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 No.545411[Last 50 Posts]



Let's gooo


New hohol hero


In before kremlinbots and natocucks



Repostin for new thread


Putin always said that Ukraine is a no-go zone for NATO, the glowies/natsec/establishment were all too self-confident that their leveraging Ukraine as a bargaining chip would never go challenged. Now that Putin has effectively called their bluff and made them look like retards, they are scrambling for a good answer to how to handle the situation - for now their "solution" seems to be try and turn Ukraine into Afghanistan, but the terrain doesn't allow it. Ukraine is as flat as a tomboy and has plenty of established infrastructure, a regional resistance is simply impossible to wage against a modern military.

Also, mind, their goal is to pivot from Russia to China, who is the much more imminent economic threat to the Burgerstani empire. This is still their goal, even as Ukraine is getting fucking ownzoned by Russia, so they are downplaying the strength of Russia to try and keep that transition expedient.

However, the inadvertent effect of that is that mainstream libs, who already think Putin is as evil as Adolf Hitler because of propaganda, is literally right now having his Downfall moment and they are about to destroy Russia via Ukraine, so the propaganda is all backfiring on the establishment's face because libs are getting hyper-invested in a victory they will never have rather than focusing on the establishment's intended target.


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Another video of destroyed Russian Tigr-M vehicles in Kharkiv. They look like the same ones damaged and looted by Ukrainian soldiers this morning.


Z on truck for copers(Maybe it's true thanks but you are ban evading. T-mobile astroturf)


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Is this shit actually going to happen? First NATO cut Ukraine off completely, now they're fucking begging for nuclear war while Putler puts the nuke boys on alert? Jesus fucking christ I can't believe our (((leaders))) are such mouth-breathing retards.
I can't get to RT because of DDOSguard and the west is ratcheting up their propaganda, I feel like we're in a fucking movie like Threads or The Day After and nobody's going to stop these lunatics. Even Putler's citizens are just a bunch of bitch-ass libs protesting uselessly.


critical support for globbal thermonuclear war


Russians are ready for hard times, they wont bend


>Twitter accounts for war updates
>no ASB
RuMOD bros…



Oh wow IN KHARKOV crazy how there could be recently destroyed Russian vehicles IN KHARKOV when we know from our honest hohol sources that the Russians aren't there anymore


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Just woke up. Are negotiations happening?




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Sorry bro, lukashenko isn't president anymore


They keep doing this and it hasn't worked.


What the hell did happen to the negotiations, anyway? Judging by the air force taking off there I guess they fell through?


Never get high on your own supply.
>Veteran interpreter breaks into tears translating Zelensky’s speech after Ukraine survived another night


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Woofers got some Syria kino too. Russians really love their big bombs that turn the night into day.


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It’s fucking insane. I can’t help but feel like it’s just a nightmare and we are going to wake up to the eventual de-escalation and return to weird normalcy, but the way everybody is acting it’s like they all want to die. Just dozens of people on social media constantly being like “oh, you’re afraid of escalation because of nuclear annihilation. So you would be in favor of appeasing Hitler then?”. DO YOU FREAKS REALLY WANT TO MELT FOR CHEAP TENDIES!? You would not have wanted to glass the world if Russia invaded fucking Somalia. No fucking way, WE blow up those countries. But now people are calling you a pussy if you’re like “nah, I’m not looking to return to the Stone Age. I don’t want to live in The Road”. Assuming any of us greasy little piggies even have the faintest chance of surviving the nuclear exchange and first weeks of fallout.


Yes, supposed to happen today.


Where the fuck did the previous threads go?


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god i hate libtards


Archive board


looks like a cardinal


How do you access the archive board. The Jannies here really suck.


Anxious for Graviteam tactics: KHARKOV


>Shoygu collects Indian, Chinese, and Japanese swords and daggers. He also enjoys bard songs and plays the guitar. He does water color paintings and graphics. He also enjoys collecting old pieces of wood, some of which he has shown to Putin.
Imagine this half-Tuvan uygha listening to some bardcore as he ponders all-out nuclear warfare


Well Zelenksy pre-announced that the negotiations were for show, and he was just going to do them people couldn't say he didn't try. Which, honestly, seems like a bad way to approach talks. Maybe hold that privately.



>America, why are you posting propaganda at 4 AM?
<I've lost control of my foreign politics.


Gay ass liberal propaganda picture, cringe thread.


the talks literally were for Belarus to not join the war, and Belarus joined about an hour later
Zelenskyyyyyy may be the most retarded world leader of all time


Source? I might have missed it somewhere


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<'SNL' ditches the jokes in solemn show opener to honor Ukraine.


Well if he concedes he will look as someone who sold out his country and the West will call him a cuck. If he holds out, he might end up in a Russian court. It's a lose-lose situation for him and I don't even think the guy is particularly evil actually.


How will putin take over western Ukraine?


After thinking about it I retract my previous statements that this is an imperialist war. I don't know what is the word for this kind of war but I'll try to explain it.

The root of the conflict between the West and Russia stems from the fact that Russia is *state capitalist*. Western porkies want in on Russia, but they are deterred by Russia's insufficient liberalization. Why is Russia *state capitalist* in the first place? My theory is, Russian porkies do not have the capital to compete with Western porkies, and that is precisely why it is in their interest for Russia not to liberalize.

Ukraine following Euromaidan chose to liberalize itself… This is dangerous for the Russian porkies, now they will lose Ukraine to Western porkies! The ethnic tensions are just smoke and mirrors. So Putler is like "OK fuck this, I'm rolling in the tanks, the West won't dare to lift a finger because we have nukes and because we are state capitalist with our own economic union going on we really don't give a shit about Western finger wagging sanctions". Boom.

With all that said, I need someone to explain to me why the proletariat should give a shit about the plight of Russian porkies.


You are probably talking to literal bots if it makes you feel any better


I saw someone say Shoygu may take over after Putin and I have no idea how realistic that is but it's definitely the meme option


>pulling a Guaidog


Tu-160 engines?


>If the petrodollar falls out of use then they will suffer inflation in the way normal countries do
This isn't so clear-cut. A lower international demand for dollars will start creating practical obstacles to endless money-printing, including a risk of inflation, tho it's not guaranteed.


I would hate to be a family stuck in that pocket with those nazi freaks and deputized volksturm


I didn't realize how demoralized Russian libs were until this happened. Just like "oh there's no opposition everyone got arrested 10 years ago. Nothing we can do." Not blaming anyone or anything just noticing that they've got no fight in em right now.


Russia can afford to go full autarky


They are getting a research opportunity





my patience is breaking, where are the n00ks?


He will pull a Grozny on Lvov hopefully


When you hold Kiev and Kharkov there is no way a rump government in Liviv can survive. At least I think.


Given how much internet nationalists like Anatoly Karlin constantly bitch about them and hate them, I thought they would have actually mattered to some degree.


looks like the hapooners turned into the nukoomers


>I don't even think the guy is particularly evil actually
obviously not, he is incompetent though. makes it even more funny how westoids are painting him as the biggest hero in history, a lone man saving humanity from hitler 2.0


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called it




That's gotta be a good thing insofar as it makes it easier for socialists in Russia to dominate the anti-war movement.


Does he even want to?




A nuke burger just flew over my house


My question as well. The most plausible positive outcome I can see for Russia is to either annex or establish a new Russo-Ukrainian state in the East and force a Western rump state to sign a declaration of neutrality.


uuuhhhhgggghh I'm gonna NOOOOOOK


>A nuke burger
A what?
NATO army has been constantly flying over my house for the last 2 days.


Putin should just take over Kiev quickly and capture the clown and broadcast that shit live on RT, the ukrainian morale will collapse and everyone will surrender.


Don't worry guys. Putin will just retire and take up painting and in 10 years the libs will love him.


When Russia indicates they are going to heighten alert and intimating about nuclearizing Belarus, and the western commentariat says "THIS IS A SIGN OF WEAKNESS, STRIKE NOW" I think that's good actually. It's rational.


>A sweet and decent man

lmao what people says to own the libs, fucking love it.


built for BUC (big ukrainian cock)


That was probably the plan.


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Ukrainian/NATO air force was built for BUK.



I don't know why he hasn't done a massive heli assault on the city center, the casualties the VDV would take are far less than an all-out fucking nuclear war


Then it's not working, and if I was Putin I would be furious.


wdym? nuclear war isn't an option, obviously


And soon the spearhead from Melitopol and the spearhead south-east of Kharkov will meet. 45000+ Ukrainian soldiers will be cut off from Kiev. Maybe it will force Zelensky to negotiate.


You know what? Fuck it, Putin should just flatten kiev. Throw all the soviet chemical and biological stock they have too for good measure, fuck Ukraine


> the casualties the VDV would take are far less than an all-out fucking nuclear war
that is the problem anon, putin saw the error of his ways and became a posadist.


It is for the retard bourg who are high on their own propaganda and probably have bunkers.


oh no guys they're gonna do a hoi4 encirclement


fuck that, they need to save some for Germany/France/USA


I can't load the video embed. You can download it with https://loader.to/en75/


I can't believe RuAF are going to make encirclements from HOI4 real


too far, comrade


they won't make money from that tho


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you get the basic idea


comrade glow that is


Nah the Novorossiya plan from 2014 was foreshadowing. Ukraine is going to get Serbiacucked


It seems all the turksih drones are gone. There have been no confirmed incidents in over 24 hours. In spite of this, ukrops keep posting videos from Syria and Armenia to cope.


US can’t absolve itself of responsibility for Putin’s Ukraine invasion
>For the media and for members of the public more generally, the eruption of war creates an urgent need to affix blame and identify villains. Rendering such judgments helps make sense of an otherwise inexplicable event. It offers assurance that the moral universe remains intact, with a bright line separating good and evil.

>That rule certainly applies to the case of the invasion of Ukraine. Russia is the aggressor and President Vladimir Putin a bad guy straight out of central casting: On that point, opinion in the United States and Europe is nearly unanimous. Even in a secular age, we know whose side God is on.

>Yet such snap judgments rarely stand the test of history. With the passage of time, moral clarity gives way to ambiguity. Clear-cut narratives take on hitherto unrecognized complexity. Bright lines blur.

>World War I illustrates the point. The conflict began with the German Army invading France. When the war finally ended, the victorious Allies charged Germany with “war guilt,” a judgment that accomplished little apart from setting the stage for an even more disastrous conflict two decades later. It turned out that in 1914 there had been plenty of guilt to go around. Among the several nations that participated in that war, none could claim innocence.

>A similar rush to judgment regarding Ukraine will inevitably inhibit our understanding of the war’s origins and implications, with potentially dangerous consequences. Yes, Russian aggression deserves widespread condemnation. Yet the United States cannot absolve itself of responsibility for this catastrophe. Indeed, the conflict renders a judgment on post-Cold War US policy. That policy has now culminated in a massive diplomatic failure.

>The failure stemmed from two defects that permeate contemporary American statecraft. The first involves hypocrisy and the second a penchant for overreaching.

>Condemnations of Putin emphasize his disregard for what US officials like to call a “rules-based international order.” Russia’s invasion of Ukraine violates ostensibly sacrosanct “norms” that prohibit military aggression and demand respect for national sovereignty.

>This is rather rich coming from the United States, to put it mildly. During the post-9/11 war on terror, successive administrations made their own rules and established their own norms — for example, embarking on preventive war in defiance of international opinion. If Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a crime — as I believe it to be ― then how should we classify the US invasion of Iraq in 2003?

>Putin appears intent on using violence to impose “regime change” in Kyiv, installing his own preferred leadership there. Biden administration officials express outrage at that prospect, and rightly so. Yet coercive regime change undertaken in total disregard of international law has been central to the American playbook in recent decades. Whatever Washington’s professed intentions, democracy, liberal values, and human rights have not prospered, whether in the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, or Libya.

>Perhaps we should not be surprised at such inconsistencies. After all, hypocrisy is endemic to politics, both domestic and international. More troubling is the difficulty US policy makers apparently have in accurately gauging US interests and comparing them with the interests of others. This is where the overreaching occurs.

>Consider this simple definition of the phrase “vital interest”: a place or issue worth fighting for. Putin has repeatedly identified Ukraine as a vital Russian interest, and not without reason.

>President Biden has been equally clear in indicating that he does not consider Ukraine worth fighting for. That is, it does not qualify as a vital US interest. At the same time, he has refused to concede the legitimacy of Russia’s claim. In concrete terms, he has rejected Putin’s demand that NATO’s eastward march, adding to its ranks various former Soviet republics and allies, should cease without incorporating Ukraine, which Russia deems an essential buffer.

>The argument made by several recent US administrations that NATO expansion does not pose a threat to Russian security doesn’t pass the sniff test. It assumes that US attitudes toward Russia are benign. They are not and haven’t been for decades. It assumes further that Moscow has no interests except as permitted by the United States. No responsible government will allow an adversary to determine its hierarchy of interests.

>By casually meddling in Ukrainian politics in recent years, the United States has effectively incited Russia to undertake its reckless invasion. Putin richly deserves the opprobrium currently being heaped on him. But US policy has been both careless and irresponsible.

>As is so often the case, this is an unnecessary war. But the United States is no more an innocent party than the European countries that in 1914 stumbled into war.

>Andrew Bacevich is president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.



tbh at step 3 you don't even have to move in anymore, just firebomb west ukraine for three months


Sanctions are so bad and can't get any worse, may as well get ukraine in return, the west will cope and seethe but probably can't do anything about it, and liberals are scared of da bomb.

If I was china I would take over Taiwan too, if they don't go to nuclear war for ukraine much less for Taiwan.


Where is Russia?


what has the Ukrainian communist party said about the situation?


It's widely believed at this time that the Russian army withheld much of its destructive capabilities in order to limit civilian casualties to make it easier to reach a political settlement.




>Ukrainian communist party.
>Implying they exist after 2014….


The fascists Zelensky and Poroshenko banned them.


What are the odds of this going nuclear? It's been a while since nuclear powers have been at each other's throats like this…. only a few more escalations could lead to catastrophe


It's really hard to spot on the map, wouldn't bother.


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Here's a fun photo from the Armenian war


They still exist. Just can't do much legally.


>Quincy Institute
That insitute is the weirdest shit I've seen. They are getting money from Koch and Soros, but are basically a weird mix of Duginist/pro-China lolberts and some guys from the LaRouche organization. Caleb has written for them an article once. Really whacky


Yes, they do. They put out a big statement the other day. I myself have spoken to Ukrainian communists


They're banned. A splinter of them had a statement supporting the creation of DPR/LPR and condemning Zelensky for botching the Minsk Agreements that much:



Responsible Statecraft/Quincy Institute is like the left wing of the Blob and I'm glad they're saying this and getting it into normie newspapers


It's weird because it's the only, and I mean only think tank in DC, perhaps in its entire history. that is against US imperialism.


Pincer movements is such a trusted maneuver that it surprises me that no one has ever found a counter for the pincer in centuries and centuries and centuries of military strategy.




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They should take some of those free guns and . . . do nothing whatsoever with them


That would be like fire finding a counter to being starved of oxygen.


I'm pretty sure it's mathematically the most viable formula.


Плачь побольше


Смерть Украине



Thirsty westoids will cause riots and demand from their govs that Russian sluts come back. This will force NATO to step down.


It used to be harder to carry out before the modern age, with very limited intel available to you where your troops are at what time, in many battles the ones who attempted the pincer movement ended up accidently being pincered themselves or blitzed before the other flank arrived.


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have genuinely seen more hardcore pro-Putin posts on social media from people with bitcoin in their bios than from MLs or whatever


I mean, if you can successfully predict and bait a pincer, you can slam into the their flanks, getting two encirclements of your own.

Yes. HoI4 invented encirclements.


Смерть фашистам. Хули желаю смерти хохлам, пусть они хохлами?


Left-liberal convergence.


>the Russian high Command right now.


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>I mean, if you can successfully predict and bait a pincer, you can slam into the their flanks, getting two encirclements of your own.
Ah but then the enemy can predict your counter-pincer, attack your pincer flanks and create 4 encirclements.


*Belarus joins the server



What's China's position?


No, at that point, it's just a mess and you're advancing along the entire front, hoping to salvage the situation.


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Thoughts and prayers for both sides


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ESL cope


nice cope ukranoid


Hohols have been saying they shot down those two airplanes for more than a day and yet there is still no fucking proof, it is the same retardation that would affect someone believing in the ghost of Kiev bullshit


They don't support a side but see NATO as the main aggressor and say that they understand Russia's security concerns.


Oh fuck will they invoke the entire CSTO into this shitshow? Because if Putin does then it will be the first faction hot war in the modern day.


Не пизди, знаем, ты не хохол


these are likely anti-war libertarian types a la Scott Horton (the guy who runs https://www.antiwar.com/ / https://scotthorton.org/)


Yeah it's hilarious to believe that the hohols (who film every single jeep they destroy as if it were raising the flag over the reichstag) just up and forgot to take pictures of the wreckage of two massive fuckoff airplanes


Say you have an infinite number of soldiers, each one simultaneously flanking a soldier on their left and right, and that soldier is flanking two more soldiers and the first soldier. Now, lets say a soldier is coming in from the rear, and joining the attack on the first flank,


your nation die deffending the interests of oligarchs


why would any marxist be pro-putin?


>Ukraine gets split into two like Cyprus
>West Ukraine becomes it's own entity with the capital in Lyvov
>It was a deal between Putler and Biden, gets its resources plundered by Burisma


sure i might be a fucking retard but its always pleasing to see other fucking retards who do not think like me get obliterated by smart people who do think like me


I can relate to that.


>Implying that it’s about Putin


>technodrome in the background


Eh, any analysis which doesn't include Euromaidan and Poroshenko's puppet government is wrong, even if it reaches the right conclusion.


Donetsk and Luhansk rightfully Ukranian clay. NATO is destabilizing, hope for a negotiated settlement.


The joys of being a communist


nato doesn't care about ukraine


Another joy of being a communist is that even if you cannot win an "internet debate" time will prove you right anyway.


>Its users have called him “Putin the Great,” “the best legacy of the former Soviet Union” and “the greatest strategist of this century.” They have chastised Russians who protested against the war, saying they had been brainwashed by the United States.
>As the world overwhelmingly condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Chinese internet, for the most part, is pro-Russia, pro-war and pro-Putin.
>Mr. Putin’s portrayal of Russia as a victim of the West’s political, ideological and military aggression has resonated deeply with many on social media. It dovetails with China’s narrative that the United States and its allies are afraid of China’s rise and the alternative world order it could create.
>A translation of Mr. Putin’s speech on Thursday by a nationalistic news site went viral, to say the least. The Weibo hashtag putin10000wordsspeechfulltext got 1.1 billion views within 24 hours.
“>This is an exemplary speech of war mobilization,” said one Weibo user, apjam.
“Why was I moved to tears by the speech?” wrote ASsicangyueliang. “Because this is also how they’ve been treating China.”
>The strong pro-war sentiment online has shocked many Chinese. Some WeChat users on my timeline warned that they would block any Putin supporters. Many people shared articles about China’s long, troubled history with its neighbor, including Russian annexation of Chinese territory and a border conflict with the Soviet Union in the late 1960s.
>One widely shared WeChat article was titled, “All those who cheer for war are idiots,” plus an expletive. “The grand narrative of nationalism and great-power chauvinism has squeezed out their last bit of humanity,” the author wrote.
I>t was eventually deleted by WeChat for violating regulations.
lol is the Chinese internet just /leftypol/? it even has the annoying guy who tires to force us to adhere to theory while we are having fun


He already said in that video that Ukrainian soldiers will be put into work brigades to rebuilt Donbass, kek


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Which is why they weren’t sending javelins there or issued a statement clearly declaring their intention not to take in Ukraine


Right, if you're gonna perform the pincer you need to have an extensive understanding of the terrain and what troops or columns are doing and where they are. A perfect execution of a pincer and encirclement is a beautiful thing to watch.


Anybody know what that actually is?


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>it's in the public interest to have nazi propaganda remain accessible


Divorced energy


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Mexican journo criticizes Ukraine for closing down pro-Russia networks, the embassy in Mexico responds by calling him a Russion agent and asking whether he was paid in rubles or tamales.

It seems the Ukrainian government is making all the dumbest decisions possible, and in the internet PR front, this means giving control to anime-avatar polyps.


they literally told them to fuck off everytime they tried to get in nato you retards are cheering on russian oligarchs sending people to their deaths


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It's hilarious seeing liberals getting confronted with Facts and Logic pull shit like "this isn't the time to be navel-gazing".
Dude, there's a major armed conflict going on, WHEN is the right time then?


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>I mean, if you can successfully predict and bait a pincer, you can slam into the their flanks, getting two encirclements of your own.
Sure but to out maneuver a pincer you'd need a great understanding of guerilla warfare and be able to bait and break the lines from a pincer to pursue the bait, while the larger columns are preparing their counter pincer, that kind of coordination is wild, due to the organic and changing circumstances on the ground.


tbh I want that tweet to remain up, it's as damning evidence of Ukraine's neonazi bullshit as it gets, even normies can see it


now lets not politicize a war between two countries please


>Many people shared articles about China’s long, troubled history with its neighbor
>a border conflict with the Soviet Union in the late 1960s.


But goading NATO into expanding is good for the global working class trust me bro


We rednecks here in the south support our texan socialist hero in donetsk and hope that he will achieve confederate novorossiyan socialism for us as an example to aspire to here in north america!


heard a big ass boom in Kiev - airstrike from Belarus?


well he's not wrong, NATO would gladly reduce Ukraine to an ungovernable no-man's-land like Afghanistan, and in fact, this seems to be precisely their current strategy


Chinese are way less emotionally invested in this war than Europe and the US are, so they just comment on it. Chinese liberals, however, are extremely invested in being pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia, because their intellectual identity is tethered to the West, so recently being pro-Ukraine has been associated with Chinese liberals who are generally not popular at all right now.


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Here’s my technique. Whenever they talk about alleged “atrocities” and inconveniences and shit, you hit them with the “so what?” Ask them why you should care. Puts the shoe on the other foot real quick, since they can’t possibly fathom anyone who has rejected the hegemonic liberal ideology that underlies their every argument. Then they have to convince YOU why you should be a liberal


only slightly worse than a war that will kill thousands


It's literally the gay Ukrop helmet with the curve


Hypothetically, if Putin went fuck it and nuked Kiev, would NATO have the balls to do anything about it? I highly doubt they would, any military action would just mean global thermonuclear war.



Technically and by definition, fighting imperialist powers to gain market competition in the energy market for a nationalized resource would be the anti-imperialist position. That's not supporting for Putin. It is support for the anti-imperialist position.

This is a great example of how virtue-signaling neglects the real-world impact of NATO's imperialism, especially its impact on people who are made into pawns of a proxy war to maintain a cut of Nordstream 1's profits and to shut off Nordstream 2, which bypasses the transit fees.

Imperialism would be invading another country on behalf of monopoly-oligopoly capitalism–seizing their resources, eliminating competition from the market. Nordstream2 is more competition in said market…and that's why NATO wants a proxy war.

I don't support Putin. He's a capitalist, but he nationalized Russian energy, slowing the neoliberal blood-letting of Russia during the 90s. It's the people of Russia, not oligarchs, who benefit from the sale of their energy. That's why NATO started a proxy war in Ukraine.


why in the fuck would he nuke kiev when his troops are in the suburbs retard


The people sharing this content are all boomer Chinese libs. To be fair, they probably do actually harbor bad feelings towards Russia from their youth, and aren't just hoping on the Western bandwagon, however this is not a common view today. Younger Chinese are more likely to remember having good or neutral relations with Russia and their youthful politics was colored by NATO bombing the Chinese embassy.


It really took 5 weeks to take Poland over? Scratch that, half of Poland? and they called it blitzkrieg? embarassing.png


Why the fuck would Putin nuke the country next to his


lmao russia has become the symbol of freedom to oppressed nations


When will odessa be liberated from the ukrfascists?

I miss the jewel of the black sea.


The only other person I've heard about this from are Russell Bentley and this thread, so probably schizo shit.


Well, yeah, but that anon was asking for a counter to pincer, not how viable that counter actually was. In reality, the sides would be too busy sitting in place, trying to gouge each other's eyes, before trying any big maneuvers. There's a reason why ever military that does a thrust or breakthrough always worries about its flanks.


Technically, the Ukrainians were trying to defect.


They have ukranian gear and one guy has a Tavor lol. They then proceeded to claim they were actually LE DIABOLICAL SABOTEUR


>Which is why they couped out Yanukovich and Victoria Nuland handpicked Poroshenko as his successor


>goading NATO into expanding
Well memed good sir


if theyve been captured why are they still fully armed and why is there a civilian posing


Based, end this shit quickly and decisively.


I hope not, Pepe Escobar has been trustworthy for a long time.


Schizo but probably real at this point who the fuck knows lmao


But Russia is at the imperialist stage already and the ressources they'll gain will be transferred to their national bourgeoisie


Pull them out first?
A single one won't hurt them, if the hundreds of tests during the cold war are anything to go by.


I do not believe literally anything about this war, I'm only eating popcorn as I watch things unfold (or not).




I dont get this obsession with NATO. Like from the standpoint of communists, what difference would its collapse of expansion make?


Mentions of bioweapons did appear in Russian media for years. Escobar has been a rather credible journalist. It's probably a mix of truth and falsehood.


This is also why I think the cope of "no other country will ever deal with Russia again" is bullshit because people in the global south are not that stupid. They know exactly what led to this and what is going on here.


Thoughts on The Saker?



Russia is defending its security. Their economic motivations are secondary to their existential motivations.


> Pundits who talk about propaganda love to bring up Chomsky, but they rarely bring up one of his most important points: that ordinary working class folks are usually much *less* indoctrinated than the sort of people who spend 24/7 watching cable news and gossiping about the media.


Ukraine is going to get themselves canceled on Twitter if they keep it up. Why are they even allowing these reactionaries post on their behalf. It's like theyre have some 4chan kid doing their PR.


>What difference will the diminishment of neoliberal hegemony make for communists


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We can only hope that odessa is liberated soon, especially as the crimean front advances west. We should keep a careful eye out for what transnistria does when odessa is liberated because russia stations troops in transnistria and they have outright stated that they wish to reunify with russia a la belarus, which means they have a non-zero probability of joining the war and possibly even gaining land from it.


twitter is right, it's in the public interest for them to be exposed


Yeah there was a map of US biolabs in Ukraine and some libs trying to DEBOONK it with incredibly weaselly semantics mongering


It’s 4d chess to turn public opinion against Ukraine and NATO for supporting it


Sounds fake as fuck, also this >>545627


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Where's the reddit batallion? They lied to me about going to ukraine?


Can someone give me an unbiased link that explains why Belarus is so closly aligned to Russia?


When they liberate odessa, i will cry tears of joy. Ukrfascists made my family flee the brewing antisemitism and russophobia in the city in the 2000's. Bandera-lovers will pay.


Just what Kautsky said in 1914. Class traitor language


The Russia-Ukraine War Did Not Take Place


Has it even been a day yet? Stop mainlining acceleration.


lol source?


Where the screencap at?


>Stop mainlining acceleration.


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>he isn't donating to ukraines patreon
Are you a russbot?


They're getting the infinity gems ready.


How would collapse of NATO diminish neoliberalism? Its not like its member states would just disarm and stop enforcing it on gunpoint.


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If this is a happneing then why do I still have to go to work tomorrow morning?


This war will not even last a month.
Sadly, they will not get there in time for us to get footage of then being minced up or surrendering while yelling memes in English about evil the Russians are




This but unironically.


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How did that collapse happen? You can't just gloss over huge details of material conditions like that, you fuck.


>Russia accidently discovers the lab where the US secretly manufactured COVID
Honestly I would fucking lose it


In 1971, The Soviet Union defended India from US Intimidation during the bangladesh liberation war. People remember these things


>he's still responding to dipshits asking stupid questions and not basking in the footage of explosions


>counter pincers your counter pincer
nothin personnel kid


Lukashenko realized that playing both sides like he was doing until last year would only end with him getting Gaddafi'd, so he decided that playing second fiddle to Putler was the better option.


Idk, thats my point, why do people obsess over NATO. Like Russia winning and Ukraine becoming either neutral independed state or a puppet is not exactly communistic good end.


Just read a history of post-SU Belarus and their international relations, it will be clear.


Ты ли еврей, товарищ?


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Embrace the HoI memes.


>Thinking that it’s either revolution or bust


Because it's a massive defensive pact, and you can't start shit with any one. Are you familiar with the expression "divide in conquer"?


Reading the psyops on Twitter are having the intended effect of driving me insane. They're all basically the same, ridiculing and mocking Russia for choosing a strategy that sought to minimize civilian causalities.


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Have you tried not reading Twitter? You mental health would improve.


There is nobody to do the conquering though. Workers have no country. Collapse of NATO right now would just increase likelihood of conflicts between the capitalist states rather than between classes.


Libs are thirsty for Ukrainian corpses to cry over.


It’s frustrating, but what you gonna do?

I do think that people will grow sick of if when Ukrainian media accounts reveal how much of savage chauvinistic pigs they are. Like the fuckers with the pig fat


Stop quoting it like scripture. Disunity and conflict in the ruling class provides the fracture through which proletarian discontent will pour through.


>Implying the implosion of capitalist unity won’t benefit the global proletariat




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If this meme becomes relevant, the site will probably be down and we'll be in REX-84 camps so here it is for future reference.


The historical context is completely different. Russia is not imperialist or a great power.


Twitter isn't half as bad as Reddit, though. Twitter is at least semi-curated since you choose who to follow and the posting is somewhat predictable. Reddit going by whole communities means the quality of your frontpage varies wildly and usually drops over time as subreddits grow


no one and he would call you a retard for supporting either side


Facebook=Conservative schizo cancer
Twitter=liberal cancer

Analysis: social media is all cancer


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based and checked
no war but class war


Sadly in this dystopian world news are mostly from twitter.


Belarus was kinda like the good brother of Russia while Ukraine has always been a little fag. In 1998 I think, Lukashenko negotiated a Union State with Russia, where they were closely tied together. Some theorize he intended to seize control of both countries through the Union State because of his relative popularity and the fact that they wanted to lynch Yeltsin, but Putin turned out to be Yeltsin's release valve. The two stayed somewhat antagonistic throughout the 21st Century, but remained with the Union State and the two countries still cooperated heavily.

A couple years ago, the CIA regime change dominos finally made its way to Lukashenko and though he resisted it and maintained his country. The EU in particular went retarded (like they are right now) and tried to destroy him with sanctions while promoting that bitch who looks like Human Shrek as the President. At this point, Lukashenko had no choice but to become further integrated with Russia, as we see now.


Like who cares. He was not jesus and had some bullshit political opinions


Where is all this shit for the wars in Yemen or Syria or Afghanistan


I have a feeling he would "critically" support NATO against "Russian chauvinism" or something like that.


>Collapse of NATO right now would just increase likelihood of conflicts between the capitalist states rather than between classes.
Yes, collapse of NATO would lead to fragmentation and infighting of the international capitalist class. Now, as someone from a country without our own national bourgeoisie, that sounds quite nice to be frank. It offer us an actual chance to take power.


What weirds me out the most is how repetitive it is. Even if you come up with a sourced, argued, evidenced, and direct counterclaim that should make them reevaluate what they say they just ignore it and just keep rolling with the same cliches as if nothing happened. I bet that there's a good chance that if Russia conducts an investigation and shows piles and piles of evidence that justifies a lot of their claims, liberals would act like it never happened or that they never condoned this in the first place.


unironically, those aren't white people so no westerners care


Slavs are not considered white anywhere except america


white does not exist outside the anglosphere


why are you homosexual?


What is getting me is that the analysis that Russia is withholding destruction and not following their doctrine to avoid casualties for political reasons is not mine, it's theirs.


Biden can end this war with a phone call.



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Of course they don't. But Ukraine is right in their backyard.

The fire was never going to be contained in Middle East. And now, it just got a little closer.

The fire spreads.

It is hungry.

It is coming.


Dvgin about the war


Isnt it more accurate to say that the reason is the aggressor being media and state apparatus designated "enemy"? You would see the same shit if North Korea attack South.


>supporting capitalist wars


They are seething because they expected Putin to carpet bomb Kiev with thermobaric weapons and all he has done is probe it with infantry


Just don't read what he wrote on the British Raj


russel also said that putin was going to lock her up

which means its definitely real


>muh homoglobo


It seems that the longer this war goes on, the worse the PR front gets for NATO and their fash puppets. The latter side has absolutely nothing but a very shallow and cynical "pray for Ukraine 🙏🇺🇦😔" narrative of a war of aggression which can only ever become weaker in the face of, besides the shameless racism in official Ukrainian social media profiles:
-the sheer incompetence of the regime (distributing rifles to the untrained populace while telling them there are Russians disguised as Ukrainian troops around);
- the ridiculously obvious lies (Zelenskyi himself falsely claimed Turkey forbade Russian vessels from crossing into the Black Sea) and propaganda (using fucking vidya footage to build up the "Ghost of Kyiv");
- the casual racism on display by various pundits in TV (not all of them Ukrainian);
- the inevitable leaking of the civil war before this invasion into the mainstream public;
- the numerous reports, with video, of non-whites getting blocked from evacuation vehicles and being barred by Ukrainian troops from leaving the country and probably a bunch more stuff I'm forgetting.

And the biggest blow might be yet to come, after the Azov nest in Mariupol falls. As the nauseating normie wankfest of Ukraine flags and false outrage wanes, Putin might actually gain the upper hand in the PR war, even with all of Western MSM media running interference.

As an aside, I wish I could wring the neck of all the gung-ho liberals who fucking dare bring up imperialism and self-determination of the peoples as if they invented these concepts right fucking now and as if Ukraine hasn't been a puppet State for 8 years thanks to a color revolution they applauded.



he caused this


>When Marx repudiated everything he said before after seeing what actually happened in India


Marx thought colonising India was a good move, people love to forget parts of Marx.
He'd probably support Russia in this conflict for similar reasons


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he could, he won't. it is not in his class interest.


yes it fucking does lmfao


Dumb as shit, but then again, he's being disingenuous.


Where's the repudiation?


civilization vs uncivilized hordes


This is what maupinites believe


The un important part of marx yes. Man had dogshit political opinions



I keep telling you, social media is genuinely a weapon. The ignorant become more ignorant, and those who know the truth become stressed. It's a win-win for them.





They admit something at least. If they're actual human beings with some capacity to compare, they can at least acknowledge that this is miles away from some of America's expeditions with Agent Orange or carpet bombing campaigns. If it hits, then they will have to acknowledge that maybe advocating for an uncritical opposition to this might not be appropriate. It's something that can be worked with.



Pretty sure he just said that it was a horrific but necessary step to bring India into the capitalist system, and iirc he later reversed that position. He definitely didn't run around saying that the British Empire was based and everybody who disagreed was a liberal Mughal shill.



>he caused this
No he didn't, he's just attaching him self to the happening for free publicity


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I'm having a fucking panic attack. Odds are, we'll be nuked tomorrow and everyone is just acting like nothing is happening. Or worse, seem to welcome it. I'm losing my fucking mind


we arent


>Odds are, we'll be nuked tomorrow


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Join us anon.


Calm down, negotiations happening today. Hopefully this thing will end soon.


>Odds are, we'll be nuked tomorrow
I fucking wish. Get a grip dude, no one is getting nuked. We're not that fortunate.


unless Russia unexplodes the big plane in the next 24 hours, I would like to say that I hope no stone is left unturned by other countries seeking ways to support Ukraine. the only vehicle in the Russian armed forces that could possibly stack up in losses-terms is their an-124s, and there's enough of those that we can lose a few. every other active vehicle, pile the wreckage high.

"civil war", civil war, started in 2001 nobody here was alive back then or remembers what the TV coverage was like.

nobody's nuking anyone over Europe's grainbasket.
the breadbasket, maybe. the big planebasket, may– sorry, i got distracted. anyway, it's not happening. if you live in a first world country the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. and your own government's incompetent economic and social policies.


Wait a second, I saw a Twitter post from Maupin that read out EXACTLY like this, Maupin is legit a Duginite.


>he could, he won't. it is not in his class interest.

which is why framing the defensive side in a proxy war started by the US as 'imperialist' makes no sense. if biden told his puppet to stand down it would be over. scholz or johnson or macron could also end it too. the war didn't start on tuesday and blaming putin ignores who controls the levers.


He went to meet him in Russia and read a statement to him lol. it's on youtube iirc


I thought the Ukrainians themselves blew it up?


>Fighting the globohomo is the same as fighting NATO.

I'm ok with this.


if the world has to end to defend the principle of nato's 'open door' policy, then it is a sacrifice we will just have to make anon.


(Ukraine and Russia together produce 1/3 of global 🧑‍🌾 Wheat)


Okay and Marx was for Polish independence in his time which was comparable to Ukraine at the time so…


What's globohomo


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you guys must be following the absolute bottom of the barrel on social media because the only retards i find are in the replies to good takes

what /pol/ doesnt like


>zoomers playin hoi4 and thinking they are brigadier generals
>meanwhile I'm playing combat mission black sea and feeling sad for all those poor motherfuckers getting turned to shredded beef inside those metal deathtraps.


на половину – в одессе в 1999-ом раздавали листовки "бей жидов", пришлось уезжать (((


global homosexual strategy


imagine getting shot and this is the last thing you see


Doesn't really read like he reversed the position to me tbqh fams, just that he accepts that it's a brutal process


isn't this just the /pol/ term for western neoliberal globalization with social liberal/degeneracy characteristics?


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DLC changed the game.


It's just a schizo version of globalism which is nothing but a liberal-nationalist name for what Marxists call international bourgeois finance or monopoly finance. Globohomo is retarded because it totally removes all material analysis and focuses only on idealist superstructure nonsense.


that would strike me as unlikely in present circumstances.
i will spare a long rambling post about the philosophy of action which would assign a degree of blame to Russia even if Ukranians fired the actual shells. But I will do the joke i would've ended it with: something like "as there were faults on both sides, both sides should be punished. Russia's punishment is to have all their vehicles trashed, Ukraine's punishment is to be invaded by Russia"


its a way to complain about capitalism without actually acknowledging it and focusing on le degeneracy instead


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Really makes one think.


Родакам моей девушки тоже получилось. Они—евреи, переехали в США в 1990-х, если память мне не изменяет, год до переезда моих родителей из Индии. Знаешь, сами деды и бабушки мои были беженцы, их выслали из Бангладеша в 1947-м, после партиции. Об этом не говорят на западе.


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Porkies profits will suffer after these sanctions not only fail to contain russian influence but also doing significant damage to the european economy as a result…I can't help but convince myself that once NATO realizes an economic war isn't viable it will switch to a violent one. One can see the benefits of escalating this war from porkys perspective.


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i like to pretend that it's about homeopathy


low how "both sides" fags get triggered by this post


Ukrainians have shot down at least one of their own jets


Porkie finance capital is still in a bubble with no real production to back it up. China still has tons of production to back up it's finance, eventually when that finance bubble pops America is totally fucked without any real productive forces.


>Ukrainians have shot down at least one of their own jets
the jet was saboteur nothing to see here move along


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The problem with imperialism is eventually you run out of people that are willing to die for you. After Ukraine fails, who are they going to send in next.


idk Finns I guess


It's over Putler


idk seems like western media can make an enemy out of anything and anyone.


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>pls help
Man, I thought Ukraine was winning the war.



>The Seething Magyar who said communism was worse than the fascist dictatorship


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>Odds are, we'll be nuked tomorrow
If only.

go smoke weed or something




>The next 24 hours are crucial for our pledge drive
>If we don't meet the pledge goal in the next 24 hours…
>we're toast


This retard is obnoxious


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Meanwhile at NATO HQ,


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"The Indians will not reap the fruits of the new elements of society scattered among
them by the British bourgeoisie, till in Great Britain itself the now ruling classes shall have
been supplanted by the industrial proletariat, or till the Hindoos themselves shall have
grown strong enough to throw off the English yoke altogether"
Perhaps I am misreading it but it doesn't seem to me like he's bigging up the colonialism in India but that he is stating that colonialism has built up industry in India, industrialization being a good thing to a certain extent (in my eyes, atleast), but that the people of India will not be able to experience the fruits and benefits of this new industrialization until their colonial masters are overthrown or pushed out.

It is a matter of the national bourgeois of two countries fighting one another over profit (however it may manifest or diguise itself as otherwise), it stands completely adjacent to any form of anti-imperialism although I am inclined to agree with you that this war does not represent a war of imperial conquest. However, I disagree that one should not blame Putin. He, amongst all the other world leaders representing their respective national bourgeois, deserves blame and red terror. So does Biden, so does Zelensky, so does even the most milquetoast statesman that works in the interest of capitalism. There is no compromise, no good 'bourgeois figurehead', they are all our class enemies and as Communists we should have atleast the integrity to not have to align and coddle ourselves to any representative of the bourgeois in pinning hopes they will liberate us or that they will perform a great resistance towards global capitalism, regardless of if it goes against their class interest. It reeks of opportunistic socdem nonsense, like thinking AOC or Bernie or Corbyn would've set the trend towards a world socialist republic.


Never has a channel went from seemingly based to liberal trash so fast.


Posadas, send in the dolphins!


he wasnt based he was basic as fuck
¨trains are better than cars¨ is only a remarkable thing to say in burgervilles


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Hell, I'll donate a few bucks if Zelensky does a live gaming stream
Even more if he does it in programmer socks



gotta be a decent game tho, no pleb shit, and definitely no console peasantry


>If you don't carpet bomb russia we'll lose!


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meanwhile at the Onion Dome


Who agrees with Maupin?


Dugin and Haz


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will read, cheers. as i said, i may have misinterpreted it.

please spoonfeed me a torrent link, I can't be paying 60 USD for niche strategy game.


You didn’t misinterpret, Marx changed his opinion after observing what was going on in India.


I'm not sure I understand the significance of a big plane.


Where are people getting the info that Ukraine is winning? Can someone tell me in a NOT pro-Russian way. I just want facts cuz there's a lot of bullshit out there. First question, what facts are there that say Ukraine is winning, two what is the current state of the conflict? And the current mission of both sides? At this point it's impossible to judge who is "winning" because it's too early.


It would be better if Ukraine was winning, wouldn't it?



>Perhaps I am misreading it but it doesn't seem to me like he's bigging up the colonialism in India but that he is stating that colonialism has built up industry in India, industrialization being a good thing to a certain extent (in my eyes, atleast), but that the people of India will not be able to experience the fruits and benefits of this new industrialization until their colonial masters are overthrown or pushed out.
Yeah you're reading it correctly from what I remember (not read it in years lol)
Not sure why everyone thinks this document is a refutation of the first. They're tangentially related by being about India and it's that it. The second is mostly just talking about violence throughout history, whereas the first is talking about colonialism as a historic process of capitalism. If anything you could say the second is building on the first and further justifies the position.


the russian mission is to gain territory, especially urban centers and power stations/military facilities. Also the goal is to eliminate enemy combatants or push them to defect.
The donetsk and luhansk mission is to capture all of donetsk and luhansk and help russia in their capture of ukraine.
The ukrainian mission is to not allow that.


Indeed. I wouldn't be surprised if Adam Something's core audience primarily consists of suburban Americans. After all, the main focus of his channel is criticizing American-style urban development (i.e. Urban sprawl, lack of public transport, over-reliance on cars). Not the most radical thing to say in Europe. Why a Hungarian that criticizes American influence so much remains a huge fan of NATO is unknown to me.


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Dear friends, I was naive. For all of my journalistic career, war seemed to be a thing that happened to the uncivilized, to the people I got paid handsomely to dehumanize. Now, war is happening to people who look like me, dress like me, are casually racist like me. God help us.


what is $kid_r0w?


>I'm not sure I understand the significance of a big plane.
I don't think you understand how big this plane was.


Frankly I don't get why everyone is so shocked. The place this war is happening looks exactly like the battlefield in Warzone, in PUBG and Tarkov. I've been virtually seeing virtual war virtually happen here all my virtual life.


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it's because russia didn't btfo everything in the span of a netflix binge, and because western libs are all virtue signalling on twitter, so ukraine is winning.
Meanwhile, in reality, russia is trying to not make it a bloodbath and hasn't even taken the gloves off yet


all american patsocs and isolationists



>national bourgeois

One is the monopoly industrial finance bourgeoisie and one is the national bourgeoisie. There are contexts where that call for critical support of a national bourgeoisie against an imperialist one. I think multipolarity is important for communism because if the monopoly bourgeoisie get complete world dominance they can install permanent fascism.


No I just want to know where Adam Something and Voosh gets the idea that Ukraine is winning?


The TV.


U.S. special forces may have entered from Poland in civilian clothing.


Someone posted earlier that Warzone is actually based on Donetsk


>the russian mission is to gain territory
why would they ? Russia has more than enough territory



webm is so fucking funny


Yall zoomies need to play Arma 2. It's literally this war except all the faggy future shit like drones and civilians standing around taking phone videos.


i don't know much about him, is his anti-capitalism rooted in the barely revised NWO population control conspiracies he espouses here?


A part of me expects this to be as embarrassing as the Bay of Piglets, where American mercs fuck things up and add more chaos


Does anyone know who Putin will install as a pro-Russia government leader once he's taken over Kiev? Any likely candidates we can predict?


virgin western war map:
>slow, muted colors, only a few labels
Chad Chinese War Map:
<Fast, Bright Colors, Labels Everywhere, Big Globe


Do you think the ruble dropping 25-50% in value as it's going today will make Russians dislike Putin more or create hate against west?

Or both?

Or will they like putin cause of this somehow


sunrise in kiev


>the problem of capitalist overproduction
<they want to lower our consumption
Caleb Maupin doesn't understand what he's talking about.


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Mariupol rn


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Why does this map show transnistria in pink? Do the chinese expect transnistria to start fighting soon too?


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praying for their humiliating deaths


God I wish that were me getting bearhugged


The Chinese war map already looks instinctively trustworthy on the virtue it's neither Western nor Russian lmao.


Yhis. Tonight I've been hearing a lot of sonic booms over the Los Angeles/SoCal area so something is def going on.


Maybe they're just trying to point out its existence, somewhat like "also something can happen" here style analysis.


I feel a little unqualified to talk about it further, I know shamefully little about the history of India. No investigation, no right to speak. I welcome more reading material and education, though.

checked & perhaps you are right. you are 100% right on the difference between national bourgeois and monopoly finance, I should have picked my words better. My mistake. Although I can't bring myself around to believing that Russia hasn't entered the stage of imperialism. It is indeed weaker than the empire constructed by America but I wouldn't say that detracts from its own nature of imperialism. Regarding multipolarity though, I am most definitely not educated enough to talk about that, that is a newer concept to me. I'll investigate before I speak.


It's ok CNN everything will end soon in a blast of nuclear fire.
And I hope the HQ's of Facebook and Twitter become targets.


ty for the directions comrade


Now it is.

He's a LaRouchie at this point.


>I think multipolarity is important for communism because if the monopoly bourgeoisie get complete world dominance they can install permanent fascism.
In many ways neoliberal globalization is itself this "permanent fascism" as you call it and it's been devastating for the working classes of the world because how can they unite against an international enemy that has hands in every corner of the globe and can use distrust between people's to fuel reactionary sentiments. Multipolarity can remedy this fracture of the working class to become more focused on their own countrys ruling class.


Arma 2's engine is too outdated and un-optimized. Arma 3 with Arma 2 assets ('CUP' modpack) is the best way to experience that era of gameplay.




>Yhis. Tonight I've been hearing a lot of sonic booms over the Los Angeles/SoCal area so something is def going on
There was a NASCAR race today. They were circling to do a flyover for it.


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left without comment


wtf?! putin attacked mexico too?


We should have an ARMA 3 leftypol group.


Agreed. What leftypol needs more of is gamer booklets.


Nah, we need more holier-than-thou types if you ask me.


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Yosef Stalin here. I just want to say I love you all. Glory to the revolution, glory to communism, glory to the working classes of the world.


i'm down like a motherfucker


Man it makes me so happy that Indians and Chinese people, who make up the most populous countries on this planet aren't buying this pro-Western narrative and are calling NATO imperialism and Ukrainian chauvinism/far-right nationalism on their respective spaces.


What YOU NEED is to touch grass and stay humble.


Caption in Spanish says: "The government of Kiev reported around two-hundred deceased in three days of war, while in this country narco-violence caused similar figures."


File: 1646022858276.mp4 (2.5 MB, 854x480, tankii.mp4)

can i post images on tor again


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>tfw the reddit batallion is real


>i don't know much about him, is his anti-capitalism rooted in the barely revised NWO population control conspiracies he espouses here?
There are tons of billionaires giving speeches about the world having a problem with overpopulation. It's really chilling stuff watching these fucks talk about people like an infestation. It's never really clear to me if they mean that literally or if that's just code for dehumanizing the masses as a problem. But if you take them by their word they do want the global population to go down, so this is not a conspiracy theory.





Probably wouldn't make it into Boston Globe if it did include that


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<the times of israel, citing the daily mail, citing the ukrainian president, so it's totally legit
This is the actual source they gave


Link to his insta for anyone too lazy to type.


More pics of U.S. special forces and mercenaries in Ukraine. They supposedly entered from Poland dressed in civilian clothes.


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hope they die in an artillery strike


>Page not found


Liberals are irredeemable


Imagine if the Ukrainian civilians thought they were saboteurs


add an L to the end of the link


uhm, based?


Let's wish them a happy grad on their heads


File: 1646023439612.png (1.07 MB, 1232x730, ClipboardImage.png)

Weird satanic imagery.

>I'm getting comet Ping Pong vibes.

Anybody know what this canoe thing means?


May they get Chechen'd swiftly



WTF is with those flags?


Whom did (principled) Social democrats supported in the WWI?


the libs are going full horseshoe theory on protecting NATO


File: 1646023596550.mp4 (1.28 MB, 640x360, Melitopol.mp4)



>meanwhile I'm playing combat mission black sea


soviet flag next to ukrainian flag? that's cursed


can also link posts on other boards like this


Damn. You all weren't supposed to be right when you said liberals would be the new nazis.



anyone but russia
>I ask you, what has changed? Has the danger from the Russia side been lessoned? No. Rather, the delusion of the ruling classes of Europe has reached its pinnacle. Above all, nothing has changed in Russia's policy, as her official historian Karamsin admits. Her methods, her tactics, her maneuvers may change, but the pole star – world domination – is immutable. Only a crafty government, ruling over a mass of barbarians, could devise such a plan nowadays.
>Thus Europe faces only one alternative: Either Asian barbarism, under the leadership of the Muscovites, will come down on Europe like an avalanche, or Europe must restore Poland and thereby protect itself against Asia with a wall of 20 million heroes, to win time for the consummation of its social transformation.


It's a mobile TRASH BURNER, lol. They've cut out a small trash bag getting rolled into the fire in their propaganda pics


Lukashenko is based. He was the only deputy to vote against the dissolution of the Soviet Union


File: 1646023969936.png (991.51 KB, 850x595, 1646023730082.png)

putin is doing a irl hoi4 encirclement


What happens in the ukrainian cities under russian "occupation" has anyone tried to see what's going on there for the civilians?


they have surrounded the cities, but not entered them


is every war this fucking stupid?


I swear, Maupin talks out of his ass 95% of the time.

Did you watch the stream last night where Nathan Rich scolded him on Chinese history?


Every video I've seen they seem to just ignore each other.


This morph makes me appreciate how round Putins head.
It’s very orb shaped


i think they have berdyansk and melitopol




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literally yes


Civvies in Kharkov bitch at Nazis hiding near their homes. Some give info to Russian troops to blow up Ukrop vehicles and positions.

Civvies have extremely low morale. Ukrop forces try to retreat at the first opportunity, the only units that fight are Azov Battalion-like groups, and there's like dozens of people in them, and they instead of fighting hunt single trucks for propaganda purposes and wins in Twitter.


ahahha, no, link plz


File: 1646024405119.gif (715.74 KB, 512x512, 1623462323719.gif)



is this the current map?


This is just like Gorbino's Quest



Te quiero Latinoamérica


Why are these kind of people always nazi/satanist/pedophile weirdos?


because normal people don't like to kill


Omg they gonna nuke us i won't be able to… to… work.
Because that's all there is. I'd rather enjoy some fireworks at this point. I'll always be able to drink myself to death just in case


Even "we" can be pretty stupid. During the Paris commune people were also heavily paranoiac and I think a lot of innocents died. Of course the commune was way worse and bloodier, just imagine if Kiev was fighting the Russians and their nato backed government.


File: 1646024747872.mp4 (2.15 MB, 368x640, K1jYjW9v5Ri54tdP.mp4)

Apparently now they're going to town on Indians


and his officials only have concern for the individuals with white skin and blue eyes. Visuals of #Ukrainian Army beating Indian girls with iron rods are horrifying. You have lost all the sympathies #Ukraine
#indianstudentsinukraine #ShameonUkraine #UkraineRussiaWar


File: 1646024790632.png (404.34 KB, 480x538, FMoIsnIXwAYy0Zw.png)

US Marines have a practice called "canoeing". It involves deforming a corpse by blowing open the skull with gunfire until it looks like a canoe smashed into the victims head. Probably unrelated but maybe


File: 1646024828011.png (878.95 KB, 1200x1200, f66.png)

Clown just vented plasma in engineering oh fugg :DD


like this? >>799826


More or less


>US Marines have a practice called "canoeing". It involves deforming a corpse by blowing open the skull with gunfire until it looks like a canoe smashed into the victims head. Probably unrelated but maybe
Now that you mention it I remember that. I think I just got confused because it was on that pic of an APC.


It would be really reckless to go on twitter to post these pictures and symbols while saying those people are Russian saboteurs


Left hand path satanists?


According to Ukrops it is just like this game


File: 1646025132836.png (172.31 KB, 348x486, ClipboardImage.png)

>Probably unrelated but maybe
Oh and that's exactly right. The other symbol on the canoe flag is a cracked skull.


File: 1646025217253.png (55.46 KB, 540x389, 684590684806456.png)

( ⊙⊙)




The plot thickens.


It doesn't have that exact picture but here's one of their guys accounts:
He's posting he's already in Ukraine.



Azov and these guys, I am looking forward to them being away from civilians and the thermobaric rockets simultaneously sucking all oxygen out of their lungs and the air pressure crushing their rib cage.


Don't fuck the get leftybros



Indians are the only reporting in the ground that actually shows the true face of the nazis.




Probably to keep Wagner Group busy.


Yeah this was posted about from a different angle before, many threads back before the war. PSPU are like weird Nazbol types that were instrumental in forming the DNR and LNR


Inshallah they will become worm food in the next days.


Fuck it, one struggle


File: 1646025799879.png (854.24 KB, 960x1197, putninhohol.png)

history lesson


Apparently their old Insta got deleted, but their youtube is still up. These Mercs also were in syria as well it seems.



Why does Lenin's face fit so well here


>These Mercs also were in syria as well it seems.
Oh good, no reason to worry then, they are shit


Let me make this perfectly clear. Putin is Sauron. The Ukrainian people and all those who stand up for democracy around the world and here in America are Lenin, Harry Potter, and the Rebel alliance. Pick your side.


There is a website in their about


>tfw everybody's having fun and games but half the people on this board will get so irony poisoned that they start writing essays on why nuking Ukraine is a good idea thus completing their journey on the Hyper-Online ML to Red-Brown pipeline


This is a litmus for those on the left. Obviously people like Agent Kochinski and Adam Something are outright social fascists who uncritically Stan for NATO. For "DemSocs" like Hasanabi on the other hand who's been adamant about disavowing NATO? Well we'll see. Some people on the left would immediately overturn their anti-NATO opinions if other right wingers like Carlson were for it if only because of team brain.


i have noticed some of BLM twitter is noticing how urkraine and poland are treating poc refugees like shit and welcoming whites.


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Yeah I saw that. No info. Just an e-store that sells 1 item.


>yes we do very sophisticated dialectical analyses, us MLs
<just replicating the same hurr-durr-just-like-potter dumbass logic libs operate under by lumping everybody into a perfect straw-soyposter who occupies the same space in your head as chinlets occupy in the liberal brain





Found this too (original link has videos)
>Judging from what I’ve seen, my guess is there a Media-Based Private Military Company composed of former SOF who do marketing, and possible security services.
>My proof?
>Well, to start, FOG works closely with the GBRS Group, a Company composed of former NSWC Operators who seek to train others, such as Law Enforcement. When they do, it’s mainly filming them or creating promotional material.
>A Trailer for a supposed upcoming show, which is a documentary-based show of the GBRS Group, which is being filmed by FOG.
>Another interaction between the two entities is when they filmed themselves performing Civilian Parachute Jumping
>They also seem to do promotional materials. For example, Ferro Concepts, which produces and sells/distributes military gear often has LOG Collaborations, from acting to filming.
>Note the gear of said actor in video^^
>Also, others have claimed those who run FOG are composed of 75th Ranger Regiment Personnel and Mercenaries, though I am yet to verify all of this.
>They also seem to do charity as you can note from the description of one of Ferro Concept’s videos.
>So summed up, from what I’ve seen, FOG is composed of former SOF with Military tastes who collaborate with other Veterans and Military Companies to produce promotional material, videos, and to have a generally good time.
>(Ps, some entities I’ve mentioned here have Linkedins so view that for further business information.
>I forgot to mention, there is some combat footage from the Forward Observations Group which verifies SOF claims, and it does support that they may perform combative operations like a typical PMC of sorts. I’ve also found their charity video, I’ll link all of it right here


Do u understand humor


Can anyone tell me the chances of how long it'll take Russian forces to take Kiev?


some supposed non-western expert said 2-7 days


Five minutes


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whats cockshott's take on Russia??


File: 1646026423868.jpg (56.03 KB, 864x671, ahhh.jpg)

You think this fiction ?




>unironic mercenaries and PMCs are starting to get involved
Great, now the world really is becoming Metal Gear.


this shit really do be exposing the contradictions of liberalism huh


>suspended account
Free world moment


File: 1646026661784.jpg (109.4 KB, 1280x877, 3476845_original.jpg)

Map of whether railways are functioning and if there are arrivals there. As we can see, Russia covered a lot of ground in 4 days


Took the US army 17 days to reach Baghdad in 2003. At this rate the Russians are going to take Kiev by the end of this week if there's no major turn of the tide.


pathetic shill, i agree with him and it's still obvious he's talking out of his ass for a paycheck


Big brain
lmao x2


There's info that Nazis hide in bunkers alongside civilians and threaten them with punishment if they are ratted out.

Fuck, there needs to be a huge ass cleansing of Nazi infestation.


I support the free market (unabated access to Nazi satanist paramilitaries)


File: 1646026797887-0.jpg (125.1 KB, 684x933, 1556477713811.jpg)

>Putin is Sauron.


A million




>i have noticed some of BLM twitter is noticing how urkraine and poland are treating poc refugees like shit and welcoming whites.
My commie group had a meeting and (non-white) members in it from Global South countries (which incidentally have friendly relations with Russia) were much more hardline in defense of Russia with no patience for talk about Russia being an "imperialist" country. One also pointed out the treatment of refugees at the Polish border specifically. But one also made the point that communists in western countries can't really take a "pro-Russian" position, like that doesn't work "for us" (in the West), while a straightforward anti-NATO position would be correct.

They also seemed to give much less of a shit about Putin specifically. Like the Western discourse is whether Putin is "good" or "bad" in a moral sense (you also see Maupin and Haz types say that Putin is "good"). But the sense I got from these comrades is that, for them, Putin is just the head of the Russian government.


this is quite literally the smartest non-insurgent war in history. think on that fact


File: 1646026973034.mp4 (1.26 MB, 626x480, redditorsaboteur.mp4)

does anyone have the text about how Sauron is actually good because he wants to industrialize the middle earth and get rid of feudalism?
Also here's another saboteur themed OC


Pretty sure it's an old Russian fanfic


File: 1646027082437.jpg (47.01 KB, 565x800, the-saboteur-pc-game.jpg)

Amazing OC.


>But one also made the point that communists in western countries can't really take a "pro-Russian" position, like that doesn't work "for us" (in the West), while a straightforward anti-NATO position would be correct.
For all intents and purposes a pro-Russian position and a revolutionary defeatist position are identical for a Westerner.


Liberalism is a large umbrella for westerners letting their primate side free.


decent quality bait


Can the same be said about Morgoth tho?


It's interesting reading about Operation Barbarossa in 1941 because the reality is that the Soviets fought a lot harder and caused much more damage to the invading German army than became popularly believed. One reason why that history wasn't really told is that the German officers who wrote their memoirs didn't talk about their losses, and the Soviet histories didn't talk about it because they were losing until the turnaround outside of Moscow. But there were massive Soviet counter-attacks, the largest tank battle in history (not Kursk btw), and so on. But it was also a shitshow with Soviet columns driving forward while the Germans would be in a completely different locations, and then columns would just run out of fuel and the troops would abandon their vehicles and flee into the countryside – but that's also one reason why there were so many partisans in Belarus later on.


No! Muh Silmarils!
*makes oaths and slays kin*


>For all intents and purposes a pro-Russian position and a revolutionary defeatist position are identical for a Westerner.
No because in the western public sphere this conflict is not viewed as a struggle between geopolitical powerhouses (yet) but more like an unjustified attack by a rogue state. The anti NATO position is clearer because it directly puts the geopolitical reality in the discourse.


So once Putin takes Kiev, is it annexation or just a regime change? Would there be any fundamental difference?


Belarus is ready to host negotiations. Waiting for the delegations to arrive.


As sanctions pile up, the annexation result becomes more likely


some dumbass podcaster joked about soldiers popping xans and crushing skulls while listening to Tame Impala and it's actually real


>The anti NATO position is clearer because it directly puts the geopolitical reality in the discourse.
Revolutionary defeatism in the West is an anti-NATO position. Ultimately the only real difference between the two rhetorically speaking would be that one prefaces their denunciation of NATO by saying that they don't support the invasion, and the other makes an ass of themselves trying to justify it.


GET and this is the fall of the American Empire

>America, why are you posting propaganda at 4 AM?

<I've lost control of my foreign politics.


I wonder what the GET will be

I hope it's poggers


get and u gay




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>columns would just run out of fuel and the troops would abandon their vehicles and flee into the countryside


Absolute wastes


Guess he's gay.






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wasted smh


File: 1646027642824.jpg (97.75 KB, 680x677, 1645734387543.jpg)

Holy shit


Annexation would mean that Ukraine officially becomes a member of the Russian Federation. Regime change would mean a complete restructuring of the government and a new political system/ party put in charge. It's likely however that said regime change would be sympathetic to that of Russia- and could possibly act as a Russian puppet state.

Given the sanctions that Russia has been placed under, the assets from oligarchs that have been frozen, and the fact that Putin has launched an aggressive act which has only emboldened other countries to join NATO, I wouldn't be surprised if he's going to annex it.


annexation would be the big no-no under the "post ww2 order", but the way things are going the west seems determined to completely exclude russia from that order, and russia seems to have accepted that and dgaf.
if russia still clings to some hope of having a place in the western order after this dies down, then some form of regime change that settles the nato and donbas/crimea issues is the way they'll go.


I liked your attempt


Regime Sneed


I over-compensated for the expectation of the tourists to want shiny numbers


>Regime change would mean a complete restructuring of the government and a new political system/ party put in charge.
Tbh I don't understand why Putin didn't try to do a counter-Maidan and restore a pro-Russian government that way. Colour revolutions seem pretty effective, I don't get why America's rivals haven't adopted such tactics.


owned idiot


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> I wouldn't be surprised if he's going to annex it.
Yeah what is NATO gonna do? More sanctions? They already will finance an insurgency and try to fuck up Russia, they have no cards up their sleeves left besides military confrontation at this point.


There was a counter-Maidan, it's where the DNR and LNR came from.




This. It's not like they've tried to support revolutions before in the USSR, so politically there's some experience. It's what I would have tried to do in his place. Maybe it is really one of those things where ideology has a factor.

>Annexation would mean that Ukraine officially becomes a member of the Russian Federation. Regime change would mean a complete restructuring of the government and a new political system/ party put in charge. It's likely however that said regime change would be sympathetic to that of Russia- and could possibly act as a Russian puppet state.
So what's the different? A puppet state takes more administrative capacity to control and manage compared to just simply making Ukraine a federal subject?


Glowing are getting better at getting gets


>Colour revolutions seem pretty effective
Those take decades to bring to fruition and only work with the right context, if there is already an organic movement etc. Russia also doesn't have the same capabilities of the US in terms of psyops


Does it matter? They want to neuter the country


Annexation would instantly mean better pay and social security for the poorest Ukrainians though


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More from Satan Mercs:


File: 1646028266799.png (932.72 KB, 850x694, ClipboardImage.png)

>Antonov An-225 'Mriya', the biggest aircraft so far, has been today destroyed in it's hangar at Hostomel airport. Only one An-225 was produced.
rip big boi


File: 1646028296206.jpg (104.07 KB, 960x684, antichrist.jpg)

Boy, the forces of cringe are really aligned against Russia, aren't they?


sad to see a marvel of soviet engineering go in flame


Ukrainians blew it up, hilariously enough. They bombed the Hostomel airfield in retaliation, and Mriya went up in flames.

I guess Mriya was a saboteur, eh?


even more sad to see it with hohol colors


A separatist insurgency is pretty different from a what Maidan did.


That's actually sad, RIP.


File: 1646028558278.jpg (101 KB, 808x848, 25ghvkeheuj81.jpg)

>Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine was “a place where miracles come true.”
USSR 2 confirmed


File: 1646028586540.jpg (81.28 KB, 800x726, 1608525528397.jpg)


Last time I checked, The Russian Federation doesn't have an international intellgience agency the equivalent of the CIA, and nor is it part of a NATO or other shared intelligence agencies. Keep in mind, the US and her allies have massive connections and allegiences to other western superpowers who are complacent in the USA's fuckery. Does Russia have such connections/ allegiences?

Hey, I have no doubt that NATO will still go after them, but Russia is utilizing agressive tactics and an invasion WHILE UNDER SANCTION. If Russia's going to survive, it will have to find resources to extract. Annexing Ukraine or having a Russia friendly government in place will likely help them.

I'm not trying to be pro-NATO or Pro-Russia for that matter, I'm just giving my outsider looking in analysis on the matter and predicting what MAY HAPPEN. Lord knows, I could be wrong, and I won't be flabberghasted if I am.

That is a good point, but a puppet state in comparisson to being a federal subject, has significantly more autonomy both economically and politically. It doesn't have to supply federal taxes to the federation its part of, nor is it entirely beholden to Russian federal law, and it too will not subject to the embargoes placed on Russia. The only thing this puppet government is likely to do is not act in any way that will be detrimental to Russia- say… signing up with NATO.


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Nazis hide near a kindergarten in Mariupol


Someone recorded its last takeoff a while back

Goodnight sweet prince


hopefully the citizens do the same as in Kharkov


they fucked up the lawn of the playground


So edgy. Even if they and UA succeed, it will just force Russia to use more destructive techniques. That's also why giving AKs to everyone is so cringe. You become either a target or a 'saboteur' killer. But the whole West eggs them on like heroes.


I really feel bad for the people there. Those nazis are going to do some pretty bad shit as things get more desperate



why does everywhere slavs live look so fucking bleak


Because everything was privatized and left to rot after the end of socialism.


crimea is a huge fucking money pit, ukraine would be magnitudes worse. Annexing would probably also piss off china. I could see a world where if the west still plays hardball, a good chunk of ukraine would go to the two new republics.


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but has the sun ever shone in Ukraine? i get more sun in my northern city


muddy impoverished region in the ugliest season, very early spring


True, this is also possible.




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most people here saying putin is doing a good hoi4 encirclement

meanwhile vickky 2 player here and im thinking putin is fucking over his economy and thus is noob


File: 1646029388987.png (578.57 KB, 3000x2210, ukraine map.png)

We already know what ukraine will look like when russia wins.


mariupol, kharkiv, then kiev



Just remembered that game exists. Mediocre ahistorical TPS, right up until the very last mission, which is actually heavy.



>the whole West eggs them on like heroes
well, this is really what the west has been doing the whole time, using Ukraine as cannon fodder in a proxy war with Russia.


>Video from correspondent
showing how the Donetsk MLRS "Grad" is inflicting a massive blow to the locations of nationalist units, in particular the Neo-Nazi "Aidar" battalion near the southern Donbass front, where a group of troops of the NM DPR is advancing on Mariupol


>Gorbino's Quest

I see you're a man of Cruelty Squad as well.


Very insightful.


bitch what was this thread called before? reebot saga over?



Guess that anon is gay now… I will get the dildo…


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hitting an unknown fighter jet flying over your head with a surface to air missile is one thing, shelling your own big jet, at your own airport, would be quite another.


it was the biggest big plane (by weight anyway, i think there were planes with longer wings)



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