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 No.497218[Last 50 Posts]

The guy who is wanted by police for making threats to attack the UCLA has released an 800 page manifesto. Post kino from the manifesto: https://files.catbox.moe/cd0tsi.pdf


i love nick land


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Also here are videos from his YouTube channel: https://archive.org/details/matthewharrisarchive

Quick rundown on this guy
>got a PhD somehow despite his dissertation being completely incoherent
>got a job at a prestigious university somehow after this
>students complain about him openly making threats and being insane
>university does nothing
It glows a bit, anons.


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Also the university is known to have conducted MKUltra experiments.


How come the USA produces such high quality schizos?


You know the saying, if everyone around you hates you the problem might be with you? The US is a country made up of nothing but these people, who from all over the world ran from the people around them in stead of doing some soul searching.


tbh /pol/ could never pull this level of sincere schizo off. this is more like late stage anti-woke leftism. maybe this is what the meme-anon was warning us about with Red Scare Pod.


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what did he mean by this?


Yeah this is next level of losing your damn mind. Then again, he has a PhD. Top tier schizo.


Novalis, Fragmente (colorized)


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kachigga heard the term "hyper-racism" once and decided to make a book out of it to look cool to online people lol


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Speaking truth to power


>control plus f
>"uyghur" (not actually uyghur)
>10 000 results
jesus christ, that's serious dedication.


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feels forced


is college… pay to win?


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They'll just give anyone a PhD over there


if he manages to do a gamer mass shooting move he's going to become the new Teddy K and millions of contrarian redditors will worship him while calling everyone who dislikes it a niqqerchink


It's an indictment of the corporatization of higher ed that they let someone so unhinged get a PhD from Duke of all places. Although Uncle Ted had shit student evals too when was a math professor.


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>>got a PhD somehow despite his dissertation being completely incoherent
>>got a job at a prestigious university somehow after this
>>students complain about him openly making threats and being insane
>>university does nothing

>How come the USA produces such high quality schizos?
TL;DR current research indicates schizophrenics' hallucinations, delusions, severity of illness, etc are culture-specific, and Westerners get it the worst.

>People suffering from schizophrenia may hear “voices” – auditory hallucinations – differently depending on their cultural context, according to new Stanford research.

<‘Voices as bombardment’

>The striking difference was that while many of the African and Indian subjects registered predominantly positive experiences with their voices, not one American did. Rather, the U.S. subjects were more likely to report experiences as violent and hateful – and evidence of a sick condition.

>The Americans experienced voices as bombardment and as symptoms of a brain disease caused by genes or trauma. One participant described the voices as “like torturing people, to take their eye out with a fork, or cut someone’s head and drink their blood, really nasty stuff.” Other Americans (five of them) even spoke of their voices as a call to battle or war – “‘the warfare of everyone just yelling.'” Moreover, the Americans mostly did not report that they knew who spoke to them and they seemed to have less personal relationships with their voices, according to Luhrmann.

>Among the Indians in Chennai, more than half (11) heard voices of kin or family members commanding them to do tasks. “They talk as if elder people advising younger people,” one subject said. That contrasts to the Americans, only two of whom heard family members. Also, the Indians heard fewer threatening voices than the Americans – several heard the voices as playful, as manifesting spirits or magic, and even as entertaining. Finally, not as many of them described the voices in terms of a medical or psychiatric problem, as all of the Americans did.

>In Accra, Ghana, where the culture accepts that disembodied spirits can talk, few subjects described voices in brain disease terms. When people talked about their voices, 10 of them called the experience predominantly positive; 16 of them reported hearing God audibly. “‘Mostly, the voices are good,'” one participant remarked.

<Individual self vs. the collective

>Why the difference? Luhrmann offered an explanation: Europeans and Americans tend to see themselves as individuals motivated by a sense of self identity, whereas outside the West, people imagine the mind and self interwoven with others and defined through relationships.

>“Actual people do not always follow social norms,” the scholars noted. “Nonetheless, the more independent emphasis of what we typically call the ‘West’ and the more interdependent emphasis of other societies has been demonstrated ethnographically and experimentally in many places.” As a result, hearing voices in a specific context may differ significantly for the person involved, they wrote. In America, the voices were an intrusion and a threat to one’s private world – the voices could not be controlled. However, in India and Africa, the subjects were not as troubled by the voices – they seemed on one level to make sense in a more relational world. Still, differences existed between the participants in India and Africa; the former’s voice-hearing experience emphasized playfulness and sex, whereas the latter more often involved the voice of God.

>The religiosity or urban nature of the culture did not seem to be a factor in how the voices were viewed, Luhrmann said. “Instead, the difference seems to be that the Chennai (India) and Accra (Ghana) participants were more comfortable interpreting their voices as relationships and not as the sign of a violated mind,” the researchers wrote.

>A group of scientists at the World Health Organization studied the differences between schizophrenics in developed and developing countries in an attempt to unravel what role, if any, culture might play in the development of the disease. This study showed that some symptoms of the illness, as well as its prognosis, differed from country to country. The course of the disease was generally more severe in industrialized nations than in developing countries. One reason for this may be that in developing countries, there is often a belief that mental illness is caused by supernatural forces and is therefore no reflection on the afflicted person. The extended families found in traditional communities may also provide a particularly supportive environment for recovery and rehabilitation. In addition, the lack of specialized jobs and competitive expectations in non-industrialized societies may allow a person with schizophrenia to reintegrate more easily into his community after a psychotic episode.

>Western societies, on the other hand, vary in the kind of support systems they offer for patients suffering from schizophrenia. Also, the competitive nature of technologically advanced societies may impede the recovery of schizophrenia patients whose thought processes can be disrupted by the stress associated with the fast pace of industrialized life.

>Some cultural differences are also apparent in the kind of delusions that occur in schizophrenia patients. Often, the delusions tend to reflect the predominant themes and values of a person's culture. For example, in Ireland, where religious piety is highly valued, patients with schizophrenia often have delusions of sainthood. In industrially advanced countries like America, patients' delusions tend to focus on sinister uses of technology and surveillance. Patients may report that they are being spied on by their televisions or that they are being X-rayed when they walk down the street. In Japan, a country that prizes honor and social conformity, delusions often revolve around slander or the fear of being humiliated publicly. In Nigeria, where mental illness is believed to be caused by evil spirits, delusions may take the form of witches or ancestral ghosts.


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>muh glowz
>tfw 9001 jiggawatts
Anon, american unis are full of really, really strange persons.

Mary Daly:
>try to save christianity by playing with words
>stirs up a storm in a teacup and accomplishes…something?

Ward LeRoy Churchill:
>was drafted in 1966
>says in his 1980 resumé that he went to paratrooper school and volunteered for a 10-month LLRP
>claims that he spent time at the Chicago office for SDS and learned WU how to explosives
>2005 Denver Post says he's a cheat
>was a projectionist and light truck driver, no mentioning of paratrooper school nor LLRP
>1978 begins work at UBC as an affirmative action officer
>claims that he's a Keetoowah Cherokee
>can't prove it
>yeah, different tribes have different rules for admission to membership
>and he just proves the point that race is fluid
>how convenient.gif


>TL;DR current research indicates schizophrenics' hallucinations, delusions, severity of illness, etc are culture-specific, and Westerners get it the worst.
Sad. I mentioned it in passing to a work buddy, and he didn't believe me. "Despite" him being an ancom.

Personally, I think it's fun to talk to myself sometimes and with inanimate objects.



And it's also interesting that manifestations of ayys look different in different countries. Have they divided Erf among themselves? :-/


These the mf who actually put comments on porn videos. 700 pages? Shit son. MKultra? Well this really has everything


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did his gf cheat on him or something


>this is dissertation
>it really doesn't seem incoherent tbh
<This dissertation is dedicated to Hegel, Coltrane and the rights of non-human persons.

And that was only page iv


I am in awe.


Huh. Black incel


>all that loud schizo shit
but then…
<blow a kiss be playful UwU


If Terry Davis was alive in 2022


>that dissertation
so this is me in 5 years


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Black incel unleashed today.


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Pic of the guy from his video "I am the prophet I Matthew C Harris am more than the king"


>You a bunch of mini-men
Schizo-sama, I KNEEL, I will always be in your shadow
You learn a new slur every day!


>i feel robbed of a decade
How I view my 20s. It's gonna be one hell of a cope if I ever get a gf.


Also holy shit I just realized this is probably going to be Haz in 10 years


no, this guy believes in three holes


I have full conversations with myself. Yes I do have actual people I can talk to. It's dumb because obv internal monologue and pure thought is way quicker.


Maybe Haz will reconsideer his ideology and finally acept that woman have 3 holes. The go full schizo.


I like how he wants to genocide all whites but then call 90% of all white ethnicities as uyghurs.


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overdosing on internet


I guarantee that he is reffering to one of his collegues in that quote. This is basically modern art, a pure and unhinged stream of conciousness that left behind many a brushstroke, like the double NN in EVENN or comparing Karens from the joke to huricane because they sound similar.


>colleges are just franchises of some rich fuck
dangerously based


unironically, when you read some of these rants out loud they have nice flow


>ultra violence
Is that a clock work orange reference?


So is he /ourguy/?


No and he's not /pol/'s guy either. He's off in his own third position.


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Neither /pol/ nor /leftypol/. Pretty bold and based if I must say.



is this the final form of sakaiism?


So like a Gazi guy then?


>tfw still having trouble getting into grad school
>this guy does it, writes an absolute bonkers, out of his mind, garbo dissertation and gets a phd


He is peak Black Hammer.


He is a schizo inheritor of Farrakhan, just likr Haz is an upcoming schizo inheritor of LaRouche. Question is the, who will be the schizo inheritor of Avakian to complete the schizo edition of the glowleft-trinity.


I believe there is a recent style of rhetoric in academic/online circles that uses tropes in this aggressively sarcastic and entitled way and if I'm right then it smothered this guy's brain


No, he's bigoted as fuck, but he's anti-white so he ain't /pol/ either. This is a whole new breed of online schizoposting. It's like the final form of black separatism


is every other upper middle class person just a closet channer at this point?


Ok the jig is up, which one of you is this?


I've been perusing it. It's a postmodern literary masterpiece


If you read through it it's mostly about the unique memetics of cultural inheritance incorporated into the psychological and phenomenological identities of races. It's pretty coherent.


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New banner?


Should be


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Now with .ogre



>Students repeatedly described him as “unprofessional” on Bruinwalk, a forum where they can leave reviews of faculty members. Another student wrote that Harris’s class was their least favorite “ever.” A different reviewer said Harris had changed a classmate’s grade 43 times after an academic quarter.

>Those concerns came to the forefront last year when Harris was placed on leave while officials investigated reports that the lecturer sent a video containing pornographic content to a student, reported the Daily Bruin. His postdoctoral status was set to expire in June 2021 for reasons unrelated to the investigation.


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he kinda has a point but the slur spam and constant all-caps gets tiring after a while


wtf i hate socialism now


Schizophrenic manifestos need to become a literary genre.


From Duke as well, not exactly some unknown university. Aspects of the dissertation are coherent, but, reading it with hindsight at least, there are many bizarre aspects, from the dedication onward. My guess is that these were read as "humorous."


so true



the fuck are you talking about


/leftypol/ BTFO


i'm more of a metaphysical socialist myself




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Based grug


You retarded?


The word uyghur is used 10,386 times in this manifesto.
Sublime stuff.


I can't belie that this is real and not some type of mde shitpost or cum town skit. Fucking kek
This reminds me of SpaceGhostPurrp autistic livestreams.



im more post-racial but go on anon


Also, just skimming it, the coherent portions generally aren't very good, not what I'd expect from its PhD program, although I will say I'm just some random guy who reads philosophy, not an academic. This may be normal for dissertations, but the few others I've read have generally more been in the category of "informative and sometimes interesting if unremarkable," rather than "sort of bad."

Two well-known figures on the left, Michael Hardt and Fredric Jameson, are both associated with Duke, but they're apparently in the literature department.


Where my categorical socialists @


Fellow STEMchads, it's time to laugh at the humanities students with degrees in word salad tossing.


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To be fair most non-science phDs are like this, i.e. forgettable/more mediocre than you'd expect.
We selectively assume only the best, but forget that most content out there is just that: forgettable. And that's because it's the average: unextraordinary by definition.
Obviously you need some base-level of knowledge to write a phD dissertation, but the required extent of original brilliance' isn't necessarily what is commonly assumed.


t. Stemlord


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My assessment is that this is the intellectual nuclear combustion of identity politics. It mutilates all standardized categories and assumptions , e.g. the disclosure of chaotic unhinged manifestos is the exclusive province of categorically straight white male incels or that only this identity grouping is capable of extreme hate speech. It profanes the idols of self-righteous liberal academia. It elevates black rage to transcendent, indulgent almost orgasmic levels, painting a grotesque picture of raw emotion. It is a work of *de*-repression, springing repressed, socialized negativities in release of primal forces. It is brutal, violent, obscene, raw, lustful, hateful, and unprincipled but still guided by intelligence and leavened with humor and levity. In a manner of speaking it is an act of literary self-emancipation from the over-socializing and cloyingly sweet deceptions of the patronizing values of diversity and inclusion. It is, in a manner of speaking, a psychic or intellectual slave rebellion, a Nat Turner uprising of the mind, preaching a spoiled and bloodied gospel of hate.

The onslaught of vileness and callousness displayed in its pages has an almost hypnotic effect in the desensitization it induces. Particularly the radical act of the author reclaiming, boldly and audaciously, the word uyghur. The author says, now, we should not stop at some foreshortened, safe abbreviation of the word, but go full on and raid the master's house for his tools against him and turn the word into a brutal weapon against him. This simple suggestion, so obvious at a glance yet so profoundly ignored, is a genuine development in racial politics.


A mediocre mind can see only mediocrity.


Naw, I'm not a stemlord or a philistine. Man it's annoying how aggressive and presumptuous everyone on this board can be. It's just a fact that a lot of humanities phD's are shovelware. This doesn't mean the humanities are purely worthless or haven't ever produced good phD's, but those are the paragons.


>let's recuperate the N word! genius!
This is either an elite shitpost or a normal day in academia, and I'm not sure there's any difference


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I don't even have to edit this one


NTA but
I think it's more the degree of brutality, raw honesty, and the fact that he wants to maintain its offensiveness. (Also that it should be the hard R, that any softer variations are effeminate and diminutive). Mostly when people advocate for 'that word's' reclamation, it's in an attempt to defang it. Here, it's to reappropriate its use as a weapon, shifting the ownership of power, not defanging it.




that dangling earphone completes it so well, schizos really do have a special kind of energy. kudos to based UYGHUR-schizo


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Some hot takes from skitz negro. There are so much erratic funny shits in the pdf.


>1429 results


The ones I've read have mostly been okay, much better than the one by the subject of this thread, but you may be right. My choices have been very selective, and related to specific topics, and likely the ones I found were better than average simply for that reason.

>A mediocre mind can see only mediocrity.
I mean, it just isn't very good. Like I said, I've read through a few PhDs, and these have seemed mostly fine or even somewhat interesting on topics I'm familiar with, and that level of quality is about what I'd expect from decent PhD programs. It isn't comparable to the work of more well-known figures in philosophy, but I wouldn't expect that from a dissertation by the average graduate. The dissertation posted here isn't good by any of these standards, though. It isn't embarrassingly awful; it just isn't what I'd expect from a program like Duke's.


Wow that's a lot of uyghur


dangerously based tbh


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so the guy that wrote this has finally revealed himself


8)He is correct about gangbang videos. I have always avoided them. In precisely zero of my natural sexual fantasies am I sharing with other dudes. Gangbangs are explicitly cuckoldry.
11) He is fucking wrong about rafiki, rafiki will show you the way.
15) "comedy should be illegal because it is easy to disguise terrible ideas as jokes" Not gonna lie, I fucking hate most comedians.
19) "Reality isn't chronological"
22) the flashlight has a terrible design
excellent combo. I already fucking love this guy
>kill all crackers for being the enemy of uyghes for 450 years
125) you are a woman and I want to attack you with my cock.
lold out loud
131) "what the fuck is a wedding"
Indeed my man. Indeed.
>used to watch teens twerking on youtube, those were the days that need to come back.
>too many white bitches never seen a dick at all for me to settle for a bitch who fucks MONGOLOIDS
>extremist views should be a valid option on any dating site or political questionaire. I am extremist. I harbour extremist views. Life is Extreme. Existing is Extreme. Do not pacify. Do not pacify the population. Do not water down my being. Kill corporations. Kill all groups. The new game in town. Hunt them down. VOTING DOES NOTHING.
unironically based.
>my mother used to call me retarded as a spell
>everytime I fuck a kike bitch shekels fall out of her back like a piggy bank. Thats why I pay my rent by flipping my mattress.
God damn. This guy should have just put this to a beat and produced a horrorcore album or something.
>black lives matter should have been a terrorist army not a hip trend.
y'know this guy really does speak to me on numerous levels.
>the only simping I need to stop is sympathising for the cracker.
Honestly. This is dope.
>i can't date a woman who has messed around with her family
i mean like, um.. yeh thats pretty normal lmao

imagine having this guy as your teacher and ratting him out. Man people are such pussies.
bruh. That bitch babysitter killed his pet bird. Fuck her.
insert freud comment
had to ruin it big dog Y
black nick land
sounds like old nirvana studio session
>pigtail braids the unkept was perfect
say wut now dude
This man has simply had enough of university style critical theory discourse and frankly, who the fuck can blame him.



dude molested his little brother


this guy's kind of the embodiment of bourgeois idpol. pure resentment and destructive internalization of social oppression, hurt by being treated like a subhuman from birth but aggressively reproduces it onto other people, kinda like early zionists


don't hold your breath he thinks socialism is 'retarded'
he's an anprim of some sort, next uncle ted




uploaded without comment


t. totally not gay


It's true. The clitoris is in reality a tiny penis, so eating pussy is exactly as gay as sucking a dick.


this guy is getting shilled all over 4chan. do the feds just really want people to know about this guy or what


when you say 'all over 4chan', do you mean for real or just the shit boards you use?
because the former would be sus as fuck.


That, but change 'eat' to 'wear'.

Anyone wearing a brand name as a status icon should be punched.


/lit/ has multiple threads on it


hold up


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>Everytime I fuck a k*ke bitch shekels fall out of her back like a piggy. Thats why I pay my rent by flipping my mattress.


imagine being the porn actresses getting a shoutout in the manifesto.
some people like faust have to deal with worse shit but that still ranks very highly


>comedy should be illegal
imagine calling for your own imprisonment what a fucking boss


didn't know females pee and shoot semen from their clits


The average american educator.


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Then get more experience, virgin.


>a penis is a clit as long as piss isn't coming out of it


>a clit has a urethra and corpus cavernosum
>the urethra disappears when you stop peeing
pedantic fuck


>Why do you think it only happens in humans, and only happens as an adult *after* the brain is fully formed?
citation needed




what a stupid, bourgeois analysis lol


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literal retard. schizophrenia is an inherited brain irregularity decomposable to electro chemical problems. it's not some magical cope stemming from going against your eternal ideals.


I have schizophrenia now


>God damn. This guy should have just put this to a beat and produced a horrorcore album or something.
He unironically did produce several horrorcore songs to upload to his defunct youtube channel. MP3 attached of one of them


issa bop


you are no better yourself with your pseudo-scientific "muh inherited scizophrenia" bullshit


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>that fbi intern who has to read all of it in time to hand a report to the chief or whatever by 8am tomorrow


no way this was read in whole by anyone

at several points he just ctrl+c ctrl+v's entire paragraphs at several points he just ctrl+c ctrl+v's entire paragraphs at several points he just ctrl+c ctrl+v's entire paragraphs at several points he just ctrl+c ctrl+v's entire paragraphs


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>be STEMchad
>dissertation has to include years of gathered data, theoretical explanation to form said data into something coherent, and demonstrate its utility or application.

<be &humaities

<spam uyghur and kike thousands of times

I am not even mad that they let a schizo write this, but that they gave him a PhD afterwards.


The 800 page manifesto isn't his doctoral thesis. The real PHD thesis isn't exactly coherent, but it at least shows what looks like some level of expertise in the field. PDF attached.


>This dissertation is dedicated to Hegel, Coltrane and the rights of non-human persons.

First fucking sentence from the abstract:
>Is it racist to think that black people think differently from Asian people or that Asian people think differently from white people?


>I would like to acknowledge the contributions of all of my psychological predecessors, especially the non-human
Did his dog write his thesis?


fuck are you talking about uighur? it runs in my family.


Because nurture, you fucktard. You can "inherit" being Christian as well, you know? Doesn't need a "Christian gene" for it to happen either.


lmao are you going to develop it or something? maybe you're some kind of weed smoking faggot. In any case this doesn't describe schizophrenia well because it's probably activated by exterior factors like weed but at it's core is a genetic vulnerability or predisposition. https://www.healthline.com/health/is-schizophrenia-hereditary#other-causes


>While the risk is 1 percent in the general population, having an FDR such as a parent or sibling with schizophrenia increases the risk to 10 percent.
Similarly, having a Christian pastor as a father increases the risk of contracting Christianity. Much science. Such methodology.


lol, I still think someone had to read it


>t-that's because it's muh nurture
<ctrl+f " Adoption studies"

does it scare you to know you're at risk for being a schizo



>2% vs. 6.7% correlation
much science


oh this is a mess.


"Seated in the center of the stage is our protagonist Chatter Warmish, a kind,
thoughtful and responsive philosopher with an inclination to find balanced, measured
solutions. Seated at a desk facing the stage is Ernesta Provoksi, the earnest and inquisitive
moderator with a Socratic gift for delivering rich and uncomfortable questions. Seated to
the far right, facing Ernesta is Professor Liberto Freedman, a card carrying member of the
ACLU who was arrested for protesting the Vietnam war. He is professor emeritus of
Evolutionary Psychology at a large Midwestern research university. Seated to the far left,
facing Ernesta is Professor P. C. Neverwrong, who owns what is likely the only Model 3
Tesla with a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker. She is dual professor of Literature and
Cognitive Linguistics at a small, private North-Eastern liberal arts college."

Kicking myself that I didn't go for doctorate of philosophy. its basically just shitposting.


>nooooo you have to disregard most studies because of low sample size!!!
t. high school stat understander


Such a god tier lyric, the jews wont allow it to be released


> did his gf cheat on him or something
Seems more like Islam influence.


>you have to disregard most studies because of low sample size!!!
Uhm, yes? Are you actually going to defend shit-tier practices in science? Fuck off, will you.


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Is this the real 4th political theory?


no you tard that just limits your deg of freedom and limits the specificity and type of analysis you can perform. specifically in this study where it is difficult to find subjects that meet this criteria, this is perfectly reasonable. What's next will we need four replicates for every factor. fuck off


enjoy your n=47 "science"


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>sorry pal, I'm not sure what the central limit theorem is but 47 seems like a small number. Come back when you meet my economically unfeasible and arbitrary standards. 300 should do.


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It's interesting how he goes into bouts of extreme violence and then recoils back to a childish innocence. Kinda reminded me of clip lol. I think he probably did experience a fuckton of racism at Duke and in other phil departments.


last pic goes super hard by replacing white supremacy with wage-slavery

Wage slavery ends when you stop bowing and tolerating it. When you go out and attack it. When you steal. When you harm. When you kidnap it directly. When you brutalize it. When you savagely carve your name into its ankles and cut off its fingernails. When you remove her teeth with pliers. (wow that gets really sexist lol)


naw thats super common on the idpol academia left. Frank Wilderson whole thing is that black people are seen as subconsciously subhuman by pretty much everyone (white and nonwhite).


Kino as fuck post. This is the best thread /leftypol/ has had in years.


I don't make it a point to read phd dissertations, but I can't imagine any 20 shits 100 pages on nonsense they were forced to study is ever good - even for actual geniuses like Marx or Nietzsche. Philosophy in general seems to be an old mans game, with the exception of a few pieces that mostly owe their brilliance to literary style few works of 20 year olds are philosophical classics. (off the top of my head mainlander, cioran, wittgenstein, nietzsche if you count his book on tragedy which is still his worst work)


thread themesong



This is sad and I want the guy to get help and get better, not to throw peanuts at the freak so he puts up a show.


Good thread

Its actually good. Wtf. Death grips shit.


yeah, dude, we totally don't have millions of schizos around. they are rare as hen's teeth


this is me when I drop the perc between the couch cushions


He 100% had a shooterino in mind


schizo master race, irl shitposting.



I like this



here is how the book opens


Some of those "nice ones" are on this board as well. Particularly when the Haitian Revolution and the confederate flag are concerned.


>I can't imagine any 20 shits 100 pages on nonsense they were forced to study is ever good
Normally, someone is choosing to specialize in something by that point. Whether it's good obviously depends on the dissertation in question, but they can be done well, or at least well enough to fill in details you were missing.

A few of Deleuze's works (like Difference and Repetition and the larger Spinoza book) were also written as dissertations originally, and these are often praised as among his best. I've also heard Heidegger's dissertation on Duns Scotus is interesting, but I haven't read it myself.


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your takeaway from this manifesto was that white people should care more about Symbolism? like the Confederate flag.
this guy just showed you over ten thousand times he doesn't give a fuck about the conventional usage of racial symbolism. He appropriated anti black racism for his own purposes. I remember Kanye did that for the confederate battle flag. If a Nazi can co-opt: so can an anti nazi.


And that's why I can draw a swastika on my forehead along with a star of David and a couple other symbols. Fuck Nazism , love swastikas.


>I remember Kanye did that for the confederate battle flag.

Yeah and he ended up being part of the Trump administration, go figure


He isn't an anti-nazi, he's a black nazi.


Death grips at the tail end of the meth binge rather than the start like usual Death Grips


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sent porn to students last year apparently


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you cant just shit on sailor moon like this


>bashes other's understanding of stats
>thinks it being 'hard to find' subjects means that you can just take whatever n value you want and call it good stats
>uh yea requesting a higher sample size would be arbitrary because scarcity
>unironically n=47 thinks this is good science


Oh and just by the by, although this is clearly a great man of supreme intelligence. This should put to bed the idea that pornography is healthy for the mind


yeah, man, the problem here is porn, not his schizophrenia


I think what drove him insane was his life in academia, and, if you read through the document, it can be inferred at times that he had a pretty fucked up childhood as well.


He had the textbook case childhood of psychotics: hostile father, overbearing mother.


nah it's clear he saw irish pussy and lost his damn mind


Fuck it i'm reading the whole thing. It's poetry


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here's your "genetically inherited" scizophrenia, bro

it's all in the genes, brah


god speed, brave anon


Considering how often porn is mentioned and sexual pathologies permeate the entire document right from start to finish, would you consider porno at least a contributing factor or feature of his particular neurosis and mania? It doesn’t have to be an either or thing, he can be both coom brained and skitzo brained, just like many alcoholics develop mental health issues and the alcohol is both symptom and cause at the same time


1. schizophrenia isn't a neurosis
2. saying that porn is a contributing factor in his pathology is like saying Sonic the Hedgehog is a contributing factor in Chris Chan's pathology


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1) Okay mr doctor man. Whatever you want tk call it
2) don’t know don’t care.

Let’s simplify things, based on this document do you think this man has a healthy attitude to sex and towards women ?


lmao yeah you don't care after you got shit on



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>Katie literally said to me on the internet 'I can come right over and suck you off right now" and my mother wasn't having it.
Shit, dude.


based on his videos do you think Chris Chan has a healthy attitude towards Pikachu and Sonic?


what no succ does to a mf


>playing Sonic the hedgehog games made Chris chan transexual


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>thinks it being 'hard to find' subjects means that you can just take whatever n value you want and call it good stats
when did I say that you stupid uyghur? A small number of observations limits the power of inference and the type of inference you can make. You can still make inference with an extremely low sample size like 5 subjects, it will just mean your errors are too large for any meaningful conclusions.
>uh yea requesting a higher sample size would be arbitrary because scarcity
We live in the real world you cock gurgling faggot where it takes time and money to find eligible subjects for your observational study. Maybe you would prefer a controlled experiment, Goebbels, but there are ethical considerations. Sometimes you have to make due and make inference on data that could be better.
>unironically n=47 thinks this is good science
can be it depends on the fucking methodology.
I have never said it was all genetics you dense reddit spacing faggot. Clearly you have some personal issues with family related schizophrenia which is why you are denying commonly accepted studies on the matter. That or you are some Infrafag Haz worshiper who thinks genetics isn't real. You are denying the bulk of studies which say that genetics is the leading factor in developing schizophrenia.
To Review
>some fag says genetics is not a factor in developing schizophrenia
<reply with an accessible article
>replies with the unfounded claim that you can't trust the studies because if you grow up around schizophrenia you will develop it yourself
<cite summary of several adoption studies where this is a non-issue with almost all confirming a genetic link to schizophrenia
>rejects one study because a sample size of 47 is "too small"
here's a smaller sample size attatched


>porn made this guy fucking insane



no that was the last one this one had a sample 42 now give me a single study that says we can reject genetic influence on developing schizophrenia


Stop romanticizing mental illness. It's obvious burger academia does not value intelligence.


oh no biopolitics bros
the sample size is gettin smaller


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Oh I see, you're some deranged chapofag liberal
who thinks anything that mentions genetics automatically follows Nazi propaganda. Keep lambasting the studies, you have yet to produce any evidence for your claims that genetics is not a major factor in developing schizophrenia.


keep popping them pills, n=42 sciencebro


just one study


n=42 pepelaugh


you refuted yourself twice in this post btw lmao
genetics is real, your understanding of it isn't


I'd love to hear what you think about Hayek. Your rejection of statistical inference is tantamount to a rejection of socialist planning.
This is a different argument we're talking about sample size. I don't study genetics so my understanding is probably simplified which is why a reference to an article by someone more familiar on the subject was necessary. Everything I'm seeing is suggesting a primary role of genetics in developing schizophrenia but give me some evidence to the contrary.


>Your rejection of statistical inference
Nobody is rejecting statistical inference, what is rejected is your shitty model backed up by ridiculously low sample sizes and overall bad methodology.

Just based on alone the fact that the majority of schizophrenics didn't have a psychotic episode and thus are not diagnosed as such the control groups in your studies are already tainted because they already include undiagnosed schizophrenics. That's literally shit-tier science. You don't base your studies on cancer with 42 cancer patients and 50 people as a "control group" who may or may not have cancer.

There's your science bro, literal unusable trash.


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Most mental illnesses have both genetic and environmental factors.
For example, I have a shitload of second-degree relatives who had issues with addiction and anxiety at some point in their lives, a lot of them I never grew up with. It's not very surprising to me that I have an alcohol problem simply considering my genetic history.
However, environmental factors are extremely important. Even if it doesn't make a difference in the chance of being afflicted by a mental illness, it can make a difference in prognosis at the very least: i.e. between quiet schizos who can handle a part time job or just vibe with their neighbors because society gives them the resources to do so, and unhinged schizos with murderous fantasies because they can't afford meds or get obsessed about race because they live in a country with a deeply racist history and everyone is still obsessed about ethnicity all the time around them, and there are also mass shootings routinely going on, etc.
Matthew Harris could have been a cult outsider music artist like Wesley Willis or R.A.E.D., or a meme philosopher like Nick Land, it's a shame.


>addiction is genetic as well
Yeah, man, the Chinese had a genetic predisposition during the Opium Wars.


no nothing is genetic. go walk into Chernobyl for free real estate.


Any updates? Has he shot up his uni or some shit like that?


Dude I just said both factors are important.
Environmental factors are important in terms of prognosis, in any case.
Environmental factors/material conditions can definitely create addictions and mental maladjustment (and undo them).
I will never deny this.

Genetic factors still matter. The goal of academics in psychiatric and clinical psychology is among other things to try to isolate the genetic factors from the environmental ones in order to find better cures, and provide better material conditions to cure mental illnesses – when they aren't corrupt assholes.
If (You) are too binarybrained (a new mental disorder) to understand this, your loss.


>psychological pathologies are like radiation poisoning


>Dude I just said both factors are important.
remains to be demonstrated

>inb4 more n=50


your complaint is I think that observational studies are weaker than controlled experiments because you can reduce sample bias. Unfortunately even if we wanted to we don't have enough knowledge to induce schizophrenia. Junk statistics exist but it comes ironically from larger sample sizes: pseudoreplication. The error rate in these studies should reflect their sample size.


>remains to be demonstrated
Then rest your case instead of just smugposting. You are a faggot.


>Unfortunately even if we wanted to we don't have enough knowledge to induce schizophrenia.
You could pretty successfully do it, IMO, but the ethics of it is… uhm… questionable. You would need to shove shitton of psychoactive drugs into people and constantly bugger them about their fathers.

I'm not the one asserting something that can't be backed up.


he can't prove that genetics isn't a factor because the bulk of evidence says otherwise regardless of how "weak" it is. Equally, he can't provide evidence for his positive claim that it is environmental.
yes you are you are asserting that schizophrenia is entirely induced by one's environment


>psychological pathologies are like radiation poisoning
Why would genes only matter for some physical illnesses, and not for psychological ones? You aren't a Cartesian who thinks the mind and the body are separate, are you?


Idk, like how animals don't have psychological illnesses, only humans?
>inb4 antrhopomorphizing captivated animals as having "depression" and the likes
plz, no more shit science


You don't need to be a dualist to understand that the human psyche is unparalleled in the natural world. For example, while an "internal monologue" is ultimately just atoms and chemicals interacting into forming a series of representations in a person's brain for that person, it is unlike anything our other organs do, and is inaccessible to others.


he's in police custody


are you a dualist? why should disorders of the brain be spared from genetic abnormality. Other species are also developing intelligence your not thinking dialectically. It just remains to be seen whether or not high intelligence equates to reproductive success and longevity.


If you want to consider the mental state of animals only in a hypothetical state of pure wilderness, sure they rarely display maladaptive behavior interfering with their abilities to survive.
That still doesn't answer the question:
<Why would genes only matter for some physical illnesses, and not for psychological ones?

>the human psyche is unparalleled in the natural world

This is might be the simplest reason why genomes might directly influence the human psyche: if our brains are more developed than the rest of the animal kingdom, then there are more potential ways for all kind of factors to make them function subtly wrong.

>it is unlike anything our other organs do, and is inaccessible to others

The brain is organic matter just like the rest of our other organs. The genetic laws of cell replication also apply to the brain.


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Call me a happooner but I wish he'd shot up a school in minecraft even if he failed or whatever, it'd be a nice way to close the school shooter saga where we've gone from hapa autists to chinlets and now a black incel. It'd have been only 40 miles away from Columbine in Boulder Colorado where he was residing, he even mentions it in the manifesto
And he's not the only one of these guys to get creative in his manifesto, check out the Virginia Tech incel's one act masterpieces
Obviously though this UYGHUR is on a whole another level

Anyways how did glowies get him so fast? I assume they had been tracking him for a while, but the earliest date we have of the emails is Jan 30 and they got him in Feb 1? Did he pussy out at the end?

Also happy Black History Month


Why is N-word so special to american schizos? Is this an MKULTRA thing?


>the country literally had a civil war over the issue of black slaves
C'mon, son.


Francis E. Dec lives again!





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how much time didnyouspent on this


search and replace all has been an option in text editors for decades, you know


Is making terroristic threats (or the commission of a far more severe felony) the only way to get a manifesto out there? Asking for a comrade.


No, but to get people to pay attention to it? Probably. That tends to be why any manifesto you can think of is just as probably going to be have been linked to some terrorist activity, historically-speaking.


The bulk of your evidence is dogshit you reactionary retard jesus fucking christ just come out and say you think uyghurs have lower iq's it's so fucking boring with baiting retards like you, dialectical materialism isn't daniel dennet physicalism


Nah just publicly speaking making a scene gets even more attention sometimes. Most people dont even bother reading manifestos of terrorists or would be terrorists. I've also thought about possability of someone putting something on a NYC billboard as a good strategy which can be done two ways. Either buy ad space to keep it up longer so a lot of people see or or someone could hack it. A hack would potentially get news airtime


Thanks comrades. I see no point in terrorism personally but people are wired to respond to shock. Many of the most remembered manifestos were stamped into the public consciousness through acts of violence. To commit to such an extreme act conveys a certain sincerity which injects a quite deadly seriousness into one's words. It's a shame to say it gives those words power, as if they were inked in the blood of the victims. Words alone, a closed book, does not draw anyone's attention by itself. It is said that actions speak louder than words, but when actions speak for words those words are not spoken but shouted.


>Most people dont even bother reading manifestos of terrorists or would be terrorists.
But they end up circulating in internet backwaters such as this, where they are appreciated by other weirdos and, in doing so, exert some nonzero effect. In fact, it is in such shadowy backwaters where they have a disproportionate influence because normal, well-adjusted individuals by definition do not seek out inspiration from radical action or speech.

The particular manifesto this thread is about is a bit of a different story .It's so garish that no one can take it seriously and is more of a freak show to gawk at or an absurdist piece of black (pardon the double meaning) humor.




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This should be the right size.


they don't and even if they did autism score is a retarded concept anyways. I'm saying it's diamat 101 not to view things in repose. fuck off you baiting polack.


"eye-que" is a retarded concept*


that's funny because there's boatloads of adoption and twin studies that suggest otherwise


show me


can you fuck off to a different thread where you google studies and post the first results without even having read them?

k thx


uygha I like your song but really this is the one


Dr. Harris already made us the perfect thread theme: >>497350



literally just google it and you'll get hundreds of results
for someone so oddly confident that the racial side of things can't be true, yet simultaneously so confident that schizophrenia is 100% genetic, you haven't really thought things out to their logical ends, it seems


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He made students read both Christopher Dorner's manifesto and Mein Kampf


never said 100 percent genetic. go discuss your racial idpol on pol, Sakaist. race isn't a real category and a glance at what you're referring to seems to suggest a primary role of environment anyways where the studies I linked suggested a primary role of genetics in schizophrenia.


can you please go to another thread to talk about studies you haven't read?


probably covid got to him


>Coach Harris
>Professor in the Kinesiology department at California State University Long Beach

I think you got the wrong guy my freind


you're correct. I thought I saw it earlier wonder if it was taken down


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can any Asians here confirm this?


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>wants to destroy memes
<yet he is a meme


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bumping for resident retardo

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