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File: 1659427572243.png (206.95 KB, 681x800, taiwan-strait.PNG)

 No.562578[View All]

On the events surrounding Nancy Pelosi’s scheduled visit to Taiwan

Last thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/561633.

Latest headlines:
>Chinese fighter jets fly close to Taiwan ahead of Nancy Pelosi’s visit
>Asia stocks fall as China warns against Nancy Pelosi visit to Taiwan
611 posts and 180 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


There is no recovering from this, ever. Maybe if they invaded Taiwan tomorrow, but even then they will never live this moment down.


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>my Chinese wife says China needs more democracy and freedom


Oh no, she'll have to stay the night while China has its little temper tantrum.





China made a statment, WHERE IS IT??


They just did and It's hilarious heavy handed ironic justice


Its classic Sun Tzu. Going to war when your opponent is on the brink of killing itself would be the dumbest action to take. The best vicory is one where you dont fight at all


My dad works for nintendo and he says Xi is prepping the nukes.


That image is wrong, Russia isnt white anymore


China's FINAL warning



What city in China do you want /leftypol/?


When we kill our enemies, they win


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[Announcement of Xinhua News Agency's authorized on August 2, 2022] Chinese People's Liberation Army

It will be held from 12:00 on August 4, 2022 to 12:00 on August 7, 2022.

Carry out important military training operations in the waters and airspace, and organize them.

Bullet shooting. Specifically, it is:

25°15'26" N, 120°29'20" east longitude, north latitude

24°50'30", 120°05'45" east longitude, 25°04'32" north latitude, east

Longitude 119°51'22", latitude 25°28'12" north, longitude 120°14'30"

Connect at four o'clock.

26°07'00 N, 121°5700 E, N

25°30’00, 121°57’00 east longitude, 25°30’00 north latitude, east

Longitude 121°28’00", 26°07'00 N, 121°28'00 E

Connect at four o'clock.

25°34’00" N, 122°50’00" east longitude, north latitude

25°03°00", 122°50’00 east longitude, 25°03’00 north latitude, east

Longitude 122011’00", latitude 25°34'00 N, longitude 122°11'00"

Connect at four o'clock.

22°56’00 N, 122°40’00 E, N

23°38'00", 122°51'00 E, 23°38'00 N, EAST

Longitude 123°23'00", 22°5600 N, 123°0g’00" east longitude

Connect at four o'clock.

21014'00 N, 121033'00 east longitude, north latitude

21033'00, 121018'00 east longitude, 21°07'00 north latitude, east

Longitude 120°43’00", latitude 20°48’00 north latitude, longitude 120°59’00"

Connect at four o'clock.

22°43°00 N, 119°14'00 E, N

22°10’00, 119°06’00 E, 21°33 N


War won't happen, because Americans wouldn't get their Nintendo Switches during a war


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Yes, laugh at the violations of sovereignty.

A dog growls and makes warning bites, but if you cross the line too many times, then the bites are no longer warnings.


File: 1659453382859.jpg (319.73 KB, 1600x1066, China's hawaii.jpg)

Sanya, Hainan province.
>the consequences will NEVER be the same!!!!





You're right, China has too much to lose.


any day now


How many more yips and fake nibbles does China need to do before they start biting?


over 900


Why bite a sickly old dog? He gonna die…OLD YELLER WAHOOOO





lazing on a beach with your harem of Chinese qts sounds heavenly.


How cute, they can't even get toilets but they're busking in someone else's "success"…


Third in line to the storeshittistahni president trapped on Taiwan until the Chinese decide to let her out



So how will china twist this situation? This is humilliating, the world is laughing


men wanking, girls selfy posting. the whole world didnt notice a thing. touch fucking grass kid


It unironically did tho? Spend less time on reddit


This is one way to cope


It's happening, China is strongly condemning the visit !


Modern day reality isnt pretty huh? WANK WANK TWEET TWEET. Again, touch the fucking grass.


Stop mocking china you piece of shit



This is the country /PRC/ considers the vanguard… of the revolution!


The way Chinese foreign policy works is that issues of concern are progressively escalated. So they go from like a low ranking person at MoFA, to a high ranking person, to a person at the ministry of defense, to a declaration in Peoples Daily. All of these steps are meaningful to Chinese similar to how issues escalating through the house, to the senate and the whitehouse and pentagon matter.

The problem is that this is not clear to USians or their expert observers, who are basically extremely ignorant racists who believe the way China is akin to a ant-hill like hivemind and they don’t even think China had politics.

Anyway, China is obviously not going to kill Pelosi. They probably won’t even divert her flight, but they will use this issue to advance their Taiwan roadmap on their terms.


Fuck off with your revolution. Go kill yourself if you want it that badly. Peaceful rise is peaceful. Lao Tzu > Marx



China cuck mask off


If China had followed Marx 100pct they would be where the USSR is today. Missing in action?


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TIL: Последнее китайское предупреждение

Anyone who has heard a mother ranting and fuming against her children knows what it means. XD


I'm back, what did I miss? Was Pelosi shot down yet or did Dengoids cuck out?



revolution is when le war


That is probably spoofed data , A high value asset like a top level cabinet minister would not be traveling on a vehicle with an active transponder that is sqwarking accurate information.

There is probably a second plane not far away broadcasting something nondescript like a cargo flight that is the real VIP transport , and the plane claiming to be the VIP transport is probably a dummy that looks identical to fool potential attackers.


Only sane post ITT

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