nice little tribute to Sir Arthur "The Dresden Decimator" Harris at the end too. time to post the list of nicknames:
Sir Arthur "Aerial cremation for the Aryan nation" Harris
Sir Arthur "Doing the rounds with my four thousand pounds" Harris
Sir Arthur "Anne Frank gets the gas, Frankfurt gets the blast" Harris
Sir Arthur "Airborne Auschwitz" Harris
Sir Arthur "Holocaust? LOL gonna cost you" Harris
Sir Arthur "Fire for the Fuhrer" Harris
Sir Arthur "Great British Bake Off" Harris
Sir Arthur "Blitz the Fritz" Harris
Sir Arthur "Sauerkraut sizzler" Harris
Sir Arthur "Nazi tears grease my gears" Harris
Sir Arthur "100.000 tonnes and I'll it get DresDONE" Harris
Sir Arthur "Incendiaries on the Jerries" Harris
Sir Arthur "Berlin's skies will be set alight" Harris
Sir Arthur "Got shelter? Here comes the smelter" Harris
Sir Arthur "Bringing drought to the Kraut" Harris
Sir Arthur "German? Burn em!" Harris
Sir Arthur "When the sirens sound, drop the 14000 pounds" Harris
Sir Arthur "Need Lebensraum? Here's 14000 pounds" Harris
Sir Arthur "The Wehrmacht can't retire if their homes are on fire" Harris
Sir Arthur "Speak Fritz get hits" Harris
Sir Arthur "Firestorm is the norm" Harris
Sir Arthur "Ignite the Reich with thermite" Harris
Sir Arthur "Drop the Tallboys on German schoolboys" Harris
Sir Arthur "Denazification requires a conflagration" Harris
Sir Arthur "Unburnt German city? What a pity!" Harris
Sir Arthur "Historic Site? Set It Alight" Harris
Sir Arthur "Fire up the Lancasters" Harris
Sir Arthur "Jews got the chains? Germany gets the flames" Harris
Sir Arthur "German? You mean burnin'" Harris
Sir Arthur "Brit RAF, Dresden Lit AF" Harris
Sir Arthur "Bankrupting fire insurance since 1945" Harris
Sir Arthur "Holocaust Mk 2: Lancaster Boogaloo"
Sir Arthur "Send the Hun to the sun" Harris
Sir Arthur "Sherman's protégé" Harris
Sir Arthur "Can't retreat if I burn your street" Harris


I want Big Man Tyrone to read the Dresden pasta.


>Sir Arthur "Jews got the chains? Germany gets the flames" Harris

Feel like 'Jews in chains? Germany in flames' hits better


File: 1641182084402.jpg (117.94 KB, 584x622, 1637389575095.jpg)

I can't even be mad at this, cursed as it is.


File: 1641182186276.gif (826.2 KB, 480x360, writethatdown.gif)

>You destroy all established order and hierarchy to turn humanity into a grey formless goop


File: 1641182423131.png (294.94 KB, 526x499, ClipboardImage.png)

>turn humanity into a grey formless goop
<a system which commodifies every single trait and act of personality and rebellion does not


File: 1641182826553.jpg (66.49 KB, 563x357, barbara.jpg)

>You people really are all the same. You destroy all estab- AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!



File: 1641214430666.jpg (100 KB, 1068x622, political GFs.jpg)

Nice projection. Yeah, there's plenty of sub-par ppl in "The Movement". But wasn't it here on LP where people tried to lead in evidence that you doesn't need physical strength in a street fight?

Yes, it was.

>Replace race with class and you have average leftypol user.
Only that the smashies has mostly smashed. But nazis have actually killed ppl.

>right winger wear an ascot? i am not so sure
Ever heard about "nipsters"?

>The difference however is very clear. We discriminate because we have been treted unjustly by the rulers. White people? They discriminate other Homo sapiensfor the sake of supremacy even though they are just your casual Homo sapiens
Very well put. HOWEVER! Leftists have often no natural defense against antisemitism. What do I mean with a natural defense? It is not something you're born with. It is not something failsafe. It's an aqcuired habit that will never be stronger than your last defense. Consider a mountain range. It could be said that a mountain range is a natural border between two countries. But even a mountain range as a natural defence requires vigilance and maintenance.

The early labor movement did have a complicated relation to jews. You could say it even began with Marx. Yes, in theory you should be able to keep the images of jews in general apart from specific jewish shopkeepers. But in practice it isn't that simple. Consider antijudaism (jews should convert) and antisemitism (jews are essentially different and should therefore at least be put in ghettos). But in practice, antijudaism and antisemitism have inforced each other.

Enter Israel. A country that most people in the west didn't really care much about until after the 6-days war in 1967. One funny sidenote is that Hanna Arendt and Noam Chomsky was two american jews that had a connection to Israel *before* that war. Because then, it was considered an oddball socialist country with sand. Especially sand. Better to crash at some aunt's sofa in Brooklyn and build a new life there.

And what happened in the 60s too? Decolonialization. That in a lot of cases turned out to be total shitshows. For instance the Zanzibar genocide in 1964. Better to focus on a state populated by people that looks mostly like us and is mostly like us. All under the Russian/Han-chinese canard of "anti-imperialism".

<crossdressing nazis.jpg

>What has "white people" to do with "nazis"? Nazis were german supremacists, not white supremacists (or rather, not anymore than was common at the time).
>Their main goal was to kill as many white people as possible to colonize their land. Google "Generalplan Ost".
>Fucking Americans…


>The american lend-lease. Most of the equipment was useless, outdated, late and inferior to then modern Soviet equipment. The Soviets were buying this useless equipment with Gold and resources of their own, it wasn't free.
The most important equipment was trucks and radios. The radios was omitted in this infograph, but still: >>495832

>Leftypol mods finally grows a spine

Someone was able to write really beautiful. Cool!


<trans hitler.png
Let's assume - hypothetically - that someone used that image to "promote" some local nazi group. Would that - hypothetical - sticker be considered transphobic?

Or should that someone stick to actual photos of nazis in drag?

>Oh, absolutely. The whole "trans woman hanging herself" gif that they spam on here, the obsession with aesthetics more generally, their conviction that aesthetics is some kind of epistemological skeleton key: it's all just giving away the game that they're no different than the soy consoomers they hate, they want to crawl into a bubble where nothing that might chafe against their fragile feelings or preferences will ever reach them. Their white trad ethnostate is just a way for them to crawl back into mommy's womb. it's legit pathetic
>aesthetics is some kind of epistemological skeleton key
Does that mean that monitoring language is counter-producitve? :-/


Does anyone have the picture of 1930s nazis dressed up in fake chain mail carrying swords? Presumably for a parade or something.


Why do I want to dark dick her this badly


>Jews in chains? Germany in flames
thanks, that works much better. updated my collection
>egoist gf
>milk shop


>Generalplan Ost
Wasn't that a hoax with no paperwork backing it up? Not to mention they let slavs in the waffen SS


>Literally communism was implementrd in multiracial, multiethnic societies
They encouraged voluntary segregation to avoid ethnic conflict.


hitler openly states in Mein Kampf that he wants to do what the US did and make the Volga river his Missisipi with the lebrestraun, generalplan ost was just to do that.
>segregation is when you demark land so a ethinic group can live there but don't stop them from acessing the same rights as the other ethinic groups if they live in other states, like they are treated the same way by the law.
you never studied the apartheid in the US, South africa or Israel, right ?


In the purest form in the word it just means living separately, but under the same state. They can have the same rights, but live apart by discouraging interracial relationships and other things.


yeah there is, it's just not complete because the nazis attempted to destroy evidence when they started losing the war


>Wasn't that a hoax with no paperwork backing it up? Not to mention they let slavs in the waffen SS
Later on, and due to a mix of desperate pragmatism and completely retarded esoteric reasons involving the idea that there existed "Aryan souls" that could be trapped in non-aryan bodies, and that these souls would return to join with the closest Aryan soul once the body died. Also, the Nazis kept schizophrenically changing who and who wasn't a Slav/Aryan during their time in Yugoslavia. There are also records responding in regards to Generalplan Ost.
>In the purest form in the word it just means living separately, but under the same state.
>In the purest form of the word
Fuck off fag, the implication is obvious.
>They can have the same rights,
That's like saying Slaves have the same "rights". Yes, "technically" that's correct, but they are denied something crucial.
>but live apart by discouraging interacial relationships and other things
And how do you enforce this when you have people who don't care retard?


>They encouraged voluntary segregation to avoid ethnic conflict.
>voluntary segregation
Again, you fags don't ever think this shit out, and it honestly has to be some kind of residual pseudo-libertarianism that you hold onto that has you retaining this schizophrenic mythology of "voluntary" politics.


Also, no communist state encouraged "voluntary segregation".


> when you have people who don't care
People do care, retard. No turkic dude is letting a white man bust up in his females.


Did your mom inject lead in her titties when she breast fed you? Voluntary segregation as in the authorities wouldn't stop people from segregating. If some racial minority community decided that they don't want miscegenation in their community then the state would let them do shit their way. Because if they didn't then the various minorities would've formed an army that would've cut through the red army, made them die screaming like cock sucking bitches all the way to Moscow then they would've dragged Lenin out of his palace kicking and screaming so they could cut his femur out and beat him to death with it.


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>creating autonomous ethnic republics is the same as "segregation".

1. Even if this was the case in places such as the USSR, this is hardly the case in places such as Cuba, EZLN Chiapas and Vietnam.

2. Segregation implies that people cannot live in these ethnic republics. This is not true especially when you consider that the Volga socialist republic which mainly consisted of Germans had 20 percent of their population being Russian.

3. These groups had the same rights as the citizens for whom these autonomics were established. If you want to talk about the forced ethnic deportation that these groups faced, then you'd have a point. But these republics were hardly "segregated communities", and were born out of the fact that the Russian empire had treated these people like shit. They were finally granted a republic which, theoretically, could allow them greater autonomy.


> Segregation implies that people cannot live in these ethnic republics. This is not true especially when you consider that the Volga socialist republic which mainly consisted of Germans had 20 percent of their population being Russian.
Both of those are just different white ethnicity. They're still genetically and culturally related because of their common ancestry. Not the same as sticking whites and central Africans and Indians together.


Very weak bait Nazoid. Post chin


Post forearms, chest, triceps, and biceps. Guarantee you that I also have a stronger facial bone structure than you. You sit here and fantasize about fucking hot women while I have fucked women that are too hot for you to even fantasize about. People on here who've never been in a fist fight as an adult essay post about how they're going to kill fascists like me when I've actually killed people in self defense and been in numerous fights that ended with my opponents being hauled off to the ICU and having holed drilled in the skulls to relive the pressure from the blood. I fuck like you wish you could. I am everything you wish you could be as a man. I am your Tyler Durden.


Thanks for your retarded post /pol/


>average /pol/tard is magically ripped, has 20 kids, a teenage tread wife, and lives on his own farm in the country
more proof that rightoid ideology is literally just a daydreaming power fantasy akin to marvel capeshit.


> has 20 kids, a teenage tread wife
Didn't mention anything about being married. But it's really telling how you sarcastically projected this caricature on to me because you cannot physiologically handle the fact that a fascist, someone who according to you should be an abject looser, is more socially and sexually successful than you. But don't get too down about it. It's not your fault that you don't have the genes for success.


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You're assuming I don't know you're larping, but I do.
The shit barometer has reached the shit line, anon.
It's impossible for any shit hawk like me with a finely tuned shit senses to miss it.


I am correctly observing that you're coping by acting smug.


sorry m8 this ain't /pol/ or 4chan people aren't retarded enough to believe your greentext fantasies since there are actually people above 100iq on this board and a severe lack of meme-poisoned underage children and/or boomers.


How sheltered are you that when you read about a guy getting into fights and having sex you think "This literally impossible."?


I don't think it's literally impossible, I merely think you're pretending to be a caricature of a /pol/yp
here's another (you)
(remove (you)s)


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>thinking the German Volk is anything like the filthy slav
if you're going to be a nazi, at least do it properly you a/his/torical cretin


I am tho. All European people share common ancestry via the Yamnaya.


File: 1641381943754.jpg (90.26 KB, 552x787, 69ns54bd9qnz.jpg)

you do know literally everyone is related once you go back 500 years or so, right? every person that lived back then is either the ancestor of every human that currently lives, or none
you have to be a special kind of retarded to think ancestry stretches back fucking five thousand years


File: 1641384071131.pdf (243.55 KB, 197x255, nature02842.pdf)

this kills the poltard


>Yamnaya meme


>People do care, retard. No turkic dude is letting a white man bust up in his females
Literally happens all the time, and vice versa with Turkish men dating "white" woman.


>Voluntary segregation as in the authorities wouldn't stop people from segregating.
The authorities already don't stop this, but you just can't do it by violence, intimidation, or compulsion, and you can't stop anyone from entering said community if they wish.
>If some racial minority community decided that they don't want miscegenation in their community then the state would let them do shit their way.
And how would they stop "miscegenation" without in some way breaking an already set law regarding the the "rights" provided to everyone regarding safety and guarantees in regards to their freedoms? The state has to have laws enforcing such, and that very well can't be considered "voluntary". Can't even considered "voluntary" if it's just the community doing it.
>Because if they didn't then the various minorities would've formed an army that would've cut through the red army, made them die screaming like cock sucking bitches all the way to Moscow then they would've dragged Lenin out of his palace kicking and screaming so they could cut his femur out and beat him to death with it.
Never happened you faggot. Again, "voluntary segregation" was never a thing in the USSR, and there was little to no issue with different ethnic groups having sexual relations with each other. I mean for fucks sake, do you know how many notable Soviets were of mixed ethnicity? All of your rant is just a fantasy that exists purely to cope with the reality that actually existed.


>Post pics and facial structure, I've had sex with woman you, like, couldn't even imagine, and I also killed a like a hundred dudes!?! I'm literally Tyler Durden!!!
The reason no one believes you is becuase you talk like someone still in middle school.


File: 1641389193694.jpg (1.74 MB, 1555x1986, Stalin_1920-1.jpg)

instead of posting deranged violent fantasies, how about you read the theory that the USSR's policies around nationalities was actually based on?


The interethnic marriage rate of the USSR was three times the average of the united states and europe. What the fuck are you talking about?


Indians amd hispanics also have “yamnaya” ancestry. And slavs share more of their ancestry with Indians (or rather indo-aryans) than they do with germans, you retard.


No one who fights and fucks grandstands about how much they fight and fuck.


>Indians amd hispanics also have “yamnaya”
A miniscule ammout. That's like saying Elizabeth Warren is native American.
>slabs share more DNA with Indians than Germans and other Europeans
I would ask for a scientific source, but I know you can't provide one.


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>saved the thumbnail


So the human species is only 500 years old? Nobody has ancestors older than that?


>A miniscule amount
<What is the R1a Haplogroup most common in Polacks and Bengali Brahmins


Can you tell me who your ancestors from 1000 years ago are? Reliably, for that matter.


File: 1641424160642.mp4 (188.17 KB, 480x360, Go to gulag.mp4)

looks like we're seeing an increase in nazi soyjakers posting here



>haplogroup instead if genome wide analysis
Back to /his/


Cringe take. "Grey formless goop". What do you mean by that? You mean "race mixing"? Oh no, people in the distant future will probably be slightly darker than they are now!!11!!1! Not consensual relationships between people of different ethnic groups!!!11!!1! What a load of shit. You're just angry that the world has moved past your ideals of race and your preconceived notions of "order". Fuck the "established order" and hierarchy. No Gods and no masters.


It’s nor our faulr you strerch out
And fail to get to the point. And why the fuck are ypu lying? There have always been long-ass effortposts in response to your drivel. But you always come back to claim otherwise. Who do you think you’re fooling?


>Posts this meme
<Calls us gay
You wanna tell us something, anon?


Bumping this


>porky fucking itself
weird fetish but ok


Anon our time is valuable and you have been repeatedly explained why you and your bullshit ideology has been wrong in the past going on for almost a year now. If you can’t learn now, it just isn’t worth our time, quite frankly.


some chucklefuck is debating some /pol/yps on the sharty, fucking stop
https://soyjak party/r9k//res/6263.html


File: 1641427952227.png (401.6 KB, 800x2201, nazi white genocide.png)

>keep you from overdosing on drugs or blowing your brains out after cutting your own genitals off (as the movents you are a part of WANT YOU to do if you are ethnically european

Yeah bro, you're the real white saviours


what "arguments" you fucking methhead?


He’s nor a methhead, he’s an alcoholic


File: 1641428565438.jpeg (306.26 KB, 1080x909, bordiga nazis.jpeg)

Yeah bro you really 'defended yourself' by massacring random villagers/civilians, then losing the war like bitches


How about start with your best one


>Multicultural, multitacial world
<Not a classless stateless society


Literally the last 3 or 4 times he's come here, I asked to see his arguments. Never once has he actually responded. Don't waste your time with him, let him respond to himself if he really needs the (you)s
(remove (you)s)


>When you are brainwashed to the point that locking up civilians in a church and litting it up is self defense


The communists have a lasting worldwide legacy and worldwide parties. They were progressive forces for all of the societies that they controlled and even then have to be repeatedly slandered and suppressed. You, on the other hand, are a danger to yourselves when your fed handlers don’t keep a leash on you.


>No proofs, just malding
You hate to see it


File: 1641429478828.jpeg (399.34 KB, 1200x1200, hilter.jpeg)

>keep you from overdosing on drugs or blowing your brains out
That's your fuhrer's thing.


>The riech was a desperate rebellion against a liberal international order
Yeah sure.
Go back


File: 1641430410567-0.png (90.79 KB, 1203x564, Exploitation .PNG)

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All of this can be answered if you read chapter 2 of capital volume 1.
>although our weaver's labour may be a recognised branch of ​the social division of labour, yet that fact is by no means sufficient to guarantee the utility of his 20 yards of linen. If the community's want of linen, and such a want has a limit like every other want, should already be saturated by the products of rival weavers, our friend's product is superfluous, redundant, and consequently useless. Although people do not look a gift-horse in the mouth, our friend does not frequent the market for the purpose of making presents. But suppose his product turn out a real use-value, and thereby attracts money? The question arises, how much will it attract? No doubt the answer is already anticipated in the price of the article, in the exponent of the magnitude of its value. We leave out of consideration here any accidental miscalculation of value by our friend, a mistake that is soon rectified in the market. We suppose him to have spent on his product only that amount of labour-time that is on an average socially necessary. The price then, is merely the money-name of the quantity of social labour realised in his commodity. But without the leave, and behind the back, of our weaver, the old fashioned mode of weaving undergoes a change. The labour-time that yesterday was without doubt socially necessary to the production of a yard of linen, ceases to be so to-day, a fact which the owner of the money is only too eager to prove from the prices quoted by our friend's competitors. Unluckily for him, weavers are not few and far between. Lastly, suppose that every piece of linen in the market contains no more labour-time than is socially necessary. In spite of this, all these pieces taken as a whole, may have had superfluous labour-time spent upon them. If the market cannot stomach the whole quantity at the normal price of 2 shillings a yard, this proves that too great a portion of the total labour of the community has been expended in the form of weaving. The effect is the same as if each individual weaver had expended more labour-time upon his particular product than is socially necessary. Here we may say, with the German proverb: caught together, hung together. All the linen in the market counts but as one article of commerce, of which each piece is only an aliquot part. And as a matter of fact, the value also of each single yard is but the materialised form of the same ​definite and socially fixed quantity of homogeneous human labour.
And he doesn’t make profits based on the price of the commodity as demonstrated by picrels. Ir’a rather making the proletariat earn more than necessaru for the maintenance of the MoP and their own well being, parasitically subsidizing the bourgeois’s subsistence as well. You would know this if you actually read the most basic works of Marx.


How is Marx a Liberal. Cite textual evidence if you want me to take you seriously.


>Slaughter of St Barthelemy happenend therefore Slaughter of Oradour is Ok
Can't make this shit up.


He may not since he is ban evading.


Btw to those reporting these posts for ban evasion. Thank you. I left them up because they have generated worthy rebuttals that should be left up in my opinion.


you are an extra sad person for shitting up an anti-nazi thread with your meaningless drivel on top of being a neo-nazi in the first place


>Yeah bro you really 'defended yourself' by massacring random villagers/civilians
Soviets did the same thing read about the Seitajärvi massacre


File: 1641437034033.png (24.19 KB, 648x288, racial solidarity.png)

> You're just angry that the world has moved past your ideals of race and your preconceived notions of "order
Only dumb left wing white people did that. Everyone else is still loyal to their race.
>Not consensual relationships between people of different ethnic groups
Consensual interracial sex is statistically rare. Historically speaking, interracial sex almost always occurred in the form of war rape and sex slavery. The Idea that men from Somalia or Pakistan would be cool with their daughters having sex with white guy is hilarious and delusional.(Ban evasion)


>Graphs with no study to gauge the methodology
>Doesn’t provide the statistics of interethnkc marriage
I can provide statistics that state the interethnic marriage rate in the USSR was 3x the average for western europe and north america


Stop using race and ethnicity interchangeably. 2 people from different turkic tribes is interethnic but not interracial.


>Soviets did the same thing read about the Seitajärvi massacre
These were allegedly partisans, and there is no actual proof for the partisans going out of their way to execute civilians during their attacks on military targets located in villages. This is also not comparable to the Nazis literally going out of their way to execute civilians nowhere near military targets.


>civilians nowhere near military targets.
Farms that feed enemy combatants are military targets. More so than some random frozen village. A lot of the villages attacked in Finland had no soldiers in them


This graph doesn't prove "racial solidarity", it just arbitrarily breaks up people based on the US conception of "race" and ignores things such as culture and language. If anything, language statistically seems to be a bigger determiner for "preference" then anything else. Also, graphs without the source of who made them should be questioned.
>Consensual interracial sex is statistically rare.
Dude, I'm literally a product of it. And you're moving the goalposts, because the argument was in regards to people taking issue with it.
>Historically speaking, interracial sex almost always occurred in the form of war rape and sex slavery. The Idea that men from Somalia or Pakistan would be cool with their daughters having sex with white guy is hilarious and delusional
That's isn't proof or even an argument, it's just a vauge unfounded assertion. I can very well respond with the fact that most "mixed" relationships I know that has family overseas has that family being very accepting of it.


Tell the russians armenians are white, I dare you. Or even that caucasians are white. At any rate, the statistic includes racial groups as well, although russians would define their races differwnrly from you.


>hat's isn't proof or even an argument, it's just a vauge unfounded assertion.
No. In the west less tha 10
5 of couples are mixed race, and it's usually the native race with minority women. "It's okay to fuck their women, but we don't want them fucking our women"

>Dude, I'm literally a product of it.

What mixture and which country?


>Another unsourced statistic and projection


>russians would define their races differwnrly from you.
So differently from a geneticist?


>Farms that feed enemy combatants are military targets.
What enemy combatants, and where is the proof of feeding them? All the Nazis had was an alleged report that a single SS officer had been held by resistance members that were never found, and in response they executed woman and children.
>More so than some random frozen village.
On the border of the war. It's not some random village, and the story in regards to the executions makes absolutely no sense for the partisans.
>A lot of the villages attacked in Finland had no soldiers in them
That's just a lie. Most of the targets were literally on the border during the war, meaning where soldiers would be deployed near to be supplied, and there is still no proof that the partisans went out of their way to execute them. The only proof is two books from 2008 that still only has the conclusion largely being that of some individual acts.


>He thinks race isn’t socially defined


File: 1641439138589-0.png (127.93 KB, 1600x900, ClipboardImage.png)

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I found the methodology.
Need to log in to get data though.


>No. In the west less tha 10 5 of couples are mixed race, and it's usually the native race with minority women.
No, I meant the whole "Somalia and Pakistan" thing. I never doubted that there were less mixed marriages, that's just a reality regardless due to geographic population demographics.
>"It's okay to fuck their women, but we don't want them fucking our women"
Not a thing.
>What mixture and which country?
If I told you, you'd likely just try to ad hoc rationalize it to suit what you want.


>Different white ethnicity
Didn't stop the Nazis (german) from genociding Slavic people, or the USSR deporting the Volga germans.

But as for the Volga Germans getting on with Russians "cuz muh white genes" the Volga socialist republic also had other ethnic groups which your /pol/yp infested brain wouldn't consider to be "white".


so this is the le pol that stupidpol posts constantly.


>Khazaks: 1.5%
>Tartars: .07%
>Chinese: 02%
>Jews: .02%
At such low numbers they're just curiosities.


If you wanna be a faggot about it you can say same thing about species. Dogs and coyotes can reproduce and make fetitle offspring, but they're still classed as different species.


species are indeed arbitrary categories. Even biologists themselves admit it.


>What is Tatarstan, Yakutiya and the other republics
Btw, modern Kazakhstan is like 20% Russian. And why are those numbers “small” in your eyes? What’s with all the special pleading?


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>imagine going back in time and showing this to the entire audience at the Nuremberg trial without context


>POL-Cel VS Road.png
driving test hard and gov don't teach you anything
fuck you op, most people cheated on there test


>Judge Harvey sentencing von Ribbentrop to death, colorized, 1946


>"Nazis were the REAL Degenerates"
That's true though. They embraced the tackiest bric-a-brac and thought this tap-dancing rubbish was healthy "Aryan" art in 1944 when Army Group Centre was being destroyed on the Eastern Front.

>Therefore, we cannot be surprised by the fact that Rosenberg, almost like the liberal-bourgeois writers against whom he fiercely fights on other occasions, sees the essence of German art in a feeling of loneliness. He writes: “The feeling of loneliness and infinity is undoubtedly also a sign of the Western spirit.” From this he comes to an extremely enthusiastic assessment of Dostoyevsky’s types. But amid this ecstasy, he suddenly discovers that these heroes and their actions do not at all correspond to the “racial” Nordic Germanic ideal, by no means are they the embodiment of the ideal of “honor and loyalty.” He saves himself from this contradiction by throwing himself into theory, into “art for art’s sake” without looking back. So, he summarizes his thoughts about Dostoyevsky as follows: “Aliosha, Dimitri or Ivan Karamasov do not interest me so much as the strength which motivated each of them through the organic creation, visible through human creative nature which makes its way into our heart. If I am to regard these figures as a life ideal, then it is a completely different matter.”

>This confession of Rosenberg vividly exposes all the falsity of his “aesthetics.” First, it turns out that his entire so-called struggle against the “bourgeois decadence” of the literature of big cities is only a demagogic phrase, since he himself, with all his aesthetics, is mired head over heels in the same decadence and is its typical representative. Rosenberg’s “struggle” against “bourgeois decadence” is a “model” of fascist “anti-capitalist” phraseology. This phraseology is essentially a defense of decaying monopoly capitalism with the help of a masquerade of “criticism” of culture. Secondly, this recognition exposes the value of Rosenberg’s “aesthetic will”: as soon as Rosenberg turns to any particular phenomenon from the world of art, he is forced to resort to the same reactionary and very vulgar concept of art for art’s sake, to which he first declares the most “decisive” war. Third, this collection of superficially glued contradictory statements is the inevitable ideological costume of fascist ideology: “German realism,” The “German honor and loyalty” of the warriors in the future imperialist slaughter flourishes best in this mystical fog impenetrable by thought. “Heroic realism” in the literary field is primarily a phrase that obscures the consciousness of the masses through the propaganda of blind obedience and readiness to become a victim of a new bloody imperialist massacre, which is being prepared by German fascism.



You’re telling me that this is what you people are like sober? Shit, at least the meth gave you some plausible deniability


Didn't they also encourage german women to sleep around with german men even if they weren't their husbands just for the greater chance of them getting preggers?


Difference is, those fags don't give a shit about their own "Degeneracy" while nazis and conservatives in general decry that sort of impulse while at the same time indulging in degeneracy in itself. I frankly just think that nazis/conservatives are more interested in looking cool than they are in being authentic or truthful or anything.


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You’re right. They can’t interbreed. But humans can “interbreed”.

Btw, some different species of canine can interbreed, but they’re an exception. You also have to argue about why humans are like dogs


> I frankly just think that nazis/conservatives are more interested in looking cool than they are in being authentic or truthful or anything.
Well yeah no shit. All of right wing politics is projections and outward appearances. It's basically dark tetrad faggotry politicized


>Why? We're both mammals.
NTA, but this is like saying Orcas and Possums are comparable in the context of what is being discussed simply because they are mammals.


>muh curiousities
Fact of the matter, is that you had them living side by side relatively peacefully. Cope.


That’s just mean those species are closer than we thought lmao.


>Only in small enough numbers to avoid conflict.
Higher then some minority populations in other countries, and I don't know why you decided to ignore ether Russian and Ukrainian populations.


>the challenger
oh man I saved a bunch of these


even have an entire issue saved


Holy based batman!
I came across that cover skimming through the pages of Invisible Men, The Trailblazing Black Artists of Comic Books, it was drawn by Elmer Cecil Stoner, who's featured on the book and apparently The Challenger was an attempt to feature minority characters in a positive light.
This is all so good.


I remember reading somewhere they deleted all of their posts because they were underaged while making them, i still remember when they posted onto some strasserite subreddit and one of the mods got mad at everyone for being transphobic lmao. 'Be nice to the little lady guys!!!"


It's nice of all the polcels to come in here just to provide cringe straight from the source.


You will never have sex


That's a rightoid transphobic edit…


hitler belongs to the european e1b1b clade, which is most common in the balkans. it's not the berber or ethiopian clade. furthermore, the haplogroup is one single gene in the y-chromosome. the reason why it is so mentioned is because it mutates so slowly and that's useful for genetics, especially 10+ years ago when full autosomal research was very difficult. it does not, however, show full autosomal ancestry


>Haplptype autism
do motherfuckers really


Don't play that game. You've got no excuse to be anti-science + post blatant misinfo.


>Spergs out on HBD bullshit
<Y-Y-You H-H-Have N-N-No Excuse to B-B-Be Antiscience


HBD bullshit? beg pardon, but whether right wingers or left wingers may like or dislike genetic research on humans because rightey uses it for this or leftie uses it for that does not contradict the findings. these aren't even findings lmfao, these are the very basic principles of archeogenetics. sperging out the way you did is very disrespectful. to me and the scientists working hard with these discoveries. you should thank me for teaching you a valuable lesson on genetics, and apologize by kissing me on the toes


>Kiss my toes
Footfags get their bussies stuffed


Honestly, I hope they do end YOU like that. You’re an oversexed narcissistic creep whose capacity for projection rivals an imax theater.


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>whose capacity for projection rivals an imax theater.


At least you got that part right


Mini-essay: The class composition/structure of neo-nazism at the outset was extremely typical of any reactionary movement: a leadership core of ambitious, opportunistic, individualistic petty bourgeois/“upper middle class”, and lumpenproletariat rank-and-file who had ideology and various goodies pushed on them by leadership as part of recruitment and indoctrination. However, starting from the late 70s and 80s and 90s, neoliberalism and “paleoconservatism” came along and swooped up the leadership demographic, leaving behind a headless lumpen body stumbling around in the dark. This was when people like William Luther Pierce and James Mason (who was originally recruited into the more “classical” American Nazi Party) and their more terror and crime oriented ilk with all of its political aimlessness came to prominence. The guru type “leaders” might dress up as affluent WASPs in the style of their former masters, but they’re still lost lumpen rabble at the end of day, and the “movement” is easily led by the nose by feds every now and again mostly due to their desperation for any kind of leadership.


But why don't the lumpen take the leadership themselves?


Because it's not their bullshit "cause" at the end of the day. They can blow hot air in confusion all they want, but that's the truth.


>Special pleading and projection
The interethnic marriage rate was three times higher than that of the US and Western. Your bizarre fantasies about violence notwithstanding. And this point you made about Stalin is word for word the same copypasta you wrote about Lenin, at least put some effort in.


Quite the contrary. The fact that they haven’t done so already is testament about how wrong you are about them.


What does race have to do with it? Caucasians are black in Russia.


And again I must ask you the most important question: what does this have to do with race?


>Baseless speculation
Face it, buddy, your penis does not have the mass to generate the gravitational force necessary to make the world revolve around it


>Muh lived experience
<is enough for me to say with 100% confidence how the world works
“Buying kebabs from someone” ain’t the same as “knowing a guy”


>Making small talk means I know someone and have a rapport with them
You seem like the guy who’d go to a bar, hit on a lady bartender and think she was into you because she’s paid not to tell you to fuck off


And this is yet another anecdote that you choose to make a worldview out of



anytime a stormshitter talks about "anglos" just picture this in your head


>this place is such a hugbox that the mods have to delete posts so the bunkertranshumanists don't have a panic attack.


Trust me when I say it didn’t use to be like this and mods these days have far too thin of skin


>letting /pol/yps shit up the board

somebody wasn't around for the old 8chan/bunkerchan days


Then take back your CHAN! The Mods are petty bourgeoisie, exploiting your shitposting labor for their own (You) accumulation.

>t. mod


cope harder. leftypol cheka have the mandate of heaven


You are mixing up your themes but you have the right idea


Communism is organic and are inevitable according to the dialectics, stop pretending your constant deletion of post does anything besides neutered once readable string of post. Why don't you delete the post replying to it to, if you care so much about quality of conversation? A counterargument on the chans only can be fully understand in observing what it's countering. If the deleted post are not low in quality enough to also delete the response, then surely the post in question must had some plausible relative competence to it (in relation to the common internet users) that a truly sharp and all encompassing rebuttal to it should be fully observed with the post included. It's the quickest way for newfags to learn how to masterfully and effortlessly dispel common idpol talking points, and even if they know how to, a diversity in language in expressing it is also extremely beneficial in an age where phrases, images, and memes can quickly loose it's initial meaning by mass uncontrollable repetition.


sorry for the lanky english in advanced.


As someone who argued against the anon in pic, it's honestly better it was deleted. The argument was just going in circles and the anon is a repeat poster who's done this before, and anons on leftypol have an extreme addition to bait, even of the lowest quality. So if you allow it to happen, threads like this will go to complete shit and completely derail, with even "effort posts" just adding to that.


>anons on leftypol have an extreme addition to bait
how much do you wanna bet it's just them on a different ip tho


Nah, everyone just has too damn much spare time.


I don't, but even given what limited free time I have, I can't help it. The need to respond is ingrained in me at this point.



Germans viewed Europeans as mostly aryan and distinguished between what are effectively whites and other races, which they respected and held in great regard. None of this means they wouldn't fight for the interests of Germanic people across Europe. You guys really need to read more about actual nazis rather than your characature of them.


It's the constant repetition that is the hallmark of rightoids. It matters very little whether specific behavior is banned or nazis themselves are.


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>this is rightoid theory


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>Most neo-Nazis are not German and they think that Hitler was fighting for the white race.
>This is incorrect even a cursory reading of Mein Kampf makes it perfectly obvious that Hitler did think that the German race is something and the French race is a totally different thing and that members of the French race can never be turned truly German.
Yes, the Nazis did had a different race ideology than Americans. However Hitler probably copied the "one drop rule" for "race purity" from the US, at least it shows up earlier in US based ""race theory literature""
>Germans viewed Europeans as mostly aryan and distinguished between what are effectively whites and other races
That's false you are doing a projection of contemporary American race-politics onto 20th century historical Europe. The Nazis thought that Europe had at least a dozen different "races" they had excruciatingly detailed bullshit that was aping anthropology. I had the unfortunate idea of researching that topic and reading that crap almost made me die of cringe. It's at least as toxic and misanthropic as the identity politics of today.
The white race identity originates in the US, that replaced the old race identities from Europe. Races are a bunch of bullshit that is made up for "political expediency" by ruling classes, and in the US where slavery needed "political expediency" it made more sense to foist white and black race identities on people than keeping the race identities that were tied to European power structures . It's a terrible mind rape for sure but it is markedly different.

Some versions of inter-sectional identity politics have a concept of "aryan privilege", so the strange thing that happened is that parts of the bourgoise left wing of neoliberalism have recycled some of those old categories. I don't know if that is anti-Semitic, but it's very strange how the political memetic metamorphoses and switches sides in the bourgeois political spectacle. On the left there is basically zero differentiation between Aryan and Jew until about the 1970s. On the classical left political spectrum that doesn't include neo-liberals, Aryans don't exist at all, and the Jewish identity isn't relevant for anything other than talking about the historical persecution of Jews before and during WW2.

If this has peaked your interest, i strongly want to discourage you from reading up on old racist theories, they are terrible mind viruses, that will fuck with your head in ways you are not prepared for. Despite going into this with a detached scientific mindset of analyzing hostile ideological content. I had to de-condition my self from noticing the shape of noses, skulls and all kinds of other bullshit from a century old defunct pseudo science. It's like having a catchy song stuck in your head except it's extremely racist and anti scientific. Depending on your mental constitution, you might end up with mild schizophrenia.


>Yes, the Nazis did had a different race ideology than Americans. However Hitler probably copied the "one drop rule" for "race purity" from the US
Close, but not quite. They were greatly inspired by the US's racial policies, but even they thought the one drop rule was too much and implemented something more lenient lmao
Also I'm pretty sure you just replied to a chinlet that probably can't read past the first paragraph but good post anyway.


>Communism is organic and are inevitable according to the dialectics
Except those dialectics are anything but science. You can't scientifically test them via experimentation so it's nothing but verbose conjecture. And there were no sound refutations of my arguments. No one can honestly argue in good faith that a black man doesn't have the right to open fire if he sees a white man with a black woman


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>implying you need dialectics for communism


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>arguing in good faith that murder is an acceptable response to an interracial relationship


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The Nazis really seemed like they boiled off the fluffy pillow that was wrapped around Victorian-age ideology for its toxic core with concepts such as Social Darwinism and imperial apologia and then ramped up the anti-Semitism and anti-communism. I also know what you're talking about having lurked on far-right websites like /pol/ and it seemed insane to me how people talked about "races" and being hyper focused on facial features. You have to be immersed in that environment and have it reinforced all the time. But reading that feels like being in a scene from Bacurau when the white Brazilians are not quite white enough for the white Americans who execute them. Or insane Nazi mad scientist shit is not far from the truth, or fictional depictions might understate the degree to which these guys were goddamned lunatics.

If anyone is interested in reading actual Nazi propaganda from the 1930s and how they thought about, this is a good archive:

Check under "II. Racial and Anti-Semitic Material." This is one lovely excerpt from a booklet for Hitler Youth:

>The foundation of the National Socialist worldview is the knowledge of human inequality. No one will likely disagree with this as long as we stick to physical appearance. It is obvious that the “red skins,” the “yellow people,” the Negroes, and the whites are very different. And all whites are not the same. The careful observer can find differences in physical size and shape. The color of the eyes, hair, and skin also varies greatly.


>The past era either entirely ignored human inequality or else acted contrary to its better knowledge. During the colonization of Paraguay in the nineteen century, for example, the Jesuits permitted white settlers to marry native Indian women. Perhaps they thought that the native population would thus be raised to the level of the whites. But these mixed marriages produced unhappy bastards who were neither white nor native. In most cases, they inherited the bad characteristics of both groups, lacking spiritual stability. In our time, too, certain people occasionally lacked a feeling for racial honor or racial defilement. The numerous bastards resulting from relations with the black occupation forces in the Rhine region, or those that came from relations between Jews and Germans, are tragic examples. Even the highest government offices of the System era [the Nazi term for the Weimar Republic] intentionally ignored racial knowledge. For example, they prohibited the well-known racial scholar Ludwig Schemann from studying the nature of the races and withdrew support for his research.

>Even today, National Socialism’s racial thinking has implacable opponents. Freemasonry, Marxism, and the Christian churches make common cause in this matter. World Freemasonry conceals its Jewish plans of world domination behind slogans of “humanity.” The Jew and the Turk can achieve its degrees just as well as the Christian. Marxism has the same goals as Freemasonry. To conceal its true aims, it used the slogan of “Equality, Freedom, and Brotherhood.” Under Jewish leadership, Marxism wants to unite everything “that has a human face.”

IMO Marxism is not a science because human beings aren't test subjects, while Nazi race science has more in common with attempting to apply (poorly understood) natural laws to human beings. The experimentation of political theory is actually very limited and usually serves as a justification of the present state of things, which is why the majority of intellectuals from every country will justify and rationalize the political ideology and structure in their countries. On the other hand, Marxism isn't philosophy because philosophy is by definition metaphysical, regarding spirit, moral principles, the clear boundary between good and evil, justice and injustice.

So, Marxism is actually a unity between science and philosophy. Marxism embraces the idea of experimentation from science but also realizes the limitation of it in social science such that Marxism also brings in philosophical guidance but doesn't waste time debating the metaphysical concepts.


Cultural self defense isn't murder, idiot. If I went to Mecca and started vandalizing the kabhaa I'd get beaten to death on the spot. Everyone would agree that the Muslims were using DEFENSIVE violence in thus case because I was destroying their culture and heritage


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>cultural self defense
<hurr durr muh cultural essentialism
<muh identity
fash detected


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>interracial relationships are cultural oppression


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>If I went to Mecca and started vandalizing the kabhaa I'd get beaten to death on the spot.
You say this like Saudi Arabia hasn't bulldozed 98% of its Islamic historical sites because they conflict with their puritanical Wahhabist interpretation.


Oh christ, not this guy again
>Says that black men will murder white men who date their women
<We ask him for proof and laugh at him
>Talks about his totally real sexual conquests of brown women and how all the brown men seethed
<We tell him that nothing of consequence has happened to him and laugh at him
The truth is, that you’re projecting your own distaste of black men fucking white women and yet are such a cuck that you can’t possibly come out and say that “I can’t stop white women from fucking black men.” Instead you whine about how THEY won’t let you fuck your women, like a little bitch.

Anons, what was it that Lacan said about the cheating wife and the husband’s pathology?


>Science is when RCT
Stemlord brainlet detected


Marxism is scientific, but you can’t exactly do an RCT that analyzes random variables and their correlation to one another in isolation with one another to understand real-world phenomena, especially in the social sciences


>nothing of consequence has happened to him
Fist fights are of consequence.


horseshoe theory is real specifically when it comes to idpol and nothing else


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drilling for what
also why do i get the feeling these goobers will never realize discipline and would fall apart at the slightest antagonism



Wrong. You are not a real Marxist. Nice try at false flagging, /polyp/.


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>Gets into a scuffle over a girl
<They’re gonna rip my balls off and jam them in my eye sockets!
Nothing of consequence has happened to you


Why would they ever release that


day of the rope soon rightoid.


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More like day of the cope


Why are you dignifying this with a response?


Because it's hilarious to make fun of right*ids


>more like day of the cope


Not everyone in the Right wing is a Nazi.


Doesn't matter, all right*ids belong to the wall


but in the end, they all go to the pit.


This is why normal people hate you guys. Sociopathic incels.


Perhaps not, but when the chips are down, a majority seem willing to rally behind them.


And you think you can define who’s a “normal person?”


When the chips are down, yes they are.
You know who ALL of them will side with when it counts.


nobody likes psychopaths either.


rightwingers are not normal, just parasites that monopolise everything people hold dear to look like they are the normal and everyone outside of it's order being anormal, what they do with religion is an example.


Stop misusing these terms


Everyone gets "against the wall" or "down the pit" with socialist countries.
Not the majority of the conservative non-whites.


>Gommunism killed 100 gorillion people
>Minority groups can’t join a fascist movement that caters to their material interests, only to night of long-knives them when convenient


>Everyone gets "against the wall" or "down the pit" with socialist countries.
correction, everyone that call themselves liberals, fascist, coservatist or pro US.
>Not the majority of the conservative non-whites.
you seen to think non-white rightoids aren't reactionary, and somehow would not join the fascists first chance they had, like the arab voluntary batalions they had in ww2.


>>Gommunism killed 100 gorillion people
If it's wrong then debunk this:


Fein, Helen (1993), Genocide: a sociological perspective; Contextual and Comparative Studies I: Ideological Genocides, Sage Publications, ISBN 978-0-8039-8829-3
Ghodsee, Kristen (2017), Red Hangover: Legacies of Twentieth-Century Communism, Duke University Press, ISBN 978-0-822-36949-3
Hollander, Paul, ed. (2006), From the Gulag to the Killing Fields: Personal Accounts of Political Violence and Repression in Communist States, Applebaum, Anne (foreword) and Hollander, Paul (introduction), Intercollegiate Studies Institute, ISBN 978-1-932-23678-1
Karlsson, Klas-Göran; Schoenhals, Michael (2008), Crimes against humanity under communist regimes – Research review (PDF), Forum for Living History, ISBN 978-91-977487-2-8
Mann, Michael (2005), The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing, New York: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-53854-1
Rosefielde, Steven (2010), Red Holocaust, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-77757-5
Rummel, Rudolph Joseph (November 1993), How Many did Communist Regimes Murder?, University of Hawaii Political Science Department, archived from the original on 27 August 2018, retrieved 15 September 2018
Sangar, Eric (3 November 2007), Classicide, Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence, retrieved 6 June 2018
Semelin, Jacques (2009), "Destroying to Subjugate: Communist regimes: Reshaping the social body", in Jaffrelot, Christophe (ed.), Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide, CERI Series in Comparative Politics and International Studies, translated by Cynthia Schoch, New York: Columbia University Press, ISBN 978-0-231-14283-0
Totten, Samuel; Paul Robert Bartrop; Steven L. Jacobs (2008), "Communism", Dictionary of genocide, Volume 1, Greenwood Publishing Group, ISBN 978-0-313-34642-2
Valentino, Benjamin (2005), Final Solutions: Mass Killing and Genocide in the Twentieth Century, Cornell University Press, ISBN 978-0-801-47273-2
Watson, George (1998), The Lost Literature of Socialism, Lutterworth Press, ISBN 978-0-7188-2986-5
White, Matthew (2011), "The Black Chapter of Communism", Atrocities: The 100 Deadliest Episodes in Human History, W. W. Norton & Company, ISBN 978-0-393-08192-3

Soviet Union

Deker, Nikolai; Institute for the study of the U.S.S.R. Munich (1958), Genocide in the USSR: studies in group destruction, Scarecrow Press
Weiss-Wendt, Anton (December 2005), "Hostage of Politics Raphael Lemkin on "Soviet Genocide"" (PDF), Journal of Genocide Research, 7 (4): 551–559, doi:10.1080/14623520500350017, S2CID 144612446, archived from the original (PDF) on June 10, 2007
Wheatcroft, Stephen (1996), "The Scale and Nature of German and Soviet Repression and Mass Killings, 1930–45" (PDF), Europe-Asia Studies, 48 (8): 1319–1353, doi:10.1080/09668139608412415


Lorenz, Andreas (15 May 2007), "The Chinese Cultural Revolution: Remembering Mao's Victims", Der Spiegel Online
Rummel, Rudolph Joseph (2011), China's Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 978-1-412-81400-3
Song, Yongyi (25 August 2011), "Chronology of Mass Killings during the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)", Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence, ISSN 1961-9898


Barron, John; Paul, Anthony (1977), Murder of A Gentle Land, The Untold Story of Communist Genocide in Cambodia, Reader's Digest Press, ISBN 978-0-88349-129-4
Sarup, Kamala (5 September 2005), Communist Genocide In Cambodia (PDF), Genocide Watch, archived from the original (PDF) on 14 July 2010, retrieved 30 September 2009


Rummel, Rudolph Joseph (1997), Statistics Of Yugoslavia's Democide: Estimates, Calculations, And Sources, University of Hawaii Political Science Department
—— (1997), Statistics of North Korean Democide: Estimates, Calculations, and Sources, University of Hawaii Political Science Department
Sharlanov, Dinyu; Ganev, Venelin I. (2010), "Crimes Committed by the Communist Regime in Bulgaria", "Crimes of the Communist Regimes" Conference Country Report, February 24–26, 2010, Prague, Hanna Arendt Center in Sofia

The non-white fascists have their own sides and their own countries, they're not on the side of the white nazis and don't benefit from white supremacy. /pol/ is a non-white retard.


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>Gish gallop of liberal publications bankrolled by a system whose primary interest is to discredit communism
Weak. My time is valuable, so I won’t go into each and every one of these, but what’s important is the methodologies and sources used to provide their numbers. Most importantly, a similar application of the aforementioned would give a death toll for capitalism that’s astronomically higher
>Non-White Countries
And they have their own rabidly Nationalist/Ultracapitalist/Anticommunist factions like the dindutvas. More similarities between them and the Nazis than not


"100 million killed" doesn't come from any of those publications but from the "Black book of communism"


and yet, for all of the alarmism against the ebill commies killing 100 million, liberalism and their variations are responsible for the death of 1.8 billions just in india.
this means we just have 6% of your bodycount.


>Communists aren’t innocent
No one claimed they were. Of the unavoidable losses, of which there were many, it was the product of unavoidable circumstances, ranging from war to drought, and of the “deliberate ones”, most people were in on it and getting back at their former oppressors.
> Nationalism/capitalism/anti-communism is still not National socialism
You’re telling me that national “socialism” isn’t national socialism?
> I never said liberalism is a better system either
Lemme guess, “conservatives” aren’t the right wing of liberals with more in common than not


>You’re telling me that national “socialism” isn’t national socialism?
Define what "national 'socialism' " is?
>Lemme guess, “conservatives” aren’t the right wing of liberals with more in common than not
Communists see conservatives as liberal economically but they're clearly different points of view that just happens to be under capitalism, there are socially conservative socialists in politics.


>Except those dialectics are anything but science.
This is true. Marx would have hated Lenin for dragging his name through the dirt. Marx and Engels even clarified and warned against using his work as a science, for they felt they were on the road to it, but they didn't think they had reached yet. Marx was under the impression that future generations will improve upon his work, not copy it verbatim.

>No one can honestly argue in good faith that a black man doesn't have the right to open fire if he sees a white man with a black woman

What if they truly love eachother?


>Le Marx understander has arrived
Do you know who Richard Lewontin is? Or books like the Dialectics of Nature or Anti-Duhring?


>What is national socialism
National Socialism is the fig leaf that the NSDAP used to cover up their whoring out of the German Economy to large, private monopolies.
>They’re clearly different POVs…Social Conservative Socialists…
All AES was far more progressive than the Societies that preceded it. And le “beliefs” is just the narcissism of small differences


>What if they truly love eachother
No such thing as one true love. They can find love within their respective groups.
>Do you know who Richard Lewontin is?
A guy who was soundly rebuked by AFW Edwards


>Spamming le heckin’ “Lewontin’s Fallacy”
Can you tell me what tracing ancestry to geographic locations has to do with race?


>No such thing as one true love. They can find love within their respective groups.
Forbidding inter-ethnic relationships still won't make women date you


not him but isn't there a whole school of history centered around ethnogenisis?


It's not for my direct benefit. I still get poon no matter what. But it might stop me getting shot by some nog who's mad about the white man stealing his nubian queens


Because Edward's analysis shows that people can be grouped into distinct races.


>A whole school of history
Okay, and? Ethnogenesis isn’t a wholly “genetic” process btw


>There are thousands of races on earth
Good to know


>It's not for my direct benefit. I still get poon no matter what. But it might stop me getting shot by some nog who's mad about the white man stealing his nubian queens
Fucking your sister doesn't count.


I thought it was the blacks commiting white genocide not the other way around
True, I think a large problem today is that people still blindly follow antiquated racial science from herodotus, and synthesizes it with a misunderstanding of darwinian natural selection. A more apt description for what most /pol/yps actually want is ethnic solidarity, and I would go so far as to say they already have their own chinletish ethnicity rooted in American chauvinism and frog images.


>I always get poon
<The nogs are gonna rip my balls out and stick them in my eye sockets if I fuck their women
1) Even when pretending to be a chad, they live rent free in your head
2) You can’t stop white women from fucking black men


Maybe a dozen or so at best


I'm a white woman and one of the hottest and most interesting guys I've ever lusted after was a black guy from Africa, I didn't even think about his race. You are just some creepy cluster b incel with a medieval mindset, I wouldn't want anything to do with you lol.


What are they?


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Blood Elves. High Elves. Void Elves. Dark Elves. Shadow Elves. Night Elves. Half-Elves. Ocean Elves. Sand Elves. Wood Elves. Jungle Elves. Frost Elves…




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Off the top of my head? Europeans, East Africans, Khoisan, East Asains, Congoloids, Turko-Mongols, Mongols, Australianoids, Australoids, Dravidians, Andamanese, Amerindians, Semites, Berbers, and South Amerindians


oh no another interracial couple, what will I do


>Ad-hoc listing ethnic groups as races
>Twitter brainrot
Many such cases. You hate to see it folks


Unironically Based Mutt Multiplier.

Fuck Marx (German midwit)
Fuck Lenin (overly animated in speeches to compensate for his low energy theories; NEPPED)
No to family abolition
No to degeneracy
No to premarital sex (for soviet women)

Heil Stalin (soft speaker, due to all his energy being used up by his galaxy brain)
Yes to family
Yes to nationalism
Yes to racism
Yes to soft speakers
Yes to abolition of carpet (your footsteps will be known)
Yes for mogging fascist at Paris Expos
Yes for causing capitalist around the world to eternally shit their pants and the mere mention of his name


This guy’s a race realist who seethes about black men taking white women and castrating white me who thinks communism is impossible because races are totally real.

He also doesn’t understand biology


The interethnic marriage rate in the soviet union was three times that of present western europe and the USA. Also plenty of festival children


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>nazbol shit


>This guy’s a race realist who seethes about black men taking white women and castrating white me who thinks communism is impossible because races are totally real. He also doesn’t understand biology
>This guy… seethes … because … He … doesn't understand.

Look man either you get rid of the bottles or the Albanians. You can't detect or prevent every retard, it's best to direct their energy to other things.


We don’t need these kinds of opportunists who truck with bourgeois race autism


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>race realism


>who seethes about black men taking white women
Nice strawman. I never mention nonwhite men with white women, I only mention my experiences with non white women and how their men react. Cut the blacked porn, it's fucking with your brain.
>He doesn't understand biology
Refuting Lewontin means that I do understand biology.
Ethnic, not racial. You may have seen different European ethnicites intermarrying, but not a lot of interracial marriages
>festival children
The fuck is a festival child?


The bourgeois are against racialism. They want a beige mass of worker drones with no culture besides marvel and fast food.


actually read stalin


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If you understood biology you'd know that "lewontin's fallacy" essay by no means settled the issue and is still being debated to this day


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>le liberal bourgeoisie
<I can't tell the difference between the bourgeoisie opportunistically grifting in order to take advantage of preexisting popular sentiment and an actual racial conspiracy


>another midwit who thinks he can hide the fact that he doesn't read by projecting it onto people who have instead of giving a counter argument.

Stalin is the reason why the Soviet Union became a super power. He was the most powerful man of the 20th century.


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>muh great man theory


Yes Stalin was a great man. Seethe.


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>great men drive history
<it has nothing to do with material forces, it's all great men
cringe and idealismpilled


>and is still being debated to this day
The same way that people "debate" that the Earth is flat. A handful of leftwing Lysenkoists crying while real biologists laugh.


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Who are the "real biologists"?


>he thinks historical and dialectic materialism are scientific theories

Fun fact if it is not falsifiable it is not scientific. Stalin WAS a material force.


>Says that genetic testing gives us a better understanding of race than before
<Still treats race like its the 19th Century
You mention your alleged “experiences” and piss your panties over them cutting off your balls and jamming them into your eye sockets, despite facing no consequences according to any of the stories you posted. (And in all of your fabrications, it wasn’t “their” men, it was someone who was romantically interested in them). Meanwhile, the best you can do is post twitterfags saying “this ain’t good”. It’s clear who lives rent free in your head


>popperian falsificationism
>playing semantics with the phrase "material force"



>Muh Karl Popper cope


More like Karl Pooper




not falsifiable == not scientific
it's 2022, and so called "marxists" still have know answer to this. If you actually read Marx's work and and life, you would know he warned against using it as a science, for it is a pathway to one, but he was still developing it, and lazy fucks like you can't wait for it to be done so you take it raw out of the oven.


>Not lysenkoist


>Still treats race like its the 19th Century
If that was the case I'd say white, black, yellow, red, etc…


lmfao lewontin literally wrote papers criticizing lysenkoism


>Knows le actual biologists’ position
<Can’t elaborate further


you're just a retard who thinks stalin was le based nationalist racist conservative. you don't know anything about him.


>Modern science has given us a better understanding of race
<Which is why I’ll treat europeans as some how biologically more commensurable than europeans and africans. No, my peepee doesn’t have anything to do with this


Learn to spell first


>thinking all marxists still adhere to dialectics

spinozist and analytical marxists would like to have a word with you m8


> commensurable than europeans and africans.
They are, Africa is more genetically diverse. Europeans all share relatively recent common ancestors. There's not much biological difference between a Frenchman and an Englishman, but there's significant difference between a Bantu and a Somali.


Pick One


how is historical materialism not falsifiable?


>he doesn't know analytical marxism is a real thing

read, uygha


>you're just a retard who thinks stalin was le based nationalist racist conservative. you don't know anything about him.
He wasn't. He was smart. He USED based nationalist racist conservative tactics to unfuck the country from where lenin and the older bolsheviks were trying to take it. Stalin didn't give two fucks about race or nationality, but he got shit done in order to make the soivet union a super power.


>unironically using "based"


>unironically being a faggot


>can't explain HOW "based nationalist racist conservative tactics" "unfucked" the soviet union, just takes it for granted


>Doesn’t talk about how close those african groups are to European groups
Thank you for proving that race isn’t biologically real
No proofs


>how is historical materialism not falsifiable?
How is it? You can't develop a hypothesis from it and test it.


>No proofs
>What is a history book


>can't offer proofs


>Appeal to ignorance


All I was saying is he was pro family and anti degeneracy, he recognized that things like prostitution and broken families were consequences of capitalism. This allowed him to strengthen communism in the soviet union and eradicate leftover capitalist elements.


>Doesn’t talk about how close those african groups are to European groups
Not as close as they sre to each other if you do a full genome analysis.


>Told him he can't form a hypothesis from it and test it.
>he can't refute this
I accept your concession.


lmao, racism and nationalism helped destroy the USSR in the 80s and 90s, not strengthen it.


They didn't release it. They were infiltrated by antifas who released it.


>lmao, racism and nationalism helped destroy the USSR in the 80s and 90s, not strengthen it.
>completely neglects the "reforms" that actually caused it's ruin

Communism was doing fine, until capitalist infiltrators pushed "reforms".


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>vague concepts like "muh anti-degeneracy"
<hurrr muh based cultural conservatism became the magic superpower juice


1) Provide Proof
2) That “genetic closeness” still doesn’t provide evidence for race.


Yes, you can.


I'm waiting


That ain’t how refutation works. I’m asking you to support your claim


>That “genetic closeness” still doesn’t provide evidence for race.
How does it not? What's next? Species aren't real


>Societal organization and development is determined by productive forces and relations
>Historical developments, especially shifts in MoP, have been determined mainly by class struggle


I'm waiting for you to explain how it's not falsifiable.


> or the sake of supremacy even though they are just your casual Homo sapiens
Capitalists ruin the homogeneity of nations to continue the class based system.
White people don’t have a place to call home anymore because of it.


now test it


You can't test it with repeatable experiments


>The difference in human “racial groups” is the same as between species
There is a sense that “species” insofar as they’re human classifications of lifeforms that are provisionally made and subject to revision according to criteria aren’t “real”, but I shan’t get into that.

Anyhow, biological metrics we use to theoretically determine race “objectively” can demonstrate subspecies in our closest living ancestor, but fail to do so in humans


By watching the course of human events or studying them retrospectively? How do you think we got to hismat?


>By watching the course of human events or studying them retrospectively?
Curve fitting != modeling


>Switching goalposts


More goalpost switching


>M-M-Muh ethnic replacement!
Nice cope


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You have already come to he conclusion that historical materialism is a "law" without any experiments or scientific rigor. You are mistaking a hypothesis for a law or theory; thus since it is not a science it has absolutely no predicting power and cannot be verified b/c you have no concrete defitions of productive forces or class struggle. What is stopping me to say that Stalin was a productive force? What about the abolition of slavery? Productive forces doesn't explain why this form of capital didn't adapt into other industries. Horses, dog and cat ownership were not abolished throughout the history due to any productive forces deeming them no longer necessary. It's almost as if morals and ideals and chance plays a role also.


>Provided Hypotheses that can be tested
<Malds about “muh definitions” to say it’s not scientific
I’m not gonna dignify this with a response. But I will ask you to substantiate your claims. Or do you think science is only when RCT?


the problem with hismat is that it tries to connect materialism to Marxism. And asserts that since materialism is true so must Marxism, but they, to this day, provide the link the two with any rigorous definitions, yet claim it as an all encompassing model. Marxism falls apart if one does not except hismat and dialectics as universal all encompassing fact, because if not, it means that capitalism may not be the cause of all the woe in the world and that violent revolutions can't be universally justified and other factors beyond class struggle and historical materialism must be taken into consideration, which is always the case when a theory is not all encompassing. Marxis' reject this fact and claim it is all encompassing and true making it not falsifiable for they will twist semantics until observations fit within their per-conceived theories, rather than adapting their theories to observations.


>Marxism isn’t real…Because it isn’t, okay?!
Weak. I do recommend you brush up on your english more, this was a hard read


Lenin lives forever bitch


What is that?


>Productive force
Technology and practices used to render good and services to meet needs material and immaterial
>Class Struggle
The mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed material interests created by a mode of production (e.g. higher wages vs higher profits)
>Cats dogs and horses weren’t abolished because they’re “no longer necessary for production”
1) In some parts of the world horses and cattle are indeed necessary,
2) The breeding and maintenance of these animals at current levels for their current purposes is still dependent on the capitalist mode of production
3) Just because something is “no longer determined necessary” for production doesn’t mean it disappears, or rather not all at once
>Slavery wasn’t Abolished
Its importance compared to wage workers and industrial practice is certainly diminished.
>Stalin is a material force
Not gonna dignify this, however…
The efficacy of them are utterly dependent on material conditions, which determine how they are realized in the world as it exists


Actually existing socialism



>Technology and practices used to render good and services to meet needs material and immaterial

Masturbation, the brain, stalin's pen, and electrons all fall under this. Not a very good scientific definition in trying to bridge marxism to materislism

>The mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed material interests created by a mode of production (e.g. higher wages vs higher profits)

By this definition we can prove the innateness of "identity politics" in Marxism. (e.g. reparations for slavery in order to alleviate social stratification)

>1) In some parts of the world horses and cattle are indeed necessary,

>2) The breeding and maintenance of these animals at current levels for their current purposes is still dependent on the capitalist mode of production
>3) Just because something is “no longer determined necessary” for production doesn’t mean it disappears, or rather not all at once
>Its importance compared to wage workers and industrial practice is certainly diminished.
none of these points refutes my argument that productive forces alone do not explain the abolition of slavery, and why this capital was adapted to other markets such as medical/sociological research.

>Not gonna dignify this, however…

Refusal to refute a point is called a concession

>The efficacy of them are utterly dependent on material conditions, which determine how they are realized in the world as it exists

this is circular logic, for material conditions are also dependent and ARE Ideals/Morals/Chance/Other. If only the material exists, then nothing can differentiate or separated from within it and named "non-material" for such a phenomenon would not exists and we would not perceive it. Ideals and Morals are material in the brain. You cannot separate them


>Man Makes History but not of his own accord
If this reply here is the best response you can muster, it only shows that you don’t understand materialism, forget about Marxism.


>no argument only seethe
I accept your concession.

>"there is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits." - Karl Marx

Marx would loath people like you who misinterpret his work. Marx was a man of science, and never claimed that his work were presenting any scientific laws or universal truths.


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NTA, but this is such a jumbled mess of nonsense that I don't even know where to respond, because it's as if you're trying to form an argument against Marxism without actually stating clearly any actual Marxist concept or analysis in your "critique" of it. You're not even defining materialism correctly, it's as if you are arguing against the idea of it based on nothing but pure assumption of what it could mean. And how are you even having any confusion in regards to what "productive forces" refers to? Indotn get what your issue is, because you aren't even arguing against what that means.

Can you actually quote where you find issue with Marx so we can actually discuss this in the context of the work itself?


>Masturbation, the brain, stalin's pen, and electrons all fall under this. Not a very good scientific definition in trying to bridge marxism to materislism
You can try to come up with non-answers to be clever, but it only demonstrates how little you understand. Three of these aren’t technology and the fourth cannot create create, transport or distribute anything but lines of ink.
> By this definition we can prove the innateness of "identity politics" in Marxism. (e.g. reparations for slavery in order to alleviate social stratification)
Class isn’t just le “social stratification” but a specific relationship to productive forces
> none of these points refutes my argument that productive forces alone do not explain the abolition of slavery, and why this capital was adapted to other markets such as medical/sociological research
Again, you cannot claim that a point was left disproved without explaining why. I will say that productive forces made the abolition of slavery possible and necessary, since they could outcompete a mode of production based entirely on slave labor and in order to further accumulation for the capitalist, it requires a capitalist firm to constantly grow and expand or be swallowed up by larger firms who expand into places where they can make a profit. This is also why the expanded into medicine, although the niche for that was created by doctors socially organizing to maintain a higher control over the ability to practice medicine and command prices for them. This was only possible because of advances in medical technology that in turn was made by advances in manufacturing.
>Material conditions are idealism
Believe that you can live on only sunlight and see how long it lasts.


>NTA, but this is such a jumbled mess of nonsense that I don't even know where to respond,
>Appeal to ignorance
nice try


Nice quote mining. This wasn’t marx calling his dialectics unscientific, but rather chiding people for using dialectics as a framework of scientific inquiry w/o spending the time to examine data on the actual topic of interest. Like you arguing about why diamat and hismat aren’t scientific without understanding what these terms actually describe.


This isn’t what an appeal to ignorance means, friend. It’s kind of funny watching you try to btfo people le epic style, while only demonstrating how ignorant you are.


It’s dunning-krueger shit from a stemlord midwit who thinks science is when RCT


>You can try to come up with non-answers to be clever, but it only demonstrates how little you understand. Three of these aren’t technology and the fourth cannot create create, transport or distribute anything but lines of ink.
You said technologies and practices, it seems you already forgot your own definitions.

>Class isn’t just le “social stratification” but a specific relationship to productive forces

social stratification IS a specific relationship to slavery

>Again, you cannot claim that a point was left disproved without explaining why. I will say that productive forces made the abolition of slavery possible and necessary, since they could outcompete a mode of production based entirely on slave labor and in order to further accumulation for the capitalist, it requires a capitalist firm to constantly grow and expand or be swallowed up by larger firms who expand into places where they can make a profit. This is also why the expanded into medicine, although the niche for that was created by doctors socially organizing to maintain a higher control over the ability to practice medicine and command prices for them. This was only possible because of advances in medical technology that in turn was made by advances in manufacturing.

Again. How does this explain why the capital of slavery was not adapted to medical/social research? So a "technology"' was no longer effective in one industry makes it no longer effective in any future industries?

>Believe that you can live on only sunlight and see how long it lasts.

Strawman fallacy. Ideals are stored in the brain. They are material. Please refresh on the definition of idealism.

Based on your response, it seems like this conversation is a bit above your understanding. Instead of offering a refutation you appeal to ignorance.


> I applaud your idea of publishing the translation of “Das Kapital” as a serial. In this form the book will be more accessible to the working class, a consideration which to me outweighs everything else.
>That is the good side of your suggestion, but here is the reverse of the medal: the method of analysis which I have employed, and which had not previously been applied to economic subjects, makes the reading of the first chapters rather arduous, and it is to be feared that the French public, always impatient to come to a conclusion, eager to know the connexion between general principles and the immediate questions that have aroused their passions, may be disheartened because they will be unable to move on at once.
That is a disadvantage I am powerless to overcome, unless it be by forewarning and forearming those readers who zealously seek the truth. There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.
Marx was literally talking about people stumbling through Capital because they didn’t understand how to do Dialectical Analysis


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>no refutations
as expected. Stalin was more align with Marx than Lenin was. And Both would Loathe religious zealots such as yourself.


>Strawman fallacy. Ideals are stored in the brain. They are material. Please refresh on the definition of idealism
What? "Ideals" are result from material phenomena, but the abstract concept of an "ideal" can't be material in of itself. Idealism largely has to deal with the primacy of consciousness in relation to phenomena, which materialism rejects.


>You said technology and practices
<Chooses “Brain” and “Electrons”
>Social Stratification is a specific relationship to slavery
<I can just mash words together without understanding what they mean
>You didn’t say why slavery wasn’t adapted to so and so
Because it’s not profitable, although slaves were used in gynecological research once and that was kinda fucked up
>Ideas are stored in the brain, therefore they are material
<The brain magically manifests ideas into the real world in their pure essence w/o any external factors mediating them
You don’t understand what materialism is.

If you read my posts, what you screencapped is exactly what I have been saying. Marx’s complaint was that they refused to use a scientific methodology to do actual science, not that he didn’t himk diamat/hismat were unscientific. Stalin, btw, wrote a book about Diamat and Istmat and had party-commissioned works published in the Soviet Union on the subjects.


>but the abstract concept of an "ideal" can't be material in of itself
That is because you are trying to use the idealist definition of an ideal. I am not talking about the "abstract" b/c it does not exist. Your understanding of an ideal is material: neurons in your brain.


>as expected. Stalin was more align with Marx than Lenin was. And Both would Loathe religious zealots such as yourself.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Stalin greatly respected Lenin and practically all of his work which relates to Marxist theory is built on Lenin's own work. Very little of what Stalin's theory differs from Lenin. And how does what you posted refute what was stated earlier by other anons? Marx did create a guideline by studying the economic trends of human society, and from there a more proper science was established. And are we all forgetting about Engels development of dialectics in Anti-Dühring?


You don’t understand materialism or idealism, kid, particularly when it comes to understanding how those words are used in terms of studying and understanding real-world phenomena.


>That is because you are trying to use the idealist definition of an ideal.
Explain how this is the case, because nothing I have ever learned about idealism implys this definition of the an ideal.
>I am not talking about the "abstract" b/c it does not exist.
>Your understanding of an ideal is material: neurons in your brain.
The act of thought requires as a prerequisite material interactions to occur, but an ideal in of itself is not a physical thing. The phenomena behind it is. Numbers, for example, are not a physical thing, but the phenomena which results in their conceptualization is.


>Marx’s complaint was that they refused to use a scientific methodology to do actual science, not that he didn’t himk diamat/hismat were unscientific

how does "not providing a theory of history" some how means to you that he was providing a scientific theory?

>Chooses “Brain” and “Electrons”
Yes. Productive forces are in Evolution, they just don't magically appear when humans get here.

>I can just mash words together without understanding what they mean


>Because it’s not profitable, although slaves were used in gynecological research once and that was kinda fucked up

>Because it’s not profitable
proofs? Or are you just asserting this to fit with your per-conceived ideas?

>The brain magically manifests ideas into the real world in their pure essence w/o any external factors mediating them. You don’t understand what materialism is.

lol. you keep trying to to isolate the brain from material as if it just popped into existence and was never just a transformation or movement of material.

study history instead of theory


Are you ESL? Is that the source of the garbage you’re spewing?


>Explain how this is the case, because nothing I have ever learned about idealism implys this definition of the an ideal.
the fact that you are saying that an ideal is non-material is what makes it idealist.

the phenomena is the ideal,

>but the phenomena which results in their conceptualization is

yes and that is all that matters.

see this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppressed_research_in_the_Soviet_Union
Stalin wasn't perfect, but he was the most competent and great leaders of the 20th century, and was willing to do what was necessary to ensure the continuation of the communist government. Of course he and Lenin's theories and "ideologies" aligned, but the differed in execution. So much so, Lenin wrote a letter urging that staling not be his successor.


>the fact that you are saying that an ideal is non-material is what makes it idealist.
An ideal, in of itself, is not material. It occurs due to material phenomena, but an "ideal" itself and the concept of it is not.


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In conclusion, historical and dialectical materialism are only guidelines to studying history. You can call them theories, but they are not scientific, for they are not falsifiable in their current state. Marx was on to something, but he knew there would be people to impatient to build upon his work and skip the arduous climb and claim it as a science without credence. Karl Marx is considered by some to be the father of Sociology, his theories are still being used today in academia and a professional setting, it, like almost all theories in sociology are being use analytically rather than purely scientifically. Even though stalin shared the same beliefs as Lenin, he also understood when to neglect, styfle, or those beliefs in favor of pragmatism, like when he told marxist zealots to fuck off from physics when they were accusing alot of thins as "bougie pseudo-science", like when he didn't punish the nationalism that happened in the WWII.


>Stalin wasn't perfect, but he was the most competent and great leaders of the 20th century, and was willing to do what was necessary to ensure the continuation of the communist government. Of course he and Lenin's theories and "ideologies" aligned, but the differed in execution.
Dude, actually read Lenin and Stalin. Don't read some random Wikipedia article on them, actually read their works and actually fucking study what policies they pursued.
>So much so, Lenin wrote a letter urging that staling not be his successor.
Lenin wrote no such thing in regards to "successors", and the so called "testament" he wrote contained critiques of multiple party members outside of just Stalin. The testament itself is also likely fabricated, as its contents make absolutely no sense in relation to Lenins stated views on certain things and seems far too contrived given both the political situation at the time and the people who claimed its valdiity.


>and actually fucking study what policies they pursued.
I do extensively, which is why we come to different conclusions as you only read his works. His pro-family and sexually repressive policies did extremely well. Stalin totally eradicated prostitution from the soviet union. Lenin was too weak to this, even though he himself was against quackery like "free love" and hated prostitution just as much. Lenin thought that stalin would be too harsh, but that is exactly was the soviet union needed. One, to combat the degeneracy following the decade after the revolution, and two b/c he did it to protect his nation, he knew how ruthless and unrelenting the capitalist western powers were going to be. Instead of eroding or "assimilation" the family, stalin strengthen it and did away with bougie feminist ideals of the post decade of the revolution: though women were still treated leagues better than in capitalism.



Stop shitposting, anon. This has gone beyond parody.


>Vague, sweeping notions about degeneracy
<I study Stalin’s Policy
No you don’t, and it shows. Being aggressively, confidently ignorant about Marxism and Stalin isn’t a substitute for actual knowledge.

By the way, do you know what Marx called his theory of socialism? It wasn’t utopian socialism, but scientific socialism, a term that all marxists, Stalin Included, used to describe their policy


>You can call them theories, but they are not scientific, for they are not falsifiable in their current state
Is chemical modeling not scientific? It largely isn't falsified. Falsifiability in science is not something which is necessary to the determination of if soemthing is scientific or not, and for the most part it never has been and still isn't.
>Marx was on to something, but he knew there would be people to impatient to build upon his work and skip the arduous climb and claim it as a science without credence.
Even Stalin states it to be a science. Fuck, he's even the one to majorly push that point.
>Karl Marx is considered by some to be the father of Sociology, his theories are still being used today in academia and a professional setting, it, like almost all theories in sociology are being use analytically rather than purely scientifically.
Again, your view of falsifiability being the criteria for what determines what is scientific or not is not something which is actually held in most scientific fields.
>Even though stalin shared the same beliefs as Lenin, he also understood when to neglect, styfle, or those beliefs in favor of pragmatism, like when he told marxist zealots to fuck off from physics when they were accusing alot of thins as "bougie pseudo-science", like when he didn't punish the nationalism that happened in the WWII.
Didn't you yourself just state that Stalin made mistakes?
>I do extensively, which is why we come to different conclusions as you only read his works. His pro-family and sexually repressive policies did extremely well.
Define "sexually repressive". And those policies need to be taken in the larger context of when they were introduced, and not be assumed to be automatically applicable.
>Stalin totally eradicated prostitution from the soviet union. Lenin was too weak to this, even though he himself was against quackery like "free love" and hated prostitution just as much.
Again, what the fuck are you talking about? Prostitution was already driven low during Lenin's time, and that was within the only 7 years he served in government.
>Lenin thought that stalin would be too harsh, but that is exactly was the soviet union needed.
That wasn't his criticism at all.
>One, to combat the degeneracy following the decade after the revolution,
What "degeneracy"?
>and two b/c he did it to protect his nation, he knew how ruthless and unrelenting the capitalist western powers were going to be.
Focusing on developing the USSR as the center of the revolution was already Soviet policy to begin with.
>Instead of eroding or "assimilation" the family, stalin strengthen it
Ok, what exactly do you think "abolish the family" mean? Because I don't think you know what it means.
>and did away with bougie feminist ideals of the post decade of the revolution: though women were still treated leagues better than in capitalism.
I have no idea what "bougie feminist" ideals you are taking about. There existed no such thing.


>chemical modeling
Is 100% falsifiable


>It’s 100% Falsifiable
<Cannot explain why


If the process does not fit the model IT IS FALSE



That's not what falsifiability means you pseud.


Do you honestly believe that chemical process modeling in non falsifiable? It's a HARD science.

If your model doesn't cannot predict reality then it is false. If your you try to assume that water is a Newtonian fluid at high shear rates your model will be false.


>By watching the course of human events or studying them retrospectively? How do you think we got to hismat?
Exactly. It can't be scientifically tested. it's just a series of educated guesses


Doesn’t explain why it’s not falsified or falsifiable
>If the model cannot predict reality
Even stoichiometry is probabilistic
>We can RCT history


>Doesn’t explain why it’s not falsified or falsifiable
It is falsifiable, you can take take measurements of a distillation column and predict the vapor and liquid fractions in the reflex and reboilier. Since these variables can be verified as matching or not, means the model is falsifiable. And you keep doing experiments and changing your model, until it can reliably predict.

>Even stoichiometry is probabilistic

stoichiometry is falsifiable and can predict reality because it is the mathematical ratios of a chemical equation, a scientific model.


Math isn’t falsifiable. Or rather, mathematical laws are not.

And your distillation example is also not an example of falsification, you wouldn’t falsify your entire model of chemical processes from one test or failure to replicate and discard or tweak the model. Especially when there could be something wrong with the equipment


1) No proof as to why it can’t be scientifically tested or what does that even mean
2) Falsifiability is not “can it be tested”


>Delusional Brazilians who think they're white aren't white according to DNA testing
How does this prove that race isn't real? This is what happens when retards who don't even know the basics of scientific theory go on pubmed looking for papers to use in online arguments. You don't even know what the fuck you're reading do you? I can read a quantum physics paper and even tell you a few things from it, but that doesn't mean that I know what I'm looking at or can judge whether on not it's a good research paper.


>Quote-mining from the very beginning of a paper
Look, we get that you’re trying to make yourself seem more clever than you really are, but this ain’t it, chief


>Do you honestly believe that chemical process modeling in non falsifiable? It's a HARD science
Yes, this is literally part of the controversy in regards to falsifiability in science. Multiple fields don't untilzie it at all, and one of those that don't put much importance to it is chemistry, which instead uses analysis and synthesis and the creation of certain models to operate. Not even the theory of evolution is something which is falsifiable by Poppers standards, which is why he initially said it was unscientific before he had to try and walk it back.
Race isn't a thing utilized in any clinical setting, and it has no basis in any legitimate "scientific theory" of genetics. Ancestry is a thing that is used, but that is not the same thing.




NTA, but could you go into a bit more detail about what you mean by chemical modeling and what renders it unfalsifiable?


Models are very different from theories. Models are schematic representations of reality thay assist in us understanding it and possibly making certain predictions regarding it, and lack the fully explanatory scope of theories. Most models are not entirely "complete", and are instead just generally describe phenomena and represent systems of things. What exactly are you falsifying when you are synthesizing a completely new molecule or substance? What is there to falsify when you are just using various models in the creative development of a drug? Are you falsifying literally every scientific theory in regards to how atoms work when you do so? No, that's not what you are going out of your way to do at all.


Oh okay, many thanks, anon



Cable news is not medical or even pop literature. Do you know what actual medical literature says about this?


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>Screenshots and not the actual article
Literally one guy. But this is some big brave man fighting against the politically correct establishment, isn’t it?

Now, do you know what actual physicians and medical literature says about race and organ transplants?


This is a 20-year-old New York Times article, not actual genetics research literature. And this guy isn’t a doctor, he’s a population geneticist trying to argue that his point of value is actually relevant to medicine.


>Now, do you know what actual physicians and medical literature says about race and organ transplants?
Yes, very low chance of success, even with matching rH groups. Now that that's out of the way why can't you accept racial differences? Non whites simply do not want to live with white people unless it's economically necessary. Even principles Marxists of color would grab a rifle to shoot their white comrades if they caught them with one of their women, even the non white posters here say so.


>Refuses to provide scientific article proof, claims to have studied genetics
>Continues to project his feelings of being cuckolded and emasculated by black men through fabricated stories
Why can’t you accept that your sexual insecurity and narcissism isn’t a substitute for actual political, social and economic knowledge?


>Refuses to provide scientific article proof,
What;s the point> You'll just ignore it like my refutation of Lewontin because you don't know what you're reading.
>>Continues to project his feelings of being cuckolded and emasculated by black men through fabricated stories
What I described isn't cuckolding. What I described was racial self defense. If I was shot in self defense by a black man for fucking a black chick then I would've been the one doing the cucking.


>even the non white posters here say so
<He can see what imageboard randos’’ races are
Guaranteed the one flagposter/tripposter confirmed to be nonwhite here that I know you’ve interacted with were talking about you, not white people general, and he just thought that you’d deserve it for being so much of a manosphere reject race autist.


>Racial Self-Defense
Kek. How does it feel knowing that you can’t stop white women from fucking nonwhite men. Perhaps even the white women in your life.

By the way, of all your stories, has it occurred to you that the common detail wasn’t the race of the other me, but that they were interested in said girl? Because it might have taken you being a little less autistic, or rather being able to bed a woman in the first place, to realize that you didn’t run into some truth about races and sex, but just got into some petty squabbles over women.
> Lewontin’s Fallacy is the only card I got, I, someone who studies genetics
Here was an opportunity to blow me out of the water with “race is genetically relevant in medecine”, but ypu can’t even do that, save for posting popular news articles and not actual science.


It wasn't just a random op ed, they cited an actual scientist. If want to read more from him you can just google his name
> How does it feel knowing that you can’t stop white women from fucking nonwhite men
Don't care about nasty low value slampigs burning coal. A lot of escorts and craigslist whores straight up say "No black, Arab, or Indian men"
>but that they were interested in said girl?
That's false. I've been given shit by random dudes for mingling with women of their race. It's different than stealing a girl on the dance floor. This is why spoon feeding research papers is a fools errand. You can't read. I tried it in the other thread and it didn't work because you people aren't proficient enough in biology to be reading those papers


Again with the refusal to use actual scientific articles. And the “Someone gave me a dirty look, they’re gonna jam my testicles in my eyesockets”.
>I don’t care about slags dating black men. These prostitutes and hookup services totally refuse to fuck black people
<Implying the only white women that exist, much less fuck black men are ugly slags, call girls or hookup servicea
Sounds like sour grapes. Or an inability to do racial self-defense.


>This is why spoon feeding research papers is a fools errand. You can't read. I tried it in the other thread and it didn't work because you people aren't proficient enough in biology to be reading those papers
<It’a not that I don’t understand, it’s that they’re just too dumb
Why cope?


The problem is that I understand and you don't


>He understands
<Which is why he refuses to post actual scientific literature and journal articles
Who do you think you’re kidding?


I've posted them before in the ancom sperg thread but you couldn't read them then so how are you going to read them now?


>I got btfo before, so now I’m gonna pretend otherwise
Posturing without proof. Very beta male behavior


I soundly refuted your lewontists bullshit before, you just don't when to quit.


File: 1642919102081.jpg (58.65 KB, 393x440, You lying.jpg)

>I soundly refuted it


I already posted the paper by Edwards and all you did was cry. If it wasn't true I wouldn't have said it so anyone who contradicts is automatically arguing in bad faith


Before the mod sperged out someone naively asked "What if two people of different races just fall in love?" Nobody just falls in love, that just doesn't happen. Love is an investment not a disease you just catch. Listen to a black woman on the issue


>I posted the paper by Edwards
What does tracing ancestry groups to geographic locations have to do with race?


Because those ancestry groups are races. The only counterarguments are "These genetically distinct groups aren't race"


>There is a german and russian race, not a white race
Thank you for the concession


Those groups aren't far enough apart to be different races; nice try though.


>These groups aren’t far apart enough to be different races
Don’t switch goalposts. According to whom? And what does it mean to be far apart?


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>Or an inability to do racial self-defense.
More like I'm not going to prison over it. I'm sure the non white men who've seen me or other white guys with their girls have had brief fantasies in that back of their heads about unloading a glock into me or the offending white man. A little while ago I had to pull out this baby because I was out on the town with a few brown chicks and some "youths" accosted us and started getting aggressive
How did I switch goalposts
>According to whom?
Edwards and other geneticists. You can do your own research. I know you'll hand waive away anything I give you. You can find tons of articles and paper son how Europe is very genetically homogeneous.
>And what does it mean to be far apart?
Genetically different.


That ain’t your gun, quit fooling


File: 1642921869380.jpg (351.83 KB, 1077x810, revolver vs semi auto.jpg)

It is. I'm more of a revolver guy


>Posts a picture of a gun to prove what a badass he is
<Yet can’t prove his point about genetics


> A final complication arises when racial classifications are used as proxies for geographic ancestry. Although many concepts of race are correlated with geographic ancestry, the two are not interchangeable, and relying on racial classifications will reduce predictive power still further.
Race isn’t clinically useful at the very least
> The fact that, given enough genetic data, individuals can be correctly assigned to their populations of origin is compatible with the observation that most human genetic variation is found within populations, not between them. It is also compatible with our finding that, even when the most distinct populations are considered and hundreds of loci are used, individuals are frequently more similar to members of other populations than to members of their own population. Thus, caution should be used when using geographic or genetic ancestry to make inferences about individual phenotypes.
An example of this is the distribution of both genetic diseases across populations and successful organ donation rates which can vary depending on the organ being donated.

Livers: Mostly doesn’t matter
Kidneys: Some Racial Differences, but asian and latino recipients actually have more successful transplant rates from black and white donor kidneys compared even to same-race transplantation from white to white or black to black


>Listen to this twitter rando about how my inceldom is totally accurate


A few hundred loci isn't much.


The paper basically debunked itself
>Thus the answer to the question “How often is a pair of individuals from one population genetically more dissimilar than two individuals chosen from two different populations?” depends on the number of polymorphisms used to define that dissimilarity and the populations being compared. The answer, equation M44 can be read from Figure 2. Given 10 loci, three distinct populations, and the full spectrum of polymorphisms (Figure 2E), the answer is equation M45 ≅ 0.3, or nearly one-third of the time. With 100 loci, the answer is ∼20% of the time and even using 1000 loci, equation M46 ≅ 10%. However, if genetic similarity is measured over many thousands of loci, the answer becomes “never” when individuals are sampled from geographically separated populations.


>The paper “debunked” itself
Not how it works. For someone who studies biology you don’t seem to understand how to read journals. You’re assuming a hypothesis that isn’t presented in the paper
1) Again, geographic ancestral groups =/= race and the authors are very clear about it, especially for clinical applications
2) They mention that this “thousands of loci” thing is only true if you sample only a few specific populations and not the world at large. Essentially, that’s saying that if you sample Hutus, Danes and Mongolians using thousands of Loci, and not any other groups that may possibly be in-between. More importantly, the Richards paper used only a few hundred loci to try and establish “Lewontin’s Fallacy”, Rosenberg (2002) used 377 and the Authors themselves said the minimum threshold is around 100 Loci and can determine geographic ancestry with 100% accuracy.

Saying that “a few hundred loci isn’t much” is what we scientifically call a cope. Just like how geographic ancestry is the same as race.


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>Again, geographic ancestral groups =/= race and the authors are very clear about it
Except they're not
>used 377 and the Authors themselves said the minimum threshold is around 100 Loci and can determine geographic ancestry with 100% accuracy.
Using c and not ω, ω is more accurate.
n such cases, ω becomes zero. Classification methods similarly yield high error rates with few loci and almost no errors with thousands of loci. Unlike ω, however, classification statistics make use of aggregate properties of populations, so they can approach 100% accuracy with as few as 100 loci.


>Implying you need a wife for communism

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