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 No.535469[Last 50 Posts]

fighting alongside nazis for "mundane" reasons anarkiddie moment edition

Kiev encircled: https://twitter.com/robcrilly/status/1497990061547216907

Tejas in donbass still alive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7MQg5lFovI


>going to ukraine
>converting to fascism
what a surprise


Xth for epic thermobaric genocide


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>Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko's response when asked if there are plans to evacuate civilians from the city. After a few seconds silence…."We can't do that, because all ways are blocked," he finally said. "Right now we are encircled."
Fellow ukrops…we got too cocky…


"Contrarians" when they have to take a position on an issue that actually matters. They buckle the fuck up and tow the line.


putinsisters i need help moving this goalpost because it's a heavy one!
we never wanted kharkiv (formerly kharkov) anyways! it's gross and filled with fascists!


>i know things look good now, but everything is about to get a whole lot better


Ùkrainexisters.. I think it's fucking over… Putler won..


>look up how reddit is reacting to the national guard posting nazis
>they're openly celebrating
how do you go from a liberal filled website to this in the span of 4 days


Based crimethinc elaborating events without any concessions to the auths


Anarchists fought side by side with NATO (and often nazis) in Hong Kong, Ukraine, Syria, Egypt, etc.

This is what no theory does to a mother fucker.


Why isn't this thread a 'rolling' thread?


>tfw the fucking dengoids are the only sane people left on that hellhole of a website


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What, why? Are Ukrops claiming that Kharkov is safe because of one video? You do realize that Khokhols just don't post their losses, and Russians don't post anything period?


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why havent they taken kiev yet damnit. finish this already.


liberals are nazis


>Based crimethinc
<based nazi-allies


I told you about liberals man
I told you dawg


Scratch, yadda yadda. etc. You know the whole deal.


This is not nationalism, not wanting your country being invaded by Putin is straight-up nazism!


Libs are nazis


top tier troll



>so, nationalism?


Reminder to take your meds and showers, have your sex and touch your grass


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>What, why? Are Ukrops claiming that Kharkov is safe because of one video? You do realize that Khokhols just don't post their losses, and Russians don't post anything period?
It's literally just this. I have no doubt Russians have sustained losses, probably in the hundreds, but the "unstoppable Ukrainian fighting force" is just ridiculous.


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How do you talk about this to normies who think Ukraine is waging a noble and glorious struggle and that NATO is doing war crimes by not intervening?


kek, so do the Ukrops surrender or do they move the capital to Lviv?


>few more brigades

Russians have already evaporated that brigade which shot those three videos with looted tigers earlier. Kharkov is getting steadily cleansed of nazis, and nazis are hiding in civilian buildings as a response. It takes time to clean up criminals that do this


>This is a lie spread by AUTHORITARIAN TANKIES!


>talking to normies about politics

that's where you fucked up


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Is this how you cope with reality?


Tell them they only care because Ukros are white


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>ahem…russia is right
>refuses to elaborate further


>>talking to normies about politics
uyghur that's our fucking job


chad move



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low autism score ( /pol/ )
>Russia is le based and will kill all the gays and black people and will make women trad so I don't die a virgin

normie autism score
>le Russia bad

High autism score ( /leftypol/ )
>fuck Nato expansion
>fuck American globohomo
>fuck the five eyes


>BREAKING: Putin just fired his most decorated general whose war strategy has been the basis for all sorts of military nastiness. This is a significant external validation of how badly things are playing out for Russia in this invasion

>BREAKING: Wow. Putin fires his Military Chief of Staff Gerasimov, just hours after the General was filmed stony faced as Putin ordered Russia’s nuclear forces to be on alert





Source have the Russians finally encircled keiv?


This honestly might get through to some of these liberal fuckwits.


Projecting is real on this one



Muh globohomo belongs in retard tier


Russian communists are literally doing the reboot of signing the war credits because they think class struggle doesn't exist anymore. Having no theory is indeed extremely bad.


Mask off, huh?


Literally just making shit up at this point. Reminds me of myths about north korea killing people for being happy and such


>Putin ordered Russia’s nuclear forces to be on alert
uh, based?


Sources aren't reliable, bring something else


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What does the Z stand for?


Zelensky I assume.


globohomo stands for global hegemony


Russian communists are divided on this issue, even KPRF





Zladimir Zutler


Z stands for General Zodd.


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Nice source


project harder



Put /k/ and reddit on ukraine side.
Also in a very strange twist we're on the same side as /pol/ and patriots.win now.


say that, then


bros…i can't believe putler would, without any prompting, threaten nuclear war against the greatest country on earth…he really is a monster


Russian media getting banned is going to start creating increasingly more fantastic narratives lol


Because this place /Pol/ and patriots.win are all regular consumers of RT and Russia affiliated news casters on twitter


>evaporate a*erica


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>“To be honest, we don’t have 100% control,” said Klitschko. “We built this territorial defense in a short amount of time — but these are patriotic people.
>“We can’t do that, because all ways are blocked,” he finally said. “Right now we are encircled.”




:^( no fun allowed

I got that pic from /pol/ btw, dropped in to see what was going on. Always the same, they still can't see that capitalism is the one responsible for the degradation of the family and "degeneracy" instead of "muh jews"


That pic is pure kino


Kill austrialians too pls


Poltards literally hate people being gay, this has nothing to do with capitalism


So does kadyrov


>project harder
Cope kremlinbot, anarchists and communists when you're were not reading


yeah it's literally the bell curve kek. /pol/ is too brainwashed by lib propaganda to realize that NATO and Ukraine are actually fighting for the same things they want


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>Kiev mayor is a former heavyweight champion
Why everyone in the ukrainian government is a fucking clown jesus.


Mandatory: how the color revolution in Ukraine was orchestrated by the US.


yet weirdly democrats are more likely o think this shit is gay.


>Ukraine, an independent country and democracy
bit of a loaded question lol



So do a lot of people. Why did you bring Kadyrov?


Just woke up from cryo sleep 😴 apparently Putin just invaded Ukraine 😱 wtf did WW3 start while I was in cryo!? 😰😨😰😥😵


>global south virtually intact
but come on how is India/Pakistan not popping off?



uncritical support for thermonuclear war soon brothers


this is the first of these cringe pics i've saved, it's just too beautiful


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Union welders and tradesman workers weld together steel tank traps.


>video is unavailable


realistically, does this shit work against 21st century tanks?


>I don't live in a possible target or blast radius
Thank god.


A modern MBT may be capable of destroying that shit as butter.
These people have absolutely nothing to do against a proper army.



that's not true, they have drone footage from syria and armenia they can post on the internet


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Chernigov. Ukroterrorists were hiding in a cinema, they got buried under the rubble.


You can massage a poll result however you want by how you word the question but you can see this in the Republican messaging being "this never would have happened under Trump because Biden is WEAK"


CHAZ tier


oh shid is boojtube censoring information?


Might work well enough


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A tank is destroyed by a rocket, occupants can be heard screaming after being hit.


Yasss slay


Go back and maybe you'll wake up after we achieve world communism.


Depends on the strength of the weld whether it wouldn't just fall apart. But seeing as a Ukrainian missile batter could run over a minivan with almost no effort I doubt this is gonna stop Russian tanks.


>dude what do you think is going on in ukraine? thats fucked up right
<no war but class war, fuck ukraine fuck russia
>zomg based!?
then they all clap


Better to implant them into the ground with poured concrete.


this dude is a straight up rightiod who puts "Anarcho" at the end of everything.


Why do you people fall for such an obvious troll?


>urge to kill rising


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>NOOOOOOOO I don't want to die in a nuclear war


>tfw france,spain and ireland don't even get hit
I don't understand why,but good for me I guess.
J-Reg moment



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What did the Chinese ambassadors mean by this?


This uyghas need to surrender. A war of attrition where loss of life is at max just to make a "statement" is not worth it. But I imagine alot of men in the Ukrainian military have no choice. Even so it's very easy to surrender I imagine unless of course your company commander or squad leader is willing to execute you for disobeying an order, it's truly a fucked situation.


The way that Agent Kochinski tries to masquerade his retarded chauvinistic ideology with irony is pathetic.


those are the people who blew it up screaming in excitement retard lol


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That's an empty tank. Khokhols wouldn't dare to get this close to an active tank. Meanwhile, in real news: >>535566

Also, >>535484

40 thousands Ukrops encircled in Mariupol-Volnovakha pocket


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I swear this mf should just go and fight there if he's so inclined to spout anarcho shit.


ukrussy got him actin sus




A lot of Russia's stuff is not 21st century


>three things that should be exterminated


What do you think of the notion that Russia will nationalize the company's of nations/trading blocks that are sanctioning them?


Anrcho-Ukrainism was a meme among Russian lolbertatians because minarchist flag looks like a typical anarcho-*ism flag but with blue and yellow palette.


I believe this is the worlds first footage of a drive by Molotov Cocktail attack


gigabased if true, uncritical support for putinist anti-imperialism if that's the case


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Based, I hope they turn into state capitalism at least.


> A war of attrition where loss of life is at max just to make a "statement" is not worth it.


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"She's thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal"


I was the stickler in the (unmarked) 12th thread. Can confirm this is indeed thread 14.


>it has literally no affect
really makes you think


Dengbros…yet another W for the gang eh?



How far we have fallen



Combat aircraft shot down, pilots filmed ejecting, parachutes successfully it appears.


I think people make a mistake when they treat dems like a 1:1 relation with performative lib pmcs on twitter, you get surprises like this.


Rember that a civilian risked their live for this, for doing literally nothing


Saved and posted


Pathetic lol


>Literally watching a war in a front porch
>When television and internet ain't enough


That's not ejections, retard, it's heattraps. Jets shot missiles after getting "hit", and then retreated in order.


Great! Hope they get wiped out


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Because kadyrov soldiers are in this fight


But it wouldn't actually happen under trump tho.
Trump is really just a moderate.


EVIDENCE of the US orchestrating the Ukraine coup to make them a puppet.

Remember to save evidence like this because it will often be taken down from sites like youtube and twitter.


The real surprise is how Republicans are Ukrainepilled


> wishing leftists death
That's what authoritarians are all about, always going masks off


anarcho-fascism is real


Only based faction in this entire war


That ukrussy hits different




Trump scrapped the intermediate range forces treaty which was probably one of the worse things for U.S.-Russian relations in decades. But foreign policy doesn't really change between U.S. administrations.


Did LPR and DPR had anarchist detachments by the way?


The average USano doesn't know what Ukraine even is lol. They have to be told it's a nation state.


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libs and ukrops themselves are admitting Kiev and Mariupol are surrounded. Not even pretending to reclaim Kharkov 100000 times like they were earlier either. It's fucking over


this poll gives you an incomplete picture. A lot of those people who hesitate to call the invasion justified would be open to condemning the nato expansion into ukraine as arrogant/dangerous.




Ukrainians should escape from Zelensky and his retarded delusions of "to the last man"


Getting seriously sick of all the Ukrainian-nationalism-by-proxy across Europe. Can't even point out how much Ukrainian people suffered after the collapse of socialism, regardless of which oligarch ruled over it. Apparently Ukraine became a utopia in the 90s and now Putler wants to stop that because he's jealous.


<20 people

Peak of anarchist power I see.



Why liberals always think that "enemies" do shit because they're "evil" or "crazy"? is this the marvel mentality?




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It's just an excuse to hate Russians. Always has been.


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>Putin is crazy
>not the retard hiding in a bunker telling people to throw paint on russian tanks


Because if they were sane they would be good dogs of Washington and Brussels


A lot of military experts on my TL criticizing Russia for its "avoid killing civilians" strategy


typical dehumanization tactics but I think it also plays into their meritocracy based ideology. America and liberals are all gigachad rationalists and tankies, conservatives or anyone who rejects the common order are dumb, weak and crazy.


Does anybody have more info on Zelinsky reportedly opposing joining NATO during his election campaign?


I know giuli is a fascist but this video is very good.


>They want regime change in Russia
<They get it via KPRF rising to power


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this whole fuckin' war's for nothing. you gotta be braindead to be under the presumption that russia is waging a noble war of liberation over the donbass/waging a noble war to denazify ukraine or that ukraine is waging a noble war of defense against evil russian invaders. it's what it has always been, from the very beginning, war for profit. it just so happens to be a wonderful happenstance that a bunch of nazis'll get stomped. however we should be entirely honest with ourselves, if the azov battalion didn't stand in russia's way, they'd probably be let off - and even after they're gone, that's only one neo-nazi group dead. there's more on both sides. no war but class war, comrade. no fight but the fight against all fascism.

war makes for strange bedfellows but even stranger enemies.


>China Distances Itself From Russia
Love it when western media is just straight up cope/what they wish was the case. It's unlikely Russia launched this operation without meeting with China first and getting their approval


>russians don't release videos when they're in an actual war on the offensive and not fighting radical islamic militias
wow that is surprising, it must be because they are losing


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I feel like Trump would have ultimately taken the political heat and prostrated to putin when the moment of truth came, something would have been worked out.


china did close off their banks but then offered them to join the SWIFT alternative.


Finally a full speech that doesn't have shitty voice over from burger translators, my fucking god


Cold war vibes


I actually did not realize how badly Western readers had by psyoped about a China-Russian alliance. I've even seen relatively well informed but not Chinese focused leftist say it which shocks me. There is NO Chinese-Russian alliance. China is not a staunch supporter of Russia lol.


burn in hell ukrop


(Milos) Zeman


It sucks, some of the best footage on /k/ has been Russian military operations in Syria from official sources.
They glorified the Russian soldier who died fighting against ISIS and called in an airstrike upon himself.
Russia is playing these optics pretty close to the vest.


The top Chinese state banks adhered to dollar sanctions while offering alternatives. They always do this, even when the US sanctioned CPC officials over Hong Kong. Say what you want about them, but they are pragmatic to the end lol


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Kharkov, Cockholes caught a "saboteur"


they recently declared a "no limits" alliance bro


In the end China wins and so do state capitalists in general.


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Any Anons from Denemark ready to join?


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oooh boy


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China has to close it's banks. If they don't the bank just get sanctioned. China cannot choose to use US Dollars one the US says they cannot be used. US has final say on all dollar transactions.

But, also, so did India.

I mention this because India is Russia's actually major ally in Asia. Russia and India have an alliance. Not China.

US media just does not want to admit this because they also want to bring India into their orbit, while they want to make China an enemy. So they create this bizarre world where China is a Russian ally and India is a neutral actor, when the exact opposite is the truth.



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lol lmao


So fucking true


of all the countries… i didn't expoct denmark


So true!


I don't disagree in spirit but the execution is Garrison-tier


>they recently declared a "no limits" alliance bro

Literally fake news. Just read the actual statement.


imperialized nations just *get it*


this must be fake
/leftypol/ told me Agent Kochinski bad


we meme about state capitalism but it is 100000000% better than the west and I do believe under the right control can build productive forces and transition to socialism (but that might be dengoid cope)


Unironically correct.


Wtf based Kochinski?


What do you think the CCP's take on this is?

What's the calculus?


They're literally shooting their own people by calling them "saboteurs".
This is peak schizo.


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I can't believe we have modern international brigades that are being supported by governments and they're going to fight for the nazis instead of against them


>NOOOO you can't bring up the legitimized nazi battalion
people like this belong in a wood chipper


Thread theme - Prepare for nukes edition


Sounds like something a saboteur would say.


Probably very anxious that they may have to choose between a strategic partnership with Russia and a lucrative trade relationship with the West


>let the west destroy itself and we get the spoils


>What do you think the CCP's take on this is?
>What's the calculus?
<If they win: good for us.
<If they lose: good for us.



It is sadly similar to Spanish militias looking for fifth column in. Paranoia and armed civilians is a very bad combination


Really? You can't believe that? Are you sure?


File: 1645989244704.png (73.8 KB, 1280x853, KPRF_Flag.svg.png)

>Russia wins war
>Inevitable post war economic crisis ensues
>KPRF grow a pare of balls and oust Putin
>Second sino-soviet friendship treaty signed
>USSR 2 become real with Belarus and other CSTO members integrated.


You can't believe that?


Such is the blackest reaction


"We condemn violence on both sides and call for a diplomatic solution" is the most pointless, non-committal bullshit statement a country can make, and is the equivalent of declaring neutrality.

Unless they said something new.


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Damn Putin really is bringing back the USSR.


It's not their issue, so probably just objective observance of the fallout. China is also probably realizing that, without even intending to, it has become a major player in European affairs. This is actually the first time in history it has ever had this role. And it did nothing to seek it lol.

China should expect all sanctions laid against Russia to be used against them in the future. So they probably expect any anti-Russian sanctions to be a trial run for anti-Chinese sanctions, and will study them closely for countermeasures.


depends if Russia gets kicked out of Swift if they are not buisness as usual, if they are they are gonna step up their joint payment system


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It's awful, pointless and is the direct result of arming the population and ideologically presenting this as a war of national annihilation by appealing to nationalist mythology.

>“The intensive efforts to transform Königsberg into a battle community were accompanied by the increasing violence of the summary courts. Intra-ethnic violence in the final months of the war is generally traced back to Party legislation, particularly to the ‘Decree on the Establishment of Summary Courts’ implemented on 15 February 1945 by Reich Minister of Justice Otto Thierack. The decree called for the formation of summary courts in areas that were immediately threatened. It is tempting to view the violence as a continuation of the National Socialist violence that started in 1932–3. There is a strong case for this argument since up to then, at a local level, Kreisleiter had often presided over ‘kangaroo-courts’ in their cities, while Ortsgruppenleiter had long led the charge against subversive elements in their respective districts.”

>“The plethora of law enforcers has given rise to many sweeping assumptions regarding their motives. Some of these men might have been ‘settling old scores’, and might have had a ‘private lust for power, [and] pathological bloodthirst’, but in Königsberg some executioners even seemed to have struggled with their task.After two Party officials had conducted a public execution of two soldiers who, during the final storming, had deserted and changed into civilian clothing, they immediately fled to the hinterland, only to be caught and executed the following day themselves. Nevertheless, the randomness of the checks and the executions created a climate of fear in the city. The French prisoner of war Clappier remembered that ‘a minimum of terror was enough to strike fear and apathy into the population. …”


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>Some banks will start trading 170 rubles for one dollar
<Rate was 83:1 before the war

As I said earlier, prepare yourself because the most brutal onslaught will be the economic one.


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Not even the strongest man can be unshaken by that caboose


its ogre, putinbros


It can't be worse than the shock therapy they suffered in the 90s


No one here thinks that russia is fighting a noble war, I support russia because.

>Ukraine is a literal NATO puppet.

>Russia being sanctioned to shit means closer relations with China and a true multipolar world
>If russia stops giving fuel and gas to europe they will all die in freeze in winter
>I want to see liberals crying and redditor volunteers being torn to pieces


>being torn to pieces
Bloodthirsty faggot




fantastic reasons to support a capitalist power, anon. good luck to you.


It doesn't make sense to extend anti-Russian sanctions specifically for Ukraine to China for any reason because the Middle East, India, and all of Asia will also not join in on NATO sanctions and will resist compliance as strongly as China or stronger.

That said, China is also not going to be able to choose to avoid economic sanctions. SWIFT sanctions are just being tested against Russia for when they get used against China. So there is no particular reason for them to sacrifice any strategic gains for the purpose of avoiding hostilities, which have already been predetermined.


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The number of saboteurs has increased tenfold over the last few hours.


They want to fight in Ukraine for very retarded reasons, no one is forcing a bunch of soyboys to go to war against a superpower


IF IT'S NOT ON WIKIPEDIA IT'S NOT REAL REEEEEEE westoids are so fucked lmao


all of *ASEAN not all of Asia. Japan and SK will of course follow the US.


surprising. It seems like only reddit is truly natopilled


what does this mean you can't unrecognised the Russian tanks coming to level your city and pretend they are not there?


Guess who will go to horny jail


Like I said in an earlier thread, we may assess that a certain action may inadvertently benefit us, but I'm not sure if this should be confused with "support". E.g. Russia's participation in WW1 directly led to the Bolshevik revolution, but if somebody had somehow predicted that this would happen in 1914, it still would have been crazy to support the war.




Aren't these people just like civilian marauders robbing people?


Yes. Like how they can keep talking about the international order while violating it themselves. Carl Schmitt probably was right when he said
<Sovereign is he who decides on the exception.
Good reads too:


jesus fucking christ, it's a bloodbath


don't let this slide bros


So you think the economic crisis is your ally. You've merely adopted the economic crisis. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see a positive trade balance until I was a man and by then it was only profit.


No, marauders are the ones with the guns. Their victims - "saboteurs"


What exactly is the objective of these saboteurs?


wtf does that even mean? we don't recognize the invasion, Ukraine is not under attack? libs are retarded.


You don't seriously think those are saboteurs do you lol


They probably won't accept any concessions the next Ukrainian government gives the Russians.


Why would russia need saboteurs?


I was speaking more in terms of a general deterioration of relations. China likes stability, in a lot of ways they are more capitalist in their thinking than the West insofar as their #1 priority is maintaining a stable business environment. I can't imagine that they are pleased about the war.


They're just civilians getting gunned down by panicky, inexperienced militiamen.


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Chinese majorily support Russia. Look at this cosplay


Ukrainians trying to hunt down "saboteurs" online.


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>arm anyone
>armed civilians start commiting war crimes
who whoulda thunk it?


As opposed to what, the volunteers who’re joining this war because they watched too many marvel movies? They known they’re going to be there to kill people, right? And for whom? The far-right at best and open fascists at worst. I don’t care what is done to these people.


They don't, they're eliminating Russian sympathizers. Or just random people.




No but the saboteur narrative hasn't come with any clear objectives of what they're supposedly doing. Just irresponsibly telling their citizens that the enemy is among them


This exact scenario is literally occurring at Ukranian border right now where Ukranian nationals are being let through and African & Indians living in Ukraine are being sent back.


<Ramzan Kadyrov has a degree in economics




what uniform are they wearing?


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Based pro russian scammer.


If only…..
Russia with a Soviet aesthetic and a state capitalist economy like China would be way better then what we have now.


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he he is a sabo saboteur yea a saboteur he sabotages and sabot ages yes he is a a saboteur yes a saboteur


Is it confirmed that Zelensky and his posse is still in Kiev?


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Shit take I found on some other IB

>Russia side
>Ukraine side
lmao you mean "pro-cappie side 1" and "pro-cappie side 2"
And then there's the "commie side" to which not everyone here belongs tbh






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Inshallah every Ukrainian Nazi will have their lungs emptied by thermobaric munitions.



Are you suggesting that China’s only state capitalism with red aesthetics?


WTF is this? Is this cope because Ukraine is losing?


This. Think of all the god damn guns circulating in Ukraine, and not just guns but high grade military equipment and these weapons are probably being sold in black markets where people (civilians) are stockpiling weapons. Fucking Ukraine is worse than US now regarding guns in circulation and now with so many weapons you can imagine the opportunist sections of the population probably robbing other Ukrainians stuck in the country.


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He just like me frfr


holy based


Quit baiting


If you are going to push "critical support" for kadyrov you really lost the plot

I can understand Russia and Putin Argument, it is sensible. Kadyrov however openly and clearly states his hatred for gay people and is fine with them being killed in his country for that


>that pic
dipshit reactionary, nothing out of the ordinary


The final solution to the surzhyk problem.


>but if somebody had somehow predicted that this would happen in 1914, it still would have been crazy to support the war.
No. What? Quite the oppsoite.


Are they calling mundane criminals Russian saboteurs?


the power of idealism
pic somewhat related


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Exterminate homosexuals and fascism will disappear


>war for profit
not really, the US (and their arm industry) are the big instigators that profit of the crisis, but they aren't really in the war.
The war was started for strategic geopolitical interest, because putin felt he was loosing and it was only getting worse.


>/trv/ retard confirms Kiev is encircled


It was found in a Euro thread so it doesn't surprise me at all either but it made me laugh


My only enemy right now is NATO cucks in my own colony of a country. Everything else is irrelevant. I want to see Europe suffer from this, I want these cucks to face unrest from their own people as a consequence, I don't care anymore.




The new meme format from the future:
<Who must go?


People here don't usually care about LGBT rights




Things are going even better for Russia than we thought. Hopefully he gets raped by Chechens


Cope harder Ukrainoid, Zelensky is going to be executed for crimes against humanity by the end of the week.

Screenshot this post, you know I'm right.


Will sell Russia out and cash a fat western check


homo in denial says what?


These retards don't really know who is a saboteur or not, the other day someone posted photos of a family of 4 being being shot by these idiots while driving because they thought they were russians.


>The Atlantic Council (AC), the “semi-official think tank of NATO” that has championed a new Cold War with Russia, is well known for influence peddling. The Council has been connected to several Ukrainian oligarchs, namely Victor Pinchuk, who founded the Yalta European Strategy (YES) conference in 2004 to promote Ukraine’s membership in the European Union; Rinat Akhmetov, formerly the chief financial backer of the pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych, chased from Ukraine by protests hijacked by the far-right and triggered by his decision not to sign an association agreement with the EU in 2013; and Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder and president of Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian gas company that Hunter Biden infamously joined the board of soon after Yanukovych’s government was swept from power in 2014.

>Also evidently attempting to influence the United States government’s Ukraine policy via the Atlantic Council is what remains of the WW2-era pro-Nazi Ukrainian fascist leader Stepan Bandera’s postwar transnational underground network. Relatively few seem to realize, let alone appreciate, the extent to which the crypto-fascist Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera (OUN-B) operates in 21st century Ukraine and especially the Ukrainian diaspora. Bandera’s sworn followers above all appear to exert influence in the Atlantic Council via the Center for US-Ukrainain Relations, more than likely an OUN-B front, and the Banderite-led Ukrainian World Congress, which officially partnered with the Atlantic Council in 2014 to implement the latter’s “Ukraine in Europe Initiative.”

>The CIA didn’t back Bandera, but nevertheless whitewashed his wartime followers and helped facilitate, if only indirectly, his cultish supporters’ takeover of the Ukrainian diaspora during the Cold War via the OUN-B’s Organizations of the Ukrainian Liberation Front. This postwar coalition of Banderite NGOs formally united internationally as the World Ukrainian Liberation Front after the 1967 creation of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians, what is now called the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC). The “Liberation Front,” which is today technically a member of the UWC, has adopted numerous names after the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the Organizations of the Ukrainian State Front, the Coordination Council of State Organizations in Ukraine, and the World Conference of Ukrainian State Organizations, but these days it is best known in English as the International Council in Support of Ukraine (ICSU).

>In the meantime, the Banderites have led the Ukrainian World Congress at least since 1998, when Askold Lozynskyj, a conniving attorney and OUN-B operative in the US for the past several decades, became its leader. After his 10-year term as UWC president ended in 2008, he became the chairman of the ICSU, the global coordinating body of OUN-B affiliated NGOs, which are also UWC members. “There isn't a politician in the United States,” Lozynskyj declared in 1997, “who will ignore or would ignore the Ukrainian American community or the issues which the Ukrainian community holds dear.” That has only become more true, but few if any US politicians appear to be cognizant of the Banderites’ co-opting of the organized Ukrainian American community.[…]



It's pretty much a pogrom against Russian-speakers.


The psychological operations machine is driving everyone insane (as it is intended to do). Russian gaining territory and surrounding cities are treated as losses.


lol, they didn't even bother to clean him up
>"look at this blood-covered man, he just admitted to being a saboteur! tell them what you just told us!"




haha yeah



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This is literally what happens when you have nazis in control of a portion of the military. They pretty much start killing anyone they have beefs with during a losing conflict. Also this shit happens when anyone can get a gun during a fucking invasion.
>Mf you don't like?
Its fucked up man.


Kiev is currently encircled by Russian troops


and will use that western money to buy productive forces and material conditions


This saboteur shit is gonna get a lot of innocent people killed. People think witch hunts are about hysteria, and that's partly true, but it's usually about people with a beef exploiting mass hysteria to get people they already didn't like killed by the mob.




Maybe during happening hours when the shitpisers are awake


Yeah. I saw the lite version of this play out in Hong Kong. And that was just with rowdy teenagers. Seeing this dynamic play out during a war with armed civilians encouraged by their military is just horrifying lol. Maybe moreso than the invasion itself.



lurk more


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This guy is too stupid to live


shouldn't they have taken the Capitol already? What's taking them so long?



>This saboteur shit is gonna get a lot of innocent people killed.
Already happened.
Who the fuck thought that giving civilians weapons without proper training was a good idea? Even the volkstrumm had some basic training and more important THEY WERE NOT FIGHTING AGAINST PEOPLE THAT LOOKED THE SAME AS THEM!




The CPRF wrote an article in The International Magazine:



We don't. Class struggle just comes first.


>joining Nazis as a weak individual is the same as making a temporary deal as a nation


This is what happened in Republican Madrid, it has nothing to do with the nazis. It's about paranoia and civilians


leftypol is probably at least 80% gay furries.


there are rightoids here


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Don't forget that the fascist movement in Europe drew a lot of its people from former communists too. Fascists get recruits from all kinds of people, from the far left to the liberals to the lolberts.


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I'm gay but notion of Ramzan Kadyrov being a potential "ally" or not is, like, not even a question lol but they basically went back to pre-Soviet clan structures in the 90s. Also marriages there are arranged as a way of building alliances between clans. So, unfortunately, gays don't really fit into that picture. But there's jack shit anyone here can do about that.


They're trying to minimize civilian casualties and give the Ukrainian people a chance to surrender peacefully. Honestly Putin is giving them way too many chances and should just carpet bomb Kiev right now





Already did. They killed a bunch of people in Mariupol and Kiev under the presumption that they were "saboteurs".


Mr. White was just looking to expand his business.


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Who said we do? Some of us are homos.


nobody hates homos, but bourgeois elements try to supercede this incredibly minute struggle over class struggle


>end of day 5 of the invasion
>when they actually started at parity in troops
Oh, is Russia moving too slow for you?


i'm wasting my sunday reading /r/redscarepod memes and this stupid thread, fucking help me bros


stop being stupid
it's hyper online minority (i.e /pol/ degenerates)



they are already advancing twice as fast as the US in Iraqi freedom zoom scrolling burned your receptors of time


so non-missionary sex is bourgeoisie?

i like the rest of the responses tho



wew fucking lad


This. The majority of communal violence originates from the exploitation of extraordinary circumstances to settle scores between people or from the escalation of what would otherwise be petty bullshit. Usually there’s a core of instigators that draw in susceptible people to assist them as a mob


Addicted to habbenings. Many such cases


This is what all the mil analysist seem to be walking away with. That it's a big mistake to sacrifice military advantage to minimize casualties.


Russia isn't even engaging in infantry combat at all. They are sending artillery and armored vehicles in a show of force hoping to get them to surrender without having to use any more deadly force than necessary. All this shit about Russian casualties is a mix of outright lies and paranoia with Ukrainian civilians shooting their neighbors after Zelensky handed out rifles to random untrained people.




I hate people that uses homos to shill for (neo)liberalism, AKA the whole west.


I mean that's what China is.
I haven't seen anything otherwise.
They literally have private factories on their territory/private property and market relations.




I don’t think it does, save for contingent of really dedicated individuals who are met with indifference and ridicule but sometimes amplify one another.




What is difference between this place and Pol if you are willing to abide by "critical support" for people like kadyrov


nobody supports kadyrov, he's literally insane, but he's going to massacre azov, which is based


I'll fuck you till you love me faggot


Part of it is accidental, but a big part of it is an engineered genocide against Russians still living in Ukraine. Any Russian living in the territory that does not identify as a Ukrainonazi is a target for these fanatical mobs, but of course you wont hear a peep about this genocide from the west


Yeah, better dying slowly for the nuclear winter ahead.


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See that tenth floor? There's a saboteur in that general direction. Better kill them all for our safety.


fuck you dude


Cuck article. No one cares about vaccines except for Jimmy Dore. Also Ukraine is a fake country, U-kraina literally means "at the border." Communists should be re-taking it back.


>leftypol hate homos
theres some trolling polyp and few ex convert who kept their spook, but the large majority does not care and support equal right (but not the lib performative identity bs).


>/r/redscarepod memes
give me the link


People on /pol/ supports Putin because he's apparently fighting globohomo or the cabal.

People here supports Russia (not Putin really) because we hate NATO and Zelensky.


Since I'm not near you, I need you to slap yourself.


The question of Kadyrov and his Chechen wildmen being LGBT allies or not isn't even a relevant question at all. It's like wondering whether the Sardaukar are going to be your ally. That's not their role. That's not what they're for. Jannies should start banning this derail. JANNIES


It's like Russians haven't been fighting this shit over 8 years in Syria. These people are delusional, living in another reality. Wating to NATO to save them.


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Why are you here?


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Average r/Agent KochinskiV user


>mutually beneficial pact between two great powers the others tried to push toward a war so they annihilate each other
>state realpolitik is comparable to fighting shoulder to shoulder with neo nazis
anarchist are morons






Are you okay?




It means subsequent western puppet regimes will continue the war and will keep throwing ukrainians into the meat grinder in order to make this conflict costly for russia and to give free intel on RU armed forces to NATO.


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>I hate people that uses homos to shill for (neo)liberalism.
Literally this, instead of just allowing LGBT people to exist normally and legally, they have to politicize them in the worst way possible, just so they can get hate crimed more.
Genuinely speaking this had done more wrong to LGBT then right.


Just an ordinary dude driving his caWRONG! SABOTEUR!


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Is the CPRF okay for making it a centerpiece? Literally no one cares except for conspiracy theorists like you and Dimmy Jore.


I'm currently watching Laura Ingraham's take on this and it's amazing, im having so much fun watching this. Fox News somehow finds a way to spin this conflict as strictly the fault of China and that China manufactured the "true invasion" of Ukraine lol. I fuckin love this.

What does this mean though? While the MSNBC and other platforms like it just call Putin an evil madman, Fox News says it's China's fault and that China puppeteered this conflict.

My question is, and I know in these Ukraine threads that a materialist analysis is discouraged, but I'mma ask anyway, so my question is what wing of Capital does Fox News particularly represent that it hyper focuses on China and how does it differ to MSNBC and CNN etc. Who dont focus as much on blaming the Republicans and such. Cuz I know they're both bourgeois media outlets but I'm trying figure which part of bourgeois capital each represent.


why the fuck do leftypol host that fucker ?


Kochinsky: "NATO winning in Ukraine means less military spending and independent EU"

Holy shit


>born in Kharkiv
He probably doesn't speak a lick of Ukrainian. And, boy, this is not a good time to be that.


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The article doesn't talk about vaccines you insane schizo.


NTA, but what's the point of replying if you didn't even read the article?


Ukrainian is literally just corrupted Russian


>They're killing their own
Amazing, I hope they kill the ghost next.


How much of Siberia could China annex in case Russia collapses?


They have a mixed economy with legislated redistribution and quality of life development policies, but the state does control what is considered the commanding heights of the economy (infrastructure, energy, defense, etc.) through a one party state that exhibits considerable power over their local bourgeois.

It’s certainly revisionist and likely not tenable for the long run, but To call it state capitalist is reductive.


It talks about it in bold red in its conclusion. Do suffer from lack of basic reading comprehension?


does anybody here speak russian or ukrainian? what's the mutual intelligibility between the two?


The rate was 83 on Friday

Market opens tomorrow. I don't think it'll stay this high but if it does it means Russia currency dropped over 50%

Buying anything for a Russian will be vastly more difficult


Oh no a single sentence!


>Applying social attitudes of the 20th Century to the 21st


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That's medieval what the fuck mane


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>China puppeteered this conflict
Xi keeps winning


Hard to tell mainly bc im not american but there seems to be some kind of argument right know in the imperialist camp about who the main enemy is russia or china and if a strategic alliance wiith one of them against the other is the right move the Trump camp seemed to believe in a strategic alliance with russia against china so maybe look up who gave trump money or smth idk


that's some medieval shit wtf mane


Variying, half of the common phrased can be vaguely understood


Nah you're a tourist. Try r/stupidpol instead.


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I usually don't cover him because he legitimately pisses me off, but with him going full glow during this conflict, I'm covering it to just show his batshit reactions.


So they triggered your libshit sensibilities because they included a demand that they've held since months now?


how much is this all going to improve the conditions for proletarian revolution in russia ?


Still better than Turkey lmao


Maybe Russia was the one saying that there were saboteur teams when in reality nothing happened just to see them kill each other.


Well, apart from a few stupid words, it's pretty much intelligible. Ukrainians almost always understand Russian, though.

No, common phrases easily understood, hard technical phrases (when not direct english transliteration) are not.



Borrell talking live


Damn you're stupid


>saying anything


They’re eating eachother


Maybe it will provoke it. Maybe Russia will go openly fash, they already consider bringing back capital punishment and there is "enemies of the nation" hysteria aimed at everyone not completely supporting the war


pretty much every single ukrainian speaks russian



Borrell speaking live of sanctions come!!!


so to simplify it, it wouldn't be hard to get around and communicate in ukraine as a russian speaker, but it would also be obvious that you are not from there. correct?


I still dont get why Russia started this war right now. I think its something deeper than oil pipelines and geopolitical buffer between Nato. If it was the latter, why right now?


>What does this mean though? While the MSNBC and other platforms like it just call Putin an evil madman, Fox News says it's China's fault and that China puppeteered this conflict.

US conservatives have, for as long as I've been alive and probably longer, basically believed in a racist world view where Russians are semi-White people who are racially Christian monarchists, and the eschaton of this world is the day when white races ally to genocide the Chinese, who are the undiluted Asian people and collectivist bugs. To them, the canard that they "love the people but the hate government" oft applied to Chinese, is true for Russians. They American conservative media apparatus will deflect as much blame for this away from Russians to Chinese.


Then how would you define state capitalism?


And you are really dumb to think that only Jimmy Dore cares about it when there are 50-90% unvaccinated in countries where everyone could get vaccinated for free with easy access. So clearly, a lot more people care.


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What's the best case scenario now? be creative


Why is it engineered? It pains me to say this, but such a phenomenon could well be organic, given the extraordinary circumstances and existing culture of nationalism. State involvement beyond this seems to be at a minimum



Most people in Ukraine also know Russian to a degree.


>Two T-64BVs, an armored car Varta, Ural of the Ukrainian army were destroyed by the RF Armed Forces in Severodonetsk. Lugansk region.


50%-90% vaccinated*


Some of the more schizoid Wehrmacht generals also ordered that anyone that ran away or looted be blasted.



because the frozen conflict was not enough, and the situation was only gonna get worse.


Globalist, international, finance capital vs national, small-proprietor, petit-bourgeois capital, as always.
The Democrat side seeks to maintain the stability of the global market and western hegemony over it, thus viewing immediate threats to its control over Europe, like Russia, as the primary danger, while the Republican side represents those who feel more squeezed by chinese export competition and thus see China as the primary enemy.


In the video she talks about the "energy independence of the Trump era" and she also talks about wanting to delink from China manufacturing and sacrificing cheap products for American made so I imagine what Fox represents is essentially the bourgeois national side of Capital and MSNBC is the blatant imperialist/globalist (Fox's term) of Capital. And it is true what she says from her bourgeois standpoint if you're a bourgeois manufacturing capitalist who used to make tons of money but lost out to Chinese factories.


Yes/no? Ukrainians have an accent, it's easy to replicate tho


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Because America is weak right now. It's an unmissable opportunity to take Odessa.


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Someone edit the stonetoss meme of the lolbert and the nazi doing tug-o-war against the porky and commie into /pol/ and /leftypol/ tugging against porky and Ukrainian Nazis.


No, they are "eating" social/ethnic minorities, largely Russian speakers. The people being targeted are not random. They are people that the populace already hates. Calling them "saboteurs" just gives them an excuse to do what they always wanted to.


Different people, I can read unlike OP


I'm pretty sure everyone in Ukraine knows at least enough Russian to speak it. There really isn't that big of a difference between the two languages, despite what the Ukrainian Wikipedia article says


interesting, thanks for replying. i was wondering how hard it would be to differentiate between people in this whole "saboteurs are everywhere" thing. this helps a bit



I wouldn't call them petite bourgeois, just regular bourgeois but highly nationalistic and protectionist. But America has deindustrialized to such an extent where manufacturing and production literally represents what? Like 15 percent of our economy? Lmao!


Did all the Russian troops in Africa and Syria dip or are they still there?


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Poor man's Volkssturm


t. saboteur


right-wing borgers since like the 90s have had like a really weird eschatological theory where basically the 'FINAL VICTORY' for them is American protestant evangelical conservatives and RVSSIAN TRADORTH MONARCHISTS forming an alliance to genocide the Chinese (See: Asians in general when they also tack North-Korea and Vietnam into the mix) with a combined land and naval attack.

They may or may not be aware this would lead to thermonuclear war.
But since borger evangelicals believe that they actually MUST CAUSE ARMAGEDDON they likely don't view that as a negative.


russian troops are in syria and even meming on israel which is based, and muh wagner group is in africa as far as i know


> "eating" social/ethnic minorities
>white people persecuting other white people
This shit somehow looks even dumber without the benefit of pigmentation differences.


Isn't he lanky?


Moldova should attack Transnistria.
That would put emperor putintine into a real gosh darn pickle.


>That Stonetoss comic
It must take a lot of brainworms to conclude that anarcho-capitalists are anti-capitalist.


Are you american?


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How am I supposed to take you seriously when you are easily disproven?


Ukrops had a similar episode back during Maidan - "Titushka". Traitors/saboteurs, again, and they also were beating a lot of random people


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New thread new Ukrainian hero


>country that is not in NATO or the EU should provoke country that will have large land border with it in a bout a week


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Цыгане выкрали коня, шо це за хуйня, шо це за хуйня?

Техника РФ…

Google translate says something about stealing a horse and dicks…can anyone translate? What an absolute shitshow.


russia right now is already an authoritarian military semi-dictatorship which is throwing all the interents of its people into the trash in order to satisfy the megalomaniac desires of its crazy leader. i wouldn't be surprisedif putin just shuts down the internet if the protests get out of hand


But these were legit state-sponsored provocateurs like SERB in Russia


if anyone wants to read a thread of redditors supporting nazis, being told they're supporting nazis and then going on to justify their support of nazis


post it


>Russia is annexing Ukraine.
Putin's just going to expand the Donbass 'republics' and absolutely cuck Ukraine out of even having a military or joining NATO for the foreseeable future.
Probably also give crimea the right to draw fresh water from the big river


It is "roma people are horse stealers" stereotype. "Gypsies have stole the horse, what the fuck, what the fuck"


ok Plebbit


As shit as the comic is, it does make a point


>Crazy leader
Hello Reddit.


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Lolberts care more about protecting their spooks over their loot these days.


No, same shit as saboteurs. Use your goddamn head. Those who were beating up people were the same nazis we have today


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souce: CIA



>[…]After Askold Lozynskyj became the president of the UWC in addition to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)—taken over by the “Liberation Front” in 1980—the conservative Ukrainian American columnist Myron Kuropas, who himself used to be associated with a rival faction of the OUN, opined that Lozynskyj is “someone I have known (and disagreed with) for decades. He is bright, brash, articulate (often given to demagoguery), thoroughly bilingual and dynamic. I have watched him mature over the years from a firebrand Banderite to a more nuanced Banderite.” Over twenty years later, Kuropas has said, “In retrospect I don't see Askold maturing for the better politically. He seems to still follow Bandera's dictum that ‘those who are not with us are against us.’ He still seems to push for OUN-B domination of the Ukrainian American community.” Of course, the transnational OUN-B’s goals extend far beyond the United States, but the Ukrainian American community and its allies in Washington are an important asset for the Bandera cultists in their perpetual struggle to take over Ukraine.

>Ever since Canadian Banderites succeeded Lozynskyj as the presidents of the UWC and ICSU in 2008 and 2013, respectively, both international organizations have been headquartered in Toronto. Eugene Czolij, former president of the OUN-B’s international Ukrainian Youth Association (Спілка української молоді, CYM) and more recently the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), became the new president of the UWC in 2008. He was succeeded by Paul Grod, another UCC leader and fellow “CYMivtsi,” in 2018.

>Those “elections” to the World Congress saw Stefan Romaniw, longtime chairman of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations and former CYM leader in Australia, named general secretary and then first vice president of the UWC. In 2009, the year Romaniw became the new global OUN-B leader, he spoke at an event at Stepan Bandera’s grave in Munich honoring that year as the 100th anniversary of his birth, as did Lozynskyj and Czolij. Three years later in Munich, Czolij addressed an ICSU conference, held in part to honor the belated 100th birthday of the late Yaroslav Stetsko—Bandera’s deputy, ideologist, and successor, who was likewise a fascist war criminal, Nazi collaborator, and anti-Semite.

>After the 2013-14 “Euromaidan” (aka the “Revolution of Dignity”) in Kyiv, Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and the spark of an armed conflict in eastern Ukraine between the new Western-backed Ukrainian government and Russian-backed separatists in the Donbas, the Atlantic Council launched its Ukraine in Europe Initiative following a visit to the United States by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the new Prime Minister of Ukraine. Part of that initiative included the AC’s “UkraineAlert” newsletter, for which Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Irena Chalupa shortly became a leading contributor. Although she briefly conceded in an article that year that Bandera collaborated with Nazi Germany, Chalupa has apparently never publicly acknowledged that before her stint with the US broadcaster RFE/RL, she worked for Stetsko in the OUN-B’s Cold War-era international headquarters building in Munich.[…]



Leaders can't be crazy it is liberal idealism, there should be a material solution


>Abramovic gives up ownership of Chelsea
>Chelsea instantly lose cup final to american-owned team
That's what happens when you betray papa Vlad


>pic related
The holodomor didn't happen, Nikocado simply ate all the grain.


Video exists of Russian army using mass fires in Kherson. Looks like there was some truth to the speculation the Russian strategy will change tonight.


Liberal centrist "leftist" Boric is spreading ukranian propaganda


NEXTA was a kinda good source on Belarus 2020 , but now they are living in a parallel reality


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Anglos gonna cope

>Grads of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are working on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. Kherson region.


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I agree usually but there's seem to he an irrational element to this "invasion"


I don’t know the utility of the concept itself, but I’d say it’d be something like the Asian Tigers and de Gaullist France, Russia under Putin and Maybe Imperial Germany.

More or less under State Capitalism the State cultivates favorable relationships with national champions which it tries to incentivize into developing or pursuing a business strategy that incidentally meets the development goals of the country in conjunction with or even substituting a welfare state funded through taxation of these companies.


No. Fuck nationalism.



we have beaten back the invader, kiev, kharkiv and mariupol are liberated from russians, trust the plan #Z-Anon


I hope one day retarded tanks here will realize this fight is between globohomo capitalist state and nationalist capitalist state. No "socialist" bullshit is in here.


File: 1645992208034.mp4 (4.21 MB, 464x848, IMG_8461.MP4)

what is happening in this video?


I'm not even subscribed to Voosh and I've been recommended video after video of Voosh cumming about Ukraine being "based" and Zelensky being a 'badass". Like he's cranked out like 5 videos a day on this shit. He truly must be in a content drought now that he's just throwing out video after video of unironic ultra nationalistic Ukrainian propaganda. It's no wonder Richard Spencer liked Voosh and other Nazis like Voosh. Voosh is basically a socially progressive/woke Nazi.




Here there are. I wonder if this could be a warning leveled before the negotiations at the Belarus border?


they caught a sussy saboteur amogus


>Italy's FM announced EU is working on sanctioning foreign-held reserves of Russian Central Bank

I think there's no coming back after this.
A line in the sand has been definitely drawn.


There was not a single tradesman in CHAZ tho.


They are a Polish based propaganda account


Marauder. Was trying to break into a store.




Ukrainians are into some kinky shit…



Ukraine became shithole after the collapse of SU, many people are forced into crime to survive, so you have competing gangs. Then you give those gangs military equipment…


Lol. Nazis > Russians for Agent Kochinskiites


Would you describe Scandinavian countries as state capitalist?




oh fuck off would you. get off the internet and think outside the comfort of your digitally mediated edginess.. how can you not see in putin's chavinism the anti-democratic weapon of reactionary authoritarianism.. how can you justify him? i hope that if at least you were in russia your positions would be different

this is almost feudlism level shit.what's your materialist analysis of this close-to-unexplainable situation ?


"During wartime, looters had their pants taken off." Apparently.


What is the purpose of this kind of artillery in modern warfare? Surely they can't be accurate enough to strike specific targets


>hahaha le sus saboteurs

i hope you guys know they are purging leftists because they are losing


LMAO online is really more important than real life. This whole war is the biggest cope I've ever seen


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Massive amount of hate going downrange. Cant fuck with the GRAD.


Honestly I'd rather catch a bullet than be humiliated like this.


The annihilate entire battalions in minutes…


From the start he always tailored his content to appeal to /pol/oids and the like so that isn't a shock.


>Wanting to not be surrounded by nato puppets is bad actually!


What kind, though? Food or medicine or things like that? Even if it was a jewelry or designer fashion store, it’s just stuff. No one needs to have THIS done to them


NTA, but I wouldn't. They're capitalist centers in the world system context, even more so than central Europe in some respects, so they have a "social market economy" model. It's still neoliberalism.


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Why do you need precision if you can barrage huge extensions of areas at once? haven't you following this thread the countless times ukrainian equipment is scrapped? That's exactly these barrages result's


Waging war to go against that is moronic though. It will only make others want to join Nato more. You really need to think critically about these things instead of like some bad writing "NATO bad"


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KFC Ukrainian is now supplying food for the resistance. Colonel Sanders logistics battalion has taken the field.


Exactly. His whole thing is trying to swing proud boys to his "side" by appealing directly to their chauvinism.



>anarchists with western NATO takes
every fucking time. every fucking time.


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>he's a megalomaniac!
>he's crazy!
Cool political analysis, fucktard.

Next time you do a Yugoslavia, and then openly talk about doing the same to Russia and China, maybe consider others don't want none of that.


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> Ukrainian military tries to prevent Indian students from leaving. Students from Kerala, India report that the Ukrainian military fired in the air, beat students up, & rammed cars into their midst to prevent them from crossing the border to Poland.


He's literally a state department mouthpiece and informant


Surzhyk (Ukrainian: су́ржик, IPA: [ˈsurʒɪk]) refers to a range of mixed sociolects of Ukrainian and Russian languages used in certain regions of Ukraine and adjacent lands. There is no unifying set of characteristics; the term is, according to some authors, used for "norm-breaking, non-obedience to or non-awareness of the rules of the Ukrainian and Russian standard languages".[1]

Surzhyk is a Ukrainian word that could refer to any mixed language, not necessarily including Ukrainian or Russian. When used by non-Ukrainian speaking people of Ukraine, the word is most commonly used to refer to a mix of Ukrainian with another language, not necessarily Russian. When used in Russia the word almost always specifically refers to a Ukrainian-Russian language mix.

The Ukrainian word surzhyk (from Proto-Slavic *sǫ — «with» + *rъžь — «rye») — originally referred to mix of different grains that includes rye or a product like flour or bread made from such a mix.

The vocabulary mix of each of its constituent languages (Ukrainian and Russian) varies greatly from locality to locality, or sometimes even from person to person, depending on the degree of education, personal experience, rural or urban residence, the geographical origin of the interlocutors, etc. The percentage of Russian words and phonetic influences tends to be greatest in the east and south and in the vicinity of big Russian-speaking cities. It is commonly spoken in most of eastern Ukraine's rural areas, with the exception of the large metropolitan areas of Donetsk, Kharkiv, and Luhansk, where the majority of the population uses standard Russian. In rural areas of western Ukraine, the language spoken contains fewer Russian elements than in central and eastern Ukraine but has nonetheless been influenced by Russian.

The ancient common origin, and relatively recent divergence, of Russian and Ukrainian make it difficult to establish the degree of mixing in a vernacular of this sort.


Europe will sacrifice itself to NATO, which indirectly weakens NATO itself because it depends on European economy.


>Russians don't instantly obliterate them
In Burgerfreedomland, police would have turned them into Swiss cheese
Man, Russians are being way too nice


waging war because you feel like it while you keep on doing your porky shit is actually bad, yes.
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is imperialist logic


>3rd pic


I don't think so tbh. The existence and actions of Azov have a significant role in the origins of this conflict. I mean hugely significant. Maybe as significant as NATO.


Well, currently EU is not the one who is cutting off every possible ally from it's list. That's Russia with it's outright retarded actions and war everyone finds pointless.




WTF that moment when you don't need subtitles to understand what they are saying. Also fuck those boarder guards.


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Is he right?


File: 1645992950809.mp4 (1.09 MB, 688x1280, 1497987528158322689_1.mp4)

And with the local DBT news. LL Cool J with a triumphant comeback
But tonight…

Don't call it a comeback
I been here for years
Rocking my peers and putting suckers in fear
Making the tears rain down like a monsoon
Listen to the bass go boom

Explosion, overpowering
Over the competition I'm towering
Wrecking shop,
When I drop
These lyrics that'll make you call the cops

Don't you dare stare,
You better move
Don't ever compare
Me to the rest that'll all get sliced and diced
Competition's paying the price

I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)

Don't you call this a regular jam
I'm gonna rock this land
I'm gonna take this itty bitty world by storm
And I'm just getting warm

Just like Muhummad Ali they called him Cassius
Watch me bash this beat like a skull
'Cause you know I had beef wit

Why do you riff with me, the maniac psycho
And when I pull out my jammy get ready 'cause it might go
How ya like me now?
The ripper will not allow

You to get with, Mr. Smith, don't riff
Listen to my gear shift
I'm blasting,
Kinda like Shaft,
So you could say I'm shafting

Olde English filled my mind
And I came up with a funky rhyme

I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)


Shadow boxing when I heard you on the radio (Hu!)
I just don't know
What made you forget that I was raw?
But now I got a new tour

I'm going insane,
Starting the hurricane,
Releasing pain
Letting you know that you can't gain,
I maintain
Unless ya say my name

Ripping, killing
Digging and drilling a hole
Pass the Ol' Gold

I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)

Shotgun blasts are heard
When I rip and kill at will
The man of the hour,
Tower of power,
I'll devour

I'm gonna tie you up and let you understand
That I'm not your average man
When I got a jammy in my hand

Listen to the way I slay your crew
Damage (uh), damage (uh), damage (uh), damage
Destruction, terror, and mayhem
Pass me a sissy so suckers I'll slay him

Farmers (What!) Farmers (What!)
I'm ready (we're ready!)
I think I'm gonna bomb a town
(get down!)

Don't you never, ever,
Pull my lever
'Cause I explode
And my nine is easy to load

I gotta thank God
'Cause he gave me the strength to rock hard!
Knock you out,
Mama said knock you out

I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)
I'm gonna knock you out (Hu!)
Mama said knock you out (Hu!)




I suspect they could. Russian currency will be massively devalued and all Russian energy exports to Europe are effectively halted for at least a week.


>tfw saboteur


Kraut finally makes a good point


File: 1645993070160.jpg (100.8 KB, 1313x771, FMnFRm_VIAEF-NZ.jpg)


>stock market


No, it actually appears to be mostly the EU that is reacting. ASEAN, India, China, the Middle East, Souther American and Africa do not seem to be interested in pursuing harsh anti-Russian sanctions or isolation.


Who does the right wing support?


oh noes, some line on a graph will go down.


this is happenning in europe


That doesn't change the fact that EU will suffer. Expect drop in political legitimacy down the line when the economic receipt finally arrives.


actually we never wanted to encircle kyiv (formerly kiev) or take kharkiv (formerly kharkov)


Has this guy ever like, actually helped anyone. Ever?


We'll see


>as an anarchist, FUCK azov… HOWEVER…"


divided between fighting le globohomo (Russia) and being US patriots/pro Western


Unless you believe Putin is about to nationalise everything and establish central planning then yes, russian porky will spook over their investerinoos and bolt out the gate, mass layoffs, closures and price hikes will follow.


*Russia is fighting le globohomo


What am I looking at?


whats the adam curtis hypernormalization take on this ?


Split, between le based anti-gay anti-globohomo Putler (and that's a good thing), and America, Fuck Yeah.


Redditors must lose


there's currently a meldown going on because /pol/tards are realizing there happens to be jews on both sides


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For a country like Russia that is dependant on natural gas and oil this is a good point unlike America Russia isn't heavily financialised to where this would be devastating to its economy.


Monsieur Soros must be feeling like a fish in water right now, this is the timeline he helped create, he must be really pushing some money now into Ukrain


Heading to whataburger, anybody want anything?


Trump and the rest of the Republican establishment is against Putin.
/pol/ is against "glowop NATO globohomo nazi kholkol subhuman pigs"


Does Putin have a choice except go full Peron, though?


>but then something happened that Western self-assured idiots didn't expect


The Spectacle is not a collection of images, but a social relation among people, mediated by images


yeah many capitalists


>NATO globohomo nazi


No thanks, I prefer the food at nothingburger


Harsh one, no. But there literally is no nation that's supportive of Russia actions. Even China did not commit to anything. In Europe everyone is against it.
You do know though who will take the opportunity for that if it happens? Actually fascist which will get a support base. If it happens because everything that happened, like everyone knows, is because of pointless conflict Russia started.


No one can do a social analysis on an ongoing situation, only one that reveals the developments that led up to this conflict. We won't be able to do an actual good extensive analysis until the dust settles on this conflict and we're able to see all the players and results.


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How's this version?


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What would be the US/NATO dream scenario about Russia? Like, not considering just the war but the entire federation in general. Gaddafing Putler? Balkanization? A puppet president?


pretty good


how likely is ukraine ending balcanized? like, all of ukraine and not just donetsk and lugansk? it would be epic tbh


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who controls porky?


It's not pointless, it's anti-imperialist


Yes, anti-communists like Orbán.




Russia is an export-based economy. Embargoing it will hurt the global economy more.




The inexorable logic of capital.


don't forget Russian fed porky


back to 'ddit, liberal


The dombass republics


Im sorry I usually try and find some proof of source in anything I post but this I cannot tell except it is new, and it appears to be an old man punching a soldier in the jaw and the soldier firing a warning shot.


>Peak of anarchist power I see.
More powerful than the Anglo Ukrop supporters on Twitter and Reddit tbh


He promotes minority rights in some countries


I hope the CPRF realizes that the time for action is now. If Russia's economy collapses to 90s levels and they still remain Putin's lapdog it will be an SPD tier betrayal.


>But there literally is no nation that's supportive of Russia actions.
Supportive obviously not, but there are those who don't want to fall in line with opposition to Russia's actions. Hungary for instance, although idk if their stance changed today?


Yea but Ukraine is allied to NATO


/pol/ isn't sending their best


Remember to disregard anyone who says something like PUTIN IS CRAZY! dumb retarded liberals can't into proper geopolitics, and see the world in Marvel Universe terms.




That's bullshit that made sense in the 80s, but nowdays it's meaningless. There's nothing anti-imperialist about a war between a capitalist state full of oligarchy against a capitalist state full of oligarchy. It seems like /leftypol/ just matches things like a bot.

if ("It is against NATO"){
itIsGood = true;

I'm pretty sure Hitler could be reanimated and started giving lipservice how NATO should go away and some retards here would support it.


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New footage of another town mass producing molotovs all hands on deck.


Still could've been a massive misplay by Putin, though.


Putler is fooken crazyº


same goes for any talking points based on nothing more than NATO BAD, though


Everything idpol




CPRF are soc dems



Not very likely at all, it's not comparable to the patchwork federation in the Balkans, which was then abused for violent nation-state building where there weren't proper nation-states before.




War fucking sucks and I hope a ceasefire comes soon. The longer this goes on the greater the suffering will be for all people involved - and the greater chance of escalation into a world war. I hate this, so much. Ukraine should just fucking surrender.


🤮 moron guy

>Consequences of a missile attack on February 24 at the base of the Ukrainian Navy in Ochakiv, which was built, including at the expense of the United States.


Basically this. I disagree with Putin's actions but liberals saying he cray cray is like baby brained smooth brained dumb dumb shit. Liberal fuckers be like Putin is le scary because "vibes", thinking that's an actual deep analysis of anything which actually is worse than a critical social-economic analysis.

It's why Hitler can be denounced but Nazi Germany and it's socio-economic system can he rehabilitated and implemented in the west. Blame all undemocratic shit on "one individual being cray" and the entire system becomes blameless. There are real ways to critic Putin that has nothing to do with him but with Russian socio-economics as is with the US, which btw rehabilitates and revises it's history a million more times than "le scary man Stalin" had ever did in his tenure as General Secretary.


And what everybody cynically calls "balkanization" is not epic at all, it destroyed precisely what the Balkans could previously be proud about, as opposed to nation-state stupidity in the "advanced" West.
t. balkanian


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