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 No.565258[Last 50 Posts]


Russia has launched multiple missiles over Ukraine. The attacks continue. Preliminary targets of missile strikes on Ukraine according to OSINT and telegram channels. The following cities were hit:
- Kiev
- Dnepropetrovsk
- Kharkov
- Zaporozhye
- Ternopil
- Odessa
- Krivoy Rog
- Lvov
- Zhytomyr
- Rivne
- Nikolaev
- Krapivnitsky
- Kremenchug
- Konotop
Attacks on critical infrastructure:
- Glavk SBU (Kyiv)
- CHPP-5 (Kyiv)
- CHPP-6 (Kyiv)
- Lvovskaya CHPP (Lviv)
- Burshtynska TPP (Ivano-Frankivsk region)
- EU Advisory Mission (Kyiv)
- Department of Law Enforcement Agencies (Kyiv) Kyiv and Kharkov
Total loss of power:
- Lvov
- Zhytomyr
- Sumy
- Kharkov
- Khmelnitsky
- Poltava
- Ternopl
- Lutsk

Other News
>Lukashenko, Putin agree on deployment of joint regional group of forces
>Ukraine stops electricity export due to Russia’s attacks on power facilities - Energy Ministry

>N.B. liveuamap.com is not to be trusted

Andrei Martyanov YouTube & blog for military strategy: https://www.youtube.com/user/smoothieX12

>CIA involvement in ukrainian nationalism: https://www.redstreetjournal.com/p/cia1?s=r More in >>>/edu/9906

>Here’s two specifically about Operational Art & Ukraine

📺 NEWS / EVENTS: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 HANGOUT / CHILL: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

https://nitter.net/asbmilitary (still banned)
https://nitter.net/GeromanAT (he's back)


More can be found in the Ukraine Videos Thread in /leftypol_archive/


first for more missiles


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american foreign policy analyst explains why ukraine is america's fault


Who is this guy? Seems very based


>Twitter is so retarded. I want to burn NATO down but the highest estimates of death toll are around 25k for the whole war with all parties involved.
A 'casualty' of war is somebody who has been killed or wounded


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just wanted to pre-empt all the fascist concern trolls. i hope every single banderite dies, and i hope it hurts so bad that human minds cannot even comprehend the pain.


professor of international relations at university of chicago, he was friends with Stephen Cohen


German cyber security chief to be fired after alleged Russia ties, sources say
>Germany is planning to fire Arne Schoenbohm, the head of the BSI national cyber security agency, after reports he had contacts with Russian intelligence services, government sources told AFP on Monday.

>The interior ministry said it is “taking reports seriously” and “investigating them comprehensively.”

For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.

>Schoenbohm in 2012 co-founded a Berlin-based association known as the Cyber Security Council Germany, which advises businesses, government agencies and policymakers on cyber security issues.

>That association is now under fire over alleged contacts to Russian secret services.

>According to an investigation by a popular satire program on the ZDF broadcaster, Schoenbohm still maintains contact with the association.


What is this 'popular satire program'?


Pretty cool. I could be wrong, but I feel like even among left-leaning academics this sort of analysis of Ukraine is somewhat taboo.


RED Sun over paradise

Had to do it, you can kill me now


Well a lot of these analysis from IR guys are not from the left-wing but from a realist school that believes Russia should be placated and used against China


Oh fuck, that's almost as cringe as the Russophobes. Never mind


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The game has changed.


Die Anstalt (the mental institute)


His name is John mearsheimer


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Russia is going to attack Kiev and Chernihiev, it seems. This time ukrainian troops are all in the east.
Another arrival from today was recorded. The arrival hit a substation.
This damage is no shit, even with a lot of manpower and resources, which ukraine lacks up to some extent, would take months, perhaps years, to restore the full capacity blown today.


John Mearsheimer. I wouldn't call him based. He's a capitalist and an imperialist. He critiques his own country's foreign policy for being retarded, naive, and ineffective. He's a true believer in American "democracy" and Capitalism but basically thinks they're going about it the wrong way. Here's him talking about Zelensky


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>actual unironic vatniks
ell oh ell


imagine a mass wave of Russians flanking Ukraine


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You call me orc. Fine, I'll give you orc


>Zelensky complains about arrivals in Kyiv and other cities. And how did you, sucker-Zelensky, think: you can, but others can’t?

>That is, for eight years it was possible to bomb civilians, destroy the infrastructure of the cities of the LDNR, cover a nuclear power plant with shells, blow up bridges, fire at important objects, but how did it fly on your head, so suddenly it became impossible for anyone?

>We warned you, Zelensky, that Russia hasn’t really started yet, so stop complaining like cheap stuff, but better, run before it arrives. Run, Zelensky, run, without looking back, towards the West.

>Now I am 100% satisfied with the CBO.





In the u.s. materialism is the only way to do a good analysis without becoming an outcast in the MSM, that's why he was allowed to do these publications in liberal media and was interviewed in the liberal media.


I find it almost difficult to comprehend that someone can that coldly and accurately describe American imperialism like he did in the video and still fully support it. These foreign policy guys really are ghouls


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>i hope every single banderite dies, and i hope it hurts so bad that human minds cannot even comprehend the pain.


already happened, they called it Operation Bagration


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still fewer nazi symbols in this than your typical Kohol army video


You should look more into mearsheimer. He wrote a whole point tearing apart the Israel lobby



christ why is everyone east of germany so fucking hideous


someone post the skit kadyrov made of him forcing Zelensky to surrender


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the war experts logged in



Whole book*


But he also apparently said Ukraine should have nukes. WHOSE SIDE IS HE ON


i have the audiobook of that but still haven't gotten around to it yet because I'm so thoroughly disgusted with Israel that I don't think I even need to


>Canada flag

You just KNOW that is a Ukrainian disapora


I can't wait to taste the salty liberal and /pol/ack tears when Russia eventually wins. Well, I know for a fact they both taste the same…


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> everyone east of germany
You're overestimating western europe


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>4chon glowies/boomers melting down about retaliation being a thing


I wonder how much of the traffic on fed/pol/ is genuine.


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>terror bomb doesn't work
tell that to lvov completely without electricity lmao.
this is 100% a morale booster for Russians, and a morale destroyer for the khokhols.
Damn, these people are doing damage control.


>But he also apparently said Ukraine should have nukes. WHOSE SIDE IS HE ON
He's an IR realist who believes in balances of power, not liberal ideological delusions. He's a much more efficient defender of imperialism and sees how liberalism as the latter day logic of imperialism is fucking things up in ways that Mearsheimer knows the US itself wouldn't tolerate. For example, we believe in balance of power when it comes to Monroe doctrine but suddenly oppose it as a division of the world when someone is balancing against us.


is that the same dude?


likely half. I see that /tv/, /a/, /v/, /b/ and of course /pol/ are mostly made up of no life board spammers who post constant one-sentence (at max) posts or they are just bots.


It's an interesting critique, but how many of the top American military planners are actually liberal ideologues? They all strike me as cold pragmatists. It seems if surrounding Russia really was a bad thing for American capital, then the Americans wouldn't be doing it.


This is another guy I would recommend. I'm not that poster. He has great takes and analysis of this war and was a top military official in the usa and even had a spot on trump admin

You can find interviews of him on YouTube



Thanks friend, I'll look into him!


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I feel like so much of American foreign policy can be chalked up to "busywork" and this is what confuses people. They do shit just to do shit. If America ever stopped being at war and meddling in country's foreign affairs, they'd be out of a job.


Here is a channel that interviews him every week

He is a conservative and so is the host but very realistic analysis


Right, but at least attractive people EXIST in those countries. It's like there's a magical barrier at the German border that turns men into ugly potato tards


“Mr. Bolton has become very, very rich and is in the position he’s in because of his unconditional support for the Israeli lobby. He is their man on the ground in the White House,” said Macgregor.

The same thing is largely true for Mr. Pompeo, he has aspirations to be president,” Macgregor said. “He has his hands out for money from the Israeli lobby, the Saudis and others.”

“I think the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC] and its subordinate elements or affiliated elements that represent enormous quantities of money that over many years have cultivated an enormous influence in power in Congress,” he said.

I think you’ve got a lot of people on the Hill who fall into two categories — one category that is interested in money and wants to be reelected, and they don’t want to run the risk of the various lobbies that are pushing military action against Iran to contribute money to their opponents,” Macgregor said.



the actual gigachad guy is a russian btw


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Plan status?


Isn't he Tajik?


I think he's from Best Germany.


These pieces are written by OPs to make MLs look like complete idiots


>and its ore idea that political power grows only out of the barrel of a gun
That's Maoism, Lee Edwards you fucking idiot



My bad, thank you for the info.


there is also Pavel Patel, the ultimate adonis.




Ok, Felix, Felix, Felix, we're gonna need that tribute


>The Neocons and the Woke Left Are Joining Hands and Leading Us to Woke War III | Opinion



Jesus christ, the only way to get an anti-war editorial in Newsweek is by defending Elon Musk. What a truly abominable country


Opening a new front would be devastating for Ukraine, especially if the Russians manage to bolster the Donbass with new troops sufficiently to properly hold defensive lines. How the fuck would the Ukrainians even defend themselves against an attack like this? Most troops are concentrated in the east desperately trying to push, no way they can maneuver in order to mount any proper defense.


dont have access to a printer until friday


I remember earlier this month, or ending this month, western pundits were worried that ukraine is using all of their manpower in the east and south 'leaving outposts in kiev, chernihiev, and kharkov western areas without defense'.
seems everything is coming to a new phase, one in which perhaps ukraine loses more ground, and now very local countries such as Romania and Esthonia are asking to negotiate with Russia (after they depleted their arsenal)


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use your phone, ipad, or monitor to just open a pic of putin and make a photo of it

you can easily clean cum off


>>565327 (me)
>or ending this month
ending last month


>It's an interesting critique, but how many of the top American military planners are actually liberal ideologues?
Those guys aren't, the civilian leadership is. Look at the Biden administration's foreign policy team, there's no consistency or substance. It's literally pure ideology about the post-1945 liberal international order.

Mearsheimer in contrast believes in 19th century style balance of power realpolitik. He rips up the successor to the balance of power politics, which is called liberal hegemony, as basically fomenting its own demise. See wherever he uses the phrase "double down" when it comes to the Ukraine crisis. He repeatedly mentions that in the context of the US belief that it has the liberal right to expand an empire not only regardless of balances, but in the name of tearing them down. This interacted poorly with globalization as like a high stage for imperialism, it meant we were basically resuming 19th century history in some regions in the name of constructing a 21st century world. Wherever this caused a crisis, we doubled down and ahistorically blamed the Russians. This has culminated in full blown claims of an incoming Greater Russia or USSR, genocide of Ukrainians, and Putin as a second Hitler. All of which are supposed to say that this is our chance to make up for WW2.

This is all ahistorical ideological backfilling, and either the realist or materialist perspective will tell you why. Realists can see how thanks to history we largely own the world's balances of power, and materialists can see how thanks to history the chains of imperialism are unipolar. Liberals are in a state of utterly denying reality with ideological abstractions which commonly do three things
1) recognize that thanks to history liberalism is the most vulnerable to a crisis of world imperialism
2) work to protect how world imperialism has historically concentrated power in the west
3) despite 1 and 2, work to decenter the West as the cause of the crisis even if it means decentering world imperialism in the age of unipolarity and globalization.

As a result, liberal ideology now functions to argue that to explain the crisis of the world you must ignore its world system. This is a massive contradiction in liberalism that exposes it as not universal, which makes for an existential crisis to any liberal. That's why they're all rushing to become hawks, to plug the holes in the political structure. Bourgeois democracy is degenerating from an idea of how capitalist states can grow together to the logic of the most rich states making war on the emergent economies.

Mearsheimer knows this, he sees the global class war that is distorting liberalism. He sees that his realpolitik balance of power is more consistent and universal for these different strata of the capitalist world, and he ardently believes this is the only way to preserve US global dominance.

Liberals, like the ideologue Michael McFaul, think this is regression in policy that reflects a greater retreat of liberalism and American power in the world. So liberals want to put everything on the table in the name of preserving everything gained so far. Mearsheimer wants to make sacrifices to pivot to China.

The whole thing speaks to the growing disaster of American leadership in the world. For these divisions to emerge is a very bad sign. There are no parallels in the original Cold War, because the Cold War was never about a crisis of American power.

>It seems if surrounding Russia really was a bad thing for American capital, then the Americans wouldn't be doing it.

That's not really the question here. The question is whether liberal ideological delusions, as intensified by the crisis of the liberal end of history, missed the chance to flip Russia to contain China. The former is the ideological threat in the liberal view, the latter is the threat to American interests in the realist view.


Honestly depending on the scale of the disaster I can see Poland, Hungary just invading the western bits of Ukraine in order to safeguard territory they consider theirs.


Are we back?


ukraine as we know it today will cease to exist in the comming years.


Here's a good Mearsheimer lecture btw



did he say ukraine should have nukes or that it would be a smart thing from their POV?


Is the northern invasion actually a thing? I have PTSD from waiting for the 40 KILOMETER CONVOY OUTSIDE OF KIEV bullshit from earlier this year.


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relax, retard. the happening happens when it happens.


>anglos sabotaging peace talks
>oh i know what to do, send 5 gorillion trucks to kiev to prove we mean business
was this Cucktin's most retarded moment


I mean, the Russians are getting more manpower now, so it's actually feasible, instead of before when it was just a pipe dream. I wouldn't be 100% certain though.


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could be. could also be a distraction to make ukraine divert forces from the front.


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wow, a rare Alunya, here, exchange of rare Alunyas.


Interview with the Chinese Ambassador in Budapest Qi Dayu

China and Hungary have set a good example for state-to-state relations



Using simple worlds.
China puts constraints on US economical power.
Russia puts constraints on how US can use it's military.
Together Russia, China, India, Iran and a few other countries with DIFFERENT systems working together - are a threat to the US ideological soft power, providing an alternative to liberal end of history that actually works.


damn I can only imagine the psychological pressure again kek.
if having Kiev almost surrounded almost started a negotiation, then hohols kicked the table, I can't imagine what would try to do? first repeal the act they put that no one can negotiate with Russia as long as Putin is in power.


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>yes sir understood, ill make iron Felix proud



I hope the northern push is real and Belarus commits their own forces this time


Gosar is quite possibly the worst human being presently elected in American congress, so it hurts to have to agree with him


In a meeting with the Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Pawel Jablonski late on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian once again underscored that Tehran has not supplied any party with weapons to be used in the war in Ukraine.

Amir Abdollahian reiterated that the principled position of Iran is to oppose arming any of the parties in the war with the aim of stopping the conflict.



There is way worse people in Congress than him who have materially caused deaths of hundreds of thousands. You say this because the worst crime that can be committed in yours is racism.


>Biden and his crime family may owe Zelensky
this is the typical imperialist cope from burgers "it's actually Israel/Ukraine who is controlling us!!!"


Russia had argued that a secret vote was needed because Western lobbying would make it difficult for countries to express their positions openly

The UN General Assembly voted on Monday to reject Russia’s call for the 193-member body to hold a secret ballot later this week on whether to condemn Moscow’s move to annex four partially occupied regions in Ukraine. The General Assembly decided, with 107 votes in favour, that it would hold a public vote – and not a secret ballot – on a draft resolution that would condemn Russia’s “illegal so-called referenda” and the “attempted illegal annexation”. Diplomats said the vote on the resolution would probably be on Wednesday. Only 13 countries on Monday opposed holding a public vote on the draft resolution, another 39 countries abstained and the remaining countries did not vote. Russia had argued that a secret ballot was needed because Western lobbying meant that “it may be very difficult if positions are expressed publicly”.



>this is the typical imperialist cope from burgers "it's actually Israel/Ukraine who is controlling us!!!"
liberals can't admit it's the ruling class and right wingers can't admit it's america


Wheat climbs to three-month high on rising Ukraine War worries
The ease in prices into the close came amid ongoing concern that an economic slump will curb global demand for grains and other farm products.



I say this because he's my representative and I'm more familiar with him than you are. He is a fascist, a lunatic, and a religious fanatic who has absolutely zero regard for human life.

If ziggers are unironically going to start telling me that Paul Gosar is fucking based, I'm going to personally nuke Russia myself
Agree, that part was stupid. I more meant the general spirit of his stance.



I know who Paul gosar and his ties to people like nick Fuentes. It still doesn't make him the worst. Actually leading to deaths of people like many in Congress have as contractors, funders of wars, voters of war and killed people themselves is worse than being a racist


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We're waiting, Felix.


>burgers even competing over which state has it worse
can you fuck off to your containment thread?


So, because he hasn't yet gotten in a position to do what he wants he's not evil? If the man had his way we'd be machine gunning immigrants at the border



God i would marry that cosplayer.


this remind me how a lib friend of mine blamed Brexit


Imagine dying and getting soyjak faced by a OUN ultra-right neonazist party femboy….
we live in the clonwnest reaction.


just enjoy bourgeoisie-on-bourgeoisie porn-violence. the more they infight, the more we enjoy. I wouldn't mind giving him support, in this particular frame.


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He doesn't identify as a turk.


top kek I still remember that awkard video with the firefighters


>yes sir understood, ill make iron Felix cum


American professor uses Ukraine conflict horrors for Halloween display

What for some is a real-life horror, for others, just holiday decorations: Central Connecticut State University Professor Matt Warshauer makes a Halloween display inspired by the deadly Ukraine conflict.


And you'd be a very cute pair!


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Not sure what to think of this one.


lmao the guy is active on social media and that isnt him but w/e dork.


that is fairly cool but wtf


>the guy is active on social media

holy fuck you really are dumb huh



One has to develop a very strong cool-minded consciousness to discern between true comrades that indeed feel their gender is misrepresented and are class-consciousness fighters from this pathetic excuse of a human being disguised in 'wokeism' and 'progressiveness' which does it for the sakes of exploiting other liberals.



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The United Nations General Assembly approved Albania's motion for an open, recorded vote on a draft resolution condemning Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territory.

The following is how each country voted:
[107 for, 13 against, 39 abstentions]

Russia wanted a secret vote




is this your book ?


Felix wrote a lot of articles related about Ukraine, including this one.


im only surprised by egypt


Syria, arms trade, economic ties.


>did he say ukraine should have nukes or that it would be a smart thing from their POV?
Almost assuredly the latter


what does this mean



it will be published soon in covert action magazine.


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Say what you will but this is our generation's Guernica.


seems like kinda a waste of effort but whatever makes him happy


the vote count does not sum the ausence. A lot of countries just ignoring it. Between no, abstains, and not present there is a huge chunk of countries.


wtf serbia


even if abstaining meant "no" which it dont, it's still 107-86. Also Russia is absent, lol


107 yes
13 no
39 abstain
33 ignored


nice. I wanted to read more about the Abkhazia article that was posted when its finished


working on it still, should actually be finished or near finished soon, got too high last night to celebrate but when ive finished laundry and get a nice workout in i can probably get it most of the way there tonight.

there is way more to it, i'm focusing on the georgian legion, but the situation in georgia was mega fucked, even more so than most post-soviet states. georgia was openly run by the actual mafia for years.


Whether the vote to condemn Russia's annexations would be public or private.


so it's irrelevant


so much of the work doesn't give a shit about western screeches.


Russia didn't annex territory. DNR and LNR held a vote. This "Russian Anschluss" narrative is tiresome. I don't care if 107 countries voted to condemn something that didn't happen.


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someone said moving to negotiations?


>vote on how to do a vote
>doesnt count missing
what are we reading carefully for


the topic on the un is boring. from one side, it doesn't matter if the un does recognize you, because Palestine is an invited member, and that hasn't impeded Israel each year from taking their land and bombing their civilian infrastructure. and countries not recognized like taiwan live like gods
Not all countries recognised have a good destiny, not all non-recognized countries are living trash. This is just the west trying to stretch the argument 'the world is against you', when precisely the u.s. policies are widely and wildly rejected.


Good post, thanks


they should have held a vote on how to hold this vote tbh


would have changed the vote if the vote were secret?


non-secret vote is a US propaganda, because they can bribe countries and force vassals to vote the certain way


>we're still calling mersheimer based.
for fucks sake.
It's these peoples jobs in politics to understand these things. Him and people like him is literally (part of) the enemy.


He's honestly not that far off from Kissinger who also criticized a lot of burgerstan's involvement in this war (and other things)


Can I get a quick rundown?


heart hardening status has gone from runny yolk to soft boiled.


What would be the point of a secret vote? I mean, an open vote is already pointless but at least it's symbolic. A secret vote doesn't even have the symbolic part.


A secret vote would be even slimier. Can you imagine if parliaments voted in secret?


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Russia targeted critical infrastructure in western Ukraine.


i'm guessing russia thinks it would get a lot more votes from the cuck states that are afraid of Sam. It's the same reason for secret ballots in regular elections. Remove the fear of identification and reprisal and the votes can be different.


>thinks they're going about it the wrong way
That's a big oof. American Imperialism is functioning as intended. If anything, they're sabotaging themselves by being so soft and high on their own rhetoric.


>never listen to your enemy, or give where credit is due, who gives a shit, fuck'em
>-Sun Tzu, probably


its p. funny seeing how many of these dorks have never read on contradiction


>It's these peoples jobs in politics to understand these things. Him and people like him is literally (part of) the enemy.

Mearsheimer is basically doing realist self-critique for America's role in the world as based on liberalism.

America's role in the world undermines liberalism by serving as the means to basically go to war with everything after the Cold War. It allowed everyone to turn into viciously hawkish pigs that pretend to be fighting out old battles to carve up the modern world, especially after the collapse of socialism. Mearsheimer believes liberalism depends on American unipolarity, since if you dominate all balances then you don't have to worry about how these balances especially hurt liberal nations that operate on rights rather than balances. This is a capitalist construction that carries the seed of its own destruction. There is no international order built on the domination of the international order. However, that's exactly how the 21st century has been framed in the West. Mearsheimer believes that the crisis is caused by the liberal delusions of most of the world's great powers meeting the realities of the rest of the world as a unipolar moment leads to rapid expansion and interconnection.

Liberalism undermines America's role by obsessively focusing on Russia at the expense of China. By focusing on how far Europe has come (past Russia) liberals are ignoring the actual change redefining the world. That's China's rise. Their blindspot for China is also a blindspot for Russia, since this is really about stalled Western expansion into the periphery of Europe being progressively offset by growing Eurasian integration. It's not about big bad Russia vs Europe's little nations, including Ukraine.


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I don't know to much about him tbqh (non burger here) but from what I have seen of him it is basic realpolitik, which tracks with Kissinger. But that anons can't recognize this is quite frankly a bit worrying. A lot less talking and a lot more reading is needed to be done as this is a distressing trait of the modern internet-addicted, addled left.


Jesus, I just made some offhand comment about him being based because I watched a thirty second video where he said the Ukraine situation was NATO's fault. You don't need to assume I'm completely unfamiliar with books because I didn't know who this one guy is


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Modern US imperialists are goings against the wisdom of their ancestors. The point of capitalist imperialism is not to have your garrisons around the world or to micro manage politics of far of nations but it is just to open foreign markets up to your capitalist class, period, full stop.
US imperialism objectively has no interest if Ukraine is ruled by Putin, by Washington or is independent. All that matters is Russian commodities are available to the western capitalist class at a discount rate and western exports are allowed into Russia.


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I mean that is probably the best solution but surprised one of these guys is saying it lol


Kissinger's take on the Ukraine crisis was also based. I'm not sure what the problem is here.

The reason we can agree with them is very simple. Materialists and realists think in historical terms, whereas liberals believe they're posthistorical. Materialists and realists recognize the West represents an empire with interests, not humanity and its rights. It's not defending democracy in Ukraine, it's attempting to expand and either materialism or realism will tell you why it's doing so in a particularly bad way. In the materialist view, liberalism is not supposed to conclude with a democratic antagonism between nations of people. The idea Europe must struggle against Russians to be free and united is just degeneration. Instead liberalism should give us a struggle between all and reactionary ruling class. It instead represents this class. The realist view is much simpler about liberal hypocrisy, where for the West it's pretty much realism for me and liberalism for thee. This is exemplified in the post cold war world, where NATO and the USSR reconciled only for one of these to disband and the other to expand. Liberals have such incisive things to say about empires, unless it's theirs. You can see the implications this has with unipolarity and its crisis.


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India wasn't the Jewel in the Crown of Britain because Hindus were good customers. And Brittania did not rule the waves, because they were bad at imperialism.

Being another dumping ground for capitalist overproduction is just one piece of imperialism. The other two are labour and resources. This flow of capital, which still takes place primarily over water, necessitates garrisons in chokepoints around trade routes (Gibraltar, Suez, Malacca, South Africa, Panama, South China Sea) and the largest Navy in the world to guard it.


It's not about you personally as an individual anon, calm down.
Yes, I don't disagree with you, I would say that we are talking about a tool and it is a question of who is wielding it. I do not see that a shared tool that leads to similar shared perceptons makes them somehow 'based'. We should be clear about who this, to be melodramatic and fun about it the class enemy.


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Russian army advancing slowly towards Lyman. Ukrops are all quiet on every front except the Kherson Suicide Charges that never end. Would pretty much be the perfect time to settle down for a peace agreement. I don't think Ukrops will be in a better position than this, especially as winter sets in


>India wasn't the Jewel in the Crown of Britain because Hindus were good customers. And Brittania did not rule the waves, because they were bad at imperialism.
That would be securing access to foreign commodities at a discount part. Where US actions in Ukraine has multiped the cost of raw inputs to industries across the board for the west.
> This flow of capital, which still takes place primarily over water, necessitates garrisons in chokepoints around trade routes (Gibraltar, Suez, Malacca, South Africa, Panama, South China Sea) and the largest Navy in the world to guard it.
That Ukraine only facilities by allowing Russian commodities flow from the west to Russia and vice versa. With Russia not trading with the west, Ukraine is no significant strategic importance to the US Empire.


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What do you think is their goal? To legitimately try and take Kiev or simply get the army to be split


hot take: let Poland have the western nazi-infested area

it will sour the relations between polish fashoids and ukraine fashoids, and Poland will be the one who have to deal with banderite maniacs who want to genocide the polish

>because they were bad at imperialism.
they were pretty successful at it tho


Think about it tho, you or what used to be you is laying there dead, blown the fuck up, so "she" can use your remains for propaganda.


I doubt we will see anything until December or January, whenever the Southern fronts are bolstered and the regular forces can begin to make progress again. Then they may coordinate something. I'm still a bit doubtful of Russia trying to win militarily, but we can always be surprised. I am leaning towards feint for now, but apparently there are a lot of troops building up there


they doubled down listing all main politicians of Russian federation as sponsors of terrorism, and also one Donetsk city was shelled today. SBU already made their move.


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We're finally doing it then? Cool.


Well its 2014, so that makes sense they are as dogmatic about it


not as dogmatic*


Ah, what would that accomplish? I understand why Balkan countries would reject Ukranian annexation, due to their context


Youd still have nuclear rockets within a dozen minutes of Moscow lol, literally no solution


>it will sour the relations between polish fashoids and ukraine fashoids, and Poland will be the one who have to deal with banderite maniacs who want to genocide the polish
banter 9000 timeline I will die in a ww3 capretbombing laughing.


>it will sour the relations between polish fashoids and ukraine fashoids, and Poland will be the one who have to deal with banderite maniacs who want to genocide the polish
Now that's something id like to see just for the madness that will cause.


>Ukraine is preparing attack on Belarus
They must be winning hard if they can divert troops to antagonize a neutral country.


>Donetsk city was shelled today
What else is new lol. At this point I don't think Ukraine killing any more Donbass civilians or destroying more Russian infrastructure would any more of an effect than it already had. Hell, even after Russia's massively taken down Ukraine's infrastructure I still don't see an end to this. So what does that change?


well if Russia became 90's tier cucked again, I guarantee there would be a NATO invasion of Belarus


Not even Imperial Germany could pull off a two front war even Russia collapsed.


Don't think you meant to reply to me, but there's kind of been multiple fronts in Ukraine already, isn't that the reason why Russian forces are so stretched?


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>Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on Monday announced a joint military task force with Russia will deploy to the western border of the country near Ukraine amid a series of escalations in the Ukraine-Russia war.

>The Belarusian news outlet Belta reported that Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin had agreed to the deployment of the troops, which includes forces from both Belarus and Russia.

>Lukashenko said the task force includes more than 1,000 troops and has already begun forming. He also said thousands more Russian troops could soon be deployed within Belarus.

>“This won’t be just a thousand troops,” he said, according to The New York Times.


Like in 90's when Russia was 90's tier cucked? Nobody's invading Belarus, Luka is just doing fearmongering to distract his subjects from overthrowing him.


Why doesn't Russia just do le shock and awe and end this for good


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If you wanted to volunteer for the Chechen forces, would it be a requirement to have a certain beard length


Because it doesn't work.


A long front is different then two fronts. The problem Imperial Germany ran into was that units it sent to one front couldn't do anything for the other. The eastern and western fronts were too far from each other and a breakthrough in one didn't effect the other. Here would be the same even if they could put north into Belarus it would just send those units farther away form Russian forces.


has shock and awe ever worked?



issue is that a secret vote isn't necessarily going to get you better turnouts because it means if the US (or Russia) bribes/intimidates some people, they won't need nearly as much leverage to make your hidden vote go the other way.


"shock and awe" is literally just blowing up civvies for punishment and stockholder dividendies.


>has shock and awe ever worked?
Yes, No, Maybe. Worked in achieving what?


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Europe is fucking doomed, holy shit. Guess what, cheap Russian energy was the best fucking deal they could have gotten literally because of the great European plains, especially with direct pipelines through the Baltic Sea without transit fees. Now China's gonna reap cheap Russian energy, and guess what? Europe's not gonna be developing their economy without China, the world's manufacturing center, America's too inept and dysfunctional to put out another Marshall Plan, Europe is fucking cutting off their kneecaps.


I like how nobody voted for this, it was just unilaterally decided on by largely unelected interests like NATO


Look at a map of NATO in the 90's and a map of NATO now dumbass. And I'm sorry but your precious white-red-white fascists are in no danger of being able to overthrow Luka anytime soon


What's even funnier about this is that even if the US did put together some kind of new Marshall Plan, it'd still fuck the west over because it'd create an enormous number of job openings at low levels in society, which would immediately create a large upward force on wages, which would drive inflation home even harder.
And thanks to the fun laws of supply and demand, China can import way more russian gas at drastically lower prices, which allows them to increase profit margins nicely without bothering their labor force's paychecks in the least


we are going to see more kinzhals in the future if biden really keeps the promise of sending 'modern' aa systems.


>America's too inept and dysfunctional to put out another Marshall Plan
America seem to be deliberately vassalizing Europe. They not only don't want a new Marshall Plan, they're in effect undoing the old one now that there's no red menace to keep them from placing chains on Europe.

I think that we have been so used to America propping up the old European powers post-WW2 and treating them as allies that we forgot that this was conditional. Spookery about muh Hwite race aside, America ultimately only treated the old powers like allies because attempting to vassalize them back then would be tantamount to throwing them into the USSR's arms. This risk disappeared after 1991, but still Western liberalism and capitalism were on the rise, which is no longer the case. So it's time to downgrade Western Europe from allies to vasals.


When has NATO done anything resembling a full scale invasion tho? Couping shit has been working for them so far, why would you expect them to change strategies for no reason? You are just fearmongering about an unlikely threat.




Iraq and Afghanistan? Plus Clinton was about to invade Yugoslavia in 1999 when Milosevic surrendered


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is cool if you killed brown people! as long now you redeem yourself by killing Slavs!


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>raising the wages of workers causes inflation
I doubt that very much. Historically inflation correlates with declining wages.

I think that capitalists spending the surplus generated by society on stupid things like wars that don't pan out and non-productive luxury production for the ruling class, causes inflation.

If workers have more spending power in the market because of higher wages the capitalists will be "incentivized" to spend more of societal surplus in productive avenues like investing in the advancement of productive forces. If the means of production are advanced that lowers the cost of production and reduces prices of goods.

if workers have higher wages governments get more tax revenue that they can use to improve infrastructure, social services and scientific research. All of those things increase the efficiency of society, which will also reduce the cost of production.


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>ow China's gonna reap cheap Russian energy, and guess what? Europe's not gonna be developing their economy without China, the world's manufacturing center, America's too inept and dysfunctional to put out another Marshall Plan, Europe is fucking cutting off their kneecaps.

>And thanks to the fun laws of supply and demand, China can import way more russian gas at drastically lower prices, which allows them to increase profit margins nicely without bothering their labor force's paychecks in the least.

How can a man win so much without doing anything ?.


There was already a war, and idk if air campaign counts as full scale invasion.
lol when?
No fly zone isn't a full scale invasion
NATO taking part in Retard genocide of 1962 should never be forgiven.


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multipolar order is coming very soon xi bros


>No fly zone isn't a full scale invasion
they had planes flying all over Libya killing thousands of civilians and I'm pretty sure it actually was a NATO plane that took out Gaddafi before the ISIS dudes found him in the wreckage


China is winning by doing exactly nothing and it's populace is probably unaware of it. This has to be the biggest loss for western pride in ages. Literally unrecoverable


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Terror bombing doesn't work. The only impact this has on the war is maybe slightly delaying some logistics of supplies getting to the front. The other effect is has is making Ukraine look like insane monsters to the rest of the world.
So this is just a net loss for Ukraine, They used car bombs, and seemingly accomplished nothing of real value other than looking like cartoon villains.


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For the enemies of Russia, the morning does not start with coffee.


>Iraq and Afghanistan?
When did NATO invade either of them. I hate taking their side on this but you are absolutely misguided.
>Clinton was about to invade Yugoslavia in 1999
Possible, but didn't happen. Also, Clinton wasn't the boss of NATO, but the president of US, so wtf are you talking about. Do you somehow think NATO and US are interchangeable rather than two related but very different entities?


>it hasn't happened before so it will never happen
the current situation is unprecedented. US hegemony is being challenged in a way it hasn't been since the end of the Cold War and NATO is just a US empire org in international clothes. Different situations will produce different actions. Things it didn't need to do before become necessary as situations change.
This reminds me a bit of the few morons itt who were saying russia wasn't able to escalate any more in ukraine bc they would have done it already if they could.


NATO guided operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Besides, we both know what is being talked about. right now. You are either extremely autistic or are actively trying to defend NATO


>lol when?
You understand that both the Gulf War and later the Iraq War were fought by a coalition, not just the US, right? While not all nations were strictly NATO members, several were and it'd be stupid to think they didn't coordinate through NATO.


the coalition forces of both iraq and afghanistan were pretty heavily stuffed with NATO members, and Ukraine.


just report the troll.


All NATO countries gleefully supported the invasion of Iraq

Tens of thousands of bombs on Yugoslavia and Lybia arent an invasion because the boots on the ground arent NATO isnt a good argument.


Ok so air campaign akin to Yugoslavia.


the chinese i talk to are well aware of it.


inflation is caused by bourgeoisie hoarding. Cockshott did a video using context Marx to prove (re-prove) this notion.


>All NATO countries gleefully supported the invasion of Iraq
this isn't true though. France and Germany were opposed and tried to block it from happening at the UN. This was kind of a big deal at the time because there wasn't the usual Western unity and Bush had to cobble together his "coalition of the willing", that excluded some of the biggest NATO members and had no UN fig leaf.


Increasing wages means that the cost rises somewhere, one way or another. If the market plays itself out just as a result of widespread job openings, then it'll result in inflation. Whether that's a good thing or not depends on other factors. Declining wages will correlate with inflation when supply shocks happen. In Europe's case, we're seeing both happening at the same time.

The crux of what you're suggesting is that effectively something is going to have to intervene to stop the natural development of market forces else you follow the iron law of wages.


The video he put out on hoarding only really kind of showed that it was due to particular circumstance that doesn't really exist in the same way now.



nah, it works by today standards. When you said here >>565489
>Increasing wages means that the cost rises somewhere
what you didn't see is that the bourgeoisie instead of increasing production, which would create more jobs and wealth, prefer to hoard that new capital by doing less work and increasing prices.
capitalist theory literally says fuck man, increase production to cope with higher demands in practice that doesn't happen.


someone, draw zelenkyy as a soviet party member
idk, idk anything about this euro shit


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NATO attacking Nord Stream



🇷🇺🇺🇦💡 Attacks of the Russian Armed Forces on the energy system of Ukraine
by the end of October 10, 2022

In the morning of October 10, the RF Armed Forces launched massive missile attacks on energy facilities in the eastern, central and western regions of Ukraine.

12 hours after the attack, Rybar's team analyzed data from open sources and clarified the list of objects that were reliably hit by fire:

▪️Kyiv: Kyiv CHPP-5, CHPP-6, Darnytska CHPP, Vokzalnaya SS 110 kV, Trypilska TPP.

▪️Zhytomyr: Substation Zhytomyr 330/110 kV.

▪️Khmelnitsky: Substation Khmelnitskaya 330/110 kV.

▪️Ternopil: Substation Ternopil 330/110/35 kV.

▪️Lviv: Lvovskaya CHPP-1, Substation Lvov-Yuzhnaya 330/220/110 kV.

▪️Ivano-Frankivsk: Burshtynska TPP.

▪️Sumy: Substation Konotop 330 kV.

▪️Poltava: Substation Kremenchug 330/154/35/10 kV.

▪️Dnipropetrovsk: Pridneprovskaya TPP.

▪️Kryvyi Rih: Kryvyi Rih TPP.

▪️Kharkiv: CHPP-5, Zmievskaya TPP, Zalyutino substation 330/110/35 kV.

❓What conclusions can be drawn from the results of strikes?

🔻The target of the attack was the main thermal power plants and combined heat and power plants, as well as substations with a voltage level of 330kV.

🔻Not a single blow was inflicted on 750 kV voltage facilities, and even more so - nuclear and hydroelectric power plants. This clearly demonstrates that the raid did not pursue the total destruction of the unified energy system, but the infliction of limited damage to it.

🔻However, even in this case, the massive missile attack of the RF Armed Forces left entire regions and million-plus cities without electricity for half a day. It showed the vulnerability of the energy system of Ukraine to the strikes of the RF Armed Forces and the inability of the Ukrainian air defense to repel such attacks.

❓Could more be done? Undoubtedly

The October 10 attack was relatively humane and affected far from all critical infrastructure facilities. Already tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, power engineers will assemble emergency circuits at substations and turn on nuclear power plant generators to the maximum. After that, the authorities in Kyiv will come up with victorious reports about the complete restoration of electricity supply.

There is just one caveat: the strikes greatly reduced the reliability of the Ukrainian energy system. And with a high probability, it will not survive another such raid: the unified network will fall apart and turn into separate small areas-islands around power plants. The rest of the country will simply plunge into darkness.

❗️ Let's repeat again: if the goal is to overload the energy system of Ukraine for prolonged panic among the population, a drop in the moral and psychological state of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and victory on the battlefield, then such actions must be repeated.


>multiple 330/110kV
we are talking about very large sub-stations, damn the size of those transformers is Brobdingnagian.
yep, years to restore the full capacity.


I was arguing of what would happen in the specific case of Europe creating a large number of jobs to attempt to deal with the large losses in supply.


Ukraine already doesn't exist as a truly sovereign nation. It's just a US puppet state in the west and Russian territories in the east. Consider Ukraine's 150 billion 2020 GDP and then consider the tens of billions the U.S. government has given them. Zelensky is completely beholden to the US.


🤔 yeah, but the point still is the same. inflation will not be caused by those jobs, but by lazy ass capitalists.
Let me tell you, many, not all of them, are a one-trick pony:
fewer wages? cut production, raise prices.
more wages? raise price. keep production where it is.




his criticisms are nevertheless strategic and realist rather than idealist. He's simultaneously high on American rhetoric, but less naive than the American neoliberals who didn't think Russia would eventually retaliate against NATO's eastward expansion


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They're bringing in the Shermanpilled Russians


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no electricity?


>Not a single blow was inflicted on 750 kV voltage facilities
Why not the 750s? I don't know anything about electrical substations


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darkness falls on the nazi monuments of Lvov


Typical Putin pussyfooting. I guess there is some decent logic, not hitting them is basically an explicit threat. But at this point they really have to understand that there will be no negotiation from the Ukronazis


<During the counterattack, the units of the Central Military District and the Central Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation established control over the settlements of Terny, Torskoye and Novosadovoye.
lmao, may not even have to wait some months to reclaim Lyman.


The /k/oping /k/ommando can take almost any form of abuse.
Tell him he's short, fat, ugly, stupid, sexless–he'll take it in stride.
But tell him he's a mil LARPer who'll never be a soldier, and you'll be surprised at how he recoils in horror, how his face assumes a deathly pallor. "No… I've been found out."


Here you go.


pretty offtopic but i was thinking about it since it is in the news lately because of all this, does anyone else think its funny that Kalinin of all people is the only one left standing after all this


fair enough, but they quickly fell in line


The divide over Iraq doesn't mean it wasn't NATO. That just meant it was the anglo-atlantic core of NATO which carried out the invasion of Iraq.


NATO is just a US empire org, but at the time some members thought Bush was being a dumb cowboy trying to start unnecessary wars that were counterproductive. There was still some opposition to neo-con thinking in Europe back then, but that's gone now. Same thing with the Democratic party in the US.


Wait, wait, ukrops are being repealed from the krasny-lyman front? oh hohohohoh….


>nazi monument in russia
is that in fucking Petrograd


sorry i meant volgograd


god bless the blackes reaction


That's like saying UN invaded Iraq, since Iraq was invaded by the UN elite core.


not sure how accurate the geography is on that map, but if it is accurate, its too far north and west to be Volgograd


Nah that's more like saying UN invaded Korea even though some members of UN were against it (which is true)


Holy fuck, ukrops tried to cover up mass murder video with software editing


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


its actually cute seeing how ukrops think humans are as retarded as they are


You got the Helsinki Commission assignment eh?


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reminder ukraine is not the one directing this war.


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>tfw the incubators
>tfw the libyan viagra brigades
>tfw the syrian chemical attacks
>tfw people are that retarded


they could say they were with the russian orcs then lib regimes and their apologists would say they dindu nuffing


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Russia has also released photographic evidence that Ukraine was actually behind the attack on the Samsung building yesterday.


New Chompers and PrashLad drop


democracy now really is schizo with the kind of content it has


i find incredible how prashad was able to filter a part of Chomsky's liberalism by contact, pretty cool guy.



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i want to remind people here that the average person who has paid any attention to this will completely uncritically believe the entire MSM story on this right now.


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a nazi named gassin


Bigger voltage = bigger equipment at higher ratings = harder to replace and also more and more central to the entire system


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so what iron felix is anti-ukraine gang now?
I never got what his deal was when i lurked the threads


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It's just Luka having bantz guys it's going to the Polish border.


from what i saw he hated putin's soft heart.


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That's basically every white dude past the age of 45 that's bald and hooked on alcohol


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fat anglo faggot war criminal really is seething about that interview in captivity lol, I wonder if this fat piece of shit realizes in any just society, he would be hanging from a lamp post


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kiss these ugly rocks bye bye. they will be denazified in the coming months.


>and the American people understand this. The elites don't-
Stopped listening right here to this buzzword salad. I don't care what you think this snake oil salesman is offering, it's only applicable to the extremely large population of uneducated, dysfunctional schizos that the American education system churns out.



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>declaring your ignorance so smugly
kill yourself


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It seems the Ukrainian offensives finally ran out of steam. No real big gain in the past 2 weeks while Russia started pushing towards Liman and taking 4 town on the way there. Couple that with Wagner making good gains in the Bakhmut area as well and the infrastructure destruction of yesterday, Ukraine lost any advantages it had.


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The word 'tankie' is so terribly missused as 'fascist'.


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Liberals pretty much use 'tankie' as a synonym for #red fascist". Aka it reached the highest stage of buzzwordism.


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the word tankie exists to be misused. it was coined in 1956 by British people who were mad at Khruschev for rolling tanks on Hungary, since Hungary was engaged in anticommunist purges and pogroms. It was one of the based things Khruschev did, and of course it made the libs very angry. It was one of the CIA's earliest color revolutions, so of course the libs sided with the nazis in Hungary.


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>It was one of the CIA's earliest color revolutions,
pretty sure that one was MI6 doing.


joint venture


if you keep reading, sources are provided


which one of those words is a buzzword you gigantic idiot?


khinzals confirmed in the sky, headed to Odessa.

looks like the kroppies are going to pay for those rockets. general apocalypse seems based thus far.


wouldn't count them out just yet. the offensives in Kherson and Kharkov seem to have stalled out atm, but there's been a lot of talk about a very big build up in Zaporozhye for another one, though the Russians have been hitting there with a lot of strikes in recent days to seemingly weaken it before it begins. We'll see if Ukraine has anything left over the next couple weeks. If not, the momentum is going to start shifting hard to the Russians.


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don't mind that retard. it's obviously bait. imagine loudly declaring you don't have the attention span for a 2 minute video


just link the article instead of doing this shit dork


yep, ukrops usually take time building up, coordinating with NATO intelligence and then suicide charging everywhere on the line until they find a weak spot. I def expect a Zaprozhye offensive before winter and maybe a Lugansk, but they are definitely becoming weaker and weaker. I don't expect anything like the Kharkov disaster coming up although I am already setting up for the massive amount of football spiking fascists will be doing if they capture the ZNPP


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fuck you.


retard barely escaped being executed thanks to Russian authorities cucking out and exchanging him for PoWs and allegedly Medvedchuk, got a free vacation in Saudi Arabia, and now is back to talking shit on Twitter instead of keeping his head down from now on.


Iron Felix was always anti-Ukraine gang, he just wanted Russia to go harder
>t. been in early threads


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May each of these be made into dust


i wanted Putin to fight like Stalin.

anyway, Ochakiv is the Khinzal target, this is Ukrop navy HQ


Has this general been raided at all the past 24 hours or so?
Even Lyman is looking to be reclaimed a lot sooner than we thought lmao.


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There will be history books about how he turned the war around


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reddit general btfo


hope in these books there is a passage of how he hugo chavez'd russia and resurrected the USSR.


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>Odessa just got hit by a missile!
>all of Ukraine now under air raid alert!
>Ukraine reports three districts of Dnipropetrovsk region – Nikopol, Synelnyky and Kryvyi Rih – suffered from Russian strikes throughout the night. The Russians attacked with "Grads", "Hurricanes", "Tornado-S" and heavy artillery

Is there no stopping this guy?


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The commander of the joint grouping of Russian forces in Ukraine, General Surovikin, has a birthday today.


This is what zero hair does to a motherfucker.
Anyway, I think he understands something his predecessors failed to understand: displays of force all over Ukraine, even if they have zero military ramifications whatsoever (which isn't the case here), are how you fuck Ukros up in the information war and tamp down on their morale. Every time Zelensky has to address such attacks, he has to do so from a position of weakness.


Far righters and such were marginal to the 1956 revolution. It broke out because after the death of Stalin, stalinist hardliners lost their support from Moscow and with popular support the reformists within the party took over the government.


Day 2 of the habbening. all of ukraine getting btfo again


What has he actually done except for ordering a few missiles around which was done on a larger scale months ago? Russia was struggling because of far deeper problems than just “general is bad”.


>>565586 (me)
Likewise, that strike on the cosmetics warehouse was more of an info op than a military op. It will probably have a chilling effect. I don't necessarily condone it, but I understand the thinking.


Russia's morale jolt from General Armageddon has resulted in some gains on the ground the past 24 hours. Lyman, which we expected to reclaim within three months, could very well be reclaimed in half that time.


>a birthday
he has several a year?



It's sad looking at dug1in vk account even with all this war and ideology going on when you scroll thru his account going back months it's 90%+ post dedicated to his daughter with photos, writings of her and memories



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>Reactionaries projecting















I drink your tears.



the Russian Gaddafi


Did he do it?



ISIS Praises Devastation in Ukraine, Accuses West of Defaming Putin, and Welcomes ‘Great War’ Ahead
The terror group called the suffering and war divine intervention and a "great sign," while claiming West is spreading "lies and fabrications" about Russian president.


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NATO bootlickers who were celebrating, making memes about death of people in LPR, DPR and attack on Crimean bridge are all of sudden worried about "muh hooman rights" when Ukrainazis are getting rekt… fucking KEK. Love to see imperialist bootlickers finally seething so hard

Birth of a legend 😎


<During the counterattack, the units of the Western Military District and the Central Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation established control over the settlements of Terny, Torskoye and Novosadovoye.
lmao, the Ukro force concentration needed to temporarily grab Lyman and surrounds for a Twitter victory appears to have left in search of another Twitter victory somewhere else.


Hey wait a second, isn't that the guy that /pol/fags thought was our old BO? The one who allegedly sucked 8/tv/'s BO's cock.



thread theme


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oh rip I had to fix a typo and it got deleted lol


he doesn't have access to a printer until friday


Assad curse also works in reverse. Surovikin helped Assad to stay and now he has the Assad blessing.


>no independent DPR/LPR
>no neutral ukraine
>both lands are absorbed and denied sovereignty made to answer to either beauraucrats from brussels or bonapartist oligarchs

I'm sure Noah's heart is in the right place for their to be and end to the bloodshed, but I'm going to have to pass on this one.


I see some bright spark in Langley realized that making their proxy islamist army praise Putin was a really easy and cheap propaganda move.


Damn, how many times did he hit his head since 2014?


I unironically want to do to white western liberals what the Iron Guard did to the jews during the bucharest pogrom


Tbh I think you’re right. He looks extremely similar to the person wearing dark lipstick and dark hair in the infamous photos


>no more ukrainian power


Insisting on "Kyiv" was the best thing liberals ever did.
It means I can search Twitter for "Kiev" and avoid 99% of the propaganda.


Hasn't Russia bombed ISIS? Like, a lot?


Chicken Kiev?

More like Chyickyin Kyiv, amirite?


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It is not exactly praise of Russia. They are just celebrating that the chaos can give an opportunity to expand their power
>Crusaders Vs Crusaders war; Crusaders invading Crusaders; Crusaders massacring Crusaders; Crusaders desecrating the sanctity of people of cross.


How old were you all when you realized the US is literally just trying to implement Generalplan Ost and hoping we don't notice?


Yeah, this sounds much more on brand. ISIS doesn't like to praise anyone but ISIS


Judging from posts that constantly show up in this general, a lot of people didn't know.


Sad. They'll realize before the end (hopefully)


I was [current age] old.


they were trying to do it the first time around too


US/NATO had its own plan for Generalplan Ost called Operation Dropshot. The only reason it was shelved was that the US wasn't able to prepare completely before the USSR developed missiles that could carry nuclear weapons to the US


based butthurt belt replacement



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>joined september 2009

wow they make these astroturf accounts well in advance. i wonder if langley used this account for other shit back in those days


I hope he gets converted into minced meat should he turn out a real person
Elensky, pls deliver


wow, looks like twitter is letting them fabricate join dates for these NAFO accounts. I looked for web archive wayback machine urls for this one, and found nothing before this year, but back in march the page https://twitter.com/bn880 was archived and had nothing on it. so it went years in hibernation with zero tweets, no profile pic, etc, and then was suddenly "activated"



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Happy birthday, comrade Armageddon!


USSR really was out of its depth. After the Civil War ended, they really never seemed to remember again just how much the imperialists wanted them dead. They understood the concept of struggle, but believed that NATO simply existed as the antithesis to themselves, that their arms buildups were just to hold on to their power as capitalists. They saw victory as the rest of the world being welcomed as fellow comrades into the internationale. Meanwhile the Americans and their lackeys concerned themselves 24/7 with the total destruction of the USSR and all their allies, and when the opportunity presented itself, they punished the Soviet people as violently as they could


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The sequel to Operation Z - Hot Dog Homicide!


absolute possible but you can also rename accounts right?
Maybe he sold shitcoins before and the botnet just changed hands


by april the account was activated and was doing totally normal person behavior like retweeting the department of defense and the euromaidan press. it was also on top of events like the totchka u on the Kramatorsk train station within an hour. basically made to pump out propaganda tweets nonstop, hour after hour without sleeping




>wow, looks like twitter is letting them fabricate join dates for these NAFO accounts.
But the rest of your message says how it can be a sleeper account. Also it could have been used in the past and had old tweets deleted. Also, accounts can change handles, even to a handle which used to be in use.


when the counter-counter-offensive goes just right


It’s kind of sad that actually living nafoids treat this all being a psyop from Langley as all part of the meme, but I dunno whether it’s funny because they think it isn’t true or if it’s funny because they enjoy such blatant government manipulation if they feel a part of it and they’re just pathetic loners needing to belong in the same way people who joined alt-right meme militias like the Proud Boys were


> They understood the concept of struggle, but believed that NATO simply existed as the antithesis to themselves

well, the warsaw pact formed in 1955 6 years after NATO and the USSR tried to join NATO in 1954 but were told "this does not warrant discussion" by the americans. so I think they got the picture. They had their own atomic weapons within months of NATO being formed so they were pretty on top of things considering they had just lost 20 million people and 2/3 of their industrial capacity. It's less that they were out of their depth than that they were simply unable to compete with the USA who stayed relatively unscathed by WW2 compared to everyone else.


Considering the Zaporozhye offensive could potentially break up the supply route to Kherson, which would make it easier to take, I don't think Russia has any room to do a Kharkov-style retreat, but will have to dig in and take on the hordes head on. They might have lost the Izyum supply route in the Kharkov region, but they still had Svatove and many other coming from the Russian borders. whereas here in Zaparozhye, they only have the Crimea and Mariupol-Melitpol routes. Even taking just one would be very bad for Russian ogistics in that theater.


Yes but they never planned on destroying the US, they thought they would just win in the end


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>Yes but they never planned on destroying the US
didn't suggest such a thing nor would i
>they thought they would just win in the end
I don't think they were certain of anything, they tried really hard given the circumstances.


That’s dumb, how can a planned economy with genuine checks and balances outlive a meme economy where you can just keep writing checks, increasing debt ceilings, printing money, obsessing over GDP while sweeping alarmingly increasing rates of poverty under the rug when you’re competing in a hugely expensive arms race?


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also the US simply covertly overthrew any potential soviet ally while the USSR did not do the equal and opposite strategy against the USA. The KGB was not the equal of the CIA in terms of coup-plotting. The CIA also had no ethical scruples about hurting proles to get shit done. The USSR was the Pertinax of nations. The USA is the Caligula of nations.


>while the USSR did not do the equal and opposite strategy against the USA
the USSR showed her long dick with Cuba and measred by the panic on the US' side, they got the message


in general, I start to get 4chan: the louder the enemy cries the more hurt he is, the more he feels found out
The louder our press screams about evil Putler, the more hes on the path to have this Ukraine situation in his bag


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Paragraphs from the Jakarta Method that go well with this


>the USSR showed her long dick


Yeah this. You can change the url even. You could scrub everything on an account, change the url and everything would be fresh except the follows and the join date.


Cuban missile crisis was the exception rather than the rule. Why were there not soviet soldiers fighting against American soldiers in Vietnam, for example? Everywhere it was American aggression first, and Soviet response second. Even Khruschev's missiles in Cuba was a response to US missiles in Turkey. The USA got away with shit like Mockingbird and Gladio with no soviet equivalent. The USA got away with Vietnam and their genocidal war against North Korea without a vigorous soviet response. They got away with installing Pinochet and overthrowing Mossadegh. If the USSR had truly been the equal and opposite reaction to the the cutthroat capitalist empire it was up against, it would still exist. I think it was less a matter of them making mistakes and more of them simply being anemic from birth. The USA had primitive accumulation from a century of slavery and 19th industrialization. Lenin's foundations for the USSR were built on top of one of the poorest and most under-developed powers of Europe.


>Why were there not soviet soldiers fighting against American soldiers in Vietnam,
I am not sure about that, pal.


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The USSR's involvement in Vietnam was minimal compared to The USA and the French before them. Keep in mind my question was rhetorical. I know what the answer was. They didn't have the resources and the risks were too great.


Both. UK pushed assets into Hungary through Yugoslav border, while USA did the general bullshittery and helped from Austrian border


>The USSR's involvement in Vietnam was minimal compared to The USA and the French before them
not doubting. Or the Us one in this war. Lets be frank: theres NATO trained troops in Ukraine, 10thousands of them. Theres American generals on the ground, from Kiev to Ramstein Airbase


>in general, I start to get 4chan: the louder the enemy cries the more hurt he is, the more he feels found out
This is generally true of reactoids. You know Goebbels' infamous words about le jew? "The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”" This applies perfectly to fashoids far more than to anyone else. No one feigns hurt like a fashoid who is called what it is, he almost always works in dissimulated manner, only pushing things as hard as he can without bringing them any consequences. Working from safety, slowly degrading the definitions of words, the weight of the law, the social fabric, one rat bite at a time. Reactionaries have always been the subversive side, and the fact that we catch the blame is the proof.


It's some village called Yelenskaya, a monument to Pyotr Krasnovwho mobilised Cossacks against the USSR.


I mean the world is all action and reaction, thats materialist as well. It does apply to fascists especially and they do edging for edging sake (then being surprised when it tuns out more than a joke cause Hitler isnt 'ironic', there was a famous conversation when the NSDAP found that out)
that doesnt mean that the enemy in general will answer powerlessness with anger. If anything, anger allowed us to hunt that tiger although we felt powerless
tldr: anger is a natural response to powerlessness


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Pay up Euros. No such thing as a free lunch.


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<Yelanskaya — In the Rostov region of Russia stands a memorial complex to Don Cossacks who fought against Bolsheviks. Looming over the complex is a statue of Pyotr Krasnov (1869–1947), historian, antisemite and Nazi collaborator. Krasnov was a prominent commander of the Don Cossacks who had fought against the Communists during the Russian Civil War. In 1941, when the Third Reich invaded the Soviet Union, Krasnov leveraged his stature of Cossack hero to recruit fighters for what he proclaimed was Hitler’s crusade “against communists, Jews and their minions who trade in Russian blood.” In turn, the Nazis placed Krasnov in charge of Cossack affairs in the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories.

<Yelanskaya’s memorial complex employs a common whitewashing tactic: lumping both problematic and non-problematic figures into a single pantheon of “heroes.” Jointly honoring Don Cossacks who fought against Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War and WWII collaborators like Krasnov allows whitewashers to use genuine (or at least non-problematic) heroes to shield the collaborators. Any denunciation of the collaborators becomes twisted as a denunciation of the entire pantheon


You could propably call him on skype or something


European 90s let's gooooo. No more you will laugh at us Russkies, now WE Russkies will laugh at your pathetic GDP per capita and travel to you for cheap whores


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Is anyone else getting a little chilly? Is there some way to use salt for heating?


>>565660 (me)
This guy was so much of a nazi, apparently, he even accused Vlasov of being a Bolshevik sympathizer. Was interned by the British, handed over to the USSR and executed in prison.


<Yelanskaya’s memorial complex employs a common whitewashing tactic: lumping both problematic and non-problematic figures into a single pantheon of “heroes.” Jointly honoring Don Cossacks who fought against Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War and WWII collaborators like Krasnov allows whitewashers to use genuine (or at least non-problematic) heroes to shield the collaborators. Any denunciation of the collaborators becomes twisted as a denunciation of the entire pantheon

lol this part is rich with liberal cope. "being anti-bolshevik is based but being nazi is cringe!" when they're literally the same thing


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> Was interned by the British, handed over to the USSR and executed in prison.



>implying there's a difference between Whites and Nazi collaborators

also what the fuck is that monstrosity of an emblem? it looks like a million medieval weapons and farming implements half-melted together, with a comical amount of flags to boot

Naturally. What I meant to say is that the overwhelming majority of reactoids only act when, and to the degree that, they feel completely safe. What made Mussolini, Hitler and their like dangerous is that they were among the very, very few reactoids who actually had balls to be open about their inhumanity. That encouraged the normally craven mob behind them to act beyond the borders of complete safety,greatly accelerating their job of degrading civilization. That's why charismatic fascist leaders ought to be put down as soon as they're spotted.


10 bucks says this hunk of nazi shit was built under gorbachev or yeltsin with direct funding from the VoCMF


I agree with you :). Since my concentration isnt the best today I only added my comment to where I wanted to expand it, but theres no disagreeing from my side at all
Have a good morning!


compare the length of these two articles lol




This is what turned me into a "tankie". It really isn't in my nature but the reality is that every socialist movement that tried to do polite reform was murdered if it couldn't be bought.

No mercy for the bastards!


I love those articles. Liberals can't dare question them.


What was that site which tracks public homages to Nazis and has a map where Eastern Europe outside of Russia and Bielarus is crawling with them?



articles links broken down by country

the google map is embeded in this article


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2007, unfortunately, built on land belonging to a businessman named Melikhov (pictured). People complained to the Rostov Oblast prosecutor's office, which filed a case, but lost in court because "it's on le private land". Memorial was opened with the attendance of cossacks, clerics and other public figures. A (sanctified) cross is the central part of the composition, which made the church protest against attempts to remove, and Melikhov argued that the monument isn't related to WW2, but only the Civil War.
Oh yeah, that paragraph is kinda lib, I didn't read much into it lol. The Forward should know better too, since those "anti-Bolshevik but not Nazi" warlords still organized pogroms and blamed the Judeo-Bolsheviks for overthrowing the tsar.


thanks for the historical background on that monument. Not my first guess but I'm glad it wasn't built before Gorbachev. That would have been absolutely cucked on the part of the Soviet government to allow that.


>France… Protests against NATO and the EU are increasing throughout Europe… but the media doesn’t want you to know… Liberté 🇫🇷 https://t.co/HtUi6DEE6Y


Watching CNN, theyre claiming
>Ukranians vow to resist renewed russian air attacks
No they didn't lol.

Apparently the US will provide air defense.
They're doubling down on the Iran drones shit.
Russia is "exhausted" (about to collapse!), running out of steam, running out of ammunition, running out of soldiers. Putin feels "coralled" (backed into a corner). He wants to show he has many ammunition, "despite what the GCHQ says". They have no ammunition so Putin sends the last of it to show its not true!

Pretty different view of the war.


Lwow is dark again.

power stations, trains and military stuff is being hit all over the place.


Did they remember to say Putin's TOTALLY UNJUSTIFIED war in Ukraine? If they didn't I'm pretty sure that's a fine.


>>565682 me
That shit makes me kek every time I hear it. Why you gotta keep saying it every breath. Sus as fuck. How can anyone hear it and not think: "Well there must be some justification if they keep shilling like this."


not only unjustified, also
totally unprovoked


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"One of the most internationally respected Cossack leaders and the founder of two anti-Bolshevik resistance museums".

Hey, I remember how bullshit it was that Poland doesn't have a single pin in that map.


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traffic jams at the exits of kiev rn as citizens flee the oppression of the zelensky regime :-)


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Lol you made me turn on CNN and this is what I saw. CNN keeping focused on the carbons that matter.


>🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Massive attacks on the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in particular on barracks and air defense, are reported through private channels. Ukrainian media are forbidden to report on such strikes.


Christ, is Kherson still happening? I thought it was supposed to be a feint for the Kharkiv offensive, or was that just cope for how badly they've done there so far?




Forcing the Dnieper river is harder than taking back Lyman-Izyum, isn't it


when this war started my mum was worried about world war and madman putler nuking everyone and held basically a radlib position, yesterday she told me she's wishing for putler to use tactical nuclear weapons to show burgers that they should fuck off (from Europe entirely)


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based, imagine how many will have this opinion during the winter


Surprisingly they didn't. I am so used to hearing it though.
>unjustified Russian invasion
Like do you really have to always preface it with that?
Also "illegal annexation". I fucking get it, stop repeating it so much.
Also "Russian sanctions", which actually means "american sanctions" but we live in 1984 george orwell pre-bunked society and debating this means you're an RT shill.


Hahaha what is wrong with these people lol.


>Putin is weaponising energy! (By getting sanctioned by us).


What is going on here? Is that allowed?


>Russian sanctions
thats so bold they havent even tried in Germany yet


>Putin feels "coralled" (backed into a corner)
even if thats true thats just madness. Last thing you wanna do


So nice and progressive of Mr. Melikhov to build such a fancy gender neutral bathroom


>no 'regime'
>no 'psychopath' or other assessment of poor mental state
you tried. you will do better next time. we wish you luck for the future.
>t. nafo recruitment center


>Russia apparently now targetting 750 kV lines after cutting the 330 kV ones yesterday


so it looks like Russia's going to try and force victory via nationwide blackout to coincide with winter.

Also I'm still confused why they're doing all this without declaring a anti-terrorist operation.


<🇷🇺🇺🇦 The entire center of Odessa is de-energized. The Primorsky district of the city is also de-energized


>without declaring a anti-terrorist operation
from what i gathered on this board, changing the status of the operation isn't done by decree but different institutions would have to be involved to let such a change pass.
given its possible to achieve strategical and operationals goals of the operation with the operation being in its current status - why change it then.


They signal allegiance to their "elite" peer group by showing that they obey to narratives set by the big boss. Even military pundits always have to plant that shit in an interview at least once before they can begin to talk about more interesting stuff.


Nah, it's a preparation for an offensive, I think. They've been stockpiling missiles an entire summer. And if they don't pool missiles into a huge strike to be followed by an attack, then Russia is fucking doomed. I won't put it past Putin to issue a dumb thing like this


Even if an offensive doesn't follow, the missile strikes still seem to be effective, given the fact the Ukrainian army essentially is running on hype. Once the conditions on the ground get much harder, there is no way they'll be able to sustain their rate of losses anymore.


Absolute state of OpenDemocracy lmao.


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>shooting is heard in Kiev
Wudd the fugg. Someone was speculating maybe they're shooting at drones, but I don't think you could hit them with a machine gun. But then again Ukrainians can take down jets with bolt action rifles so anything is possible.


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>More strikes on Lviv


maybe they’ve found some saboteurs


Don't forget the referenda too, you're allowed to pick prefixes from:
>internationally condemned


+10000000 Ruscist Orcs killed by SBU


putin's final straw, broken. its over comrads.


>without declaring a anti-terrorist operation
wheres the difference between a special and an anti terrorist one?
Declare a fucking war with all its consequences - including the strict need of following the "rules"


>orc army stalled
>ogre commander appointed
>winning bigly


Hasn't it only been a couple days? Where is the winning, are you talking about missile strikes?


I haven't been following the news since the Kerch bridge stuff, has anything notable happened in between?


Western ukraine is getting bombed. Electricity systems in shambles. Entire regions dark.
Not many dead so far.


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This says Rus forces have taken back Torskoe


>Russia is a brutal terrorist state
>But also all missiles were shot down
>But also we urgently need more air defense because they're destroying civilian infrastructure which is a war crime!
>But also their missiles are all missing and only hitting playgrounds!


>Meta Corporation (recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation and banned) is included in the register of extremists and terrorists of Rosfinmonitoring.
oh my, has putin just cucked the zuck?


Already did months ago


They'll probably recapture Lyman a lot sooner than expected.


>Western ukraine is getting bombed. Electricity systems in shambles. Entire regions dark.
Terminally online anon here. Was wondering why my Internet life had far fewer insufferable jackasses lately.


File: 1665493494340.jpg (283.16 KB, 800x792, 1653287415914.jpg)

>counteroffensive status: stalled
>LDPR: lost
>Kherson and Zaporizhye: taken
>army: in disarray
>conscripts: dead or captured
>electricity and water: shut off
>public support: waning
>hope: disappearing
what is he going to do next?


Do not panic and let common sense in charge again!


btw, this also shows the importance of the strikes on troop morale. It's hard to feel much morale when your leaders are pussyfooting around Ukraine. That seems to be changing.


Surprised how no one has pointed out that in some Slavic languages the word "surov", as in Surovikin, means raw, John Rambo raw, not food raw.


>Russia apparently now targetting 750 kV lines
lol, Rybar will be pleased.
That bald mofo really played the "give them false hope" card, eh?


This is a refresher for the events of 2021, over a year ago now, which precipitated the Ukraine crisis. Tldr US imperialism sought to extend security guarantees to Ukraine to help it get around a frozen conflict and strategically pressure Russia, which would disrupt eurasian integration and its pull on Europe. This is in part a product of liberals coming to power in the US, who felt like war with Russia was the way to deal with the crisis of liberal hegemony promised to them after the 20th century.

Too lazy to green text all of this

>On February 3, 2021, Zelensky shut down three pro-Russian TV channels controlled by Viktor Medvedchuk, Putin’s man in Ukraine. Medvedchuk had been the backchannel between Kyiv and Moscow for many years. Zelensky signed a decree accusing Medvedchuk of financing terrorism and froze his assets. In May, he was accused of treason and placed on house arrest. This move against an oligarch close to the Kremlin — Putin is the godfather of Medvedchuk’s youngest daughter — was seen by Moscow as a major escalation. Putin warned that Ukraine was turning into “a kind of anti-Russia.”

Zelensky’s heart must’ve fluttered a little bit when Biden called Putin a “killer” in March. The administration imposed new sanctions on Russia in April; formally blaming Russian intelligence for the cyber-espionage attack (the SolarWinds hack). Sanctioned individuals and organizations included those accused of interfering in the US election. Washington also condemned the arrest of Navalny. Earlier, US intelligence had concluded that Russian intelligence had paid the Taliban to attack US personnel in Afghanistan. Putin issued a stark warning in response to US moves: “Washington must realize that it will pay for the degradation of bilateral relations.”

As a show of force, Putin massed forces on the border. According to Kyiv, Moscow had massed some 100,000 troops on the border. The divisions were soon ordered back, however, for reasons that are not entirely clear — perhaps because Biden agreed to meet with Putin. Their meeting would take place in June. Ahead of the great power meeting, on May 6, Secretary Blinken visited Ukraine, where he declared that the US will “make sure that Ukraine can defend itself.”

But the revolution in US Ukraine policy had not yet begun in earnest. At this stage, the Europeans were not keen on taking a hard line against Moscow. In Germany, CDU’s candidate for German Chancellor, Laschet, pointed out that “North Rhine-Westphalia contains 1,200 companies that have traded with or invested in Russia.” Two years earlier, Macron had warned that “pushing Russia far from Europe is a profound mistake.” As late as August 22, Merkel was still declaring “Russia cannot use Nord Stream 2 pipeline as a ‘weapon’.”

Although Washington had opposed the pipeline, the US reached a truce with Germany: in exchange for Washington’s green light on Nord Stream 2, Berlin promised to impose sanctions if the pipeline “was used to threaten the energy security of American allies in the region” [emphasis mine]. The language was clearly meant to reassure Zelensky that the northern pipeline, by reducing reliance on the pipelines going through Ukraine, would not increase Russian leverage against Kyiv.

While the State department was finalizing the deal with the Germans, American and German intelligence uncovered yet another case of the Havana Syndrome — believed to be the handiwork of Russian intelligence — this time in Germany. This may have been the last straw that pushed the United States to finally commit to issuing a de facto security guarantee to Ukraine. In any case, something quite dramatic must have happened in August because US policy on Ukraine and Russia was completely upended in a matter of days or weeks.

To get a sense of this revolution in US Ukraine policy, note that Zelensky had long asked to visit the White House. All of a sudden, his request was approved. Zelensky was told to visit the White House almost immediately on September 1, 2021. As an analyst without access to informed insiders, I can only guess. But members of the press with contacts in the administration need to find out what exactly triggered the reversal of US Ukraine policy in August. Why was Zelensky suddenly invited to the White House? The answer to that question is crucial to pinning down the origins of the Ukraine war.

What happened then was simply not understood by external observers. As late as the day before the Biden-Zelensky summit, the FT announced that “Ukraine feels the chill of Biden’s foreign policy.” In reality, the administration had already decided that Ukraine was to be fully incorporated into a tight military alliance with the United States. This is the gist of the decision relayed by Biden to Zelensky on September 1. By November, the paperwork was ready. The United States and Ukraine signed an explicit agreement that extended US security guarantees to Ukraine.

The US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership laid out the goal as Ukraine’s “full integration into European and Euro-Atlantic institutions” — the latter being a euphemism for Nato. In the Munk debate, the liberal hegemonist side had declared that there were no plans to bring Ukraine into Nato — the 2008 Bucharest declaration was just for show. They were either ill-informed or simply lying. For all intents and purposes, Ukraine had been declared a US protectorate by the Biden administration. Nato or not, US credibility was most certainly now on the line in Ukraine.

>As Bill Burns stated in his autobiography, incorporating Ukraine into Washington’s security orbit had long been “the reddest of red lines” for Russia. Washington had quite deliberately and openly challenged the Kremlin. Putin’s choice at this point was to either accept this fait accompli or go to war.



Imagine being Surovikin and having to watch the conflict being run by softcocks for half a year. Imagine how many tables he slammed with his fist.


File: 1665494493225.jpg (140.57 KB, 580x418, Sino-SovietAlliance.jpg)

Stalin's planned to build a massive bloc that would be too large for the Americans to successfully conquer while beading the American's out on the periphery like in the Korean War and the US Empire would eventually fall like the Spanish Empire as its power slowly bled away.


Stalin was the first example of left wing alterglobalization. His socialist bloc in the periphery was truly revolutionary


File: 1665494914577.png (94.28 KB, 817x678, ClipboardImage.png)

Oops said picrel and forgot the pic.

Beg NATO to save him some more.

What do you bet all the misses were the fault of their shitty air defense.


Not fair Russia! You are supposed to send missiles one at a time!


>Mentions Spanish empire being bled away
Most like it was slit throat since the metropole had from an invasion from the french, a civil war. an invasion from the english to a liberal revolution in those years. Incapacitating expeditions.
Burgers themselves have some geography that protect them from this, although for sales they exploit this fear.


Western, liberal MSM cycle is so predictable and tiresome.
>Ukraine gets a win
>Glory to Ukraine! Moscow by Christmas! Russians are stupid and incompetent!
>Russia gets a win
>War crime! Genocide! They are killing civilians.
Look at this article based on the current liberal narrative:
Russia says its missiles hit Ukrainian military targets, but videos of a burning crater in a Kyiv park paint a very different picture
>After the attacks, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed the strikes were directed solely at Ukrainian military, energy, and communications targets and were carried out in retaliation for a recent blast on a key Crimean bridge serving as a critical supply line, Russian state media reported.

>Videos and photographs captured by journalists show an entirely different situation, one in which Russian munitions landed in civilian areas.

>Wall Street Journal reporter Matthew Luxmore posted one video taken in central Kyiv's Shevchenko Park showing a massive crater filled with rubble and small fires directly adjacent to a playground.

If you launch dozens of rockets and only one of them hits a civilian area, this means that they all hit a civilian area.


This is the same media that routinely ignores 8 years of bombing Donetsk and dead people in the street.


File: 1665496231898.jpg (180.48 KB, 953x1280, 2022-10-11 notenoughdead.jpg)

damn, you literally can not win with liberals. lol


A bunch of people were mocking Le Maire online because of his not-so-subtle "lmao just wear a sweater this winter" PSA campaign on [BIRB]. Still waiting for Gilets Jaunes 2.0, which shouldn't be long hopefully.

The coping and seething in Western MSM after Russia wins will be glorious.


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>If you launch dozens of rockets and only one of them hits a civilian area, this means that they all hit a civilian area.
And that is probably because the missile got hit by their air defense.



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>writings on tank: For anime
So ziggers are basically just closet weebs.


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that's not closet at all


Unreal. Libs are psychos. If only there was a way to target all these ghouls and eliminate them from society.


Statistically, there's at least one zigga who joined the army to get isekai'd


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>The Holocaust that killed 6 million Jews across Europe in WW2 was wide-ranging, but it was not as deadly as it could have been. That has renewed questions over the quality of Germany's gas.


I've been saying this from the start. Once Russia wins, the cope will be "Russia didn't kill every single Ukrainian or annex the whole of Ukraine, which was their goal, therefore Russia lost, Ukraine won".

Ukraine might also claim TD casualties as civilian deaths to keep the number of military losses low. This makes me think that while Western liberals can be fooled by articles, you cannot fool Ukrainian mothers, wives and sisters. I am predicting there will be mass protests and unrest once the war is done because Ukraine has not been publishing any casualty numbers.

By some estimates, over 100.000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed so far. That number will increase once Russia decides to increase artillery attacks in preparation of liberating the rest of the annexed territories. There is no reason to think Ukraine won't use the same defensive tactics of filling trenches with inexperienced recruits and using unmotorised, unarmoured infantry without air support, armed with NLAWs, MANPADs, Javelins as defense against Russian helicopters, tanks, IFVs.



I actually didn't know the US offered the Soviet Union less money than Germany. I used to think US simply never offered Marshall Plan funds to the SU because the latter were commies. Offering them less than Germany is an insult.


Imagine if bolsheviks weren't such softies and just killed the fucker when they first got their hands on him instead of releasing him "on his word of honor"?


>armed with NLAWs, MANPADs, Javelins
They're about to run out of those.

From April:
>The United States has supplied Ukraine with thousands of Javelins, the anti-tank missiles that have become the iconic weapon of the war, but the U.S. inventory is dwindling. The United States has probably given about one-third of its stock to Ukraine. Thus, the United States is approaching the point where it must reduce transfers to maintain sufficient stockpiles for its own war plans. Production of new missiles is slow, and it will take years to replenish stocks.



Meanwhile US military readiness is at all time lows. No amount of liberal peacocking will hide your reactionary imperial decay


Okay bad analogy but even with the Korean War the US economy was straining under the more profitable consumer market during the post war boom and needs of the western war effort in Korea. The later Vietnam War bankrupted the US state thus why Nixon had to leave the Bretton Woods system as the USA lacked the gold to cover its obligations in gold due to war expenditures. Meanwhile the USSR economy in both wars didn't even slow due to the military aid to the DPRK or DRV



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We just got government recommendation to buy iodine for every household here in Finland.

Not sure what to feel.



>From Ukrainian Telegram:
Our source reports that urgent meetings were held in the Office of the President, the Government and the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine on the topic of ongoing missile attacks on strategic infrastructure, which threatens to collapse in the energy sector. Cases of preventing emergencies, shutting down the entire energy system, the impact of the energy case on the logistics of the army, how this will affect factories and workshops for the repair and modernization of military equipment were discussed, and in general, a wide range of questions were raised, what are the consequences for Ukraine if everything is “turned off”.

Power engineers gave disappointing forecasts.
In a negative scenario, everything in the country will stop. Banks, servers, communications, TV, logistics, etc. The shadow economy will grow. This is a loss of up to 70% of the country's income per month (about UAH 100 billion). The hryvnia will collapse (from 50 to 100 UAH per dollar), hyperinflation will accelerate prices to space.

Now only about 15% of the total system is damaged, which is expensive, but really fixable. If the attacks continue monotonously, then the percentage will increase, and when 60% damage is reached, the system may “cover up”. It all depends on what kind of "pain points" of the energy system, the Russians will hit.

The loss of the energy system will lead to a shortage of fuel. A deeper and more protracted fuel crisis will begin.

In short, everything is bad.
Solution: about a hundred air defense installations, and this is about $ 20 billion, just to try to cover important energy facilities, and even then not 100%.


So is we winnin or do we losin


So uh, are they gonna stop fortifying food with it or what?
Imagine the average I.Q. drop from Iodine deficiency.


oh puteen, increase your attacks!


>Aleksandr Doogin:
We have been fighting desperately for eight months now, spilling rivers of blood, losing many lives, including innocent ones, breaking all ties and agreements, taking risks, advancing, retreating, striking, taking blows, and already terrorist attacks on Russian territory have become the norm, and each new attack is getting nastier and harsher, and everyone has the strange feeling that we are waiting for something… A kind of red line… Everything that could be crossed has been crossed. In the current situation it is neither possible to surrender nor to negotiate. Either we will win and victory will be total, or we will lose and then we will not even be allowed to open our mouths. We are not waiting for anything. There is nothing to wait for.


No, iodine for in a event of nuclear disaster or if nukes start dropping, not for nutritional supplement. it protects the thyroid if taken soon after the fallout hits.


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Today, the new general appointed by Russia a few days ago, Surovikin, continued to inflict cruise missile and ballistic missile strikes onto Ukrainian infrastructure, troops, weapon depots and communications.

The following cities were hit:

- Kyiv
- Krivoy Rog
- Lviv
- Kremenchuk
- Pavlograd
- Rivne
- Odessa region
- Vinnitsa

Strikes on important objects:

- Railway station with an accumulation of new equipment received by Ukraine (Pavlograd)
- Shepetovsky railway junction and repair shop in Khmelnytsky region
- Ladyzhynska TPP put out of action (Vinnytsia)
- CHP power plant in Lviv
- Hydro electric power plant in Kyiv


They only ever fortified salt with it(to my knowledge) and most salt isn't iodized nowadays.


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>The United States "does not exclude anything" in the issue of supplying tactical missiles to Kiev - White House


Does not exclude any tactical missiles? But the US Army classifies tactical nukes as tactical missiles.


File: 1665501016306.png (911.76 KB, 724x1024, 1665431826423.png)

Россия, Россия –
В этом слове огонь и сила,
В этом слове победы пламя!37
Поднимаем России знамя!

Россия, Россия –
В этом слове огонь и сила,
В этом слове победы пламя!37
Поднимаем России знамя!


The tomahawk could be seen as more strategic, and ukraine doesn’t have any launch platforms for the missile.


They’re not sending nukes to ukraine dumbass


Right but they should actually clarify due to the Pentagon's terminology and old doctrine of limited nuclear war.


Yeah if they did they would nuke Kiev.


When someone says “tactical missiles” no one thinks they mean nuclear weapons.


NATO's old doctrine was that to defeat Russia you had to go nuclear that included tactical missiles with nuclear warheads.


But the US has tactical missiles that aren’t nukes.


The part where he spews nonsense about some special knowledge that the American people have that the """elites""" don't. It's feel-good mumbo-jumbo that means nothing while priming idiots to consume whatever follows without skepticism or critical thought, which is why every non-Marxist from Bernie Sanders to Alex Jones uses this exact fucking rhetoric.


The problem is to Russia they can't tell the difference till the missile hits thus old Soviet doctrine was to fire their tactical nukes if they see anything nuclear capable fired at them to get them airborne and safe from a nuclear blast if incoming missiles are nuclear.


NATO conference


Oh shit, nvm not live. 2 hours ago.


Ukrainian telegram channel:

Someone explain to NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg that by making statements that the victory of the Russian Federation in the conflict with Ukraine will be the defeat of NATO, he indirectly confirms the direct participation of the Western military alliance in this game, and also gives the Russians an excellent public trump card to relay this message to their audience , as evidence that the Russian Federation is at war with NATO.

Is it really so bad with the support of the Ukrainian crisis within NATO that such a message had to be voiced directly.


>burgers are so retarded they dont even do plausible deniability anymore


Stoltenberg is Norweigan.


>if Russia win, nato loses
oh good, now they can't deny direct involvement, direct participation, and their crimes.


well, he speaks for the anglos, particularly the ones that puts more momney in nato, but you are right.


what for, anyway? western MSM won't cite that quote and when other sources do they'll spin it the 'Russian Deep Fake Quote out of Context No let me explain how it was realy meant' way.


Does that turret have ERA blocks stuck to the end of other ERA blocks vie rubber sheets?


Western media doesn't even count for half of world media and nonaligned nations are not going with the western narrative.


Evo Morales is a zigger



There will be so many habbenings in winter I cant wait


sure thing. nonaligned world media will have reported how this is NATO being at war before, no?


weebs and neets
The true chan army.


No is going to have sympathy except for the richest of libs, just feel bitter that they even had a month of free housing.


Do people not realize that republicans just want to use Russia as a base to push Christian Nationialism across Eurasia and they basically have the same plan as the Dems do when it comes to the "Chinese Question" (Which is to say balkanize or even just genocide the chinese).


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>- Hydro electric power plant in Kyiv


Things are getting interesting in Europe.



how is the ukranian offensive going?

have the missiles been that much or just Cuckler pussying out like always?

when will the RF army get to the front?


Moscow reveals results of new strikes on Ukraine
New missile strikes targeting Ukrainian military command and control sites and the country’s energy infrastructure were conducted on Tuesday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported during a daily briefing.

The attacks hit all intended targets and “achieved their goals,” the military claimed.

Earlier in the day, Ukrainian officials and media reported more Russian long-range attacks in a rerun of Monday’s strikes.

Andrey Sadovoy, the mayor of the city of Lvov in western Ukraine, said his city faced another blackout due to the damage inflicted by Russia.

“A missile strike at a critical infrastructure object” had left some 30% of Lvov without power, the official reported on social media. He added that there were issues with the water supply in the city and urged residents to stockpile for possible cuts.

In Vinnitsa Region in central Ukraine, the head of the administration, Sergey Borzov, reported drone attacks on a local power station, but later edited his post to a more neutral report of “explosions” in his region. The operator of the Ladyzhin coal-fired power plant confirmed damage to its equipment in a drone raid on Tuesday morning.

Reports of Russian missiles being engaged by Ukrainian air defenses came from the regions of Kiev, Odessa, and Vinnitsa. In the Rovno and Krivoy Rog regions, people on social media reported blasts on the ground, presumably caused by Russian strikes.

The barrages came a day after almost all major regions of Ukraine came under a massive aerial assault. The Ukrainian military claimed to have intercepted roughly half of the missiles, but nevertheless 11 key sites all across the country were damaged, according to the Ukrainian government.

Moscow targeted Ukrainian power plants and other critical facilities after what Russian President Vladimir Putin called a series of “terrorist attacks” orchestrated by Ukrainian special services on Russian soil.

The latest of them involved blowing up a truck laden with explosives on the Crimean Bridge, a strategic Russian link. Russian investigators reported on Saturday that at least three civilians were killed by the blast, but the number may be as high as six, given that three people are reportedly still missing, according to the Telegram-based news outlet 112.

Putin said Kiev’s tactics could not be left without a response and argued that Kiev had exposed its energy sector to Russian strikes by trying for months to sabotage key Russian infrastructure.

Kiev’s foreign backers condemned Russia’s attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, in contrast to the muted reaction to the incident on the Russian bridge. The White House on Sunday declined to comment on the bridge blast and pledged continued military support of Ukraine.


File: 1665506770978.png (1.56 MB, 1480x974, ClipboardImage.png)

who the hell let this kiss happen and why


Lyman soon to be retaken, Artemovsk soon to be taken. All momentum ukraine had has stalled + ukraine lost energy across its country with many cities without water or electricity.


File: 1665507081483.png (413.86 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

ummm lukabros… did we get too cocky?


The degenerate satanic west that denounces traditional values!


Under communism you WILL kiss men


now measure it by potato/capita


File: 1665507399124.png (Spoiler Image, 104.05 KB, 514x746, trapalunya.png)

rumors that russia will be starting a northern offensive in 2 weeks
i hope ukraine is wiped off the map


File: 1665507447267.png (387.66 KB, 672x448, ClipboardImage.png)

Evo is based


can you not be horny for like five seconds and just act normal in your social interactions


Per capita. There's only 9.5 million of us


>social interactions
>social interaction


File: 1665507601584.png (488.62 KB, 638x629, 1663454888870-3.png)

no, it's more fun when everyone is horny

besides you clicked on it, some people are posting fucking cannibal shit in this thread and you complain about trap alunya?


You say that when anon above >>565806 posted that horny shit unspoilered.


Also I'm confused, is the 2000 the year or is it multiplied by 2000? Or is it in tons (2000 lbs in a ton I think) Because I find it hard to believe that only 200 million potatoes are made in a year. I'm pretty sure the population of Belarus alone eats more potatoes than that in a week


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can anyone identify this patch worn by our brave ukrainian fighters?


File: 1665507961958.jpg (569.91 KB, 4354x1779, 1665507929377.jpg)

Found this on reddit, someone said that potato production was also much higher in the past


File: 1665507982830.png (11.35 KB, 745x54, ClipboardImage.png)


Seems one of the d-nipro dettachments, let me check.


For a split second I thought this was shopped and the sub headline was advocating for suicide.


>631 kg per person
my god


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hohol sniper captured UwU


File: 1665508276609.mp4 (878.61 KB, 432x384, 5cd2f3999e.mp4)

The virgin "eww two men hugging" Putin vs the chad "I kiss my comrades on the lips" Brezhnev


The socialist fraternal kiss is platonic! Stop sexualizing everything Americans reeee!




>>565823 (me)
The D-1 is related to aDnipro-1 dettachments, I am sure, but doesn't seem your traditional dettachment, perhaps one created recently.


That is enough potatoes for a person to fulfill their daily caloric need with just potatoes for a year. Probably they won't eat it all, it goes for export, making vodka, potato starch, etc and probably animal feed and stuff.


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hohol seething
>More missiles. Seems like the new commander of the Russian army played too much Red Alert as a child. I'd rather read books


>rather read books
Lmao maybe he should surrender then.


>red alert
Haha, missile cruisers and V-8s shooty-shooty


God these NAFO memes are cringe.




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fraternal kissing should become commonplace between fraternal socialists of any country


not gay, but something about feminine dudes makes me overwhelmed by lust


don't encourage him


I hate logos that have erect wings. It always looks obnoxious to me.


And production can and will be INCREASED
Potato socialism adapted to national conditions is a direct continutation of Marx-Engels thought and the path to communism for the people of Korea-Belarus



NAFO ruined Shiba Inus for me, i used to love this dog breed. They just can't help themselves and must sully everything one way or another


who gives a fuck about what redditors think?


NTA, but there:


have you ever engaged with one nafofag in social media? by accident?


File: 1665509495892.png (Spoiler Image, 782.32 KB, 976x549, ClipboardImage.png)

even putin doesn't hold NAFaggots against the dog


No, I am not even on shitcords anymore.


File: 1665509568006.png (804.91 KB, 982x726, ClipboardImage.png)

same dog? damn he got big


The dollar is currently rising above the Euro, America is a dysfunctional mess, but that's its default, it's making big money on the conflict, and a weak EU is good for the USA.


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The White House is working to deliver the first two NASAMS air defense systems to Ukraine in the near future, said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.


Thanks comr8
I still love shibas. NAFOshit is just the Doge meme being reskinned ad infinitum until its deader than Bandera.


>Cuckrainian complaining about muh vidya in times of war
>"I'd rather read books"
Meanwhile Cuckraine:
<made STALKER, a loose adaptation from Roadside Picnic and Tarkovsky's Stalker, once again relying on the Soviet legacy it reviles so much
<some GSC staff are Banderites fantasizing about killing le Russiangolian Asiatic hordes or whatever fucking bullshit fantasy they are being force-fed by their US masters
<a DLC level of Metro Last Light is literally about being a Nazi juggernaut and fulfilling this fantasy
<a good amount of Nazis who want to do it IRL, probably LARPing as that level's character
<would perform book burning like the good little nazoids they are
<majority of normie gaymers online who care about politics are NPCs who support the current thing (ie Cuckraine)

Anything else I missed?

They're basically long-range SAMs?


Friday apparently


>Less range than a Buk M1
>Roughly the same amount of accuracy
>Not mounted on a movile platform
>Only 4 missiles ready to fire at any one time
This shit is inferior to like half the SAMs Ukraine already has, the only thing less effective at Air defence there is the Flakpanzer Gepards, since Anti-Air Artillery by itself has become obsolete and is only useful against choppers and lightly armored ground targets


don't worry, I'm sure in no time it will have the twitter victories ukraine so desperately needs now


>long-range SAMs
Literally a land-based AMRAAM missile, and not even the AMRAAM-D or E, so any DFRM interference or even basic Electronic Countermeasures should make it almost useless. Literally no better than just using a damn Buk M1 and isn't even as mobile. (actually could be a good meme comparison tbh).


No Nafag will ever make me hate cheems


then you don't know what could possibly make you dislike shiba inus to someone else.
oh, so this is what they said they were going to send? shitty piece of equipment.
the counterpart is that the S-300 of ukraine hasn't received maintenance and upgrades since ever. it is a upgrade, but not even close to the overwhelming capabilities of cruise missiles. not even talking about the kinzhals.


Thank you, I'm not very knowledgeable on US equipment TBH.
>(actually could be a good meme comparison tbh)
Well then, I guess it's time for me to reopen GIMP. Where can I find some good info on both? Glowiepedia aside ofc


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how she do dat


>This is what turned me into a "tankie". It really isn't in my nature but the reality is that every socialist movement that tried to do polite reform was murdered if it couldn't be bought

Russell Bentley visited Cuba in the 90s, where he met some party official and the topic of communism came up. He asked what the difference was between a socialist and communist. The official said a communist was just someone willing to fight for socialism. Bentley said that he was a communist in that case.


The difference from Ukrainian cringe is that these are jokes and memes organically made by soldiers, not paid memes by 4chan like Ukraine does.


Best alunya ive seen in a while.

Does anyone have girunya saved?


Anyone baking a new thread right now? If not, I'll take care of it.


go ahead, champ.


>Where can I find some good info on both
Buk info is easy to find on Russian sources but I´d have to do some digging for accurate sources in this day and age. Unlike the MT-LB v MRAP. NASAMS is a prized product of the NATO mli-industrial complex so there is very little in terms of dunking on it that can be found easily. In terms of direct contemporary/competitors your best bet is to compare BukM1-2 or the Tor missile systems, since the S-300 is a heavier, long-range system that doesn't compare correctly.



On it.

Hmm… maybe I'd wait a little for more info on the performance of those before trying then. But I'll see.


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horniness gone, thank you technocrat anon




They finished filling it this morning


is this from that telegram video of a banderite officer? where they rolled corpses down a hill to a mass grave and laughed about it?


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>is this from that telegram video of a banderite officer? where they rolled corpses down a hill to a mass grave and laughed about it?
Ummm sweety, the international community has agreed he was a ruϟϟian


>not gay, but






>wait a little for more info on the performance of those before trying then
Yeah I guess that's a good idea, too bad.
But you could compare the Gepard to the Shilka in a couple weeks since 15 Gepards will be delivered along with 59k rounds soon https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gepard-panzer-109.html


>you could compare the Gepard to the Shilka
Good idea. I don't think I want to do another virgin v. Chad meme, to change a bit. What other format would be good?




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