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 No.563974[View All]

'LNP Bros…It's over' edition

- News/info:

Fresh guardian just dropped:

McNamara and Richmond got turned into Lab v. Green races, So a Lab/Grn MP no matter what there.
Everywhere else except Brisbane is just Lab v. LNP within a % point of each other at 70% counted.
Could end up with Lab-Grn de-facto coalition, Could still just be a Lab majority at this point.
554 posts and 169 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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They did quite well in some lower house seats. See >>563983

The swings seem to be driven by the Sallies and VicSoc running in 2022. Why don't the sallies get much love in this forum?


CPA-ML has translated a book on the revolution and counter-revolution in China called "History Project of the Republic: The history and logic of revolution and restoration." Seems interesting


>Why don't the sallies get much love in this forum?
Well, what do you want to talk about?


Why is their logo so bad


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They're old, a group that split from them had a much cooler logo


When people ITT ask "what orgs should I join?" the usual responses are ACP and IWW. Nobody suggests the sallies, even though they must have at least 1500 members (because that's the requirement for registered political parties) and they have been around for a long time.

The sallies I have met IRL are old people, so there is something about them that makes young people uninterested. Nobody has said what it is, hence why I'm bringing up this topic. They're a big org with experience and a bit of money, so they are capable of doing stuff.


>The sallies I have met IRL are old people
Complete opposite of my experience. They're usually university students who have never worked a day in their life who "grow out" of socialism and join the ALP and the Greens later on. The ones you're meeting must be the sad sacks who never gave up on that useless organisation.
Also its a trot outfit so fuck em


The old rank and file are respectable worker oriented communists even if they are trots

The ALP strivers are very embarrassing
Shame really


I think you're thinking of SAlt


My experience with SAlt is less undergraduate aged students, but perennial students all the same. Usually a better understanding of orthodox Marxism but too autistic to understand you can't use 1930s tactics in the 21st century.


>a much cooler logo
That's pretty cool yeah


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Average gusano


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Austin Powers' car transformed into a lady
Made in China, of course.


>and then the while they were pushing the train there was no food on it and we had to eat the rat and the dog ate the grandpa and the policeman ate the woman and the dog and the rat ate the policeman gun because they couldnt afford bullets and it was so sad


I don't think Austin Powers was from Australia.


Neither is the Australian flag.




In December 2021, the Australian coal mining industry added a total of around 30 Billion Australian dollars to the national GDP. Yet the average salary for a coal miner in Australia is around $125 000 AU. Multiplied by around 37 000 coal miners in Australia, and the total money paid to Australian coal miners is around $4,625,000,000. That's around 24 Billion dollars in surplus made by the Coal miners that goes to capitalists.


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>One Nation are now collaborating with the LaRouche fuckers.
The threads all come back together…


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do i even want to click these…
What makes you say this?


Video he linked and the entire 'Postal Bank' and 'Iron boomerang project' that Roberts has hooked onto were all produced by the ACP (Australian Citizens Party) i.e the Australian division of LarouchePac+SchillerInstitute.



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Thanks, I thought it was just being used as a slur like many here do.
haha there is some dumb shit there


Is that photoshopped?


Based ACP.



bye Liz


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what in god's name


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larouche is spinning in his grave rn


Heard the news and found the most Irish place I could find. The bar staff are confused as to why its so popular today but I've overheard two tables already calling Lizzy a lizard. Found a chill table and had a few drinks, met someone working woth thebnurses union, we all toasted death for his favour and chilling to a lovely jig right now.


Based Xi, defending the Democratic Socialists of Australia.


Sino-Fenianism when?


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Whats you guys opinion on Rewi Alley? was he based?


he wasn't Australian



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>420 page
Dr. Kevin Bud


lol 420 pages

Instead of that, he should learn from Haz and simply debate someone with a PhD and then claim that he has taken the Dr title as a prize



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So, what will you do for the National Day of Mourning for Her Majesty The Queen?


Day before the public holiday for the local tangible cultural heritage handegg finals

Probably drink alcohol


At least the dead lizard gave us a public holiday. I think to properly honour her contribution we should have a month of public holidays for mourning her every year.


Will any of you bongs blast Ding dong, the witch is dead from their window or would that be literal suicide?


Sure you're in the right thread?
Sure you're using the right word?


Look how progressive and hip albo is!111


If I put a gun to your head and said you had to join one Aus party, which one are you choosing? You can't say none.





What're yous doing for the upcoming long weekend?


> Housing still hasn't fixed property damage

Unique IPs: 24

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