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 No.517798[Last 50 Posts]


TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."


first for comrade putler


The focus on Ukrainians nazis is a tool of Russian propagandist to dehumanise and justify the murder of Ukrainians. Ukraine has no big far right party and has a jewish president ffs


Why can't this decade be normal


Natalia Poklonskaya is retired right? Or is she still up and at it?


I hope both of them lose.


I hope something happens


dont care, hope the russkies glass that country



> and has a jewish president ffs
Yes, that's the point.
> In June 2015, Plotnitsky told an audience at a Russian university that Ukraine's Euromaidan revolution was masterminded by a cabal of Jews, and that the name "Euromaidan" was really "Evreimaidan", which translates from Russian to "Jewmaidan".




No such thing as normal, only the passage of time. Might as well embrace it and actually fight for a better future.


Nah, she's now ambassador to The Gambia IIRC, because she fell out of favour


Turmoil and political unrest is pretty typical throughout history


The people calling Ukraine facist even though they have a Jewish president are the same people calling the US racist even though a black man got elected president TWICE! They cant be reasoned with.


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Protests in Saint Petersburg


Geopolitics are like the game of thrones.
Everyone is focusing on them while the wildlings lurk from behind the scenes.


They are pro-jewish nazis


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They are slavs


pls be bait


b-but we voted out Drumpf

m-muh brunch



Which is why anti-black racism in America completely ended after Obama was elected, right? Right?


The 2010s weren’t better


Normal takes from a normal person


Top kek


>dehumanise and justify the murder of Ukrainians.
Literally wrong, it is a genuine reason, and literally why would Russia dehumanize and murder Ukrainians, there is literally no logical reason for this.
All that this is, is an action against the U.S controlled Ukrainian government.


>the name "Euromaidan" was really "Evreimaidan", which translates from Russian to "Jewmaidan".


Burgers are a special breed of retarded. They can take any event and turn it into an excuse to hate on their neighbors they don't like


>Omg I can't believe people don't believe in the bullshit Russian propaganda narrative I believe, please don't be real


Horsecock theory is again proven right


>Fascism is when you hate jews.
Indeed Japan during the second world war was an authoritarian soccdem country.


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>The focus on Ukrainians nazis is a tool of Russian propagandist to dehumanise and justify the murder of Ukrainians. Ukraine has no big far right party and has a jewish president ffs
>The people calling Ukraine facist even though they have a Jewish president are the same people calling the US racist even though a black man got elected president TWICE! They cant be reasoned with.


>The focus on Ukrainians nazis is a tool of Russian propagandist to dehumanise and justify the murder of Ukrainians. Ukraine has no big far right party and has a jewish president ffs

Liar. The entire issue is how west Ukrainian parties moved over to the nationalist position and saw Ukraine's culture war as only solved by becoming less Soviet and Russian, which is incompatible with the history of East Ukraine.

To this end, they've
>destroyed and repressed eastern opposition
>turned a blind eye to nationalist violence against communists, pro-Russian people, and Eastern opposition while integrating nationalists into the army
>gave national security chief and speaker of the parliament to the founder of Svoboda
>repealed the language law, honored nazi collaborators, split the orthodox church
>resist all decentralization and resolved to Ukrainize and integrate into Europe
>resolved to solve the conflict by reconquering the most pro Russian areas of Ukraine


No, you actually think racism in burgerville is over because Obama. That is fucking retarded.


The nazi elements in Ukraine are a HUGE part of why this is happening. Yes the security dilemma involving NATO is one factor, but the proximal cause of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine really has to do with these far-right elements.


This is a common theme inside the strange post-1991 "communist" and nationalist alliance. Jews destroyed USSR and now they are destroying Russia


Shut up you Vau.shite liberal


The first thing you responded to was definitely a funny joke


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I hope so.


The amount of socdems with the ukrainian flag in their name is honestly not surprising


hiding behind the gays


Voting for the war credits with the boys 😎


> why would Russia dehumanize and murder Ukrainians

They are literally killing Ukrainians as we speak ffs


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The Authorities have closed of Pushkin Square in Central Moscow, yet people are still gathering for an anti war protest.


> why would Russia dehumanize and murder Ukrainians
I don't know, but they are doing it for nearly a decade.


They're literally at war you fucking jewish nigger


Meh, Ukraine killed supposed Ukrainians for years. At least this end the Donbas war.


If Ukraine has such far right elements why there is no big far right party in parliament?


Russia wouldn’t invade because of monuments, or because Ukraine is apparently run by Nazis.


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>liderally killing ukrainerinos


Because they have little support outside of military and police


Because they're on the streets and heavily armed?



Fucking shills spamming every new thread at the beginning. I'll come back later


Their far righters are all in militias, encouraging and fighting war against Donbas and discouraging dissent


If you wanna whine against Russia, don't come back at all.


What did he mean by this?


lmao you're military aged boys joking about this shit, you won't be joking when you get called up and get MLRS'd


Liberals who deserve their Batina dosis


I know right. How is the USA fascist if the party in power right now is literally called the DEMOCRATIC party? These guys, I swear to god…


Don't see kkk members in Congress. No racism in USA


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>Ukrainian army captured whole platoon of 74th motorized brigade in Chernihiv region


he will nuke kijev


Окей быдло


hol up I'll send my homie a text




Пошёл нахуй



do you have any idea how soon this invasion will be over?
and I am nowhere near that shithole.


Photographed a random ukrainian then wrote a fanfic. Wheres their equipment?? Next!



Russia isn't even going all in lmao, they are like kinda walking there and maybe spooking some people with tiny missiles


Platoons are like a few dozen soldiers. It's a capturable entity.


> spooking some people with tiny missiles
Spooking to pieces lol ahaha


They aren't going in period. This is the war of the spectacle


So, what is going to happen? Did their official militaries clash? If they do and they start in anything other than a proxy war, what will happen? What will US do about it?


>Russian army is completely perfect, nothing like this voild have happened.
Pretty sure the nazi army was getting POW's even in April 1945, be it soviet or american.
War's like this, cope



It’s too early to say anything
Don’t forget Ethiopias Tigray war and how everyone thought one side would win only to turn out wrong over and over again
This invasion and a war on this scale if the Russian army doesn’t formerly surrender is gonna take months to years possibly decades to really end


Chyna did this


People have only two war analyses, nothingburger or genocide








I wonder what Gorby thinks of all this


China tricked NATO into shifting focus into Asia by being devious and oriental. It was all a ruse!



Unironically the most cursed ad of all time.


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still a nothingburger if you still have to go to work in the morning


Would there really be any more involvement here than Russia just trying to grab a piece of Ukraine? I can see what Russia has to gain from this, which is a state to put in-between itself and NATO. US on the other hand doesn't have much to gain or lose, besides coming off as weak if they do nothing. But that isn't worth risking a long conflict over that's unwinnable on both sides.


what are the russian and ukrainian leftist parties saying about this? also what is the political situation in the separatist regions?


I'm a NEET shitposting on obscure imageboards


Don't support either side, its a bourgeois imperialist war. Instead think about what Socialism can gain from the conflict.


Breaking news: Confirmed reports of Chinese MSS troops disguised as Russian soldiers meant to falseflag the international community into chaos, seizing the opportunity for a quick unnoticed invasion of Taiwan.


>still believing in socialism
at this point it's just sitting back and enjoying the carnage


>what Socialism can gain from the conflict.
literally nothing
this. embrace nihilistic egoism and smoke some fat blunts as the world collapses


KPRF (not actual members but Zyganov) supports "debanderization and denazification of puppet Ukrainian state"


people are delusional if they think this will end with Ukraine, and it won't be up to Putin alone. Europe is fucked.


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i fucking love war


>Did their official militaries clash
This literally started with Russia bombing Ukrainian military installations and the armies are currently fighting


Nah, support the russian anti-imperialists


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Protesters in Moscow march, cant work out where it is atm.


I may be remembering incorrectly but I believe the Ukrainian Communist Party is very pro-Russian though I have no clue for certain or if they have announced any statements on this situation.


our Ukraine gusano tripfag supported Russia before it started


<*NATO hegemony in Europe is fucked


Do you think russias in a position to surrender
There in the same situation as the tplf
Surrendering is suicidal they don’t have another option but to fight


my classes didn't get cancelled so it's definitely a nothingburger


Pushkin square



KPRF issued a statement supporting peacekeeping operation in Ukraine



Wait it's not quite its nearby there is a theatre and a par.


I support the Donensk people's right to self determination but Russia is an imperialist nation.


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>war is le bad
Great insight by our le based youtubers, just donated to his patreon btw


>Russia literally bombing Ukraine, armies clashing, Russian military is moving through Ukraine at high speed
<Uhhh this is the war of spectacle, it isn’t a real war, this is still a nothingburger, sure people are dying and a country is being invaded but it isn’t really a war…..r-right guys?


>peddling le epic centrist youtuber



Are you sure they're protesting?
They look bored and/or on their phones


The only issue is that I doubt revolutionary defeatism will be able to be exploited by Russia. Russia today isn't Russia in 1914-17, shit may change soon depending on how the war goes and if the new sanctions fuck up the economy a lot though so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


welcome to the 21st century lel


They're arresting them though


T. Has never been in a protest.


tbh a euro-russian war is needed to redraw the broders. yes im an ocd faggot


le roosky face


t. imbibed too much western propaganda


a war 1000 miles away is still a nothing burger if it doesn't affect american lives. Tell me, how has the Syrian war affected you? 2014 Russian-Ukranian conflict?

it's all a nothing burger until shit goes down hard enough that you don't have to go to work tomorrow. Then it's happening.


Literally who


Americans should be prohibited to post on this site honestly


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Has anyone made a reaction screencap compilation yet? Or better yet a video?


You're right, I just know it's located nearby since that was where the march spontaneously started


>putin's controlled opposition goes along with putin's agenda


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it's an american site, deal w it




KPRF supporters in the (vk) comments are calling Zyuganov faggot and demand a pro-peace statement lol


Fizzlegang overdosing on copium rn


Where is footage of that though? I just saw few bombers hitting military places, and few Russian troops getting captured. While that's conflict, it's not some all out attack. Hell march is not blasting in the background.


No dude they've been fighting off imperialism for the last 10 years


No-fly zone shit has the potential start a NATO-Russia war. Americans love doing shit like this however they have employed them successfully in situations were their enemies had pretty crappy planes, very little training, and most importantly virtually no support from anyone. This shit will not work with Russia without a massive escalation.


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More from Moscow


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>reactionary oligarchy is… LE GOOD!


Based and solidaritypilled



So what tactics are being used here? Is this a Russian adaptation of the "Shock and Awe" stuff we saw in Iraq in 1991?


Lmao, the rank and file are always more radical than the leadership. Hopefully they can take over the party.


ngl, can't help but agree with the anon that this doesn't exactly look like an anti-war protest


>Tell me, how has the Syrian war affected you?
there are now a bunch of muslims living in my city.


From the little info we have it seems to be the case.


Destroy the air force and weapons warehouses, then invade?


And they are being prosecuted unlike the leadership. I remember a lot of local communists (activists and deputies) being arrested during 2021 pro-Navalny protests


>Uhhhhh where is the footage taken by zoomer tiktok militias from the frontlines where two armies are clashing, huh, HUUUUH
The sheer level of coping required to be in fizzlegang rn


One step closer to the Ukraine-Poland radioactive wasteland DMZ strip.

It won't be the governments that start using low yield nukes, not officially, but it's a matter of time until they introduce the nuclear option with it's own ISIS that keeps getting supplied somehow.



I hate war but I'm really curious if some Su-57s saw/are seeing action.


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Protest against the war by various Russian communist parties


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There is no good and bad. There is no right side or wrong side. Please stop moralizing like liberals. We are not and we shouldn't be. If there were a good side, it was destroyed 30 years ago. What is needed though is knowing what outcomes are beneficial, and what outcomes are not.

In the wake of Putin's invasion, what outcome is most beneficial for us as socialists? The weakening of Western imperialism will free up space in the Asian, African, Latin American, and possibly even those living in Western Europe. The incompetence of Western governments will be known to their people. On the other hand, Russia's sphere of influence will negatively affect the workers, communists, all organizing within Eastern Europe. We can't even begin to mention the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

In my eyes, the best line is an anti-war one. Yet, if peace becomes distant, what can we hope for?


There alse were some "anti-war" protests… praising the decision to recognize the republics


If the reactionary German Empire didn’t invade Tsarist Russia the communist Russian revolution would have not happened. Sometimes supporting reactionary countries for the sake of realpolitik is a good thing. Global multipolarity (i.e the lack of one global hegemony) has historically been favorable to socialists as it divides the bourgeois into many competing factions, making them easier to defeat in a socialist revolution.


Has Agent Kochinski reacted to this at all? Is he foaming at the mouth and calling for the blood of every Russian Man, Woman, and Child yet.


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>Critical support to the German Empire!!!





We mensheviks nao bby


Last night he was laughing at a Russian jet getting shot down while also saying that the rivers should run red with Russian blood. But nothing yet today.


>Russian Maoists


What a kino war. Battles in Chernobyl wastes. Red alert style helicopter attacks. All burgers got was being blown up with shaving can ieds in shitty humvees and being run out of Kabul Saigon style by farmers.


Oh no


The only thing that gives me hope is that whoever starts it rarely finishes it. It will not be the far-right or current ruling classes standing upright in a decade or two.


Accelerating the conditions that ferment revolutions is one thing, whitewashing a boug-run state is another


Right but how's the political situation in the separatist controlled regions? do communists have any relevance there?


Lmao, I forgot about this clown. At least it cheered me up


It's happening! Germany politely asking Russia to please stop!


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Actual thread theme


Communist parties are illegal there


No, the only military unit that had communist presence was destroyed by LPR


Isn't Russia renowned for it's racism and homophobia? Where does the "attacking Nazism in Ukraine" line come from?


I don't even think you have to pick one "line," let alone a side between Russia and Ukraine. Yes there is a benefit to global world order via the success of this Russia/China strategic partnership, even if awful things happen or the people leading it are bad


>Global multipolarity (i.e the lack of one global hegemony) has historically been favorable to socialists as it divides the bourgeois into many competing factions, making them easier to defeat in a socialist revolution.

I don't get why so many people just don't seem to get this. I honestly feel like only Westerners are like this because they don't know what it feels like to be truly under the peripheral of a unipolar world. You can wish for multipolarity while supporting the workers and the people. Why do people seethe over it so hard?


>In the wake of Putin's invasion, what outcome is most beneficial for us as socialists?
Nothing will change for the better for the Western left. Jason Unruhe was right about this.
>The weakening of Western imperialism will free up space in the Asian, African, Latin American
How do you know? Who's to say the US won't just invade Nicaragua and Venezuela now over "terrorism" and "threats to national security" now that the entire Western public is focused on condemning Russia?




If only some of the pseud idfags on here had the decency to say this


>This is not an "invasion"
Mate, it IS a fucking invasion you clown, if you support Russia's actiosn, fucking own it


>Joint Forces Operation: shelling all across line-of-control. Near Pischevyk there was an attempt of breakthrough but failed


There are nazis in Ukraine


Ты че, ебанут?


Is Biden still sleeping?


wait, didn't the battalion fucked off to poland ?


Yes, I'm sure Ukrainian proles understand that getting killed is good actually. It's only stupid westerners who would ever get the idea that inter-imperialist war is bad.


Multipolarity is a meaning less term. "Oh wow the world is now divided into two global powers fighting a proxy war, this ought to be good for revolutionary potential!"


do you really need to ask?


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All of this will snow ball into:
>China taking back Taiwan
>DPRK taking over the ROK
>Argentina taking back the Falklands
>Spain taking over Gibraltar
Screen to the fucking Cap this.


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>Is he foaming at the mouth and calling for the blood of every Russian Man, Woman, and Child yet.


>You can wish for multipolarity while supporting the workers and the people. Why do people seethe over it so hard?
This obvious truth needs to be heard by all the polarized supportfags



No, Putin made a statement of support for BLM
>Where does the "attacking Nazism in Ukraine" line come from
Fake illigitimate ukrainian gov is full of nazis who voted against a UN resolution condemning nazism, that and the azov battalion being openly nazi idealogues



Godammit think of the gamers. Do you want 3080s to be 10k a pop?


Holy kino we need footage


Why all these cyrillic replies?


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There's an invasion in my pants.


>the third world shouldn't be able to fight back


>How do you know? Who's to say the US won't just invade Nicaragua and Venezuela now over "terrorism" and "threats to national security" now that the entire Western public is focused on condemning Russia?

I don't know. That's why I want us to discuss. Many Anons have claimed that this will weaken American imperialism, the other side claims the opposite. We could be analyzing the situation and determining what could or might happen instead of glowie agents and shitposters yelling at each other.


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>No, Putin made a statement of support for BLM
Then why is he attacking Ukraine? Was that just virtue signalling BS?


if leftypol never posted about this guy I would never see him. i hate u all.


Holy shit, a Leftcom not simping for the great and authentic Banderite fascists? I'm actually shocked


Так как в тут есть русскоязычные лол.


Has to be bait

>Israel has pride parades!! How can they be massacring Palestinians


Fuck you call this other than an invasion?


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/leftypol/ btfo


Please speak English and explain why


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Ukrainian forces are currently attempting to retake hostomel airfield from vdv forces. Hostomel is just north of kyiv. https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1496884008436703232?s=21



Don't read those two guys, in LPR partially true, but they work good in DPR.


>Russia is third world
Am*rikkkan hands typed this post


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But it is an invasion.


Because there are russian speakers here, people who do the whole "Batina" thing tend to be western maotists.


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>Ukraine is the true inheritors of the revolution
look, what Russia's doing is inexcusable but come the fuck on


Russia is semi peripheral, and multipolarity is about more than just Russia


Oh man, is this NATOuyghur cope they are no longer the only game in town? Is it NATOuyghur seethe they are no longer the only game in town?

It's both! Ya love to see it.


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>no new footage of bombing
Looks like shits simmered down for now


Doesn't he live near Beverly Hills?
Goddamn I hate that fuck.




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anglonazi moment


There are only two parties in DPR "parilament", the Conservative Russian Nationalist one and the Russian Conservative Nationalist (with a nice color palette)


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Oh no, I said "denazification"! That's what I call anti-imperialism!




Are you the Mexican "Nazbol"?


beyond based


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I hope they shut down the Brain Scorcher.


too optimistic


my sides


goddamnit i laughed, you win anon


unlikely. Taiwan and ROK are US satellites


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I WILL be looking forward to qt blonde ukranian refugees.


This man was the most leftist (he was also a monarchist but it's okay for post-soviet leftists) separatist commander and he was killed during some infighting


Batina is serbocroatian, burgermutt, not Russian. And no one wants to die for Ukraine. If Nato blinks and shrinks away without firing a single shot, that would be the best outcome.


The Social Movement Donetsk Republic is filled with many communists from the defunct party. That's why I said partially true.


aight Bald


Absolutely begging



question here, is there any strategic or tactical advantage on securing chernobyl and is the power plant still operational?

i thought the place just an abandon radiated place


>the one who remember this, happy 30s!


mostly security concerns


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the plant has been derelict since the 90s, not sure why there'd be fighting there.


Do you really trust Ukrainians not to scorch some earth?


IIRC it's shutdown 100% now, though it was still able to generate electricity for years after the accident.


>he was killed during some infighting
Then the question becomes this, what was the infighting about?


Whether or not to kill him



Why kill him tho?


I said you can support both multipolarity and the people. You think I support this invasion? I never did. Putin made the wrong choice when he could have easily just let it slide after the sanctions. Anecdotal but I have a close Ukrainian friend whose family is under bunkers near Kiev. You think I'm happy that their family is under threat of death?

Who ever said about two global powers? Why not two, three, four? And who's to say these proxy wars don't have the communists funded for the sake of realpolitik? Think about what the United States have done in a unipolar world. They have crushed communist movements worldwide, funded regime changes and started coups. Their propaganda machine and empire have suppressed multiple socialist movements abroad and inward. I live in a country whose darkest hour was caused by a president who was funded and supported by the United States, who then proceeded to let him have refuge after the people wanted to murder him.

If my memory serves. Did you know that the Cuban Revolution wasn't even inherently communist in character at the start? Bautista was becoming a headache even for Western powers, and Fidel practically lied to Westerners and journalists. That's why no the U.S. funded Bautista at all to take care of the communists. He was practically left alone. It was only afterwards the U.S. fucked up.

I don't get why you guys hate multipolarity so much. You can work for the workers, organize for the people, and at the same time hope to weaken the main hegemon that has crushed the world under it's heel for two decades. These aren't contradictory beliefs. You guys said it yourself- this isn't a sports team match. Think strategically, think dialectically, don't run off with emotions.


Right, they are there because it settled on an idea of ukrainization wildly incompatible with eastern history and preventing of conflict resolution for donbas


That's a euphemistic way to say that Ukraine killed them in an assessination attempt that was successful.


ah, yes, European urban maoists! relevant as ever




He had political ambitions, his unit was proclaimed as a socialist and he was constantly talking about how it is a war waged by competing oligarchs with no concern for common people


>not wanting Putin to get his "wish"



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>Has Agent Kochinski reacted to this at all?


It wasn't, I am legit wondering what the infighting was supposed to be about lmao



Imagine if he wishes for USSR 2.0, and the wish granter decides that's so based it doesn't fuck with the wish


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Is the merge starting?


I have heard a world wide protests will happen in the 26 are you guys coming ?


There is a theory (official in Russia and LPR) that it were Ukrainians who killed him, most leftists don't believe in it, just like they don't believe in Motorola being killed by Ukrainian ninjas


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Where and by whom?


Are you implying he was killed for being communist? lol, their own people said that it wa the Ukrainians.
All assessinations of the ledaers of Ukraine are either one way or another caused by Ukraine.


What an absolute disgrace of a clown


So is Russia getting BTFO'ed? It seems like there advanced has been stunted which does not bode well. Russia needs to advanced as quickly as possible and not get bogged down. If it does then the anti war protests are going to get alot bigger.


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that channel is pure libshit, not watching the video


no chance, they are spineless cancer


Protests against what?


Mostly leftists parties its generally supposed to stop any further involvment for nato countries and demands for peace


we dont even know wtf putin's goals are. for all i know he's been using this as a distraction while he performs child rituals that will spawn a chaos god.


Protesting what?
Ukraine getting btfo or the U.S./NATO sending troops there?


Mozgovoy literally said Plotnitsky threatened to kill him


Ten or so Ukrainian tanks destroyed on a highway



USSR era borders most likely



BUT WHY??? nothing seems to make this worth it. does putin really expect to just annex ukraine and get away with it? is that what might actually happen?



is he realy believing that Russia is gonna fall? lmao, the natioanalists if anything, will blast their liberal assess.


Bourgeois doing war


NATO sending troops and NATO autism in general more sactions will literally live euros frozen to death due to the price of gas and energy in general
Ofcourse demands for peace are part of the proggram


because dictators and oligarchs are greedy fuckers
>expect to get away with it
honestly yes. he's arrogant enough.


>Ten or so Ukrainian tanks destroyed

This is not about Ukranian tanks!

This is about all tanks around the world that uphold the peace order!



>restore 1989 borders
>strengthen and spread pan-Slavism
>destabilize the EU and keep the US at bay


Ukrainian lives don't matter until black lives matter


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mfw it actually fucking happened



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Critical support for Japanese Army liberating China from Western Imperialism. Great East-Asian Co-prosperity sphere will kick off these imperialist bloodsuckers.


BLM has become the biggest joke of all social causes


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>actual IRL stalking is happening right now at CNNP but you're stuck on an obscure imageboard filled with autists

get out of here stalker


random tweet:
>As World War I broke out, socialists in Britain, Germany and France suddenly realized that their government was in the right and their government's enemies were the bad guys. It's funny how often that's the case, no matter where you live.


Xi take Taipai now


File: 1645722334557.png (1.08 MB, 800x600, 1621433036082.png)

I'm fucking glued to this happening. I couldn't have sex with my girlfriend because I wasn't horny enough, my mind is just on this. It's that bad.


>cheering the death of people
Seems lefty/pol/ is full of fucking psychos. This place tilts more to it's /pol/ part than its lefty one.


>As World War I broke out, socialists in Britain, Germany and France suddenly realized that their government was in the right and their government's enemies were the bad guys. It's funny how often that's the case, no matter where you live.



cry about it


Putin said that Russia will remain an integrated part of world economy. And he isn't wrong lol, sanctions will be a joke


At least this strawman doesn't reference nazis or the confederacy now. B+ for effort.



China was not a proxy of Western imperialism, it was invaded by it with Japan in 1900


Been a while since I have had a entire thread fill up while I slept.


right in the feels


right in the lols

lel, base happooner forsaking carnal pleasure



Lol I was thinking of doing a MacArthur run on KR tonight to quench my war boner


to be fair they are having an extremely hard time trying to fit this into 20th century historical frameworks


Russian troops captured the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The station staff is held hostage


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> Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is based on obviously reactionary pretexts. The Left has nothing to do with his agenda — and should make no apologies for opposing a US military response.
Based Jacobin is based again


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Yeah, lot of people here are full of psychos. I am only right now cause I can see news from the other side. I wouldn't let it bother you that much.


>/leftypol/ will defend that second pic



He is opposing idpol!


This is an imageboard, little babies. Go bac to Reddit and Twitter if edgy shit upsets you this much.


The concessions were. But yeah he should have said Indonesia


Ukraine should have invested more in nfts


The amout of soyfacing going on right now in the world is something else.
Hope it keeps going.


>opposing NATO is reactionary
cuckbin at it again


Sexual assault is bad, yes.


File: 1645722596730.gif (238.47 KB, 200x153, 200w.gif)


Humblebrag kys



is he realy believing that Russia is gonna fall? lmao, the natioanalists if anything, will blast their liberal assess


> anti-nato is always good!


My appetite isn't so easily satisfied with libs getting owned.


t. Islamic state supporter


If the war isn't over quickly, there will be an uprising. Russians don't want a fucking war when their lives are shitty and their economical situation poor.


Fugg D:


What is this retard-tier reading of hisory?
Who dared wrote this?!


das right uygha


It is.


> 167 people arrested in Russian anti-war protests


And wht did he say about Ukraine before?


This isn't "oh no, he said a bad thing". It's just realizing you are posting with people who barely qualify as people in any meaningful way at times.


File: 1645722724487.png (28.58 KB, 480x489, 1614226184523.png)


That's the entire population of leftypol



1917 2.0?


> Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is based (…)
very true, jakkkobin


Azov nazis aren't people. Nobody is cheering for Russians to die and their heroic sacrifices will be remembered.


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Guys I think I know what they're trying to do, they're trying to use the radiation to disguise themself as glowies


Cry some more, molalfag.


>tfw when no qt russian female commander gf
Why do i even persist


Ignore the moralizing libs, they always come around when there's a big happening


fringe (furry cringe)


Stop it with the good/bad, support/oppose binary-brained sports fandom garbage


File: 1645722827399.jpg (30.29 KB, 446x480, stalin.jpg)

uncritical support for russia and the elimination of ukrop nazis and the securing of Russia's borders. Here's to USSR 2.0 comrades.


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>the KMT was not a proxy of Western imperialism


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Agent Kochinski AND HAZ LATER



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stop it with the le you can't take sides garbage


>He thinks Vladimir "Stalin was a Totaliratian" Putin is gonna make USSR 2


Don’t care.
Azov is dead.
Plus, you glow


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Victory to the Russian workers over their warmongering bourgeois government. Likewise to the workers of Ukraine and the West.


Wtf Trotskyst Putin?


Well kremlinbots moralize this whole military operation by pretending it's about fighting fascists and saving the poor innocents while we all know it's about economic and geopolitical struggles



I mean, hes half right, except it also an invasion, and its more anti nato than anti nazi


Have you apologized to western media already? They told you about the upcoming invasion


He hates Lenin too. Wait, oh shi


File: 1645722947117.jpg (146.63 KB, 1080x633, 1645722687852.jpg)

The true reason behinds current invasion.


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i wish i could hate that tweet authorr to death


The twitterite invasion is real.


Based Sabo-Kitty opposing the arguably repugnant Russian chauvinists that came out in droves in Leftist/pol/
Chanlets love nothing more, than watching proles die for national chauvinism and imperialist ambitions


I am not a far seer, but Russia hasn't even deployed its total force, nor the best of their cruise missiles. And to be fair, Russians have a good purchase parity power per capita.
The guys is deluded, and Russia will not backtrack.


How was the KMT comprador? Even Stalin said it wasn't


Well, the fact you think like you do more or less tells you are in a way worse place than me. Normal people don't cheer about the death of people who are innocent. I know for a fact that if you were in their situation or someone close to you, you would cry like a little bitch.


Where is he wrong?


go ahead and be retarded I guess


You’re a fucking moron if you think this invasion is about “stopping Nazis”


There are no innocent people


What the fuck happened in 1990's Argentina?


>Critical support for Japanese Army liberating China from Western Imperialism. Great East-Asian Co-prosperity sphere will kick off these imperialist bloodsuckers.
Glowposters are getting better at it.


File: 1645723049350.png (143.41 KB, 1024x641, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck you, your mother, your father, the United States of America, the Founding Fathers, the CIA, and everyone whose brain is infested by American propaganda worldwide. History will absolve us. You will belong to the category of has-beens soon enough. Remember these words Americuck

His brigade is still active (Prizrak), are they any good?


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No war but class war lads.

If the bourgeoisie try to make you fight, put a bullet in their heads.


upvoted reddit wholesome 100


>How was the KMT comprador?
The Chinese communists certainly thought they were.


Just saw a report that the Azov Battalion has been completely wiped out


Its not, but it is about dealing with how Ukraine resolved to reconquer and Ukrainize the east.


LARPing pseud



> His brigade is still active (Prizrak), are they any good?
They are no longer a political force, just an ordinary military unit


Never said it was, just calling out an obvious twitter tourist using lib terms when i see it.




>implying these are not liberals
Who would think that the sabotard would support liberals protesting a war that will only benefit other liberals if the Russians lose it.



Silver lining, stay positive comrades, seems like some good is coming out of this tragedy after all.


No they didn't…they even tried forming a unity government after ww2




Why are you like this? I truly don't get you. You aren't above this, if you were, you wouldn't be posting here. The fact that you care and make such petty remarks also shows how pathetic you are. Is it just some nihilistic cope or what?


>seems like some good is coming out of this tragedy after all
What the fuck are you talking about?


Anti-nato absolutely is always good, you just shouldn't be forced to support the other guy either. The correct response is to support the proletariat of both sides.


>Fuck you, your mother, your father, the United States of America, the Founding Fathers, the CIA, and everyone whose brain is infested by American propaganda worldwide. History will absolve us. You will belong to the category of has-beens soon enough. Remember these words Americuck


It's just Anglo-American sociopathy, nothing new


It should be the aim of all communists to turn the wars of the bourgeoisie into class wars and worker revolution. The only thing that can truly benefit the Russian people in this situation is socialism.


Cope. Ukropy chose this fate 8 years ago, and they had 8 years to turn back. Now it's judgement time.


i'm bored now



I'm talking about Azov Nazis being turned into red mist. One of the few positive things about this situation.


<Leftypol cheering on the deaths of proles, calling anyone that actually does oppose it “liberal”
<<Tfw if you aren’t a bloodthirsty national chauvinist you are a liberal
<<<Tfw leftypol descends into utter degeneracy while cheering on an anticommunist that denounced Marxism and Lenin himself at the start of the week
Alright I’ve been laughing along but seriously you should all be shot




Nah, I've heard enough of Lenin-hat's platitudinous shit in between bouts of bitching exclusively at Russia.


>No they didn't…they even tried forming a unity government after ww2
Then what happened?


Well you failed because I'm an oldfag, just used this term because it apparently makes Russia uncritical supporters seethe. Not my faut if reality is Marxist.


That's a meaningless virtue signaling crypto calvinist response.
Fuck off with the theological bullshit


> in this situation is socialism.
That's why Russian socialists try to hijack the anti-war movement since 2014. Probably more people will realize that capitalism doesn't provide sufficient security.


you must uncritically pick a side and condone everything they do forever so that i can laugh at you


holy shit these russkies better not be fucking lying, i am actually glad for a tiny moment of time



MC Ride, noooooo


>posted 5 days ago


Was I talking to wall or an empty room all these threads?

The ball is in EU's court now, and if they don't kill Nordstream-2, then the real fun might start.


>you can't cheer for Ukrainian deaths in general just because a lot of them are Nazis
>but everyone in this site should be shot because of a few guys cheering for Ukrainian deaths


Ah alright, so you just are mentally ill.
Leftypol is filled with little Yezhovs. Fine with putting a bullet through everyone skull, yet when the sides have turned, cry like a little bitch about it and beg for mercy so that it doesn't happen to them.


Mentally ill for understanding that this didn't start last months? Go back to reddit faggot.


>soldiers, cops and freikorps are proles toooooo
Blow it out your ass.



As my fellow tankie comrade said
want is not have. Idealism brain rots you.


All of this is Nato's fault, you can cry "muh putin bad" all you want, but these is just deflecting. The weakening of the American imperialist block is a good thing.


The fuck is he on about?


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A lot of retards are having a meltdown because they believed until recently that a Russian invasion was an impossibility (they read Russia Today like libs read the NYT)


i think he means that this is a defeat for america which is good for american proles


What did you expect? Contrarianism and trolls trolling trolls are the main events here at Leftypol


fuck patsocs but he's mostly right about the bigger picture of the US slowly dying and that part is good and I support it


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One good thing to come from this, the Leninist theory of imperialism is proved again.

And also Russia is revealed to be nothing more than an imperialist, anti-communist, bourgeois nationalist regime.


>siding with reactionary putin to own le libs
the absolute state of "lefty" /pol/


>Implying the encroachment of NATO wouldn’t get even more people killed
>implying the hegemonic order of western capitalists wouldn’t risk nukes flying by setting up missiles on the border of Russia
I’m not cheering but I am relieved they don’t have a foothold


> And also Russia is revealed to be nothing more than an imperialist, anti-communist, bourgeois nationalist regime.
Were you living under a cock?


I am even on Russias side but RT is just a retarded newspaper. Big images and 4 lines of text.

If id be them (or get a nice check) Id use a serif font, black white imagery and call it like "The Eurasian Gazette" or something


Paleocons being isolationists will never not be funny.


binary brain cancer strikes again


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I know it’s been only a few hours but the bombings stopped and Putin is in trouble. At this rate this might aswell all have been larp and we can go back to whining about covid again considering all that Russian “takeover” did was use up a shit ton of the Russian armies budget and cause a stalemate


Let me give you dopamine




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SWIFT removal off the table


Imperialism is when you invade, that's the leninist conception of imperialism!


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an imperialist, anti-communist, bourgeois nationalist regime wouldn't launch a war of liberation at the cost of massive global sanctions from the global bourgeois


Ну а хули


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>reactionary putin
>progressive libs
this is your brain on Westoid "leftism"


>"Why aren't you supporting NATO's aggression?"


Based fuck the anglos


Lol Russia really is going to get away with everything.



Interesting, I wonder why, especially Germany, considering they killed Nordstream 2


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Reminder that this man is an actual communist doing praxis in Donbass and is 100% supporter of Putin. I'll take the word of Russell Bentley over any of you keyboard warriors any day.


> a war of liberation
Let's liberate these Ukrainians from the burden oh life


yeah they are so accurate about war news and military happenings but then they think a war-free capitalism can exist


interesting list btw. You will here of them more often. For me personally pretty funny cause in words we condemn Russia the strongest (cause words dont generate any energy)


I'm putting this in the appropriate thread


If Russia is cut off from SWIFT, they can't pay what it owes to EU, and then ooops.

Keep us updated.



>war of liberation


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Fucking hell, i understand that this military intervention is necessary, but i just cant help but think putin took the bait like a dumbass instead of doing sometging unexpected and outsmarting glowuyghurs.
The only winner from this war will be the US
There needs to be a war on american soil, or at least some armed conflict, asap


Guaidó declares himself president of Donetsk republic and protector of Mexico


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nooo but i thought germany was based and self-sacrificial!! they even voluntarily stopped that pipeline that wasn't in operation and wasn't that important



>the Leninist theory of imperialism is proved again
>my interpretation!
>which comes from the same brain that produced the nothingburger during 25 threads!
25 fucking threads of being wrong.


GIHuCy alliance rise up


Ukranians? The native Russian population is being liberated from an illegitimate occupation


well, we paused it. As long theres place in other pipelines ;)


he's half-schizo but I like him
USA btfo


porky can't ban russia from swift, unless they don't mind losing their capital


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>NATO's aggression
The invading party in this instance is called Russia, for your information.


>de-dollarization cancelled


The U.S is loosing, they look impotent and incapable of doing anything. Even Sanctions look like they aren't going through >>518254


>completely ignores context
Twitter, reddit, i don't care where you come from, just go back there


Reminder that this goes back to 2014 and even earlier NATO expansionism


Porkies gonna pork. Did anyone here really believe in serious sanctions?



As we all know, Jewish people can't be fascists… *looks at Israel*

As we all know Azov Battalion is just dudes rockin, vibin, not a cell phone in site, definitely not a nazi paramilitary taking US money and weapons to further destabilize the region

noticing what's going on since 2014 and before makes you a russia simp, rather than a skeptic of amerikkkan hegemony




Man, aren't you tired of being correct? fuck off, let the dumber people ITT have some time to rest their brains.


I know you can read but evidently these threads are being brigaided by outsiders.

My position is that the Ukraine government at the behest of NATO provoked Rusia up until this moment. I understand the people cheering them on because in a way a Russian victory is a NATO loss. Russia, I want to believe, does not want to alienate ukraine or ukrainians. It wants to establish a Russian friendly government and return it into the sphere of influence of Russia.

It's nice to be romantic and wish for peace and love, but we must also remember that American hegemony is the #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 biggest threat to all leftist movements, even to the non-revolutionary ones. Ukraine will be imperialised. That's a fact. As a socialist, I see the benefit of Ukraine being imperialised by Russia. I don't see any benefits for Ukraine being imperialised by the USA.

Remember that this conflict was 100% instigated by NATO/USA. If Rusia kills 1 Ukrainian, it is entirely NATO's fault.

Every single thing that has happened thus far has been pushed by NATO. Russia wants to be in good graces with NATO and the EU. NATO doesn't and has done everything in its power to destroy Russia for decades now.

Zoom out.


sure, after propping up literal Nazis in the 80ies, then making sure it leaves the USSR, then couping it 20 years later and already planning to weaken Zelensky.

why would Russia do this?


Yeah Russia should have just sat back and let an organization whose entire lifeblood is fighting them set up right at their doorstep. That's not aggression at all.


File: 1645723944032.png (33.34 KB, 548x436, ukraine dood wat nou.png)

its ogre


I mean, Trotsky, Stalin, and Bukharin were communists doing praxis and a bet you disagree with at least one of them


>72 hours
so by today then?


The U.S. invaded a long time ago via proxy and the entire state became a puppet for it.
Russia only tore up their paper tiger.


I agree with you. I dont cheer for Putin but its not happening in a vacuum and everybody knows this


>fall of Kiev possibly in the next 72 hours
make it 20


Invading Ukraine gives EU reason to obey US for longer and kill Nordstream-2. The game can go on for a bit longer.

If Putin poker-faced through Donbass and Lugansk getting leveled, US might've escalated, and it's anybody's guess what coudl've happened next.


>porky can't ban russia from swift, unless they don't mind losing their capital
They can and they will. Dont expect porkies of the UK/US/CAN/etc alliance to retard themselves in to a position of global isolation with shit like this.


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Agent Kochinski in absolute ruin


While I am fully anti-Russia here, I do have to ask. Where was all the global outrage when Putin mercilessly stomped out the fires of the Kazakh workers revolution?


Anyone not supporting Putin after this incredibly based and swift maneuver to oust a US puppet state is an automatic lib


>cant handle shitposting of even 1 guy
I know lot of redditard come here, but comon now


Let's compromise: twenty minutes.


it was already killed. The greens were blocking it without sanctions or anything.


how is russia even invading lmao why didn't they just throw banana peels on all the roads


Will the dollar go up or down?


Westoid media didn't give a shit about it


Chauvinists here didn't care.

Fuck them.


see >>518254
It's not happening.


File: 1645724116299.png (281.62 KB, 696x463, FMXFD8TWUBAzB_R orig.png)

I knew Zelensky was a comedian who bumbled his way into power, but holy fuck, I wasn't aware that he did so by interpreting a guy who bumbles his way into power. Debord wept.


>kazakh workers revolution





Greens be like "kill that nuclear power! buy that expensive and dirty shale oil!"


>ukranians on the internet trying to explain that despite the number of tanks they say they have destroyed the U.S. is wrong, while not biting the U.S. hand.mp4 in fast forward.


western porky media didn't give a shit
""people"" were cheering when it happened, and then anons insist that putinbots aren't real lol


>well, we paused it.
I think NS2 is done, Wintershall is already demanding damage payment. Scholz & Habock are burger cucks. New Cold War incoming and we're firmly stuck in the ass of the USA.


Clogging the toilet isn't the same as destroying it.


Bruh, not even 24 hours lmao


yes we did retard, it just wasn't major european news so there wasn't an influx of new users



>Tweet doesn't exists anymore.
fake news.



Is this the fastest invasion in History? Shit didn't even last 24 hrs…


>>518323 (Me)
But yeah, 404 lmao


lel russian libs




Denmark fell in 6 hours during WW2.


Burger left doesn’t care unless it’s a U.S. asset getting crushed.


The revolt was clearly proletarian in nature and threatened western interests also even if some medias tried to spin it their way. Tricky to defend for them.


I was just so relieved to hear that the rest of Europe laughs about us. They should. were - well - theyre a mouldy paper tiger. A musem of the 50ies without any cool stuff


>Ukraine lost faster than the US could evacuate from Afghanistan





wow sabocat ur sooo funny w/ ur reddit numbers :))))


A lot of them are communists, communists all over the country protest this invasion


Just because it hasn't happened yet does not mean it will not happen anon. Russia are already prepared to moe from SWIFT and so are many otthers. If you don't see SWIFTs days as numbered you are very naive.


File: 1645724355542.jpg (259.06 KB, 1080x874, IMG_20220224_173716.jpg)

Russian forces seize control of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant. hrmm


>Based Sabo-Kitty opposing the arguably repugnant Russian chauvinists that came out in droves in Leftist/pol/
I see a lot of faggots claiming this, but beyond the occasional edgy shitpost in an happening thread, most people seem to have a reasonable line.


No they aren't. It's literally just libs that have been seething about Putin for years.


I remember arguing with the same cunts on here who are now shilling for Russia.


last Lenin statue in the Ukraine = secured


File: 1645724414594.jpeg (152.34 KB, 1080x2025, FMXTog7WQAEZMsk.jpeg)

top lel


>it seems plausible that Russian forces would seize Ukraine’s eastern regions, as well as the southern port city of Odessa, and encircle Kyiv. The Russian goal would be regime change, perhaps via constitutional reform, and a settlement that would secure Russian influence over Ukraine.

This is the most plausible scenario indeed. Russia wants to turn Ukraine into another Belarus, a proxy and buffer zone between it and the West. Not to mention the strategic importance of Eastern Ukraine as the arsenal of Russia.

Things will finally cool down when the current anti Russia Ukraine president steps down and is replaced by a more pro Russia one.

The West should never have provoked Russia with NATO expansion into former USSR states.


420? 20013? 1337? 69? 404? Another? Which numbers?!?


Rosa Luxemburg moment


>Where was all the global outrage when Putin mercilessly stomped out the fires of the Kazakh workers revolution?
What stomp what? If the Russia CSTO came in AFTER the violence, not working class related, started.


Didn’t even the communist party in Russia support Putin in this instance?


>shilling for Russia
Israel has condemned the invasion



They are, пиздаболина. Not all communists support invading other countries because they are fake states created by Lenin, you know?


always like that,there is always ironically more posts about "leftypol is full of x" than actual post in favor of x.



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finally we cann all agree its based :)


Fellas… how do I pick up a qt blonde ukranian refugee gf?


Well, that's much better than how "picking up women" tends to go during war.


I would do the same, women flock to invaders.

So Putin personally can blow it up.


File: 1645724512241.png (30.51 KB, 1795x217, LEAR.png)

Just admit you were wrong King Lear did.


Russia being physically unable to repay its loans could potentially induce a banking crisis in the EU. One they can't handle.


Russia's government sucks but NATO losing is extremely good. The neurotic obsession with "are you for or against Russia?! Pick one!" doesn't apply unless you live there


ахахах либераха порвалась


To all the people falling for the hype.
This war is going to endure for at least 2 months and at very much 4 months.
The ukrainian goverment isn't going to fall tonight and Ukraine still has an army that Russia has to destroy. Ukraine is not yet lost (sadly), wait a month and then we can start talking about it.
Also that this invasion of kiev, firstly is through helicopters leading troops into there (which means they won't be supplied), not that the russian troops are at the gates of Kiev.
As of nowadays, the frontier closer to the Ukrainian capital is the Chernobyl one. Of course, this tactic will perform better if Russia expects the ukrainian goverment to surrender in the next 3 days or so, but I don't think this will be a super-swift victory like you people think.


The christian nationalist wing of communist party issued a statement supporting Putin, yes. But they have diverse opinions


Down catastrophic





Once again, another reminder that the CIA was right. Was their date mixed? Yes but they were right. They even know exactly how the events of pulling out of Afghanistan would play out. Never found the US state intelligence department.


Dude's country is being invaded right now and he's still doing these gay-ass meme tweets for westernoids to cheer on


>the entirety of twitter right now:


>This war is going to endure for at least 2 months and at very much 4 months.


>Trying to be Wendy's twitter account when people are being fucking bombed in your country.


Sigma variant incoming


Never doubt*


That's why we should hate them


>Ukraine still has an army
That statement grows less true by the minute


>Never found the US state intelligence department.
Absolutely based ending to this post


>please let this last for at least 2, no 4! 4 months!
>please don't let this end in a day!
damn libs are bloodthirsty


How many hours are left?


I want Ukraine to fall as rapidly as you guys want, but I'm not going to fall for the hype as you guys have. Ukraine is the second biggest country of Europe (behind Russia itself).


To be a liiiiiiiiiittle, tiny bit, fair with him, he admitted being wrong 6 threads ago. He, anyways in his liberal mind, doubles down in the rest of his rhetoric.

He behaves like Skinner.


These "protests" glow like the fucking sun.


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>Hey baby I just recently I found out I turned you into a widow
>How about I unwidow you tonight?


suck my cock.


i dont understand why so many people spend time criticizing his majesty lear when you should be protecting him.., like a baby lamb..




>Ukraine is the second biggest country of Europe
And one of the most poorest, most corrupted, with shittiest military equipment, etc.


Maybe people don't like wars


Should have posted some sassy black lady gif if he wanted more likes


It is still the second biggest country.
It makes sense that a war in a bigger territory would take more time, dumbass.


No, I am talking about leninhat, lear did his rant, rotflmao.


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Ukraine malding


Yes, I admit I was wrong. But what I originally said on these threads still stands, the proletariat has no stake in the war.


Not without popular support for the cause, lmao.


Everything in Russia glows


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Unbelievably based




Now admit you are wrong about Covid-19 and I'll consider not dismissing you all the time.


The proletariat has no stake in peace either


This is real? Wait till the Putinoid chauvinists hear about this.


Being invaded is one hell of a cause. ISIS and Alqaeda wasn't popular in Iraq before the US invasion.


It was already put on hold for 6 months. NS2 was effectively blocked for the next 6 months.
Western media didn't report it. We only had partial news, no way to discern what was happening for real. Lots of fake news, contradicting accounts. How can you have a position when the information we recieve is like that?


Hey baby I can get you and your family out of this country safe and sound but let me just have a taste of those delicious hohol BOOBAs


>>518407 (me)
I mean, ISIS didn't exist at the time, but yea the point still stands.


who pro-Russia here? type "ty based stalin" if you 100% support russia against ukrop nazis


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Ukraine is getting rolled, Taiwan next?


Let me direct you to a man handling some straws.


Stalin is dead and Russia is not the Soviet Union


Absolutely wrong, the lives of the proles get even more hellish in war conditions, peace is preferrable whenever posssible if you're a working person


>ISIS and Alqaeda wasn't popular in Iraq before the US invasion.
except the USA invaded Iraq and then started supporting these factions and now Russia is purging all foreign support in the country. You don't understand shit here.


No, not buckling on that one.
Even if war breaks out I'm not vaxxed so I won't get conscripted :)(go back to your containment hell)


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I'm worried that this invasion will only strengthen groups like Azov in the long term though. Many more people will likely flock to ultranationalist groups, and they will be the most active in resisting Russia, which could lead to a major expansion of their influence in any region that remains outside of Russian control. In addition they will add this to the list of things they will shriek about for the next 100 years.


Let’s talk about sanctions. How about not releasing THE BATMAN in Russia. And all comic book flicks thereafter. It’s a limited thing, sure. Look, we know superheroes aren’t real, but perhaps they can be a small part of the solution. Dish out “consequences they have never seen.”


ty based vladolf putler with nukes
class traitor confirmed


>no, I have to double down on my rhetoric, saying loudly vlasovite like the rkrp-rpk, to sound smart and profound.


Peace to the huts! War on the palaces!


Do you want a revolution without a revolution?


No, you don't think war leads to work interruptions or price gouging? It does


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This is not a revolutionary war


once a class traitor always a class traitor


But seriously. What does the proletarian in any country have to gain from peace? Only further degeneration under total capitalist exploitation and destruction of the environment.


>except the USA invaded Iraq and then started supporting these factions and now Russia is purging all foreign support in the country. You don't understand shit here.
It didn't support these factions, it was the Saudis who did it as they can do whatever they want because of the petrodollar.
Despite this, it makes sense that after you get bombed you would be against the invader, doesn't it? Like, why does this apply in Iraq after the US invasion but not Ukraine? lmao.
Cope, you're wrong.


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please… a crumb of your ukrainian pussy ma'am…


It can get a lot worse under peacetime


>if you 100% support russia against ukrop nazis
May Banderites and Vlasovites wipe one another from existence.


from reddit

>From a EU / US / NATO geopolitical perspective Ukraine is not the hill to die fighting on and Russia knew this. A semi-functioning democracy is the only thing it has going for itself from a western perspective.

>Russia weighed the benefits and decided the troop losses, military hardware losses, sanctions and political damage was worth the price and committed to it.

>If anything, this simplifies things from a western perspective. The final borders have been drawn. This will likely bring Finland and Sweden into NATO and we are back to a pre-1990s stalemate except now Germany and France have a much larger buffer.

>That is obviously not to ignore that this situation is horrible from humanities sake, and there will be thousands of lives lost and immense suffering in Ukraine for the foreseeable future, but I don't see how this situation wasn't Russia playing into a Win-win situation for the western powers.

<g-guys, losing is actually winning for us!

fucking liberals


War is worth the sacrifice my friend


And 1917 had nothing to do with 1914.


>implying marvel movies aren't imperial propaganda
Export them doubly so


100% a state glowie.


>a man handling some straws
Anon, that's not what a strawman is.


Is this an opportunity to enlighten libs? Big washington daddy won't save them


1917 only happened because the Bolsheviks successfully turned the war of their reactionary regime into a civil war between classes. For some reason there are people here who don't want this to happen.


>the US didn't support ISIS
moron, fuck off


Not true for nationalist wars





How many millions of bodies did that take?


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>Invading other countries and kill children is good


You know that we're talking about Iraq here, right?
When they got into Syria, it would have been otherwise, but ISIS originated in Iraq.


Any war to break up the monotony is good. Peace is what allows the bourgeois total control. War disrupts daily life enough that revolutions take place.


>fight for me mates! make sure they don't invade us! I'll just be here, not getting vaccinated, like a true proletarian


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>Fuck off you cowardly little sneering shits.
>You can die for your bourgeoisie like the stupid fucking cannon fodder cunts you are. This board is full of vermin.
Yet you post in everyone of these threads…


Cracking up imagining redditors spending all night trying to come up with a brilliant plan for NATO to get involved and confidently putting this forward


A lot, and all of it was opposed by the Bolsheviks from day one. They certainly didnt endorse Russian participation in WW1 on the grounds that it would cause a revolution.


lel based


Will he go back to his homeland to fight?


Are you implying Russia will fall into a civil war because of this? Are you implying that Ukraine will fall into a civil war while being occupied by Russia, somehow?


you'll fit in better there, pseud moronfag


NTA but your assumption is that the liberals protesting are the ones we have to support because they will get us 1917?
The tankie, I guess, is implying that the west may cause its 1917 if they lose control of everything during these events, something I like more because, to begin with, the west haven't had any sociaist revolution, while Russia alraedy had one.


thread is full
post it


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Watch out, he's about to go full mask off, and COOF.


>it makes sense that after you get bombed you?
You are oversimplifying things anon. If Russia is competent in enacting deradicalization policy following the war then reconciliation can be had. Things are far from settled.


Ukraine is already in a civil war


Wow, good one.


lmao is he ukranian?


You are into masochism, you get called every time with your retarded takes and re-interpretations of Lenin and you keep coming here.


Not a revolutionary one


Obviously sabocat, it'll strengthen anti-Russian and ultranationalist sentiment. If there were Ukrainian normies who had no stake in this absolutely pointless war, and who lost a brother or a sister or cousin or auntie or uncle from some random bombing, they'll definitely become radicalized. Even Russians who have family in Ukraine will be most definitely upset. The neocon war hawk trots in this thread have no stake in this conflict, they don't live in Eastern Europe so their opinions really don't matter. In any case the communists and socialists of Russia and Ukraine know what's best for each other, not war hungry neo-con trots from the west.


This is some Galaxy brain thinking here


you are a joke to the majority of posters here, you realize that, right?


Become a west puppet or a Russian puppet?

It makes more sense to become a Russian Puppet because they are neighbours.

Imagine Mexico being a Russian puppet. Doesn't make sense xD


It's arguably a national liberation war


The Russian military will clean up any Nazis. Ukraine is literally Russia so it's not like they are occupying a foreign country half a world away like the US does.


Exactly, it's not 1917


Do you track dog sh*t into the house of your host when you are visiting? Leave such comments to the other sites.


>NTA but your assumption is that the liberals protesting are the ones we have to support because they will get us 1917?
First of all, I see no reason to assume that the protestors are all liberals. Second, I'm saying that it is up to the communists of beligerent countries to try to put a stop to this bourgeois war by rallying workers against their own governments.
>The tankie, I guess, is implying that the west may cause its 1917 if they lose control of everything during these events
I don't see how, the West is not directly participating in this war.



this is not a bourgeois war. The russian government waited 8 years to recognize the independence of the republics, tried everything to solve the situation via diplomacy and hoping to avoid a war. Russia, not even the oligarchs, will gain nothing economic from defending the republics, hell they may even lose (not as much as europe tho). The capitalists are not in control of Putin, if that was the case this wouldn't have happened in the first place, they would just have continued selling the country for years to come. This is just the result of imperial aggression against Russia. This just shows that it wasn't ideology what put the west against Russia but the possibility of they becoming strong. The empire won't accept anything but total submission. What the US wanted was not to prevent a competing social order to challenge their hegemony over the world, but to keep the leash over europe and asia and by proxy over the world. And now that Russia abandoned socialism they are still antagonizing. Now Putin is without any other option than opposing NATO and imperialism just to survive. And if Russia becomes fully imperialist it is something that only time will decide, but just because their corporations expand a little, or a region holds a referendum to unite the country as happened in Crimea doesn't make it imperialist. These elements are present in every country on earth to varying degrees and it shouldn't cloud our judgment. This is not a both sides bad kind of situation. It is just the global struggle of anti imperialism brought to european soil again. Only this time the red star doesn't shine as bright over there as it used to. Let's not adopt an ultra left position and at least be thankful that the nazis on the Donbas are getting some push back after years of terrorizing Donesk and Luhansk.




Modern Sun Tzu


>Nikocado Avocado was born in the newly-independent Ukraine in Eastern Europe. He was later adopted and grew up in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States.


>this is not a bourgeois war
Yes it is liberal


Is Finland a Russian puppet?


just post it


>are all liberals.
God, you only have three major factions:
Nationalists (in an alliance/pact)
and smaller the liberals
Do you actually believe the 3 first ones are protesting right now? do you see their communists flags en masses? it is kazhak all over again.
The only ones that protest that shit are liberals in the greeeeeeeater extent, unless uniquivocally proved wrong.
>I'm saying that it is up to the communists of beligerent countries to try to put a stop to this bourgeois war by rallying workers against their own governments.
But this is not happening. Not gonna happen.
The 3 forces I listed you support this whole movement, there is no room for that shit.
>I don't see how, the West is not directly participating in this war.

See the ball as the Tankie said, it is in their courtside. Depending on how much damage they inflict upon themselves, it might be possible.


isis was created from the ashes of the irak army that was disbanded by US during an incredibly long and bloody occupation


ty based stalin


liveuamap isn't loading properly anymore, but here's ukraine as far as recent operations go


>Hide your women, hide your children. The eastern hordes come for them!


Ukrainian MPs call on Zelensky to start talks with Putin

A group of parliamentarians insists all diplomatic options should be explored to stop the bloodshed

“Millions of our fellow citizens strive for a peaceful … life,” said the group, led by Vadim Novinsky – a Ukrainian billionaire and one of the co-leaders of the Opposition Bloc – an association of more than a dozen political parties. The MPs have said they “insist on [Zelensky] using all options” to protect human life and de-escalate the situation.

The lawmakers called on their leader to start talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and “reach an agreement” on “stopping the bloodshed.” They urged Ukraine’s parliament to form a delegation to hold “strategic consultations” with the Russian parliament.

“We believe that a new compromise is still possible,” the MPs have said, adding that a diplomatic option should still be explored even if it has “one chance in a hundred” to be successful. The MPs have not outlined any specific ideas for a potential agreement with Russia.



>Do you actually believe the 3 first ones are protesting right now?
Principled ones should be.
>But this is not happening. Not gonna happen.
Then the communists are infected with opportunism, just as the social democrats were in 1914.


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ty based stalin


This invasion really brought out all the liberals of Twitter. It’s entertaining honestly.


The fact that you absolutely INSIST on projecting the current global situation on early 20th century history just confirms how huge a fucking pseud you are. For you communism is a LARP and doesn't require concrete analysis of the contemporary world with applicable praxis.

You are a scum. SCUM.


Can someone tell me what the anti imperialist position is?


destroy nato


>For you communism is a LARP and doesn't require concrete analysis of the contemporary world with applicable praxis.
I'm using analogous historical situations to make a point. The "concrete analysis" offered by Putinoids is detached from reality regarding the class character of the Russian regime and its relationship to imperialism.


>Wow I can't believe someone else did this!


>I'm using analogous historical situations to make a point.




>You can die for your bourgeoisie
you wot schizo ? stop inventing people to hate


So the global empires of that period weren't anti-communist? Modern Russia isn't anti-communist? The porkies that command the Russian state and who destroyed the USSR aren't anti-communist?
You're right, it fell in 1991, something that Putin and his ilk actively aided and abetted. Why should we shill for the gravediggers of the October Revolution?


>more pseud sophism instead of concrete analysis


Here's my concrete analysis. Russia is a bourgeois state, as such everything it does is done with the intention of enriching and empowering its ruling class, which by definition also means impoverishing and disenfranchising its own people. As a capitalist country, Russia is inexorably on the path to imperialism, and any war it wages (even if there are also legitimate concerns of national security involved) will be used not only as an opportunity to expand the profits of the ruling class, but also to crush the democratic freedoms of the workers, to suppress their revolutionary sentiments and activity, and to eliminate any concessions they have won over the years. This is because profit is the lifeblood of the capitalist system, and the endless accumulation of capital is the driving force of all bourgeois economic calculus. No opportunity to further exploit people or reap ever greater profits will be passed up. Neither Russian, nor Ukrainian, nor Western workers have any stake in this conflict, because none of the belligerent states represent them and their interests. If this is to end without any of the countries involved becoming socialist, then a Russian victory is probably the preferable outcome (due to the benefits of multipolarity), but even better than that would be a successful overthrow of the Russian bourgeois state by the communists of that country. Hence, I hope Russia's class conscious workers are able to successfully agitate against their imperialist bourgeoisie, and turn this bourgeois war into a civil war between the classes.


This is the beginning of the end for the NATO-sphere. If they can't even hold together now they never will.


thank god, i was getting tired of hearing the "muh nazis" excuse.


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>Sophism is when you know the actual history of the 20th Century instead of nonsensical Hazcel dogshit and coping memes shat out by twitter tankies
So this is where leftist/pol/ is at, huh?
Utter degeneracy


nato bad
DPR and LPR self determination




I was wondering about the dongcopter pirate lol.


Shouldn't it be "цемен гаіденко"?

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