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 No.519347[Last 50 Posts]


TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."


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1st 4 wide


>liveuamap not working


Hopefully Putin makes this quick and painless for all except Right Sector/Azov/Central Govt.
Consistent with our views regarding imperialism and the national question, unlike many Communists and communist parties (like for example KKE), I don't consider the conflict in eastern Ukraine an intra-imperialist conflict between two large imperialist camps of the "west" and the "east". In my opinion, this is nothing more than imperialist aggression against the current national bourgeois government of Russia which tries to push back against the imperialist forces, and it is not in isolation from the general world-imperialist offensive against the proletariat of the world. Thus, by default, we in general, support the Russians (both the ones living in Russia, and the ones living in Ukraine) for both anti-imperialist reasons and due to reasons of our view regarding the national question.
What do we mean by the national question? In my opinion nations are not subjective things, but objective things. They are not determined by statehood, or the official citizenship of a person. In this regard, there are no "Russophone Ukrainians'' as the government in Kiev claims. If Ukrainians are indeed a separate nation from Russia, then they should not keep by force what is essentially a Russian population being native in its eastern region in a non-Russian state. This amounts to nothing more than chauvinism, and since both our principles against chauvinism, and our principles against imperialism align, our position is completely clear regarding the issue in the eastern regions. The Kiev government is nothing more than an imperialist comprador, willing to plunge completely Ukraine into the abyss for regions which have almost no Ukrainians (if the Russian speaking population there is Ukrainian, then there is no difference between of Ukraine and Russia), and thus, we cannot even think of supporting it in this war.
Regarding the imperialist aims at war, I think that a world war over Ukraine is unlikely. Even if the Russians "invade" Ukraine, as the imperialists claim, I do not think that NATO forces will do anything close to engaging directly in this war, and this is why neither Ukraine or Georgia still are not in NATO. If Ukraine enters NATO, NATO has two options: disband, or follow its own charter which says that if one NATO member is attacked, all should attack the attacker. Since Crimea technically part of Ukraine, this would mean that Europe and America would be forced to directly fight Russia, something which the imperialist powers aren't willing to do. Otherwise, Ukraine and Georgia would be in NATO already. Nonetheless, in both cases (i.e.. Russo-Ukrainian war escalating, or NATO getting involved and starting a full scale world war) we will support Russia, and keep opposing imperialist and compradors governments who are willing to enter our nations to a war against Russia, a nuclear power, due to the whims of the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie and their drive for super-profit to satisfy their profit requirements and also satisfy the huge labor aristocracy that is shrinking in the home population of the imperialist nations.
We call for there to be no imperialist war against Russia and for a civil war against our comprador bourgeoisie. Our nations are at stake, and it is not a question of theory and neither is a question of just putting the working class in power, it is a question of the survival of our nations, which can only survive when its builders, the proletariat, smash the bourgeoisie state and put their own dictatorship in its place, and purge the destroyer of nations, capitalism, to the dustbin of history.
Reposting from other thread so newfags can see


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Nothing burger


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War hasn't started it's all a ukrainian cope


Me and others have been saying from day 1 that the conflict itself, originally mostly diplomatic was the happening itself.

Now that military intervention and the recoginition of the republics has been made, the domain of the happening has expanded significantly.


Russia is a fascist imperialist state no different than western powers.


Where is fizzle gang at?


Putin is fulfilling dugins dream

May Eurasia happen :p


>Reposting from other thread so newfags can see
you mean from reddit


The proletariat has absolutely no stake in a fight between two anticommunist fascist regimes.

The proletariat only has itself and communism to liberate ourselves.




How do I cope that Russia's invasion is only strengthening support for NATO? I've been on Twitter lately and the amount of Americans who don't even have the slightest idea what their country has done and assume themselves as the world police is depressing. I won't even browse Reddit which probably has warhawks that would make John Bolton blush. It's nice socialism and communism is on the rise, but we're still such a relative minority. The truth of the matter is that we are still living in an American-led hegemonic world order, and I'm tired of it. Right now we're living in a world where Americans will justify invading and exterminating my country if they pleased, and everyone will support it. To you Western communists organizing,I I envy you because you can work these people to the right path directly. I can only watch as they beat the drums of war.


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Russell "Tejas in Donbass" Bentley literally predicted all of this, and you people called him a schizo boomer.



Stop going online and stop being american. If anything now that euros will need to burn clothes for warmth they'll become aware of how much cuck they are. Only civilization that went from colonizers to colonized.
Pathetic to be honest.


>Russia is a fascist imperialist state no different than western powers.


That once the us kicks russia out of the I think swift system

De dedollarization will occur rapidly and the us will collapse in the long term while russia only suffers in the short term


I kneel


Repostan from prev thread:

Wonder what the endgame is. Is anyone well-versed on the Russo-Georgian war? At first glance the situations seem quite similar. Invade pro-western regime to forego NATO membership, de facto occupy autonomous regions (Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine, South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia) indefinitely.

Still, to me invading the whole of Ukraine seems quite reckless if all Russia wants to do is send out a warning. As I said, I'm not an expert as I was wrong about Russia recognizing LPR and DPR in the first place (I didn't even think they'd officially do that), but my gut feeling tells me they're really biting off more than they can chew here. Not trying to glow, feel free to weigh in and tell me how wrong I am.


based and defeatismpilled


I'm not American. Is online political discourse really useless though? Like, isn't it at the very least important to get a feel on how most people think? Should I just stick to irl organizing before going insane? I've heard the real life political climate is vastly different than the shitflinging on Twitter.


Updates from Ukrainian draw anon.

I will enlist into the Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces, new militia and guerrilla unit
Spread awareness of the war and war crimes, this war may end up very bloody. Ukraine is a place with almost 40 million inhabitants, when Iran and Iraq were fighting each other in 1980 hundreds of thousands of people died
This is going to be way worse than Afghanistan and Chechnya
The quickest way to end it is for the entire population of Ukraine to surrender (impossible) or to sanction the Russian government and oligarchs and make them leave. Address your national deputies asking to support Ukraine and send at least humanitarian aid to the country

THOSE OF YOU WHO SUPPORTED PUTIN: you fucked up big time but you still can fix your mistakes by addressing your district's deputy to the national parliament. Ukraine will need all help it can get


When leninhat is one of the sanest people on the thread you know there is a problem



I imagine Russia is responding to behind the scenes dealings that the plebs aren't privvy to. Probably Ukraine was going to begin a formal process of NATO or EU integration and Putin wants to make that untenable


I'll admit I was wrong but my original post still stands, now there is war, it must be turned into ruthless civil war.


>The proletariat has absolutely no stake in a fight between two anticommunist fascist regimes


It's to give putin more legitimacy by destroying the grand enemy that putin has built up through media ukraine(tho it's easy to do that with Ukrainians for a reason)

And then blame any ensuing economic problems on the evil west that's clearly ruining the economy by sanctioning us

It's also helps putins use of dugunist Eurasia shit since now russia is absorbing what's considered part of dugins eurasia sphere

There's also the fact that russia has increasingly tied itself with china and that this might be one big gamble that the us order will die soon so fuck the us let's rely on china

and that if the us kicks russia out of the dollar system it's just going to accelerate dedolarization which fucks russia over in the short term and us more in the long term


By sanctioning russia i mean not the us


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Seeing a lot of people worried about civilians in Ukraine. Most of these people didn't seem to care about civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan (pre-nuTaliban regime), Syria, Libya and so on.


I wonder what happens when the Ukraine nationalist underground that will inevitably be formed after decapitation starts blasting pipeline infrastructure. I think this scenario is possibly the most dangerous element that will come out of this and has the potential of causing severe problems for both Russia and Continental yurop



Might as well be. There are always going to be civilian atrocities, but it seems the Russians are exercising restraint.
There would be a hell of a lot more if they just went in without suppressing first.


Burgers will just reactivate NS2 because they need their sweet gas and they dont care about some peace or war shit


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Russia bros… Why hasn't Ukrainian government collapsed yet?


*casualties, not atrocities


Never forget who fights these wars. Hint: It's not rich people.


>what's DiaMat.
Jesus, Marx taught this, and you cope believing they won't do it.


It's been only 10 hours


Threadly reminder that despite having the wrong reasons Putin has objectively done more for the Left than anyone bitching and moaning in this thread.

>Defended Cuba to this very day and is even open to further military cooperation. Russia is still the sole reason that the Americans have not just wiped out Cuba entirely because military incursion will invite a Russian response.

>Defended the Syrian government against Western backed jihadists
>Defended Belarus against a color revolution
>Supporting China through energy/trade deals
>Open to military cooperation with Nicaragua
>Defended Venezuela repeatedly through military/technical advice and humanitarian aid although Cuba did do more

Meanwhile "muh both sides" retards will happily sit and watch as NATO devours the entire earth.




Ukrop shill


Objectively correct take.


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>"The lance corporal went on inviting the landlord to keep in step with him, accusing him of drinking too little which was obviously an injustice, because he could hardly stand on his legs and wanted all the time to play farbl. He maintained that in the night he had heard gunfire from the east, upon which lance-corporal hiccuped: "Only no panic for God's sake! About it there are in-in-instructions!"
>And he went on to explain that instructions were a collection of immediate orders. In doing so he betrayed some secret directives. But the landlord no longer understood anything. He was only capable of stating that the war could not be won by instructions

as always life imitates art


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>The goal of a deep operation was to inflict a decisive strategic defeat on the enemy's logistical abilities and render the defence of their front more difficult, impossible—or, indeed, irrelevant.
Red Napoleon posthumously vindicated


The "Red Napoleon", created the theory of "deep battle" (supposedly being used now), then executed as a traitor in the Great Purge


Ultraleftist infantile take


He was kinda crazy to be honest


Reminder that good ol' Edichka predicted all of this 30 years ago


> (supposedly being used now)
Wasn't it used in WW2, iirc?


Supposedly Russia could be targeting US biolabs in Ukraine. Thoughts?



>During a reactionary war a revolutionary class cannot but desire the defeat of its government.

>This is axiomatic, and disputed only by conscious partisans or helpless satellites of the social-chauvinists. Among the former, for instance, is Semkovsky of the Organising Committee (No. 2 of its Izvestia), and among the latter, Trotsky and Bukvoyed,[2] and Kautsky in Germany. To desire Russia’s defeat, Trotsky writes, is “an uncalled-for and absolutely unjustifiable concession to the political methodology of social-patriotism, which would replace the revolutionary struggle against the war and the conditions causing it, with an orientation—highly arbitrary in the present conditions—towards the lesser evil” (Nashe Slovo No. 105).

>This is an instance of high-flown phraseology with which Trotsky always justifies opportunism. A “revolutionary struggle against the war” is merely an empty and meaning less exclamation, something at which the heroes of the Second International excel, unless it means revolutionary action against one’s own government even in wartime. One has only to do some thinking in order to understand this. Wartime revolutionary action against one’s own government indubitably means, not only desiring its defeat, but really facilitating such a defeat.

dengoids cant even read half page pamphlets by lenin


Checked reddit and it's full of glowops lol.



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You do not know what 'Ultraleftist' even means - you've almost certainly not read 'Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder' either.


You're a clown if you think the people living in those areas have no stake on what happens regarding war, bombs, sanctions, seiges.

Fucking retard.


Lenin, later on, criticized that dogshit thanks to the multiple misreadings of his words, pseud.
revolutionary defeatism is not about 'not muh side' but to proactively sabotaging your ruling class so they fail.

leninhat and you are only in their armchairs doing 100% trotkyism.


>During a reactionary war
Irrelevant. This war is super based. Total denazification of my country. Stop throwing Lenin at the wall hoping some shit will stick


based Lenin revolutionary defeatism




Goota repost because you are psued:
Got ya. Since you didn't specify which source you wanted, I bring both points:
Lenin retracting this revolutionary defeatism.

Starting with the first part:
In this link he underlines his position about this misslabeleb revolutionary defeatism (note the date)
>From the viewpoint of the working class and the toiling masses of all the peoples of Russia, the defeat of the tsarist monarchy and its army, which oppress Poland, the Ukraine, and many other peoples of Russia, and foment hatred among the peoples so as to increase Great-Russian oppression of the other nationalities, and consolidate the reactionary and barbarous government of the tsar’s monarchy, would be the lesser evil by far.
Which was a comment on what communists should do, and was interpreted by Trotsky as a form of let's do nothing, or "not victory nor war"
Two years later he criticizes this 'do nothing' strategy:

>What is the substitute proposed for the defeat slogan? It is that of “neither victory nor defeat” (Semkovsky in Izvestia No. 2; also the entire Organising Committee in No. 1). This, however, is nothing but a paraphrase of the “defence of the fatherland” slogan. It means shifting the issue to the level of a war between governments (who, according to the content of this slogan, are to keep to their old stand, “retain their positions"), and not to the level of the struggle of the oppressed classes against their governments! It means justifying the chauvinism of all the imperialist nations, whose bourgeoisie are always ready to say—and do say to the people—that they are “only” fighting “against defeat”. “The significance of our August 4 vote was that we are not for war but against defeat," David, a leader of the opportunists, writes in his book. The Organising Committee, together with Bukvoyed and Trotsky, stand on fully the same ground as David when they defend the “neither-victory nor-defeat” slogan.

>On closer examination, this slogan will be found to mean a “class truce”, the renunciation of the class struggle by the oppressed classes in all belligerent countries, since the class struggle is impossible without dealing blows at one’s “own” bourgeoisie, one’s “own” government, whereas dealing a blow at one’s own government in wartime is (for Bukvoyed’s information) high treason, means contributing to the defeat of one’s own country. Those who accept the “neither victory-nor-defeat” slogan can only be hypocritically in favour of the class struggle, of “disrupting the class truce”; in practice, such people are renouncing an independent proletarian policy because they subordinate the proletariat of all belligerent countries to the absolutely bourgeois task of safeguarding the imperialist governments against defeat. The only policy of actual, not verbal disruption of the “class truce”, of acceptance of the class struggle, is for the proletariat to take advantage of the difficulties experienced by its government and its bourgeoisie in order to overthrow them. This, however, cannot be achieved or striven for, without desiring the defeat of one’s own government and without contributing to that defeat.

>Those who stand for the “neither-victory-nor-defeat” slogan are in fact on the side of the bourgeoisie and the opportunists, for they do not believe in the possibility of inter national-revolutionary action by the working class against their own governments, and do not wish to help develop such action, which, though undoubtedly difficult, is the only task worthy of a proletarian, the only socialist task. It is the proletariat in the most backward of the belligerent. Great Powers which, through the medium of their party, have had to adopt—especially in view of the shameful treachery of the German and French Social-Democrats— revolutionary tactics that are quite unfeasible unless they “contribute to the defeat” of their own government, but which alone lead to a European revolution, to the permanent peace of socialism, to the liberation of humanity from the horrors, misery, savagery and brutality now prevailing.

He slams the bad use of defeatism as a way of returning to the pre-war era, because precisely is used by the imperialists to do the war without having any posture against their own ruling classes.

This is a particularly good essay on the topic, that it is in marxists.org, too:

The part in which Trotsky worked to implement defeatism alongside the nazis was in the Moscow trials:
<Pavliukov and The 1937 Trial Transcript Compared
>This summary of Radek’s confession of December 22, 1936 is consistent with Radek’s testimony at the January 1937 trial. In fact Vyshinsky read a brief quotation from this very confession in his opening statement at the trial:
>For example, the accused Radek, confirming Pyatakov’s testimony, testified during examination on December 22, 1936, that one of the points of the agreement reached between Trotsky and the representatives of the German National-Socialist Party was the obligation
>“. . . during Germany’s war against the U.S.S.R. . . . to adopt a defeatist position, to intensify diverse activities, particularly in enterprises of military importance … to act on Trotsky’s instructions agreed upon with the German General Staff.” (Vol. V, p. 152) (1937 Trial 10-11)
<Romm to Vyshinsky in the trials
>to undermine confidence in Stalin’s Five-Year Plan, in the new technique, and in that way, to undermine confidence in the Party leadership. Emphasizing the necessity of extreme measures, Trotsky quoted the Latin proverb to the effect: “What medicine cannot heal, iron will heal, and what iron cannot heal, fire will heal.” I remember that somewhat perplexed, I suggested that this would undermine the defense capacity of the country at a time when, with the accession of Hitler to power, the danger of war, and particularly the danger of an attack on the U.S.S.R. by Germany, was becoming particularly acute. To this question, I did not get a comprehensive reply, but Trotsky hinted that it was precisely the growing acuteness of the war danger that may place defeatism on the order of the day

Defeatism, if anything, is an invention hyped by Trotskyites whenever is convenient to support their political ambitions, siding with even nazis. And leninhat when talks about revolutionary defeatism, which was used stupidity by other factions, he doesn't acknowledge that Lenin fought against deviations of his words. He, rather ghastly, instead of assuming a defeatist position in the U.K., and starting to do what revolutionaries, do sabotage their own governments in wartime, assumes revolutionary defeatism is the 'neither with Russia nor with NATO' in his jibberish.


I spent a month arguing with libs that no invasion is gonna happen and this is what I get?
Country is getting sanctioned to shit, currency going down the drain and on top of that I look stupid on the internet, thanks pootin


>All right now, for all you operators out there in the big Ukraine, all you street people with an ear for the action, I've been asked to relay a request from the Moscow Russkies. It's a special for the Azovites; that's that real live bunch from Mariupol… and I do mean the Azov battalion. Here's a hit with them in mind.


wtf I love USA and Azov now


there were retard who thought ukrainians would fight to the last man


im sorry i didnt go to college


Nah, the lards have been crying wolf, none of their predictions of war can be believed until it actually starts. Your skepticism is justified, the Western Fake News MSM is mostly nonsense.




BREAKING: Belgium immigration official says "Russians are not welcome here," calls on EU states to stop issuing visas - HLN


Imagine dying for neoliberalism


Yeah most of Tukha's theory was adopted after the winter war and used in WW2 and has pretty much been part of soviet/russian military doctrine since. His theory of operations is also pretty much a basic tenet of all modern military doctrine including the US'. He was ahead of his time.


Leninhat is correct.


Why the fuck is this guy sneaking around a place were soldiers are being deployed


Uhh… Redditbros? What happened to "hate the government, not the people"?


I don't know if this was intentional stupidity by the USA or they were basing their assumptions on Russian disinformation. Either way, the West looked stupid, it's not your fault.


>wonders if it's Ukrainian or not
>sees the star
>ohhh shit



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The sanctions are so weak and low energy. Most of the Westernoid energy is focused on exaggerating how huge the sanctions are.


wait so the war is over? ukraine surrendered?/


You are very bad at parodying libs



BREAKING: Russians in Kherson now. Spetznaz units spotted:



If they're smart, they will. Strategically it's ogre, air force, navy, air defenses, Russians penetrating through to the Dniepr. Individual units can still fight but not for long without any support.


Attacks thundered, bullets rang out,
And machine guns fired sporadically…
And our girl in her greatcoat was going,
Through the burning Kakhovka…

Under the hot sun, under the black of night
We made it through a lot.
We are a peaceful people, but our armored train
Stands ready on the reserve rails!


Lives are being lost and you think i'm "parodying". fuck off.

i thought china was smarter. guess not.


Ukraine seriously trusted NATO to help them? lol


Not even a tankie but imagine talking shit about the ussr. Indeed how you like your capitalism?


China made their position clear long ago, why would somebody expect anything else?


Каховка каховка, родная винтовка


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Quote-on-Quote """"""""""""Redemption""""""""""""" of the R.O.A moment


Hello \/aushite


No they aren't.
1) incorrectly reducing anything reactionary into 'fascism'
2) dubiously assuming anything except the current flavor-of-the-century ideology is a non-solution
3) falsely equating two different sides, including one which is more likely to kill them, thereby detracting from the socialist cause
for a few quick examples of why that's a dumb statement.


China is being the only adult in this. They're taking the mantle of leadership from the US, which is just another monkey flinging shit here.
Hundreds of thousands died from covid, people are dying in Gaza and Syria all the time, nobody bats an eye.
Russia executes one surgical blitz and everybody loses their minds.


Горячая пуля, лети!


Kherson's here btw


We need a better source on this


Did you forget about the joint statement that both Xi and Putin agreed to demanding the halt of NATO's expansion eastwards or did you just live under a rock for the past few months? Financial Times is already seething about China's banks potentially throwing a lifeline to Putin like they have before.


China is litterally murdering tens of millions of people in Xinjang, no surprise they support Nazi Germany 2.0.


Lives are being lost no matter what the outcome.
I would expect them to be tactical and nothing more. For a country also dealing with NATO aggression, it seems like a sane choice.
After Kazakhstan, are you surprised?


Hundreds of millions


> After Kazakhstan, are you surprised?
It was a moment all hope in leftypol was lost


You're being Debanderaised and Vlasovised.


Seriously, fuck putin. and fuck this site for defending him and russia. don't call yourself leftist, assholes.


>They ACTUALLY take everything up to the right bank of the Dnieper
>Crimea completely secured.
>East bank 'Novorossyia' vassal state.
>West-Bank Ukraine treaty of Versailles level dimilitarised and forced back into Russian sphere.




B-but Ukrops have a nazi battalion and they are pro-NATO!


heavy losses if true


>this website is a single person! THE POST: THE SEQUEL #3529723




Stop thinking about horsecocks Ian


Incidentally Putinnoids do not want to talk about the various Nazi units that fight in the separatist regions.


>Still, to me invading the whole of Ukraine seems quite reckless if all Russia wants to do is send out a warning.
They need to do it to some degree if they are to demilitarize it. With Georgia, this wasn't an issue since it's just so small. I really doubt they'll occupy it.

Well the thing is that the internet provides an incredible opportunity for discourse and education, but that's difficult to do and it mostly goes squandered. Like with TV before it, nd radio before that.


Why is conquering other countries so taboo these days when it's been happening all throughout history? Ppl are acting like current borders were mandated by heaven and are set in stone forever


Not really but this gotta be the dumbest fucking move against either.


Fukuyama brain.


Because the process involves things we don't like.


These Chetniks and neonazi pagans are just fellow travelers while Azov battalion is integrated into Ukrainian Army, also they venerate Bandera


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Based Schizo Anprim.


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Because conquering countries involves some suffering and destruction. Normal people usually don't like these things.


This, but replace 'conquering other countries' with 'killing european people'.


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The US literally turned Libya - the most prosperous African country - into a failed state over nothing, but killing some nazis to liberate the independent states (and possibly the rest of Ukraine) is beyond the pale.

It's all cynical.


Lying cunt!


NATO ambassadors have decided to trigger the NAC Execution Directive (NED).

This means that the Supreme Allied Commander can activate the 5 NATO defense plans for NATO's eastern flank, from the high north down to Turkey.


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Communists and socialists defending imperial conquest by Putin is hilarious!


is this the quickest blitzkreig ever? France lasted two weeks?


How did they get this far this fast? Isn't Ukraine the largest country in Europe (That doesn't span 2 continents like Russia)


livemap is reporting from Ukrainian side? highly unlikely. Russia blasted all AA.

There are awful people there, but that doesn't render the fact that many communists also fought for DPR. No communist fought hand in hand with Ukraine to control DPR in Ukraine, so cry more tears libtard.


Nah, we only support fighting among imperial powers


Anticommunists are dogs.


$50 says they're advancing on Kiev and will take the capital.


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Those are Hips, aka transports
VDV incoming, this is gonna be Zelensky in about an hour


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id lik her lying cunt


>we only support fighting among imperial powers
>Meanwhile, Russia is fighting a war of expansion.


These aren't communists, these are ублюдочные потерявшие связь с реальностью пидорасы-ботинколизы, которых actual socialists should despise.


>I was arguing with a few of you 12 hours ago
get a life lmao



Can't speak russian.


nah im shitposting. simps get the wall


cope, seethe, mald, liberal


A reminder she's a Tsarist, still cute though.




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1. There are communists fighting in Luhensk and Donetsk
2. The far right wingers that are there are pretty much fellow travellers.
3. In comparison to the Ukranian military, the Azov battlion is a straight up extension of the Ukranian state.

The Donetsk and Luhensk don't have a Nazi-paramilitary organization.

Like seriously, who are the "putinoids" here. Most of them view him with critical support against NATO agression. If you want to talk about Putin using the LP/DPR as proxies, then you might have an argument.

But as far as things go, you have a better chance of seeing the LPR and DPR of taking up the red banner than the Ukranian government.

Folks are out here really not understanding what the "critical" from Critical support means.


She literally believes the Tsar is the 2nd coming of Christ.



yeah i watched the video the claim is from, not a single helicopter down


Amerilardia is fighting for Cuckraine… by spamming social media!




She opposes American imperialism so that doesn't matter, we are on the same side


Communists are fascists.


stop worshipping satan and funding nazis nato shill


i could save her


nato tried to expand to ukraine, russian in turns expands to ukraine first

there is tension among nato and russia; the post 1991 status quo is shook, the opportunity for communists is once agane opened


>Richard Spencer retweeted



This, by the way I'm on the same side as neo-nazis.


Why are people taking sane positions on things like this are anarchists/syndies or adherents of other irrelevant ideologies?


But defending a country from getting conquered is an act of war, which causes suffering and destruction.


Here we can see a russian helicopter land crashing into a forest.


>the opportunity for communists is once agane opened
Didn't Putin openly mock the communists in the past after the fall of the USSR?


Its time for Antifa-MIGA alliance


>who are the "putinoids" here
The think guy and the maupinite clique. But yes most people are sane.


So what's putin doing wrong? Can some of you libs explain?


Looks like the main thrust.
Once these guys break through, they finna cut off all forces in the east. Anyone left fighting by sundown is going to be mopped up.
Seven days to the river rhine? More like one day to the dniepr.


>false-flagging as an anarchist
Bruh, shut the fuck up. Most anarchists aren't taking sides in this conflict.


Most people living in the West are legit retarded and have the historical memory of a goldfish.


glownigs are trying so hard to spin this utter buttdevastation Ukrain has suffered



He's a Hitler


Lol, he literally said that Ukraine's existence is mistake made by communists and he is going to decommunize them


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>I was arguing with a few of you 12 hours ago.
why would you argue with americans lmao
you're an idiot


lmao, "putler". the glowlibs of r/politics spamming


By decommunize he meant take back all the territory given by communists


I remember an anarchist blog with critical support for Euromaidan and pacification of Russian nazis


American glownigs staying up all night.


>memeflagging is falseflagging
come on now


Anarshits are illiterate.


>Putin: My USSR history lesson said that Ukraine bad! Me invade now! No interference, plox!
>Communists and socialists: Hail Putin!


Both did this retard


>Fascist doesn't know the Russian Federation is multi-cultural already.
Twitter was a fucking mistake.


if you couldn't figure out that the post was a satirical parody of its parent post, I'd say you're the one demonstrating illiteracy.


You are now in the [Anger] stage.


Threadly reminder that fucking TROTSKY of all people was more left wing and anti imperialist than all the anti-Russia shills in this thread.


Why are people calling ukraine neonazis??




>Broken clothes clock friend


>one side must be the cause!
go to sleep, burgerbrain


Stupid Stalinoids for executing him. Even a supposed "traitor" can be useful alive. Imprisonment can be taken back, execution can't and any justice system will always punish innocence occasionally. What a waste.


What? A major conflict between major imperial powers is the window of opportunity for communists. That is all. Russia being passive and taking it is not good. Russia shoving back is good.


cause they are


Only question is will they keep going?
Also, will Zelensky fucking surrender yet?


We have TV shows warning against "dangers of multiculturalism", this word is used as name for something evil, like "tolerance". In Russia there are different nationalities and a big problem with oppression of local languages, I can give you some articles by Russian communists on this topic


No. I'm in the "I give up on these so-called communists and socialists on this website" phase.


how? their president is a jew


>Russian troops assaulting Ukrainian border at Vilcha in Zhytomyr region


>fucking TROTSKY
trotsky was a russian bot


You are really retarded, libtards. Putin said that the real decommunization was to undo the policy of Lenin that created Ukraine, ergo, destroy Ukraine as we know it today.


Based mutant warriors incoming.


go to sleep, burgerbrains


Yes. And he said that he is going to show them it


Slavic nazis and jewish nazis do exist even if it makes no sense
I mean the Kiev regime


>how? their president is a jew
so was Hitler


One of my favorite takes from Trotsky


Because they have nazi organizations officially registered and one battalion with high nazi presence was integrated into Ukrainian army



>leninhat and you are only in their armchairs doing 100% trotkyism.
I think this is uncalled for
If they were doing 100% trotskyism they'd be trying to collaborate with Hitler for a rump socialist russian State because "a world war is unwinnable" or they would be running the Vichy government with trots like Jacques Doriot

What Leninhat is doing is left-communism as he's not actually sabotaging anything or helping imperialism


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>Russian troops captured as POWs


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You didn't SEE the Belarusian tanks
because they're not there!


> defeating great enemy will lead to nationalist leader's overthrow and not the rise of his popularity
Wow, great take


Friendly reminder that Milose… uh Zelensky is europe's new Hitler and Ukraine must be brought democra… I mean Ukraine must be denazified #AzovNazis #DonbassGenocide #BarrelBombs


>Wanting to torture and killed POW


You are free to go. We were calmed until burger hours arrived. Keep sleeping, this is all just a dream to trigger you.


>What Leninhat is doing is
infantile shitposting without any irony
they're only doing left-communism in the sense of sitting in a chair doing nothing of value.
which I won't critisize them for, as it's for the greater good they don't get involved in actual anti-capitalism


the one on the right looks like bad bunny


What's up with people going against russia now? I swear couple of weeks ago these people weren't here


Why would you want them to be killed?


NATO shills going full Göbbels


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>implying you must be pro-Russia
>not stanning the LPR AND DPR in this conflict
Russia is only a means to an end to strike a blow at NATO hegemony. Outside of that, Russia is still an oligarchic imperialist entity, but nowhere NEAR the lecherous great satan that is NATO, the US and the anglo-sphere.

Please do.


You say it as though I'm a yank.


>President Zelensky announces he is severing diplomatic ties with the Russian federation


Because Russia wasn't invading Ukraine


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>bad bunny


They look barely 18. I fear for what the Ukrops will do, losers always commit atrocities as they retreat.


>they're fascists
define that word


>actual anti-capitalism
Why do I get the feeling you will talk about Assad and Putin if I ask who is doing the actual anti capitalism


some glowuyghur on msnbc just said there are no nazis in ukraine


>CNN reporting Russian and Belarus troops entering Ukraine from the north, they even provided evidence
Video is at the link. This sounds like bullshit to me. Putin said they have no interest in occupying Ukraine. What does Belarus gain from a war with Ukraine? The CCTV video has no timestamp or date, and it shows tanks just moving in, without any resistance. Wouldn't the Ukrainians barricade the roads and try to stop them?



Here's the definition that you will dismiss out of hand:

Fascism: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

Oppressive, dictatorial control.


Al Jizzya host went mental when a guy they had on said they were nazis, it's pretty funny




because you're an prejudiced fool.
I consider them both my enemies along with NATO rules. I'm not some 'anti-NATO is gud' binary-brain.


>putin russia so evil!!!
>I hope my side commits horrible warcrimes


>>519585 (me)
autocorrection obviously messed up there but you get the point.


calm down, retards
it's no longer XX century


I take back what I said then.


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cheer for a team or get outta the stadium!!
why isn't usa using nukes?


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thank you for being considerate in a fast, heated thread.


Would you say the Zelensky regime is not fascist?


>Russia is our team! Cheer for them or I REEEEEEEEEEEEEE at you!
No. I'm not ethnically russian. They're not "my team."


dude it's a memeflag lmao


>More than half of the regiment's members speak Russian and come from eastern Ukraine,[15] including cities of Donetsk and Luhansk
explain this


So the Ukraine situation has reached the absolute mainstream. Centrists and moderately "political" people are sharing feel good "Pray for Ukraine" posts, self-righteous liberals analyzing the situation and demanding nothing short of a thermonuclear bomb on Russia. Putin more or less fucked up with this move. He's now the aggressor, and everyone's fears will be justified. No one is gonna bother listening to the "Putin's aggression is the result of NATO expansion and American imperialism, the root is NATO.", people are gonna be more stubborn in believing American imperialism is good for the world.

I think you guys have yet to grasp how absolutely fucked we are because of Putin's retarded antics. China is rising, and with Russia invading Ukraine, people are gonna think China's gonna do the same because they're more or less paired with Russia anyways. With American decline and increased propaganda funding, the Western powers will be able to manufacture consent and conjure a collective, cohesive hatred and rage that will rival the Islamophobia of post 9/11 and at the most extreme case, possibly the anti-Semitism of Nazi Germany itself. We're already seeing it with the reoccurring Asian hate crimes and venomous reception by the press towards the Beijing Olympics and Eileen Gu.

This isn't just inter-capitalist infighting, communists will get it the worst. Despite being the most blatant anti-communist politician out there, Russia and Putin is still associated with the Soviet Union, communism, and socialism in the eyes of most people. Socialism will be co-opted, manipulated, and sabotaged from inside and outside. The old world is dying again, and thus reborn is the age of fucking monsters.


> Please do.
https://socialist.news/russia/nationality/defense-tatar-language/ that's trots
https://kazanfirst.ru/articles/465222 that's Tatar communist faction leader complaining about detatarification policies (federal KPRF deputies generally support all russification efforts while regional protesting it)

Tatarstan is the most well-known republic of Russian Federation, there are also instances of liberal activists being denied use of Komi language in Komi republic and so on.




Ukrainian officials say a Russian helicopter airborne landing attempt is under way at the Hostomel military airport just outside Kyiv.



any update on the EU sanctions nothingburger?



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Russian air assault north of Kiev. First video is in Hostomel (there's an airport there) and the second video is in Vyshhorod (there's a dam across the Dnieper there).

VDV troopers flying in to seize critical infrastructure is my guess. That's their mission after all.


It is happening actually.
A fucking lot of helicopters are getting into Hostomel.


Oh no, she didn't just mention Hitler…


Kinda. They banned worker parties and actively try to fuck with unions while sponsoring literal neonazis, that looks very fascistic to me


the fuck are you saying, we hoped the Russian army prisioners in the Ukrainian army actually be spanked, a.k.a. officials got removed no state compensation, for example, troops re-trained, and nazi and warcriminals nuremberged.
STFU, liberal.



And all this is based beyond comprension tbh.
Destroy everything so we can rebuild.
Unironically accept monke.


Thanks for the info.


and replying is a waste of time unless you're enjoying it. That's all. I ain't freezing your peach.


you are weird


i dont applaud his actions, but lets not act like nato didnt initiate the aggression in the region by installing a nazi adjacent puppet regime and then not respecting minsk agreement, and he offered a lot of room for deescalation that was refused


So as a native American I'm supposed to be mad that a white country run by neofascists is getting annexed by their more mature cousins who aren't neofascists?(careful with that idpol)


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Translation into normie talk, please?




Holy shit. Queue Ride of the Valkyries


Where are the anons
who shitposted with me
when history was made
On lefty pol, we posted memes
The bois of the old brigade


Tukhachevsky needed shooting
He was a pro germanophile that praised Hitler and was planning to open up the front in the event of a war so he could achieve a bonapartist rise to power

The Russian gov released docs showing he was fucking guilty in 2018 and trot-rats (who pay no attention to soviet history beyond parroting phrases they hear repeated) still repeat it


Hahahahaha what does that mean at this point, blocking them on twitter?
Bitch they are in your base killing your d00dz


stop responding to glow
It is being removed


>The head of the Federal Republic of Crimea has declared that 'soon' the peninsula will be once again able to receive electricity from the Kakhovka Hydro-Electric plant. And will soon regain the ability to draw fresh water from the Dnieper
>Russia has announced that 'Peacekeepers' are being deployed to the Russian allied Transnistria republic west of Ukraine.


You maybe native american but speak like a true settler burger cuck my friend.
That said you shouldn't he mad. This is based as fuck.


Zelensky is Tudjman, Putin is Milosevic, Donbass is Krajina


It's a play on:
>muh freeze peach
which is an established mocking meme of:
>my free speech!
often said by people complaining about censorship.

The intended meaning being I'm not trying to tell you what you can or can't say, I just think you're wasting time replying seriously to jokes.


Do you get the day off work if you get invaded? Or are wageslaves still forced to go in.



>Grain silos burning near Uman'

the kulaks cant keep getting away with this





If Soviet Union was attacking Ukraine i would support it. But the Union is no more and Russia is a nealiberal shithole with its regime openly corrupt and teamed up with oligarchs. I wish Ukrainians happy tank hunting.


And they're all fighting over the corpse of the socialist republic they betrayed. Fits.
Except, uh, Russia is also NATO and Zelensky is Milosevic, and Donetsk is Kosovo/Bosnia…


Cunts exposed as glowies


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Oh the year was 2017,
How I wish I was back there, right now,

With a happening vid that'd make our day,
but now that time has gone away,
god-damn them all.

I was there, when times were had,
when hopes were high and none were sad,
shed your tears,
now I'm stuck with /pol/yp bridgadeers,
the last of leftypols buccaneers…


>stop being american
good advice generally tbh


Where are the fucking paratroops?!?!?


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Do they have any amazon warehouses there?



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You will be fired if you don't go in to work. The doors will be locked so you cannot go home. You can then write a thread on antiwork about how mean your manager is.

This is what freedom is.


why ? cause we thought he wouldnt dare ? that he decided to act on his threat dont change much to the geopolitical reasons of this shit. At least now ukraine have a chance to be a quiet puppet state rather than a nazi hotbed with a border proxy conflict


Oceania Anon, if that is you. I always liked you in the PRC threads. Aren't you worried how this will just ramp-up consent for NATO and by extension Sinophobia? Or is it one of those things you think people will just forget and move on with their lives as the next news cycle goes by?


What are you saying?


North of Kiev by last report. Probably moving in to secure shit.


>all of leftypol
adding this combination of three words as a filter


burgers are really donating to neo-nazi paramilitaries because people on twitter with a ukraine flag emoji asked them to


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Donbass is Harry Potter, ukrainians are the Dursleys, Russia is Hogwarts and Putin is Dumbledore


source, funni if true


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I wouldn't want to be in kiev right now


Wisest post in this thread


There has been much Fake News declaring a war is happening tomorrow for years already and you do raise good points about the security footage having no timestamp.


Ukranon have you seen any PLANE THAT HAS FLOWN OVER YOUR HOUSE?


Why are anti-Putin posts being deleted?


This is the key to getting America to support Russia


Speak for yourself, I'm an actual Slav. And I'm in support of the NATO bombing of Belgrade as the Serbs needed justice for what was done in Bosnia.
But it could be argued that Kiev is due the same for the last 8 years in Donbass, yet Putin is being much more lenient.


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More footage from the assault on the airport in Hostomel north of Kiev.


> Serbs
Of course it's evil Serbs and not a fascistic autocrat who was overthrown later


they arent really, there is a difference between an anti-putin post and openly shilling for NATO






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>rocket flamethrowers

/AKM/ pls explain


Well which Oceania anon are you referring to? (tbf I'm not the only one using this flag). If you can link me to posts I've made, I'll give you an answer. if they're not mine, I won't speak on his behalf.



What's the endgame here? Why occupy kiev too? Isn't it taking to far now?




Rocket releases gas, everything is hot.



retard media talk

its a fuel-air bomb


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Oh shit we got russiagated


I literally attached a wikipedia link dumbass

its a rocket that first bursts covering a large area in flammable aerosols and then ignites those aerosols.


sizzlebros… we got too cocky…
big bowl of nothing today




> "Ukrainian gas pipeline company confirms that flows through the country (from Russia into the European Union) continue "smoothly."


Well, you're anti-NATO if this is you >>519572. And that's good enough for me. I don't see how this is a blow to NATO though, it just seems like it'll strengthen it. Cutting Nordstream was good enough. Why fucking invade? Man gone senile


They won't. Westoid MSM is all over Kiev and they're SALIVATING for atrocities to be committed. I expect the Russians to take key strategic points and force Zelensky to put in the call for a general surrender and ceasefire, and if he doesn't, to take him in by force.


Gas must flow, war is irrelevant


o shi-


I, sizzlebro, formally acknowledge my naive denial was mistaken.


Any landing you can walk off is a good landing


Yeah there's other footage (extremely grainy though) that appears to show it crashing. Looks like the crew managed to bail. They had a helluva pilot to land that sucker after presumably getting hit with a MANPAD


>Putin more or less fucked up with this move. He's now the aggressor, and everyone's fears will be justified.

He already was the evil bad guy in the minds of liberals. Them conducting even more deranged and hysterical screeching doesn't mean that they didn't already consider Putin a the devil himself and Russia as some kind of comical version of Mordor.


NGL but this seems like this is not going a smooth as Putin might have hoped. It seems like the Russians are facing serious resistance.



This morning all media were whining about how russians invaded Mariupol and Odessa
Of course, this was a fucking lie


This proves that Ukraine still has AA capabilities though.
I don't think that Russia will invade Ukraine in a matter of weeks, this is probably going to be an operation that will endure, at the very least, 3 months.


The good guys.


please anon im trying to abstain from porn this week


So how much ukrussy is Russia going to annex? Dnieper border?


If the war goes on NATO has time to turn it into a utter slog for Russia, this is not good for Putin.


It might appear that way on the tactical level, but the resistance they're facing is going to be irrelevant when those units are cut off and the Dniepr is taken, and possibly Kiev soon.
Not to mention that warehouses and airfields have been taken out. Ukraine has no capacity to wage an extended war anymore.




Apparently another helo got downed near Kiev


This is a chance for Russia though


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I was ironically saying China might go for Taiwan, but I wasn't expecting USA.


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Ahh Coomerbros….



Embedding error.
>That twitter.
>foreign spies x feminists x sugar mommies x female+ art collectors 💦 RIOT GIRLS 🖤 NFT collection
<NFT collection

<RIOT GIRLS is a punk sci-fi feminist dynamic NFT collection by Pussy Riot and @supergremplin

<alien babushkas, female AI, anarchist babies, roasted pigs, time machines, artificial wombs that produce more NFTs in 9 months


All of it if we go with what Putin has said.
Like, he accused Lenin of making this Ukraine up as a non-country and that it will "decommunize it".
Tbh it sounded like literal Tzarist Cope, and he is going with it.


>The timing of the Russian operation "will depend on its effectiveness".

>Russia’s “ideal” goal is to “liberate Ukraine, clear it of Nazis.”

>If Kiev "is ready to address Moscow’s security concerns", there could be talks between Putin and Zelensky.




This is just a first wave to strike into strategic depth which has seemingly been a resounding success.

The true test will come when their is contact with an advancing front and Ukraine's ability to operate under severely degraded conditions


Two Russian civilian cargo ships were subjected to a missile attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Sea of Azov, there are wounded - FSB department


War turning into nightmare and disillusionment of suffering proles


The fuck? They are in Dnieper alraedy kek.


Who cares what a bunch of labour aristocrats in the imperial core think?
Yes. These people won't change their minds until material conditions force them to do so


lmao good post


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>Tbh it sounded like literal Tzarist Cope, and he is going with it.
it was one

Putin was always an anticommunist. Or at least from 1991 openly


Unite the Ukraine, minus Crimea and install the Donbass fellows to Kiev?


This means "surrender or we're taking everything"
He needs to take the L.


Give me this epic Pinochet quote


>Took ten years to secure Chechnya
>Tried to take over half of Ukraine
>Gets guerillad
Hmm how surprising


<JUST IN: Israel condemns Russian invasion as breach of world 'order


So anywhere where I can get live updates on how much territory is under the control of whom? Or where the troops are moving?


oh fug
I wonder what ArchiveTeam is up to right now…


They're on the Dnieper but only near the Crimea, everywhere else it's still unknown how much they're advanced.
I would say the frontlines look kinda like this.


Flamethrowers have been largely been replaced by various rocket launchers such as the M202 FLASH and RPO-A Shmel


>assault the capital of ukraine
>face resistance
wtf this is gorilla warfare


But real Ukrainians were preparing flowers to give them to Russian liberators, not some guerrillas


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nope, ukraine map is massively coping about how much ukraine is getting btfo


What a weirdo


Imagine dying for neoliberalism, how cucked would that be


The thought would keep me alive through anything.


Dying for ethnic homogenity is better?


>Most likely outcome
Donetsk and Luhansk are expanded to their De-Jure / Claimed borders. And Ukraine is permacucked out of joining NATO like georgia.
>Second most likely.
Same outcome. But Donetsk and Luhansk are potentially given even more then their claimed / de-jure territory and Ukraine gets a Germany post-ww1 level peace deal that completely bans them from having a standing army or whatever 'disarmament' means to Putin
>5% Chance of happening.
Neo-Berlin wall down the banks of Dnieper.
>0.1% Chance of happening.
Putin declares himself the Imperial regent and pushes on to Lviv.


hm, sounds like Shtrafbat



Calm down. Raging about this on leftypol isn't going to make the invasion stop.


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I got you

>St. Petersburg (ND). Vladimir Putin, 2nd Mayor of St. Petersburg and Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of the city of six million, has made it clear to German business representatives that a military dictatorship along the lines of the Chilean model would be the desirable solution to Russia's current political problems. This was reported by WDR in the TV feature "Aufbruch nach Osten" (Monday, January 3, 1994, WEST 3 from 9:15 to 9:45 p.m.).

>Putin answered questions from representatives of BASF, Dresdner Bank, Alcatel and others who met in the former GDR Consulate General in St. Petersburg. Putin distinguished between "necessary" and "criminal" violence. He said that political violence is criminal if it is aimed at eliminating market-economy conditions, and "necessary" if it promotes or protects private capital investments. He, Putin, expressly approved of possible preparations by Yeltsin and the military to bring about a Pinochet-style dictatorship in view of the difficult private economic path. Putin's remarks were received with friendly applause both by the German company representatives and by the deputy German consul general who was present.



LMAO they are way farther than that near sumy you are joking

twitter users from mikolaivka and охтирка are reporting russian troops passing them. Kharkiv is already surrounded.
If you want to find out how far they've gone, google villages and see what people are reporting.


What does Russian porky gain from all of this?


What do you stand for though?

Oh noes! Vladolf Putler is at it again!


nah, also you didn't see the Christmas three of all the known reports of military bases/commands, and military posts attacked by the kaliber (they didn't use even the most powerful and expensive, like the iskander or Vysota) in the livemap. I mean, sure they will face resistance, but what can do a headless snake?


Thanks, my thin browser window formatted it weirdly and I missed it.


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We're nearing the get. Try not to ruin it.


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Ah yup that's me. Well in that case I'll give my take:

>Aren't you worried how this will just ramp-up consent for NATO and by extension Sinophobia? Or is it one of those things you think people will just forget and move on with their lives as the next news cycle goes by?

Personally I'd argue both, but to the level of shittening of the pants that the US does. We already have the murdoch press ramping up the shit-smears of sinophobia already, and this conflict isn't exactly going to change our attitude towards china as a whole. Keep in mind, we already signed the AUKUS deal. Tensions are thick with China enough as it is, but I doubt China will do anything like Russia has done that would warrant a major political response. Australia, although being a proxy of imperialism and an imperialist nation, doesn't have much aspiration to conquer and expand its territory and influence as it is part of the commonwealth. It's close to a mexico standoff unless the US twists our arm to do their bidding, but I don't think our politicians, inept as they are, would actually be stupid to start a war with our biggest trading partner.

How this conflict relates to us is that I believe that it'll be nothing but liberal-anti russia propaganda but nothing as inflamatory. The conflict in the Ukraine has little to do with Australian interests, as Russia isn't a major trading partner nor a neighbouring superpower to us.

The true future of our country depends on wether the yanks will fuck off and if we actually negotiate a peaceful and mutually beneficial relationship with China. Say what you will about Paul Keating, but I'm in agreement with him that us demonising and sabre rattling at china as opposed to learning to live with them is the correct position to take.


based OCD poster


Gonna start working on my limp now.


just become obese and mentally ill




>War has been going on for a few hours
>unprecedented success on the russian side
>ukrainian navy, air force, air defences and military infrastructure wiped out
>deep breakthroughs into karkow, mariupol and Kherson
>Russian helicopters literally about to take Kievs airport
<Azov shills:
<"hmm, it really seems like russia is having difficulties"
only on leftypol


Oil pipelines under their control and a new buffer state.


*but not to the level of


Dude they're not "bombing Somalia"… they're helping the government of Somalia destroy Al-Shabaab. You know, extreme ultraconservative scumbags that have been terrorizing Somali civilians? Please don't speak on things of which you know nothing. It's embarrassing. You sound like the liberals defending Ukraine rn.


I'm still trying to explain this move with marxism, searching for class interests of Russian porkies


>Keep sucking Putin's fascist cock while
The communist party of russia endorsed the liberation of Ukraine. are they fascist too?
And how does Putin constitute being a fascist (rather than a christian conservative) considering he's issued a statement on de-nazifying ukraine
>while he continues to murder thousands of people
Libs say this yet ignore the fact the Kiev gov killed 14000 of it's own people in an 8 year period
They executed communists, socialists and trade unionists in the streets.

If killings gotta be done I'd rather those that wave nazi, Stepan Bandera and OUN flags and welcome US


They're reporting Odessa is falling for real this time


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I imagine it's the same in american captured internet



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We claim this post number in the name of the draft dodgers!


Then please share with us some non glowie-contaminated but still English-majority forum to discuss geopolitics oh wait it doesn't exist everything is overrun by shills bots or legit NPCs.


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>muh imperialism



this was written in 1994. If you look at putins recent economic policy its been changing to nationalization of many private buisness

aka hes evolved into a mussolini


Ukraine is huge though, and I kept reading before this happened that 200k troops would not be near enough to occupy it so therefore the Russians won't bother attacking. But they are, which means that even if they don't have enough didn't mean they wouldn't do it. And I'm not sure if it isn't enough, because this isn't Iraq where the U.S. occupied a country on the other side of the planet.


All sides are evil. Fight me.


Read this article when you have time, it's very interesting


Assuming Ukraine becomes Russian territory, what is the 'buffer' looking like? Is there a clear second iron curtain?



>Another explosion in Kyiv. Also a pall of smoke over a government building. Told Ukraine officials are burning sensitive documents.

>Location 50.4707536, 30.5282013

>Apparently defence ministry

its all ogre


Alright, it is a bit idealistic thinking what people think will affect things.

So what does Putin invading Ukraine mean actually? Like in the grand scheme of things? What has this been all about? Because everything seemed standard until this whole invasion.


Third campism


You should read Enver Hoxha.


Also, no communist was fighting alongside ukronazis to re-take Donbas, while Donbasians received communist support.


all sides includes the third camp



Most Russian "communists" are Putin's shills though.



nothing much sharpened tensions between russia and china and a balkanized Ukraine border state


Wonder how many CIA atrocities and Nazi lists are on those docs.


Cuckraine is not a real nation and many of their troops have already deserted rather than die for neoliberalism.



between US and russia and china*


How the hell are you guys getting these specific war updates? All I'm getting from most major news sites is "Putin has invaded Ukraine! Bombs have been heard around this and that."


bro they're having dogfights over Kiev right now, anyone who thinks they still have AA capabilities is retarded


USA could have united with russia against china

This will push russia further away from the EU

Russia might trade in RMB instead of USD

If they out of SWIFT, Russia and China will make an alternative banking system which messes the US ability of sanctioning


You presume that Russia is kind or angelic like the former Soviet Union ? Wow, just wow. If given the chance they will go trigger-happy just like America. Face facts.


International brigades were created, are you retarded?


They downed a helicopter with AA


Unironically follow weird update aggregators on twitter


Okay and ? It proves little.


That's different. If you can't take out planes, its ogre for any real resistance


This is a flagrant white flag without even telling you.



It will just change hand from pro weatern porkies to pro Russian ones, like Belarus. Can't afford to incorporate unwilling populations.


It says you have a fixation, and I guess you in the next ip/post will say how horrible Putin is jailing communists.


Who's they? Ukrainian Air Force is gone.
Also, of course they have MANPADS. That one anon who freaked out over the helicopter shootdown was being over-dramatic.


Is there any point at all besides being a bit of an autist? I just want a recap of what has actually happened and what Russia has done yet on one hand all the pro-Russian outlets say absolutely nothing while the anti-Russian outlets exaggerate everything.



>Alright, it is a bit idealistic thinking what people think will affect things.
but anon, I ask you again, why would Australia deliberately engage in militaristic provocation of China, our bigest trading partner. Materially for my nations bourgoisie, this makes no sense.

>So what does Putin invading Ukraine mean actually

My guess is to counter NATO hegemony and to expand his own. That's why I'm worried for the LPR and the DPR as I would hope for them to develop on their own and become their own nation, as opposed to a Russian proxy.


>Iraq war of Europe
>hasnt been started on a lie
>actually tried diplomacy first
>implying they will kill a tenth of the people compared to the long US occupation
>secure actual defense interest rather than stealing resources
i dont approve of war, im sad for civilians, but lets not be silly


Rimmy's Australian.
It's good to know that there is at least one other aussie also as much of an autistic war nerd as me to be awake at 11PMEST watching livestreams about the Ukrainian war lol


Me too. Many online MLs try to explain Russia's actions solely through the lens of containing NATO as if Russia is completely devoid of porkies that have their own agenda and dictate policy. Can someone provide a Marxist explanation as to what is happening now?



bruh putins economic policy is close to mussolini style corporatism.

his economy policy is based heavily on allying with the borg while keeping them at the least kind off

One of his idelogical inspirations was fourth positionist dugin(who is just a third position larping as something else)

his political organization is not communist at all. and came into the existance after the failure of yelstin liberalism

and the alliance of communists dont really counter the fascist rethoric if you remember that mussolini himself allied with leftist syndies

like hes close to mussolinism what are you talking about?


i hope all actors involved in this charade get destroyed




they're right, its about geopolitics and defense, not economy


Not quite the question I'm asking, what I'm getting at is that Ukraine was a bit of a gap between NATO and that post-Soviet alliance beginning with C.
Now that there isn't a somewhat neutral country in between, is it a hard border? Will that have much impact or deter further movement of borders?


Ok start the rumbling then



It looks like the same Alligator.


NTA (not that aussie) but im also awake
mostly just shitposting…


Ukrainian plane crashed in Kyiv region. 5 killed


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And the US? What does the US get from this?

Because it seems the USA was the one pushing Russia to take decisive action. Don't get me wrong, Russia may be playing their own hand but it was NATO that fucked with Ukraine, sabotaged the Minsk agreements and sponsored their refusal to solve the Donbass war diplomatically.

So what was Russia supposed to do when the US starts dumping weapons on their pupper regime and Ukraine goes "Ah fuck it we have le-big-guns now, fuck diplomacy! Fuck MinskII ! We are joning NATO! Try to stop us."

It seems to me, as a brainlet, that this whole thing as forced by NATO. So what do they get out of it?


>Now that there isn't a somewhat neutral country in between
there will be (a demilitarized puppet state), its literally the whole point


he's been streaming for so many hours already!


Hope Zelensky's not that stupid and it was just military cargo.


If you think Putin does not jail genuine communists who call for the overthrow of Putininists Russia and the rebuilding of Soviet Russia then you are delusional. Just look at the Black panther guys still being detained in America for some clue okay ?
Face facts, stop having delusions of Putin's leftist credo, because he has none.



Me too. This fuckin' conflicts keeping me up.


>It seems to me, as a brainlet, that this whole thing as forced by NATO. So what do they get out of it?
Hoping to turn Ukraine into another Afghanistan?


they legitimize nato, force european unity behind them


An air battle near Kiev. According to eyewitnesses, MiG-29 and Su-25 were seen in the sky #Ukraine



I'm not well-educated on this issue, but wasn't the NATE moves brinkmanship as a attempt at deterrence? "Don't do it or we will attack you!"


defense contractor stocks go brrrrrrrr
outlook good for finance bros





this was breaking news, say, 6 hours ago.


link to the tv room pls


File: 1645704800439.mp4 (1.9 MB, 640x360, Comrade Jones.mp4)

commies and anarkids, buy up military stock to fund the revolution


this shit is insane. I can't look away.


Is it true the Ukrainians are getting their shit absolutely wrecked?


I'm not in it, but probably https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash

You can click 'cytube' in the links at the top, after the board list.



Are these two connected?


India Today doing the best coverage by far


> Russian conscripts' status changed to volunteers while they are sent to the "military exercises", military personnel rights activist said


anti-imperialist national bourgeoisie (Putler) vs imperialist international bourgeoisie (NATO)


It's unclear. The Russians have reached the Dnieper, but they havn't taken Kharkov yet. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwXe7IANPL0





But the other Anons have a point though, doesn't this just legitimize NATO? They now have an enemy to unite behind. The only thing I can see stopping NATO from strengthening is German porkies succumbing to Russian gas and France just wanting to do their own thing. Is that materially possible in spite of all this?


Why would this retard invade? He had such a good hand. It's all a fucking disaster.


I think it will scare only some border states clearly not the whole of Europe like during the cold war


grain in ukraine


screen captured and saved.


I hope you're merely pretending


Prolly something us plebs will never know.


Fake af


fuck that's cool


>German porkies succumbing to Russian gas
Germany hurts themselves more with sanctions than they hurt Russia.


It looks like he really lost his mind, there is no "material explanation", there is a osychiatric one


They can''t help but to cuck to the US.


Unlikely, this means a return to a great power realpolitik state of affairs and the big three EU powers are going to have to move away from US policy. Germoney isn't going to back sanctions that bite and that will cleave the EU and Anglos.


Us will restart keystone retard. Will you LARPers just shut the fuck up for once. No Nordstrom shutting won't. There workarounds in progress


I don't think that's fake


7D Four-way Chess


For fucks sake I'm living in Poland, I don't like how this is going.


If this "conflict" blows over in a week then it'll be forgotten like the Georgian Russian conflict. If this conflict continues, or escalates, it'll most definitely play into NATOs hands and it'll allow the US and the entirety of the European continent and even African and Latin American countries to distance themselves from Russia. Of course China isn't saying anything cuz they want to avoid drama on "both sides". Some pro Socialist intervention anons don't like this but I commend China for not falling into pure ideology and playing the long game. China is the greatest and that's that.


He had full sanctions coming, Nordstream was dead, NATO already make it public they weren't going to intervene. He had no reason not to. Bentley was talking about it too.


Ukraine was determined to take back DPR/LPR by force and never implement Minsk. They were going to join NATO sooner or later (any talk otherwise was a "non-starter"). This would have then put Crimea at risk because at some point they'd try to take that back by force and if Russia resisted they'd be attacking a NATO member (which requires collective response by all of NATO).
How is that a good hand?


Why buy from Russia at a reasonable price when you can get bullied into paying absurd amounts to america?


NATO wanted to show it's strength in Ukraine. Instead Russia has shown how weak it is. Nato now looks very weak

Russia just made every US ally question whether the alliance they have with USA is worth the paper its written on

It has weakened Europe though. Germany will now buy expensive LNG gas as US squeezes it like a cow to milk.
Germany now won't drift to an independent sphere (situated between US and Russia and China) but now will be cucked and locked into US ownership

France understands what's happening and did try to organise against it but failed.

Europe will now decline alongside US


requesting putin food inflation grain porn


>If you think Putin does not jail genuine communists who call for the overthrow of Putininists Russia and the rebuilding of Soviet Russia then you are delusional

>noooo the only communists good are the ones involved in armed struggled, ebin puain reee

>the others are pure controlled opposition

>black panther

>uses a non-sequitur, through a false equivalence.
Ok, libtard.


Just magically appear energy infrastructure to feed an entire continent just like in my hecking strategy videogamarinos


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LoL what a delusional lib


The whole world will condemn this. India, Brazil China even. Russia will be hit with the harshest sanctions. Third world countries will think twice about doing business with Russia or face Western sanctions. This is the beggining of the end for Russia.


China is planning to become a superpower so they want to play both sides. Face facts.


>uh oh stinky


dow futures are -800 right now


Literally Europe is the weak link of NATO and western Europe is the most revolutionary subject in all of NATo because of this (as they see the Russia conflict as retarded).


Kind of based, tbh. When Russia and NATO-land have wiped each other out, the Dragon will rise up to redeem the world.


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I was having a paradox-brained daydream about how maybe Putler could convince Poland to leave NATO in exchange for that strip of land in the Ukraine they used to own but then I remembered that barely any Poles live there anymore


Zelensky should organize a surrender in exchange for being allowed to fly out with a planeload of cash


They closed MOEX exchange waaaaay before this post.


They're keeping two Turkish military Airbuses that they seized available for him, apparently.


zelinsky is getting paraded around kiev bloody on the front of a truck and then bayoneted in the butt like gaddafi. no way to avoid.




File: 1645705721604.jpg (432.15 KB, 1080x1430, 1645704683559.jpg)

What's happened here?




Some Russians captured nothing interesting


tons of fake news being throwing around with these pictures.


scroll up, seen that face already


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I think Russia will persevere but that's just me.


Why whould the poles take majority Ukrainian land same with Russia taking non border regions


>But the other Anons have a point though, doesn't this just legitimize NATO?
What this anon says

Also, given their support for Ukraine (and how well that's going) the world can only look back and watch.


>nooooo war is good for business aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!
libs blown


I would hope so, but no, porkies will forget everything because they need to profit



>A #russianinvasion convoy destroyed by #Ukraine armed forces in Harkov

Any validity on this?


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Is there proof of ethnic cleansing in eastern ukraine? or is it just bullshit? pls show me proof.


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You best not die or get drafted you furry loving fuck.
You need to finish your fucking map game mod before your allowed to die.


>ukrainian athletes are now banned from the olympics and have to call themselves ROC


FSB: no Ukrainian border guards left on the border with Russia
>"Ukrainian border guards are massively leaving their places of deployment on the Russian-Ukrainian border. As of 13:00, Ukrainian border guards left all units on the Russian-Ukrainian border," the statement for Radio Sputnik says


>A retard that doesn't have a basic grasp on economics denies reality again.


I feel bad for both sides but especially the Ukrainian,why give your life for a war that your generals have already said you will lose


lol who woulda thunk'd war gamers are anti-war?


Are you wanting validity in war reporting? Wait for at least official Ukrainian report


<People's militia of the LPR captures Lopaskino


Nationalism is a hell of a drug. They will fight 'for honor' or some shit.


Russia should literally just drop the Russian Demonym and just call itself 'The Federation'
That's cyberpunk as all shit!


Dude. Trust the process. Putin WANTS that to happen. You do realize this is how USSR 2 comes about, right?


Hell no. If it was the USSR it might've called itself the Federation.


>accuses others of not knowing the economy
>doesn't know that the ~93% commodities markets, 91% of international reserves, and ~97% of currency markets in the 00s were traded in USD, now is 72 the first, ~75 the other, and 54% in the international reserves only are in USD
>believes in the jibberish he says about Russia.
Where do these types get their info, JFC.


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>on my way to conquer Finland next


Not going to prison is a cool drug the conscripts surely like. But now that the shit hit the fan you can expect desertion. I sure as hell would scram asap in their shoes.


This event will be a good illustration of who the real communists are.

Nationalist chauvinists vs proletarian internationalists.


If you think Russia is in any position to outlast the us economy. I promise you that you are sorely mistaken. You're in denial I get it but Russia economically, is finished



Just wanting to see if it's actually 2014 footage reheated because there's a lot of that going round. Figured someone here would know.


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>blocks your path, your troops, your artillery, your tanks, your planes and your satellites


Are you overthrowing any time soon the queen? is getting tiresome you talking about revolution.


They are the same people who would complain about "social-fascists" in thirties.


>non sequitur flame bait


I've been saying that this whole thread. 80% of the retards here are shilling for the Iraq war In Europe


Reportedly some antifascists kidnapped some nazi and hanged him outside Kiev.
But other reports say Russian special forces did it. Cheers either way.


>there is no "material explanation"
But there is one tho, a population of 35m people very similiar ethnically and culturaly to the point assimilation would not be difficult.


Literally no stake in any of this, it's just Slav-on-Slav violence.


>Moscow Exchange has suspended trading on all of its markets until further notice.

It fell by at least 45% by the time trading was suspended lmao


They already have years of trading with Pakistan and China in a common currency and most of their international reserves are in gold and yuan. Russia can live without the EU and western hegemon, westerners can't without their energy.


This actually seems to be what most Finns think is going to happen next. I have a hard time beliving it tho


Evil Americans waged war on poor progressive antifascist Saddam Hussein and now nazi-controlled Ukraine under American control wants to kill all Russians






>yammer about how ideologically pure of a leftist you are
>the second you have to take a material stance, it's against the enemies of NATO
What's the fucking difference between Lenin-hat and Kochinski?


i lik hommus


I don't care about communism and shit, I just want to see Americans and their dogs suffer.


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Winter War/Continuation War 2.0 incoming


One gets replies on the backwaters of the internet telling them why they're an idiot, the other has a stream of simps and a partner.


Are there no happening threads on /pol/? Are things really that bad over there?


You should read Enver Hoxha, it will make you simp less for pseudo-leftists like Putin or Xi Jinping.


>h. When Russia and NATO-land have wiped each other out, the Dragon will rise up to redeem the world.
Okay Dengist you have sucked your master enough, now go get that paycheck.


Damn. I hope Lenin-hat is actually on the glowie payroll. Imagine does this shit for free.


NATO are going to look like a good guys. Congratulations to all anti-imperialists here!


>at least 45% by
In reality, I think they stopped at 10~11%.


Bad move, they're running out of Karelia


Oh my god you're so stupid words fail me. America has lots of gas. As does Canada. We are restarting our unfinished pipeline and alternative energy sources exist like nuclear and smr. Which can be deployed quickly and cheaply. You lost the energy game Putin cock gargler
Save it faggotha. Putin is the aggressor the entire world is condemning this


Lesser of two evils in this situation for sure


Doing things for free is fascism.


> America and NATO
> Lesser of two evils
That's a principal contradiction right there.


And you should do your socialist revolution, instead of acting like a liberal.


Da fuq is wrong with nato?


Not to mention that this might make EU mobilise heavily on nuclear and renewables, who would have guessed this war would be good for the environment


If Russia does in fact go all the way to Kiev and occupy the whole Ukraine, then you'll have to put aside that bit of speculation because if Putin were so bold as to take Ukraine then he'll definitely think of taking Finland or Poland.


I will pal, I will.


We got too cocky, anti-imperialist bros… We forgot about the heckin optics!


> the entire world is condemning this
The same world supported Iraq war. What about Nicaragua, Bolivia, Cuba and Venezuela, the actual leftist states?


>Lesser of two evils
Sir this is an anti American space I'll ask you to stop speaking in burger tongue


You traded any material analysis in favor in NATO bad brainrot


Don't let your hate for US to blind you to the complete madness and sadism of Putin


It means no one believe your obvious bullshit and no one thinks Iraq justifies Putin murdering people


Ukraine utterly cucked by NATO. I've also been hearing large chunks of the Ukrainian military has been deserting/defecting.


>America has lots of gas. As does Canada. We are restarting our unfinished pipeline and alternative energy sources exist like nuclear and smr.

lol, ok, so good European ruling class can't agree on sanction Russia's energy market.

>>You lost the energy game Putin cock gargler

Is this somehow a let's say Putin is a moron because he did a bad move, therefore why do all support this or something? not following the chain of thoughts, because I am just debunking your statements.
If that's a burn to you that you have to flex some weird and retard strawman, good.


Would Marx support the invasion of Ukraine?


Give me positions of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba on this conflict


I would agree with you if you weren't a retard.
Reminder you claimed the working class has no stake in this fight, when they are being manhandled by corrupt puppet governments, NATO, Russian aggression, Ukrainian nazis, sanctions, fake news.
You can't pretend (geo)-politics don't exist just because they don't fit in your world view.

Russia was pushed into this shit by NATO. If China did this to Russia, the situation would be the same. It's not that Russia is a victim, but there's a clear culprit to all of this. The issue is that NATO KEEPS pushing. If you truly don't want war then there's a clear path for it.

That's not getting into the fact that support for Ukraines government bullshit is support for NATO, an organization for imperialism. The situation is FUCKED, no doubt, but the working class it at the mercy of their handlers.


>I've also been hearing large chunks of the Ukrainian military has been deserting/defecting.
I mean, I would.


Where are the pictures of dead Ukrainian fascists?


Oof, if Russia gets owned by a bunch of skiers dressed in white all over again I don't think they'll recover this time.


who gives a fuck


States are rational actors and their heads are more often than not also rational. Giving emotional characters to leaders in order to explain the geopolitical relations is 99% a very bad idea and the sign that you've been manipulated


Marx would critically support anything that damages American imperialism, but ultimately disregard the invasion of Ukraine as bourgeois nation vs bourgeois nation.


40s Marx or 70s Marx


Meanwhile, let the people that finally is overthrowing the unipolar world do their shit, meanwhile, you can hurry nothing, if you want. After all, the west hasn't had any socialist revolution in its history, so we can wait another century.


Well they literally kills Nordstrom so there's that.
You havent debunked anything you made an idiotic statement that muh gas hurts Germany more than Russia which was easily proven false


The only reason they are condemning this is because Ukraine is poised to become a NATO Ally.


He supported the US invasion of Mexico so i dunno about that


Backed DPR recognition, all of them. No public statements about the military clash.


The thing is the Russian state is Putin, there no democracy just the shenanigans of a crazy leader. Rational Russians understand that this war is Putin vs Ukraine, not Russia vs Ukraine


You presume Russia and China want to "overthrow the unipolar world" instead of simply wanting to expand their empire and seize colonies from America and the West. That assertion is without proof. You should read Lenin.


These "Russians" are just 40% of population according to the polls, the majority supports denazification of Ukraine


File: 1645707102128.png (145.89 KB, 960x445, ClipboardImage.png)

One of the largest papers in Russia is calling for protests against the government.


>no heckling democracy!!


the US back then wasn't what it is today though


>You havent debunked anything you made an idiotic statement that muh gas hurts Germany more than Russia which was easily proven false

That wasn't the point in the first posts, you goalpost mover, your point was that Russia will get hurte. That's not the case.


This is an anti-Russian paper known for their support of Chechen US-backed terrorists


this is all controled by the united russia


Which action has been irrational? I think you've been misled. His decisions are well justified when he makes them. Whether I agree with his decisions or his goals is another thing. Mad? Stupid? If anything he strikes me as very rational, very competent, and definitely a clear thinker.


they are pretty large but usually read by Moscow and St Petersburg libs


True. At this point the best outcome for Ukraine is Putin actually upholding with his stated intention of simple demilitarization and gulaging Azov.


How about this, NATO and Russia are both retarded, only Russia is slightly more retarded for invading. But hey I don't have all the facts, will they eventually be revealed? I hope so. I hope in future I can look back and read about this developing situation and studying in context for I can judge it better.


>russia cant accept a state at its border entering nato and are prepared to make a war for it
>I know, I will declare I wanna enter nato !


Because they have been gurgling up Russian state tv and are actually delusional enough to think a country with no major right wing parties and a jewish president is somehow engaged in nazism. Calling your enemy nazi works great to stir up Russians since WW2 is a big part of our cultural construct


>there no democracy
And where is?

>shenanigans of a crazy leader

Sure thing. If this is just dementia thing the bourgs and army would told him to fuck off. They have a plan, it might be stupid and may not work but it goes beyond "doing stupid shit because le Leader wants it"


oh no, the liberal media hating on russia and whitewashing nato for decades will… keep doing it ?


> what is Azov


>western smugnorant projects imperialism on others because he doesn't know what imperialism is, and yet dares other to read Lenin.


Finland lost the winter war retard


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>Muh Azov Battalion


B…but…. muh k/d/a…


Do you presume Putin is some sort of heroic national liberation fighter or something ? If you think so then you are delusional. Face facts.
I have recommended Enver Hoxha so that you can understand the reality of the situation. Take it or leave it.


Yes a bataillon and squad sized sects are two different things


Just because there is a far right battalion in a country doesn't mean you are justified to call the whole country Nazi


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They hysteria is unreal, that's for sure. Even if there is no reason for Russia to do that, now or in the future. But still these people don't understand Why Ukraine went the way it did. Euromaidan and the U turn Ukraine took after that never happened and the Nazis in Ukrainian gov and military are all Russian propaganda. In their mind's this just came out of the blue and Putin went mad and attacked Ukraine because he could. All thanks to our piece of shit media that quote's yankee media 24/7 in all foreign policy related subjects.

I wouldn't be surprised if this me shithole country joins Nato now and probably Sweden too, the right has for long wished this. These people think we would be a proper western country then and that they would feel safe again if US practiced nuclear brinkmanship over our heads with Russia. If that were to happen it is a another powderkeg in Europe and I surely would not feel safe.


Meh, everyone lost the winter war. What has stopped Russia and Finland from going to war since has always been the fact that both sides will lose once again.




> who is Bandera


How to spot a liberal:
>He doesn't know that Ukraine has nazi in their army.


Also comrade, don't fall for the illusion that BoJo is dumb or crazy. Trump too. Biden might be a literal flesh puppet at this point, but his cabinet is not stupid either. Their motivations are not based on "insanity" or whatever. Don't fall for it.


Yes, Putin is secretly a communist, why? Don't ask me how I know, I just know. Also he's secretly spreading communist revolution all over the world, trust the plan.


Do you want me to list you all the Russian far righters? If anything Russia is on the side of fascism right now


Make your fucking revolution. I don't care, I am tired of pseuds like you that don't have shit to criticize others, while they have decades of innaction.
Fuck off.

They are not integrated in the military branches of the state. cope


Ah yes Bojo the promoter of Gulab Jamun


Putin clearly stated that his goal is denazification of Ukraine



All militaries will have nazis in their ranks since they are obsessed with war and all of those reactionary elements which are abundant in armies. Don't fall for Russian propaganda, look at the bigger picture, Ukraine has no big far right party, their president is Jewish ffs


It's more about Bandera being a national hero respected by most of the rulling class in Ukraine. Which is telling


>implying having a jewish president would be a problem for nazis


Stop shilling for Ukraine lol.


Russia literally has far rightist reactionaries of the same vein as Ukraine. But a shit stain would ignore with their binary brain that cannot understand how two countries could both be Nazis, what a shame.


Yeah wasn't Hitler a Jewish person ?


zomg Indira Gandhi is prime minister, india is now a matriarchy!!


Hope you all enjoy getting blown up for muh based Putin.


Any good webms?



Ah thanks


>their president is Jewish ffs
<muh zelensky Jewish cope
And Schindler worked under the nazi germany
That doesn't change they want and love genocide.

You don't fucking see communists fighting with the ukrainian military except fucking nazis, but you will see communists fighting alongside the DPR.

>All militaries will have nazis in their ranks since they are obsessed

JFC the retardest shit I have ever read. JFC.
Can't you fucking compare what NATO did in Yugoslavia vs. what Russia is doing? the difference in the population, the scale of the violence. FUCK YOU.


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The story gets better and better.


>muh jewish president
Cool, now tell that one about those black people in the SS. Non-argument

Having a literal nazi battalion integrated in your army and praising ww2 nazi collaborators makes your country fascist, yes. That's how marxists saw West Germany.

Hope tearing down all those Lenin statues was worth it tho. Lel



He's correct.
From today on Us unipolar world is over.
Its Porky A vs Porky B.


>but you will see communists fighting alongside the DPR.
Then they're idiots and actually bourgeois nationalists who just like the Red Banner.


new thread pl0x



>An apartment in Kharkov is struck by a rocket #Ukraine

They're coming for you while you're posting


How's going the revolution champ? by today or tomorrow?


There were some actual communists with naive dreams of turning ethnic conflict into a class war



>I am a doomers therefore I mock principled revolutionaries
Great spirit comrade


Thanks comrade!


Are you retarded?


>my understanding of dialectical materialism is that nothing ever changes


Unlike you, I do fucking live in a sanctioned country. I do know what U.S. imperialism is, and won't wait for you to make a revolution forever. Suck it up, and deal with it. And unless you don't start a revolution, I don't care about your opinions.


Some fake/misleading bullshit in there so be careful


The fact you take it so personal defending an invading force tells a lot.

Surely a country so sympathetic to nazis will have far right parties flooding the parliament right? I invite you to research by yourself how much seats they have.


Are both sides trying to create a hardline blocks to force Europeans and Turks to pick sides?


retard, go defend ukraine on reddit.


In other words, you are out of arguments


Then stop posting on a revolutionary forum if it makes you mad lol.



It's happening. Putin is making Warhammer 40k real.

But I agree it is fascist imperialism versus fascist imperialism.


Purists are pampered trash who have it too good.
They should have all their wealth taken from them.


i have arguments but i won't share


CNN fag hanging out by BMPs hoping to get clapped on live TV
They're really thirsty for that atrocity propaganda.


Communists in Russia are the second, and growing largest force in Russia, and the nationalists had to form a coalition to get seats, cope moar.


Russian Communist Party is a very nationalist and pro-religion party


Who says I am mad, lol.


Why are they so cavalier about Israel occupying Palestine but gung ho to drive Russia out of Ukraine? I don't qwhite get it.


Russia is a threat


what would 40s Marx say?
what would 70s Marx say?


Fuck Israel government. Fuck Russian government. Who are "they" you are talking about?


Is that a video? I remember a video by umami?
Don't be shy, come on. What do you think?


>· The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, held a telephone conversation this Thursday with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi.

>The senior officials discussed the current situation in eastern Ukraine in the context of Russia's recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics and President Vladimir Putin's decision, in response to an appeal by the leaders of these republics, to launch a special military operation in order to protect the population.

>The ministers shared the view that the current crisis is caused by Kiev's refusal to implement the Minsk "package of measures" approved by the UN Security Council, a refusal that was encouraged by the US and its allies . Finally, both officials insisted on the need for all countries to respect the principle of indivisibility of security


40s Lenin hat position and 70s that this is the time for Kievites to do a commune against everyone


Are you seriously calling post-1993 KPRF communist? They have a lot of communists in rank-and-file, that's all


Wh*tes and w*stoids


The people who want other countries to enter the war.


So, let me get this straight.
>Vladolf Putler.
>Xi Jinohito.
>Aleksto Lukalini.
>Bashinsco Assadco
This is kiterally the nazis all over again!


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Sharing some webs, courtesy of Fuck Putin gang


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McDonaldsbros.. not like this..


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See, if Russia and China win and America loses that ends the whole Western leftist fantasy of Fully Luxury Automated Gay Space Communism. That's why the West must win and the End of History must be real.


Why we should discuss them on leftypol?


mcdonalds has fallen…


Thats it boys, America lost. We can all go home now


Ukraine is also the last European country without burger king and the US embassy is evacuated. It's over


Has there even been many casualties? Neolibs keep saying people are dying but nobody is saying how many


The war literally just started, have patience


thank god americans were evacuated already


I'll think will need to wait for an aftermath for accurate numbers. Civilian losses are unfortunately going to happen, that much we know.


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How many planes with XL sized seats did they have to use? Imagine the fuel wastage.


Like killed soldiers don't matter


i'm so tired of the hitler/putin czechoslovakia comparisons


it's more like Danzig and Poland


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What's the score? Are we winning?


Ukrainian State Border Guard says that Ukrainian forces are engaged in combat with Russian troops on the outskirts of Sumy, trying to repulse the attacks
Reminder that everyone is engaging in fake news tactics (and probably not even because they want to, but because most of the information comes from the grounds up and there's people who like to lie about this just because they think it's funny).


Who is winning, what is the front, is there a front? WHY ARE THERE NO IMAGES OR FOOTAGE. IS THIS 1858


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Ass stretched. Even a Su-27 deserted to Romania, the guy probably said, no shit I am going to die today.


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Not my problem


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But they are ethnically similar areas after all, and as I read in RT they ALL want to be part of Nazi germany, I mean Russia


Russian troll farms in full force trying to get shitposters on their side


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Vladolf Putler confirmed


>Who is winning


Putin citing the need for ethnic homogenity of all Russian people didn't help the situation


Undisputed control over a new market.
That said they will probably lose more in sanctions than what they gain from this.


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Have you donated to Ukraine military only fans yet?






kek what are they gonna do? Buy guns from Somalis?
They don't have a navy left, they can't even send boatfuls of cash across the Black Sea to Turkey for more murderdrones.


Why won't anybody please think of the CHYNAH?
Possibly. Calculated cost. And tbh, if it was to stop those murders, I more than happy.


I really cant understand how any self proclaimed leftist can be supportive of Russian agression


>Kekraininans are losing to THIS




Putin wanted to stop the trend of casualties in Ukraine, praise him


lol, the scam. The social media account owner is financing his retirement.


I'm being semi-ironic but I think they would benefit from a full-scale war lol


>they are just brainwashed!!!1

Every time


Chech Germans weren't oppressed though


Nato is the baddest baddy, people against nato are good ones


Damn uygha


Tulsi Gabbard shut the fuck up challenge



Again, Stalin did say that Hitler could have been a collector of German lands if he did not enslave other ethnicities


Supposedly a blown up russian tank


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This, I dont care how much civilians will die in imperialist wars of agression, as long as its done with the pretext of being anti nato I will fully support it


Isn't that little bit north of Kiev?


We're not supportive of Russian aggression because of any actual support for the Russian federation. However, if you honest to god want a Communist future sometime in the future, you should absolutely support anything that weakens NATO or American imperialism, even if it is ultimately a war between bourgeois powers.


Who was posting that meme about the SJW shooting JDAMs or whatever?
That goes both ways uygha


Russia is already an agricultural superpower


Ukraine did not have the capability to launch or to maintain those missiles. Keeping them would have made no difference.


And also an energetic one!


no chance. lol


>recurrent troll attacks again


Largest wheat exporter if I'm not mistaken


Finally some sane take on this fact


How is this weakining NATO? Before the escalations happened NATO was scattered and it was trending in Europe to think of a new alliance independent of the USA. If anything this conflict has strenghtened NATO since all countries are uniting against a common perceived threat.


Another KA52? I imagine glowies military aid has been handing out MANPADS like candy so the heliborne deep assaults might rack up some bad beats for putler


Why the fuck would EU deny entry to Russian citizens. That's the most illogical step to take



Pooting is a fucking moron; just take with what you had in the breakaway republics and stop until further notice


Not to mention it might result in Finland and Sweden getting into NATO


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leninhat with a based take for once? I can't believe it


At least we saved Ukraine from NATO nazism


Hold the fuck up. Did Russia literally take the whole country of Ukraine? They just ate them up like that, leaving no crumbs?

I'm fucking dead


Give it time bruh.
It's only a matter of time till the Gas becomes expensive as hell and everything goes to shit in Europe.
Once they recognized that they can't antagonize Russia NATO will start breaking over it's own weight.


its pitting german industrial pork against burgers, because of NS2


>NATO was proven ineffective, half the members didn't want to have anything to do with Ukraine
>USA was proven incapable of defending anything
>Ukraine supplied with Western weaponry and instructors got roflstomped




guyz, george w bush has just condemned the "unprovoked and unjustified invasion"
how will putler ever recover?


most are not "supportive", but we recognize that it was nato geopolitical aggression that lead to this, and not "muh putin want landz" lib shit
I still condemn the invasion, but putin spitting straight fact in speech while libs screech to see their pet nazis that kept bombing the republics get fucked is pretty funny


Well, the fact you saw videos by hundreds of heli doing find, this seems very miniaml. KA52 are gound hunters, and very fast and agile, that's why they face more stinger fights.
The same happened in Iraq, with the costly vipers always getting downed. The U.S. started to rely on their older versions, the apache because a fucking viper down hurts, 2 per week is a pain in the ass.




aint that the US?


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>just in case wave your hand!
>this needs to be painted (looks bad)
>they fucked up bridges. @ who? @Ours, fuck's sake

Ukrainians seem like they prefer Russian occupation, lol


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>concern trolls
>unironic putler posters
>russians are feminine posters
>ukrainians are they/them posters
>that lonely agent who posts about how his wife left him when he's supposed to be calling deng fascist
>muh ethnicitiy posters


<Implying this is not the defining moment of the rise of multipolarity, and that Us domination over the world is not over.

Are you reading the fucking news?


>not "muh putin want landz" lib shit
he literally admitted it on 4K


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glowposters and weak leftoids itt hate to see it


nope, he admitted he dont want nato at his ukraine border, and he believes war now is the only way


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Kharkov taken, Pripyat taken, Kiev is basically open, Poltava is next. Crimean group (Z) continues to advance unopposed


Hoping for this


>Russians lose helicopters
<Ukrainians lose towns when not entire districts

Its over for the Ukrops, they should just surrender en masse.


War is good for business when they're expecting it and on the sidelines.


There's nothing to hope.
Its already in force after the events of today.
I don't really see a way back.


cold war 2.0. this time with no communists


Hostomel is directly next to Kiev. Russians are already besieging the capital of Ukraine with all of it's politicians still inside.


>what color is China


Keep dreaming schizo


Imagine dying for this. This is pathetic.




Gas will be more expensive but if anything the energy crisis might mobilize Europe for nuclear and renewables. Collapse of Europe wont happen because of this


this shit is so cool, all the fags crying about this need to learn to have fun


I am tired of pseuds like Putin and Xi Jinping who took forever to "overthrow a unipolar world" who don't have shit to criticize others, while they have decades of innaction.
Fuck off.


yeah we live in interesting times, sit back and enjoy the breakdown of the neoliberal delusion.

All the frothing liberals will be radicalizing in a few years. That they sperg now is just a necessary process in shattering their worldview.



One can only dream that anti war communist movement will rise in Russia and the west will start sympathising with them


Its from 2014, the city in the background is Sevastopol


Grace-chads, we keep winning


>turning the world into a bunch of tiny ethnostates will raise class consciousness


>the reputation of shitty ML state capitalist countries will be sullied
who cares

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