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 No.499328[Last 50 Posts]

Anyone interested in helping me fuck with these guys? If you don't know, they're an at least partially fed-run satanic nazi group whose deal is infiltrating organizations of all kinds (nazi, leftist, churches) in order to make them more evil. Implicated in child trafficking and cp distribution, rape, terrorism and murder.

Anything anyone knows about them would be really helpful and if anyone wants to help me report their shit that would even better (currently trying to get dreamhost to drop hosting for their main site).


<NARRATOR: Two months later, OP tragically committed suicide with two shots to the back of her head.


At this point I've done enough against them that the CIA's probably already shot me with their magic cancer gun so I might as well see it through to the end.


Okay, now you have my interest. What have you done, what have you found out? (I'm superficially acquainted with them, but never looked into them seriously.)


is this qanon shit or is it a real conspiracy like mkultra


I've been researching them for around 5 years so what I know would take a fuckton of posts to lay out. Trying to be humble about this but I'm more well versed on their beliefs and history and the people involved than some journalists who've written about them.

As for what I've done, not an awful awful lot but I only started directly messing with them a month ago. Trolled Myatt with reviews on his archive.org account, made all the public O9A emails unusable with mass mailing lists, got a bunch of them deplatformed from some sites and gotten most O9A books taken off of lulu, where there used to be a ton. Probably the most impressive was spooking Caracoa Coven 211, their Philippines nexion, hard enough that they shut down but that was a newish nexion with only a handful of people so again, not too spectacular.

It's very easy to fuck with these people if you know about them and are dedicated enough. Might post a QRD of O9A based on what I know later but for now just ask away, I'll probably have at least a little insight into anything you might want to know.

It's real, these guys have been covered by mainstream news outlets and by a lot of big name antifascist activists. They're the psychos behind the Rural Peoples Party if you're aware of that whole affair.


Oh yeah, nexion = cell for the purpose of this post. Has a retarded occult explanation as well but I'll resist sperging about that for now.


How good have they been at infiltrating police forces? Or to turn the question around a bit, how many of them are police officers or similar? And do these people actually perform human sacrifices masked as killing perps and suspects in the line of duty?


I'd actually love for you to sperg out about that one since I did wonder about that weird name for cell when I did (very) cursory reading on them.


It's hard to quantify but I'd guess fairly successful. I'm less familiar with the history of their infiltration of the police but when it comes to the military, that was a huge them in Tempel ov Blood publications, trying to get people to join the military as an insight role and for the purposes of culling. Combined, very weirdly and tellingly in retrospect, with a veneration of intelligence agencies and the military because they caused so much evil and death. TOB (this all applies to TOB specifically) kind of did a 180 on the usual accelerationist formula where the pursuit of evil as evil led to them supporting what this sort of Nazi usually considers ZOG.

But yeah, I think it absolutely happens and that there are probably people in the military engaging in culling. There have been quite a few pics of Niners who are enlisted and I've been in Niner groups where dudes had joined the priesthood and shit like that. They really do infiltrate.

So a nexion is a point of connection between our causal realm and what O9A calls the acausal, which is a term from Jung. What O9A means by acausal is not what Jung means by it though and what they mean by it depends on when they're writing. Early on, Myatt said it was another dimension of spacetime that has different physical laws and different entities (the Dark Gods being one form of acausal life) and later on he tried to say no, no, I was talking about Hermeticism the whole time. Whenever O9A is writing, acausal energy, which is inherently chaotic and amoral or even anti-moral, is the cause of all life and evolution. It naturally seeps into the causal but can also be brought into the casual with magic and any point where that happens is called a nexion. A nexion can be a physical place, a group, a person, an ideology, an act.

But as you know, that's also what they call their cells, nexion. O9A has a purposefully confusing and intricate vocabulary, that's part of what they call their "labyrinthos mythologicus", which is code for being as confusing and contradictory as possible so that their type of people get interested and the sheeple get confused.


Oh yeah, forgot to answer the question of how many Niners are cops/feds. That's really the big mystery with them. I'd love to know, partially so that I can more accurately assess my chances of being carted off to some black site, but it's hard to say.

Here's what we know. David Myatt, the guy who founded the O9A, was a part of Column 88, which was one of the UK arms of Gladio. He gets out of Column 88 and immediately starts writing O9A shit. He also writes "normal" Nazi accelerationist shit on the side (he uses a pseudonym for his O9A shit that he insists isn't him but it definitely is). In the 90s one of these accelerationist texts leads directly to the London Nailbombings. He's arrested by a special taskforce from Scotland Yard, they find a ton of illegal material in his flat and then he's let go without any explanation.

We also that Tempel ov Blood, one of the American nexions of the O9A, was led by a confidential informant and was paid nearly 100k by the FBI in order to put out their literature, which included one of the most depraved novels ever written (Iron Gates) and actual drawings of kids being abused. Just the worst of the worst, if you can think of something evil then TOB promoted it at some point.

After the initial leader of the Atomwaffen Division got locked up because his Muslim buddy shot a couple other AWD members for being islamophobic and the cops found bombmaking materials in their apartment, the AWD gets taken over by this guy who calls himself Rape. Rape immediately lets in TOB people and pretty soon the Nazi doomsday cult is a satanic Nazi doomsday cult promoting every imaginable evil that's indirectly run by the feds.

In 2017 AWD is fucked hard by fed raids and the remnants rebrand as National Socialist Order. Unclear how much O9A involvement NSO has.


Oh yeah, there's another pretty crucial piece of evidence. One of the really crucial nexions around the time of TOB's infiltration of AWD was a UK-based one called Drakon Covenant. Drakon Covenant was run by a lovely guy called Ryan Fleming. Ryan Fleming was someone who already had a record of child abuse offenses when he started posting on Iron March (he was already in contact with the leaders of TOB at this point and Drakon Covenant was already a thing). Ryan butts heads a lot with the leader of Iron March, a guy by the name of Alexander Slavros. Ryan was publicly O9A and Slavros hated O9A plus Ryan kept trying to go behind Slavros's back and worm his way into the inner circle of the site.

Time passes and a group called National Action emerges from IM. This was before AWD was formed, IM spawned a ton of groups. Ryan almost immediately becomes a key member of NA because of his IT skills. There's a scandal when it's found out that Ryan has this history of convictions for child abuse (including of a mentally disabled teen) but the NA leadership backs him totally and reportedly starts to take a kind of pride in having someone that fucked up in the group.

A while later National Action is banned as a terrorist organization and a bunch of groups pop up that are made up of the same people but have different names. One of them in particular, Sonnenkrieg Division, is pro rape, pro pedophilia, has writings about cannibalism, you can imagine the rest. And predictably it's full of Niners.

A lot of NA/NA offshoot people get locked up and Ryan gets locked up again for sex crimes. But someone who doesn't get locked up (until this year, literally ~5 years after the initial NA ban) is NA's founder Benjamin Raymond. Ryan's most recent conviction for sex crimes was also this year, also against minors, and it was his fourth offense. The sentence? 4 years iirc.

So yeah, I think there's pretty clear evidence of federal involvement but it's hard to say how much.


Interesting shit, thanks.
I don't have your clearly admirable level of tenacity and bravado, but what are some efficient and preferably not too dangerous ways to mess with these fucks if you get some kind of half-assed opportunity (like, I dunno, you catch wind of a possible member or O9A activity or something).

Another question, have you tried or considered trying getting them exposed more widely?


This also wouldn't be the first time that feds used satanism to discredit movements or disrupt groups.


If you wanna get really schizo (can I use ableist language here?) you could mention shit like Epstein too of course but this is obviously on a much lower level than that.


Why are these right wing groups always full of pedos


We’re not your personal army and we’re not going on a wild goose chase for a group that doesn’t even exist in any meaningful capacity. I know anarchists are retarded, but this is a little ridiculous even for you


I'm just wondering why feds would bother with this particular breed of nutcase. I mean regular fascist groups makes sense, they can be deployed against leftists with a degree of plausible deniability by the state. After all this was the entire purpose of gladio. However I don't see what they would gain by propping up the craziest of the crazy.


Honestly, just report their shit to hosting services, clown on Niners when you see them, let people know how dangerous and absurd this stuff is. Clown on Myatt himself (I'll link his accounts if you wanna participate). If enough people start fucking with them what's the FBI gonna do, arrest all of us?

I think the most important thing though is that the public becomes aware of these guys and becomes aware of them in the right way. They're sincerely very dangerous but painting them as a sinister neo nazi blood cult gets them the attention of exactly the sort of people they want to recruit. I haven't gone into this side of them that much itt but in addition to being dangerous they're very absurd and you have to highlight both.

[email protected]
He also has a religions forums account called KerriScott but I can't seem to find it again


>doesn't exist in any meaningful capacity

>Russian Federal Security Services arrested a group of satanists in April 2020 in Krasnodar suspected of "public calls to carry out extremist activities", incitement to murder due to religious and racial hatred, and criminal activities against women. The police also seized occult "extremist material" during the raids. They belonged to a group called Legion Ave Satan, a chapter of the O9A, using nazi Reichsadler grasping a pentagram and sword as its symbol. On their now-banned VKontakte page, they claimed nexions all over the CIS countries, promoted O9A, and identified as followers of "Traditional Satanism" and "pre-christian faith".[224][225][226] They first appeared in Russian media in 2018 when a teenager burned down a church in Republic of Karelia. The teenager had expressed his support for the Legion Ave Satan in VKontakte and posted pictures wearing a skull mask associated with Atomwaffen and O9A. He was sent to involuntary psychiatric treatment. The local nexion used an old poultry farm in Kondopoga for gatherings, and the group had lured children to prostitution according to Moskovskij Komsomolets.[227][228][229] As is the case elsewhere, the group is connected to the local Atomwaffen chapter.[230] Four Russian members of the Order of Nine Angles were arrested for ritual murders in Karelia and St. Petersburg.[197][198]


Kys glowie


O9A is really good at fracturing groups it infiltrates since, predictably, most members of any organization you might pick don't appreciate pedos, cannibals, necrophiles etc. joining their organization en masse and making it all about being evil for the sake of evil. Essentially COINTELPRO but extra psychotic and amoral.

Which you might say is a good thing, we want Nazi groups to get disrupted, and I see your point. But the price we're paying for that in terms of O9A is random murders, rapes and molestations. And these people infiltrate leftist organizations too as I've said. TOB was allegedly promoting Atassa and anarcho-nihilist circles in particular get targeted by niners for infiltration. The Rural People's Party was a honeypot led by the guy who lead TOB before TOB was a thing in order to try to bait tankies.


>TOB was allegedly promoting Atassa and anarcho-nihilist circles in particular get targeted by niners for infiltration.


I don't have the link at hand but IIRC it was Jake Hanrahan who did a thread on that on twitter. Check HeresyLabs if it turns out not to be him. HeresyLabs seems a little bit "off" to me to put it politely, which is why I say allegedly, because I can't remember which of them it was.


But in terms of anarcho-nihilism more broadly, beyond Atassa, just make a Nazi telegram account and get into an O9A group. They post Novatore all the time and are generally big fans of more violent anarcho nihilist shit because chaos = evil = good.


Considering it seems to only be infiltrating anarchists and fascists, I say let them, that is if it even exists which again it doesn’t


People can claim whatever they want, there’s always going to be mentally ill freaks who will say and do whatever they feel like, it doesn’t change the fact that the group is a glorified larp that was abandoned by its “founder” in favor of Islam. So I’m not concerned. What IS concerning is all the so called “socialists” itt jumping at the opportunity to help the enemy


This is absolute proof you have no clue what you're talking about. Myatt's conversion to Islam was what's called an insight role in the O9A, a period of time where you completely change your lifestyle and ideology in order to further the "sinister dialectic".

If you look at his Muslim phase (he's no longer even pretending to be Muslim btw and hasn't for over a decade) it had two phases, one where he was trying to build alliances between jihadists and nazis. And the second, after he realized the first strategy was not going to work, where he was trying to spread jihadism and direct it against Jews.

Throughout his Muslim phase, throughout his Numinous Way/ex-extremist phase and throughout his new Hebdomian Way phase he's continued to post on stormfront, promote Nazism and use O9A lingo in his writing. He's absolutely still involved in O9A behind the scenes and always was.


And I told you about the RPP, these guys fuck with tankies too. I'll (mostly) avoid taking a cheap shot at the fact that there are simply far more Anarchist groups and scenes to fuck with than there are tankie anarchist groups and scenes but again, it shouldn't matter.

These guys are anti-everybody and innocent people will continue to be savaged by them for as long as they exist. If we can't have some semblance of left unity when it comes to taking down a literal MI5/FBI child trafficking/COINTELPRO op then something is wrong.


*tankie groups and scenes


There is also the fact that Myatt himself was involved in a literal Gladio group, if I remember correctly called column 88, which was a fascist outfit.

He also has a bunch of connections to Ulster Loyalism which is glowed as fuck.

Also the whole idea of the insight role is basically being a fed. Its like a manual for being a fed


Ahahahahaha holy shit, are you seriously trying to invoke “left unity” as an excuse for consorting with reactionaries? Let me tell you a little secret, left unity is a lie. The left is already united under Marxism Leninism. The people championing “left unity” are only anarchists, liberals, and other anti-communist elements, and only do so as a means of subversion. How you are actually dumb enough to fall for it astounds me, but I guess these are the types of people our furfag overlords want on our site now huh?


what do these guys do(online) that you can fuck with? do they have recognizable talking points or frequent 4chan? hope your wearing 7 proxies


Honestly i'd say no. Because these are some of the only people i fear would actually come to house and murder my family or something.


Besides obsessively read everything posted about them, they shill on 4/pol/ and /x/ now and then, do stuff on telegram, and have a fuckton of sites and blogs. Worse things going on I'm sure since they're all pedos. I know they've had swatting rooms and rooms where they posted videos of themselves raping women but no idea where those would be (also telegram probably).

Most of the important sites are listed on the sidebar of their main one, o9a.org.


I'll link some specific accounts that would be good to report.

Main site (report to dreamhost)

Main O9A youtube channels left

TOB's main vector for publishing books at this point

Myatt's twitter


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Not today, CIA


That’s a funny accusation since your kind literally owes its existence to the state department


>your kind literally owes its existence to the state department
What the fuck are you talking about anon?


Anarchism primarily owes its existence to the US government, as a method of dividing and weakening any resistance to capitalism, with the remaining movements then being easy to crush due to lack of centralized leadership


>not your personal army
Y not tho?

>doesn’t exist

You don’t know what you’re talking about


You know what glows is randomly inserting you’re hyper sectarian takes when adults are trying to talk about things


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>Anarchism primarily owes its existence to the US government
Is this what passes for anti-anarchist propaganda on normie-internet now? No uygha. You Glow.


Does anyone have info dumps of their texts? They have publications but they've been mostly scrubbed from the internet. I want to understand their thinking and ideology.


Also I do enjoy gawking at a bit of schizo-occult bullshit sometimes.


Ohohohohoho, the identityfag wants to talk to ME about being an adult. Oh man this is rich, what was Bee too busy or something?


OP here. It's been a little bit for me and I've mostly only retained what's useful for understanding their political side or for mocking them but I'll give it a go.

They have probably tens of thousands of pages of bullshit to their name but these are the core works, all by David Myatt under his Anton Long pseudonym

The Sinister Tradition - This is actually two books, The Black Book of Satan and NAOS. TBBS is their main book on "ceremonial magic", which in O9Aspeak means groupworking ("hermetic magic" is what they call solo workings). Basically what you'd expect. Lots of black robes, lots of sex, lots of oaths of loyalty and secrecy under penalty of death, human sacrifice. NAOS is their main book on Hermitic magic, and the far more interesting of the two. About half of it is concerned with this absolutely schizophrenic game they play called the star game, which is basically 4d chess from Star Trek but irl, and is one of the main ways they practice magic (basically they say all people can be represented by tone of 9 combinations of the pieces on the boards so if you replicate someone's personality type you can cast magic on them). Also gets into the aeons and the civilizations and magical styles associated with them, basically Spengler plus a bunch of autism (did you know the civilization of Albion predates Hyperborea?). And it gives the Immortal Script, which is a set of sigils, talks about the Dark Gods a bit and gets into the causal/acausal shit.

Hostia - A compilation of various articles which were originally released in booklet form (Hostia 1-3) and then compiled into their current version. This one's all over the place. A series of letters where Myatt and Michael Aquino argue over whose "infernal mandate" is bigger. Lot of stuff on human sacrifice (which they call culling btw), lots of stuff on infiltration and manipulation, lots of stuff on aeonic magic, which is basically psychohistory from Foundation except Nazi and satanist. Interestingly, a couple articles on how O9A doesn't condone child abuse because only people over the age of 16 can prove worthless enough to cull or abuse (they also claim to be anti-patriarchy and pro-LGBT in a lot of their material). This can pretty much be discarded since Myatt himself wrote a story about molesting a girl aged 14 for O9A's private journal, Fenrir, but he still gets very mad to this day if you say that he or O9A in general are pedophiles. Oh yeah, I think it's Hostia that includes that claim that O9A's black magic caused the downfall of the USSR. Definitely the least boring and most dangerous of the O9A books I've read (besides TOB stuff when it comes to the dangerous part).


Then there's the Deofel Quartet, later expanded to the Deofel Quintet. This is collected in Sinister Tales along with some of Myatt's short fiction. This is the last major O9A work I've yet to read but I know there's a lot of human sacrifice and lesbianism in it and that a lot of the protagonists are women. One of the things he likes to point to when he feels like pretending to be progressive (the lesbianism and female protags, not the culling).

The Sinister Way is another really important one but this is just a collection of The Sinister Tarot along with some articles from Hostia.

And then for Tempel ov Blood stuff there's really only two.

Liber 333 is the main TOB book. Basically the Undead Gods (same thing as Dark Gods) live behind a gate on Saturn and by doing evil shit irl to innocent people you can open that gate a little. The main thing you should do (besides crime and inspiring or engaging in terrorism) is astral whampyrism, where you use your whampyric tendril to suck out people's blood essence. That blood essence gets fed upward in the blood family (TOB) and the Blood Father (Joshua Sutter) and Blood Mistress (his wife Jillian Hoy) have the most of it but they can share it with you if you're a good boy. Like a pyramid scheme but with vampires and pedophilia. Also there's this dude called Drill Sergeant Grey who's a grey alien who wants to do BDSM to you and destroy your mind and that's a good thing. And you should only eat meat so you turn into a "lithe noctulian predator".

Then there's TOB's novel Iron Gates, which I don't wanna go into too much. Hilariously horribly written but atrocious enough that it's not too hilarious. Just about every horrible thing you can think of is in this book. Post-apocalyptic gore porn novel about an evil satanic intelligence agency brutalizing people after a nuclear war basically.


Oh yeah and another thing from the Myatt books, the overall goal of aeonics is to found the Galactic Imperium, which will spread life to other planets before it too inevitably decays. The guy who's gonna start the process of getting us there is called Vindex, who's basically gonna be Hitler plus the Antichrist and will cleanse the earth of magianism, Myatt's word for Judaism, Christianity and leftism. He isn't necessarily going to be a he (or even white according to some stuff Myatt wrote later) but he'll kick off the current aeon (which began with the birth of Hitler) properly.


AND I forgot something about TOB. The goal of all the grey alien BDSM, keto and vampirism is to get yourself possessed by the Undead Gods so you can become a shocktrooper in their army and help burn the earth to a crisp once they're freed.


You know OP I don't know if you're a veteran but back when this board was on 8chan but an actual Satanfag believing in this shit showed up and was the board's lolcow for a good few months due to all her schizoposts about Aryan intergalactic conquest and whatnot. She even was forced to post nudes since someone deliberately got a 666 get and demanded them lmao


This thread is probably the worst place to be revealing this since Niners read literally everything that gets posted about them but I was actually a /pol/fag back in the 8chan days. I did pop in and out to troll and I caught the thread on the Rural People's Party but I don't remember an O9A e-thot. Shame that isn't archived somewhere.


>AND I forgot something about TOB. The goal of all the grey alien BDSM, keto and vampirism is to get yourself possessed by the Undead Gods so you can become a shocktrooper in their army and help burn the earth to a crisp once they're freed.
So just Magik'ing yourself in to doing a school/sanagogue/workplace shooting? got it.


Essentially, yeah. Just be as evil as possible and start preparing to carry out terrorism as you communicate with the cult leaders on a service we make you use that turns info directly over the to feds.

It was the autistic white guy version of the FBI having an agent go to a mosque and start handing out books about jihad so they can scoop people up.

TOB's private journal, Predator, is what had those drawings of kids being abused that I mentioned in it. And that was the first thing you got directed to if you expressed interest in the group. Probably assuming too much of AWD Nazis here but like 70% of the ones who got busted were reported to have cp in their possession and I wonder if at least some of that wasn't copies of Predator.

Whole thing was a very obvious honeypot.


Other people in this thread have posted information, knowledgable information. You’ve posted sectarianism, ignorance and now complaining about me having a trip and that’s all. All of it useless. All of it mindless, all of it low quality, all of it toxic to the overall vibe of the board. So shhh. Unless you have something relevant or interesting to contribute. No crying about anarchists while you remain a “Marxist Leninist” online only does not count, and anyway it’s off topic.


Nah she wasn't O9A, iirc she thought they were bad because they did animal sacrifice, which apparently Satan doesn't support. Satanfag was part of some other neo-Nazi Satanic cult thingy, and apparently believed the Jews were literally an alien hivemind. Her beliefs were arguably weirder than O9A shit


Probably Joy of Satan lol. Basically boomer O9A. Less edgy, puppeted the National Socialist Movment (US, not Colin Jordan's NSM) instead of Atomwaffen and has a geocities tier website instead of a big web of cool looking ones like O9A.


They make it for it by arguably being more outlandish. Gays are apparently fine and Hitler had no problem with them, but Jews are literally made of evil, aren't even human, and should be exterminated. Most Nazis aren't that mask off about genocide, usually when pressed they'll cover up with stuff about "sending people back to their homelands" and "merely" putting the Jews in ghettos. And then of course there's the shit with the aliens


Lmao what's the shit with the aliens?


Take the vril pill


Pull up a chair, this one's a doozy.

So long story short, Joy of Satan believes that Satan and his fellow demons, who also happen to be the pagan gods of the world religions, were members of an alien species called Nordics that come from the constellation of Orion. They're fighting a war against evil Nordics (angels) and the Reptilians, an evil species that wants to establish communist slave societies across all planets as a means of extracting resources. To that end, the Reptilians have made artificial species, the Greys and the Jews, both of which are soulless hive minds, Jews in particular however have the cunning of their Reptilian creators so they're actively malicious rather than just puppets.


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Holy shit. The JOS vs O9A feud is so much better now. Like two mental patients arguing over which of them is Napoleon except it's about whose satanic nazi space empire is better.

And Martinet Press were the ones publishing TOB standouts like Iron Gates, which had cannibalism, rape, necrophilia, child sacrifice and a plot to repopulate the post-nuclear war world with inbred mutants in it. Almost baffling to me that this Sutter thing only got like 3 mainstream articles and 2 of them were deleted but then I remember Mockingbird "was" a thing.


There's also the fun fact that Andrea Herrington, the woman who runs JoS, is a self hating Native American. Speaking of Iron Gates, anybody got a pdf copy of it or something? I've always wanted to read it for myself, cuz I do enjoy edgy literature.


Why not do nothing instead and let them fail on their own?


I don't think there is a pdf. It's still on ebay, along with the sequel, which is even worse. But if you insist on reading it then get a P.O. box or something, I imagine it's illegal under the obscenity laws of most jurisdictions. Not that anything will probably happen, tons of people have read Iron Gates, but it's worth being careful over.

Same goes for False Prophet and Choronzon, TOB's journals, if you ever decide to read those. Bought almost all of MPs output plus Predator, the private journal, at once without knowing what to expect beyond edgy O9A stuff and I seriously wish I'd been more careful. Still half-expecting a knock on the door.


I don't think it's at all a sure thing that they will fall on their own. The Sutter thing cost them a lot of credibility in the US but they're still massively expanding in other parts of the world. Those Russian nexions that are literally trafficking kids and guns and networking with banned Nazi groups like NRM FInland are all new. As was that Filipino nexion I mentioned shutting down. There's still a ton of O9A inspired black metal coming out too.

On the other hand, if enough is done it's absolutely possible to severely cripple them, especially at the current moment. The Sutter thing has them off balance, there are signs of disagreements in the inner circle, one of the main nexion leaders in the Balkans was doxxed recently, the main O9A guy on telegram was doxxed and scared off, I and others have had a fair bit of success in deplatforming them here and there.

Also what I said earlier, the longer they exist the more people they kill, the more women they rape, the more kids they molest and the greater the chances that one or more of them slip through the feds fingers and manages to pull off a large scale attack.


Eastern European nexions rather. Russia is the center of that shit in Eastern Europe but they also have a major presence in the Baltics, in Poland, in former Yugoslavia and in Finland.

Related: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20211203-five-arrested-in-finland-over-far-right-terror-plot


Yeah see I dont want to give any of my money to psychotic neo-nazis if I can avoid it, I emphatically refuse to buy it. Besides, like you said, I'd probably get the FBI knocking on my door.


Probably a healthier attitude than mine. Lets just say you're not missing anything. It's the literary equivalent of Salo if Salo was written and directed by a meth addict with downs.


>fed-run satanic nazi group
Sage is cumming his pants right now.


Oh but I enjoy schlock. You're talking to someone who enjoys a good game as Taboritsky in TNO, so pointless edge is right up my alley.


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There is a PDF of Liber 333 and that's a lot of fun. Has everything I mentioned when talking about it earlier plus very edgy and bad fiction and some of the worst art I've ever seen. Here's Drill Sergeant Grey.


Also no pedoshit or toddler sacrifice so I'd recommend it over Iron Gates. Iron Gates has some enjoyable parts tbh but those are outweighed by how insanely fucked up other parts are. Maybe the most unpleasant shit written since Sade.


Ah damn I've already read Liber 333, read pages from it on voice chat back in the day with some friends, it was quite a laugh. It was also where I learned of the term "octoroon"


What evidence exists for for them glowing?


Wish there was more actually enjoyable O9A writing I could recc you but Myatt is almost as repetitive as James Mason and somehow more boring despite being 10x crazier.

I'll read Sinister Tales/the Deofel Quintet later this month when I have some more time so if this thread is still up by then I'll post anything funny that I find.

Did you read the thread?


>Did you read the thread?
NTA but which posts.

I just came to say that their members are really good at getting caught by feds.


Hey anon. It shouldn't be high-risk if you're internet-based and anonymous and not revealing any (and I mean ANY) identifying info, but it would be good to start making some press packs for journalists or people wanting to carry your legacy. Get a trail and process going of proofs.


Jesus fuck, they apparently also have a book called the "Rape Anthology". I'm reading through it right now and so far I've gotten to no rape whatsoever, except the assault on my eyes from having to read a /pol/tard throw a fit over Hindu mysticism because Indians are "poo skins" and thus any real Hitlerist should discard them.


Never heard of press packs and that's a good idea.

Tbh though I've spoken to a few journalists and researchers about this and to more by proxy and no naming names but a lot of the people who talk about them are weird egotists who are more concerned with getting a scoop than taking these guys down and who don't collaborate with each other. Part of it obviously is that if you're a journo looking into these guys you don't immediately trust some rando who comes along and tells you what you're getting wrong or drops you a link. But even among each other there's too much clout chasing and not enough boosting, although they do have some common channels.

A lot of the coverage does need something like press packs though. Almost all of it is some combination of sensationalist in a way that benefits O9A's narratives about themselves, overly trusting of Myatt and other O9A sources or completely unwilling to ask the question of state involvement.

The one major exception are these guys, who I'd recommend to anyone wanting to know more. They've done just as much research as me if not more and are able to balance the danger and absurdism of O9A really well. Making it clear that they're clownish losers while not minimizing them. Coincidentally I'm sure, they're committed leftists and most of the really terrible coverage of O9A comes from libs.



Yeah that's a compilation of shit from the Rapecast podcast, which was a semi-parodic O9A podcast. Kind of the post-ironic approach to O9A where you meme about how ridiculous it all is but also sincerely want to rape women, smoke meth and exterminate everyone who isn't O9A (forgot to mention, these guys hate "mundane" whites too).



Tldr they're really good at getting suspiciously let go by feds too


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Woah that podcast looks interesting. I like anything on the left connecting the greasy, photophobic far-right to the mainstream, military-threaded one.


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I dont get any of this stuff?
So their Nazi 'Satanists' but they also believe in ayyliems? (>>646330)

What do they even believe in? :D:D:D

Also dog wins in the end oh-ghey sadantards?


JOS apparently believes in aliens, O9A believes in a pantheon of eldritch gods beyond good and evil (but mostly they're evil) in a realm beyond time (except it just has a different kind of time but shut up, we call it acausal so it's beyond time).


That's another thing worth mentioning actually, they don't really believe in Satan per se. One of the Dark Gods is called Satan but he's not the figure from Christianity whatsoever, he's a giant chaos dragon that lives in the acausal and fuggs Baphomet, who isn't a goat headed intersex demon but an edgy version of the mother earth archetype, the mother of blood. Baphomet is generally who opfers (culling victims) are dedicated to iirc.


That's tene all over. Most of the O9A stuff is early on, a series of 20-25 eps, but they're in the middle of an arc on the history of American fascism that's also really really good.


Why are they so hooked on childish notions like 'Good' and 'Evil'? my 6 year old niece and her friends have a more nuanced understanding of reality than this meme shit.


Because they're psychotic perverts like 90% of hardcore fascists and they already wanted to do evil shit. It's the edgy, psychopathic version of new age crystal moms getting into western distortions of tantra because they want to fuck a lot but want it to have a spiritual sheen.


It also gives them a sense of community and validation, I'd guess.


That too. One thing that's really telling and disturbing about O9A is that a fucking ton of these people aren't even out of their teens. The inner circle ranges from 30s-70s but there are an awful lot of young kids getting caught up in this. Your typical bullied teens with a personality disorder or two usually. It's kind of an ideologized version of school shooter sentiments for a lot of these people, comparable to incel shit in that respect. The fucking mundane sheep just don't get that I'm better than them, a sinister wolf that's meant to prey on them like cattle.

It's absurd but where there's not total psychopathy behind it there's very real pain. Same with "normal" accelerationists and even your basic /pol/ Nazis, it's just a matter of degree. Which is why I can understand these people and even sympathize with some of them to a point.


Empathize rather



lmao any more damage than what b00t did to them by outing them all as transhumanists?

i'm good, i wouldn't bother with wignats and their schizo agiprop unless you have a plan to use them as an example, i personally like the colombian treatment, but outing them as faggots was a pretty good start, i mean how many of them are left after what happened back then? lmao


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you give them way more credit than they deserve
i've been involved with leaders of the local fascist organizations and they're also all terminally online faggots lmao.
just remind them that they're faggots and just watch them pull out the homo-fascism cope,
from there just remind them that veteran faggots have and will beat the shit out of their twink asses into a redemption arc
seriously, they didn't even caught with b00t before they also skeddaddled and gave up
and they haven't caught me yet
they're nice enough to invite me to their compound and i just tell them "ya, no thanks" lmao
that's quite literally their best bet. i mean that and hoping i get in prison althought, not really since i got family and friends of the family there.
i've had knives pointed at me since i was 4 years old, i was the only real muscle they ever had, the rest were all random skinny-fat incel kids who got picked from alt right spaces and the most sissy feds they could issue for these operations.
seriously, even their magic is trash since they're stuck with fourth rate hindi rituals and pseudo buddhist meditation attempts.


>sabinyak used to be a retarded fascist skinhead
wow it all makes sense now you must have suffered permanent brain damage from those years of LARPing in the streets because your posts are abysmal


be trans do praxis

Shay can be the next b00t and use their knowledge of fascist theory to infiltrate and sabotage their local atomwaifu sect and release sex tapes.


see this:


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>just remind them that they're faggots and just watch them pull out the homo-fascism cope,


Is already discussed a fair amount in the eso hitler thread if I’m not mistaken this poster has posted in there


>i've been involved with leaders of the local fascist organizations and they're also all terminally online faggots lmao.
Of course this annoying namefag pretend-anarchist faggot is a closet fascist. pottery.
kill yourself


So are milder Nazis like Fuentes and Greg Johnson and a huge portion of the left, who cares? It's funny because of the hypocrisy but when I say psychotic perverts I don't mean trans or gay.


>Myatt's twitter
<Also check out Myatt he's pretty cool.
<We now follow hebdomadary and have ceased all legally questionable activities. We dindu nuffin. We're good boys now.
Lmao at his damage control. Is this some kind of sinister dialectic 4D chess?


Imo it's Myatt having a deep psychological need to see himself as some master schemer who's a man of many faces constantly pulling the wool over the eyes of the cattle. Same reason he has like 20 pseudonyms. Unfortunately for him he's a dumbass who doesn't bother to change his writing style and he has a very identifiable one. As far as the we're peaceful now thing goes, he'd already been doing that since 2011 with Numinous Way ofc (while continuing to promote Nazism and O9A on the side) but this is even more apolitical than NW and is a result of him being tired of being associated with Atomwaffen, feds like Sutter and pedos like Fleming (despite being a pedo himself and in all likelihood a fed).


>seriously, even their magic is trash since they're stuck with fourth rate hindi rituals and pseudo buddhist meditation attempts.
Not sure where you're getting this from either. The main influences on their magic are WIcca and Myatt's shallow understanding of astrology and alchemy. Besides the rituals in the Black Book, which read like they're from an old Satanic Panic paperback, not a book of magic, mainly what O9A does when it comes to magic is use crystals, chant (because vibrations are magic or whatever), use their super special and evil tarot deck and play the star game. And they consider infiltration and subversion a form of magic as well.

Very little Hindu influence though. Joshua Sutter and Jillian Hoy loved Kali and Hindu aesthetics but it was like Myatt liking jihadism.


Also Myatt explicitly says Buddhism is useless bullshit without elaborating in The Sinister Tradition and Hostia. I suspect he's not a fan for the same reason Rosenberg wasn't but who knows. Also not an influence in any case.


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This shit is just egoism for edgelords


Fleming isn't a fed, he's an edgelord running a nexion around the Leeds area in the UK, you can find out a lot about these people pretty easily. You have to follow leads with National Action (UK based far-right group classes as terrorists) and you'll find who/what/where why they're in say Lithuania. You'll find them in the Balkans too, some nexion in Croatia got outed trying to infiltrate the orthodox church….if you keep looking around the Balkans you'll find some interesting 'not a murder' activity in Serbia surrounding Russian troll farms and these fuckers.

Didn't read whole thread, contributing a few bits of info because I feel a sense of duty to. I could expand on some stuff, let's see.



My bad, following up on Lithuania and National Action, links to o9a inner circles conducting pedo and terror shenanigans, which can also give you some links to Detroit too. Serbia, certainly but I think when it gets to places like that you're in the wild west so to speak, not sure how much you'll find out about that easily or if at all.

To get actionable info you kind of need to know as it's happening, chasing links around the Eastern Block and the UK is illuminating but not imo the most fruitful way of acting against them. Going to have to insight role them which is not really desirable. To get the real information you're going to have to be willing to do illegal things or be a fed. This shit gets tricky. You could befriend some dweebs who don't do shit pretty easily and go from there but things *will* need to escalate to get to a meaningful level.

Otherwise following around the usual cast of characters give you snippets. Turn out Ryan Fleming got nicked again, this time for grooming kids, which he openly posted about on fb. You can't make these fucking cunts up.


Yeah I'm not under any illusions that I'm going to shut them down or anything, just trying to vastly decrease their internet presence and fuck with the inner circle, who are mostly all very online. You have to be willing to do illegal shit even to research them though. Like I said earlier, some of their books absolutely qualify as violations of obscenity law in some places.

I'm assuming by Lithuania you mean Feurkrieg Division? What's their connection to Detroit?


Yes the inner circle are terminally online but trolling them imo isn't going to do much and what I mean by illegal isn't anything related to snooping, reading pdfs, what I mean is you're unlikely to be trusted unless you're participating in crimes you do *not* want to i.e. sharing CP and other heinous things. They fucking love opposition, bring angry, coming after people so please exercise some caution. The best thing to do imo is go down a rabbit hole of who knows who and out them in/on social media they're using to infiltrate etc.

Lithuania is a mix of that with ties to prominent NA figures and o9a. Like this Ivan fella who made some pals in the UK (o9a)

I can't drop too many names but I can tell you to look up an American man living in Lithuania who molested children in broad daylight during some murky circumstances that I can't talk too much about. He lived with a member of the order. He's from Detroit, I can link him to some Bad Men. This is our Detroit man in Lithuania:

You should dig around what hope not hate has, they know a lot of these characters intimately too. Would be a bit silly of me to share too much here, sadly. Wish I could share more than I have, keep it up, there's many of us out there comrade.


Do TOB say why they want to do this?
It would seem no-one, not themselves or anyone else, has anything to gain.

>be Sumerians circa. 3000BCE

>worship gods who teach you the invention of writing
>and how to build cities out of clay
> civilisation lasts 3,000 years

>be popular Jewish magician circa 0 BC

>get fingered to the Romans by religious establishment
>get nailed to a cross
>teachings inspire civilisation lasting 2000+ years

>be Temple ov Blood circa 20XX

>worship Undead Gods
>Earth burnt to a crisp


Not in so many words but basically just because it's super evil. Actually, TOB/Martinet Press literature is fucking full of stuff that implies that the material is harmful to anyone who follows or practices it. Like there's an early issue of False Prophet that says that TOB is one big culling operation and its members are dross who deserve to be sacrificed. The possession stuff in L333 isn't you uniting with your higher self or anything but literally being displaced by anti-human demons and losing control of your body and mind. The dietary stuff is obviously harmful. L333 tells you to snort grave dirt, which is a terrible idea from the pov of traditional necromancy.

And L333 isn't the only TOB book to treat possession as a "good" thing either. The Black Path and Goetia Daemonium both get into that a lot. Goetia Daemonium for example says that you shouldn't use circles or banishing rituals and that you should try to become totally enslaved by the demons you summon. Jillian Hoy wrote on iirc her goodreads that she was raped and possessed by a demon when she was a teenager.

TOB members all cut and whipped themselves too and there were persistent rumors that they engaged in some pretty hardcore BDSM in their irl meetups. Also that Joshua Sutter had his pick of them, guys and girls. Not to kinkshame anyone who's sane and not in a satanic cult but when I say BDSM I'm only half-joking, it basically was a BDSM cult.

This is a really big difference between TOB writings and Myatt's writings. Myatt's all about empowerment. They both tell you to do evil shit but Myatt does it because of a vulgar Nietzschean drive towards total freedom and self-overcoming and he repeatedly says that evil is a means to an end and that eventually you should move beyond both sinister and numinous.

For TOB the evil was the only point and there was no sense of it being liberatory or leading to any kind of ultimate goal like the Galactic Imperium in Myatt. It was just an endless self-destructive spiral of depravity and insanity that ended when you were finally turned into a fleshpuppet for lovecraftian beings who want to eradicate humanity.


I say was but TOB is still active somehow, even after the Sutter revelations. They just put out a new edition of Predator and a booklet called Secret Lolita Drako Noktul. If this Predator is anything like the previous three it'll have a drawing of a kid being whipped or spanked in it but if someone with a stronger stomach and more of a spine than me wants to buy it, I'm extremely curious about how it tries to frame the fact that TOB is confirmed to be an FBI operation.It's on commandantcultus's ebay if anyone feels like being a retard.


Tripleposting now but I should clarify that I don't think that there's a meaningful difference between the actual goals of Myatt and TOB. Neither can be taken at face value and both have as their real objective simply causing as much chaos as possible. How much that's motivated by Gladio/COINTELPRO type shit and how much it's motivated by Nazi accelerationism is anyone's guess but I think it's a mix and that Myatt for his part clearly actually believes in Nazism whether or not he's working with the feds. Probably an Ordine Nuovo type situation where he thinks he's using whatever intelligence agency he's working with as tools in his 300 autism score galaxybrain Nazi Hari Seldon larp while in reality they use him.


So this is interesting and all, but my question is where does Anti-Cosmic Satanism fit into all this? As an avid black metal listener myself, there are several bands who promote the views of the Temple of the Black Light, formerly known as the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, in their music. Off the top of my head I can name Dissection and Watain but I'm sure there's others. TotBL and O9A have similarities in their veneration of the "acausal" and this idea of "advancing a sinister dialectic" aka doing "evil" to advance the cause. But while O9A seems to advance evil purely for its own sake and seeks to create a dystopia for everyone, TotBL portrays their anti-cosmic eldritch monsters beyond space and time as ultimately being a force for good, as the forces of the "causal" are led by the tyrannical Demiurge. There's other shit to compare and contrast, but is there any connection between Anti-Cosmic Satanism and O9A? And if so how much?


>O9A seems to advance evil purely for its own sake and seeks to create a dystopia for everyone
This misperception is my fault but no that's TOB specifically. O9A as exemplified in Myatt does evil for the sake of evolving beyond humanity and creating an occult Nazi space empire. TOB calls for evil for the sake of evil. The two strains predictably get pretty jumbled together when you're talking about what the average O9A influenced fascist believes but in general terms they're distinct.

I'm not an expert on Anticosmic Satanism but from what I know about it, there are a few major differences and points of overlap. First and foremost, O9A as embodied in Myatt's writings isn't anticosmic. Acasual energy is chaotic, amoral and in a sense hostile to life but the Dark Gods aren't there to free you from the shackles of an earthly prison, they're there to create and evolve life within the casual. Obviously the Imperium is a causal/material goal. Another big difference is that C218/ACS uses a ton of goetia and kabbalah while O9A has thrown together an occult system it claims is completely dejudaized. Overall, ACS seems to have much more of a serious emphasis on ceremonial magic and study whereas O9A is all about getting you to go out and do real world evil. For O9A that's a big part of their "magic" and they have a lot of disdain for people who sit around reading books and doing ritual all day without doing evil in the real world.

When it comes to overlap, the main one I'm aware of is that early ACS literature used a lot of the same terminology as O9A. Causal/acausal, nexions. Fallxifer was originally a Dark God from the O9A pantheon. I'd have to read up on ACS in depth to say too much more but it's obvious that the early MLO guys were reading Myatt.


>insight role
there was a post here a few weeks ago where some schizo asked to be given an insight role and listed his qualifications. i had no idea what the hell it meant, did he mistake this place for a recruiting spot?


Another point of intersection, TOB specifically was much more syncretic than "old school" O9A and this included combining O9A with gnosticism and with ACS in particular. The Devil's Quran, The Black Path and a good deal of the stuff in Choronzon are all gnostic, some of the stuff in Chroronzon is even ACS specifically. Martinet Press also published a book from Asha Shedim, who is ACS although seemingly not particularly well regarded in that community, which tends to have disdain for O9A. I've spoken to a few anticosmic practitioners and they tend to see all the shit about politics, "aeonic magic" and insight roles as a focus on mundane things to the exclusion of the rigorous ceremonial magic that it takes to free you from the cosmic prison.

But just to emphasize this point, the differences between TOB and "traditional O9A" were aesthetic. These people all knew each other behind the scenes, they were all working towards the same ultimate goal, they participated in projects together. The narrative that there's a "good O9A" represented by Myatt, Chloe and the ABG Lodge and a "bad O9A" represented by TOB and Drakon Covenant is complete nonsense. All the people in the former camp have either written pro-pedophilia works of their own or published pro-pedophilia works and all of them call for terrorism and crime.


That or this place gets shilled by Niners and one of them told a newbie to come here to get their instructions. They do shill /x/ and /pol/ pretty hard. What were his qualifications?


something about journalism i think? i thought he was a lost boomer or a clumsy fed, all i remember is thinking "what the hell is 'Insight Role(ONA)'"


The only thing that makes me think it probably was someone who was lost is that in Myatt you choose your insight role yourself, it's not given to you. There's a lot of talk about guidance from people who are further along the sevenfold way (the O9A path/initiatory system) than you are but he repeatedly says the most they can do is offer wisdom and advice, not marching orders. But that could very well have been modified in some private O9A groups, I'm not in all of them.

As I said about their infiltration of anarcho-nihilist scenes or the RPP, it's very much not unheard of for these guys to try to infiltrate leftist spaces. Do you get many posters calling for violence and terrorism?


>Do you get many posters calling for violence and terrorism?
This is a shit metric. Many people are pro violence, etc. and it's not helpful to go the lib way of pretending anyone who does is a agent provocateur/undercover/or now, '09A agent.


Granted but the way in which Niners do it is usually pretty obvious if you know what to look for. They tend to be shit at actually reading up on the groups they try to infiltrate so anything that calls for violence in the context of a serious, reasoned analysis you can pretty much rule out. Anything latching onto the edgiest parts of leftism with little content besides that, especially if it's presented in an aestheticized way, might be Niners.

As I said, it's not some ridiculous conspiracy theory, they fuck with online communities all the time. They're infamous for it in satanist and fascist circles, they target occult boards like /x/ and /fringe/ a lot and they used to do it to everyone when they were on fbi.gov. I think I mentioned earlier having spoken to Ryan Fleming. That was in an O9A fbi.gov server that did Jonestown themed ops to try to psyop Christians and Marxists into killing themselves. Good example of what I mean about them being very unsubtle.


Heh. I mean d1sc0rd assuming there's anyone reading who doesn't know the word filters here. They're probably still on fbi.gov.


i've actually seen some of these types on /lit/ and in some /lit/ dickswords, although they're a bit more muted and self-aware on there. they're still massive cancerous shitters though


Yeah, /lit/ too. Haven't gone there in ages so I'm not sure how active they are these days but there was a massive O9A thread years back that clearly had Niners shilling it.

Also that /lit/ schizo e-boy might be a Niner. Did a review of Hostia or The Sinister Tradition, I forget.


OP here again (I'm most of the posts in this thread). If anyone wants they can email me at [email protected].

Been reading the old esoteric nazism threads and there were mentions of trying to get some common channel together to research these guys, which is something some people I sometimes help with research have been talking about as well. The high level journos who talk about O9A already have common channels as I said earlier but it would be nice to have something available to regular people. Seems to be a good amount of people here with.

If something already exists I can probably get a vouch or two to prove I'm not a Niner or whatever if a full thread of me airing O9A dirty laundry isn't enough.


*people here with knowledge of O9A


Nobody has brought up the Jimmy Savile (infamous nonce celebrity) connection? IIRC both were members of a cult in Leeds that was lead by a "dark matriarch" that Myatt had an illegitimate child with.


There was an e-celeb from Leeds who made extensive use of O9A imagery while doing book themed skits. Leeds, for one reason or another, is the hotspot for esoteric noncery in the UK.


Hmm, I see. My primary point of interest of intersection between Current 218 and O9A was in the form of politics, such as they're represented. While O9A in general seems to favor some kind of fascist hellscape, cobbled together with other bits of extremism from other ideologies they found edgy, the TotBL types are a little harder to pin down. From what I've seen doing a search on them, many do support fascist and/or social-darwinist ideals and some seem to like Nazi symbolism, but on the other hand you have the frontrunner for Watain coming out vocally against Nazism largely because he correctly identifies that people like him would be among the first in the camps. Part of the reason why they're a bit harder to pin down ideologically I think is due to the consequence of embracing Gnosticism and spiritualism, while they have a similar outlook to the "sinister dialectic" in practice in terms of using "evil", the fact that they largely ignore worldly constructs means that they probably find all that "insight role" shit pointless.

Maybe I'm just rambling and being an idiot, but depending on the ideological leanings of ACS types, they could actually make for a decent ally against O9A, the natural bonus being that they'd have an in depth understanding of the occult that many of us lack.


Completely unconfirmed afaik and it depends on buying into O9A's ridiculous founding myth. Myatt claims O9A was a merger between three esoteric orders, Camlad, the Noctulians and the Cult of the Sun or some shit like that. First and only time I've seen the Saville thing claimed is on that /lit/ thread, where someone posted a probably shopped picture of Saville in occult robes and said he was a member of one of those alleged pre-O9A. Except we have absolutely zero reliable evidence for their existence besides Myatt's word.

Saville did however write an article for the Process Church of the Final Judgement's magazine and they were another fascistic occult group that glowed brighter than the sun. Manson also wrote an article for them. And not just that, Manson lived near them at one point, stayed at a crashpad they frequented at another, claimed to know their founder, and was visited by two of them after being arrested.


>Process Church of the Final Judgement
Wasn't there a splinter group from that one that would kill dogs and put their corpses in public places? Or am I thinking of something else


I'd really need to read their major works before commenting any more on what they believe but I agree, anyone that hates O9A is worth working with in at least a limited way as far as I'm concerned. I've talked to ACS people before though and beyond giving out info they don't really do much. Thing that makes them dislike O9A also makes them dislike anti-O9A activities, they see it all as pointless ime. I've repeatedly read that ACS has its own ties to the far right though so maybe that was just the ones I talked to, hasn't been a ton or anything.

The best allies I've found in terms of trying to mass report O9A shit have been redditors but I got shadowbanned for doing that.


Doesn't ring a bell to me but 90% of my knowledge about the Process comes from reading about Manson. Impossible to overstate just how much they show up in that case.

I do know though that they had a lot of narratives spun about them later on after they'd officially broken up. One of the books that officially kicked off the Satanic Panic, Maurry Terry's The Ultimate Evil, was about the Process as an omnipotent satanic cult responsible for the Son of Sam murders and other serial killings. Also said they'd infiltrated the government and shit.

The Satanic Panic is an entirely different rabbithole and I'd have to check out Terry to make a judgement on what he claims but in general I think most of those SP writers were feds or grifters and that the SP itself was an op designed to mystify other ops, similar to what UFOs are to advanced aeronatuics R&D or what qanon might be to Epstein. So I'm skeptical to say the least.


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> Church of the Final Judgement's magazine and they were another fascistic occult group that glowed brighter than the sun. Manson also wrote an article for them. And not just that, Manson lived near them at one point, stayed at a crashpad they frequented at another, claimed to know their founder, and was visited by two of them after being arrested.
The way you word this seems very different to how it is presented picrel. I am suspicious of everything you have said after looking this one thing up and would implore anons to look everything up rather than take this guy on fath.


Does O9A intentionally spread mythological history to make them seem more important than they are? I remember reading about the Savile thing on /x/ shortly after the scandal broke, I don't know if the archives go that far back. But I've also seen people claim that ISIS was the invention of Myatt's manipulative genius, which was probably started by himself.


I'd implore you to read deeper into the Manson case than Wikipedia.

Here are my sources, all mainstream:
Helter Skelter by Bugliosi
Manson in His Own Words by Nuel Emmons
The Family by Ed Sanders (2nd edition, after he lost the libel lawsuit and cleaned it up)
Tate Labianca Radio
Interviews with the Family members themselves

Been a while since I did my deep dive into Manson but I can almost guarantee I know much more about the case than you do.

Yeah, they do. On some of Myatt's blogs (which are written as if they're by other people of course) he spreads the theory that he's some CIA superspy. He even talks about the Gladio connection. They spread almost anything that makes them look mysterious and intriguing to psychopaths.


That must be why I said the Satanic Panic was a glowop and that I'm skeptical of the more fantastical narratives about the Process right?

O9A, the Process and the Family all exist/existed and there's circumstantial evidence in all cases tying them to intelligence. I'm actually being very restrained in this thread, I'm not the one going off the deep end and saying that Saville is O9A based on a jpg they saw one time on /lit/.


Oh and The Manson File, which was edited by Nicholas Shreck, another occult fascist, but is a great resource.


I remember taking a dive into this rabbithole years ago, but I forgot most of it. The funniest memory was a blog where a bunch of Satanists whined about the O9A members being too gossipy and mean to each other to function, undermining the solidarity of the whole "movement" of Satanists who hate morality. And apparently the Temple of Set (which I think was openly run by a US intelligence guy who had a flamboyant evil persona) and the O9A hate each other for reasons I don't remember.


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Yeah trying to follow this thread is crazy. Seems like a just shoot them sort of problem.>>646292
>So long story short, Joy of Satan believes that Satan and his fellow demons, who also happen to be the pagan gods of the world religions, were members of an alien species called Nordics that come from the constellation of Orion. They're fighting a war against evil Nordics (angels) and the Reptilians, an evil species that wants to establish communist slave societies across all planets as a means of extracting resources. To that end, the Reptilians have made artificial species, the Greys and the Jews, both of which are soulless hive minds, Jews in particular however have the cunning of their Reptilian creators so they're actively malicious rather than just puppets.
We wuz ayyyyylmaos.


yeah i deleted that
also, reading the wiki article about their beliefs, it lines up so well with a bunch of shit that gets shilled on /lit/. also, i remember someone threatening another poster (a kind of leftist) on there that they were part of a group keeping an eye on the poster and planning to kill them


>i remember someone threatening another poster (a kind of leftist) on there that they were part of a group keeping an eye on the poster and planning to kill them
That's literally just called a shitpost anon. Weird to make this connection.


maybe. would be a weird shitpost though


Posted before it showed that it was deleted.

I'm not saying they still exist btw. If you see Process aesthetics or writings being shilled these days it's probably also Niners, since they promote it, or did when they were in control of AWD. There have been a couple of attempts at reviving the actual PCFJ but nothing that's stuck as far as we know.


Oh it gets even better. You see, Orion also stands for "Our Race Is Our Nation" which is the core tenet of national socialism according to these guys, and it makes that acronym because Satan and his demons know that the Fourth Reich will be born in America and have English as the global language. Dunno why it took four Reichs for one to stick, but it probably has something to do with the four arms of the equal sided cross or whatever


what do these mean


Atomwaffen Division and Process Church of the Final Judgement


Nothing but backwashed Nietzche and pseudo-intellectual posturing masking self-indulgent degeneracy. Forget gulags. Firing squads are a more appropriate treatment for these scum.


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I actually found a lot of tibetan war magic stuff
i still like that a bit but i already have Santa Muerte right here so i don't feel like i need to go that far as of lately
i actually recall them not liking wicca stuff despite the fact they're pretty much following wiccas, so there's that. they're still retarded
i mean seeing how their latest stunt was a literal mixed race clown i really wouldn't bother with them unless i just wanted to mess with them for fun.


Forgot to post the actual link to report their main site at.
Address to report is https://o9a.org. That goes down and their entire online presence is in disarray


bump cuz this was interesting



it was the gayest thread not necessarily a bad thing but it was not as interesting as much as it was gay



>tibetan war magic stuff
post some


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you see i'm lazy so i don't have a lot since i got rid a lot of the shit i had from this page a friend of mine used to run, one was this "war shrine" zine thing where he actually talked about a couple things i asked about like monks weapons, dharma enforcement, kshatriyas and karma, and this commune of rogue monk kids who used to go into caves to practice yoga to get "powers" listen to punk music have orgies and do hard drugs
it's mostly retarded and offensive in the sense that karma is not by any means on their side, and any knowledgeable monk/religious figure that had the disgust to meet them wouldn't bother to soil it's hands to slap their face despite it being all they deserve, and that's they being humble and compassionate.


Do you have any more info about this war shrine zine?


>Tempel ov Blood
>le magic play wit spelling
>I am supposed to be impressed

>Drakon Covenant
Is that a Harry Potter LEGO™-set? (20 year anniversary for that product line, BTW!)

>Ryan Fleming was someone who already had a record of child abuse

I know a question! Did he use Harry Potter LEGO:s to attract children?


>Ahahahahaha holy shit, are you seriously trying to invoke “left unity” as an excuse for consorting with reactionaries?

Like Andreas Malm?

>NKVD cap with an anarco-smashie
Nice! Gulag for the smashie then.



not anything i want to share tbh
you can look up on schizoid buddhist nazi pages on facebook.


saw this today(this is not a shock site)



saw that years ago
gringos found out about shock value


Pretty sure that's from sinister memes for sinister teens, which is a long gone fb page. Contemporary of Rapecast back in the days of AWD's peak and had a similar sense of humor to RC.



If you want to fuck with Joshua Caleb Sutter and the Tempel ov Blood, reporting the eBay account the eBay that sells their merch might limit their spread and disrupt their funding.

>Offensive materials policy: Listings that promote or glorify hatred, violence, or discrimination aren't allowed.

>Violence and violent criminals policy: Listings that promote or glorify violence or violent acts, or are associated with individuals who are notorious for committing violent acts, are not allowed.

And for Iron Gates/Blue Bird:
>Illegal explicit content policy: We never allow any listings that include material or items depicting or describing child pornography, whether real or fictionalized. We never allow any listings that include material or items depicting or describing bestiality, torture, snuff films, necrophilia, rape, scat, incest, or other illegal or obscene content, whether real or fictionalized


Dissident views on race would be considered more heretical than Satan worship in the modern world. There is genuine nationalism in O9A too. Read nexion zine, read about the star game and read Naos. Don’t pay too much attention to glow ops like ToB.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


>(currently trying to get dreamhost to drop hosting for their main site).

There is no main site. If it goes down, the body of literature and thoughtform, the fundamental ideas of O9A and the nexions which expand on them will continue regardless. It’s like suggesting stopping a local bookstore from selling the Koran is ‘fucking with islam’.


Where did you even find this?


>Clown on Myatt himself (I'll link his accounts if you wanna participate). If enough people start fucking with them what's the FBI gonna do, arrest all of us?

Why would you, the FBI or anybody else care about some old man in England who translates Greek literature and used to write about alchemical board games and 'pathei mathos'? What is he actually doing to warrant any attention at this point?

The feds and cranks who occupy the fringes of ONA (ex juche advocate and glowie Sutter etc) are another thing. But how is Myatt answerable for them? Were they ever compelled to listen to him, did he directly tell them to do anything in any case?


Well, here I go. Wish me luck boys and girls


Why do you spend time in right wing communities? It sounds like you're saying right wing presence on 4chan suggests something is amiss.


Personally I don't think directly communicating with these "people" in any form is a good idea. Maybe you know something I don't but I'm sure they cream their pants at the idea of a small group of leftists and concerned citizens want to shut them down as much as possible.
Plus, letting them in on our plans for them would be stupid, if they don't even know who's targeting them they will FUD on each other or think it's Mossad or something. It's the basic rules of e-spats to be clandestine as possible.


If the feds are really involved, I’d rather not stick my nose in.
Good luck though.


>that /lit/ schizo e-boy might be a Niner
which one are you referring to?


what is his full name, has anyone doxxed him? I can think of some ways to fuck with him.



Thought so. I watch his videos sometimes, but I can never tell where he stands politically.


I'm pretty torn on deplatforming as well, since basically no one in the real world knows about ONA or wants what they offer.
I've been doing some searching on the dark web and it LOOKS like ONA has almost no presence there, which is just bizarre considering the dark web is pretty much the only place where people with no morals who would want to sign up for a pedophile ring would be. If ONA migrated to the dark web that would make things harder for us.
As for telegram, you have to be an evangelist Qoomer there, so they would get chased off fast.


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why do we keep obssesing over a group of repressed gay kids that went into hiding 2 years ago again?


1. It's fun to bully them
2. The evidence that it's some sort of GLADIO thing makes it proof of how evil the global capitalist hegemony really is
3. It's going to happen again because glowies love to repeat their mistakes over and over so it's a good case study


that guy's really adamant about stopping discussion in this thread, and also a weirdo in general


Told ya they read everything posted about them lol. For sinister posthuman ubermensch you retards sure do spend a lot of time online.


Nah, they're already on telegram


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violent cult leaders can't be into wacky subcultural stuff


I was thinking about this the other day and I think it's actually wildly inaccurate to call them a cult, at least without caveating the term. Cults like the Family and Jonestown are created when a charismatic sociopath seeks out more or less normal people and puts them through a process of manipulation and brainwashing that turns them into psychos.

With O9A it's almost the opposite. You have a dude who's probably fairly uncharismatic since he never really succeeded at irl organizing but he's created a charismatic fictionalized version of himself that he puts out there along with the edgiest shit imaginable in order to draw in lumpens who are already psychopathic. All so that he can direct their violent and criminal tendencies towards targets that a Nazi accelerationist would want gotten rid of. He half admits this all the time too. If you read his writing as Myatt from his allegedly post-extremist phase he talks a lot about having been briefly involved in O9A because he thought it would make a good "neo nazi honeytrap", by which he means he was trying to recruit occultists into Naziism. He brings this up as a way to explain away his clear involvement in O9A as a way of saying he isn't Anton Long but I wonder if it isn't a real insight into his motivations. I certainly don't think he believes all the satanic shit. He's dumb but he's not that dumb.

Of course, a lot of that would seem to assume that he's not a fed/informant and that O9A isn't an op but idk if it's necessarily impossible that the two things can coexist, Myatt viewing O9A as a cynical tool for spreading Nazi accelerationist terror and Myatt working with the feds. George Lincoln Rockwell was somehow able to send the FBI information constantly while still believing that the US government was controlled by evil Jews. James Mason befriended the cop who eventually sent him to jail for pedophilia despite seeing himself as a hardened revolutionary. Nazis are fucking morons who constantly find excuses to get into bed with the state they believe they're fighting so I think it fits.

Rambly essaypost but tldr I don't think they are a cult, I think they're essentially a Nazi front group


Well to be fair, "sinister" IS Italian for "left", so perhaps they're onto something here


Yeah but we aren't the ones claiming we've evolved into superior beasts of prey by listening to black metal and fapping to gore and cp


Anyways I've read up through chapter 4 of Irony Gaetz and so far we have

>Chapter 1: Simultaneous rape and infanticide followed by prose about how there's crusty baby blood on the soldier's mustache

>Chapter 2: Genuine scene setting and oppressive atmosphere gets completely derailed by pointless male on male fingerrape with really stupid context
>Chapter 3: Character description of some field marshal gets derailed by several pages explaining why Evil Satan Land's military parades of evilness have a burning severed head on a pike
>Chapter 4: Extended pedophilia scene, nuff said

Also every character is described as "psychotic" with apparently being extra super psychotic being a requirement to move up in Evil McSatanville Country. One wonders if all the leadership is so "psychotic" how anything is functional in the slightest, as surely they'd be tearing into each other the first chance they got.

The real "left hand path" is too much for these people


That sounds interesting, could you tell more?


Interesting, I should try searching the dark web more if they are already on Telegram.

This is what amazes me about them, they full on publish pedo rape fantasies and then deny they have any, the gaslighting is beyond amazing.



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if i had wanted to stop discussion in this thread i would've had just ignored it and gone with my shit long time ago
instead i went ahead and gave you knuckleheads all the info i had on every wignat association
my problem is that ya'll keep giving this too much thought as if they were the ultimate threat to literally everyone.
that's my fucking job.

they're either



and those that didn't kill themselves or came out of the closet are back on the CIA offices for some gangstalking or something retarded like that

if you want to get to the root of the problem we already knew that, it's the fucking feds
the systemic lgbt-phobia that keeps alienating middle class faggots into repressing themselves
and incels not being bullied into suicide the moment they decide to make being incels their biggest trait.

keep on with the "discussion" but can we move from the whole "ooo spooky satanist nazis" bullshit?
it's making hanging outside of /siberia/ pretty cringeworthy.


Lmao if you don't care about it then why even come here and tell us about how you don't care? It's just one thread every time.

And as to your other point, we all know it's the feds, but some of us are curious to the who, what, when, why, and most interestingly how.



it's not that i don't care, retard.
i'm just tired of people talking about the spooky satanic part as if it was actually that interesting.


lol Teleglow


If these people come here we will deradicalize them, in accordance with the Foreign Policy article.


>I don't care
>It's not interesting
okay anon


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i mean i don't care about your mom and dad but i still fucked them both last night


muh systemic
also barely anyone in the thread ever really went into the occult side. we’re mostly interested in their crimes and fed connections


New glowie counterterror article out on O9A that looks pretty interesting if anyone has $40 to spare. Post it if you buy it.



I've tried but ebay reports are shit. They don't let you do any kind of writeup so there's no way to provide context, which is something you really need to get anything O9A related taken down.

More high profile guys like Lowles are already meeting with politicians to push for a ban and they've got glow counterterror thinktanks and journals writing about them now. They were featured in a recent counterterror report by iirc DoD and there's an increasing number of politicians in the US that want to designate the siegepill groups they feed off of. In other words they already have to worry about the Mossad so this would just be giving them one more thing to worry about.

David Wulstan Myatt and no but he probably lives somewhere in Shropshire. He dropped a more specific location in one of his books but I can't find it again atm.

Chloe Ortega is definitely the most doxxable of the major figures and has published life ruining shit like defenses of pedophilia. Early 30s Thai/latino woman, short and very skinny. Lives in a mostly white town of 3000 people in Coos County, Oregon. Posts pics all the time on her personal blog 0x87.tumblr.com. Someone good at doxxing could easily get her.


Thanks. Ended up buying the new TOB stuff from CC and I'm too much of a techlet to post pics securely but tldr they say O9A isn't evil enough and explicitly attack the inner circle.

The Satanic Front Handbook calls Myatt an effete wannabe aristocrat or something like that, calls out Chloe for larping like she's in a street gang when she's clearly never been near violence in her life and even takes some shots at Ryan, who used to be Sutter's bff when it came to inter-O9A drama. Mainly it's concerned with advertising the Satanic Front though, which is a super evil paramilitary group that totally exists outside of Sutter's head, and with trying to get prospective members to meet up in person. Even says SF would be willing to work with Laveyans and Setians lol. Also they worship the Dark Forces now, not the Dark Gods or Undead Gods.

The new Predator talks shit about O9A in general but nothing very interesting apart from that, just a bunch of edgy posturing.


>Rural Peoples Party
Those are the schizos who had a “commune” in some forest, with North Korean flags and walls of portraits of Kim Il-Sung, right? Christ, it must be a decade or more since I first read about them. I remember that they had vague ties to North Korean intelligence, as well as ties to American neo-Nazis. Americans are fucked.


Here are a couple good sources on that. They didn't just have shadowy links with DPRK intelligence, they literally made contact with DPRK intelligence, traveled to Pyongyang and were briefly recognized by the DPRK as a legit Juche org. Fell apart when Sutter's race war fedposting got to be too much for the norks and they correctly decided the RPP was an op and dropped it. Crazy story though and probably the most high profile insight role yet.



they seem like nazbol-esque LARPers


Is that Sutter guy a spook or just mentally ill?


feds and spooks use mentally ill people a lot of the time, so could be both




Commandant Cultus



i'm just saying that knowing it's the feds, their past crimes are just as irrelevant as the new wave of fascist propaganda being sold to zoomers
satanism didn't hold up

i know the gringos had GypsyCrusader on the "frontline" recruiting retarded kids for the polyps nowadays
not entirely sure where they get to hang out besides /pol/ and some facebook groups

same down here; edgy middle class incel kids being driven into larping politics on facebook, not really sure how they get to the spanish IB nowadays but i recall a lot of them being *extra* retarded about "keeping it secret" thought is not.

what i mean is mostly, anything we can find is probably already found; if i had to worry about their actions i'd focus on the kids constantly being fed propaganda for whatever remains of the 2016 wave of chinlet uprising.


so yeah, the usual systemic alienation and all that shit.
i assume everyone already knows that but apparently we still have to remind some people about it.

if anyone gives half a shit about the "castizo futurists" they went under many names;


>radio marrano

the most i can assume nowadays is that they're targetting young kids again, as young as 14
you can see them in political facebook groups with fascist pfps
again, this is something systemic so we ought to do the same thing the actual governent is doing with the cartel and going at the root and targetting marginalized and alienated communities and their children to keep them from getting into bad shit.
of course this is mostly middle class kids we're talking?
so i wouldn't say it doesn't matter.
but the closest thing to an actual organization for that is the TAS (tendiendo a lo salvaje) group
which is supposed to be anarchists;
but they definitely took all the aesthetics and "theory" from the wignat book.
that was a common practice in these groups and the "anarcho-fascism" meme
which is why it leads to believe it's some gringo feds trying to sneak across the border… again.



<*irrelevant compared to the new wave of fascist propaganda being sold to zoomers

<satanism didn't hold up so they're back at christianity


like i said, no one really cares about the satanist shit and already realizes it's a dumb aesthetic skin for a cult network. there needs to be investigation into the actual "nexions" and the people that buzz around them for a little too long


also handwaving away actual organizations with reducing them to some systemic stuff is libshit



well. what are you going to do once you know about these organizations?
as we didn't know already?
we knew it from the start most of it since the "beta uprising" school shootings when IBs became mainstream for edgy teens to hang at.
you had /k/ groups being openly monitorized by ATF agents who would often post pics of their offices with timestamp and all that shit.
you had Israel who has actively funded the Cartel and the Azov battalion
in Mexico as far as we know we had 2 parties
the Yunque who gets funding from the organizations you're looking for and "los Tecos" a older organization who has been operating the right in our country for as long as it has been a problem (a organized problem)

here's a PDF if anyone knows spanish and cares about that stuff i can't talk about a lot without doxxing myself


yes, it's the feds, yes, it's the cartel.
and yes it's the fucking

again, i keep giving you retards all the info i have, but what are you going to do with it? as much as i wish i could take on these organizations i know that they main power is mostly systematic.
who benefits from having nazis around larping to attrack the attention from alienated kids?
who benefits from the cartel running with guns in a country where the only civilians that can afford guns are so obsessed with using those guns against poor people?
again, look further for more, i'll keep giving everyone all the info i know.
but keep denying the systemic root of the problem and you might as well be in /pol/ making threads about how the jews control the banks and the transhumanists are brainwashing western women into dyed hair sjw twitter reddit orcs or whatever.
in which case, i don't even have to call you a lib.
i'm still the only one giving info here, but the truth is i'm also the one that's all alone down here in this shithole with all the fascist subhumans, and i'm too fucking tired to keep trying to do stuff all alone, and or the best thing to do is keeping an eye on the retards who know me and deradicalizing the kids that still come at me for some reason.


Interesting report, it's amazing that it points out how crazy the far right has gotten recently.
Interesting that they are either experiencing a real rift after trying to pretend there is a rift but it could be an attempt to pretend they are somehow different from ONA


Has anyone else downloaded this yet? Not trying to sow paranoia but since niners have shown up itt now I was going to wait until a few people did to read it myself.

Yeah that's the question. How much involvement with the feds did Myatt have and how much did he know of Sutter's involvement with the feds? Either way, Myatt doesn't come out looking great. Either he's a fed himself or he's retarded enough to have closely collaborated with a fed for years and to have appointed that fed Outer Representative.

I think it's likely that there has been a real rift. Back during the height of TOB/AWD, Myatt, Chloe, Nikola Poleksic (and some less important people like The Beldam) on the one hand and Sutter and Fleming on the other were taking little shots at each other. They were still working together and their differences weren't Myatt and Chloe being upset about all the rape, pedophilia and promotion of terrorism coming out of TOB (Myatt and Chloe have both called for the same things ofc). But I think there were some ego games going on. Too many lich kings, not enough skeleton warriors or whatever. Sutter's now a known asset so even if everyone involved is a fed of some sort, it makes sense to cut him off and unless all of the aforementioned inter-O9A drama that went on from 2014-2018 was an elaborate ruse then most of the inner circle is going to be happy to see him go.

What I'm really curious about is why Sutter's attacking Ryan Fleming because they always got along. Sutter and Hoy were in direct communication with Fleming, helped him out with Drakon Covenant and seem to have just been mentors to him in general.


it just gives an overview of their online activities as well as some irl stuff and a few points of ideology, at least whatever can be discerned through the mountains of dungeons and dragons tier obfuscation they've put up


I should probably say re the Satanic Front book taking shots at Ryan Fleming that it's only implied. David Myatt is explicitly named, Chloe isn't but is described in enough detail that it can really only be her.

The part I'm taking as an attack on Ryan is a part that shits on "vampiric nexions" and I don't think that could be a reference to anyone besides Ryan/Drakon unless it's a reference to Michael W. Ford (who hasn't been in O9A circles in like 20 years) or TOB itself.


Couldn't "vampiric nexions" mean just about anything considering their obsession with vampire LARP?


Vampires weren't really a thing in O9A before the late 90s/early 00s. From what I understand, Michael W. Ford had a group called Temple of the Black Vampire that was either merged with Tempel ov Blood or that led MWF to bring a lot of retarded ideas about vampirism with him into TOB. You can find Temple of the Black Vampire publications actually and one of them even has a picture of a grey alien so it may have been the inspiration behind Drill Sergeant Grey too.

Ryan Fleming was the guy who really took the vampire larp to the next level though. Partially by introducing werewolves but that's a different story.

But the vampirism shit doesn't appear in Myatt's writing or Chloe's for example, that was something unique to TOB and Drakon.

It could certainly be a reference to some vampiric nexion I'm not aware of though. That or it could be Sutter saying that TOB sucked anyways. Ball's been taken away from him but he didn't wanna play with it anyways kinda thing. So yeah, reading it as a Ryan/Drakon snub could be incorrect.


Your funereal.
>Trying to be humble about this but I'm more well versed on their beliefs and history and the people involved than some journalists who've written about them.
"Journalists" routinely talk about shit they actually know nothing about.


Doubt it. For all the talk about human sacrifice, has there ever been a targeted killing by the O9A? They've attracted a whole host of interfering magians so why aren't those opfers being culled?

O9A is dangerous but it's dangerous in the sense that it's inspiring psychos and alienated teens to commit random acts of violence, not dangerous in the sense that niners will come to your house if you fuck with them. What's probably the biggest threat to messing with these guys is stepping too hard on some fed toes.



not gonna lie, if that was the case i think b00t and i would already be into some shit…
i mean we are but it's no big deal atm.
she's safe-ish in terf island and i'm as safe as anyone with sketchy friends can be in a mexican hellhole.
unless someone decides to let the fashggots become openly political parties like in Spain (which tbh is not as far fetched nowadays as possible but we still have 2 years for that)
even me and b00t will be fine… fine-ish
i mean we won't be any worse than now.


Yeah, I was being schizo with all the comments about black sites and whatever else earlier. Was half joking but it freaks me out to accidentally buy cp in the course of researching this stuff and if it really is domestic GLADIO you have to wonder how dangerous it is. Clearly not too dangerous though when you think about it for a bit or Nick Lowles at least would be long dead given the massive hate boner Myatt has for him.

Is b00ts still an Orthodox larper? Read that she converted after she dropped all the rainbow Strasserism stuff.


>stepping too hard on some fed toes


O9A are actually Maoists and there are links between O9A and Agent Kochinski.


Wish I'd downloaded it but there used to be a vid of a TOB member whipping himself in front of an altar to Stalin and Beria while edgy noise music played in the background.



well she's still into Juche stuff afaik
been checking up on her
making sure she's staying out ouf trouble


Yeah, most of O9A are actually left or center-left.



no, they're just faggots.


Well no, they already proved in this thread that O9A is a marxist group with esoteric leanings.


gigacope. do you really think you can shitpost the exact opposite conclusion after a 100+ post thread with lots of high effort replies simply by getting the last word in? no one even mentioned mautism till you brought it up.


They literally made videos with portraits of Stalin and Mao.


source: dude trust me
Again no one even claimed this until you stepped into the thread. The OP who is de facto most knowledgable and made all the effort posts diving into their personnel and belief systems made it very clear they're neo nazis. Stop your disinfo shit it won't work.


Im not that anon but it's not disinformation. It's a group with no consistency in expressed ideology. Before they were Neo Nazis they were communists and even when they were Nazis they were begging North Korea to Nuke the US and things like that. It's just a religious group for ultra edgelords so it attracts Nazis, and general psychopaths.


Yes and they also explained they did this to be dark and edgy


pretty much yeh



and if you all havent forgot that they're pretty much ran by feds then you'll also know that works in their benefit as they can further the argument that leftism is literally nazism.


.be but I don't think it's that complex on purpose




i mean it was in their hand, they can play that hand, it works on their benefit.
i don't think is as complex as you think i mean.
that's just how sockpuppets work.
it would actually be more complex if it wasn't on purpose.


OP still lurks this thread? If yes does he know how can i find out if there's nexions active in my country?



Facebook, what for?


Memes and cheap trills.


Yeah, I lurk. What's your country?


when i looked into this it seemed like an extreme larp experiment that attracts only a couple of dozen mentally unstable people already suicidal/ ok with the murder suicide option. they had literally less negative influence than elliot rodgers.
like many creepy stuff, its better leave it to people paid to watch em and deal with em legally to avoid leaving your footprints in their honeypots… unless you want to extreme larp too.


>when i looked into this it seemed like an extreme larp experiment that attracts only a couple of dozen mentally unstable people already suicidal/ ok with the murder suicide option. they had literally less negative influence than elliot rodgers.

Clearly not the case anymore so why not try to do what we can against them? Again, I'm not saying we can destroy the group or anything but their internet presence could be a lot less visible than it is if they got more attention from the left, which would mean fewer people radicalized into this insanity.


i got banned from r/coronavirus for posting in a general chat thread a request to debunk an antivax video, their argument was
it was "spam", spreading misinformation… idk, maybe there is some truth behind this even if it was not my intention. it's possible some fights are better be done behind the scene. still pissed at them for treating me like a spammer tho.


So what's the argument here, we shouldn't try to get O9A sites taken down or we'll lose our precious karma? It's reddit dude, who cares? You can always make new ones.


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My country could Hong Kong, Japan or South Korea since you mentioned the philipines i was curious.
Also Japan and SK have loads of US soldiers so it make sense to find some of these psychos here


Not aware of anything in any of those countries. There was some O9A activity in Singapore in the 90s but I haven't encountered any mention of Singapore in O9A texts written since then. Eastern Russia has an O9A presence too, that area right above Mongolia iirc.

Doesn't at all mean they don't exist there though. Despite how hard I sucked my own dick at the start of this thread I don't have nearly complete knowledge about O9A, I just read everything they write that I can get my hands on.

If you wanna check if there's O9A activity in your country, my advice would be to dig into the local black metal scene. Their two main vectors seem to be Siege and black metal. If there's any kind of Laveyan or Setian community in your country maybe find some practitioners and ask if they've had any encounters with O9A. You're probably right to suspect US soldiers as well but idk how you would directly find out about this apart from getting yourself into Niner chatrooms and whatnot.


I respect your efforts, you did only open source investigations?
How would a curious guy like me see what's on the other end of the rabbit hole?
*Basically how do i enter one of their chat rooms?*
*How do I see the real perverted stuff?*


Lmao i fucked up the spoilers


If by perverted stuff you mean their cp and rape rooms, I thankfully have no clue. I can't give you any links but I can tell you that they have a heavy presence on telegram. Make a Nazi alt, get into as many channels and rooms as you can and keep an eye out for links and for people using O9A terminology and symbols.

It's not hard to trick them if you have basic knowledge of Nazism and O9A but you don't even necessarily have to engage with them at all, it's perfectly possible to get into one of their rooms as a lurker as long as your username and pfp look Nazi and have no overtly Christian elements.

They used to have a heavy fbi.gov presence as I said earlier but I have no clue if they're still on there at all, I search every few months and haven't found anything for a year or two. Element.io is another one I'm not too sure about but wouldn't be surprised to see them on.


>you did only open source investigations?
And no, I do both. But I can't be in all rooms at all times and I'm sure that there are people whose focus is more irl than internet-based who would know much more as far as the operations of specific nexions and whatnot.

I just get into every O9A related space that I can find and read whatever O9A related texts I can find. Partly why I shouldn't have been so self-congratulatory itt, it's actually very easy if you're willing to put time and money towards such a niche subject and to take some risk which is probably not very big anyways.


I would warn against actually getting involved myself, it's too easy for entrapment. YOU might want to infiltrate them and find out all about them but that will immediately make it easy to frame you for actually wanting to participate in that kind of shit.
The best thing to do is hover over them online anonymously without actually participating in any of their fbi.govs/etc. It's too much of a risk.
Remember to the feds you are just a dirty commie.



i remember hearing something about that when i was looking for armored campers
i kinda want one.


How easy do you think it is to avoid entrapment? Legitimately curious, I'm assuming if you just told anyone trying to goad you into violence to fuck off that you'd be fine right?

Kinda swing back and forth between thinking that there's literally no danger to being in rooms and buying O9A shit and thinking that the GLADIO police are gonna come get me. But there's gotta be a saner middle ground where if you just take some common sense steps you can avoid getting set up it seems like.



wdym "entrapment"?


Any potential legal consequences of pretending to be a Niner and being in O9A groups online. Idk what those would look like.



It's not about saying no to violence, it's about possessing materials related to an active nazi terrorist organization that are also pedos. We don't hear much about niner arrests because they are all feds, but let me tell you that in Muslim communities people have been entrapped over way, way, less.
One dude literally just posted some controversial videos that did have terrorists sharing their opinions, and the feds went apeshit over him.

>Tl;dr fed pretended to be a Muslim and would constantly ask about Jihad, before that he made friends and pressured some kid into posting terrorist materials, that was enough to get him into house arrest and losing his job, friends, etc, etc

So basically possessing their materials and pretending to be one of them is MORE than enough "evidence" to get you fucked over forever.


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i mean
the last legal consequences i had was the last trans clinic ghosting me because they found my old facebook account.


bruh, why do you have a nazi facebook


couldn't you just tell them ur not a nazi? lol


Maye they aren't pretending lol


Isn't this an entrapment sort of thing?


Lol. Channies stay winning.


You mean the ONA? That's probably a part of it but I mostly see it as a real government-run CP ring.


Basically I see it as a glowie means to an end, a plausible deniability group to do their dirtiest deeds. That's why there are almost no arrests.


>government-run CP ring.
Why would the goverment do that if not for honeypot purpouses?


mbe they like cp too


They do like it, at first I thought it was some sort of honeypot or something but honestly the extreme lack of arrest makes me think it's a smoothbrain version of what Epstein was doing. Collect cp for their own sick pleasure but also for blackmail and other shit like that.
The terrorist side of ONA makes it easy for the government to pull off false flags or just try to terrorize small groups of people.


We have evidence of the CIA doing this specifically too with previous groups like "the finders" who trained their child sex slaves to steal peoples IDs and stuff.
I know I sound like I'm going off the rails with this shit but I don't see it as a massive Satanist conspiracy but the US government creating cults with bizzare enough "belief systems" to distract the general public from their ties to the government.


Then again that could just be my personal biases talking as I guess I have to reveal myself to be one of "those" Satanists myself who have been trying to get rid of these people for the sake of honest reporting on this shit.
Regardless, it can't be a honeypot without producing arrests.


Are you Aleph?


that makes sense but I think there is also overlap between chomos, people with weird sinister esoteric beliefs and powerful figures in society. All of that is pretty dark tetrad as well, so I think a lot of it is personal inclination for these types of people.


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i had like 3
xcept the last one was on my new number because by the 2nd one i had to get a new phone number because Facebook just blocked my phone number altogether.

it was also round the time i quit and made a "final" facebook account; but i wasn't buying a new phone number fuck that.


No, there are lots of us. Well, at least enough to from loose coalitions of people who want to inform on them and aren't up our asses enough to pretend they aren't a problem and to not say anything to outsiders.



well no, because i got ghosted.


Where do these people hang out? I'm not an occultist so maybe I've just not run into the less shit occult spaces but every LHP and satanist forum I've read in the course of researching O9A has had a big problem with admitting that there's a lot of fascism in satanic circles. Try to get them talking about O9A and the responses generally range from downplaying it as an internet-only thing as if it's still 2006 to saying that they're bad but doing anything about it is a slippery slope cause muh satanic panic.

Not my wheelhouse or strictly related to this thread but there's a similar level of denial when it comes to shit like fascist influences on Anton Lavey, Peter H. Gilmore buddying up to James Mason, Body Rice being a fascist pedo, Nikolas Schreck making music referencing Savitri Devi and going on Tom Metzger's show, Michael Aquino doing rituals at Wewelsburg Castle and Lucien Greaves praising eugenics and Mussolini.

I'd love to believe that the default position of satanists and edgier occultists is antifascism but it's the opposite in my experience. Satanic thought leaders are all either cryptofash or so edgy they love promoting fascism and the regular people following this stuff will screech and cover their eyes if you try to bring that to their attention.


I know most of those people aren't theistic ofc but theists have a similar problem.

Besides O9A, Current 218 and most of the LHP Norse groups are fascist, cryptofascist or have a problem with facsist entryism.

Even more mainstream occultism. Blavatsky and Steiner were influences on volkish occultists, Crowley was a committed elitist who had fascist supporters and arguably fascist elements to his own social thought (read Kerry Bolton's countercurrents articles on him), Manly P. Hall was basically Jordan Peterson Masonry edition if you listen to his lectures, chaos magick has Dugin and the Ice Magick wars in the IOT in the 90s.

I think at some point you have to admit that the occult and especially the lefthand path has inherently fascist characteristics. The LHP is inherently hierarchical and elitist because of the initiatory structures almost all occult groups have, it generally supports a reawakening of mythologized prechristian tradition and values that are framed in a lot of the same ways that the anti-Christian strains of fascism frame the topic and the fact that it's literally all about being evil, dark and edgy means that it's inevitably going to attract Nazis and to prime people to see Naziism as nbd. It has a Nazi infestation for the same reason black metal does, not by accident but because structurally it's prone to fascism to begin with.




>inherently fascist
I disagree here, it's no secret that all the big name orgs have fashy characteristics and ties but you shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The fact of the matter is ALL occult practices get fashy at some pain, you mention Blatavsky, Steiner, and Crowley who were all RHP and very strictly RHP who were all super spiritual racists (well maybe not Steiner I can barely understand him).
I'm willing to show you our community via email, but you have to PROMISE me you won't be like the tradcaths and brigade/doxx/harass us like so many others.


So yeah send post you're email and I'll send you the link, truth is our community migrates a lot because when the fash find us they try to take over,sometimes successfully sometimes not. Not everyone in the community is a Satanist but it's where we hang out.


I don't care enough about your spiritual beliefs to harass you for them, I'm just curious to see what an actual leftist LHP group looks like and to find any info on O9A you guys might have that I don't.

I linked my address earlier in the thread but I just checked to see if it works and it doesn't. Still don't have riseup figured out yet. Send it to me on this one.
[email protected]


Oh we aren't all leftists or something cool like that, we are just a loose collection of people who are mostly not nazis, which is as good as it gets.


Works for me, I just wanna know what you guys know about O9A.


you don't actually believe them, right…?


It was just a subreddit, I'm not retarded enough to click a link someone from a thread like this sent me.


Just to clarify, my point wasn't that the RHP is based and the LHP is Nazi, it's that the traditional lodge/order/secret society structure and all the hierarchy that comes with it naturally attracts people who like hierarchy and naturally primes people to accept other forms of hierarchy, including racial hierarchies.

A lot of the actual metaphysics can be interesting and worth reading about for their historical importance but I'm not convinced you need all the elitist larp for that. No expert but most of the metaphysics in modern occultism seem to me to be drawn from Dharmic religions, Hermeticism, Platonism and Kabbalah, which are all open and freely accessible traditions.

I'd also say taking the metaphysics too seriously is going to fuck up any kind of serious political analysis. I know you're not a leftist but I don't see how it's possible to synthesize a framework where material factors are what drives human history with a framework where the world is a consensus reality and history is driven by the progression of the aeons or whatever.


I agree completely that the hierarchies that people put in major occult organizations are bullshit.
>I don't see how its possible to synthesize a framework where material factors are what drives human history with a framework where the world is a consensus reality and history is driven by the progression of the aeons or whatever.
Well only the biggest believers are like that, it's like saying "how can you be a Christian and believe in marx?" Now on leftypol you are gonna have tankies who really feel you cannot but it's clear that there is no procession of aeons in a literal sense or anything like that.
Normal religions too are plagued by the same issues like hierarchies and taking shit super literally but there is far less pushback against it circles that are not leftypol.
It's clear that dialectical materialism works and is a proper explanation of a lot of things, I don't see it as the be-all end-all but I don't see my spirituality as a be-all end-all either.
>tl;dr I'm too moderate these days for this site lol


I'm not really a doctrinaire Marxist either. Too lazy to read theory and I figure it does more actual good in the world to read and talk about fash books that not many others are familiar with than to be the millionth moron who gets lost in Capital or whatever anyways.

But I am broadly in agreement with the goals of the left and agree with a lot of the basics as I understand them and yeah, I'd say that it's equally nonsensical to try to be a Christian Marxist. No fan of how many segments of the Western left seem to want to rehabilitate religions that defended rulers and the wealthy and exterminated LGBT people for 1400-5000 years either.

That doesn't mean I think leftist or left-leaning people who believe in wacky shit or shit that's idealist can't be good people or worth working with or anything but there's definitely a contradiction there. This is an entirely different can of worms probably but it reminds me of the tension between Christianity and Naziism in Nazi spaces where both are held to. You can force those two things to coexist for a while but if you want to be consistent then you eventually have to pick one or the other.


comparing the left to "nazi spaces" oof anon don't do that to yourself I'm wearing ultra high UV shades but come the fuck on


Fascism is like 90% of my context for politics, can't help it. Wasn't making a commies are the real Nazis point.


Well whatever, "you are either loyal to your god or your party" is a ridiculous holdover from the soviets, and I feel it's one of the reasons so many communist movements failed.


It's not as simple as divided loyalties, it's the fact that religious Communists, just like Christian fascists, are holding two diametrically opposed worldviews that they can never fully reconcile. Unless you go far enough in one direction or the other and either your Christianity or your Communism becomes perfunctory then you'll always be torn in two directions.

Can you really be motivated to struggle for societal transformation when you believe a dead rabbi is coming back to perfect the world no matter what we do? How do you reconcile your socialism with the fact that no established Christian traditions since the time of the Early Church have been categorically opposed to private property? How does historical materialism make any sense once predestination enters the picture? Why should you even be politically egalitarian at all if you believe that reality operates like an absolute monarchy? The contradictions are nearly endless and they can't be resolved.

Also there's just the simple fact that Christianity had 2000 years to prove its potential as a liberatory phenomenon and what it overwhelmingly did instead was exterminate LGBT people and religious minorities and sanctify secular power, imperial ventures and the wealth of the upper classes. I'd rather someone believe in Liberation Theology or the Social Gospel than be a tradcath or fundie but 2000 years is 2000 years, think it's safe to say at this point that we'd be better off if it didn't exist at all.


Can you really be motivated to struggle for societal transformation when you believe a dead rabbi is coming back to perfect the world no matter what we do?

Anon have you even heard of Martin Luther King and the Christian and Muslim aspects of the American civil rights movement? Just because all those people believed in various things (either literally or metaphorically) magically helping them at some point they still were ready willing and able to fight for something. In fact MLK was a socialist himself.
>Absolute Monarchy
Anon these are all hardcore literalist biblical interpretations, it's like coming to the conclusion every leftist is a masoist

>Christians purging people,etc

I see that as a product of their time and place, I don't think Christianity would have turned out as bad if it say emerged in the modern world.

You could make the same argument for most of Marxism because 1000 billion vuvuzela Iphone but most of us accept that socialism is an experimental processes that has done many bad things and has had many failures.


>I think at some point you have to admit that the occult and especially the lefthand path has inherently fascist characteristics.
Not the anon you're replying to, but I think it would be more accurate to say the LHP has inherently antinomian characteristics.
This is going to vary according to what society you find yourself in. Modern (Satanic) LHP followers aren't the same as the old LHP tantra followers of India, which is where the term "Left-path" comes from (Sanskrit: Vāmamārga.)
<The exhibition claims Tantra is subversive, “transgressive” and revolutionary. But to understand what it is subverting you have to understand India’s entire religious history – and the British Museum seems to assume you already know it. I really wanted to start a bit further back. Tantra is not an independent religion. It’s a flavouring or style of spiritual practice that adds new dimensions to two ancient faiths. Hinduism evolved from about 1500BC and the Buddha died in the fifth century BC. The deliberate defilements and violations that Tantra espouses are specifically aimed at the purity and caste codes of Hindu society. Even its gods are new, sinister personifications of much older Hindu deities – and later, Tibet’s mountain demons.


>Can you really be motivated to struggle for societal transformation when you believe a dead rabbi is coming back to perfect the world no matter what we do?
That's basically what millennial sects involved in the English Civil War did.


>Martin Luther King and the Christian and Muslim aspects of the American civil rights movement?
Yeah and I've heard of the Diggers, Levellers, Christian abolitionism, Dorothy Day and Tolstoy too. Doesn't change what Christianity's contribution to politics has been in the main, which is bolstering the status quo or doing worse than that. Not usually the type to talk about revolution because it's fucking larpy but there's a reason why there's never been a Christian Communist one. Also all of these groups and figures besides the Diggers and Levellers were post-Enlightenment, it's like talking about how nice a wolf is once you rip out all of its claws and teeth. In Africa where they still have the ability to do what they always do, Christians are the same as they ever were.

>Anon have you even heard of Martin Luther King and the Christian and Muslim aspects of the American civil rights movement?

No they're not. Every remotely orthodox Christian denomination besides literal Arminian ones like Methodism affirms predestination in some way. The only thing that varies in almost all cases is how much its emphasized and the way it's taught. Absolute monarchy I was using as an example of how Christians see the cosmos. If you have a king in Heaven then why do you want communes on earth?

>I see that as a product of their time and place, I don't think Christianity would have turned out as bad if it say emerged in the modern world.

Christianity's time and place was the Roman Mediterannean and things objectively got far worse for LGBT people, Jews, pagans and others in that time and place after Christianity took over. Roman homophobia was a thing but you didn't see them killing gay people en masse like the Byzzies did. Less familiar with the history of Christian persecutions of Jews and pagans and of how the treatment of women changed under Christianity but give Crompton's Homosexuality and Civilization a look if you're curious about whether Christian treatment of LGBT people was of its time. That book is the standard work on the history of homosexuality and makes it very clear that Abrahamic religions are uniquely shit about the issue.

>You could make the same argument for most of Marxism because 1000 billion

Yes you could. I'm not a Stalinist either. Although I'd certainly take the USSR over a traditional Christian society.


I don't see much of a difference between "transgressive" and "dark, evil and edgy". Don't buy that sociopathy suddenly becomes enlightenment when you cloak it in spirituality. Which anyways is not what most Tantric traditions are like, they're much more tame than Western sex nerds and LHP types make them out to be. To read some of the English language writing on Tantra you'd think it was all either sex magic or black metal shit like Aghorism. In reality, for most of the history of Tantric Hinduism, and probably still today, you'd be the exception to the rule if you were ever deemed ready to participate in sexual rites and psycho shit like Aghora is fringe and looked down upon.


>No they're not. Every remotely orthodox Christian denomination besides literal Arminian ones like Methodism affirms predestination in some way. The only thing that varies in almost all cases is how much its emphasized and the way it's taught. Absolute monarchy I was using as an example of how Christians see the cosmos. If you have a king in Heaven then why do you want communes on earth?
was supposed to be a response to this
>Anon these are all hardcore literalist biblical interpretations, it's like coming to the conclusion every leftist is a masoist


So you're not a Stalinist but leftism is still cool despite 1000 billion vuvuzela because as we all know you are in a different sect of leftism than those than killed 1000 billion vuvuzela?

How is that any different from a progressive Christian saying they aren't responsible for the Catholic dead baby pits?

Aghors and other practitioners of Vamachara are looked down upon specifically because they challenge many of the social mores of Hinduism. The reason Aghors eat meat for example is because it's considered a great taboo so they do so with pride because they do not see it as some sort of great sin.


>So you're not a Stalinist but leftism is still cool despite 1000 billion vuvuzela because as we all know you are in a different sect of leftism than those than killed 1000 billion vuvuzela?
The fundamental ideas behind leftism are such that I'm willing to if not forgive then at least contextualize mistakes like Leninism. And even that was a pretty drastic improvement over what came before if all you're comparing it to is Tsarism and similar backwards semi-feudal regimes. It's the same principle as it not mattering if Nazis killed less because their ideology revolves around conquest and genocide. The core of Christianity is literally "don't care too much about the world, just be nice to ppl and wait for Jesus :)". It's always going to reinforce whatever status quo currently exists.

>Aghors and other practitioners of Vamachara

Aghors are looked down on even by other Shaivists and tantrikas, it's an extremely fringe phenomenon that only has currency in the West because it's extreme and looks kvlt.


I think I'm done talking with you about religion and Marxism, you clearly won't budge and at this point it's a waste of time.

I admit I don't know much about Hinduism but it seems extremely judgemental of you to throw Aghors under the bus because of western appropriation and because other Hindus look down on them.


Kinda derailed the thread now so to get back on O9A, there's an increasing amount of evidence that National Socialist Order is still made up of Niners behind the scenes. I'm sure most people who follow this shit already assumed that but it's interesting for how brazen they're being about it at least.

>crypto-O9A manifesto from the official American Futurist archive.org account

>Process Church of the Final Judgement shit promoted on the same account
>O9A section in their new library post, original post is 404ed since people started noticing


Proof that that O9A library post is by American Futurist. Check this political folder, it has AF manifestoes like The Futurist State


>I don't see much of a difference between "transgressive" and "dark, evil and edgy". Don't buy that sociopathy suddenly becomes enlightenment when you cloak it in spirituality. Which anyways is not what most Tantric traditions are like, they're much more tame than Western sex nerds and LHP types make them out to be.
There's research suggesting that the tame stuff is a relatively recent thing, apart from the older tradition:
“<‘It is otherwise in Hind,’ said Kim drily. ‘Their Gods are many-armed and malignant. Let them alone.'”
<Despite the modern innovations in meditation and exercise, “yoga” remains a flexible term that need not be bound up with notions of health and self-actualization. In truth, in ancient India, “yogis” were considered to be witch doctors that practiced dark arts to harness unnatural powers such as the ability to control other humans both living and dead, and to fly using human corpses as vehicles, as well as tele-vision, mind-melds, shape-shifting, immortality, extra-sensory perception, and indestructible adamantine bodies. If these sound like cool superpowers, know that yogis are considered evil. Even today, as White points out, yogis form stock villains in Bollywood films and disobedient children are told “Be good or the yogi will come and take you away.”
<As sinister as this phenomenon sounds, part of White’s research is to restore the understanding of historic yoga as a counterbalance to the modern New Age spirituality and self-help commercialism that now dominates the practice.


Please post up the excerpts about Chloe.


Where are the defences of pedophilia again? I remember finding an old blog of hers where she openly admits to associating with pedophiles. Utterly wild stuff.


>Where are the defenses of pedophilia again? I remember finding an old blog of hers where she openly admits to associating with pedophiles. Utterly wild stuff.
That would be her association with Saturnyan, which she brags about in a few different issues of Nexion. Usually says something like "Saturnyan was from [wherever] and was a pedophile with cp on his blog. He was a cool guy who helped us a lot" or whatever. According to Chloe's accounts of that middle web 2.0 period of O9A, Saturnyan was one of two people (besides herself and Myatt himself, who she claims to think was not involved with O9A at that point even though she was clearly talking to his pseudonyms) who was most important in O9A circles.

I'll check those but the one I remember off the top of my head is that there are two pedophilic stories in Nexion 7.1. The infamous Myatt story called The Girl Goddess about molesting a 14 year old and another by someone named Gothic Liddell, which is probably either a reference to Godric Liddell, a person or pseudonym from 90s O9A zines, or the same person.

I took notes on almost all of Nexion somewhat recently and am going through my notes anyways so I'll post them when they come up. Got a year's worth of shit here, none of it organized, so it might take a little bit.


Kinda wild how she just openly posts about this stuff but it's never ended up impacting her life - but that reminds me all this O9A shit is largely limited to weirdo web larpers. Chloe herself is clearly a complete larper based on her blog posting, but a devoted one - all of the zines are insanely long.

It is also wild to think this one person has written up thousands of pages on Esoteric Hitlerism but isn't even white. Unfortunately, unlike the work of Miguel Serrano, it is incredibly fucking boring.

It's kind of amusing imo because whenever someone talks about the O9A, the O9A gets involved and tries to act like aloof edge lords.



Found an open admission to associating with pedophiles,

>In our forum there was a map app that showed a map of the world, and when somebody came to our forum, a dot showed up on that map to tell us where in the world that person was from. We had a “look-out” named Frank352 who watched that map for every dot. Frank352 was a older man from Malta who really liked underaged girls. One day Frank saw a dot on the map from England and he told us about it. Sinistar got paranoid and said: “Shit, what if it’s Anton Long? We stole his ONA!” Hearing him say that got me scared. And so I ordered that we shut down the forum for a week and not be active.


Also Chloe has left a pretty huge paper trail. Her O9A blog often links back to older blogs, and from here you can basically follow her through the years (especially with a clever use of archive.org). It is impressive how much junk she has posted over nearly 15 years.


>average psychopath female
you moids better wear a rubber if you fuck psycho whores like this


She's clearly not a psychopath. Those Tempel Ov Blood weirdos are right: she's just a larper lol.


Yeah, she's certainly second only to Myatt himself in terms of output. Basically our only source for a lot of O9A history and she's clearly much more honest a source than Myatt. Even if she's boring as fuck I think more people who research O9A need to read her (and try to doxx her).


I have spent a lot of time reading through her work and much of it just comes off as the schizoid ramblings of someone who has allowed their life to be dominated by conceptions of high school culture (she literally constantly goes on about how she was the popular kid in high school all the time it's wild).


Also apparently Chloe is some kind of lesbian. A lesbian, asian Neo-Nazi. NGL, a very good bit.


>implying there is any difference


she's some psychopath/narcissist loser that thinks she's cool and edgy and unique by being both female and a pedophile and worshipping this sooper ebil shit. probably her pedophilia is an attempt to be a rapeable teenage girl again that her nonce dad would be interested in. and the most obnoxious part to me is dogshit psycho males will salivate over fast paced lifestyle dark tetrad noncepussy like this


I'm not sure how much of a larper she is though because, bear with me for a second, I heard that she and 2 other women were the de jour people "in charrge" of ONA around 10 years ago, and there was some sort of internal drama between them which caused them to implode.
My "source" on this was a 4chan thread so old that you can't find it in archives anymore but I remember it pretty well as I thought that would be the end of this stupid fucking hellride.



I doubt it's still there but I'll take a look, everything pre-2013 got wiped.


I actually found one,
it's clear he's talking about Chloe.
If I remember correctly Frater K. was a "respected" hermetic magician who was pretty knowledgeable about wizard stuff.


When I say LARPer, I more mean that she is not actually going out and murdering ('culling') mundanes - or actually *doing* anything. She is engaged in endlessly writing up huge zines which range from sadomasochistic fantasies to boomer-tier conservative fantasies.

She is no William Luther Pierce or The Order.


Also anymore information about the drama would be interesting. As far as I can tell, Chloe is now married to one of those women.


Also found the name of one of the other girls: Kayla DiGiovanni.


I really can't remember for the life of me what it was over, but I'll try some digging. I remember in that era they were pushing a weird "feminist" agenda because of that, and you can still see it in some of the oldest captures of ONA.org
I think Chole felt the need to spend a lot of time writing on that "feminism" because obviously three girls being in charge but not producing aryan babies and letting men make all the decisions goes strongly against Nazi ideology.


I know the ONA has this weird Sapphic angle and is notionally matriarchal on some level, which I imagine helps Chloe a bit - which is probably what differentiates it the most from traditional Neo-Nazism, and even 'traditional' Neo-Nazi Esotericism.


>Frater K.
Probably quite a few Frater Ks running around in the occult world but there's a dude calling himself Frater Kafyrfos who published in Choronzon, one of TOB's zines.

I'm skeptical of him, whoever he is, and that thread though. O9A is known to shill /x/.


He gets basic info wrong too. Says Richard Moult/Christos Beest wanted to be head of O9A but got passed over in favor of Michael W. Ford. Except Moult actually was Outer Representative for a while and unless I'm mistaken, Ford was only ever involved with TOB and never got close to leading O9A in general.


Incidentally, Richard Moult/Christos Beest was the subject of a recent investigation by these people,


He was also subject to a newspaper article exposing his shit, but Moult managed to have it taken down from the web via a lawsuit



Sure I practice rites from o9a and also im not white. Im a self proclaimed noctulian.


Idk if I'd call 2018 recent in terms of e-drama but thanks, hadn't heard about the lawsuit. Gues they're not opposed to the dishonorable magian courts after all.


This is less e-drama and more IRL drama since it's a major UK newspaper exposing the dude as a Nazi Occultist. It's now difficult to find the story, since the issue was removed from online, but it's clear Moult was not all too happy with getting called out like that.


The only people who'll dedicate any real effort to people on the Internet reading Hermes Trismegistus and posing with swastikas are crank groups like 'Hope Not Hate'. They hate ONA, because they know talking about them generates attention for themselves. It's a mutual, symbiotic relationship. And they're not talking about alchemy, the star game or training to spend weeks living in the wilderness, they're talking about the fringe ToB stuff.

The idea of leftists planning to 'take down' what is essentially a body of literature would be interesting to watch. But whether it'd stop people reading and writing more is another matter.


Wasn't there some weird leftist Nexion somewhere? I thought I recalled reading about it but it seemed like the only one.


Writing comparative religious texts with Buddhism and occultism and mysticism sprinkled in doesn't make her a primary target for the left. Her takes aren't really pro-European, more anti the pussification and deracination of Europeans, which I guess puts her at odds with the left.


They lean towards a journey rooted in some kind of dissent and heresy in the early stages at least. I don't think it would be possible to be a leftist in conjunction with being a niner for this reason. I'd read their ideas, there's nothing preventing it from happening,


Hope Not Hate ONA bromance.

She openly writes about how she wants to see gated communities invaded by hordes of blacks and frequently posts about how much she hates the idea of race mixing, and blacks having any rights.

>Those Blacks and Brown races are an Invasive Species. What is incredible is that many people understand why invasive species are bad for an environment, but when it comes to human breeds and races you guys become stupid and silly.


>My perspective has changed to where I believe that it is not right and is unbecoming for White People and East Asians to be engaged in basal common labor. Blacks and Mexicans should be doing that shit. Races with high IQs shouldn’t be doing the work and labor of those underling races with low IQs.


>There was a reason why such social rules were established. Same reasoning why, relatively “recently” African Slaves in this country were forbidden to learn to read and write. The reasoning is that humans who are ignorant by nature and ethos cause more problems when they can read and write: because they are Stupid by default, and due to a lack of organic high order intelligence, and a lack of reading and articulatory comprehension skills, they will misunderstand what they read. Which is one reason why conspiracy theories are so prevalent amongst the common public.


She is at 'odds' with the left because she's a racist crank. She is not a target because she's a nobody known to like five other people - most of whom are academics.



It may have been an offshoot, I don't remember. I just recall it being British or something.


Hey Dave. If O9A is proscribed then anyone caught with the literature would be on a one way ticket to the funhouse, I'm sure you know how this works. And if it's proscribed in enough countries then you're going to have difficulty finding hosting and getting that body of literature out to people, in the same way that ISIS does. Except ISIS has a world recognized brand and an existing base of support. O9A is new enough that given that level of stress it would simply wither away or at least shrink to irrelevance.


>not molesting children is pussy, why does the left oppose pedophilia


The only O9A cope I have seen about this is some guy trying to claim that the Girl Goddess was actually written by a Young Girl.

Also I've realised that tons of these stories *are about the people themselves*. They are self-insert fanfiction about doing murders or being part of bizarre paedophilic rituals.


It's clearly by Myatt lol. Just look at the writing style for one thing but it also cites Myatt's translation of Sappho, which nobody besides Myatt knows or cares about. And even if it wasn't by him, it's in Chloe's zine so she's complicit. And it's hardly the only place she's promoted or outright explicitly defended pedophilia (there's another pedofic story in that same issue right after The Girl Goddess).

I know you're not actually making the argument but it's a ridiculous one.


Yeah I know; all O9A attempts at defending themselves are just outright absurd. I know the story right after is weird self insert fiction about herself. I know in another piece she writes about how funny it is that some kid got raped (because the west are hypocrites about Muslim rape or something), and openly admits to associating with a pedophile. I'd be interested in another other examples, since I'm trying to put together sources.


Actually going through my O9A notes for something unrelated to this thread atm, will post the relevant bits from Nexion when I get to them.


Probably will be this weekend or even later though, I'm swamped with both O9A related stuff and boring responsible shit.

Still gonna read Sinister Tales and post cringe too but that'll be late next month sometime probably.


Yeah but you gotta remember this was in 2013-2014 when ONA was getting far less press. I think this Frater K was going down the ONA rabbithole but I believe what he says about Chloe being a leader once because I've heard it multiple times, but could only find this one specific thread mentioning it. The stuff I'm talking about is like really early '10s stuff.


That much is true, she was Outer Representative in the early 10s until 2013 iirc, when she was ousted in favor of Jall/Joshua Sutter, likely by Myatt himself. She talks about it in the first issue of Nexion, there'd been a novel written where a standin for O9A was the antagonist and the O9A in that book was much more evil than Chloe's brand so the inner circle wanted something that reflected that and TOB fit the bill best.


File: 1643248692754.jpg (38.11 KB, 800x800, Ralsei delet.jpg)

I feel dirty just reading that. Is this truly the behavior of the master race?

On a side note, I'm reading a little bit about this Chloe character, apparently the leader of the White Star Acception, which seems to be some all female spinoff that embraces violent anarchism, at least for surface level aesthetics. From the few things of theirs I've been able to read, they're just as racist as the rest of O9A, and also are really big fans of rape. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, I'm slogging my way through Iron Gates after all when I have the chance and I'm pretty much numb to everything.


Ah yeah there is one more thing I'm remembering from the occult gossip vine was the Temple of THEM and their leader (Chris Hollow?) had some sort of falling out with ONA over something very petty, maybe a copyright claim or something like that?


WSA is most likely fake actually, Chloe herself admits that in one of the first issues of Nexion. So basically there are 3 WSAs, the first was a larpy occult clique that Chloe and her friends had when she was a teen before she discovered O9A, the second was a fake nexion created at a time when O9A was basically dead offline in order to inspire real nexions and then there's the third and current WSA, which is most likely also fake since we have no pics of it and it produces no literature besides what Chloe herself writes.

But yeah, she and Moult were the pioneers of the "Dreccian way" which is an O9A path where you form a street gang and rape and murder people for the Dark Gods.

Chris Hollow/Ryan Aunschaung, yeah. Idk if we know for sure what it was about but there's still a religion forum thread about it where you can see the two of them duking it out. Chris/Ryan's claim was that he'd played a pivotal role in reviving O9A and that Myatt was worried about being upstaged, Myatt's claim was that Chris/Ryan was a fake occultist with no understanding of the sevenfold way or whatever.


Given that Myatt is a pathological liar I'm inclined to believe Chris/Ryan.


I remember Chris shilling his stuff really hard, so hard that he was even able to spam LHP tumblr, which was honestly impressive because Temple of THEM was very outwardly nazi and LHP tumblr was the best community us non-nazis ever had.


At least someone archived hungaraynsforsatan, which was an ironically named takedown blog about how bad JoS was.


If people can, remember to post links or sources to shit.


I came to O9A long after the THEM drama so I'd missed all that and only know of it through the religion forum thread and a comment here and there.

Do you have any idea if Chris was in contact with Sutter? The PDF of Liber 333 was put together by Temple of THEM so I feel like there must have been some overlap or contact.

I know I have the religion forums thread bookmarked somewhere, will try to find and post it eventually. It's tough to cite sources on O9A unless you have a full collection of "MSS"
that you've bookmarked and annotated. These people write so much that in 90% of cases what I'm going on is memory and it'd take me a long ass time to find a direct source.

I'll try to be a bit better about linking shit in the future though, not sure if this thread is even comprehensible for people who haven't fallen down the O9A rabbithole yet.


I never joined so I have no idea if they were, but I have been a theistic Satanist for 10 years now so I've managed to overhear a lot.
Considering the fact that Chris had a massive online presence he must have had contact with Sutter at least at some point. But how deep that would go is beyond me.


Looking back on all of it now it's really pretty funny, in the circles I ran with everyone saw ONA as some super tryhard joke. I guess being a tryhard is way more appealing than I though.


That's the thing though, they are a tryhard joke. It's what makes covering them and campaigning to get them banned such a minefield.

Any rational, educated adult who reads The Black Book of Satan is going to come away thinking that these people are completely absurd, that their shit was written by someone with the brain of a pretentious 13 year old goth, and that they probably aren't a threat because no group that absurd could be. Right on the first two counts ofc but wrong on the third.

The occult community's treatment of O9A back in the web 2.0 era when they could've been stopped more easily if people were paying attention is a great example of people making too much of their absurdity. Nowadays we mostly have the opposite problem, mainstream liberal media always makes these guys sound like some badass, competent doomsday cult in a way that's very attractive to the type of people O9A appeals to.

You need to somehow cover all the absurd nonsense that makes these people unattractive to the psychos and losers who might join them while also emphasizing the danger they pose enough so that they're not ignored. And that's not an easy tightrope to walk, seemingly an impossible one for MSM.


I distinct remember reading the o9a.org page in the '10s and laughing so hard, tryharding is normal in Satanism but the fact that Chloe and Myatt literally could not write ANYTHING without the most absurd purple prose and biggest possible words they could find. Even 666santanxxx69's angelfire blog with diablo font and rotating skull gifs tries less hard.
As for the media? Let's be real MSM can't even handle Wiccans let alone an actual death cult.


And yeah if I had a time machine I would go back and warn myself to take them seriously, but it was basically impossible to do so considering the "intellectual heights" of ONA blogs and materials.
It's a lot like incels really, these people are pathetic losers who are trapped in middle school brain, or at least glowies pretending to be, and you won't notice that they are for real until it's too late.


Looks like they moved their blog:
Use a VPN in case it's some sort of reverse honeypot site, the page is not secure.



Nah, o9a.org is still the main one, that and Myatt's archive.org and scribd accounts. Just yesterday Chloe posted an update on the forthcoming edition of Fenrir that's pretty interesting.

Tldr the guy they had picked to edit it is in jail because of a "relapse", probably meaning pedophilia, and Nameless Therein aka Richard Moult is now editing. New issue's out in March, though I don't suggest you rush to buy/download it because a particular past issue of Fenrir had drawn cp in it.


>Even 666santanxxx69's angelfire blog with diablo font and rotating skull gifs tries less hard.

Damn now I'm having hypnospace outlaw flashbacks


>Albert, the main Editor is gone. Literally gone. Vanished. The last time I heard from Albert was on the 4th or 5th of September, when he sent me an email. He seemed distressed in that email. Before Albert had sent me that email in September [of 2021], he had gone missing for several months, even past the due date of the release of Fenrir. I waited patiently for Albert to return. I dislike very much to take my Word/Wyrd away, to break a promise/agreement/treaty. “Word is Bond, and Bond is Life,” as they say in the 5% Nation. Or as Jesus said: Let your “Yes” be yes, and your “No,” no.

>And so, I waited for Albert to return for several months. Concerned, after a month of not hearing from Albert, after the due date of Fenrir, I used the Drecc Deck to see what was going on with Albert. The Drecc Deck gave me words that had to do with “relapse,” and “jail.” I understood what the Drecc Deck was trying to say. So I waited for Albert to return, eventually.

These people are literally incapable of writing normally. Then again, it must be hard to admit your socially transgressive supermen are just degenerate pedophiles, drug addicts, or sex offenders.


Also what basis is there for Moult to be Nameless Therein?


Actually now that I check I may be mistaken about this. I'd thought that quite a few of the songs uploaded to the Nameless Therin youtube channel said they had instrumentation by Christos Beest, who is Moult. But that doesn't appear to be the case.


> are just degenerate pedophiles, drug addicts, or sex offenders.
Are you implying o9a runs Hollywood and federal reserve?


That's what's ironic isn't it? You people are everything you try to put on Jews. O9A in particular, it literally encourages being a liar, infiltrating, professing to belong to groups that you inwardly only want to manipulate. The pedophilia, which is not something unique to O9A but something pretty rampant in Naziism in general, is just one part of it.


Not unique apart from the fact that O9A openly supports it I should say


Someone was shilling this ONA blog on 4chan:



It's always meth with these people lol


that blog isn't 09A


She'll (probably a bot) be able to find a lot of them with that meth porn. I'm serious, they all love crank from what I've seen over the years. The first blog which is ONA talks about how great nazi meth was.


>She'll (probably a bot)


I used to use tumblr back during its peak and pretty much every "sexy" blog was actually a bot who would pretend to be real girls mass send sexual solicitations to people. We called them the sexbots or something.
Maybe she's for real but this feels exactly like every other tumblr sexbot blog except even edgier. It's all a very simple phishing scam, bot pretends to be sexy lady, people send their phone numbers, click on suspicious link, and better yet send their credit cards or better yet gift cards which can be cashed out more or less anonymously.


Honestly setting up a sexbot would be a great way to phish these people, but just make it a furry too or something that really appeals to ONA. It's technically illegal but not enforced much in the US but most phishing farms are run out of the usual suspect countries where it's not really enforced liked Eastern europe, SE Asia, Latin America, etc, etc.


Cosmo/pol/itan here.
O9A is a Left-Hand Path, Theosophist, occultic society in league with the elites with links to Aleister Crowely and his Satanic branch of Freemasonry. They're definitely pedos and they drink the blood of their victims in orgies of sex magick. Ever wonder why Brenton Tarrent never used a single Swastika? He was one of them.
I'd be willing to do a Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with you against those cunts. You go shilling on all boards claiming Nazis are this and that with undeniable information instead of crappy ad homini, and we'd - by means of the Hegelian Dialectic - form a more undivided doctrine: One Blood, One Mind, One God.
If you even infiltrate them in person, I don't care if you're a Transexual, Anarchist jew, you're a hero.
Спасибо, братъ


Crowley wasn't a Theosophist or Satanist, his religion was called Thelema. He had respect for Madame Blavatsky but he didn't like Theosophy. Though technically Aiawas he later identified as Lucifer so technically he's a Luciferian if you want to get nit picky. Also Crowley wasnt a Freemason to my recall just had Freemason contacts. He was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and his group he based off this is the Ordo Templi Orientis. Theosophy is just some Eastern philosophy reinterpreted with some goofy race stuff added in.


This is retarded nonsense but this part
>Ever wonder why Brenton Tarrent never used a single Swastika? He was one of them
reminds me of something fairly important. A great way to identify these people when they're trying to be crypto is that they use the left facing swastika and turn the tyr/tiwaz rune upside down.


a better way to identify them is if they're doing nazi shit or being tongue in cheek about nazi views
symbolism is just a really dumb vector for identifying rightists in general tbh


I mean O9A specifically, not Nazis in general.


Also, remember to archive everything important when you find it, especially if it’s recent and reveals new information or makes them look bad.


If youve seen that quentin bookclub guy on youtube, he is a member and lives near me. Although im not a commie or atheist or anything lame like that I am just coming in here to comment that someone I know is a member lives near me.


dox him


That feels wrong to me, but the town is horsforth in leeds.


>If you don't know, they're an at least partially fed-run satanic nazi group whose deal is infiltrating organizations of all kinds (nazi, leftist, churches) in order to make them more evil. Implicated in child trafficking and cp distribution, rape, terrorism and murder.
I thought that Satanic ritual abuse was just a conspiracy theory?


Newfag here. Is my impression that this place is just as retarded as /pol/, only less racist, about right then?


Holy shit they are everywhere on tumblr, makes sense as tumblr is essentially unmoderated except by bots.




You can literally report them as terrorists if you're not bullshitting. Tumblr would respond to that, and it's true.


I can attest that this has worked. I reported darkgnosisofundeath's recruitment post for terrorism and linked to a news article about Atomwaffen Division being a designated terrorist organization in several countries. A couple days later the account was gone.


If you went through that account's following list, there were a lot of minors, gay, and trans people that were into the occult and dark aesthetics. Some of the other accounts that interacted with darkgnosisofundeath's posts didn't seem to recognize them as a nazi.


Nice, I'll get on it.



I've seen allot of Hare Kishna's in the 09A sphere are they all a cult because theres a huge Hare Krishna group where I live in WV and I always thought they were interesting and weird.


Hare Krishna is what's called a new religious movement. NRM for short. It was a term created because the negative stigma the term "cult" had attached to it. Hare Krishna doesnt have dangerous aspects to it that I am aware of. It's more a new ager type religion. The cult that people need to keep an eye on is Hyperianism. It has a good sized internet following and has very cult like behaviours.


The Hare Krishna shit is just an attempt at infiltration, it doesn't have anything to do with O9A's real ideology. The people behind Tempel ov Blood formed some Hare Krishna sect called New Bihar Mandi Temple that ended up going nowhere but introduced a lot of Hindu aesthetics into ToB that they carried with them into Atomwaffen. The Nate Thayer article that's been linked goes into that a bit.

Any time you see O9A people using aesthetics from other religions or talking as if they believe in other religions, it's almost always either them trying to infiltrate shit or just them taking everything edgy from whatever source they can find and mixing it all together, kinda like that fused extremism paper talks about. The only exception to that I can think of is Chloe, she's syncretized O9A with Buddhism and seems to take it pretty seriously.


>The absurd emphasis on the feminine is also a great abstraction, especially so those claiming "gang" affiliation yet engaged in nothing but internet posturing, as verified by our sources heavily engaged in the criminal underground. You know who you are, those who are not only dishonest with those you seek to impress, but also dishonest with yourself and your so-called devotion.

On Myatt
>There is also the common phenomenon of resorting to past leaders, the "glory days", a nostalgia with little bearing on real life. Individuals such as David Myatt are often praised as champions of "the sinister", and yet, the sum and substance of his life produces no real tangible evidence for such. His "rejection of extremism" reveals all you need to know about the dubious character, along with overtly feminine presentation befitting a gutless European, a dime a dozen as they come.

Right after he goes after Drakon but not because of Ryan, because the other members aren't pedophiles like Ryan is
>The same can be said for would be "vampiric" nexions under the ONA banner, failing to back up their words in a manner quite similar to their leader, and unsurprisingly, lacking the grit known only to a certain American breed.


Despite this, Chloe continues to defend Tempel ov Blood, as recently as a couple days ago.

>Some of my favorite essays/MSS by Anton Long were his “Homo Hubris” & “Exeatic” series. That season in time [a little over a decade ago, circa 120 yf] was when Anton Long was at his Best, his most Sinister, when he was at his most Exeatic point in his writing career in ONA. His Homo Hubris & Exeatic series gave me a glimpse into the past at how young David Myatt / Anton Long must have been a carefree, lawless, and fun person. I miss that Exeatic ONA and that Anton Long.

>These days, the average internet ONA person is so intellectual, so soft, so ethical [where they believe certain things done are socially and morally unacceptable] that they don’t know the meaning of the word Exeatic. Like any institution, fags have crept into ONA, and have brought with them their faggy unicorn sentiments.

>There must always be Dialectical Tension/Struggle, even in ONA. There must exist people and nexion in ONA who are the antithesis of such fags and their fag sentimentalism, whose Essential Nature is captured by the word “Exeatic.” That dialectical tension, agitates ONA, churns the ocean of ONA, and not only helps it further evolve, but also is Key to its continued [aeonic] longevity. Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis.


>where they believe certain things done are socially and morally unacceptable
Just in case it isn't immediately obvious, this is a reference to rape and pedophilia. Myatt spends a lot of his time these days whining on twitter and archive.org that these things are dishonorable and that ToB only promoted them at the behest of the FBI to discredit the O9A, which is actually totally peaceful and just about, like, finding your own path man.

>There must exist people and nexion in ONA who are the antithesis of such fags and their fag sentimentalism

This is a pretty clear reference to ToB. Chloe also defended them in her recent Nexion 8.1 zine and played down their FBI connections in another recent article, can post those too if anyone wants more drama.


these are the people who'll accuse the left of being full of resentment


>I have had over a decade involvement with the Tempel ov Blood more besides via the O9A. Czar Azag-Kala [Joshua Caleb Sutter] has appointed Anton Blenzig the head of the Tempel ov Blood. He is based in Azel, Texas at present.

>This individual whose father is Charles Blenzig, famous Jazz pianist based in Bronx, New York, mother is Alision McKay and sister is Julia Blenzig is and will run the Tempel ov Blood into the ground. His mother and sister both based in Bayside, New York.

>The brand of Satanism he believes in and promotes is nothing more than a mixture of horror movie Satanism and that based on the deranged Illuminati Satanic conspiracies of the mundane and Magian.

>He has repeatedly called the ONA a bunch of English faggots. Made remarks about the Drakon Covenant and Ryan Fleming in a negative context. Likewise has stated David Myatt/Anton Long isn’t a Satanist and is a weak individual who he would knock off his bike.

>What’s more this individual in his “Satanic” career has done the following:

>1) Sought to dox ONA members and Chloe 352. Infiltrate the ONA to usurp leadership positions.

>2) Drinks his own cum in fruit juice and soda pop calling it a lifehack.

Guy who wrote this is most likely in this thread btw, he's the Dark Gnosis of Undeath dude.


>3) Spends his night with a sex doll.

>4) Sought to rape and kill his ex girlfriend after a date on the beach.

>5) Sought to kill and dox other TOB associates. For minor infractions.

>6) Excommunicates members which is un-Satanic.

>7) Wanted to rape his own sister.

>8) Wanted to drink Jall’s menstrual blood.

>9) Thinks he is an Illuminati bloodline member who controls the world.

>10) He has never completed one task of the Sevenfold way.

>11) Promotes a brand of Occultism based on Aleister Crowley, kabalah and Magian Occultism.

>He runs the Commandant Cultus instagram, website and eBay. For these reasons he should be avoided by everyone. Unless they wish to serve a master who drinks his own cum, is into incest and rape, doesn’t believe in the ONA on any level but is opposed to it, get doxed or otherwise have their lives fucked up.

>I refuse to bend my knee to a man who drinks his own cum and was excommunicated as a result. He has lied, stolen from me and taken credit for my results. He will forever be known as Anton Blenzig the cum guzzling autistic little child. Also due to informing Chloe 352 of his machinations I was kicked out.


>If you wish to join an actually serious ONA nexion I am forming one called Dark Imperium. You can join any emailing my person at [email protected].

>This individual is unfit to lead and isn’t a real Satanist just another devil worshipper obsessed with the sensationalized image of what a Satanist is conjured up by mentally depraved Nazarenes and the Magian media.

>As been said before a Satanist rejects authority, an infernal mandate and boot licking. If you want to kiss the ass of an autistic perverted deranged idiot then do so. I refuse to bend my knee to such a literal cum guzzler


More like O9gaggers amirite fellas


Amazing roast ngl.

Where can you buy or get the Satanic Front Handbook again? I'd at some point like to write a book about these people and being able to cite these people calling Chloe and Myatt a retard sounds delicious.



wtf is the Satanic Front


Something Sutter and/or this Anton Blenzig character made up. Chances are very good that it doesn't actually exist, a lot of old Martinet Press books were trying to seed fucked up religious sects too but none of them ever materialized.


You mean people weren't lining up to join death cults in which the only known aspects are rituals where they murder babies and pedophiliac BDSM shit? I'm shocked, SHOCKED.

O9A's main problem, other than the obvious shit, is the sheer utter lack and contempt for things like nuance, subtlety, or care for appealing to anybody other than totally deluded schizos. These people seem to be under the impression that they're some incarnation of the Sith on this earth, while forgetting that where the Sith come from magic exists and at least the Sith, in between backstabbing and pointless dickery, were smart enough to realize that you have actually have a powerbase before you start making threats, and they at least had enough pragmatism to establish an Empire a couple of times. I wouldn't be surprised if these dudes unironically idolize Sith lords, which would be extra funny because most of them, especially Darth Bane, would have nothing but disdain for these jokers. It's like if Jesse and James decided to paint their Meowth blimp with a swastika and pentagram and started using edgy and smart sounding words.


lol touch grass holy fuck


Well ToB went places. They were directly in control of Atomwaffen after a certain point ofc, that's about as much success at infiltration as a nexion's ever had.

What I was talking about is the way that ToB tried to set up front groups through Martinet Press. If you read Ecclesia Mysteria, to pick a random example, there's no mention of O9A/ToB in that. Instead it's about an edgy Gnostic church that allegedly exists and has a contact email in the back, which was certainly being read by someone from ToB. A lot of their output wasn't intended for an O9A audience, it was intended to psyop normal esoteric weirdos.

The Satanic Front is a similar kind of thing. Clearly one of the goals is to set up a front group to manipulate for evil purposes or set up for the FBI or whatever but the only people reading the book are people who already know and are into ToB.



Good work. For everyone participating, here's a report format that's worked for me lots of times.

>There is currently a cell of the Order of Nine Angles using your service. The Order of Nine Angles is a Nazi occult group that is associated with several organizations banned as terrorist groups in some countries, the Atomwaffen Division being just one example. The Order of Nine Angles is also a group that promotes and has inspired acts of murder, rape, child abuse, drug and arms trafficking, and other reprehensible things. This has all been reported in mainstream media, as you can read about here:


Then link to whatever it is you're reporting and briefly lay out some proof that they're O9A. Some of the bigger O9A blogs are linked on the o9a.org sidebar so those should be exceptionally easy to prove. I know wizard333 is one of them.

Also be sure to use the word cell even if it's just some edgy loner blogging. Cell gets them thinking terror group and that's all you want them to know, they don't need ton of minutia and hairsplitting over definitions.


I was wrong actually, the Wizard 333 linked on the o9a.org sidebar is a wordpress. Maybe screenshot it instead of linking to it so the person taking your report thinks it's the same blog.

Here are the only two tumblrs on the o9a.org sidebar:

And here are the wordpress ones if anyone wants to give those a shot:

Wordpresses are significantly harder to take down ime so maybe it makes sense to start with the tumblrs but at some point mass reporting the former would be good. Any Niner who's made it to the sidebar is probably a member of the inner circle, in communication with them, or someone important in the O9A sphere is a personal fan of their shit. So those are the really high profile ones.


Thanks anon

I used to be a tumblerista and know that there are still some mods who actually care about it but wordpress seems impenetrable unless the MSM notices.


>wordpress seems impenetrable unless the MSM notices
That's an idea though. Maybe someone could get a piece onto medium about Nazi content on wordpress? Some site like that with a very low barrier for publishing.


I know there are blue checks who follow this sort of thing too so maybe something even bigger than that is a possibility eventually. You'd be very surprised how many high profile people are willing to talk if you reach out to them.


How do these implicate anything? They just look like edgy larp blogs to me


>how do you do, fellow magians?


Funny thing, if you didn't mention Nazi, they wouldn't give a shit notwithstanding the fact that they're Satanic pedos.


Tbf there isn't much of a difference. You can't read about postwar Nazi history for 10 minutes without running into a pedo and those are just the ones we know about. James Mason is a convicted pedo, the guy who came up with the 14 words is a pedo, the leader of the NSPA was a convicted pedo. Tons more like that in the Esoteric Hitlerism threads.

What's unique about O9A isn't that they're depraved psychopaths, it's that they openly celebrate that fact. Most Nazis try to project an image that's at least somewhat normal.


Holt shit the ONA's capacity for sophistry amazing, literally hundreds of pages of longwinded essays about absolutely nothing.


neo-nazis love making content for some reason
if you look for nazi shit on archive.org there is literally mountains of shit on there


>What's unique about O9A isn't that they're depraved psychopaths, it's that they openly celebrate that fact. Most Nazis try to project an image that's at least somewhat normal.
that's because they're a "secret society" (you know, with online blogs and etsy/ebay storefronts) and they only put on a mask when they're infiltrating some other org


it is because of narcissism lol


They also have no jobs, probably

Is there anything more Nazi than claiming to be in a secret society and then making sure the whole entire world knows it?


>They also have no jobs, probably
ywah and no method nor material reason for "praxis"


Are they on etsy too?


Are there any rantings and ravings about the USSR I can lol at? There seems to be a good bunch of "Hitler dindu nuffin" posts that neglect to mention history's largest war front that led to tens of millions of deaths.


They don't talk about the USSR too much but there's a funny part in Hostia where Myatt claims that the O9A's dark aeonic magick contributed to its collapse.

Tempel ov Blood used a lot of Soviet imagery and wrote rapey pedofic about Beria but that's like the Hindu stuff, it had nothing to do with their beliefs and was just an example of the way a lot of these guys syncretize everything they can that's edgy. Pretty sure there even used to be a video of a ToB ritual where the guy had a portrait of Hitler on one side and a portrait of Stalin or Beria on the other. And they also loved Aum Shinrikyo, Pol Pot, Jim Jones, ISIS etc. As long as you're killing people you're good in ToB's book.


I think I have pictures/vids of the guy being slapped with a paddle in front of a picture of Stalin while one wears a Soviet ushanka (?)
It's been years since I looked at it, but is it considered rare now? I will look for it and post it if so


I don't know if it's one of the ones that's rare but a lot of those old ToB videos are now. Most of the vids like that are from their Beast Barracks channel, which took down about half its vids years ago. Used to be a Beast Barracks tumblr as well full of pics of ToB members bleeding onto the pedophilic pics from Predator but that's long gone too and I believe it's unarchived.


Checked and it is indeed rare.

Check out this one lol, peak edginess

That crystal is a tetrahedron btw, a big thing in O9A magic. Idk if anyone's posted about that yet but when you summon down chaotic acausal energy with your spoopy rituals that's usually where it goes. And then once the crystal is charged enough you can open a nexion/portal with it. Very D&D.


I might look for it when I sober up. I don't really want to spend an hour looking through porn and gore because half my videos don't have thumbnails in file explorer lmao
I'm sure somebody has it around here, although the video is not particularly interesting, the screenshot pretty much sums it up. There was a zoom in on something like a crystal and a picture of Stalin and Pol Pot which gave it some minor amusement, but ultimately it's just gibberish information.
I wonder if the old Pol Pot loving Nazi was O9A.


Wasn't this one was it? No idea who the guy in the portrait is.

>I wonder if the old Pol Pot loving Nazi was O9A.

Is that the guy who'd always talk about how he knew Rape and how autistic people make the best warriors? I know him from /fascist/ lmao, hilarious guy.


Well whoever did the Beria fanfic may have done their research. Beria took the fall for A LOT of Stalin's actions and in the post-Stalin Soviet Union he was used as a way to clean Stalin's image. Don't think he was a pedo, of course. Beria didn't have clean hands in any way but he was simply doing the dirty deeds Stalin requested.


Nah, I've read it. Whoever wrote the Beria fanfic just wanted to write about teens being raped.


Classic OMA lol


Think I found it on the same channel. These people can't get enough of brandishing guns that they never use.



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I wouldn't call them members of the NSDAP, If they're Nazis, then Tumbler is the same as the First Communist Internationale; they don't even know the 25 Point Program. Even the NSPA was associated with the Freemasonic KKK which Hitler condemned as degenerate.
What's importan to note is the 'Why' for their doing: is it to destroy an enemy out of spite, or to make prosper their own as a focus?


They're people who identify as Nazis, joined and led Nazi parties irl and devoted their lives to the cause of Nazism. In David Lane's case, the guy literally invented the main slogan of modern Nazism and in his spare time, he was creeping on the preteens from Prussian Blue.

If that's not being a Nazi then there's no such thing as Nazism after 1945, which isn't an idea anyone who studies fascism takes seriously. For one thing, there was continuity between Axis remnants and a lot of neofascist/neo-nazi movements. Franco and Salazar didn't go away, ex-SS men did a lot to build postwar Nazi networks, there was never de-fascitization in Italy so postwar parties like the MSI were largely made up of the same people. And for another thing, there doesn't even have to be continuity. Even if what should have happened had happened and every committed Nazi was summarily executed, what would you call a party, movement or political figure that came later and shared the essentials of their politics with the NSDAP?

Also the economic points of the 25 Point Program were never even implemented so it counts for shit, that was for show. And I don't think Hitler ever condemned the KKK before war broke out or afterwards besides that one single propaganda poster.


Which btw is an utterly hypocritical propaganda poster. Read Mein Kampf and Table Talks or spend a weekend checking out the German Propaganda Archive website. Nazis were more or less completely open about supporting power politics, wanting conquest and genocide and viewing prolonged peace as a bad thing. Yet the minute Dresden or Berlin gets bombed they're peaceful defenders of culture and boo hoo, won't someone think of the art and the innocent lives? Should have thought of that before they invaded Poland and the USSR. Should have thought of that when they were using ancient churches as bases. Should have thought of that when they dreamed up a political ideology that revolved around might makes right and glorified aggressive war, empire-building and genocide.



>David Wulstan Myatt grew up in Tanganyika (now part of Tanzania), where his father worked as a civil servant for the British government, and later in the Far East…

Does anyone know exactly which organization Myatt's father worked for? Can't find any info. OP perhaps?


The N word never appeared in any of Hitler's writings, but appeared multiple times in Marx's.


the citation:
 Michael, George. (2006) The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right. University Press of Kansas, p. 142.


And yet the former was very open about wanting to conquer and subjugate his perceived racial enemies and the latter was an internationalist and egalitarian who was a staunch supporter of the Union cause in the Civil War. Almost like saying uyghur isn't the sole determinant of whether someone's ideology is shit.


We don't even know that he actually did grow up in Tanzania and Asia afaik. To my knowledge, everything we have on Myatt's life before he got involved in Nazism comes from Myatt himself and the man is a compulsive liar.


No shit. I've already looked can't find a pdf of that book and google books preview is limited.

That's super helpful.


>the former was very open about wanting to conquer and subjugate his perceived racial enemies

And? I'm just saying there's not much in the way of textual evidence that Nazis had beef with black people. Not to mention that the German empire was the least egregious in terms of conquering and subjugating "inferior races" vs Spain, England, France, Russia or even the Dutch. That's really the great irony of the "Germany tried to take over the world" narrative. Further, the only major difference between Nazi Germany's racialism was codified antisemitism as opposed to Ango-American philosemitism.

>staunch supporter of the Union cause in the Civil War.

Further, the Union also saw black people as racially inferior, which is plainly evident in multiple Lincoln quotes. They merely disagreed that black people should be enslaved for reasons that were not strictly limited to the immorality of chattel slavery. The notion that the Union were simply "good guys" fighting for the liberation of black people is an utterly childish CNN-tier talking point.


> fused extremism paper
got a link for this?



>textual evidence that Nazis had beef with black people
Yeah, because there were no black people in Germany lol. They still wanted their African colonies back and if we can assume based on how they treated Eastern Europe, I'm sure they wouldn't have been too nice.

>Not to mention that the German empire was the least egregious in terms of conquering and subjugating "inferior races" vs Spain, England, France, Russia or even the Dutch.

Guess what, colonialism can be bad no matter who does it. The difference between other colonial empires and N"S" though is that the former were usually at least nominally for the benefit of the native peoples as well as for the benefit of the home country. This wasn't true in practice of course but it at least laid the grounds for decolonization. Nazism didn't have that and beyond this, it was the first time that colonial logic was turned inward onto other European peoples (which is why it's ironic that modern Nazis see Hitler as the defender of some deracinated "white Europe").


It's funny that you bitch about philosemitism when the Anglos do it but when the Confederates have a Jewish banker running their finances that's a-okay. Or what about that time Hitler captured a Rothschild and then let him go in the largest ransom in human history?

>the Union also saw black people as racially inferior, which is plainly evident in multiple Lincoln quotes. They merely disagreed that black people should be enslaved for reasons that were not strictly limited to the immorality of chattel slavery

No shit but they were still the progressive side in the war. The CSA was explicitly founded on the biological supremacy of "whites" and some major Confederate figures wanted to create a slave empire as insane as the one Hitler was trying to build.


It was posted earlier in the thread.


>"Germany tried to take over the world" narrativ
Also never said this. I said they tried to take over Eastern Europe and genocide or enslave Slavs and Jews and they did.



Didn't Marx say he wanted to exterminate 'backwards' peoples like the Serbs?


Does anyone have some sort of guide to obscure ONA symbols? I know a lot of actual sigils and someone posted something on /x/ recently they said was an ONA sigil. Maybe that would be a good project to catalog their symbology like the SPLC does for most hate groups.


It was probably one of the symbols from the Dark Immortal script


Their sigils


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Tempel of Blood symbol, I assume everyone already knows that one, and a weird swastika they sometimes use.


And the Tree of Wyrd, their totally Aryan not-Jewish-at-all-we-promise-guise ripoff of the Tree of Life from Kabbalah. I think that's it for the major ones.


Alternate Tree of Wyrd.


And as has been said, their proxy groups often use the left facing sauwastika instead of the swastika. And turn the Tyr/victory rune upside down, kinda like it is in the Tempel ov Blood symbol. I guess they're too dark and edgy for solar symbols lol.


Ah yeah they just look even more like random squiggles than most sigils, pretty infuriatingly hard to memorize.

Also "Neklaha" looks exactly like the one angel from neon genesis evangelion. Wouldn't be surprised if they ripped that off.


Those are the sigils as they appear in Myatt's 90s writing. There are prettied up versions, like this version of the sigil of Vindex, but yeah, they're shit.


It's bizzare to me they wouldn't have some version or derivation of the "shawrzsunne"/black sun considering their obsession with nazism. In fact I'd bet good money that they have to, it's just the way Nazis are.
Considering that the "black sun" was a symbol of Himmler's inner circle I bet they would copy that idea, then again maybe they never read up on the occult things the nazis did because they don't seem the type to think about that in-depth.
>TL;DR Himmler wanted to create a special secret club in the SS which was supposed to be like the knights of the round table but for racism. I've seen nazis copy + paste that idea over and over again and it's bizzare that I've never seen ONA shit about it.


Thing is, O9A as it is in Myatt's old writing is supposed to be about more than Nazism. In real terms I think it was pretty clearly supposed to be a Nazi front group but if you take the writings at face value then Nazi Germany was good but it wasn't really the be all end all. The Dark Imperium/Galactic Reich that's coming is going to take some cues from the Third Reich but it's not really about reproducing the Third Reich exactly but in space, it has more to do with reinstituting this Promethean, Nietzschean spirit of self-overcoming and heroic transgression that was supposedly behind Nazism.

As you move into the 2000s and 2010s you have groups like Tempel ov Blood and Drakon Covenant that kinda take it in a different direction where Nazism was badass because it was evil but hey, so was the USSR and so is ISIS. All that really matters is killing people.

Probably the nexions that most closely follow that 90s vision are The Black Order, which is a network of nexions spread all over the world but dedicated to pan-Europeanism. Either them or Secuntra Nexion in Italy, both are very "traditional". If you read The Black Order's literature, there's quite a bit in there about past Nazi occultism. Himmler and the SS first and foremost of course but also stuff like the Thule Society, Ariosophy, and James H. Madole.


What percentage of the population were they? It's like how modern American Nazis often have no problems with East Asians whereas back in the 20s-30s racists were freaking out about how they'd take over the world. Hitler was more concerned about Slavs because Germans lived alongside so many more of them than they did blacks, Turkic peoples, Arabs, Indians, Japanese or any of the other groups muh tolerant nazis people point to. We have zero reason to believe that if they'd gotten their colonies back they wouldn't have been just as savage towards Africans as the Belgians.

Jews were also a tiny minority ofc but they're kind of a special case, Nazi hatred of Jews was more anti-capitalism for retards than something like their hatred of the Slavs. All the negative qualities of capitalism got projected onto the Jews instead of onto the economic system they existed within. The problem isn't the profit motive, it's Jewish greed. The problem isn't commodification and alienation, it's Jews being a spiritually disintegrative force on our culture. A system where we deny housing to people isn't wrong, the problem is Jewish landlords.


Jews were picked because they were a very visible minority in a lot of European cities and they could be an easy target for majoritarian hatred. Fascists/Nazis weren’t very creative or anything, they just picked the path of least resistance for stoking majoritarian sentiment that they could use to get into power.


But wouldn't they still want a racist knights in outer space type deal?


What the satanic nazi space empire is going to look like is pretty vague, we just know that there's gonna be lots of dueling. Duelling, honor, exploration, I think Myatt says at one point that eventually we'll develop biological technology that'll let us travel faster than light and do other stuff that actual technology can't. So like satanist Klingons with an H.R. Giger aesthetic maybe.


>It's like how modern American Nazis often have no problems with East Asians
you’re just lying here. suspect


I'm not, go on /pol/. Rooftop Koreans are a meme, they tend to love Japan even apart from otaku dweeb shit and whenever there's shit between East Asians and another minority they take the side of the Asians. The Jared Taylor type race realist WNs always go on about how actually East Asians have the highest IQs so they're not white supremacists. It's definitely a thing.


Oh okay so they are already playing racist knights in outer space got it lol


>It's funny that you bitch about philosemitism when the Anglos do it but when the Confederates have a Jewish banker running their finances that's a-okay. Or what about that time Hitler captured a Rothschild and then let him go in the largest ransom in human history?

I'm not upset about that at all, and the Rothschild kidnapping is the single greatest point for deflating the hagiography of the Third Reich embraced by modern Nazis. I feel the exact same way about Judah Benjamin. I'm not apologizing for Nazis. They were bad. They just weren't doing anything other white nations were doing or had done, other than be antisemitic.

>is that the former were usually at least nominally for the benefit of the native peoples as well as for the benefit of the home country. This wasn't true in practice of course but it at least laid the grounds for decolonization.

What a massive cope. Ackchually, the countries with the *most* colonial holdings were the REAL progressives. Holy fuck.

>The CSA was explicitly founded on the biological supremacy of "whites" and some major Confederate figures wanted to create a slave empire as insane

Guess what? So was the Union. And they fucking did create a massive slave empire. And when a combination of geopolitical tensions and internal politics necessitated the abandonment of that model not for the benefit of blacks but entrenched capital, all responsibility was retroactively foisted on the south. In reality, there was no real economic demarcation between the north and south. They were two parts of system that existed in symbiosis with one another.


I acknowledge that that exists.

>I'm just saying there's not much in the way of textual evidence that Nazis had beef with black people


How do you know all this stuff?
This information certainly isn't in the public domain.


I'm just saying you have concern troll written all over you


How does who know what?


Most of it is, the issue is that there's so fucking much of it and most people don't bother to read beyond The Sinister Tradition, Hostia, and maybe Liber 333. Even a lot of the stuff that nominally isn't public domain is easy to get. For example to get ToB's "secret" zines you just had to buy their overpriced patch lol. There's other shit you can only get if you meet up irl but you can absolutely get a very thorough understanding of O9A without doing that.

I'm in a lot of O9A servers too though, remarkably easy people to trick if you know their shit and can change up your writing style and personality a little to fit whatever role you're trying to play. It's very funny since they view themselves as this elite that specializes in manipulation.


Tell me all the most disturbing things you know about them. Maybe I could stir up a bit of division among the rightoids.
Doesn't fbi.gov track your email and other personal info?


Some good places to start if anyone's interested in reading primary sources on O9A.


>Doesn't fbi.gov track your email and other personal info?
Not an issue if you're careful and a lot of them are on telegram anyways.


This was on the group chat this morning. Seems this Union Satanisti Italiani is one of the largest theistic satanist groups in Italy. Jennifer Mezzetta is the leader and she's been on mainstream media and debated cath celebrities. 95% of the time this USI promotes a form of theistic satanism that's completely peaceful and inoffensive. But now and then she posts O9A pics, promotes O9A in her articles, and recently appeared in a Conflagration video about hunting Magians (Jews).

Proof will be posted below but we need some way to get this to the media in Italy. This has the potential to be as big as the ABG doxx in terms of coverage although it's obviously less sensational since there's no connection to the state or church. A proper doxx would be cool too. Probably inevitable that we get one but if anyone wants to help us out it would be cool. She was born in Chiavari on Jan 10, 1989 and moved to Lake Como in 2019. Which most likely means she's in the town of Como itself. Would be good to know what she does for work.





The Conflagration vid she appeared in which names her in the description.


Everything is screenshotted btw so don't bother deleting. I know you pedos read this thread. :)


Don't screenshot; publicly archive!


It's fine, already backed up by multiple people and sent to multiple other people. Only thing left to do is get it to Italian media and to find the rest of Mezzetta's details.


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Ah, okay, see when you mentioned front groups and made up psycho cults, my mind turned back to Iron Gates. Cuz in the book, there's a section about how Evil Satan Land's leader has a habit of creating fucked up religious movements, one of the more prominent ones being some death cult around some lady called the Commandant. Considering Iron Gates is sort of a blueprint of their…ideal society, I imagine that this is considered a good idea by some o9a goobers, and probably the basis for some of their weird cults. That is of course assuming Iron Gates is an accurate insight into how these people think.


guy second from left is wearing a black sun hoodie
could be an 09A member infiltrating Patriot Front


Nowhere near everyone using the black sun is O9A, don't get crazy.


why not? Patriot Front is also similar to O9A in a lot of ways
terminally online and recruit through online chatrooms, fetishism of secrecy and cult-ish organizational ladders/hierarchy despite being laughably insecure and unstable


they're both also part of the new zoomer-ish social media wave of wignats that try to distance themselves from the other, older generation of wignats, and are more or less sheltered upper middle class who didn't get conventionally recruited, like through local scenes or jail or whatever


Because the black sun is an extremely common symbol for Nazis lol. It's like saying that anyone using the swastika has to be a Niner. There are probably a few Niners doing insight roles in Patriot Front but one dude wearing a black sun hoodie isn't proof of that and it's kinda weird that you'd post as if it is right after an actual insight role has been uncovered.


anon that's every right wing group



Apparently /lit/ has noticed the thread. Idc if people hate the left and prefer to larp as caths or sufis (are they still reading Guenon over there?) but this is a good opportunity to mention that O9A shills 4chan constantly, /lit/, /x/ and /pol/ in particular. Here's some proof of them shilling /x/, including promoting the Satanic Front "group" that's already been talked about.

If you ever see a thread that goes "what's the deal with O9A guise? just found out about them and they seem really scary" it's almost certainly a Niner and there will be multiple Niners in the thread pretending they don't know anything about O9A and multiple other Niners (or the same people) telling them why O9A is dangerous and badass. Chloe actually talks about this somewhere in an earlier issue of Nexion, they've been doing coordinated shilling and going to schizo lengths to try to make it look like there are more of them than there are since forums were the big thing.


Thought you were replying to a different post before. Yeah, I think they saw themselves (probably still do) as the organization from Iron Gates. An evil intelligence community that tortures its own members, breaks every taboo and manipulates people for no reason other than to be evil.

A lot of the identification with intelligence agencies was probably just cope on the part of Sutter (not that we know for sure that he was who wrote Iron Gates but references to glowies were all over ToB literature). It's more fun in a conspiratorial way to think of the FBI setting up a satanic pedo cult for MK Ultra purposes or whatever but Sutter isn't a hard person at all so it doesn't fit. For example, we know that he sobbed on the phone with his dad when he got sentenced to two years despite being Aryan Nations nobility. That conviction was what led him to turn snitch and it's only after he did that that he founded ToB iirc. Everything seems to point to him being turned into an FBI asset because he was a bitch and then identifying as some evil James Jesus Angleton type to justify it to himself. Imo ToB was most likely more COINTELPRO than MK Ultra or GLADIO.

Speaking of Iron Gates, are you the person who was posting about it earlier itt?


me posting my own thing doesn't detract from the importance of previous posts. this is an imageboard, people can see an entire thread neutrally unlike twitter or reddit


I know, wasn't necessarily trying to accuse you of sliding. But we've already had multiple Niners itt and you were jumping to crazy conclusions so I found it kind of strange.



that’s crazy


lol I wonder if this explains the /pol/tards spending literally hours a day making low effort threads recently. I mean, beyond the trucker crap.
I am not even kidding, there was a raider who started posting child pornography on that exact date until mods snubbed their vps.


Could be. I'd say the giveaways would be advocating violence in a hyperedgy way, having extremely sectarian takes (they tried to d&c Nazis on telegram last year by pitting pagans and esoteric hilterists against Christians), or having a frame of reference for leftism that leans too heavily on anprim or edgier nihilist stuff like LBC, Novatore or Nechayev. The latter might sound sectarian itself but they tend to like ITS/LBC/20s nihilist type stuff and see it as more compatible with O9A and more useful for sinister manipulation. I'll try to get some links about that together later.

And of course the biggest one is talking about O9A, just like the big giveaway for an account being David Myatt is if it pretentiously talks about David Myatt. Any poster framing O9A in a way that makes them seem excessively dangerous, cool, literate or scary is probably a Niner themselves and if they're not they're an idiot you shouldn't be listening to anyways.


This gets back to the point about humor that was made earlier itt. O9A shills will pretend to consider aspects of O9A degenerate, they'll pretend O9A is confusing, they'll use just about every lie in the book. But you won't catch even a single one making O9A into a joke, which is what it should be to everyone without the brain of a 15 year old goth kid who got referred to the guidance counsellor. A joke that's killed people and should be stopped but still a joke.


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>still pushing this bullshit hate-cruscate against LBC and non-left anarchsts
Just fuck off would you? Cunt-bag.


hey i remember you from the anarchist general. didn't know you were an O9Aer also


Links between ITS and ToB

Anti-civ guy who's at least read O9A literature

Part of a network of Italian language O9A blogs that promote Anarcho-Nihilism. This one puts out or put out a zine that promotes most of the people and groups I mentioned.

And this I sadly don't have archived but there used to be a network of telegram channels led by a guy named Drengr and his buddy NapalmSon. They had a lot of weird phases where they were clearly changing shilling tactics behind the scenes but at one point they were pushing Novatore and other old Anarcho-Nihilist shit hard. Drengr was doxxed off the site by Christian Nazis and the network collapsed so most of that stuff is no longer around but search Hatelabs Archive on telegram if you wanna see what's left of it, maybe there's some reference to annihs in the old podcasts they did.

Not saying all Anarcho-Nihilists are O9A shills obviously but any ideology that's violent, transgressive, and antisocial lets them infiltrate a lot more easily.



And just because I feel like that's shit I probably shouldn't be linking, reminder for the /pol/ lurkers that these people are sadists, pedophiles and possibly federal agents and that Drengr repeatedly fantaszied about sexually torturing male prisoners. Not that there's anything wrong with gay sexual torture if everything's on the up and up but don't let a guy like that convince you to burn down your local synagogue please.


That's an interesting take. I know the ONA seem incapable of self-reflection but in many ways they have gotten by because they are so much of a joke on the mystical level, the other Satanists look down on ONA and there is a good reason why.


They've gotten by for a combination of reasons but the rest of the satanist scene is definitely one of those reasons. It's not enough to just look down on them or consider them a rival sect, you have to actually deplatform and doxx them and you're a lot less likely to do that when your internet scene consists of tons of edgy e-cults anyways because what makes this one so different? Chloe talks about that in Nexion too, there was no shortage of LHP internet cults when O9A started building up its internet presence but because the former wrote off O9A, they're gone while O9A is still here.

Also when I say you need to point out that they're a joke I don't mean that you need to make fun of them for not having enough initiates or not knowing mystical philosophy well enough, I mean that it's a joke for grown men and women to do things like fuck next to crystals while they chant chaos, bleed onto terribly drawn pictures of grey aliens or dress in black robes and conduct spoopy rituals to call down H.P. Lovecraft fanfic characters. Which is all shit that other occultists are forced to take seriously on some level because they believe magickkkkk is real. Not uncommon to run into occultists on /x/ who hate O9A but are scared of them because they think the magic works lol.


Yeah I was the guy commentating on Iron Gates earlier, I'm only about halfway through it due to getting distracted by real life stuff, and also because this book is an absolute slog to get through. You wouldn't think that shit like a post apocalyptic dystopia would get boring, yet somehow it does because these people cannot write to save their lives. I've seen fanfics with better flow, because at least they dont stop in the middle of what a character is doing to give an entire chapter's worth of exposition, most of it pointless.

To recap so far, the girl our guy named the Lieutenant is fucking who may or may not be underage (considering she's described as having "small bee-sting tits" I'm leaning on underage, but apparently she's old enough to attend a major military meeting so who knows) is named Nadezdha, who's important because her father is a very important weapons developer for the organization. Because the Lieutenant, who's actually much higher ranking than his title suggests, favors her, he gives her a way to get her dream job as part of the ghestapo torture program or whatever by writing a recommendation in code and telling her to give that to someone important in internal security. Whatever. Following a brief chapter where the hapless private from earlier is carried down into the bowels of internal security while hog tied and prepped for more torture, we get that military meeting I mentioned earlier. Nadezdha's father is revealing a new piece of recovered and restored military hardware…which turns out to be some rather basic Palestinian artillery piece. The fact that this is treated as some huge innovation and gamechanger by all the guys in the room is kinda bewildering, though I'm willing to excuse it as a sign that technological regression in the post-apocalyptic world is pretty bad if artillery is a huge advantage. Then we get the next few chapters, in which we have a celebration that features delightful moments such as Nadezdha contemplating fucking an 11 year old and the Liutenant and his cronies torturing a hapless grunt for making the (admittedly, really stupid) mistake of smoking next to the artillery piece, while the thing is loaded no less. This gratuitous torture involves a whole lot of male on male rape, beatings, and in perhaps the only creative torture the book has presented thus far the guy is set on fire and then doused with a few gallons of antiseptic. He is then dragged off to be tortured some more offscreen. At some point or another, the Commandant and her cult is introduced, wherein we get a nice long background thing about how the Commander encourages fucked up cults to develop under his control as part of le epic psychological experiments. Blah blah, she kills a baby and it gets torn to shreds by her devoted followers. We also learn from this chapter and the military demonstration earlier that the Organization CANNOT DESIGN A FLAG TO SAVE THEIR LIFE. Like, ONE vexillology course, is that too much to ask? But I'm getting off topic.

Now, we are introduced to Lynx, soon to be known as Bluebird, who seems like she's gonna be who the novel will focus the majority of its remaining time on. A 12 year old girl living on her own in the post apocalyptic world, she is taken in by the Commandant's cult and quickly indoctrinated by it, getting groomed for leadership and excelling at being a budding psychopath who's able to keep order among the other kids, who we learn in another long ass tangent are "donated" to the Commandant's cult sometimes in infancy because raising children in Organization territory is kind of a liability. There's also the problem of parents killing and eating their children, sometimes in perverse rituals, which the Organization has a problem with because they'd like to be the ones fully in control of taking lives thank you very much. Intersped with this is some more BDSM indoctrination and a pointless couple of chapters focusing on shock troopers and the insurgents they're fighting, with one chapter screeching to a halt just so it can tell us in great detail how one shock trooper gives a whole new meaning to the term "getting head" and another shock trooper, in a "humorous" moment, brings "levity" to his comrades by retelling how he raped a six year old girl and forced her to squawk like a chicken. Riveting. Oh and now Bluebird is into rape and molestation too, how charming.

That's more or less the best summary I've got for the first half of the book. There's probably some parts I'm missing but my fucking god does it get tiresome. It long ago stops being horrific and mostly alternates between being boring as fuck and unintentionally comedic. NONE of the characters stand out, with the exception of private Bonn who it seems the story kinda forgot about, and all the other characters kinda blend together because everyone is described as being a TWISTED FUCKIN CYCLE PATH. Between all these serious personality issues that most Organization members seem to hold, and the fact that our Commander here encourages chronic backstabby behavior and general pointless dickery to the point where it would cause the Sith to do some self reflection, it brings us to the real mystery of this novel: how the fuck a group this stupid and this cartoonishly evil has not only managed to survive but somehow dominate the southeastern United States. They pride themselves in being unbound by morality or rules or ethics, but it's also clear that they're unbound by common sense. Half of the time this story reads like a blooper real of TNO Ordenstaat Burgund events that were scrapped because the developers thought they were too edgy. Clearly nobody did any proofreading other than basic grammar/spelling issue checks, because otherwise someone would have caught on to how stupid this all is and demanded a rewrite to make things make a lick of sense.

That's all I've got for now, fuck this thing is maddening. The only bright side to it is I have a little bit of inspiration for stuff for a TNO submod I'm helping work on. Anyways, now onto chapter 18, in which it seems we start to be introduced to a 9 year old girl named Britta. Five bucks says this is going to end with rape.


I'm a bit surprised because for a supposedly anti-O9A thread there is relatively little here that is actually anti-O9A at all. Any investigation so far seems to be stuff which could be easily achieved with a quick glance through a telegram channel.
Many of these guys are actually pretty easy targets. A lot of them are downright stupid.
For one example: the guy who writes acausality.wordpress.com is stupid enough to have his real name and face online as well as his girlfriend's (who is presumably his magical partner judging by images of her). He's even stupid enough to actually wear a jacket with the O9A star on it.
You can literally just look these retards up on good old fashioned normie social media. Pro-tip, heaps of these guys are Gen X morons in their 50s or older who have no concept of privacy. They post about this shit on facebook, instagram, and even snapchat lol.
As pointed out above in one of the few relevant posts, you can actually see that there's at most 2 degrees of separation between the people actually coming into contact with legitimate terrorists (or feds, same thing), e.g. Conflagration, who received money from Sutter, and regular normies on instagram such as that brainlet Italian woman who is probably also the model, or one of the models, they use for their """art shoots""" because she has nearly bang on the same body type
Then again, don't expect the media or government to actually help you with these people. The government never seems to take action on the O9A. Partly because following the guidelines minus the occultism looks almost like a training scheme by some weird coincidence.


>For one example: the guy who writes acausality.wordpress.com is stupid enough to have his real name and face online as well as his girlfriend's (who is presumably his magical partner judging by images of her). He's even stupid enough to actually wear a jacket with the O9A star on it.

Post it


>For one example: the guy who writes acausality.wordpress.com is stupid enough to have his real name and face online as well as his girlfriend's (who is presumably his magical partner judging by images of her). He's even stupid enough to actually wear a jacket with the O9A star on it.
Yeah, it was the same for Rape and Nikola Poleksic. These people can't help themselves.

>Conflagration, who received money from Sutter,

Is there proof of this? Pic seems to be related, ToB patches that use the Conflagration symbol.

>regular normies on instagram such as that brainlet Italian woman who is probably also the model, or one of the models, they use for their """art shoots"""

One of the models. They have at least two, Jennifer Mezzetta and Nokturna. She's certainly not a regular normie imo though, regular normies don't make art referencing the sinister tarot or make agios o Shugara chants. She went on an indefinite social media break right after she was posted about itt too.

>Then again, don't expect the media or government to actually help you with these people. The government never seems to take action on the O9A. Partly because following the guidelines minus the occultism looks almost like a training scheme by some weird coincidence.

They don't need to help us. I certainly wouldn't complain about a ban but whether it's coming or not and whether O9A is a legitimate Nazi/nihilist movement, a complete op or something in between, it's completely possile for normal people to disrupt it.


>That's all I've got for now, fuck this thing is maddening.
I'm surprised you haven't complained about the actual prose yet lmao. I'd have to reread IG to really get at what was going on with it but I remember it having these crazy runon sentences, shoving a few specific words like concourse everywhere even where they didn't work, and qualifying everything. This guy's the most evil in the organization except there are even more evil ones. The wastelands are totally blasted and hostile to non-nomadic life except there are some settlements. Almost felt like whoever wrote it was overly afraid of worldbuilding himself into a corner but then the only thing he does with his setting is have twisted psychos rape people.


A bunch of delusional scitzos that have never had any real world impact

seriously as long as untreated mental illness and access to the Internet exist, then these types of delusional idiots will also exist
I mean this shit is fucking annoying at times


>never had any real world impact
>Russian Federal Security Services arrested a group of satanists in April 2020 in Krasnodar suspected of "public calls to carry out extremist activities", incitement to murder due to religious and racial hatred, and criminal activities against women. The police also seized occult "extremist material" during the raids. They belonged to a group called Legion Ave Satan, a chapter of the O9A, using nazi Reichsadler grasping a pentagram and sword as its symbol. On their now-banned VKontakte page, they claimed nexions all over the CIS countries, promoted O9A, and identified as followers of "Traditional Satanism" and "pre-christian faith".[224][225][226] They first appeared in Russian media in 2018 when a teenager burned down a church in Republic of Karelia. The teenager had expressed his support for the Legion Ave Satan in VKontakte and posted pictures wearing a skull mask associated with Atomwaffen and O9A. He was sent to involuntary psychiatric treatment. The local nexion used an old poultry farm in Kondopoga for gatherings, and the group had lured children to prostitution according to Moskovskij Komsomolets.[227][228][229] As is the case elsewhere, the group is connected to the local Atomwaffen chapter.[230] Four Russian members of the Order of Nine Angles were arrested for ritual murders in Karelia and St. Petersburg.[197][198]
There have also been at least 4 cullings, possibly 6 or even more than that, a fuckton of busted terror plots, relatively large scale infiltration of the military and some attempts to cause pointless chaos there. The Rural Nexion armed compound outside of Dallas is O9A and afaik still exists even after a lot of their members were doxxed. And that's just O9A itself, there's a lot more if you look at the Siege groups like AWD, FKD, NA and its spinoffs, Northern Order etc. that O9A has infiltrated.

O9A is a joke and like all grown men who dress in black robes and larp as lovecraftian cultists they should be mocked. But they're a joke that's already hurt innocent people and will hurt more if they're not stopped. That's a tightrope you have to be careful on. Go too far in the direction of it's all a larp and you end up ignoring them, go too far in the direction of it's a super serious satanic death cult and you end up making them look cool and getting them more followers.



>As pointed out above in one of the few relevant posts, you can actually see that there's at most 2 degrees of separation between the people actually coming into contact with legitimate terrorists (or feds, same thing), e.g. Conflagration, who received money from Sutter, and regular normies on instagram such as that brainlet Italian woman who is probably also the model, or one of the models, they use for their """art shoots""" because she has nearly bang on the same body type
Oh yeah, in case it wasn't clear when I dumped all those Jennifer Mezzetta links, I'm not guessing that she's a Conflagration model based on looks, that song literally says it in the description.
>All art and music by the Hyperborean Nexion. The woman in the video, our friend, Jennifer Crepuscolo.
Jennifer Crepuscolo is the name she sometimes goes by on her Unione Satani Italiani accounts.


so they get into the military and train together but there lack of numbers will always mean that they can't do shit


What about all the other things I posted? Trafficking kids and murdering half a dozen randos isn't not doing shit. I'm not saying we're at any risk of O9A developing into an insurgency or actually collapsing society and creating the galactic reich obviously. The point of doxxing and deplatforming these people is to stop innocent people getting hurt, that's it.


Doxxing them and reporting them to police would take out most of the radicals and sctizos, but a majority of them will still be left


>we can't win completely so lets let these guys continue to traffick kids and kill people
Retard or demoralization shill, doesn't matter.


Honestly this was kinda depressing, cause holy shit we need to that as well
sure these fuckers won't accomplish shit cause of there numbers but If a actual progressive force managed to create a real commune for training, it could be real movement and not some transhumanists living in a polycue


I kinda thought the terrible prose went without saying, but yeah whoever wrote this does not know how to write sentences properly either. And you're right on the money about the world building, it feels like they're desperately trying to flesh out the Organization except all the tangents they go on tell us nothing except that the Organization cultivates anti-social personality disorder by design, which starts to get boring really quickly. How the Organization even came into being, how they're in a dominant position in the south eastern former USA despite seemingly only having a few main buildings, and other such questions are never so much as touched upon.


Jesus christ you have no Idea how much anger I feel everytime I see your stupid pics
please stop


At least they're contributing.


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Yeah even the more serious ones are cringe. Some more shining examples of the Noctulian overman.


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these guys just seem like LARPers


lmao that faggot wouldn't have the balls to actually do anything to that substation
they only go after harmless individuals like women and children and old people, as all fascists do


idk I feel like the real radicals among these morons wouldn't publicly post pics of them those online, or those guys are even more sctizos who go pure unhinged


“Beatings come from heaven”


You'd be surprised. The Canadian dude who murdered at least one person and likely two as human sacrifices had a youtube channel full of O9A shit. These are severely retarded and unbalanced people.


Forgot to mention, nobody send that Mezzetta shit to wop media yet, something needs to be checked first.


If she really is Niner affiliated, that's kinda disappointing, she has some pretty good articles focused on Joy of Satan and why their version of Satanism is garbage, to the point JoS has labeled her a "Jewish pseudo-Satanist".


If it was just an O9A sigil now and then I might write her off as an edgelord who doesn't know much about O9A besides that they're extreme and piss people off but I don't see how you can accidentally make a video with Conflagration or how Conflagration calling you their friend could be nothing. That's without getting into the O9Aish art she's made (which looks similar to Secuntra Nexion's sinister tarot, not sure if I mentioned that), all the black suns, calling Maria Orsic beautiful, the Agios Shugarah song, all the articles promoting O9A or her thanking Conflagration for some unspecified gift.

Very very suspicious that she and USI have been flailing around since she was posted about here too. Not only is she taking a break but now the private USI telegram group has either been deleted or renamed since none of the links on her public telegram channel work anymore.

Absolutely a Niner, provably linked to Conflagration and I think we can assume linked to Secuntra Nexion as well. USI may have been intended to act as a filter and feeder group for Secuntra even.


Nameless Therein was revealed to have received money from feds to make music, they are either feds themselves or are in contact with feds
>one of the models
the original model is thinner and has dark hair
yeah I know but I'm saying I'm 90% sure she's been with them well before they did that video
they use the same private references to the idea of the dark mother, she wouldn't have got that anywhere else, and she's been using that for ages
Conflagration/Nameless Therein is not even the only nexion she's connected to lol, and most other nexions make no explicit reference to satanism (since O9A isn't really satanism anyway, satan is a fairly minor figure in their mythos) so the idea it's just an accident can be totally ruled out


for proof
Mike Enoch of all people quite thoroughly proved Sutter was a fed even though he was known to have been one for probably 10 years or so, and some other journalist got govt documents through FOIA or whatever which names Nameless Therein explicitly as being paid to make music, it'll probably be the top result if you google it



>Nameless Therein was revealed to have received money from feds to make music, they are either feds themselves or are in contact with feds
Nameless Therein isn't the same band as Conflagration though. Do the Strike and Mike eps go into all this? Just started the first one.


>they use the same private references to the idea of the dark mother, she wouldn't have got that anywhere else, and she's been using that for ages
Another thing, this is jumping to conclusions too quickly. If deepl is doing me right then what Jennifer Mezzetta's actually saying is Mother of Souls first of all, not Dark Mother. Maybe she changes it up now and then, I didn't translate nearly all her bullshit.

Now that's clearly a reference to O9A's Baphomet, who is called the Dark Mother and the Mother of Blood in their literature, as we can see from Mezzetta posts like her fb post of the woman holding a severed head up, which is clearly a reference to pic related from Richard Moult's sinister tarot (supposed to be Baphomet holding the head of Klaus von Stauffenberg).

But that alone isn't proof of direct contact. Taken in isolation it could just be her cribbing stuff she saw in The Sinister Tradition, Hostia and The Sinister Way. Ofc we have hard evidence for a direct link between her and Conflagration, I just don't think we should rush to conclusions and say that she's for sure connected to Nameless Therein or any nexion we can't concretely tie her back to. Even what I said about USI and Secuntra is just speculation, we don't know for sure yet.

>Conflagration/Nameless Therein is not even the only nexion she's connected to lol

What's your evidence for this? Not saying I don't think she is connected to nexions, I'd just like some hard evidence.


Speaking of the Mezzetta thing, in case anyone doesn't get just how big a deal this has the potential to be, Italy's media and culture is still very much dominated by Catholics and they've already been attacking USI for years in addition to fearmongering about satanism in general. The revelation that she's connected to a nazi pedo human sacrifice cult is going to be absolute crack to these people and will definitely get run in at least the tabloids if we can put a good enough case together.

I'd prefer for it to get to left leaning media first but we're still trying to find people interested. The Italian antifascist scene is not really like the Anglosphere one it seems, more social centers and squats than there are research outlets and doxxers.


I think it's annoying but honestly it's super based, "yeah, I'm an adult and love children's cartoons and don't care about what a Yugoslavian trash can forum has to say"


Mostly done with the first Strike & Mike ep and it's interesting stuff, especially the claims in the beginning about ToB trying to infiltrate Vanguard America before AWD and about them being at Charlottesville.

Not sure how much I trust it though. As far as original Nazi reporting on O9A shit goes, Striker's work is definitely the gold standard (does anyone have an archived version of his original article on Sutter?) but he definitely fudges facts to make the far right look better.

Like iirc his article on the DoD report that observed that O9A tends to fracture groups took that and ran all the way to saying that O9A is being used by the DoD to splinter Nazi orgs, which was not said in the report. Doesn't seem to have a very good grasp of the history and beliefs of O9A either. Maybe it's just not his focus but 40+ minutes in and they still haven't gotten into what ToB is besides saying that it's a satanic cult like the one from True Detective, which obliterates a lot of context. Don't remember any of his articles going too in depth into O9A/ToB itself either.


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Does anyone have screenshots or lists of the books they recommended, really don't give a shit about the Satanist or black hand magic shit, however I am interested if they have any decent homesteading, survivalist or tactical books


Siegeculture you mean? It's probably archived but American Futurist is the same people and their library post was linked earlier in the thread.


they're LARPers that don't even do anything productive with their land, why are you looking to them for advice


I'm looking for the book screenshots, they might not do shit with it but I could use it, or just keep it in my swarths of pdf book collections


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Is 09A or any of these groups related to this schitzo ?


they used to call themselves Nameless Conflagration, they share a youtube channel, everything
Nameless (anything), Conflagration, whatever. Same people.
I'm not talking about an Italian word, but I'm talking about her literally using the English term "dark mother" well before she was in their videos or whatever.
Also, that's not proof she's involved with Nameless Therein, it's intended to be fairly strong evidence she has been into O9A shit for way longer.
I'd be surprised if she were physically involved with more than one nexion but it's quite clear from looking at accounts that follow hers or are friends with her or her channel, whatever, that she is acting as a bit of a nexus where O9A-inclined people can spot each other, some of whom do seem to have formed nexions of their own
>O9A is being used by the DoD to splinter Nazi orgs, which was not said in the report
No, but Sutter and Hoy were literally filming people saying incriminating shit while working with the feds, there's been all sorts of anecdotes of them baiting people into doing shit that would get them arrested, at some point you don't really need a piece of paper to explicitly tell you what's going on here. Mike doesn't really understand the idea of the O9A, I agree, but he's basically right in saying ToB was being used as entrapment to send people to jail.
Ryan Fleming, by the way, who founded Sonnenkrieg, also came into contact with Sutter through Martinet Press shortly before he went to jail. Almost everyone who touches those guys gets arrested. It's 100% fed entrapment. They've got over 10 years of cases of them doing that at this point.


That could be a plausible explanation, these groups are a decent threat to national security and unlike many other groups, real Neo-Nazis instead of LARPers who create their own self sufficient communes will be a thorn on America's backside
creating division, influencing them to do out more radical acts of terror and the general schitzo behavior will essentially end them in a couple years


>they used to call themselves Nameless Conflagration, they share a youtube channel, everything
>Nameless (anything), Conflagration, whatever. Same people.
This isn't true. Conflagration used to be called Nameless Conflagration, they share a channel with Todeslich and that channel used to be called Nameless Visions. But Nameless Therein has always had their own channel. Visions and Conflagration are the same people, Therein is different.

Nameless is presumably a reference to Myatt's idea that language is a barrier to mystical apprehension, he goes on about that for ages in the Seafonfeld Paeth (actually how he spells it) trilogy and elsewhere. That's why he's always saying sans denotatum or why the Rounwytha are always described as having a wordless knowing. It's his autistic and very pretentious way of saying all my works are as straw and it's probably where both Therein and Conflagration got the term and idea.

>No, but Sutter and Hoy were literally filming people saying incriminating shit while working with the feds

Oh yeah, absolutely. Sutter's literally proven to be a fed, I would be completely amazed if Hoy wasn't one too. l just think Striker rushes to wild ass conclusions based on not enough evidence. There's a big difference between Sutter and Hoy being feds and Tempel ov Blood being a literal DoD operation. You also have to distinguish O9A and ToB, identity points of contact between the two, ask the question of state involvement with "traditional" O9A and ask what manner of state involvement that would be.

Striker doesn't seem to have the desire to do any of that because he wants an easy narrative where the absolute highest levels of the state are petrified of Nazis. Both him and Enoch seemed completely uninterested in the actual ideas behind O9A and ToB in those podcasts too. Which is hard to blame them for I guess, they'd clearly been told about Iron Gates and even if they hadn't, Liber 333 and Myatt aren't exactly exhilirating reads. It's just a really bizarre blind spot.


Not trying to say that ToB and O9A are substantially different in terms of their real goals of course. Both advocate for crime and brutalizing people, both have advocated for pedophilia and allied themselves with pedophiles, both want the collapse of modern civilization and they directly cooperated with each other early on, which continued literally until the Cole filing.

But there are differences in terms of the ideas, stated goals, aesthetics and people involved.


"internal conflict" it's a public imageboard


Atomwaffen might have developed into the sitting around in a compound all day direction had they actually listened to Siege and not Iron Gates since the former tells you to survive collapse, not throw your life away by carrying out a terror attack (or in AWD's case, larping like you're going to carry out a terror attack and usually never getting beyond that point). But Vanguard America wasn't that type of group at all, nor were most of the Nazi orgs at Charlottesville.

Obligatory James Mason was a pedo cause I don't wanna seem like I'm praising him too hard. Look up the Moynihan interview, he brags about it.


New jargon just dropped on Myatt's archive.
>The three practical ways of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) are represented by Baeldracians for those following or inspired by the way of the Drecc/Niner; Falciferians for those following or inspired by the Seven Fold Way; and Rynethians for those following or inspired by, or who are, the way of the Rounwytha.
I'm gonna have to find O9A's latest lexicon and make my own version at some point, this shit is probably impossible to follow if you're a normal person.

To get what these terms specifically mean, you have to know that O9A is kinda like D&D, you get to choose your class. At first, there was just the Sevenfold Way, what Myatt's now calling Falciferian, and that's what the 90s material like The Black Book of Satan, Naos and Hostia talk about. The black robes, chanting, star game, and human sacrifice shit, most of what you probably think of when you think of O9A.

The Dreccian Way was added in the early 2000s by Richard Moult and later expanded on by Chloe Ortega (who it's now synonymous with). To be a Drecc (Baeldracian) you have to (pretend to) form an O9A street gang, preferably one that performs rapes and lynchings.

And then the Rounwytha Way is something that Myatt added afaik during his "post-extremism" phase (2011 on) under the pseudonym Rachael Stirling. That's like the healer class, you don't really do much as a Rounytha (Rynethian) but live in the woods with maybe one or two other people and commune with nature.

Noctualians were something completely different and were unique to Tempel ov Blood. They're named after the Dark God Noctulius, who Myatt and the Niners who generally follow his line also believe in, but being a Noctulian in the ToB sense is all about torturing yourself and desensitizing yourself to violence and perversion so that you can be possessed by the Undead Gods and become a sociopathic predator.




>I'm not talking about an Italian word, but I'm talking about her literally using the English term "dark mother" well before she was in their videos or whatever.
>Also, that's not proof she's involved with Nameless Therein, it's intended to be fairly strong evidence she has been into O9A shit for way longer.
Missed this part of your post somehow. Misunderstood you, I definitely agree with that. All the stuff about the Mother and the visual references to O9A's Baphomet are the best proof we have aside from her contact with Conflagration.

Personally, I'd be very very surprised if she wasn't involved with Secuntra Nexion in some capacity, especially since her art looks so similar to their sinister tarot. When it comes to what we feed media outlets I don't think we should necessarily go there cause it can't be proven. It's gonna get turned into 0 autism score satanic panic nonsense that gets basic facts wrong and makes assumptions anyways if it hits the tabloids but we don't have to actively contribute to that.

I'd love to get some wop autist involved and translate all her videos but who knows how long her social media will even still be up or if she's already cleaned it up. Also that would be like a solid week's worth of work, she's been posting daily on multiple platforms going back years and years.


I'm quite into the ONA. Let me put Wampyrism and Satanism in a clear way to you, the ONA wants a new Anglo-Saxon or Greek/Roman pagan society. Whatever shocks you about the ONA was practiced in these societies. You people fear the ending of modernity I think, not particularly what the ONA really wants, because the ONA isn't anything new. One of their main points of the new aeon is of it being a personal wyrd, which has its deriving's in Anglo-Saxon society. This basically means that you live your own life not chained by capitalism or communism or this and that, but in order to achieve whatever you're meant to within your life. Some people already live this now within the ONA, but the aeon is wide spanning. It's not "drop out of society and camp in the woods", it's a communal societal thing. In fact, the majick system from the ONA comes from a book called Scipio's dream.
The TempelovBlood is a wampyric organisation. The TempelovBlood and the Drakon Covenant (British wampyric nexion) wants a society VERY alike to the Spartans, where there's a ruling elite, the noctulians (spartans) are hard bred through terror and murder and genocide of the mundanes (Helots). Both groups main goal is enlightenment, but the ONA is much more spiritual, and much more… nerdy compared to the TOB.

Also, I have no reason to lie to you, but the O9A is much more spiritual than it is about raping, murder and paedophilia. The ONA started out as a satanic group, so hence it has or had no morals, but it's increasingly changing over time. Maybe you armchair satanists are terrified of a group that's genuinely amoral, but David Myatt doesn't promote paedophilia.
Again though, where this changes with the TOB is that they'd actively want you to take up these desires, even promoting insanity and sociopathy to become better individuals. But you people already head in that direction which is the funny thing. You are pushing society to legalise these things like paedophilia. The TOB even promotes you to find your sexuality and had or has trans members.


>This basically means that you live your own life not chained by capitalism or communism or this and that, but in order to achieve whatever you're meant to within your life.


Clean your room, but also do genocide


Is this honestly what you mundanes take from that?


I just think it's funny Myatt could start his own range of New Age self help books


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what i took from it is that you think everyone has their own lane in life that they should stick to
everything else was nonsense


Myatt (not "Anton Long") actually has books like that. You can find them on Amazon.
Point out the nonsense please. But personal wyrd is not my opinion.


Are you really trying to gaslight us right now? Pretending O9A is good ol wholesome bois and we're the REAL pedophiles? That's fucking rich. Also nobody here is "terrified" of you, for the most part we find you an absolute laughingstock, myself included. Your understanding of morality and Satanism is on par with that of a teenage goth. Maybe I'm just not "numinous" or "acausal" enough but writing pedophile rape fantasies in your stupid little zines isn't exactly the peak of enlightenment, nor are fiction books where the main focus is on guys who fuck severed heads. The only reason anybody so much as gives you the time of day is because despite your cringeworthy attempts at edginess, you still manage to hurt people now and then.

Screech about how I'm a "mundane opfer" or whatever all you like, it's not going to change the fact that in the end the vast majority of you are just a bunch of edgy tryhards who indulge in this fantasy world of yours to make up for your lack of actual real world success. In short, how about you leave the "Tempel ov Blood" and join the "Tempel ov Bitches"


back to deviantart pedo larper


Sounds like Randianism/Nietzchienism with extra mystical woo and pen and paper game terminology for the lulz. "Aristocrats of the soul" cope.


>This basically means that you live your own life not chained by capitalism or communism or this and that, but in order to achieve whatever you're meant to within your life.
Yeah I know about Reichsfolk man. Doesn't matter if you call it rural communities living by the code of kindred honor instead, it's still racial communalism and has nothing in common with the anti-capitalist goals of the left. Despite many O9A entreaties to the left having been written, you guys have yet to even produce a coherent definition of what you think capitalism and the state are.

>In fact, the majick system from the ONA comes from a book called Scipio's dream.

No it doesn't lol, this was something Myatt added in the 2010s. The book is called De Re Republica first of all, The Dream of Scipio is just one part of one section/book of De Re Republica. And it has no magical system, certainly not one that has anything to do with shit like crystals, magical vibrations, the star game or human sacrifice. If you want to reduce O9A magic to its absolute barest essentials and say that its essence is the ascent through the spheres then yeah, there are ancient precedents, but that goes for a lot of other forms of modern magic too so by reducing O9A like that in order to historicize it you also get rid of its (autistic) uniqueness.

>The TempelovBlood is a wampyric organisation. The TempelovBlood and the Drakon Covenant (British wampyric nexion) wants a society VERY alike to the Spartans, where there's a ruling elite, the noctulians (spartans) are hard bred through terror and murder and genocide of the mundanes (Helots)

Even the Spartans didn't support the rape and sacrifice of toddlers.

>David Myatt doesn't promote paedophilia

Read The Girl Goddess, it's already been linked itt. He wrote pedophilic erotica, that's as supportive as you can get without actually doing it and there are rumors about that too.

>But you people already head in that direction which is the funny thing. You are pushing society to legalise these things like paedophilia.

How is the left pushing for pedophilia?


>The TOB even promotes you to find your sexuality and had or has trans members.
This means jack shit. Might seem progressive to you since your political and social environment as a Niner is overwhelmingly homophobic and transphobic but it's perfectly possible to find a philosophy that gives you the freedom to embrace your sexuality and gender without also telling you to commit terrorism, join Nazi orgs, rape people and molest kids.

And in case I need to remind you, David Copeland's nailbombing spree targeted gay communities in London. That was a terror spree directly inspired by Myatt's Nazi writing and Myatt possibly even personally mentored Copeland. So DM can say he supports LGBT people all he wants but in terms of his actual actions, he inspired an attack that wounded 100+ people, many of them LGBT.


>Are you really trying to gaslight us right now?
Give me a reason why I'd need to lie to you? All their literature can be found online for free.
>Pretending O9A is good ol wholesome bois and we're the REAL pedophiles?
What I'm saying is that they aren't as far removed from you as you'd like to think.
>Also nobody here is "terrified" of you, for the most part we find you an absolute laughingstock, myself included.
Did I say you are? Maybe this is manifestation of your true feelings or something. I'm barley even a "satanist" or ONA. All I've done is read their books and a few rituals.
>writing pedophile rape fantasies in your stupid little zines isn't exactly the peak of enlightenment, nor are fiction books where the main focus is on guys who fuck severed heads
Oh yeah, fuck me, forgot I wrote that to be fair. Disregard every other point I've said now that some freak wants to fuck severed heads, I do too! I'm an individual mate, someone's fantasies don't speak for me.
>The only reason anybody so much as gives you the time of day is because despite your cringeworthy attempts at edginess, you still manage to hurt people now and then.
I don't hurt anyone mate. This is the problem you're facing, you're not speaking to a group, you're not speaking to a larper or a murderer or some bloke in a cloak chanting, you're speaking to an individual. I don't have power fantasies because I'm not weak. I don't want to rape anyone because I'm handsome. I don't like children because… well I'm just not attracted to them.
>it's not going to change the fact that in the end the vast majority of you are just a bunch of edgy tryhards who indulge in this fantasy world of yours to make up for your lack of actual real world success.
How do you account for all the members who've been through the police, military, special forces, politicians, celebrities etc…? Kids might larp in a Telegram group telling underage children to cut their legs or something, but they aren't really "satanic" are they? They don't meditate on tarots, the don't follow the 7 fold way, they don't want enlightenment, they don't do insight roles, they don't try to better themselves. They're fucking larpers. And by the way, the ONA existed with probably less than 20 members for decades only going out on specific events every few years to give out invitations. I don't think it needs "members", because it's a way of life.
>In short, how about you leave the "Tempel ov Blood" and join the "Tempel ov Bitches"
I'm not in the TempelovBlood you spastic.

Dunno why you're saying "cope" like I don't agree with you.


File: 1645211909447.jpg (151.49 KB, 1908x1146, creepy clown beaten.jpg)

I think they are just retarded and schizo ASPD pedos that think le racist child molestation murderrape esoteric fascism-killpeopleism sounds edgy to normkes and so jerk themselves raw to it. Obviously they aren't magical, obviously they aren't powerful, if they ever actually do the shit they fantasize about they are probably setting themselves up for prison. They are like that psycho poop smeared aspd whore that was grooming chris chan. Sure they might fuck up some kids lives if some kid is unfortunate enough to be allowed to be molested by them but overall they won't do jack shit. These kinds of people are always total cowards that are all talk and no action even if the action they want to commit is degenerate, not ambitious at all, and only oriented around abusing vulnerable people in a system that expressly allows and encourages that. You should abuse these people mercilessly when you encounter them in real life but really they are nobody and that's why they do all this dumb larp for attention.


you are so fucking cringe lol


Get your tendril out of your ass and respond to my points


>Despite many O9A entreaties to the left having been written, you guys have yet to even produce a coherent definition of what you think capitalism and the state are.
The ONA doesn't need nor want unwilling "members". You like the ONA, you plug into its views. I know leftists who found the ONA for some reason. Although, the ONA generally turns them into National Bolsheviks due to the social Darwinist nature of the ONA. Maybe you need to realise that the ONA isn't National Socialist or Communist or this and that, it's its own thing. Ideological people on the fringes like me and you become attracted due (mostly) to being on the autistic spectrum.
>If you want to reduce O9A magic to its absolute barest essentials and say that its essence is the ascent through the spheres
That is the basis though? And the ONA isn't far removed from other groups, it just has more of an empathies on actually doing majick. External and internal. Anton Long states this.
>Even the Spartans didn't support the rape and sacrifice of toddlers.
Well they did sacrifice would-be weak babies and beat their children routinely. They also had death squads of children to kill Helots. They say the same bollocks in Iron Gates. Something about 5 year olds joining the death squads or something. Can't really remember the book, it's disgusting.
>Girl Goddess
David Myatt very well might be a paedo. My point is that the ONA and David Myatt isn't some kind of paedophile ring, nor a first, second or even third degree thought of the group. People reduce the ONA to being a rapist clan or something, but it's really skewering the real goals. They're just amoral. It naturally attracts freaks.
>How is the left pushing for pedophilia?
I'd rather speak about the ONA. We could discuss this in any other thread.


this is fucking hilarious
fuck anglos, fuck saxons and fuck you rofl


>The ONA doesn't need nor want unwilling "members". You like the ONA, you plug into its views.
Then why bother to claim that O9A is compatible with anarchism or anticapitalism in the first place? You don't have the same definition of the state or capitalism so it's meaningless and there's no agreement, that's my point. Might as well be a third positionist who thinks you're against capitalism because you want a welfare state.

>And the ONA isn't far removed from other groups, it just has more of an empathies on actually doing majick. External and internal. Anton Long states this

Not in his 90s writing he doesn't lmao, he shits all over just about every other occult current and religious tradition he mentions.

>Well they did sacrifice would-be weak babies and beat their children routinely. They also had death squads of children to kill Helots. They say the same bollocks in Iron Gates. Something about 5 year olds joining the death squads or something. Can't really remember the book, it's disgusting.

Not really the same as raping a 9 year old on top of a mound of baby skulls for Gaubni is it? Or fucking severed heads or raping dead bodies or cannibalizing people or raping and killing your comrades in arms. ToB are just sick freaks who should be put down, the Spartans don't deserve to be compared ot them and that's saying something because the Spartans were disgusting too.

>David Myatt very well might be a paedo. My point is that the ONA and David Myatt isn't some kind of paedophile ring, nor a first, second or even third degree thought of the group. People reduce the ONA to being a rapist clan or something, but it's really skewering the real goals. They're just amoral. It naturally attracts freaks.

Freaks like the founder (The Girl Goddess, association with Stephen Cox, associate with Joshua Sutter), the woman who revived it in the internet era (defending pedos and publishing pedo fapfic in Nexion), the most notable American cell leader (Iron Gates, allegedly actually molesting kids), the most notable cell leader besides Myatt in the UK (three convictions for sexual offenses against minors). At some point it stops being a coincidence man.

>I'd rather speak about the ONA. We could discuss this in any other thread.

Well you were the one who brought it up.


>your political and social environment as a Niner is overwhelmingly homophobic and transphobic
I'm bisexual fella.
>but it's perfectly possible to find a philosophy that gives you the freedom to embrace your sexuality and gender without also telling you to commit terrorism, join Nazi orgs, rape people and molest kids.
What's your point mate? You've just stated a fact there. I'm well aware that you can do that.
>And in case I need to remind you, David Copeland's nailbombing spree targeted gay communities in London.
I think it goes without saying that David Copeland was influenced by Myatt. But I think it's pretty obvious that he was an accelerationist, not a satanist. He was also most likely a repressed homosexual due to the way he acted in his interview.
>That was a terror spree directly inspired by Myatt's Nazi writing and Myatt possibly even personally mentored Copeland. So DM can say he supports LGBT people all he wants but in terms of his actual actions, he inspired an attack that wounded 100+ people, many of them LGBT.
Pretty certain Copeland stated that he targeted the gay bars because he personally didn't like them.


>Dunno why you're saying "cope" like I don't agree with you.
I wasn't telling you to cope lol, but even in the more appreciative words that you described these groups (especially ToB), I still get the vibe that they cope as being "not like the other girls" with the Nietzschiean aristocratic rebel shit. I know that describes a lot of freaks, outcasts and niche communities in general, but most of them are not connected to fashoid violence. Like, for instance, egoists or wiccans (depending on if you're inclined towards materialism or spiritualism) are at most annoying but they're not overtly linked to rape and murder.


valid point!
Give me a minute mate fuck me. I'm replying to every person ITT.


>I'm bisexual fella.
Good for you, not my point. My point was that Myatt saying he supports LGBT people doesn't sound as impressive to people outside of the spheres O9A generally recruits from as it does inside those spheres. If you're a LGBT Nazi then yeah, I can see the attraction. If you're a normal fucking person, there are about a billion ideologies, philosophies and religions you can pick from that don't deny you your sexuality and yet also don't condone heinous shit like rape, terrorism and pedophilia.

>I think it goes without saying that David Copeland was influenced by Myatt. But I think it's pretty obvious that he was an accelerationist, not a satanist. He was also most likely a repressed homosexual due to the way he acted in his interview.

>Pretty certain Copeland stated that he targeted the gay bars because he personally didn't like them.
That's still David Myatt bombing LGBT neighborhoods by proxy. If you realize that he did that then why do you think it means anything when these people say they support LGBT liberation? They usually just like it because it pisses off Christians, mundane LGBT people are still gonna die on dies irae just like the rest of us magian nazarene opfers.

And it's obvious to me that O9A itself was an accelerationist front, at least to begin with. Myatt's dumb as rocks but he's not dumb enough to believe in Dark Gods and alternate universes that he himself invented. Those early writings are very very insistent that you join a Nazi group specifically so I think it was a way he was trying to funnel edgelords into Nazi accelerationist terror.


>Then why bother to claim that O9A is compatible with anarchism or anticapitalism in the first place?
Because it is??? Maybe it's not seizing le means of production or any of that bollocks, but it's not "pro" capitalist. You're like the mongs in my circles who believe that up until you're a 100% National Socialist, you were a communist.
>Not in his 90s writing he doesn't lmao, he shits all over just about every other occult current and religious tradition he mentions.
It's in Hostia. He shits over those who love mental masturbation or being perceived as evil because they wear a pentagram and a cloak but don't actually believe in majick or aren't actually amoral.
>Freaks like the founder (The Girl Goddess, association with Stephen Cox, associate with Joshua Sutter), the woman who revived it in the internet era (defending pedos and publishing pedo fapfic in Nexion), the most notable American cell leader (Iron Gates, allegedly actually molesting kids), the most notable cell leader besides Myatt in the UK (three convictions for sexual offenses against minors). At some point it stops being a coincidence man.
Satanism is amoral mate. I don't fuck kids because of the law preventing me, or because it's socially acceptable at 18, but because I'm not attracted to children. If someone is attracted to them, Satanists aren't gonna hide away from that. How many paedophiles roam the streets next to you every single day but don't act on it or promote it because they're terrified of the repercussions? There's fucking loads of them mate, because it's not human nature to have a number placed upon when you can have sex with a woman or a man. It's not human nature to wait 18 years because the "law" said so. I'd probably say that it's weirded to be someone like me who's actually attracted to people my age. The ONA being genuinely amoral just simply allows these people to speak their true feelings.
>Well you were the one who brought it up.
Yeah but I don't wanna de-rail the thread.


>"not like the other girls"
That comes from the way that the Nexions are set up. The Nexion is supposed to represent who you, the individual are. But I think if you're larping as a wampyre who's astral projecting to go and attack weak children to steal their "blood essence" and promoting literal MK Ultra techniques, you're probably gonna be someone who's a bit weirder than most on the 7 fold path anyways.


>Maybe it's not seizing le means of production or any of that bollocks
Then define capitalism and socialism. Capitalism isn't "when people care too much about money" or "when banks have a lot of power". You people don't have a coherent idea of economics, just blind populism that's always abandoned in the end anyways, so there's no agreement with the left.

>It's in Hostia. He shits over those who love mental masturbation or being perceived as evil because they wear a pentagram and a cloak but don't actually believe in majick or aren't actually amoral.

He also shits on Buddhism, the Temple of Set, old aeon forms (which for him includes pretty much every spiritual current besides O9A) and Crowleyans at various points.

>The ONA being genuinely amoral just simply allows these people to speak their true feelings.

Thanks for admitting that but that amorality does a lot more than allow them to speak doesn't it? It allows violent pedophiles like Ryan Fleming to act on their sick impulses and then it allows inner circle members like "darklogos" (David Myatt) to say that when Fleming beat and sodomized a mentally retarded child that he was making his own personal decision and that we can't say he shouldn't have done it. This is exactly the problem, even if you're not a pedophile yourself, even if you find pedophilia repugnant, the O9A philosophy of breaking every taboo and being your own law naturally leads to acts like rape and pedophilia. There was always a contradiction between Myatt saying not to abuse or kill under 16s on the one hand and saying that Niners should violate taboos and never follow laws, rules, authorities or leaders on the other.


Myatt worked closely with Sutter and said nothing against him or Tempel ov Blood specifically until after it came out at Kaleb Cole's trial that Sutter was an informant. No articles by Myatt before that point specifically mention ToB or Sutter. So we have an almost 20 year period where Myatt either didn't care or was too much of a bitch to attack the guys allegedly coopting his ideology to promote pedophilia. Go read the issues of Fenrir edited by Jall of ToB for yourself, there are Myatt articles in those alongside ToB articles and literal cp. Maybe that was just a "causal form" and a jape (great excuse for publishing cp and promoting child abuse) but what about what ToB did when they got ahold of Atomwaffen? At that point it was no longer just drawings of kids being whipped or stories about raping toddlers for Gaubni, it was the actual real world sexual abuse of women, minors and small children and the possession of real (not drawn) cp.

Stephen Cox, the leader of the Order of the Jarls of Balder, was a pedophile and an ally of Myatt and O9A in the 90s. Myatt has never renounced his association with Stephen Cox and I've seen no evidence that he attacked him for his pedophilia at the time, though a lot of the magazines you'd need to prove that one way or the other are impossible to get obviously.

There's the matter of The Girl Goddess, which is completely impossible for you people to explain away. That is very clearly by Myatt and it describes the molestation of a 14 year old girl. Also there's a scene in one of his autobiographies where he loses his virginity to a child prostitute.

Chloe (the current Outer Representative according to Myatt and she was OR before Jall too) has promoted pedophilia such as when she published The Girl Goddess in Nexion 7.1 followed by a different piece of pedophilic "sinister fiction" probably by Godric Liddell. She repeatedly brags about associating with several different pedophiles in previous issues of Nexion and in Nexion 8.1, which was released after the Cole filing, she defends ToB explicitly. Myatt has never attacked her for any of this.

Ryan Fleming was closely associated with ToB and led his own nexion called Drakon Covenant and has been convicted and jailed 3 times for sexual offenses against minors. No denunciation from Myatt. Myatt actually did comment on it though, on his Darklogos Stormfront account. His comment? That it was Ryan's decision and that O9A advocates for complete personal autonomy as long as Niners accept the consequences of their own actions. He also never denounced the O9A-influenced National Action when it called Ryan's rape of a retarded child heroic or denounced the O9A-influenced Sonnenkrieg Division when it was promoting pedophilia, cannibalism, rape of women etc.

What about the Legion Ave Satan, an O9A nexion in Russia which has been linked to child trafficking? No comment at all by Myatt.

When you guys do address the issue of pedophilia you're inconsistent about it too. So was ToB an FBI smear campaign against O9A that Myatt was suspicious of and that's why he didn't write anything against them (as he's said)? Or was it that he was a genius aeonics wizard who was supporting pedophilia as a causal form? Was it all just a thought experiment designed to enact alchemical change? Or was ToB just one way of understanding O9A among many, just as valid as the sort of O9A that says you can't rape under 16s because the highest authority is the principle of individual judgment (which is the point of Progressive, Traditional, Or Synthesis?: The Evolution of the O9A)?

You can call the constant contradictions on this and every other issue the labyrinthos mythologicus but to everyone else it looks like lying and speaking out of all sides of your mouth under the assumption that nobody cares enough about your autistic little cult to notice all the lies. If someone repeatedly and knowingly associates with pedophiles for decades, refuses to call out specific instances of pedophilia in his own organization, publishes his work in magazines that have cp in them and writes pedophilic stories himself then what do you call that person?

Tldr David Myatt is a pedophile.


>If you're a LGBT Nazi then yeah, I can see the attraction. If you're a normal fucking person, there are about a billion ideologies, philosophies and religions you can pick from that don't deny you your sexuality and yet also don't condone heinous shit like rape, terrorism and pedophilia.
Dunno what to say to you mate. I found the ONA because I was disgusted with them. Once I'd read their books I couldn't hold my same opinions I once had. I've found myself where I am because it's all the total truth. No matter how disgusting you think it is. I found myself a National Socialist due to me being ethnically genocided. I found myself to be an accelerationist due to realising that we could not win democratically. I found myself to be a "satanist" because the occult is the hidden truths of the universe. I don't care what you think.
>If you realize that he did that then why do you think it means anything when these people say they support LGBT liberation? They usually just like it because it pisses off Christians, mundane
Judeo-Christianity has turned even human nature on its head. It's a "sin" to be naturally gay. You can think what you want mate, but the truth is that National Socialism and Satanism simply don't have a problem with homosexuality. Christians and Christian Nationalists/racists might, but we aren't those. We aren't larping as a front for them. I'm bisexual, David Myatt probably is.
>he's not dumb enough to believe in Dark Gods and alternate universes that he himself invented.
David Myatt is a genius. He's just expanded upon the work of others though. It's fairly evident if you'd take what you read seriously that these "dark gods" represent energies of the acasual or the "chaos realm". Not far removed from what Allister Crowley and ( I'd image) the Golden Dawn was all about. Reddit atheists would be all over the acasual as a FACT if the "experts" said it. Myatt just mixes up these energies with daemons.


>Judeo-Christianity has turned even human nature on its head. It's a "sin" to be naturally gay. You can think what you want mate, but the truth is that National Socialism and Satanism simply don't have a problem with homosexuality. Christians and Christian Nationalists/racists might, but we aren't those. We aren't larping as a front for them. I'm bisexual, David Myatt probably is.
I agree, I want Abrahamism gone probably more than you do, for that reason and many others. I've seen people broken and ruined by Christianity because they couldn't accept themselves. But you can get that acceptance without the terrorism, pedophilia, rape and satanism, that's my only point.

>David Myatt is a genius. He's just expanded upon the work of others though. It's fairly evident if you'd take what you read seriously that these "dark gods" represent energies of the acasual or the "chaos realm". Not far removed from what Allister Crowley and ( I'd image) the Golden Dawn was all about. Reddit atheists would be all over the acasual as a FACT if the "experts" said it. Myatt just mixes up these energies with daemons.

The comparison with the GD is close to the mark because like Crowley, Myatt gives different answers to the question of how literally you're supposed to take the Dark Gods depending on when and where he's talking (and who he's talking as). Even if you want to say he's actually talking about energies though, that doesn't make him any more intellectual than your typical new age crystal chick who goes on about chakras and horoscopes and it doesn't preclude O9A from being a front group.

Every half decent idea Myatt has is from other more intelligent and interesting thinkers. Insight roles are from RAW, the reality tunnels from Prometheus Rising are functionally the same thing. Acausality is from Jung. Aeonics is from Spengler, although Myatt probably got it from Yockey who was also a retard. The satanist trappings are cribbed from bad satanic panic paperbacks and from old horror fiction. The basic ethic is a high schooler's reading of Nietzsche. What exactly makes him such a genius?


>Then define capitalism and socialism.
I don't give a fuck about economics mate. Want the QRD?
Socialism = putting my people before money
Capitalism = putting money before my people
>It allows violent pedophiles like Ryan Fleming to act on their sick impulses and then it allows inner circle members like "darklogos" (David Myatt) to say that when Fleming beat and sodomized a mentally retarded child that he was making his own personal decision and that we can't say he shouldn't have done it.
Well yeah, It's his choice mate. I still retain a lot of morality, but it's his choice whatever he does. It's also the father's or mother's choice to put a bullet in Ryan Flemming's head for doing that to their daughter, and it's also not our place to say they shouldn't have done it.
Got a link to where David said this anyways?


>Got a link to where David said this anyways?
Not on hand but just find the Stormfront thread on National Action, it was in there. Darklogos is clearly Myatt based on the writing style and also clearly coordinated with a user named Dark Imperium, who was probably Nikola Poleksic, the ABG Lodge leader, since that was the name of his musical act.


His writing style and the fact that he obsessively talks about and defends David Myatt I should say lol. Like 90% of the content about Myatt on the internet, it's fawning self-glorification by the man himself. Funny quality for a man who's supposedly crossed the abyss, killed his mundane ego and become a modern magus. I guess acausal empathy makes an exception for narcissism if you're doing it in the service of your aeonic goals (which he says he no longer has).


was this recent argument meant to push this thread towards the bump limit?


Probably but I'll make a new one. What's the bump limit exactly?


we just reached it


mods can also send this one to >>>/leftypol_archive/


>But you can get that acceptance without the terrorism, pedophilia, rape and satanism, that's my only point.
I'm well aware mate. You don't understand that I have much higher goals than gay sex.
>that doesn't make him any more intellectual than your typical new age crystal chick who goes on about chakras and horoscopes
It's a bastardised version of what David Myatt says. Romans, Greeks, Celts especially built their societies on these things, it's not like David Myatt was influenced by a kween teen on tiktok reading out David Myatt's horoscope while he kicks his feet back and forth on the bed mate.
>it doesn't preclude O9A from being a front group.
Too deep to be a front mate. What kind of front group makes the leader join Al-Qaeda, (allegedly) have a hand in creating ISIS and become a Buddhist? National Socialism is the future, as it has been the past for thousands of years. The ONA simply acknowledges the National Socialist strength. David Myatt very well might be as much a National Socialist as I am, probably moreso, but I don't think it's a front.
>What exactly makes him such a genius?
He combined it all together into a cohesive ideology/lifestyle


>What kind of front group makes the leader join Al-Qaeda, (allegedly)
Allegedly being the operative word lol. We have absolutely zero proof besides his infamously unreliable word that he joined AQ, travelled to the mideast or was published by Hamas. All we know for sure that he did is, as usual, post. On the Islamic Awakening forums in this case. Which already supported jihad when he joined it btw so even in terms of posting he wasn't doing aeonics very well.

And fronts are batshit crazy all the time. Look at the glowie connections to the Manson Family or Process Church of the Final Judgment.


Are you one of those people from the tenepod?

Yeah mate, david myatt said it was my personal wyrd to aeonically destroy this thread


>Are you one of those people from the tenepod?
Nah, I have nothing to do with journos or podcasters and I doubt too many of them are on imageboards lol. I just follow what there is to follow on O9A and TENE is one of those things so I'm familiar with their coverage and with the medium article on Poleksic.


What's ultimately so sad is that these pathetic 'sinister' fucks for all their self-imagined genius cannot even get away with their crimes, literally getting caught for pedoing, a crime with a hilarously low conviction rate.

Imagine being this pathetic you're lower than the average criminal whilst waltzing aroundin your big boy wizard boots like you're better than everyone..


You're just very clued up on it. Thought you'd be one of them since I imagine this is where they'd hang out.

ONA is founded by a narcissist mate. Are you surprised that many of those following it would be too?


why are so many anglos paedos?



>You're just very clued up on it.
Thanks. I'm just one of the few that actually took all Myatt's shit about not being able to judge O9A until you thoroughly study it seriously. Whether that makes me intellectually honest or retarded idk but I know O9A well enough to know that it's repulsive bullshit and why. You really don't have to read thousands of pages of nonsense to make that judgement though lol.

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