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 No.566487[Last 50 Posts]

The URSAL Manifesto Edition

Seu Armando, I've been sending you photos and video since 5:45 am, Seu Armando. Showing my real situation because I didn't go to work today. Do you know Belford Roxo when it rains, Seu Armando? So you go to the group and tell everyone to hear that I'm a lazy employee who's afraid of getting the rain? Go take your ass, Seu Armando, it's fucking rain, It rained like hell here in Belford Roxo, you son of a bitch. Do you think I'm going to leave Belford Roxo with water in my knee to go to Botafogo to fill a bag of flour, you bum? Go fuck yourself Armando, fuck you, your company, your employees, your sacks of flour, fuck everything. motherfucker. I'm not leaving Belford Roxo to fill a sack with flour, no, oh jerk! And I'll tell you more, Seu Armando. You can hire another employee, because neither in the sun nor in the rain I'm going to fill you with flour, Portuguese son of a bitch. Go fuck yourself, I'm not a slave, no, you bastard!

Previous thread: >>1245442


Is it happening or is it nothingburger?


Realistically how long until Bolso concedes?


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That's a weird way to spell coup.


If he was going to do a coup, it would've been very early in his presidency like Alberto Fujimori


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Bolsonaro is such a bitch, that he will probably wait till day one to say something. Or he will simply disappears. How can he try a cope when every fucking country in the planet is on Lula side?

Go on bolsonaristas, try a coup, i want to see it.

T. huehuehuehuehue


i would go full clown mode if there is an intervention because this, giga clown if BRICS countries are the main interventionists.



Yeah, it would be the funniest shit.


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Tem que esfregar isso na cara de racista xenofóbico filho da puta praguejando contra os nordestinos


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Aliás, qual explicação material pro Lula ter ganhado acima da média nacional em SP capital e em quase todas as cidades do ABC (exceto Santo André)?


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Teremos que esperar as analises dos experts. Mas irei fazer meu chute.

>Nova geração mais politizada e radicalizada.

>A incompetencia do Bolsonaro, perdendo votos até em SP


A real é que os paulistanos resistem num antro de obscurantismo e reacionarismo que é o resto do estado

Sou da baixada e minha cidade foi a que mais deu votos pro verme na região (jurava de pé junto que ia ser Santos, mas não foi)


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Sim, mas pelo menos os meus vizinhos são decentes. Aqui em Guaianazes e José bonifácio deu Lula. Teve fogos, musica, cheiro de churrasco e pagode quando começou a virar. Foi ludokino.

Só não fui pra paulista pois moro longe


Aqui na Praia Grande foi uma desgraça, só tem filho da puta


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eu Notei que o /brg/ não tem uma lista de livros indicados, então pergunto, quais livros voceis indicam para leitura ?.


>Praia Grande
Meus pesames. Mas ontem foi uma grande vitoria dos trabalhadores. Derrotamos um fascista no executivo.

Respiremos, festejemos e depois voltemos a luta.



Quem aqui ainda se lembra dos "300 do Brasil" que no primeiro confronto com a policia se desfizeram e agiram como se fossem mártires por tomar spray de pimenta? Esse pessoal só de vive de hype, podem estar larpando que vão se revoltar, mas com o mínimo de resistência vão se partir, acham que falta de privilégio é perseguição de tão mal acostumados que estão.


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Gente, Porque todo mundo com a bandeira da Ukrania é doente da cabeça ?.


>laugh at nerds who think their lives will improve if they shill for a criminal that should be in jail.
but enough about Bolsonaro.


Porque galerinha com bandeira da heckerino ucrania é a mesma pessoa que consome toda midia liberal imperialista americana sem duvidar.


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blessed video


Has jair Bolsonaro even been seen by anybody or said a single thing yet?


Supposedly, the Burger Senate unanymously approved a resolution to ever all diplomatic ties in case of coup.

No, because conceding defeat would deflate the coup attempt, and not conceding would up the ante too much for his chickenshit ass.


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By Allah, I hope he attempts an actual coup, with the military and everything then gets BTFO'd just to see the cope on social media, the tears will be endless, just imagine him getting arrested



>Bolsonarista mata jovem de 28 anos e deixa outras quatro pessoas feridas em comemoração da vitória de Lula em BH. glo.bo/3sJc2BR


>bolso coup
>civil war


A pior parte dessas manifestações é que não somos organizados o bastante pra pegar um monte de gente e botar os fascistas pra correr. Se organizem pessoal.


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Puta que pariu, a polícia não vai fazer nada mesmo? A polícia tem que chegar chacinando esses vagabundos igual fazem sempre nas favelas. O bolsonarismo é o pior movimento político que eu já vi. Mais patético, baixo e sujo. Quero ver a cara dos apoiadores do mito quando ele for julgado e preso.


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No ES, uma dessas manifestações foi desfeita por moradores com certa facilidade.

É exatamente nessas horas que a mobilização popular pode salvar o dia. Se a esquerda eleitoral ainda tivesse a organização que tinha na era Lula, isto já poderia ter acabado.


O aeroporto de Guarulhos foi bloqueado por míseros 50 manifestantes subhumanos do caralho. É fácil fazer algazarra quando a polícia cruza os braços.


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Eduado Paes tacou a guarda municipal neles.


Em que conste que @choquei é, sem um pingo de ironia, uma fonte de informações melhor e mais fidedigna que toda a grande mídia nacional.


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Oprimido de Taubaté.




Corretissimos camaradas, direct action, stop the morons


>FOLHA: Movimento Sem Teto enviará milhares de militantes para desbloquear estradas
Ah amigos, agora a polícia sai com sangue nos olhos.


Intervenção militar chegou!


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Please pray for the communist revolution guys


Less alarmist bolsonarist


I thought his country was in the midst of a fascist coup hours ago, what made the 180 turn?


After all prayers from the bozos asking for god to do something good, I guess he aswered


Fuck bros all I needed to do to help the revolution was to vote 13? Damn let's fucking gooo


Live atrasada, será que secar as lágrimas demora tanto assim?


Os filhos do bozo se manifestaram???


The absolute state of this guy.


Foi procurar essa porra e o YouTube me recomendou de coisa de marca da besta, vai tomar no cu, algoritmo do YouTube, é esse tipo de lixo que insere esses animais nessas merdas



Um merda desses certeza que é sulista. É bem da cara de um deles fazer isso.


Crianças em aldeia indígena comemoram a vitória do lula


Obrigado camarada, Darwin te abençoe


Aldeia indígena? Mas todas essas crianças estão vestidas. Isso é fake news comunista.


Escola sem partido, crianças doutrinas


So is all this hype about protest bullshit? I'm not Brazilian.

From analyzing other countries events in past I'd think what is happening is small scrums of fans of each side fighting a little and arguing but nothing major as they await to see what bolsonaro decides to do


There was a danger that if Bolso went Trump or harder that he could mobilise protestors and use executive police to back them up. Since he isnt doing that they are just randos gathering to trying to fight for their idiot leader that has already given up. A part of me wonders if the shit people were saying about the CIA is what caused him to back down, like some langley guy is saying he will be extradited for drug charge if he doesnt comply .



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Based workers clear road blocked by bozistas


What’s stopping them from shooting at each other, or are tensions not high enough?


>1 January 2023
2 months.


>Since he isnt doing that
At least that's a good sign.
>A part of me wonders if the shit people were saying about the CIA is what caused him to back down, like some langley guy is saying he will be extradited for drug charge if he doesnt comply
In no way will Langley do that realistically. He's an ally of the US in essence. If that were the case it's Lula himself who will receive such treatment.


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The cattle with enough braincells to translate their mooings to English have been trying to sell the narrative that they're being slaughtered in the streets. Pic related, from last thread. They're doing a piss-poor job of it, unsurprisingly. Then again, the bulk of Carluxo's bot and shill armies have been dormant, so this effort most likely isn't being led by the top.


Amen! Isn't that a good thing?
>American flag
no doubt


I believe they don't have guns


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>72 membros


Biden admin prefers Lula. They hate bolsonaro and have never had any good relations with him


Don't join those telegrams as a member just observe. You can get in serious trouble if they are planning treason type stuff

Stay safe


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Dei uma olhada e pelo visto esse é o grupo principal dos fodidos: https://t.me/s/miliciasul

You can preview telegram channels in a browser by adding /s/ to the url before the group ID.


The trissomic right in a permanent state of monopolarization. As in, they chimp out nonstop, and although they aren't met by any leftist organization, they're stopped (if that's the word) by popular apathy and alienation.


Ontem voltando do curso de bike à noite tinha um rapaz negro passando na minha frente, também do curso, no caminho tinha uma viatura com uns PMs, pararam o rapaz e nem olharam na minha cara, ele estava melhor vestido do que eu inclusive, foi racismo?

Eu nunca me considerei branco mas depois dessa experiência deu para perceber que pelo menos pros padrões do sudeste do BR pra cima eu meio que sou considerado


>a polícia é racista?


A gente tava com mochila e tudo, e tava bem perto do curso, os PMs sabiam eu tenho ctz, capaz que fizeram isso só pelo prazer de humilhar


Parece que o Cornotário vai falar a qualquer momento.


>Ministros do Supremo decidem não se encontrar com o presidente até que ele reconheça a derrota


Yes. Things have changed since the Cold War, the US has realized that they can get what they want from South America without the cartoonish rightist dictators. Similar case to Vietnam - no need to try and cause a rightist coup when they can get all the sweatshop labor they want from there anyways.


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Meteram um "te fode aí" pro otário. Ninguém mais aguenta esse filho da puta, nem os togados do stf.


You don't need numbers when you can count on the authorities to let you chimp out all you want.

Speaking of which, as far as the electoral left on Twitter is saying, no serious organizer is behind this, and it's mostly shipping companies forcing their employees to stop plus reactoid subhumans joining in to jam the traffic, largely organized (for want of a better world) via their internet shitholes, tho obviously there's plausibly deniable contact with Bozo's inner circle circus ring. There's no bigger goal besides hoping it snowballs. This is both moronic and fascinating, because it fits the reactionary mentality to a tee. Even putting aside the shoddy organization, it's pure idealism because these idiots, probably incapable and definitely unwilling to read the conditions, just unconsciously assume that their atavic imbecility is a widespread feeling among the populace which is just waiting for the opportunity to be let free. Because, and here's the crucial bit, reactionarism itself is an atavic imbecility just waiting for an opportunity to be let free; pathological reactionaries dream of being Mongol warlords, raping and pillaging the world to their heart's content and murdering whomever gets in their way, and naturally, they assume that most people feel this way too, which they don't. See also the endless stream of Burger mass shooters who think that their nihilistic murder spree will be the one spark which will finally set off the RaHoWa which has been on the imminence of beginning for fucking centuries. Cue action for action's sake, cult of irrationality and sho on and sho on.

If Bozo had more autism score points than ex-wives, he could have created the conditions for this reactoid chimpout to actually take hold. Let it be known that the only people who stopped fascism from rising again has been fascists themselves.


Mais cedo, eles chamaram o Bolsonaro de moleque. Poxa, se ao menos ele pudessem fazer alguma coisa a respeito, mas tadinhos, são apenas A PORRA DA CORTE SUPREMA DO PAÍS CARALHO


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Reactoids being removed at Novo Hamburgo. Notice that in this and the other videos that it takes few cops to clear this up. This shows both that it takes few people to jam traffic and have a grotesquely disproportional material impact (see also the Freedom Convoy shit elsewhere), and consequently, that the presence of these jams shows that police were deliberately letting them do it, if not downright supporting them, as a few videos show.


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At Guarulhos, bolsonarists receiving free samples of capsaicin deodorant.



Caveat: it's very unlikely but not impossible that things do snowball to some degree. Never write anything off, especially in Brazil, doubly so in clown world.


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>Justiça sem ideologia
Não computa.


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outside the us its not normal for people to have guns or to walk with them on the street.


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This is why trains are based, doesn't allow for the country to be sabotaged like this or at least its harder to let be


We live in a civilized country where you can't get a gun as a money change from a candy


On the one hand, Bozo's continued silence is an obvious tacit approval to (yet another) coup attempt.

On the other, Bozo's silence is, in itself, a blessing.


Tomara que o sapo barbudo chame umas companhias chinesas pra começar um projeto estilo ferrovia transcontinental aqui no Brasil, chega de ficar a mercê de caminhoneiro fodido


Agr a gnt vai ficar a mercê dos chineses!


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Seria sonhar muito ver o BR assim?


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Teixeira de Freitas.


Para ser honesto, é melhor assim. Quanto mais tempo isso durar, mais o bolsonarismo e o próprio Bolsonaro é queimado, além de que os vídeos da polícia metendo spray de pimenta em quem sempre lambeu botas pedindo por "intervenção militar" têm sido terapêuticos.
Quanto mais tempo ele fica sem tomar nenhuma atitude, fica mais claro o quão covarde ele é e mais apreensivos ficam seus apoiadores nas rodovias e mais quebrados eles estarão quando ele arregar e aceitar humilhado.


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Quero é mais, muito mais.


Boa parte do apoio que esses caminhoneiros cornos e as companhias por cima deles dão ao brocha é justamente por causa DISSO.


>bolsonarismo e o próprio Bolsonaro são queimados


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The organized fans of Atlético busting a blockade. They said they'll break all such traffic jams which might keep the team from playing.

Let it be known that a single football team's fans has put up more organized resistance against this than the Brazilian left.


Cruzeirenses BTFO


>Chegamos num ponto que até a jovem klan tá chamando de vagabundo quem tá protestando.

Não quero que isso pare agora já estamos longe demais deixa um bocado de idiota morrer.


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Real ou feiqui?


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O bolsonarismo está se autodestruindo ao vivo. Até a ideologia em si é incompetente igual ao fundador.




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Normalmente, eu teria certeza que é golpe de publicidade do Frota, mas as chances de ser real neste caso são de 100%.


Sei nao. Estão se dilapidando, mas não diria que se autodestruindo. Reacionarismo é contraditório e irracional por natureza, então ele só pode ser destruido fisicamente. Afinal de contas, nenhum desses filhos da puta é capaz de sentir vergonha ou empatia e vão continuar fodendo a vida dos outros enquanto puderem.


NÃÃÃÃO, essa era a oportunidade perfeita pra ele tentar dar um golpe matando todo o STF e se foder logo em seguida! Seria a melhor forma de resolver esta desgraça toda!


Sim claro, mesmo que o Bolsonaro seja extirpado, o fascismo vai surgir de outras formas. Tem que pisar na cobra toda vez que ela tenta sair do buraco.


>o Artigo 142 é tipo uma cloroquina impressa.
Ela não serve pra isso que vocês querem, mas mesmo assim vocês insistem em querer usar


Ele é tão covarde que o melhor agora pra ele seria se matar. Iria embora como um mártir para os apoiadores dele e faria os ideais dele irem mais longe. Mas como é um covarde só está brincando com as pessoas.


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I only know English and Spanish, what are they saying?


As torcidas são, sem ironia nenhuma, a representação máxima do populacho (uso essa palavra no sentido bom). Se a esquerda está longe do povo, ela nunca vai aprender com ele.

E ainda tem gente de "esquerda" no cuítter dizendo que não é pra enfrentar eles não, que é o que eles querem, que vai aumentar as tensões. Vão tudo tomar no cu, se eu não tivesse longe desses acontecimentos eu estaria aí (vivo no meio do Lulalistão então aqui tá muito calmo).


Nobody stop us from seeing galo (nickname for atletico mineiro team). We gonna extinguish everything here on 381 (highway). YOU CAN ALL PASS!!! YOU CAN PASS!!!! THATS IT!!! WE WILL PASS AND SEE THE GALO'S GAME!!!!


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This reminds me that a gringo asked in a previous thread about how the circus, porkies and assorted scum were taking Lula's then-incoming victory, and IIRC the thread seemed to think that they were absolutely sure they were going to walk away no matter what so they weren't too worried.

Bolsonaro himself is definitely an exception to this. Even his closest flunkies outside of his family, worried as they might be, don't seem to be worried about jail. Bozo, however, is notoriously paranoid, but his paranoia is unusual. He developed it as a defense mechanism to make up for his stupidity. beind too dumb to read any situation and act accordingly, he just lived his entire life chimping out and relying on that pranoia to tell him when to bail. It's an absolutely awful way to do business but it has served him well thanks only to the absolute impunity which has always reigned in Brazil. So even if no one else is afraid of serious repercussions, Bozo definitely is. Last year, he flat-out said he sees only 3 scenarios in his future: dead, in jail or reelected. A few months ago, he said "[I] won't be a Jeanine", referring to his Bolivian counterpart who was found hiding under a box-frame bed when Evo's cops came for her. A couple of months after that, he said that, if they come for him, "[I] will shoot to kill, but I won't be arrested. I'd rather die" (and when he got flak for saying this, he, of course, said he was just joking).

Best of all, in the midpoint between the two election rounds, his missus, who was campaigning for him full-time, met with Jeanine's daughter, whom international reactoids are trying to turn into a symbol of resistance, dissidence and whatever the fuck else. Look at these pathetic photos.

So yes, even if all his puppeteers, associates and such have no worries, he's shitting his pants in fear. His sons tho, I can't tell.


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National and international media entering the presidential palace now, Bozo is expected to break his silence at any moment.

Here's hoping he pulls a phenomenally dumb stunt!




Questions not allowed lol


Alguém aqui tem alguma coisa sobre o embargo dos EUA a Cuba? Especificamente a maneira como os americanos impedem outras nações de negociar com eles? Estou falando com o bozo minion e preciso de ajuda


Eu autorizo o MST a quebrar esse cara na porrada e tomar as terras dele.


Eu tentei conversar com um hoje, é sempre a mesma receita de bolo: repetir propaganda, mudar de assunto, uma metralhadora de merda sem entrar em nada, quando vc puxa o assunto ele passa pra outro, experiência pessoal do nada e afirmar ser pobre, mesmo que você saiba que não é verdade
Espero que ao menos você tenha sucesso my guy


>Or I will get my fascist pet project passed, or everyone will starve
That's our agrarian lumpens.


Literalmente um verme kulak


Se mais trouxas fizerem como ele, vamos ter de aumentar as importações da Argentina, que além de parceiro também concorre com a gente no agro. Simples assim e eles vão acabar se fudendo sozinhos.

É impressionante como esse pessoal nunca consegue enxergar o esquema maior das coisas.


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Instant karma.


Lula nem assumiu e ja está causando o holodomor brasileiro.


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Tem algum telegram do leftypol br? Não consigo achar um grupo de esquerda nessa porra.


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Man jumps from bridge after crying for a military intervention and shouting "ARMY, SAVE BRAZIL"


>save brazil

these people do realise lula has been president before and it didn't lead to slaughter of all property owners/conservatives right?


Maybe that was the problem all along


Estou recebendo doses cavalares de serotonina por saber do medo que esse filho da puta está sentindo.


Será se o nosso Joseph Lulálin tem uma colher extremamente grande pra comer todos os nossos grãos?

Dude they've recycled every single fake news from 2002 and people ate all that shit up. Usually when asked why Lula didn't do all of that in 8 years they say "he just couldn't do everything at the same time, now he's back to finish the job".


Eu também, camarada, eu também


Confirmed: Bozo will be "travelling" on inauguration day and his pocket-sized veep will be the one handing over the presidential sash.


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They put a yuge distance between his pulpit and the journos to make sure he can't listen to them asking any questions WEW


Até they live already? I want to see It


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That picture screwed up the perspective. Here's how fucking far he will be.

I'm looking at @choquei's Twitter, dunno about any streams. He's late for the speech, it hasn't begun yet.


OOPS just realized it's a mirrored wall so he's not 'that far lol




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Noite passada, Zambelli falou no Telegram ou zap ou sei lá que o Tribunal de Haia desembarcou no Brasil hoje pra fazer valer o artigo 142, e irão prender Lula e Alexandre.


I Just hound out It is live indeed on globonews


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What is he saying? It looks like ISIS video


What a cult


He's threatening to stop his farm for a whole year if Bolsonaro isn't put in charge.
Like this comrade >>566615 said, he's a literal kulak worm.


He is saying to Lula voters stop to celebrate and all the food that his farm produces will stop, basically starving the population because his cult leader did not won the elections
He also speak about sending mud to the people, normally I would take that as just a exaggeration, but, looking at the recent events…


Live do pronunciamento, atrasado mas está chengando (isso se ele não se cagar mais uma vez).


MTST is actually organizing groups to break up the road blocks.



That's literally a violation of the constituion, specifically of the social function of private land ownership.

Not that the law is worth much, least of all in post-2016 Brazil, but if Lula wants to crack some skulls, well, he can crack a lot of them so well within the limits of the constitution.


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More Atlético blockade busters.


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Essas são as "17 medidas" que ele quer para deixar de ser um kulak do caralho.


>muh skull symbol
>muh ukrainization
evry tiem


File: 1667329624999.mp4 (4.6 MB, 640x640, oGpa_k-Wu44QAfEt.mp4)

More yellowshirts being removed from Brasília, I think they're in front of the STF building.


Li aqui. Literalmente um manifesto fascista.


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More cops busting blockades.

Filho da puta pedindo pra ser multipolarizado.


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Where are the infracel retards saying Bolsonaro was better for Russia?


Essa e a PM ou a PRF?


What is infracel? And Putin completely abandoned him when he said slava ukraina in a rally


I thought Brazilian cops were bolsonaristas why are they doing this?


Está escrito PRF nos carros no primeiro vídeo e polícia militar nos uniformes no segundo, manolo. No terceiro, o uniforme parece ser o mesmo que do segundo.


To not get fired


Because they'll lose their job if they don't


Se vc é BR são a versão ianque da NR, um bando de facho fantasiado de esquerda """ortodoxa"""


Do jeito que Bolsonaro é infantil, é capaz de ele sumir com a faixa presidencial pra não entregar


Bolsonaro failed stupendously at everything which isn't bribery and graft, and thankfully that includes galvanizing the scum along actual political lines. This neutered, for the time being, an alignment of the reactoid scum along any lines which isn't simply being his personal goon.


Pacientes sem recursos médicos por causa desses canalhas, mobilização popular URGENTE


Amoêdo, futuro líder da facção denguista do 🅱️artido 🅱️olchevique 🅱️rasileiro


Aliás, o fato de não abrirem exceções dos bloqueios pra emergências é demonstração da alta de organização. Ou melhor dizendo, da fuleiragem reaça.






Ele disse que se considera parte da esquerda brasileira na entrevista do Roda Viva.


AGORA VAI, finalmente o cagão chegou.


Olha, pelos padrões brasileiros, só o fato dele não ter trabalhadores escravos já faz dele um Bakunin.


Yeah but they were doing voter suppression a few days ago why would they get fired? Sorry I am a gringo just trying to understand this, because in the US the police would let them do it.


Discurso igual o governo dele: impotente, fraco, sem graça, murcho


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O discurso não durou nem três minutos, patético.


Falou falou e não falou nada.


Vamos virar igual os EUA onde "esquerda" inclui tudo de socialistas a neoliberais e "direita" é basicamente fascismo.




Because nobody gave them a real order to supress the votes


That's where Bozo's failure to galvanize a political movement comes in. Police are crawling with his supporters, but they're not aligned, organized and such enough to get away with a full blown mutiny. Individual troops, sheriffs and whatnot do what they can to help him but they don't really control the institutions themselves because of their complete lack of political skills, or any skills for that matter. So if someone along the chain of command isn't down with the clown and tells them to do their jobs, they don't have the clout to countermand them.


The speech was not even three minutes long. Odds are that he can't fuck for that long either, amirite?


*To stop the supression


Não reconheceu o resultado, incentivou os protestos (mas pediu pra não serem violentos nem bloquearem estrada), agradeceu os votos e foi embora.


Não zoo com isso pq sofro de uma D.E extrema D:


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Chinlet com a jaqueta Ryan Gosling para fechar com chave de ouro o pronunciamento.


can't tell if real…


The fact that Bolsonaro was such a failure is not reassuring…


Este deve ter sido o pior discurso que eu já ouvi na minha vida. Não é possível.


Simplesmente a criatura mais covarde que perambula pelas terras brasileiras. Seu governo vai ser lembrado como um grande lixão histórico onde as trevas pairavam.


Dios mio…



He's such a faggot he pretty much delegated the concession of defeat to one of his goons, Ciro Nogueira.





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Agronegócio be like


Yeah I've seen the reactoids trying to make this a meme. Like, it doesn't even make sense. They just took the leftie joke about doing fingerguns and mirrored as if this was some masterstroke, but it's just plain a non sequitur.


Eles ignoram que tem 33 milhões de brasileiros passando fome AGORA no governo do Minto.


>fascistas nos anos 1920
Vamos marchar sobre Roma e tomar o poder à força!
>fascistas nos anos 2020


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Literalmente eu. Ótima postura com as mãos no bolso, só faltou o palitinho na boca.


To our Portuguese-deprived frens, Bolsonaro's speech was thus: told his cultists to protest all they want but not to be violent nor to block the roads, spewed a semi-random assortment of bullshit about the left like he does every time he's in front of a camera, and left without making the expected concession of defeat. Then one of his lieutenants said the transition begins thursday. That was it.


Oh yeah, he at least thanked his useful idiots for votes too. That's as close to being graceful as he ever got.


File: 1667333518597.webm (17.53 MB, 1920x1078, sem palavras.webm)


Certeza que é um arrombado do gabinete do ódio.



Larping was a mistake.


Bolsonaro entrará para a história como o presidente mais patético que este país já teve.


Torcida Alvorada dizendo que vai furar os bloqueios também.

E o mais burro, o mais canalha etc. etc. etc.


I couldn't tell this was meant to be """criticism""" of the left for an entire minute because of how braindead retard this is. Jfc.


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No quarter for kulaks.


COP27 invited Lula to the event. He's basically president already, Bolsonaro is just a court jester.


Well, the original intent is indeed to criticize the left, it is a supposed future scenario where, with Lula in power, Brazil now is vuvuzela, north Korea, whatever, has hunger (let's just ignore that we are back in the famine map of UN and have already 33 milion people suffering from it) but, you know, subjectivity gives you the freedom to interpret it the way you want, I could not resist to remember of the video where that bastard said he would not allow food that the food from his farm to reach the public
Fucking reactionary bastards


Pior que é verdade, os caras demostram bastante isso
Mobilização popular foi algo que faltou, vimos exemplos bem sucedidos do povo botando esses palhaços pra correr, mas seria perfeito se houvessem contra-manifestações (seríamos nós os reacionários???) Contra essa corja e mostrar pra eles que maioria é o nosso piru megalitico, eles não passam de uma minoria radicalizada que acha que não representa o povo trabalhador que tanto sofre e sofreu nessa desgraça de governo


>PSOL entrou com um pedido de cassação contra a Carla zambelli


Depois ficam de mimimi com o Stalin, mais olha como esse tipo de gente é, Kulak merecia morrer mesmo.


I feel like the reason that Bolsonaro didn't go the Trump route is that his party has quite a large presence in the chamber and the senate, so it was easier to try and fuck with Lula's presidency and either ride a wave of discontent into the presidency or hand pick someone else to do it, probably the former though.


He's literally too dumb to memorize an actual speech, and too dumb to properly read from a teleprompter. I'm not even joking.

Back in 2019, everyone was looking forward to the opening speech he would deliver at the WEF. It would be on 22 January, early in the "New Age", his golden boys Moro and Guedes still had their luster as far as normies were aware and tagged along with him to Davos, international porkies were curious. He struggled through less than 10 minutes of campaign slogans, vague invitations to invest in Brazil and a couple of goals which never were really goals. One of the shortest opening ssspeechess the event ever had. The collective interview which he, Moro guedes and the 4chancellor, Ernesto Araújo, were scheduled to deliver the next day alsso had high expectations surrounding it, and it was just plain cancelled. The picture of the vacant seats became quite representative of the whole affair. All of Bozo's entourage found plenty of time to play tourist and post photos and videos to their audiences on the internet tho.


Alguém tem notícia do mtst?


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Reminds me of the Independence Day coup attempt in 2021, where they celebrated fake new of Bozo's decree of a state of siege. I recall a similar event of those idiots celebrating another fake news involving Moro but I can't be bothered to look it up.

He did try to do it with the STF tho, see the aforementioned 7 September shindig.



Thanks :)


As contas de mídia social dela foram retidas. Talvez o Xandão tenha tido a decência de declarar prisão dela como fez do Bob depois que a mídia largou.




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Deve ter sido ela mesmo que apagou as redes e agora tá montando fanfic.


File: 1667337578128.jpg (32.96 KB, 827x827, FggPUdBXkAoX4lH.jpg)

Não, está escrito que a conta foi retida por motivos legais. A do André Valadão també, talvez outros. Se bem que essa corja não sse importaria em falar prum juiz pau-mandado fazer um parecer forjado pra isso.


Absoluto não tankei esse maluco quando eu vi, já tava esperando alguém postar aqui


Damn, dude gotta fart hard 😖


CURINTCHA fans also joining the blockade-busting effort.


Hope there is some footage


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File: 1667337848433.mp4 (848.92 KB, 352x640, oc803Vjh-BUju-Bt.mp4)

More yellowshirts getting a taste of the repression they keep asking for.




Apropos of Bozo having failed at galvanizing a political movement, I think I'm seeing the little progress he made in that area evaporating right now. His pathetic coup attempts, the pathetic handling thereof and assorted shenanigans from hiss goons like Zambelli and Bob are showering Lula with political capital. The MSM is lambasting the blockades and Bozo's unwillingness to tell his cultissts to end them, and the rent-a-majority cunts are resigning themselves to, well, rent themselves instead of putting up an opposition.




Baseada ZL. Estava na Praça Brasil e parecia final de copa com Brasil campeão.


Que delícia


>Tiro de borracha
Bando de pau mole de que nunca enfrentou a política e é completamente dominado quando o bicho pega.


>>566731 (me)
I think these blockades are hitting just the right tone (right for us, wrong for them), being big enough to bother the country at large but too weak to snowball. Their chances of snowballing decreased along the day as variouss police forces or random citizens started busting them, and went down to zero thanks to Bozo's limpdicked speech. Said speech was also enough to keep these idiots going – and thus weakening their cause for longer – and since he didn't distance himself from them, he will directly be weakened too. He really can't stop fucking up.




What I'm saying is, Bozo's unrelenting ineptitude even after defeat is considerably decreasing odds of a future coup against Lula regardless of whether Bozo himself is a part of it or not.


File: 1667339219001.mp4 (10.22 MB, 352x640, wkOKtLE5iZQ6Y1sz.mp4)

Steelworkers busting a blockade near Angra.

Man, I hope thesse blockades remain for a while. Besides bleeding the right from political capital, they might provide an invaluable opportunity to start organizing at street level.


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From early 2021, the sign reads: "Democracy begins by respecting the results from the ballot boxes"


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File: 1667339654608.mp4 (5.14 MB, 720x1178, xpM31Lt0_QLmNndK.mp4)

Another video from the Galoucura bust >>566589


>latinfundio scum are getting pissed off at Bozo for the blockades


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I was thinking about how I get too distracted by pussy while listening to the BBC World Service and then I heard them say about Bolso and they said
>"when he lost () night there was estrogen ringing in his ears."
I was half-listening and for a second I was like: "I must be going crazy," but then they went on and were talking about the womens defeating him.


>trending topics
Esqueceram de acabar com a demissão por justa causa primeiro kkkkkkkk




Um bando de velhos broxas indo aso quartéis pedir ao exército que façam um golpe.


Parabens Anao, descobriu o que realmente significa a direita.
qualquer pais que realmente é democratico não pode ter uma direita, os ideais deles são incompativeis com isso..


File: 1667342448116.mp4 (8.67 MB, 720x536, t_lO3ehzsv5DTAoS.mp4)

Gado atacando jornalistas da Record.


Estão se autoflagelando kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk



File: 1667342606041.jpg (96.93 KB, 562x680, FggjDvqXwAMfAHh.jpg)

I have no idea if this is real or not, but anyway…


>fazendo jornalismo sério
>trilha sonora pra parecer mais dramático
Odeio a Record.


File: 1667342659210.mp4 (882.67 KB, 856x480, k2jXXlEkPn3qK9aI.mp4)



<nao sou da globo
>nao interessa


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Se bem que…


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Alimentaram os ratos, agora deitem com eles


To clarify, Egypt, host of COP27, invited Lula to represent Brazil. The thing is, Lula will only be inaugurated in 2023, and COP27 takes place thiss month.



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Lula has had more diplomatic success by doing literally nothing than Bozo hass had in his entire life.


Santa Catarina, one of the state with the most blockades, is pretty much in a healthcare crisis right now. Doctorss can't get to their workplaces, supplies can't reach hospitals, surgeriess being cancelled, people are missing their meds.


Façam mais arminha com a mão que passa


Devem achar que a culpa é do lula
Inb4: se o lula não tivesse ganhado, isso não estaria acontecendo, logo, a culpa é do lula


Putin and Xi will attend Lula's inauguration. Patsocs on suicide watch


I live here. In my town, a bunch of old cucks are going to the navy headquarters tomorrow to ask for a coup.
I just want the police to give them the military intervention >>566729 style


File: 1667344326945.mp4 (4.74 MB, 480x872, tSaNtxK1VAuqLplx.mp4)

>Burguesia, minha filha. Pobre que está aí é desinformado
Me parese que a conciensia de classe cresce.


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Covardes imundos


the day patsoc thought fell apart from the contradictions


When I watched bolsonaros speech I thought about the fact that their true mean of communication is social media, so while his speech was in a way, most likely the cultists are receiving completely different orders on WhatsApp and other social media






>povo de Cuba vai a rua contra o comunismo
Direitoide vive em mundo paralelo, os protestos anti Cuba em solo cubano foram esmagados pelos proprios Cubanos fazendo contra protestos, e so continuou na florida por Americano que acham que são cubanos por que tem decendencia de lá.


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Brazilian Duginist/patsoc guru is going crazy lol


File: 1667344897656-0.mp4 (3.85 MB, 480x1036, g7PL3LN-Kj3mOoB2.mp4)

File: 1667344897656-1.mp4 (3.44 MB, 592x1280, k8u1kntF3W4TSFDJ.mp4)

it's real lol


Is there a certain region that bolsonaro speaking style or tone comes from?

Do Brazilians have class type systems on speaking patterns like us burgers?


Brazil's fox news is in a deep crisis and is firing everyone


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These people should just drop the multipolarity LARP and admit they're conservatives already. It's clear they only care about right-wing culture war crap and everything else is secondary


after aimee therese becoming a racist republican (even though she's aussie) along with her retarded cohorts, this will be the 2nd wave of internet leftist weirdos turning into conservatives


>Mesmo quando isso ofenda nossas sensibilidades pessoais
Então, se um governo nazista…


Sou Z-gang mas esse povo tá capotado das ideias.


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Bingo. Here are plenty more screencaos like this: https://nitter.kavin.rocks/printsminions/status/1587532387885502465

In fact, they don't really need a different set of instructions. Bozo's speeches never carry much meaning in themselves, much like Bozo himself, allowing them to read into them (and him) anything they want. I mentioned back in 2018 that Bozo's complete lack of virtue and his contradictory, vague and ever-shifting promissess allowed both idiotss and atavists to project all their wants into him. He could read random parts off a phone directory, and these idiots would get the ssame meaning as they would from any of his previouss speeches, livestreams and anything else. The operative term here is apophenia. The only source of meaning is the fictional Bolsonaro which lives in their heads, and everything else is bent to fit it. This is nirvana to atavistss and the circular reasoning which defines their broken minds.


Dasha got this cancer too lmao


Máfia Azul, Galoucura's rival, join the football fan clubs busting blockades.



Why are truckers such massive faggots


>Is there a certain region that bolsonaro speaking style or tone comes from?
Not as far as I can tell. He was born into a poor peasant family which descended from German and Italian immigrants, but doesn't have anything unusual.

>Do Brazilians have class type systems on speaking patterns like us burgers?

I'm not sure I follow. I understand things like some accents being associated with lower classes because these regions are poorer, or poorer people having worse grammar, but speaking patterns?


Deep alienation + country music lol


File: 1667347265790.png (242.29 KB, 1029x1148, ClipboardImage.png)

é sobre isso…


Até o Zezé Di Camargo teve a conta suspensa kkkk


File: 1667347667800.mp4 (2.44 MB, 352x640, uyxItwuRN-ZPlPsj.mp4)

Enough bolsonarist tearss to fill up a pool.


File: 1667347903396.mp4 (4.01 MB, 720x1068, YT5nfj84uxxaUKis.mp4)

A third video.


>/leftypol/ ultroids: No, you can't just celebrate that a democratic socialist won an election against a fascist
>Me, an intellectual: If it gets rightoids mad I will


Lula is a liberal not a democratic socialist


He is a soft succdem with multipolar dreams.


Find better bait please




Os pobres estão com o glossário comunista na boca? Porra, que foda


United Front time?


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Who could've imagined it would have been BOZO to intensify class struggle in the country.
Wait, now that i think about, braindead rightoids fucking up is basically a recipe for success.


>democratic socialist


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It was always about class.


Você fala como se isso fosse ruim hue.


Cadê o PM mineiro plmds


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Fuck it, one struggle.


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I've also found this lmao



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Bin laden was the edgy football meme in the 00'


Matéria mais completa. Ela é de agosto, mas deixa bem evidente o aparelhamento da PRF como milícia do bolsonarismo.


Speaking of which


File: 1667353210502.gif (1.3 MB, 311x240, JEJ.gif)

Eu não sinto tanta satisfação e alegria desde o dia que trump venceu em 2016.

Feels good man


Spoiler: Não vai ter


Im seeing photos on twitter of Bozo fans outside Police stations and army bases literally doing mass pray ins and candlelight vigils begging the military to CONDOR.COM Lula and let Bozo stay president. All while crying and shit.

No offence, but are hue hues like the burgers of LatAm lmao?


Brazil is basically the US if the Confederacy had won the Civil War.


Poor, rural, conservative and with more black people?


File: 1667355970809.gif (148.91 KB, 236x260, 1666731942288415.gif)

And extremely racist. SC (santa catarina) has neo nazi cells lmao.


>I'm not sure I follow. I understand things like some accents being associated with lower classes because these regions are poorer, or poorer people having worse grammar, but speaking patterns?
In Britain you have class-based accents, no word of a lie.


I'm not a monarchist but I feel like Brazil would've gone in a completely different direction if Pedro II wasn't couped, Barão de Mauá was actually investing in industrialization and then our slave-owning elite condemned us to be a giant farm forever.


The monarchy couldnt have survived, it positioned itself too much in opposition to the land owners. Brazil fucking abolished slavery in the 1880s and that was "too radical" for them.


>No offence, but are hue hues like the burgers of LatAm lmao?




File: 1667358571164.mp4 (797.3 KB, 576x320, DJjK_7rnvSVdjixm.mp4)

Adoro a sinceridade das crianças.


>Barão de Mauá was actually investing in industrialization and then our slave-owning elite condemned us to be a giant farm forever
If you only knew.


Forgot embed.



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The only way for our country is revolution, Brazil is the most racist and conservative country in the world. And i will not tolerate anyone saying the contraty.

For fucks sake, everybody here is mixed and there's still a big % of brazilians that think they're some kinda of master race. Fucking scum


Damn, i always thought brazilian conservatism had something to do with the 19th century monarchy but i was wrong. Seems like the emperor was a good guy


Look at identity, not that I honestly give a singly fuck to it, but when people choose to identify themselves based on ancestry, the vast majority wil rely on the European part of his blood, never African or native, it is incredible


The fucking coup and the republic after it industrialized brasil more in 30 years than the monarchy ever tried. The monarchy in brasil means aristocracy, big farm states, slavery, racism and misoginy, staunch conservatism and catholicism… Everything backwards communists wants to end.


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He already got shot by the revolution


What a martyr!


the only thing that changed since then was that slavery was changed to debt bondage.


>I'm not a monarchist but I feel like Brazil would've gone in a completely different direction if Pedro II wasn't couped
Monarchy was going to die regardless, because international capital was basically forcing us to abolish slavery, which implied Pedro getting out of his puppethood and doing something for once, which put him at odds with the people that really control the country.
>Barão de Mauá
Constantly sabotaged. Also, he was but a single dude trying to stand his ground against the landed aristocracy. This wasn't a England situation.

Also, encilhamento was the monarchy's fault first and foremost.


Victim of Communism #100,000,001 😔


Most calm and sane Bolsonaro fan


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things got better, no doubt, even with hiccups. the monarchy here meant the colonial structure continued, bringing us down. at least in a bourg. republic things can be discussed and we have a system not so shit


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>Oh no!


fair, tough i gonna say that we can discuss things because we have no power, last time a group had even a small presence of power outside the bourgeois order was before 1964, have a guess what happened.


>The fucking coup and the republic after it industrialized brasil more in 30 years than the monarchy ever tried
Is this true? What I learned is that industrialization only picked up again with Getúlio Vargas.
>The monarchy in brasil means aristocracy, big farm states, slavery, racism and misoginy, staunch conservatism and catholicism… Everything backwards communists wants to end.
The Old Republic was just as bad though. Again I'm not a monarchist, Pedro II himself favored republicanism over monarchy.


We are, unfortunately.


I just can't wrap my head around the fucking chinlet with the Drive jacket at the end of Bozo's pathetic speech today. I request that whoever makess the next thread usess it for the OP.


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Screenshot and webm for the next OP.



kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk será que o 1500 armou alguma coisa? um estranho esse cara não deve ser porque se fosse não estaria ali


Altass chances do 1500chan (e /r/brasilivre e similares) estarem nas mãos dos cornos do gabinete do ódio ou algum outro cybermiguxo do Carluxo.


Alguém editar o real human being em cima desse maluco.
Ou do Bozo mesmo, dado que ele parece um bot do carluxo.


Você sabe que é um espelho do 1500chan essa porra de sub né? Não duvido ter moderadores de lá que são moderadores do "livre" também.


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O choro do Brasil livre está delicioso. Eles já passaram por todos os estágios de luto possiveis.
1.Ser xenófobico e culpar o nordeste por tudo, dizendo que são pobres e não servem pra nada
2.Separatismo cope. Afirmando que o Sul e sudeste sustentam o pais inteiro (SP deu lula lmao)
3. Cope golpista, acreditando que o bagulho de caminhoneiros vai dar em algo e acreditando em tudo do zapzap
4. Acreditar que o Lula tá velho e não vai durar os 4 anos ou que o Alckimin vai dar golpe<<<<<estamos aqui



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Quando o espantalho do gado é mais foda que a realidade.


Uma pergunta, de onde vocês são? Acredito que boa parte deve vir do /r/brasil porque sempre vejo memes de lá aqui (nada contra, inclusive tô achando eles bem baseados ultimamente).

Eu descobri o /leftypol/ pelo /lit/ do 4chan quando ainda era uma board do 8chan, lá em 2015.


Literalmente o >don't threat me with a good time.

Eu admiro bastante a carreira politica do lula e tenho grande respeito por ele. Mas infelizmente ele não é revolucionário….quem dera.


4chan e reddit mesmo. (r/brasil, mas não me considero um user deles. Não comento quase nada lá nos 7 anos de reddit que eu tenho nas costas) Sou channer mesmo.


Vim do leftypol ora porra


/lit/ no 4chan


Maluco, no meu serviço, o lula saiu de demônio comunista que vai unificar os banheiros, liberar até drogas inexistentes e perseguir todos os cristãos da face da terra ~graças a isso eles viraram meu voto a favor de lula~ pra agora ser um velho minoria que vai levar golpe do Alckmin e vai poder fazer nada
O cope desses caras, pqp


Mal posso esperar pra ver qual vai ser o cope deles quando ele durar os 4 anos.


4chan também


Também já teorizei isso. Um tempo depois que o 55 caiu a moderação do 1500 ficou completamente esquizofrênica banindo todo mundo que discordasse de uma vírgula do que o merdanaro falava. Isso só foi melhorar por conta do spam de "muienaro" e do vídeo da damares das mais de x leis de proteção à mulher. Mas aí o n botou a máscara (e eu perdi o interesse) e simplesmente destruiu os chans brs. Só imagino como deve estar lá agora. Pior que mesmo sendo uma merda às vezes sinto saudades de alguns fios como do tigga multinivel e do carlinhos e os 2050 homens e cavalos, a forçação do "N é baseado e eu estou adorando". O fim dos chans brs foi levar política a sério demais


O 55chan tinha moderação de direita mas era suportável porque eles só baniam esquerdismo explícito e os bans eram razoáveis. Agora esse 1500chan não dá bicho, não pode falar uma vírgula no governo e qualquer merdinha é permaban.


É interessante isso, será que os caras realmente compraram a ideia de forma real ou existe alguma ligação entre o governo e eles? Talvez um pouco dos dois


Como anda lá hoje em dia? Fiquei com preguiça de burlar a máscara. Ainda tem sexta feira federal? Algum meme novo? Muitos fios políticos? Sinto que aquele lugar virou uma reunião pra discussão fascista. Também sinto muita falts do 55… dos fios do anão fotógrafo de casamento…


>ou que o Alckimin vai dar golpe
Tô rindo mas também tô batendo na madeira.


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>vão sentir saudade da gente
Acabou, que broxa.



contatem as torcidas organizadas da sua cidade amanhã cedo, vai que elas estejam planejando passar o feriado furando bloqueio


eu vou, pois só da pra matar uma vez né.,


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posta quem é voce na Pica
>o Cara com a AK matando o liberal.


Sei lá, parei de acessar completamente. Até o 4chan eu tô deixando de usar porque parece que em todas as boards você tem que passar por 100 threads de guerra cultural pra achar alguma coisa que preste.

Infelizmente a alt-right estragou os chans.


Eu estou na torre, brincando de sniper


Tarcísio já dando mostras de abandonar a canoa furada do mito.


Eu na esquerda inferior ouvindo Don L enquanto assisto pela janela.


>Infelizmente a alt-right estragou os chans.

Nem me fale, maldito reddit. Quando eles baniram os foruns trumpistas em 2016 os filhos da puta migraram pro 4chan achando que lá era cria de racista e fascista (sempre foi um pouco, mas nunca foi maioria vamos concordar), Foi uma morte lentamente.

Só fico no /v/ /gif/ e /wsg/ e olha lá


In the blockade at my city, there were even food stands set up in the middle of the road, an entire fucking barbecue pit set up on the grass between the lanes and porta-potties.

Again, Lula has his work cut out for him. Finding out who are the cunts fnancing this shit is ridiculously easy, all he has to do is give the order.


Deixa eu adivinhar, ia ser essa musica em especifica.


You guys seen today's Profissão Repórter? They exposed the widescale, almost open vote-buying and coercion in a small city, using the city government, private business, every damn thing they could. Now imagine that shit happening all over the damn country. The PRF bullsshit wass only cog in a massive engine of fraud. It's a god damn miracle Lula won at all, really.


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Yeah, ou o favela venceu. Mas quando a revolução acontecer eu colocaria o album inteiro. Seriao, ultimo album do Don L ainda vai ser lembrado como um marco cultural brasileiro.


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Recomendem bons YouTubers comunistas com conteúdo em Português para espalhar pra galera.
Assisti três vídeos desse canal e parece ser bom, algum anão aqui descorda?



Legal, vou checar esses também.


Recomendo o Humberto matos pois ele fala bastante sobre economia, inclusive teoria não Marxista, uma coisa que não vejo muito em outros canais Marxistas.



Wagner moura ficou diferente depois de tropa de elite 2…


Brazilian friends are saying that Bozo stans are having gigantic public chimpouts / pissing&shidding all over themselves in public - And blocking traffic.

Is this true?
And is an attempt to manufacture crisis for an actual coup?


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Resolvi checar para ver como estão hoje em dia e essa é primeira thread que vejo.
>george bush esquerdista


yea, just look at some of the Videos of this thread, they are chimping, shitting and cumming out both outside and in the net, they are doing lockouts, and made some football clubs very mad, so they are breaking their traffic blocks.

>And is an attempt to manufacture crisis for an actual coup?

They keep posting for an federal/military intervention, you tell me.


is this happening in all the country or just some places


all over the country but the intensity varies, most are very small and get send flying like the parasites they are when a bit force comes their way.


a very impressive road block


There firing up the #SOSBrazil hashtag on twitter


>>567007 (me)


This can't be real holy. fuck. We live in a total fucking clown world, fascism with meme characteristics. Why would you do that? Why would anyone do that? Cosplay in this context? Jesus.


Chamaram de golpistas. É um avanço.




Bonoro conseguiu perder trapaceando


Vim do Twitter


Isso daí é eleições brasileiras 101. O básico do que acontece.


Esse foi o profissão Repórter que eu mencionei >>566983 Num país sério, teria iniciado cassação, impeachment e o caralho.


Tá rolando um áudio por aí que, dizem, é do 03 incentivando o gado a fazer baderna. Não dá pra reconhecer direito, e também está acelerado, e isso sem contar que, hoje em dia, pode ser deepfake.

Mas, em última instância, não importa, porque a velha corja não faria nada mesmo sendo real.


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<‘It’s over’: Jair Bolsonaro reportedly accepts defeat in Brazil election



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The blockade bullshit is already winding down. The PRF claims 621+ have been busted, tho obviously it's not a trustworthy source. Their Twitter occasionally posstss updated numberss, the latesst one is https://nitter.kavin.rocks/PRFBrasil/status/1587798571067260932

According to that, the worst offender is SC with 35 remaining blockades. It's the home state of the Havan goblin, a particularly revolting porky who, besides grifting and tax-evading like mad, has taken to becoming a voluntary lolcow of sorts. You know how I said Bozo iss essentially a Chris-chan who gained popularity and power by buying a bot horde of sycophants to drown out the trolls? The goblin personifies that even more. Although he's actually canny at leasst when compared to Bozo (not a high bar), he has taken to using his fortune to sustain a bot horde exclusively to clap and cheer at every dumb stunt he does on social media, and boy are his stunts dumb. One could fill up an Encyclopedia Dramatica with his cringeworthy shit, but hey, he has gorillions of fake accounts saying he's actually hilarious and clever so that's the hyperreality we get. If you see a completely bald, precociously aged ghoul with a severely retracted chin and a vivid green suit, that's him.

The next main offender is MT, which is soy and beef country, absolutely crawling with latfundios of grafted land. Ditto for the 3rd and 4th placess, PA and RO.

Estadão claims at least 160 remain across at least 17 states.

Yesterday the cattle on social media were saying all the patriotic citizenry were going to join the protests today ("VAI SER GIGANTE" is a slogan they have been repeating since at least 2019, which is no doubt because Carluxo and his buttbuddies have been running that shit ever since then and they're too dull to come up with new slogans, memess, jokess etc), so of coursse, the exact oppossite happened.

Gaviões busted 2 blocked in a span of 15 minutes, which shows how flimsy and unorganized they are. They have porky support, but absolutely zero skill or know-how.


>good guy
No, defnitely no, but he was "less bad", specially compared to the land owners


I'm sad for the punishment her family surely gave her after this. Poor girl.


O menos pior de todos os tucanos, tanto que era, e ainda é, um tucano enrustido.


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patê infiltrado nas manifestações


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Vim parar aqui por conta de memes do yt e reddit sobre o Stirner.


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He is just pretending, while he is trying to orchestrate a coup at the same time.


O sujeito na esquerda que está prestes a meter bala na nuca de três kulaks.


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Really makes you think…


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4/his/ quando era bom


>santa catarina
Por que não estou surpreso?


alguém me ajude aqui, como chama quem faz esse gesto?


Chamar de novo o Floriano Peixoto pra massacrar e saquear esse buraco do inferno.


O problema é que ele só fez isso com a ilha. É o resto de estado que precisa mesmo de expurgo.




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Legendado em potuguês.


o que vai acontecer nos próximos anos é que os grupos fascistas mais "coerentes" em nível ideológico e organizativo vão tentar alistar esse monte de verme se nada for feito


O aumento e consolidação de grupos neonazistas é a grande herança do bolsonarismo para o país.


Aqui é SC, já está acontecendo.


Exatamente, estava até conversando sobre isso hoje, acredito que o patê deva ter uma política de desbolsonarização do país, assim assegurando que, mesmo que não sejam reeleitos em 2026, ao menos não seja um grupo desses ou até mesmo o próprio bolsonarismo


Just a couple of "suffering" Brazilians showing their patriotism against the evil communist Lula. Time for a "democratic" coup.


The New Red Terror of should be televised in 4K high definition television resolution. It should be televised in 4K in order to match and exceed imperial propaganda standards.


Sou oldfag de Chan, qnd o m00t matou o /pol/ fui pro 8chan e la saiu o Leftypol
>Nunca fui reaça tho


Lógico que já tem um monte de arrombado citando artigo e parágrafo de código militar de 1900 e bolinha que diz que juramento à bandeira pode ser feito com braço em riste em ângulo de até 47,94 graus num dia da semana que termina com a letra A ou O, então não pode chamar de nazismo enquanto o ângulo não passsar pra pelo menos 47.95 graus. Até lá, essta é apenass a 1488a coincidência, e se você chamar, é porque você é que é nazista por ver nazissmo em todo canto.

Sempre, sempre, sempre essa maldita subversão reacionária. Daqui a pouco, vão desfilar com suásticas e dizer que é uma manifestação democrática de apreço pela fé hindú, e construir estátuas de Hitler em homenagem ao herói que matou Hitler.



São esse mesmos patriotas que falam que nordestinos merecem morrer de fome e sede e serem queimados


Reagan e Bush esquerdistas kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Isso claramente não é apologia ao nazismo. A gente não precisa descer ao nível deles e mentir a troco de nada.


Esse fio não faz sentido nenhum. A maioria da esquerda brasileira é social-democrata que defende welfare state, socialista mesmo é exceção.

Típico pseudointelectual de chan.


1500: se cobrir vira circo, se cercar vira hospício. E cercou.


Imagina, tudo budista aí


Grande nazista aqui.


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Não é, de fato.
Porém tem pessoas erguendo o braço mais do que deveria. ou seja, dog whistle, quem é vai ficar bem à vontade nesse meio.


é sim, são todos do exército aí jurando a bandeira com os braços bem retinhos pra frente
deixa de ser goiaba


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editei um quadrinho velho, por favor spameiem, levei gancho nas redes por chamar fascista arrombado de fascista arrombado

99% dos fascistas são covardes demais pra admitir que são bárbaros. É justamente daí que vem sua natureza subversiva. Absolutamente ninguém se ofende mais ao ser chamado de fascista do que o canalha que vai se filiar correndo ao partido no dia em que este chega ao poder.


>Trending Topics
>Eduardo bolsonaro
Tudo normal no Bananil.



Só não falo que é o motivo de impeachment de esquerdista de hoje porque é notícia velha. Só está sendo veiculada agora porque esses filhos da puta entraram na justiça pra barrar, e o processo venceu agora.


International news mentioning the possibility of a coup, whereas the Brazilian ones, even the few who actually reported on said attempts, are placidly debating Jair's possible future as head of opposition.

Thanks to the failure of Bozo's political project, our mainstream media remains the biggest force against democracy (to say nothing of human decency and basic civilized normas) in the entire damn countries. Of all the wars which Lula has no choice but to wage, the one against mainstream media is the most important one.


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A "prova" da fraude. Não dá nem pra saber se é burrice ou filhadaputice.




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Olha o medo que simplesmente ver populares e um tequinho de melanina chegando causa na corja. É só a torcida organizada chegar que os gatos-pingados fazendo bloqueio debandam. Deixam pra trás as faixas e até os próprios veículos.


Se as urnas eletrônicas são fraudadas, todos os políticos bolsonaristas deveriam renunciar aos seus cargos por coerência. Ou só é fraude quando eles perdem?


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Excelente esse tipo de coisa, desmorona a narrativa de que o Bolsonaro tem apoio do "povão", é o que a esquerda deveria estar fazendo a bastante tempo ao invés de deixar eles correrem com a narrativa.


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Gaviões botando a boiada pra correr na Marginal (hue) Tietê ontem de noite.


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Trabalhador rondonense sacando o facão.


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Alguém tem mais vídeos/imagens como esse?


The scum being kicked out of the roadblocks are congregating in front of barracks and military HQs to beg for a coup.


The current narrative they're floating is that the military are "collecting evidence" to send to high command for them to dennounce the fraud in their report to TSE. The collecting thing is bullshit, but the report is actually real. And it should be noted that the fucking armed forces being allowed to give their cretinous opinion on an election is something which has no backing whatsoever in either written law nor costumary practice. It's something which TSE invented out of whole cloth for this election to accommodate Bozo's bullshit. This military commission, unsurprisingly, found absolutely no flaws whatsoever with any part of the election, going all the way back to technical tests of the voting machines last year. Still this commission saw fit to issue a report them, which was so piss-poor on all levels that the rebuttal TSE published was peppered with citations of basic statistics textbooks. Their report concerning the first round still hasn't been delivered, in all likelihood because they can't even spin it to their narrative, this withholding its release provides fuel for the cattle to keep their bullshit up, much like Bozo's silence. TSE told them to present the report on the first round before the 2nd one or not at all, so they a) will never deliver anything and just use its absence to kep the cattle mooing along, or b) produce a report full of bullshit accusations, which, although it will be ignored by TSE, would ramp up the aforementioned mooing. On the one hand, our military officers are craven leeches, doubly so the wothless shitstains which Bolsonaro promoted to the top, and this would be too much by their cowardly standards. on the other, the federal judiciary branch has done literally nothing regarding the orgy of fraud and coup attempts so the officers might as well try to up the ante because it's not like they will ever face so much as a slap on the wrist.


The cattle is spreading videos of rather sizeable crowds in front of these military sites begging for spare coochie a military coup, but they are 100% untrustworthy. I mean, they have always lied with complete amorality, but even when things go completely wrong for them they will never break kayfabe and will maintain their fictional version of events until and after it has been conclusively disproven – Olavo's tactics. So these videos might be real, or they might be old and completely unrelated footage, which is a common practice among them. I distinctly recall them spreading pictures of massive crowds at the Pope's last visit as if they were Bozo supporters, coup beggars or whatever else and completely neglected to crop out the fucking Popemobile out of the picture.


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Man burns his own car to protest Lula's victory. Says everyone is pussy and that he's moving to Paraguay


Lista de comunistas atualizada.


puta que pariu, fora que, né, protestar CONTRA o país


Checado e baseado. P mais próximo de já vi de um reaça que não é hipócrita. Que vá pra bem longe… mas não vai de carro kkkkkkk


Do Reddit, BrasildoB


Aquele vídeo é uma mistura de nazismo com ignorância. Há pessoas ali fazendo o gesto de juramento à bandeira certo, outros achando que estão fazendo quando na verdade estão fazendo apologia ao nazismo sem saber e nazistas reais tendo toda consciência do que estão defendendo.
Não são todos nazistas, a maior parte é ignorante, mas isso deve ser investigado para encontrar os nazistas no meio antes que eles possam contaminar a mente daquelas pessoas ainda mais.


>Dude they've recycled every single fake news from 2002 and people ate all that shit up. Usually when asked why Lula didn't do all of that in 8 years they say "he just couldn't do everything at the same time, now he's back to finish the job".
Nobody would believe this if he actually did.


Aproveitando pra lembrar que o Japão, Finlândia e Coréia do Sul tem mais feriados que o Brasil. Reclamar de alto número de feriados sempre foi uma das groselhas favoritas de liberais e vira-latas incapazes de analisar as condições materiais. O exato mesmo tipo de besteira que proliferou como mato durante a campanha lavajatista, que, em si, era algo semelhante ("precisa acabar a cohupssaum senão a gente não se desenvolve"), assim como ancapismo, culto de empreendedorismo e muitos outros tipos de charlatanismo.


>não tá bloqueando rodovias e prejudicando o restante da população
>vai tirar do próprio bolso pra sair do país
>age de própria responsabilidade pra protestar
Primeiro reaça com fibra moral que vejo em anos, meus parabéns pra esse cidadão.



So is the army making them leave now? lmao


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É Porta dos Fundos, mas poderia ser verdade.


Imagine you are a soldier and you'll have a nice holiday to rest a little bit. Then you wake up and there is a ton of dumb people outside screaming at you, asking you and your fellow military men to go out of your way to do a coup for them because they are too coward to do it themselves.
Then they start breaking in the headquarter ignoring all the respect for property and authority they pretend to defend. What would you do?


More than that, the Eastern Military Command, which is the bulk of our brass, communicated earlier today their annoyance with demonstrations in front of their buildings in Rio.
The whole complex has great symbolic and historical value to the Army, and thus they don't like people protesting whatsoever in front on them.


ele se jogou?


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Os golpistas estão recebendo apoio de empresários? Imagina, impressão sua.


Com certeza dos pequeno burgueses de classe mérdia



As transportadoras de pequeno porte são quase todas bolsonaristas, além do dinheiro de lixos como o Véio da Havan.


hay golpe de Bolsonaro"



No, feijoada. Frijoles hermanito jajajaja.


eu estou feliz demais vendo bolsonarista se fuder pra me importar com a isca do gringo


Hope you kill yourself you atlanticist scum


no falo portugues


Nothing will happen hirmio.


No hablo gringo jjjjj


entonces va estudar negro


je parlais francaias


And a ching chong to you young lady


deranged gringo please kill yourself


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Anãos, fazia um bom tempo que eu não me divertia tanto assim numa tábua.



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>Por favor, não pensem mal de mim :´(


Gente respondendo que SABE que foi fraude mas n sabe oq fazer pq não tem provas, makes you think


E do matricida da Havan e dos latifundiários.


So is there gonna be any fighting or are they cucking out or what?


They are already cucking out. Bolsonaro said to his supporters to go home (basically).



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Anyone seeing this post, please tweet pictures of open beds of this kind to Bozo here? Thanks.



chore se você retweetou


Vendo os posts dos bolsomerdistas, a impressão que dá é que tá tendo hiper protestos por todo o país contra o resultado das eleições, qual a chance de ser imagens de protestos passados??


The whole thing is a giant cope, Bozo cucked out completely and those close of him are seeking terms with the future government.


vide >>567138
É capaz de você achar o papa numa das imagens que eles circulam.


>Bozo cucked out completely
Not completely. He's telling his cattle to stop blocking the roads and that's it. He wants them to keep shitting things up, he just got chewed out by porkies who were losing business thanks to the traffic jams.


Aquele negócio do mtst nas ruas deu o que?


Acho que nem deu tempo, os bloqueios já miaram.




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cops busting a blockade this morning


um são pobres caminhoneiros protestando democraticamente.
na direita um terrorista que ajuda vagabundos.
fronte:Globo, Record, Band, Vera Magalhaes.

adendo, não tenho nem uma culpa por condicionar o povo brasileiro para of bolsonarismo, nunca é nossa culpa e as outras midias do nossos monopolios ou coligadas concordam com esta fala totalmente verdadeira.


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Almost got it


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Guess who.


File: 1667434346860.mp4 (7.98 MB, 1280x720, qdyXGecGyJ3gGUdv.mp4)

Repórteres do SBT hostilizados em Porto Alegre.


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Lembrei disso


File: 1667434443156.mp4 (11.58 MB, 720x1280, Gc7D54oMkhszxY-V.mp4)

Atiçando gado.


File: 1667434649561.mp4 (4.97 MB, 848x480, S4wNyYGP3_Xmguf8.mp4)

Em RO, estavam dando carne de graça pros cornos.


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meu deus que tragédia (kkkkkkk)


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I think this is from 2019 but it's as relevant as ever.


>cara de Saddam Hussein


File: 1667435113831-0.png (129.44 KB, 720x607, patsoc tard.png)

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File: 1667435113831-3.jpeg (40.5 KB, 680x390, FgmE_OuWQAEvLij.jpeg)

rare brazillian patsoc lolcow found in the wild

dengoids, this is your mindset


>I follow the Communist Party of China
>Vote for the Sinophobic candidate
These people are complete clowns.


I was about to comment. With Lula we will be closer to China than ever.




File: 1667435440177.jpg (118.58 KB, 653x490, 1666323795424.jpg)

Even Tucker Carlson knows it.


File: 1667435495232.mp4 (2.17 MB, 1280x720, LHr3rZW8-FKDzB8X.mp4)



File: 1667435905830.png (38.85 KB, 600x278, FglkTbAaYAA36z6.png)

There are still 60 days to go before Lula is inaugurated, and Bozo dicksuckers are already blaming him for the sorry state of the nation.


Fucking Americans and their mind poisons being send here.


File: 1667436069036.mp4 (1.87 MB, 480x848, 3qkXFrrBNddUPEDU.mp4)

Bozo dicksuckers thinks he can just walk in a military barracks and gets literally thrown out.


O filho da puta do H*liday tava falando que se o Lula fosse um "estadista de verdade", renunciaria a posse para "tirar o país do caos".

Esquecem totalmente, e intencionalmente, quem é o chefe do país no momento.


Third pic must be for posting on 4chan's BR threads.


File: 1667436266806.mp4 (7.54 MB, 720x1280, hqhLL8aENG7NNpce.mp4)


Biggest compilation of the electoral crimes which took place last week: https://nitter.kavin.rocks/brparalerdo/status/1587871879490060288

And postly reminder that everyone to the right of Lula was, at best, criminally negligent towards that.


>4chan's BR threads
Some faggot from there tried to "raid" the general recently, he posted two memes from /pol/ and disappeared. LOL.


>E o menino que entrou no grupo de patriotas dizendo que tava em manifestação precisando de ajuda e colheu vários pix


Sabem como vivo repetindo que atavismo é literalmente doença porque é comportamento antisocial constante e vitalício? Olha a ficha corrida do diretor da PRF: https://nitter.kavin.rocks/andretrig/status/1587824580839735296

Todos nós cometeremos erros terríveis na vida. Traição, roubo, outros pecados e crimes que são tão antigos quanto a civilização. Isso é normal. Errar é humano, ninguém é perfeito e todo aquele papo. Mas uma porção da população comete essas coisas com tanta assiduidade e falta de arrependimento que apenas uma patologia explica.


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File: 1667437457903-1.jpg (142.37 KB, 1071x1397, FgjeJEdX0AAbpxa.jpg)

Resultados do 1o e 2o turnos na cidade que o Profissão Repórter investigou.


subversão cringe


>VÍDEO: Luciano Hang incentiva golpe em restaurante de estrada em SC

>Bilionário bolsonarista da Havan aplaude golpistas. “Temos ainda alguma chance, não sei”, diz empresário em fala recheada de terrorismo psicológico. Ato é crime pela lei brasileira

Leia: https://tinyurl.com/27ucj94n


puta que pariu, até latino e zezé di carmargo tendo conta de rede social retida por incentivar golpe




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Irmandade vaporwave mostrando o porquê de o cristianismo não poder ser tolerado
Dps pagam de vítimas


File: 1667439066544.mp4 (5.4 MB, 352x640, If42noD79Sp2yL-Z.mp4)

Milico tirando com a cara dos golpistas.


i usually hate when people say this, but it feels like a scene straight out of a south park episode.


The narrative, no doubt inspired by Q-like constant postponement of a miraculous event which never happens, is that the armed forces would present that report 72 hours after the election result was officially called. This deadline was a couple of hours ago, and unsurprisingly, the shitheel officers didn't bother even mentioning the report. I expect the promise will morth and a new deadline will be set, and the process will be rinsed and repeated. I recall that Trumpanzees had at least 6 "official" deadlines for the magical event of his reinstatement, and the count probably got much higher. And since our elite has its mouth firmly attached to Uncle Sam's anus, human centipede-style, this pattern will no doubt be seen with Bolsonaro's reinstatement/coup.


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kkkek. Kope and SEETHE


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Olavo enfim foi avistado num protesto em Jundiaí.


File: 1667440092823.mp4 (285.58 KB, 486x270, qe-Lx4h9SaGuwkAX.mp4)

O PL vai pagar mansão, mesada e sei lá mais o que pro palhaço ser "líder da oposição" em Brasília.

Olha o Haddad no dia seguinte à eleição de 2018.

A vitória da reacionaria sempre requer a distorção da realidade. No atual estágio, a existência dessa ideologia maligna é plenamente injustificável, logo, a distorção precisa ser uma completa inversão. Daí um professor vira vagabundo, e um miliciano vira santo.


it almost seems as if reactionaries were ontologically evil


>Bolsonaro literally said ‘It’s over.’
Clown world.


No primeiro segundo desse vídeo ele faz uma cara tão derrotada, tão triste e arrasado. QUE DELÍCIA.



No, this is clown world: >>566919


Concordo, mas temos que lembrar que cassação é exatamente o que o Bolsonaro e sua escória queria no momento. O xandão acertou em não dar isso de bandeja pra ele


Quem tem o video do carro passando por cima do gado ?.


File: 1667448564911.webm (2.04 MB, 640x352, gasgasgas.webm)


Certamente ele usaria essssa oportunidade pra fazer muito barulho, mas está claro que ele não consegue converter esse barulho em mobilização. Vide os tamanhos pífios das demonstrações que ele fazia (e agora sabemos que as demonstrações mais recentes que reuniam mais pessoas muito provavelmente tinham muita presença comprada) e da grande maioria desses bloqueios de estradas. Se ele fosse cassado e usasse isso de pretexto pra alegar fraude, ele não ganharia nenhum apoio a mais do que já tinha, memo porque ele já estava alegando fraude desde 2018. Já a parcela da população antibolsonarista, que é muito mais engajada, ganharia muito fôlego com essa cassação. É aquilo que eu vivo falando de reaça, por ser covarde, avança quando não percebe resistência, e murcha rápido quando encontra. Essa corja está ouriçada não por ser perseguida, mass justamente o oposto, por nunca ter sofrido qualquer repercussão.


File: 1667450036531.png (423.41 KB, 554x554, FI25Xe6XEAIYzJk.png)


>Essa corja está ouriçada não por ser perseguida, mass justamente o oposto, por nunca ter sofrido qualquer repercussão.

Concordo, mas a repercussão mais efetiva é aquela que vem da base, do povo, não de cima. Olhá só que tá acontecendo ae com as torcida organizada quebrando eles na porrada.

Foi a melhor coisa que poderia ter acontecido na minha opinião.


Acho que cassação geraria mais repercussão, mas admito que achismo mesmo.


I don't get it? He's dressed like a gangster from the warriors?


Its the movie drive. One of the incel core movies out there. Pretty good movie tho


File: 1667456425254.png (789.99 KB, 946x593, ClipboardImage.png)


Nah Ryan Gosling.


those are bolsonaro supporters right?



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Oh no Lulabros, we got too cocky


File: 1667471826388.jpeg (94.14 KB, 813x1280, Khokhol sulista.jpeg)

kkkkk intankavel o sulil
Thanks for the advice, but i'm not in thier group, i got that print from another imageboard.


alguém tá mantendo a conta de quantas vezes o alexandre de moraes já foi preso só nesses 3 dias?


If Lula and Lukashenko had a sex and had baby he would be called Lulashenko


the more they invest into this spectacle the bigger the butthurt when it flops over after 2 weeks max


A superlotação dos presídios é porque o Alexandre de Moraes é preso toda hora


É tipo na Coreia do norte qndo o kim mata algum general e 2 semanas dps ele aparece vivo na tv


heyyy brasilanons will you take in burger refugees if we're cool


O movimento está implodindo, canibalizando-se. Fascinante.


File: 1667480772184.jpg (Spoiler Image, 49.34 KB, 622x680, femboi.jpg)

Only if they look like this





The dog is pulling it off.


File: 1667486828615.mp4 (16.67 MB, 720x1280, pyzuJZTfSFVxFAYw.mp4)


Yeah, they're going with the constant postponement >>567309


That's the thing, it never flops because it keeps spinning into new bullshit. Atavists love to live in this constant state of imminnce of a world-shaking event which never comes.



Lá vai o gado ensinar alemão sobre a história do nazismo.


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Já começou. O "pacote de bondades" do Bolsonaro é a "licença pra gastar" do Lula.

Nesse ritmo, o propinoduto volta no fundo de tela do JN antes de 2023.


>🚨O atual diretor da PRF, Silvinei Vasques, foi indicado por Flávio Bolsonaro e está protegido de ser investigado por sigilo de 100 anos. Em 2022, os irmãos Flávio e Eduardo Bolsonaro mandaram 3,6 milhões de reais para PRF via orçamento secreto. Percebem onde estamos?


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Lembram qual era a principal reivindação das famigeradas jorndas de junho?

Passe livre.



>Yeah, they're going with the constant postponement
Now they're saying that the 72 hours deadline didn't include this Wednesday since it was a holiday WEW


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"Christmas - RN"



new bread

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