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 No.549373[Last 50 Posts]

Friendly reminder there are other world conflicts going on, too: https://emmeline.carto.com/viz/b69015da-136a-11e5-a64a-0e43f3deba5a/public_map

For previous threads, check >>>/leftypol_archive/


>N.B. liveuamap.com is not to be trusted, they mostly parrot Ministry of Defence, these others may not be better, check their reporting first






$1 million bounty on Putin offered by Russian businessman

Kherson falls to Russian forces, first major Ukrainian city conquered (LIVE UPDATES)

Kyiv reports ‘powerful explosion near train station’ as UN votes to condemn Putin (LIVE UPDATES)

Lavrov says Russia wants list of weapons that can never be deployed in Ukraine

Four Russian Fighter Jets Violate Swedish Airspace: Military

U.S. cancels ballistic missile test to avoid escalating Russia tensions

Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich says he will sell Chelsea soccer club amid Ukraine war

Egypt urges quick political solution to Russia-Ukraine crisis, rejects unilateral economic sanctions


Žižek: What Does Defending Europe Mean?

Kiev junta facing defeat as Russia roots out fascist militias from Ukraine

Ignored Warnings: How NATO Expansion Led to the Current Ukraine Tragedy


China joins Russia in opposing Nato expansion

Ukrainian army keeps shelling Donbass cities, civilians killed — Russia’s top brass


NEWS / EVENTS: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash

HANGOUT / CHILL: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast






















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>If they do this, it's not piracy anymore but privateering.


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> (Reuters) - JPMorgan said on Thursday it expected Russia's economy to contract 35% in the second quarter and 7% in 2022 with the economy suffering an economic output decline comparable to the 1998 crisis.


As far as I know they hold off during negotiations, but are still building up forces outside of Kiev.


You mean I personally killed all those Ukros for nothing bro…


(supposed) livestream of a nuclear power plant on fire


is that lenin


One of the first things that Putin did that is noted of relevance was arresting a group of men for trying to raise ROA flags and hold a rally in Leningrad in the 80s


This is the same video over and over. Just look at the license plates of the tractor. I wonder if Ukrops just have them film this shit over and over.


So chad that he tricks his own conscripts into fighting in Ukraine while they thought they were just there for military exercises and possibly causes irreparable damage to the Russian economy making life harder for millions of Russians. Real big brain moves there, Vlad.


Follow up video please for all the humble potato farmers. Man up already


Roger that enroute


Prove that POWs are really POWs and not actors.


So what does his show ? I see flares blinding the camera , and it's switching between monochrome and color video


> My full interview with Gonzalo Lira, an eyewitness to the war in Ukraine, is now available.

>Please don't share the link on Twitter - this is only for my followers on Telegram.

>Mr. Lira shares his experience witnessing automatic gunfire in Kiev, seeing a Russian airstrike outside his window, and being targeted by Ukrainian nationalists furious about his outspoken views.

>Seconds after the recording ended, while I was still on the Skype call with him, another massive Russian airstrike occurred outside his window.

>After I posted clips from this interview on Twitter, he contacted me and said he was on the run after men in military clothing came to his apartment looking for him.



from what I can tell, Zaporizka power station being taken by russian forces, can't tell from the tanks though. could also be looping.


Anyone who can't recognize that Russia has some legitimate security concerns vis a vis ukraine (even macron and stoltenberg can see and admit to this) is not being serious or is simply an anti russian propagandist. These people surely have some ties to what was the american embassy.


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I wonder if ukrop shills will keep shilling when Kiev falls hmmm.


<Still no source provided


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They've been circling the eastern part of this mountain all day. What gives?




cryptid outbreak


>the entire Russian economy
Honestly, they'll rebuild. I don't see Russia being down for the count forever from this, and along with all the other countries under U.S. sanctions it'll help develop the global economy away from American control.


Russian mod says that there is no conscripts at the theater


I mean if a consequence of all of this is that communists regain power in Russia, that would be so fuggen based, especially if Azov gets crushed first.



>own conscripts
Hasn't this been debunked already? Russia's not using conscripts because they're mostly sent for border guard duty, but also because why the fuck would you send clueless conscripts for such a important operation in the Ukraine?



This thing is a beast. What it does is shoot out huge cables of detenation cord that lays out on the ground for a long distance out of that huge cannon on the back.

It blows the cable and creates a safe passage forward. Its pretty slick. Never actually seen one in the field before. Looks brand new.


Supposed POWs have:
Passports, even though Russia doesn't allow them;
Always the same talking points, identical to Khokhol propaganda leaks;
Unnatural way of talking;
Mismatched clothes, equipment, usually no helmets whatsoever;
Videos serve as a fell-good story for Khokhol nazis;

Plenty of reasons to be suspicious if a video is true. Do fucking prove those are real POWs, come on.


>Mariupol-Dnepropetrovsk highway under the control of the DPR and the Russian Federation

>This is reported by the @wargonzo project sources on the front line. The units of the Russian Federation and the DPR entered the highway connecting Mariupol and Dnepropetrovsk and entrenched themselves on it a few days ago.

>Previously, well-informed experts predicted the flight of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the national battalions through this corridor. So the chance is gone. The Mariupol cauldron will be slammed and the Ukrainian security forces have only two options left - to lay down their arms or break through to Dnepropetrovsk with a fight.


At least Marxists view on this basically all just boil down to the binary between.

>Luxembourgian / Leninist 'both-sides' defeatism and just wanting the war to end.

>Machiavellian Multi-Polar wanting borgers tp get BTFO as much as possible.
Both of these positions (despite me leaning more towards the first personally) i can put myself in their shoes and 'get it'

Rightoids are tearing themselves apart over their shit.
On rightoid youtuber and 'Gab'



And my absolute favourite comment [This is actually verbatim]
>Some burger, blue check nazi on 'Gab'
<"Russia is everything that (((they))) dont want the rest of the white world to be, a 99% white homogenous, Christian ethnostate organised around the Volk.
>Some guy.
<LOL russia is 35% Muslim, and their all race-mixed to high-heaven ever since (((Lenin))) and (((Stalin))) killed the true russians, 'Putin' is a Jew BTW ;)




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I saw a "study" that was cited in media: Russia spends 20 billion EUR a day on this invasion.

The original source is this: https://en.calameo.com/read/005151365f835f7261566

The Center for Economic Recovery, sponsored by "Civitta" and "EasyBusiness". Who are they? They say they are Ukrainian citizens "deciding to unite [their] analytical skills to stop the war started by Russia". Then they admit that they work to provide the Ukrainian government with "cutting-edge policy advise" while also trying to influential the "international community".

Now on page 10, you see their study. Picture attached. Yes, this is the entire study that is being cited in mass media.

First off - what are the average costs of these weapons? How can you even say what a fighter jet is worth? It's like saying "a car is worth X amounts of euros", completely ignoring that different types of cars exist, not to mention that they presumably use US-contractor rates and not Russian arms industry prices.

Then: How do they know how many military vehicles Russia actually uses here?

Furthermore: How do they know how many vehicles were destroyed? I doubt even the Ukrainian military knows the true number.

All these think tanks just exist to manufacture consent, their "studies" are not worth the paper they are printed on.


Sanctions will quickly crack after the end of the conflict



Nuclear Plant live feed of the fight


yeah it is. Not everything Russia says is true but 90% of UKR claims are just bullshit


>whole world
>china, india, pakistan, all of africa, all of south america, all of middle east (outside of israel i suppose) are still trading with russia
russia is abundant in natural resources and plenty of other countries depend on them, its nowhere close to a situation where a poor country gets sanctioned


can't see shit cap'n


Because America can't maintain its exorbitant privilege forever, and other countries like China will develop enough to make a multipolar world with multiple economic and financial axes possible.


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It's funny how much the west is fucking itself with these performative sanctions that don't even block russian oil lmao. They scared russian companies into opening emergency chinese bank accounts at the mere idea of being sanctioned


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Who cares about some abandoned tanks that will be recovered when this all ends? Take this ukrop shill, cry me a river.

Absolute Flagship of the Ukrainian fleet, the frigate Hetman Sahaydachny, — former Kirov.


Dog skull face masks. KINO!


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>Lol you racemix!!1!!!!!


So is Ukraine's naval warfare capacity completely incapacitated now? What's going on with Odessa and the area around their coast West of the Crimea?


they scuttled it in harbour it's not really a big deal whoever retains control of odessa can pull it up if they wish.
it does show that they're anticipating russia to capture odessa though


Bitch, please. They televise everything here in Russia.


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<angry moth video without sound
That's criminal.


Schizos gonna schizo


ah yes, india that imports 50% of their military goods from russia, major amounts of their food and energy-related resources is just gonna stop trading with russia, because USA is throwing a hissy-fit, get a grip, dude


I think the vehicle column in the middle is getting wrecked from off the screen.




Look up their news reports, bitch. That's Russia's 1st Channel.


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it is supposed to be. Rumors of a ukranian naval ship being spotted today are still unconfirmed, and most likely another Ghost of tsushima level of LARP, but after what I have seen so far in this war, no cards are off the table. It wouldn't surprise me at this point to see gypsies and potato farmers sailing a captured Russian warship and using it to steal fertilizer for the spring planting.


the only country under similar amount of sanctions as Russia right now is Iran, and while the people are suffering I don't see any regime change yet.
Meanwhile Russia has infinitely more leverage. Can any economist weigh in on this? I listened to Ezra Klein and Adam Tooze podcast today about the situation and they were definitely giving credence to the idea that this could be the beginning of multi-polarity etc etc despite being libs.
also the entire middle east that is almost completely dependent on Russian (and Ukrainian) wheat exports


>USA will stop trading with China overnight.
Trump attempted to and fell flat on his face.


I am living in the weirdest timeline when there is a situation where "Coach Red Pill", a lolcow, turns out to be based. Holy shit man.


youre the only one coping here


last sentence meant for >>549423


Russia never declared war against ukraine.


You can literally watch 1st Channel footage and see for yourself their coverage of the extent of the war. Come on, bitch.


What are the odds that America is playing both sides on this? I saw an article today saying that they've been communicating with the russian military through a hotline


Cubans live longer then burgers bro wtf are you talking about lmao


That's corner-cutting even by thinktank standards.


To secure Russian oil and gas for themselves. To attract everyone fed up with Burger rule in their own sphere of influence… Lots of reasons actually.


we have been Called Out by the intracept guyz.


*plantation owning gusanos


Because…. The sanctions are harmful to the Chinese economy and national security?


Hasn't happened since the 90s.
And borger gusano's apply to have their citizenships reinstated so they can go use Cuban healthcare


Here I thought they called out the website as a whole. Man they will hate it here if they found us out.


All of the three are doing fine despite the sanctions and they do not compare on size with russia, which as we are seeing will not be alone. Stop your burger exceptionalism retardation already, the us will crumble in our lifetime.


don't tell burgers that cuba has literally cured cancer it will mindbreak them


>the capitalist-led NATO order doesn't really threaten russian oligarchs, therefore the russian worker is going to be unaffected by NATO sanctions

nice try, ukrainian WORKERS and russian WORKERS suffer from the actions of NATO, Putin, and fascists on both sides.


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>>818025 SUS


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>>549447 NO YOU SUS


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>>549448 NO YOU ARE SUS


smoke in that nuclear power plant area


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>cuba has cured cancer

You're a moron and deserve death. I like Cuba but they have not done this.




hunter is currently deep in ukraine huffing gas


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So by your own admission Jews (nor Christians nor Muslims) are a nation
>Nations are ideological devices that obscure and mystify the real practices of and relations between people in order to hide class divisions.
Nations are a material reality. You can deny that if you like but it's why the Bolsheviks had the best approach to the national question : allowing nations the right to secede from a bloc they do not want to be a part of

Your option, which is distilled Trotskyite faggotry of 'world revolution', is a cosmopolitan view of the world
Whereby nations "don't exist" (they do) so thereby a nation cannot by definition have it's national sovereignty trample on (doesn't exist remember) so if USA wants to take its troops and invade Syria that's not a gross violation of Syria's national sovereignty but an inter-human dispute (lol)
And the Syrians should give up their language, learn English and watch marvel and other brain rot because they don't have their own culture or essence but actually are 'world citizens'



Yeah, the country is poor. A lot of shit is falling apart. It just makes the USA look even worse: a country that literally doesn't have toilet seats manages to have better health outcomes than the richest empire in human history


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Burgerstani here. Not much coverage on ukraine in normie social media or internet today, , other than Biden's "strong sanctions"

Any important battles in the last 24 hours? Any reason to think this will escalate beyond a mere regional dispute?


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>don't defend the USSR, don't defend Russia, don't defend the USSR, the only thing that was much better than Russia's today, so we don't have to defend Russia and have something worst than it is Russia today.
The guys from intercept will never bring a revolution, never.


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I don't understand why rightoids are terrified of racemixing because by all accounts Russian women are fucking gorgeous:


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If China don't give a flying fuck about US sanctions and still trade with Russia even when it comes to banned products, then China gains influence over Russia, like priority over Europe when it comes to exports.

>China developing a sphere of influence in Asia is kind of laughable.

What is Belt and Road?


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Cubans certainly live more than the average burgers (and 5 solid years more than the average peruvian for example) but the sanctions are still hard.

The most representative examples are Iran and North Korea, if those countries can survive without globalism/globohomo Russia can.


Of course they will
Nexta which was crucial in the august 2020 overthrow of Belarus was based out of Poland (probably run by cia)


I'm sure sanctioning nearly the entire planet on top the very obvious hypocrisy and racism shown over the last few weeks will go over well with the BRICS countries as well as the other global south nations. What could go wrong!?


Who is this cum chum?


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not that anon, but yours is a reductio ad absurdum. The nation-state is a romantic myth of the 19th century. Variuos cultures and ethnicities can coexist in a single state entity and "nations" are always ideological constructs builded from scratch rather than some "material reality" .


Factually wrong. As it had already been pointed out, lots of countries abstained. And are still willing to trade. Sanctions will diminish the number of economic partner available, but strenghten the partenrship of the remaining trasing nations. Thus nurturing an alternative global market independent from western rules.


>glow cut off by the image cropping


And they're only big in the USA because of the 50% obesity rate. lmao.


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>Japan is full of Pettankos




log off, Agent Kochinski


Race mixed women are hot as fuck
Race mixed men always look autistic (and I'm saying this as a race mixed man so don't lose your britches, jannies)


This one goes out to all of the jannies currently trapped behind enemy lines.


The average size in Germany is absolutely not D.


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Stop coping anytime niqqa.


>S&P lowered Russia credit rating from +BB to -CCC (lowest)
Of course, how can they re-pay credits in the west if they are blocked in payment methods.
The s&p have their asses in their butts.


>Nations are a material reality
Spook. Many of these "nations" were entirely artificial (Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan) or had only existed as independent bourgeois (puppet) states prior
It is Luxemburgist and shared with Bolsheviks like Dzerzhinsky actually
>They do
I can make up any concept and pretend it matters. The same logic can be used to uphold the "importance" of race
I couldn't care less that Syria had it's "sovereignty" trampled upon, that's not the reason for opposing western interventionism
What matters is the class struggle, and what benefits the international socialist movement. Even if that means trampling on the "sovereignty" of states, be it feudal central asia khanates and emirates, the second polish republic, or modern Ukraine
>Give up their language
I don't care either, let people speak whatever they want. It's fascists in Ukraine throwing a fit over people speaking Russian in public, not socialists (where did I even mention forcing people to give up their language?)


Putin is a plain old imperialist that wants to recreate the Russian Empire, and this was confirmed in the speech that he gave before attacking Ukraine. The anti-communist Russian Empire btw, which makes it even more dumbfounding that tankies are defending all of this. It makes me want to critically support Ukraine tbh. Azov Battalion can get fucked though.


>The Ukrainian executioner and bastard, the head of the "National Corps" Andrei Biletsky recorded a video threatening Chechens, considering less than animals.
Kadyrov has officially offered a $500,000 reward for the capture of Biletsky.


tfw finally have a recycling thread but it has a webm op image


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war has become postmodern


Biafra war moment


US flag should be on both sides, tbh




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English language stream

ITS HAPPENING REACTOR BUILDING ON FIRE. Looks like we're getting Stalker 2 after all


>her lips
that is not gorgeous lmao


I thought they were owned by someone associated with US intelligence anyways. The complete failure of tradecraft in their article that gave an excuse exposing Reality Winner was horrible.


>$5000 for every azov killed
>$500000 for biletsky
>free guns from the ukrainian government for volkssturm
Some ukrainian sure could get rich off of this.


It's over.


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>>549500 ukrop is sus shay



What donations? Half of these bourg fucks are comfortably rich, Caleb probably gets a salary from RT.
Goddamn grifters.


What happens when you shoot a nuclear plant?
Asking for a friend.


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Ukrainians are not wait ameriuyghurs need to stop this shit


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C'mon that's a nothingburger. The dangers of core meltdowns are really overrated.
Gamma rays are photons. You do literally the same thing when you use a flashlight.


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重新思考台灣 女人會用燃燒彈融化你





Swedes and Norwegians have big tits? Doubt


Amazing image
Stalker 2 IRL


Milk, I need milk.


thread theme


Is that young Xi? this is the album cover of the hottest mixtape of the year


Yeah, yet you would have a radiation leak that will affect a vast area. That reactor is larger than the one in Chernobyl, so imagine all the places affected. Even Kiev may be rendered unhabitable.


How many government leaders could say they worked the fields as a peasant to contribute to the building of their nation?


1976 worst year of life
1989 worst year of life
1991 worst year of life
1996 worst year of life
1997 worst year of life
2000 wors year of life -


Does China really plan like 100 years ahead?


If Chernobyl wasn't contained it could have fucked over pretty much all of Europe. This is bigger than that.


go back to reddit


This is the only footage I've found about the reactor being attacked.


It was a pleasure shitposting with all of you.


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From what I can tell, some Slav popped off a flare for viability. I don't think it was any damage. Burning tires smoke from earlier, flares inside the defensive perimeter. maybe someone accidently tripped a perimeter alarm system. Vietnam foxholes to the cooling towers. Good lord. What a nightmare.

Dah comrades, tonight we maintain security posture inside worlds largest active nuclear power plant, position the GRAD rocket over there please.
Increasingly Nervous Conscript sweaty man

If get cold, put hands and feet near spent fuel rod pile.
Dah, feel dah burn


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>>549521 (me)
Apparently the fire comes from the administrative offices.


Tankie really is the new commie as a thought-terminating cliche lol. Useful idiots brainwashed by capitalists to attack us from the "left" by claiming to better uphold to purity tests they define themselves.


Resonance Cascade


No. They plan millenia ahead. The first emperor of china foresaw and prepared socialism for 2050.


Be quiet redfash, you just want a Stalinoid strong dad to kill all the anarchists who care about FREEDOM


Haven't you got the memo? Tankie is not really an insult for us anymore and we happily embrace it, kind of like uygha from black folk.


CD Projekt Red has stopped their services and sales in Belarus and Russia over this war.
Hmm… as if piracy wasn't rampant already.


They're mad because cyberpunk was a disappoint.


>If you don't blindly support Nato your' not a leftist
>you are not a leftist if you don't adhere to our petty moralism (which only means supporting Nato)
Also there are various positions in marxist camp, but none of them refuse to condemn nato aggression on russia, even if they'r critical of it.
So fuck off lib.


Buying games is for cucks anyway.


Damn, remember using a russian vpn to buy some cheap games some years back


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>The actual nuclear specialists are coming out of the woodwork to say that no, it would not be a marvel-movie-style explosion. Yes, it's bad — fuel could leak. But let's not retweet gov't pronouncements uncritically. It's a different kind of reactor than Chernobyl.




See: >>549524 >>549521


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Piratechads can't stop winning.


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Fuck them and their Cybertrash anyway. Russia should pull out of all copyright treaties and promote piracy as a form of autarkic praxis.


Based jannies finally removing misinformation and disinformation campaigns in these threads. Liberals should all be rounded up and executed just for even admitting for being liberal.


>Why yes I pirate all my video games and smuggle in video game consoles and hardware



Oh wow now russians won't be able to buy one of the shittiest games ever made, genius 8D chess move.


It's the propaganda piece du jour, le evil Russians shelling a nuclear power plant. Tomorrow it will turn out the fight was taking place in the administrative area which is a gorillion miles from the actual power plant. Screencap this post.



reading a 100 year old book on imperialism doesn't make your shit takes a crystal ball


This article pretty exemplifies how the most see the conflict and why Zelenskyy is the new wholesome big chungus Keanu Reeves these days.


>Since Thursday, when Russian forces began their wide-ranging assault on Ukraine, the Saudi-led Coalition, supported by the United States, has launched more airstrikes in Yemen than Russia has in Ukraine.


From what I got in one of the telegram channels:
>🚩 специалисты говорят, что энергоблок АЭС - сверхзащищенный объект, рассчитанный на прямые попадания бомб. И спроектированный так, что при малейшей опасности реактор отключается автоматически (также его можно отключить вручную)!!
>🚩 experts say that the power unit of the nuclear power plant is a super-protected facility, designed for direct hits by bombs. And designed in such a way that at the slightest danger the reactor turns off automatically (it can also be turned off manually)!!

….aaaaand of course in the west Russia is already portrayed as the responsible, kek.


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Nothing much, but the reactor pile becomes a pile of reactor, and a very expensive cleanup and headache.


shes gonna get raped by ukrops


>It's the propaganda piece du jour, le evil Russians shelling a nuclear power plant
Already happening: >>549547
"Russia attacks the biggest nuclear plant in Europe".


That's the endgame.


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Hot azov babes in your area



>Implying they can deal with the Dongcopter Pirate



>everything purchased largely with donations

Shit makes me wish I'd put up that GoFundme. I've been running around here trying to get in touch with the Ukrainian embassy so they'd fund me direct, I didn't have hope of gathering from randos faster.


>"It combines identity politics with egoism. Everything that happens is viewed through the prism of what it means for westerners — only white men have the power to make history"
<The tankies tend to be correctly critical and probing about U.S. empire but don’t apply these critical faculties to Russia. They become gullible and naïve when dealing with Russian officials and their narrative. It would be tempting simply to ignore the tankies, but we must repudiate them. If we don’t, they will continue to give the left a bad name, especially among people fighting repressive regimes, who often assume tankies speak for the rest of us and thus feel betrayed by Western leftists.

Show me the lie.
>inb4 there's cringe stuff in the rest of the article
I know, doesn't make the true bits any less true.


>Varg is less bloodthirsty then the libs


I bet tomorrow we find out something like Ukrainian artillery retreated to the nuclear plant and started firing from that position, but the media won't cover their mistake.


File: 1646356890240.jpg (Spoiler Image, 208.58 KB, 1517x1710, blacked elsa (27).jpg)

>>549554 You know they deserve to go to a gulag, but not the one that Stalin dreamed off, but the one they deserve (pic rel)
>>549557 Indeed, built (pic rel)


Need a porn film where she gets stalag'd by russians


Chechens aren't that dark tho.


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The lie is that you really need to be critical of Russia when the West could have easily neutralized Ukraine with regards to NATO like they did Finland but instead put them at a known security risk by not doing so. Yes, as the hegemon with the most control, the US gets the most blame for all that happens, it's not just racist American exceptionalism with a leftist twist.


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Has american schizo psyops about Ukraine being a RadLib utopia genuinely been so effective that this guy dosen't get the people he's going to fight for are going to kill them on a burning cross?


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The Mystery Kharkovchanka


Is it really that bad? I was planning to buy Cyberpunk 2077 once it got "fixed".


For their sake, I hope they're volunteering with the Anarchists.
If not, may god have mercy on their soul.


>sexually fetishising political opponents
lets not start


get help, suburbanite


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To be extreme is to advocate for change. To advocate for change means seeking power to enact that change, and wreak destruction with it.

Those who do not seek power, do not seek change. Those who do not call for destruction, are not extremists, they are useless LARPers.


This is not a happening. This is not the kind of reactor that can explode like Chernobyl. If it meltsdown it will be one of those terrible, long meltdowns like fukushima. Fake news.


I wish i was gulag'd cuz i would get force femmed, hypno'd and aggressively sex'd by the guards and it would be pretty based


THe fuckers ran with the cyberpunk money after delivering a barely functional alpha at best cobbled together with the scraps they had from their catastrophic development. THe studio is hollowed out of talent. They are irrelevant and they will fully die when their next game is the analogous to FO76.


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Damn, there are times where I wish I lived in the schizoid realities these fuckwits live in.


Nuclear power plant is also an entire complex of facilities. Is fighting even going around the reactor core?



Jesus, is this where all those troops from those warships that docked in Nikolaev ended up in?


Tuckercels not doing well. They're seeing their dream of a great caucasian alliance against the yellow peril go up in flames and really struggling to deal with it.


cope azovshitter


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New thread?


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No, it's cyclical now


Today here, one newspaper claimed they were covering live a Russian bombing which wiped out a 600-people village. It's fucking dissgussting.


>>549584 (noi)
Oh you beat me by some minutes, anon.


>muh "woke capitalism"
imagine being so retarded that you actually believe your'e the one fooling politicians, the military, universities, multinational corporations, and media into buying YOUR worldview


>once it got "fixed".
It will never get fixed.


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The West is waging economic warfare against Russia, starving its people, arming soldiers who kill Russians in battle. It's time for Russia to fire back, pull out of all copyright treaties and set up a government office dedicating to cracking and seeding vidya and movies from the west.


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Damn, it's almost as if basing their politics about a percieved national and cultural identity with no materialist analysis was going to backfire on them regardless.


Is this supposed to be Artes?


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Do you guys think the russians will force the ukrainian army to watch sissy hypno in the gulags


you WILL be rehabilitated and you WILL receive the necessary affirmation treatment you need and you WILL gain loving relationship(s). Keep dreaming loser


You talking about the right wingers are you talking to me?


Aren't we seeing that happen now though, with Westoids rallying around "Western civilization" (or "civilization", as they call it)? Tucker's just mad because he wants to bring Russians into the Occidental camp.


fuck off uyghur




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You should get help, Shay, seriously


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Was kind of weird of mods to archive every thread on the issue, but now they have saved me, in the middle of the night, translating Ukrainian minister of defense announcing the start of "defensive" operations.


Some one should make stickers and stick them everywhere.



Bro wtf is up with the Indians? Why have they been on a based streak lately?


Yah France is a bit of a wild card imperialist power heh


>NEW: Official tells me President Biden is speaking with President Zelenskyy

NBC, 10 Mins ago



reported for wrecking


You WILL beat the shit out of me
You WILL insult me and call me a reactionary
You WILL force me to undergo brainwashing
You WILL force me to undress and then rape me while choking me
I WILL lose teeth


Take out the tracking after the ? aaaaaaah


lmao based


both, you're just too fucking stupid to realize what side you fall on


File: 1646358036604.jpg (102.5 KB, 1280x720, 1524878712179.jpg)

Seethe, NATOuyghur.


You know we can ban torposting.




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naisu, thanks


yes I'm sure every depressed service worker in vladivostok personally voted to do this

national chauvinism is fucking brain worms


File: 1646358172158.jpg (79.73 KB, 736x491, 1623125934788.jpg)

true, but right wingers have had the habbit of projecting their hopes on other nations to have them "return to tradition". The thing is, they think that these "based nationalists" will extend them the same courtesy because they supposedly have the same line of conservative values. They completely forget that regardless of race, so long as the nation has a capitalist MOP with a state, you'll either have these entities act in the interest of the bourgoise class or the statist machine in order to preserve themselves, mostly at the expense of these so called "western values".

>implying installing internationalist globohomo to make rightoids seethe wouldn't be slightly based.
For gods sake anon, it's a joke don't get your panties in a twist.


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>implying I'm not in Beijing


why the ukrops fighting so hard to defend a nuclear power plant? i bet we wind up finding out about a WMD program there


What sort of delusion is going in your head?


India has a good and important relationship with Russia. Incidentally, I will note since I read the Chinese net that seeing them tell Angloids to fukc off has changed Chinese attitudes towards India a lot and for the better.


Just kill yourself already you retarded /pol/tard waste of space




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Of course not. They won't have to be forced.


This is a good chance to mend relations between the two countries. China has also been evacuating Indian nationals from Ukraine, Pakistan has been helping as well.


Lmao imagine a joint operations room of Nazis and these clowns


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How did it ever get to this point…


is russia trying to spend as little resources as possible on this war?


A WH official says the President and President Zelensky spoke about the fire at the Zaporizhzhia NPP on the phone call they just wrapped up.




No, they're avoiding civilian casualties. Russians aren't animals, unlike NATO.


why does young Putin have a hitler hair cut lol


Our intrepid frog Stalin has been banned from twatter. F's in chat.


It's revanchism not imperialism


File: 1646358470178.png (1 MB, 579x753, 1645981902322.png)

To think this one man went from nothing to this. Putin might be a revisionist basically hitler-esk authoritarian, but, he will avenge the soviet union.


This is 100x worse than the clown world pre 2022.


>Full /pol/tard posting racism
>Gets banned for being pro russia


Fuck off weirdo


Combat footage of Ivan fighting to destroy the evil NATO capitalist AZOV nuclear power plant providing green glow to everyone


File: 1646358590983.jpeg (173.26 KB, 828x815, FMY6nPjWQAoi_u3.jpeg)

Today I will remind them


How about you fuck off. Don't bully Shay.


He's not banned, just locked the acc


Embedding error.
>>It's revanchism not imperialism
finbol doesn't say so


You're a moron.


>trading fire
retreating into nuclear plant buildings is such a genius move


Fuck off freak



No, in this war, I am on the side of Shay.


I've been largely ignoring the conversation about insisting that Russia is not imperialist. Did I miss anything good?

Remember, we do not have a social credit system, and this isn't a fucking pageant. Your support or condemnation of Russia or NATO are irrelevant, making rationalizations clown behaviour.


>>549634 lmao putler is real


Hold Shay's hand and jump down a pit


God what the fuck is wrong with american women


>the russians totally want to blow up the nuclear plants guyz, just like they didn't do in other parts of the country when they had the opportunity


Does this pit lead to Isekai?


*holds ur hand*


I would if I were in charge


>tfw relatives mad I called Putin a liberal and the only reason the U.S. hates him is because he reflects back their worst sins like a black mirror


Is it gonna blow up? Wtf


>wants to blow it up
<sends troops and tanks in instead of slamming it with missiles and dropping bombs on it.
uygha you're the braindead one.


this guy is a different breed of psychopath trying to downplay nukes


War Nerd Radio — Subscriber Feed: Radio War Nerd EP 319 — Escape From Kiev: Interview With an American-Ukrainian Refugee



Man, this thread attracts glowies like flies to shit, doesn't it?


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Mods get rid of the glow please, its fucking obvious at this point.


They're trying. Ban evasion is a thing.


Nice fanfiction. The reality is: China is likely covertly supporting Russia but keeping quiet to avoid economic disruptions. China and Russia are de-facto allies because China considers Russia an important bulwark against NATO.



I'm not making a statement on whether or not Russia is an imperialist country: merely whether this special operation in Ukraine is imperialist.
The Moscow Index has been plummeting even since before the invasion: in an imperialist endeavor finances would not receive this negative blowback. The financial sector is improved by imperialist invasions by definition of them being imperialist.


Even fucking Chernobyl doesn't glow this bright


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>Tomorrow it will turn out the fight was taking place in the administrative area which is a gorillion miles from the actual power plant.
That's literally what happened


fuck off cracker


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>mfw my relatives mad for similar reasons but my dad agrees with me because "putin is doing gods work fighting the jews"


If you ask me that is a good thing get all the glowies in one spot and capture them in a trap. So that way they can stop shitting up the other parts of the board.


I’ve been seeing that.
Are the Russians really shelling it?


Highly doubt it


Powerplant admin confirms no radiation risk and safety is ensured.


>your nations soverign land


National security concerns of the national bourgeoisie are part of the nation-state, the only form of organization bourgeoisie are capable of.

While capital itself is global and seeks to bypass national borders. Which runs in opposition to national concerns.

It sounds like an inherent contradiction, baked into the crust of capitalism. Have you heard about this?


As much as I despise leftypol sometimes, it is more sane than 99% of the shitter liberal internet, which makes it more annoying when said liberals shit up threads here.


Today I learned that Telegram is a Russian app. No wonder it has funny Lenin stickers.




<We do, nonetheless, need a theory of capitalist imperialism, as opposed to the empires of antiquity (Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian, Roman, Chinese …) and to both the ‘imperialism’ and the expansionism of the Middle Ages. Essentially, the point is that capitalist imperialism produces the economic subordination of the colonised economy to the metropolitan economy. The colonised economy becomes - as I have already indicated - dominated by low-value-added activities, especially agricultural and extractive. The imperial economy shifts towards high-value-added activities.

<It is to secure this international division of labour that the colonised economy is held also in military subordination - whether by direct colonialism or by dependence on supplies of arms and military matériel from the imperial country, which can be cut off at will…

<Is Russia today engaged in capitalist imperialism? The answer is contradictory. In the first place, the answer is a plain no. Callinicos wants to call only the ‘top six’ countries imperialist; it is then wholly artificial for him to include Russia among them. More fundamentally, the Russian economy is primarily agricultural and extractive, with significant secondary line in arms exports; and there is not - yet - a fully-autonomous banking sector. On the contrary, Russian ‘foreign direct investments’ consist of individual oligarchs pulling cash out of the Russian domestic economy and putting it into prestige objects like Chelsea FC or real estate. It is not investment of capital: that is, money put to work as investments, which return a profit through the application of capital and labour in combination. If the US wins this proxy war, Russia will more or less rapidly become a semi-colony.

<Today, again, the left has small and divided forces. But we can raise our voices against our own state’s wars: and by doing so take a stand which in the long term can rally forces for unequivocal opposition to the warmongering imperialist regime under which we live.


Can this uygha ever just shut the fuck up with the Lord of the Rings LARP? Makes him seem like such a bitch.


>local retard no one has heard about contradicts the established definition of imperialism to satiate his bloodlust for innocent ukrainians



The more glows Langley sends, the more evident that Washington is losing the narrative. Small dogs are always the loudest barkers!!!


File: 1646360247777.png (425.11 KB, 624x496, ClipboardImage.png)

Map of the hit nuclear plant.

India Today is covering the incident




>contradicts the established definition of imperialism
If you read the article, you'll see that both the established definition by Lenin and Macnair's own world systems analysis don't view Russia today as an imperialist power
>satiate his bloodlust for innocent ukrainians
He is not calling for a Russian victory, he is calling for revolutionary defeatism (again, Leninist credentials). Even if Russia is not an imperialist power, Russians should still oppose the war drive of their own government.


Oof some ukrop dude is about to make a bundle embezzling all these crypto donations


>everything purchased largely with donations
I wonder if they have fired a gun prior to this


Nice definition


>cat noir


File: 1646360725792.mp4 (3.98 MB, 256x480, IMG_4572.MP4)

>>818427 see >>549521 >>549524

Oh, I struck a sensitive nerve. What's the matter, too pure white race for a black guy? or sympathize too much with nazi azovites so they can't racemix?


A huge bunch of ukrainian POWs.


God. Ukrainian pows have it good as fuck dude. Look at that shit. Im jealous. Im gonna go volunteer for ukraine just to surrender


Careful shay, all that quality borscht will turn you into a chad


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aw lawl, ukrops are desperate.


ngl, i'm pretty impressed. did the US do this for any of the countries they invaded?


How long before that nuclear scientist's Twitter account gets shut down for spreading "Pro-Russian Misinformation?"


they are also too retarded to cover their tracks >>>/gulag/


just saw on ukro media that they have killed 57,000 russian troops defending the plant and it is now all secure and under ukro control due to their heroic resistance :-)




Why the fuck are people recycling OP images, we have some good Zelensky shoops from the older threads.
Use them you retards.


File: 1646361594877.gif (861.4 KB, 600x900, it's over.gif)

This whole thing has been a rollercoaster of info. One minute it's "OH FUCK" and the next it's "oh ok"
I just want this to be over with as few casualties as possible. I know many here want a "Happening" but I like being alive and also hate seeing destruction like this.


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Ukrops just can't stop lying, it's pathological at this point.


Based an anti-bloodthirsty burger pilled.


Nuclear meltdown is not the kind of happening we want. Honestly I think the doompaul and posadas memes are really just cope by a bunch of people who are truly scared for the future and trying to play it off with gallows humor.


>Canadian nuclear expert
CBC is reporting that Trudeau just spoke with Zelensky. He couldn't speak to a single trucker for weeks but was ready for Zelensky when it's past his bedtime.


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>My second piece on Ukraine: 'In a world where unarmed civilians stand in the street singing their national anthem to Russians tanks, how can we ever again call someone who likes dressing up as the opposite sex brave?'


Writer, fighter, fun-loving rad-fem, Christian Zionist. Pronouns: Thot/That. My book WELCOME TO THE WOKE TRIALS (Academica Press) NOW ON AMAZON KINDLE!


File: 1646362004648.jfif (190.47 KB, 828x1206, FM-M_XyWUBMthXp.jfif)

Ukraine president called Biden about the fire at the plant. Biden called the russians and told them to "quit it"


the ukrainians are seriously pissing me off. Not that it means much but still. This is dangerous.


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This shit is just sad, I'm almost becoming racist against ukranians for the way they try to manipulate all of us, this is some AAA+ gaslighting.

I hope Zelensky and every ukranian politician gets hanged after this.




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keeek mfw
lol, of course not. See picrels how they actually treat their "military lead intervention". + One is a britbong, so you can grasp is a doctrine to humiliate the defeated, it is something very rooted in the west. Spaniards did the same over the natives, the iberian jews, and the iberian muslims 500 years ago.
>can't read the handler


Where is the pic of hilary clinton telling wall street to "cut it out"


Don't fall this low, we marxists are gonna win in the end don't give up hope.


CNN guest just now suggesting relief of sanctions on Iran and Venezuela in order to completely cut off Russian hydrocarbons to the West. Based anti imperialist Comrade Putin lol


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>>can't read the handler
the tweet doesnt have a source?


>The US Treasury Department has sanctioned multiple Russian news outlets for "propagating Russian intelligence services-directed content"

-"GRU-Directed InfoRos"
-"FSB-Directed NewsFront"
-"FSB-Directed SouthFront"
-several "SVR-Directed" outlets



it is literally quoting a Canadian scientist?


I will force-feed shay all of the borscht until she becomes a buff gigastacy.


im obviously talking about the tweet about ukrainian officials





Ive never had borscht before. Is that like a russian hotdog or something?




Lindsey graham just posted this. An American senator


>Is there a Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military?

The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out.

You would be doing your country - and the world - a great service.

The only people who can fix this are the Russian people.

Easy to say, hard to do.

Unless you want to live in darkness for the rest of your life, be isolated from the rest of the world in abject poverty, and live in darkness you need to step up to the plate.


The Ukros are screaming "save us NATO!!!" meanwhile NATO is scolding Russians like "Russia must have a liberal democratic revolution to save Ukraine"


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Empires are not Imperialism.


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>>549725 its suop


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Christ, some of the images coming out of Ukraine are heartbreaking(Absolute state of Ukraine glowies >>818728)


Vladimothy mcputin


So it's like chunky 'mater soup? I can get behind that. Just gimme some bread to dip in it. Maybe a grillcheese sammich


Dayum. Where is this? Kharkov?


The world is going insane man


Oklahoma Shitty. McPutin is worldwide



I just spoke with Ukraine’s energy minister about the situation at the Zaphorizhizia nuclear plant. Russian military operations near the plant are reckless and must cease. 1/

has activated its Nuclear Incident Response Team and is monitoring events in consultation with
and the White House. We have seen no elevated radiation readings near the facility. 2/

The plant’s reactors are protected by robust containment structures and reactors are being safely shut down. 3/3



honestly yeah this fucking image is stressing me out and rightfully so.


Wait. Isn't that the same (or a similar building) where the military was positioned on the balconies, and the building's manager got in a fight with one of the soldiers outside?


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Post thread themes

I'll start:



Lmao okay you got me


reminder the shockwave was so strong that McVeigh claims that he fell over when it went off. When he had already walked about two blocks away.


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Welcome to multipolarity.


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>Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has joined Ukraine’s president in calling on the West to close the skies over Ukraine’s nuclear plants as fighting intensified around the major energy hub on the left bank of the Dnieper River and the Khakhovka Reservoir.


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>>549733 ok have this corn bread made by Khrushchev him self


This shit sounds like a false flag from urkies


Timotimir Putvey


thank you


I prefer it when it has a lot of cabbage and potatoes, too.


fake news, samefaggot




fake news




Is this still the current narrative?




What a relief…



File: 1646363760234.png (402.2 KB, 640x730, loser.png)

anyone who likes this guy is a fucking loser lmao.


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It aint cornbread unless it looks like this


I meant this to be a main post lmao. mods please delete this.


Big deal if nuclear plant gets yeeted. This war will affect burgerstanis even less than Afghanistan did–and that only affected soldiers + their families.

This war affects no one here


Every lib parrots "Russell Bentley is MAGA." Did they just make this up because he's a white anti-liberal southerner?


that's not cornbread what


Yes, for the average normies it's easier to think that everything is because PUTIN IS SHO CRAZY DUDE! than go into complex geopolitics.

Get banned for shitposting.


>Did they just make this up because he's a white anti-liberal southerner?
You already know the answer to that.


Borscht is beet soup. Popular in Poland and USA as well as Russia.


File: 1646363943387.jpg (75.43 KB, 960x504, nikita-khrushchev-UN.jpg)

Khrushchev made it for you don't want to get the NKVD mad НЕ ХОЧЕШЬ


Haven't been following the news, what happened today?


I will confess a cynical thought: Every time some entity stops selling advertising in Russia, I wonder: Why not continue selling advertising, but not actually put it up?
Yes, it's stealing, but no first world court will convict you and you can pocket a bit of cash.

More socially, if Google really wanted the war to end, why not replace every ad in Russia with one imploring people to protest the war or something, rather than blessing them with the adblock experience for free?
in both cases, but particularly the latter, it's quite obvious it's because Google probably fears the precedent of being banned by a large country. But then with that in mind, it becomes clear they're just acting self-interestedly. One suspects the main reasons they've stopped selling advertising are domestic US politics and because financial sanctions have left them with a risk of getting a bunch of accounts receivable they can't actually receive.


File: 1646364015620.mp4 (365.07 KB, 480x480, 1646341526812.mp4)

Okay i will eat khruschev's "cornbread", but just this once.


>>549763 ITS ACUTACLY Khrushchev cum BREAD


What is the Ukrainian Samson option?


File: 1646364134676.jpg (125.43 KB, 600x736, beets by dre.jpg)

Insist on authentic Beets by Dr Dre


I'm starting to believe in the "Ukrainian hid a nuke for a false flag" theory.
>Ukrainian officials claim "elevated radiation levels" near #Zaporizhzhia power plant and call for the west to "close the skies over ukraine to save the whole world"
>so far, there's no evidence of radiation levels being raised – at least not online. (as of 10 mins ago)


stop giving mofos attention and they will give up


If you have a lost soviet nuke laying around can you detonate it with simple technology?


Old man wanta to kill Vlad


How far can these nationalists go? I mean, there wouldn't be Ukraine to "defend" from the "orc hordes" if happens a nuclear accident, but then again some liberals have been pushing very genocidal-suicidal comments on Twitter like, "better dead than governed by Putin or Xi", very ominous things.


One of the things Putin claimed was that Ukraine still has a lot of that technology, so if they developed nukes quickly, they would be operational quickly. Cannot verify but iirc he said that


What, uh… what do beets taste like?


jessus fucking christ



I'm surprised how fast liberals turn into psychos


Do do not encourage him, dammit


File: 1646364586771.jpg (42.73 KB, 474x277, CUM AND CORN BREAD.jpg)

>>549771 but it also has corn in it i mean just read the packaging.


I don't like the taste of beets!


Is there any actual reason to believe that the Ukrainian government had an extra nuke they didn't hand over? If they did, how did they manage to pass it off between administrations despite all their corruption and a whole revolution without it becoming public knowledge? Did Yanukovych flee to Russia in 2014 yet not tell Putin where the nuke was? This seems far fetched.


Idk but if a nuke goes off in Ukraine, it's time for Posadist MADness


Imagine if other countries had this reaction to every US military "intervention" in the past couple decades


look at the Agent Kochinskioid! look at the Agent Kochinskioid and laugh!


so lindsy grham calling for putins assassination is pretty much an admission they cant stop him


it is far fetched but so is Ukraine. there are rumors/conspiracy theories of one being "lost" when they gave them all up


So wait did Russia hit the nuclear plant or is this a Ukrainian false flag.


File: 1646364751400.mp4 (959.25 KB, 400x400, Get_in_here_STALKER.mp4)

>post yfw Ukrop lies become too obvious to hide and public opinion turns against them


some exterior building is on fire and they're making way too much out of it



>>549785 YUMMY


A lot of Molotov's have been made recently…


If this happened and the perpetrator is found to be in contact with the west is a justified casus belli and nuclear war would follow.
This should stop with this shit.


new thread? >>818801


>If they did, how did they manage to pass it off between administrations despite all their corruption and a whole revolution without it becoming public knowledge?
<CIA steals nuke
<holds onto it for a rainy day (isotope profile)
<sneaks it back into the country


I'm guessing they mean the stupid theory about Ukraine having an extra nuke which I've only seen pitched here, and with no actual evidence. The Samson Option is a term used in Israel to mean attempting to start a global thermonuclear war if Israel is facing defeat, a reference to Samson pulling down the pillars supporting the temple of the Philistines. I guess the idea is that if Ukraine false flagged themselves with a nuke, perhaps some element of NATO might get involved and start some real shit with Russia. Even if they had a nuke and used it in this way, I'm skeptical of NATO making things heat up about it.


this one is cycling due to lack of happoonings




Israeli doctrine is to nuke major EU citys of they are facing defeat


File: 1646365334432.jpg (76.49 KB, 1074x1398, FM9Mse9XoAQecuF orig.jpg)

So brave.



Ukrainian SSR colours lol




What did Vladimir Ilyich say about The Economist?


Is this menstruation?


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Didn't Marx say the same thing about them lol


He better have


tbh he was too complimentary, the economist is more like a journal of wannabe £200k-earners in Britain and wannabe Brits in the USA: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/1991/10/-quot-the-economics-of-the-colonial-cringe-quot-about-the-economist-magazine-washington-post-1991/7415/


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unrelated but the mod list being hidden for this sub is super sus. any redditors know if this is common?


>"the London Economist, the European organ of the aristocracy of finance, described most strikingly the attitude of this class."


Good Citations Needed episode about The Economist: https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-98-the-refined-sociopathy-of-the-economist

<From its inception as agriculture trade paper in 1843 to the present day, The Economist has provided a gateway into the mind of the banking class. Something of an anomaly in the publishing industry, The Economist is not quite a magazine, not quite a newspaper; aspirational in its branding but bleakly limited in political ambitions; brazenly transparent in its capitalist ideology, yet inscrutable in its favorably spinning for American and British imperialism and racism.

<It is publication owned by the wealthy for the wealthy and advertises itself as such. Its only moral pretense: a long history of championing what it calls “liberalism, ”a notoriously slippery term that, in The Economist’s world, views freedom to profit and exploit labor as interchangeable with the freedom of religion, press and speech.

<As such, examining The Economist’s history, its connection to British and American banking interests and intelligence services, can tell us a great deal about the narrow focus of Western, and specifically British notions of “liberalism.” The promotion of capital flows over justice, enlightened imperialism over self-determination, abhors overt racism while promoting more subtle forms of race science and colonialism, all along easing the conscience of wealthy white readers that want to feign concern about human suffering but who have everything to gain by doing absolutely nothing about it.

<On this episode, we are joined by Alexander Zevin, author of Liberalism at Large: The World According to The Economist.


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Blood symbolizes war, get it?


Thread is cyclical, retard.


>We have seen no elevated radiation readings near the facility.
>The plant’s reactors are protected by robust containment structures and reactors are being safely shut down.”
reactors being shut down? Will this have a large affect?


Am I unbanned yet?


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Who would Lenin support? Marx? Mao?


It became common. I forget when. At one point the mod philosophy was all about transparency sitewide. Then there was that Epstein & Maxwell stuff and links to the Reddit CEO, and there's been other drama with the former default subs and secret mod chatrooms with the site admins.


It shouldn't be.


And poof, 300 posts gone just like that.


Fuck mods and their cyclical mentality.
At least create a whole new board for us then.


call it /war/


>At least create a whole new board for us then.
Literally why?


I hope all these people fucking die horribly tbh

I try and let go of these thoughts of wishing harm on other, but liberals and nazis make my blood boil equally.


cheers thanks anon. very sus


Because this is important? The board can be locked when it dies down, whenever that is.


contrarian suggestion: go to /akm/


a new board is dumb, you're dumb


Explain why, 2ch administration makes new boards all the time whenever a topic becomes too heated.


Not as dumb as making a thread cyclical and thrashing posts because of lazyness


So the dramafags and hapoooooners stop shitting up /leftypol/


because 2ch has more users than the number 79 bus



because they have more than 100 active users at a time


Almost the entirety of leftypol's activity is concentrated on these threads, a new board would make the different discussions going on easier to follow instead of this fbi.gov-like thing we got going.
At least do not make these threads cyclical, jfc.


2ch is like the primary language chan for Russians
/leftypol/ is a splinter/survivor of 8chan


I'm talking about 2ch, not "2ch".ru lol.


there's a russian chan? link plz


Chernihiv falls when



Sweet and savory. With a weird, soggy nectarine-like, texture, and tastes like ground behind it. It's also very purple, and stains fucking everything.


oh, in that is cause its fucking retarded


thank you


Saw some Latvian guy say Russia is the Nazis and Latvians will always fight Nazis. Like uygha when there were actual nazis, 20% of military aged Latvians joined the Waffen SS


mods are too busy fagging it up on the matrix chat to care


for the record i'm against having them cyclical
(unless the /leftypol/ archive prunes threads, which would be a ludicrous oversight.)

but equally: in fairness, nothing particularly novel is happening in the war at the moment (nuclear plant only counts if it actually starts spewing radiation tbh), so we're hardly going to lament not having this particular moment in time archived either. well, unless the board pivots to uncritical support for Ukraine if Russia loses (or wins, you never can be sure with the dynamic of contrarianism these days.) and wants to deny it was previously pro-Russia, I suppose. But already-archived threads evidence that.


I dunno, when I tried some slices it tasted like dragonfruit to me for some reason.


It's just NPC reasoning.

>Russia = bad (according to me)

>Nazis = bad (according to people around me)
>therefore, I will say Russia = Nazis (for sympathy)


Time to accept that Lenin was wrong and Rosa was right.


Happening soon, in no order: Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Nuclear plant, Mariupol siege (already happening), Kiev getting steamrolled. What am I missing


>(nuclear plant only counts if it actually starts spewing radiation tbh)
Or if NATO leaders use it as an excuse to escalate in some manner, which they seem intent on doing. I'm not sure what tools they have left in the not-yet-an-act-of-war or why-doesnt-putin-just-die-to-our-assassins toolboxes to escalate with. Sanction oil&gas directly? That's about it.


>Because this is important?
The war is important yes. Leftypols shitposting about it isn't.
Oh right, I can get behind this then.


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The Fourth flank


O shi-


Grillpilled won't like this.


Grillpilled Schizo on suicide watch




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Why should Russians be against the war?
After all, look who suffered from it:

1) Bureaucrats, majors
2) Children of rich parents (kicked out of educational institutions in Europe)
3) Ukrainians
4) Military cattle
5) Webcams, livefans
6) iPhone users
7) Europe (since the price of gas has risen)
8) Car users
10) Football players
11) Consoomers


libshits whining in the replies lol
w-were already in ww3! nato should attack NOW!


I'm a retard, is Kazakhstan aligned with Russia?


Putin won't stop at Ukraine!!!!!! He's going to conquer the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Did he think Kazakhstan was anti-Russian or something? Lol


I'm inclined to agree…


unpaywalled: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https://www.economist.com/leaders/2022/03/05/when-vladimir-putin-escalates-his-war-the-world-must-meet-him

Jesus, they're demanding the world does what they say. "Arresst this man at once!", they say as they angrily adjust their bowties.


No, he's been anti-Russia for dozens of threads, because he's still bootyblasted at CSTO suppressing the general strike in Kazakhstan that he mistook for a worker's revolution.


we want to trap war tourists in leftypol during downtime so we can make them read books

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