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 No.507037[View All]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

>Russian foreign Ministry comments on response: it is inappropriate to demand to withdraw troops from certain regions of Russia. Russia demands Ukraine implements Minsk agreements, the West should stop weapons delivery to Ukraine, withdraw what was delivered already, recall all instructors and advisors from Ukraine, prohibition of NATO joint exercises with Ukraine. Russia demands all U.S. troops and weapons withdrawal from Central and Eastern Europe, Baltic countries. Russia expects proposals on non-expansion of NATO. Russia highlights that questions on arms control cannot be considered separately from other points

So, these are the points for descalation:
1:Ukraine implements Minsk agreement.
2:The weapons deliveries towards Ukraine from NATO need to stop.
3:Withdraw what was already delivered to Ukraine.
4:Withdraw all NATO instructos and advisors from Ukraine.
5:Prohibit the cooperation of Ukraine in NATO joint exercises.
6:The total withdrawal of all US troops and weapons from Central and Eastern Europe (This is, Poland, The Baltic States, Slovakia, Romania, and probably even Germany and the Czech Republic
Do you think the US NATO will accept these 6 points?

I'm gonna post my opinion about the russian matter in here as well, it's my post, you can't do nothing about it:
Russia has tried to join NATO, twice.
No real reason for NATO to actually not accept, you would literally have world domination, aside from China.
This is because of a very simple reason, NATO wants to balkanize Russia. The very existence of Russia is a menace to NATO, and I don't mean this because they're "scared" of russian people, but how much territory they occupy.
Russia is the major country that will get a benefit from climate change, it's a country with a lot of natural resources because it literally owns about 1/8 of the planet or so.
It's the literal counterpart of the US, and the US wants it destroyes so it can truly be the world dominator without having no one to actually stand to them. Also Russia has lotsa nukes.
Not saying tho that Russia is an anti-imperialist nation, it is a capitalist nation and capitalism itself enables imperialism, it's a feature, not a dlc. But the thing is that NATO is searching for Russia is to be completely destroyed and balkanized in 5 states or more.
Also the Rimland theory is more important (at least that'd what NATO officials believe) than what you think.
So in thic conflict I support Russia for these reasons.
>Russia is actively defending itself against an outside invader that wants to mutilate it out of paranoia.
>Ukraine isn't worth a damn supporting, they have incorporated in their army neo-nazi paramilitaries.
>Ukraine is also a shithole that would be better under russian control… Probably (not that hard of a test tbh, being better than a comprador regime for NATO isn't that hard).
>More power to Russia means less power to the US, which will make it more aggressive. Supporting Russia is literally accelerationism to ww3, but accelerationism nonetheless, and no, I don't want ww3, I don't like to happen, but one thing is to not like war and the other is to delude oneself into believing that it will not happen, it will happen because it's the natural course of capitalism. This is more asking for a swift death than a prolonged, painful suffering under late stage capitalism.
>Seriously, fuck the Ukrainian goverment.
>In fact, fuck ALL nato states, including mine.

Despite this, I recognize that:
>Russia is a capitalist country. Thus means that it is imperialist because imperialism is the capitalist drive for profit natural course of action, read imperialism, the last stage of capitalism. Every capitalist country will become either imperialist, or imperialized, and Russia clearly isn't being imperialized as, say, Togo is.
>Russia is ruled by a capitalist class, the same class that killed the Soviet Union and thus killed AES.
>The russian state is actively smearing the soviet union, by example making the gulag archipelago a required reading in schools, meanwhile putting into a shrine a fake version of Stalin, deluding themselves into thinking he was a fascistic strong dictator instead of the antithesis of fascism which is why russian rightwingers love to say that they liked Stalin but hate Lenin, despite the former being literally a disciple and rightful succesor to Lenin's theories and politics.

Btw this also applies to China.
585 posts and 248 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>>507607 (me)
Videos in question.
And also Russia is the main oil exporter to the EU, lmao. Eurocucks love to pay expensive oil and gas from the U.S. Colonizers, to now colonized by amerimutts.


We must defend "Ukrainian" >culture


>the reopened soviet archives are nazi sources


>daily reminder that Ukrainian was banned from being taught during the Russian Empire
Then let be taught under USSR
>daily reminder that Ukraine got forcibly annexed by the Russian SFSR, despite having anarchist and leftist movements
Hilarious, dont care.
>daily reminder that Russification exists, and that even during mein GroßUSSR people outside of Russia often spoke Russian due to necessity
Cant believe Stalin made Ukranians speak to eachother in Russian
>damn, fuck poland for eradicating danzig germans am i right? also, Moldovan nationalism was literally created by Stalin after he took it from Romania kek, under support of the Nazis btw


none of what you said is in any way relevant to the situation or justifies the oppression of Russophone minorities in those countries.
Revanchist cultural or physical genocide is still genocide.


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Ой, сало, сало, сало, українське сало,
Ой, яке ж воно смачне і його завжди мало,
Я до сала вже так звик, є цибуля і часник,
Покладеш сало на язик.
Сало, сало, сало, українське сало,
Українцям того сала завжди буде мало.
Щоб у вас і у нас все завжди стояло,
Треба їсти наше сало.


The EU plan on natural gas is to use the russian pipeline as a back up while northern natural gas (already expensive) can be liquifide and sold to the highest bidder, north euro oligarchs can also invest in factories that turn the liquide back to gas(a ralatively cheap investment)
Its a plan to scan the average euro


>north euro oligarchs




more videos of the evacuation.


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>Seems like the car that was blown up was the car of commander of Peoples Militia of #DNR Denis Sinenkov
>He did not die. (Thankfully)


When Scholz went to Moscow, he pretty much agreed with Putin on everything, but apparently my government is full of disgusting snakes who now backtrack everything backed by an army of "journalists" and some of the dumbest talking heads I've ever seen, while our foreign minister talks about the "Russia problem" at the MSC.


Yeah, seems so, the "car bomb" incident in the center of Donbas. Apparently all men between 18 to 55 are not allowed to leave Donbas. Inminent drafting.

More images of the evacuation.


self determination for all peoples, except the ones with shit taste


They went for the leaders just like that? Holy shit US wants this war


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We need a new thread



Solzhenitzyn most likely was an informer while in Gulag, and later continued to be KGB-managed. Then Solzhenitzyn's books were smuggled to the West alongside/at the same time period as Secret Speech and various anti-communist books from USSR.


Meanwhile, she is fighting to give the head of Greenpeace a German passport so she can become Climate Advocate of the Foreign Ministry, topkek


>implying its not putin falseflagging
FSB is as glowie as the CIA, they literally bombed Moscow to invade other countries just like the US did with 9/11
but I forgot they're le based anti-West so it doesn't count, just like how US putting japanese people into internment camps le bad but China putting muslims into internment camps le good


Le intelligent post that is not a le caricature


>even if Katyn was done by Soviets, it wouldnt matter.

Were killed by Nazis 100%. Agreed on by Nuremberg, even the fucking doctors who were invited to Katyn by Nazis collaborated on that and assumed it was done by Nazis. Moreso, Soviet doctor have seen similar bullet wounds and the method of execution in other PROVEN Nazi shooting grounds. Katyn is 100% Nazi doing WITHOUT A SHRED OF A DOUBT. Meaning that Katyn documents produced during Eltzyn were fakes, meaning that archival evidence of communist crimes is likely all fakes.


>FSB bombed Moscow
>US did 9/11
if you believe any of the two you are a low autism score retard. Yes we should mistrust those in power, but this doesn't mean we should believe every shizo conspiracy theory that comes along. Both Al Qaeda and the Chechens were committing atrocities well before their more infamous attacks.




>China putting muslims into internment camps le good
They don't and I'm sure you wanted to use "concentration" instead of internment.


<anti-imperialist (sorta?)
When rightoids say "West" it's fucking vague and nearly meaningless. You don't actually give a single shit about "Western" culture.


The more this shit happens, the more likely becomes Russia-style silent purge of liberals/pro-american retards. Present-day Russian course was the direct result of USA not fulfilling it's part of the deal. Europe will act similarly in a coming decade.


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>if you believe any of the two you are a low autism score retard.
Glowie solidarity?


>not cucking out
Pick one


Remember Russia in the 90s? Cucked out on every issue, almost. Got better as USA kept being a dick to them. Germany is in a similar phase of USA being their friend who keeps on making Germany hurt. It's not going to last, Germany will have to sort this shit out.


War goal=justified


>Russian forces rumored to be crossing into the LNR/DPR and moving to the LoC


ITT: Delusional Russian imperialists.



>ignores the last 30 years of encroachment
Sure, the RF is imperialist, as all hegemonic liberal states are, but no one here doubts that and no one here doubts that the US is the clear antagonist in this situation. The 2014 Euromaidan was a coup supported by a pro EU young populace that, unable to free itself of western propaganda, wanted to become like them without understanding that they were colonized by them.
eat shit


Solzhenitzyn never set a foot in a "gulag" (meaning work camp).


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As opposed to, being colonized by Russia, when Ukraine had enough of that for the past ~300 years? Just like its happening to Belarus right now thats set to join Russia? Yeah, no doubt their own citizens would prefer to become German slaves rather than Russified.


USSR did not colonize Ukraine dipshit.
>Forceful annexation by the USSR
Yeah bro, the anarchists democratically took control of the Ukraine while the USSR was fighting a dozen other empires storming its borders. No mention of the Bolshevik and pro USSR Ukranians that constituted the majority of the left wing there. Retard yankee


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The baddies in the MCU feature-length film that the USA labels 'reality' ALWAYS go after the poor widdle minorities and gays. Specifically. Even when it makes no sense within the context, because thats just what baddies do.


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FINALLY, officially, backpedalling the prerequisite for sanction justification since Russia hasn't taken the bait but they NEED to nuke NS2. Of course, not a moment of introspection will be taken by any member of the media or even worse, the public, for being whipped into a hysterical nothingburger with no pushback.

Also funny to note the single topic of all these headlines has not only been an invasion, but an IMMINENT one, for weeks. MONTHS. And here we have the cuckold queen herself going on record to pivot on a dime towards a different trajectory. AND NOBODY WILL FUCKING QUESTION IT!


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>No mention of the Bolshevik and pro USSR Ukranians that constituted the majority of the left wing there.
then why were they uncooperative?


The metadata of the Donbas dude announcing the evac has metadata showing it was created two days ago, meaning this evacuation has been planned well in advance.


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White-Black alliance





Firstly, siding with one or the other bourgeois state because its "antagonistic" or "defensive" is bad Marxism and fundamentally anti-revolutionary.

Two, the U.S is not being antagonistic here; Russia is. Ukraine clearly does not want to be ruled by them lol.


God what the fuck is wrong with Germans voting for these psycho neocon greens.


The US in actuality chooses to back the more reactionary and repressive forces. They say this and then back ultra-anti-women murderously homophobic and repressive fundamentalists in China & Syria.

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