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 No.570806[Last 50 Posts]

While the Frenchies are rocked by mass riots, the government mulls over new legislation to implement Minimum Service Levels and prevent striker chaos. Can they save our green and pleasant fortress?



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But we're not even in Cornwall…


What like a federation?






A heavily confederalised Britain would be ideal
cede Ulster.


He's not even banned


He is banned de jure.


I want to torture politicians.


that's self torture, I want to torture THEM with rusty tools on a medical table. this is not a joke i am a menace to society :)

(in minecraft)


the next generation of britpol flagfags have a lot to learn about the basics of edgy comedy. I just want socdem back tbh.


>I just want socdem back tbh.
I miss him too. :(


>Not using tor for everything political online


it's not edgy comedy. im filled with genuine hatred for this country.





Kernow should be devolved (unironically). Arthvrian language restoration, proleterian castle building projects, socialist celtic knights… I can see it existing before my very eyes, beautiful like the the spray of sea water as it crashes on our rocky coast.
That's Plymouth not Kernow, you saxon.


How? We are a based people. Look at us on this board, universally hated and despised. Doesn't it feel good to cause everyone so much frustration and anger just by existing?

>Kernow should be devolved (unironically)
In a world where Ukraine and Belgium exists anything is possible I guess.


How the fuck are there enough maoists in PLYMOUTH to do anything


Unironically one of my hottest takes is that rich english people that move to the celtic fringe (the Hebrides, Cornwall, Wales) should be forced the learn the celtic languages of those regions. Sure Pam and Andy from Essex, you can retire to a 100k mansion in South Ust. But you have to order everything in fucking Gaelic you cunt.


Why has a bunch of posts ITT been deleted?


ban evasion
further meta discussion in >>>/meta/


Can you at least restore the posts so the thread doesn't look ugly?


can delete replies but ban evasion means delete=all in most cases


Garbage people on a garbage isle
why have a thread


peter thiel is using nhs records to create next-gen arthoes




The NHS dentist waiting list in my area is 6 years apparently.

I guess I can afford private but why should I have to? I know that plenty of others can't afford it at all. Soon all public services will be like this, technically available but you need to know someone to get on it at all


How have i gone my whole live thinking plymouth is in Cornwall? WTF….
This is worse than the time i thought wales was an island until i was almost 20.
>The NHS dentist waiting list in my area is 6 years apparently.
Yea, i can't get a dentist either. it is unironically so fucked. this is probably going to be the thing that makes me leave this place… imagine denying access to basic healthcare.


you joke but redscare guy is unironically going to start saying this in a week once his next doom prophecy fails to come true


Burger here, gotta say that the UK is serving as a fine counter-example to all the people in this country saying "radicalism will definitely increase when material conditions worsen, people will flock to communism in droves". C'mon, do something, anything


European here, gotta say that the US is serving as a fine counter-example to all the people in this country saying "radicalism will definitely increase when material conditions worsen, people will flock to communism in droves". C'mon, do something, anything


b-but this is the imperial core, you guys are supposed to go first


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>>570840 (me)
Srsly tho if the FBU chief is calling for this it might be the start of building up for a general strike to oppose the government's laws. I think this might be it comrades.


Kinda interesting to see Embery’s views on this.


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He is ranting about the wokes. Did say this on GB News of all places tho lamo.


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Ahem, how can you say nobody is doing anything? The resistance continues


You spelled enemies* wrong lol 😅


Yea I once decided to check what is he up to on Twitter and I saw LGB, I rolled my eyes and closed the window.

Well at least he is still putting the labour in Blue Labour.


They should invest in stickers like the trot student groups always do. Can't be removed as easily.

It's his TERF posting which got me. Any 'conservative socialist' who allies with radfems is a grifter without principles.


>It's his TERF posting which got me. Any 'conservative socialist' who allies with radfems is a grifter without principles.
Hadn't even clocked that but good shout anon




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He's running


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Wow it only took him 9 years of getting repeatedly backstabbed (elected leader 2015) before he gained the courage needed to fight back. I suppose this settles the question of whether socdems can redeem themselves after they've been repeatedly sodomized by neoliberals.


he should run as an SNP candidate


Tbf Londoners are probably rootless enough to vote for an SNP candidate.


he's only really doing this as a reaction to the fact that cuck starmer is trying to ban him from running


either way there is absolutely no way i am voting next election personally.


Wish you'd fuck off and die, no offence.


This tbh.



I don't care about what a couple of anon retards think lol


So Humza Yousaf represents literally nothing new for SNP right? That's the impression I got from his wiki page at least


its time


He represents the end of the Scottish independence movement for the foreseeable future. The guy is a careerist liberal who has cocked up every post he's ever been assigned to.

Going from Sturgeon to Yousaf is the Scottish equivalent of the US Dems transitioning from Obama to Hillary Clinton. Replacing a useless but widely liked and charismatic leader with an incompetent and widely disliked careerist who has nothing in common with the people he wants to get votes from.


I mean the SNP movement was over already, the UK courts ruled that parliament doesn't have to grant them a referendum ever, and they were like 'well we are disappointed by the ruling but we accept it'. Where can they go from there really? The SNP big tent might as well well dissolve now.


True. And it's not exactly like they will ever turn militant like the Irish and Welsh did.
It's a shame sage left us, I would quite like to see him coping and roping right now.




live update: Corbyn is out of labour officially, forced out by starmer and NEC


he's confirmed running as indy.
he will win, starmer is unironically retarded.
this is the one win though, he managed to push anyone remotely left off of selection lists.


also managed to push a lot of leftists outside of islington from voting for labour too


The only way this ends with us saying Starmer is retarded is if Corbyn's expulsion ends up with a new party that challenges


yeah heres hoping the english left presents a new left worth something (unlikely)


Not possible with FPTP. Just isnt happening anon .
There is no hope in electoral politics, just in that of industrial relations and the street.



>Not possible with FPTP. Just isnt happening anon .

Every fucking time people like you show up to demoralise.

No one ever said struggle would be easy


I mean he's right though, success for a third party is basically mathematically impossible


>what is the SNP
>What is the UKIP

both of these parties have made significant incursions in the British political scene in the last 30 years. Also remember that Labour itself was a third party when it originally launched!


they likely said the same shite when the SNP manifested, that happened almost over night.

I dont know what the magic bullet is but sometimes when the damn breaks the tide pours in; big change is possible.

I dont have any answers though and I do agree with the pessimistic take that the english left will bottle it

I do see a left split coming in 5-10 years of starmer though, just not within the next 1-2


UKIP never really achieved anything beyond forcing the Tories to be reactionary (wow what an achievement) and the SNP is a single issue big tent that is now collapsing.

I admit it's slightly more open here than in the USA though, I think any challenger to Labour will inevitably be killed by lack of press and 'but what about the tories!' though.


The SNP acheived devolution and its own parliment.

They arent collapsing either, your read on the situation is being skewed by personal bias.


The SNP is actually one of the most dangerous parties to FPTP politics because it is a political party that seeks to abolish the union of scotland and england, which bypasses the idea of "who gets to rule the whole country" and instead focuses on "who asked to live in the country?". If it wasn't cucked, it would actually achieve its goals, because the goals of secessionist parties are unique to the goals of political parties that fully integrate themselves into the political system of the occupying countries. SNP should take inspiration from dixiebolshevism


"s-s-stop talking about making a new left party guys"


Ok fine, what I should have said is; the SNP are regionalist which is different.


The SNP managed to get a foothold because of widespread disillisiounment with Labour from Scottish people.

How you manage to awaken the English center to this is anyones guess, it took a war for us.




UKIP was an improvement over the Tories tbh. I would take Farage over Cameron any day of the week.

>Corbyn's expulsion ends up with a new party that challenges
He should join one of the existing small lefty parties and try to relaunch them. Scargill's Socialist Labour Party would be a good fit.


>UKIP was an improvement over the Tories tbh. I would take Farage over Cameron any day of the week

holy fuck, die, he's like if bill o reilly was british


I wasn't antisemitic before Corbyn become leader of the Labour Party.


>bill o reilly
don't know who that is.


He is like if Piers Morgan was American. Well. Like If Piers Morgan was even more American than he is.


Oh I see. So I was probably talking to an American then, that's a shame.


No, I just was on the internet during the Bush years


How can you not see Farage as being a better option than Cameron. You know Farage is a large part of why we aren't in the EU anymore right?


Yes and not being in the EU has turned out pretty terrible

At least Cameron was a liberal-conservative rather than full on empire restorationist


>Yes and not being in the EU has turned out pretty terrible
Being in the EU turned out pretty terrible.
>At least Cameron was a liberal-conservative rather than full on empire restorationist
Oh yes I remember the many times farage advocated reconquering East Africa lmao.


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lib alert

*clears throat*




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CPB just had a cllr defect to them


>Term of Office: 07/05/2019 – 08/05/2023
Literally why?


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I need to give it to JP on this one. Hamza looks very mediterranean with that angle


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Lilly Savaage, englands working class idol across generations has died…
I don't feel so good. Hold me bro's. :(


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Good statement from the CPB, although I know it will upset a lot of people.



litraly who


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<litraly who
cringe and not norf-pilled.




Gender ideology only serves the english bourgeoisie, which is why scottish nationalism which is harmful to bourgeois power consolidation died immediately upon trying to give trans people better healthcare


it's a fucking embarassing statement of which you've strategically photographed the twee little culture war bit so you can leave out the gigantic starmerite crock of shit that makes up the bulk of the body text and the bulk of the reason those behind it belong up against a wall with all the other briefcase wankers.
lenin would kick to death any communist who'd actually publish words like:
>2 On January 17 this year, the UK government used its powers under Section 35 of the 1998 Scotland Act to stop the Bill receiving Royal Assent. This power of veto can be used in circumstances where an item of Scottish parliamentary legislation is judged by the Secretary of State for Scotland to have an adverse impact on law in areas of policy (‘reserved matters’) for which the UK Parliament and government are solely or chiefly responsible. Similar provisions apply to the devolved parliaments of Wales and Northern Ireland.
>3 The so-called Sewel Convention obliges the UK government to consult the devolved administrations when its own proposed legislation impacts on the powers and policies of the devolved parliaments. Ultimately, the UK Parliament can disregard refusals of consent from the Scottish, Welsh or Northern Ireland legislatures.
5o the Swell Convention, Comrades! peace, land and bread (within the provisions of the Scotland Act 1998!)

then there's the comical naivite of something like
>8 For Communists, the main concerns are about how the GRR Bill (as devolved legislation) interacts with the operation of the 2010 Equality Act (as reserved legislation) across the UK. This is a complex area of law but the crux of the matter rests on two main things.
For communists, the main concerns are about how bourgeois "equality" legislation operates across the UK! The bourgeois court, which claimed to maintain order, but which, as a matter of fact–!

at least the CPGB-ML would try to make an existential philosophical struggle out of it and get right in to the transhumanist bashing that keeps them entertained. The CPB is positioning itself as the Labour party for those who think a Starmer election win might harm their self-image as perennial fucking losers less interesting than the hard drive of an autistic savant who collects tescos bar codes.


I read this and it is completely full of IDpol and would be banned if posted on this website.

The CPB are a joke party for a reason anon


I think these id/pol/istas would best serve the people by taking a shotgun blast to the head.


Yeah which is why British porkies cant stop ranting about trans people, they love them too much out of class interest.


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Based and LGSM pilled.


>how the GRR Bill (as devolved legislation) interacts with the operation of the 2010 Equality Act (as reserved legislation) across the UK
The burning question of our time indeed


Comrades listen, the british working class will never embrace a class conscious revolutionary program if ‘sex’ as a protected characteristic under the 2010 Equality Act isn't defined as ‘biological sex’



CPB proving time and again that they only seek to alienate communists from the general public

I have had several friends who dont normally care about politics share this with me pissed off about it.

As they are outsiders they see this shit and think it represents all of us, they need to fuck off.


>trans bad because [idpol] [idpol] [idpol] [strawman] [idpol]


No you're right, it's the "Gender Critical" CPGB-ML with their Stalin banners that are truly going to attract public support.


It's probably some messianic/messiah complex (Stalin being the messiah), where in the case of Nazoids it's just naked sadism. In any case give them what they want, make their biomass useful.


that wasnt an endorsement of the CPGB-ML party either tard


>seething is when you engage in right wing idpol

go back to ukip and then kys


it's infinitely worse than that, it's "trans bad because [legal analysis unironically stolen from the policy exchange think tank]"


sex is an ancient proletarian tradition
our ancestors worked the common sex


Which trotskyite sect are you a stan of then.


Nah it's vulgar workerism that inherent absorbs right wing agitprop about working class people and interalises to an extent to just replicate it.



>because you disagree with x you must be y boogeyman

give it a fucking break cunt

im a leninist, these idiots suck ass.


1) stop reddit spacing
2) "I am a Leninist" is a meaningless statement. Unless you are organised into a party being a Leninist doesn't mean anything. Leninism is about praxis, not opioning from your bedroom.


Then this worker is the Messiah to their retarded "over-educated" (you wanna hear a good joke, they think they are the vanguard) ass. Tomatoe, tomato



1) ok
2) you asked me for my political position and you got it


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Noted trotskyite and homosexual, Owen Jones, has weighed in on the CPB debate.


man is basically a neo-con who cares


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Everyone on the first pic is a Trot


normal people in this country don't care about trans people like that. it is not dangerous to be trans in this country.
culture warriors can eternally seethe and cope about that.


yeah dude not like a 15 year old trans woman got stabbed to death recently or anything


Whoah! One whole person! It's an epidemic! Are trans people proportionally getting stabbed more?



>victim of crime
>could be anything
>could be due to reporting differences



well you're free to do your own research on this and come back to us anon


Same country where being called a slur is a crime too.


Trans people reporting being called mean words more often means nothing.



obese hands typed this


Lol. Trans people only have imagined vain victories. The irony.


Why do you deny obvious reality, look at how people sometimes talk about trans people on this board alone where we're supposed to be enlightened, now imagine how some of the general public must act. You could just ask LGBT people but somehow I think you won't


Imagine thinking random members of the general public would act worse than a fucking chan user.
protip they don't go outside and be around normal people jesus.


anon you are the aweful kind of human being that is worse than the average person who does not go aorund thinking 'lol shut in' 'lol doesn't pass' about people you think may be trans. you are horrible i do not know why you are acting like you feel you are better than that over person.
can you please just be normal around other humans? the both of you.


>impacted by obesity
Impacted by government and corporate policy that results in food deserts, with only sugared textured vegetable oil paste available as food.


Well some people are crazy and act terribly, even if most people might be cool, forget about ratios but surely you agree there are some terrible transphobic people out there in the world


Nah man teenagers doing hatecrimes is fucking really cool actually


The irony of black flag poster defending TERF island when it's one of the most transphobic places on Earth.


we call those types of 'anarchists' liberals.


>one of the most transphobic places on Earth.
<what is africa
<what is the middle east
<what is eastern europe
<what is asia


Damn can't these troons get a job instead of getting stabbed on their way to school smh


I can't believe transhumanists complain about getting slandered 24/7 by the bourgeois medias and their minions and getting stabbed by some lumpen psychopath when real women are getting called words on twitter for fighting against gender ideology


TERFs get the bullet.

>getting stabbed on their way to school smh
That's what the TERFs want.


TERFdom in the US and especially the UK is systemic. It's premeditated, with great planning and deliberation. It involves anti-trans propaganda gampaings disseminated by a handful of powerful grifters. There's nothing like it outside the imperial core


>when real women are getting called words on twitter for fighting against gender ideology
Transwomen are real women.


its another derailed by wreckers pushing transphobia to troll moment


>The irony of black flag poster defending TERF island when it's one of the most transphobic places on Earth.
I do not think you have everl lived in the country. The UK has a whole bunch of trans people in it from all over europe. you realize that being trans in parts of eastern europe you cant even walk down the street without violence, right?
Maybe you are only a child. who knows. either way you are rediculous.
A partner just got back from berlin, where they say they got actively abused for being transgender, and that is fucking berlin.


Calling out transphobia isn't transphobia nor trolling.


Transwomen get stabbed everyday in The UK. Typical Anglo chauvinism.


>people still arguing back and forwards about transgenderism rather than laughing at the supposedly "communist" party of Britain's craven deference to the british court system, legislature, and parliamentary conventions


not saying people calling it out are trolling, its the other side


>neo-liberal countries are all shitholes for trans people

guess we should just give up


>Transwomen get stabbed everyday in The UK.
okay show me.
>Typical Anglo chauvinism.
anon. i just live here. when i read this thread is the time i wonder why the most.
you people are consistently so far removed from how british people exist it often hurts.


yeah they absolutely inhale the boot of the british state if it conforms to whatever moral panic that old mans group is worried about down the pub that weekend.


how can an anarchist be so cucked, I bet you want the UK to go back to the EU too so you can be an 'anarchist' by going to a protest once every 10 years and rewatching mr robot 10 times a week

fuck off you cosplayer


well anon. you were at the top of the EU. it was probably pretty dumb to leave. UK austerity was self-inflicted. at least for the rest of us it was forced.
also cope and seethe. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯


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>an actual EU liberal


>leftybritpol purity spiraling about who is more trans.



>leftpol makes fun of liberals pretending to be anarchists thread


i did not get a vote anon and i do not care if staying in a country is legal or not it is not my problem.


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Happy Cock


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I'm still on Owen's side of the terf debate because fuck feminists but it has been funny to watch this play out.


"Stalinsits aren't REAL socialists" coming from the guy who has made a career out of simping for every socdem and centrist on the planet.


Well the stalinists hes beefing with did the same tbh so really its a general embarassment


"stalinists" in quote ofc


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Wtf I'm a Rowling-Stalinist now?


Then perish


Yeah the CPB are dogshit and abandoned Stalinism long ago (idk what Owen is on about), but they still have an infinitely more coherent political analysis than Agent Jones. It's funny seeing him squirm too.


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The future of Britain is Rowling-Stalinism with Cockshottian characteristics.


>all the fascists celebrating a Communist Party statement
Very common transphobic leftist L


Stalinists are the maso to the britnazi (or whatever the fuck) sado
Remember this fact and hammer it in, this fact is gonna matter.


Can you speak English?


I am saying get into S&M if you want to play stupid games.


the so-called british left is the world's largest union of clowns.


I fuck with stalin, I find people who disparge him tend to be more cringe, but thats 95% of british politics outside groups that like him for the wrong reasons.


I would not disparage Saint Stalin but he made mistakes, he was human after all.


True, still holds the title for 'most nazis killed' so he gets a pass.

I tell this to every single euro-anarkiddie who spits on his name.




thank you for your contribution comrade


If gender is an ideological construct then sex must be a biological reality!


Your self is a construct, how would you like me to rip it into pieces. A bit of S&M.


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Bring back the cane.


All the Left in the west are clown tbh. They're either socially progressive NATOists or "based conservative communists" aka hitlero-trotskyist that ends up being NATOists or straight up RWer anyway. Both are impopular and impotent.
>b-but what about le based french left doing based riots ever year!!
And what did these riots accomplished? Did they destabilized the present order? Did they killed Macron? Did they radically changed ANY policy that actually matter?
If anything the french left is the best example that without a strong party and program the left is nothing.


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Hot take of the evening: the nazi who punched Owen Jones did nothing wrong


You will never be a real human boy Pinocchio


>calling it /brit/
johnny foreigner go home


>Let me just send my tenth tweet of the day about how right wingers are bad and I'm such a real girl! Only girl things! Fuck J.K.Rowling and TERF island!


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You may not like it, but this is what peak Britannia looks like.


I think maybe you should just kill yourself. Think about it. I mean really think about it.
Just boy things. It's fine if it's a sex thing otherwise you are a very troubled little shit.


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Say no to cat ears.
Say yes to the cat o' nine tails.

Which way British man?


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>I think maybe you should just kill yourself. Think about it. I mean really think about it.
Why? I'm just saying things any other trans girl says.


For such a homophobic bunch these Britishers sure love beating the buttocks of virile young men. More spanking vicar?


>Oh no, I might have to start doing sex work! I'm trans femme by the way, a cute smol little enby bean who tweets their thoughts!


What do you think goes on in these people? The scared, small obedient god-fearing. They are very troubled little people indeed.


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>God fearing? Pray tell, what is this "God" you are talkinh about? By Jove, i just want to feel a Man's hand in my ass


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>Drunkenness could be punished by a dozen lashes, which could be administered on the authority of the ship's captain. Greater punishments were generally administered following a formal court martial, with Royal Navy records reflecting some standard penalties of two hundred lashes for desertion, three hundred for mutiny, and up to five hundred for theft. The offence of sodomy generally drew the death penalty, though one eighteenth century court martial awarded a punishment of one thousand lashes – a roughly equivalent sentence as there was no likelihood of survival


S&M was the right idea. Abusing people was a horrible idea. He will burn in hellfire.


You will never be a worker


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Which way Western man?


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What's your opinion on J.K.Rowling, /brit/?


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pic related, it's her


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I love the list of pic 3. Englishness in summation.


Can you imagine being colonized by this ass-fisting tea-drinking drug-peddling pedophilic usury cartel masquerading as a county? It must've felt like being cucked by a manlet. Can't blame hindus and pakis for being so angry all the time.


blairite vermin of the worst sort. you can immediately identify an enemy by their alignment with or defense of her, and this would be true even if she were pro-trans. (that she isn't is both inevitable from the starting axioms that make her politics terrible, and an added bonus in that it helps ensnare people who'd ally with blairites if it meant they got to do some trans bashing)


Holy shit are the english ok?


They haven't been eating their meat.


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I've heard that song a million times but I never realized that was the lyric

>But in the town, it was well known, when they got home at night

>Their fat and psychopathic wives would thrash them within inches of their lives

<We actually, at the school I was at, had one guy who I would fantasize that his wife beat him. Certainly she treated him like shit and he was a really crushed person and he handed as much of that pain onto us as he could and he did quite a good job of it. And it’s funny how those guys, when you get those guys at school, is they will always pick on the weakest kid as well. So the same kids who are susceptible to bullying by other kids are also susceptible to bullying by teachers as well. It’s like smelling blood. They hang in on fear and start hacking away – particularly with the younger children.


>still holds the title for 'most nazis killed' so he gets a pass.
<muh great man notice meee!
workers, turned in to soldiers because of the onslaught of fascism killed the most fascists. not stalin. *spit*
fucking retard.


Thoughts on CPB members buying Harry Potter books and paraphernalia after JK quoted Engels on authority?


What's wrong with feminists? Isn't the issue here that these people are wildly out of their elements due to the fact that none of them understand what they're talking about?


Support for comrade Rowling in her battle against the deranged bourgeois ideeologists of Britain!


Why are you baiting people Thingnoticer?


You mean support her against herself?


Nah bitch, if Hitler is responsible for the genocide of various minorities and nations then Stalin is also responsible for kicking his ass


Comrade Rowling has done more for Britain and its people than any other politician in history. She has single handedly revolutionized the consciousness using nothing more than child's fiction. More people now are members of a wizard house than there were members of our beloved party at its peak. The language of her books speaks to the British person of their radical emancipation from their bourgeois masters and their transition into a socialist utopia through self-education and will. Hogwarts, Harry Potter, and Witchcraft is the sum of the vanguard's highest reflection on the class relations that prevail in today's Capitalist societies.

Everywhere, all over the world, people are aware of comrade Rowling's writings. It is the most translated series in history, with more sales than the bible or Shakepseare. Rowling will be remembered throughout history for her achievement in defending the eternal revolution through her prevailing and ongoing criticisms of those reactionaries who still dare set foot in online spaces.

Wingardium Leviosa!


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It is funny to see all the people supporting that CPB statement for being for the working class, but all I see in their timeline is TERF shit. Like 100% TERF stuff and nothing else. It is just flattery.

Like this has to be some prime example of audience capture.


Kill every so-called TERF in existence. Turn them into mulch.




Stop this nonsense or I will put you all back in the box
Not joking
Or am I :^)


What you should do is kill your parents for having produced an abomination like you and then you should kill yourself.


You as well
Same deal



Because it'd amuse me


Statistically, you're more likely to commit suicide


Oh really. I wonder what your life expectancy will be when you are gunned down in the street


I won't be you delusional freak. What will be your last thought as you tie the noose?


God will judge you. What will you do when you stand before your Creator?


Back to >>>/dead/ anarkiddy
This is a grownups board


Don't try to provoke me. I am beyond you.


He'll tell me how based I am and remind you YWNBAW


He wouldn't talk to you. You are cast into hell without trial.


Nice dubs m8 but no
Take a deep breathe and grow the fuck up


Sure bud


the absolute state


I won't go to hell because my penis will be intact. You will go to hell because you've excavated your genetalia and committed suicide (a mortal sin).

Seethe on.


You're even sadder than the mods and they're doing a job that gives people PTSD and they're doing it for free


And what about lust? What about envy? You are so weak.


I attend church weekly and say grace before dinner. You've never been baptized except by semen.


Since everyone is on the internet far too much, everyone is just gonna be all fucked up
Remember every time that you watch your disgusting porn, you little cretin, that you will die and you'll stand before the Judge.


I'm nofap. God is literally on my side you delusional tard.


You are lying, you aren't even human. Remember. Every time.




You are so incredibly retarded as well as disgusting



You will never fuck one.


Wrong. I've fucked your mum.



and he voted for biden right after making this comment, so brave


My mom is trans.


Your other mum loser.


They are both trans.




now it really feels like the classic /int/ /brit/!


discourse right out of a primary school toilet

never change uk


poobarm willy scran, and so on.


So you admit you never fucked a woman?


remember when each of these posts would have been a several paragraph back and forth between impenetrable socdem wordplay and leninhat insisting stalin would've personally guided the bombs of dresden away from houses if he'd really asked for britain to attack.


you want discourse, ban reactionaries

you want this, keep on keeping on


or just stop biting you utter spaz.


Jesus Christ. Don't engage with the self-lobotomized channers shitting up the thread, report them and move on. We don't have the space here for illegals from /int/ and the best way to create a hostile enviroment is to ignore them.

As for the CPB statment, I don't find it suprising. It's the most tailist party in the country and they'll basically work with anyone remotely to the right of them, and have idiotic stances like how no deal Brexit was actually a good thing, even though we were promised we would get a deal when Brexit was voted on and no deal benefits only the rich grifters who were set to make money off of it. But at they same time they're trying to set themselves up as the left wing of the Labour party (even if they still say you got to vote for Starmer to keep the tories out!!!), and to be fair they are very woke on racism and such. If you read the manifesto its literally social-democracy but they throw around planned economy as a buzzword. I'm glad I got out of it.


they are proper toads, the biggest knock on this is having is dissilisiouning moderates who where seriously considering joining a communist project prior


>(even if they still say you got to vote for Starmer to keep the tories out!!!)
It's over.


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>>(even if they still say you got to vote for Starmer to keep the tories out!!!)
Nah i dont think the CPB would that brazenly crib SWPie talking points for no other reason than their open hate for trotskyists.


🚨BREAKING: Amazon workers in the UK to escalate strike action.
>Workers in Coventry to take a further 6 days of strike action from 16 to 18 April and 21 to 23 April.
>@GMB_union says five new Amazon sites will also be balloted on strike action.
@GMB_union will hold consultative ballots at an additional five Amazon sites: Coalville, Kegworth, Mansfield, Rugeley, Rugby
>With the possibility of formal strike ballots on the cards based on the results.


JK Rowling's company that handles TV and film adaptations of her non-Harry Potter books (The Casual Vacancy and Cormoran Strike series) as well as produces "Harry Potter and The Cursed Child", the stage play, made only a quarter of the profit it made in 2021 in 2022


>some writer makes fun of the English for being cheeky buggers and it ends up in lexicographies
>generations later, a channer comes across it and launches into a bleeding heart cuckold fantasy


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Giving your power struggle opponent something like "rural affairs" after you win is a classic


>"Harry Potter and The Cursed Child"
it sucks anyway


Explain the historical survival and current thriving of the Aristocracy and Monarchy, and these institutions relation to Capitalism, it's development or its (minor?) influence today within Capitalism.

What are our contemporary critiques and analysis of them without saying they are fossils or denying there influence even if it's small.

Maybe this discussion is unnecessary and useless as there is bigger contradictions within Capitalism to look at and this is somewhat Niche and unique to Britain, you decide.




Would like to know what texts, point me to some, would appreciate it




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It's going to be so weird when the culture war obsessed, eternally lagged behind the american culture wars start to cry and whine about drag. Trying to cancel pantomime whilst simultaneously crying about being cancelled themselves and then CPB or CPGB-ML anon coming here to bother us with the arguments is something i know will be an inevitability but it still might make me unironically alah akbar some dumb culture warrior cunt.
Has anyone in the UK encountered it yet?


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Most people wont encounter the people pushing this day to day because the people pushing this (including the 'communist' liberal parties that shit up debate) look like this


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Yea, unironically. the anti-trans stuff is a perfect example. it almost exclusively comes from comfortable people, bobo's who have their nice london flat or their countryside home and arga stove who have no real problems in their live so instead latch on to this culture war that is comfortable distant from them, living lives in which they never even see trans people, while claiming the children in schools are being converted en mass to transition or wtf.


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case in point


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fuck me its the aga owners association club. you couldn't make it up.
I have worked for countless people like this btw in a labouring role. A conversation point people like this love is to say 'class does not exist'. they are usually nouveau riche, maybe one of their parents or grand parents was a qualified tradesperson or a low income small buisness owner. they are also incredibly racist, that is supremicist in their belief of their own slice of british white-upper class.

Honestly the only good place for people like this is the cuck pit.


It's almost like the trans debate is completely irrelevant from socialist politics.


they made it relevant, since they set the stage its our job to set said stage on fire.


Yeah bro can't be the myriad of other issues that everyone faces in this country (petty crime, joblessness, unaffordable housing). We just HAVE to talk about trans people right?


No. Culture War is a loosing war. the best move is to not play.
Normal people do not care about this and trying to beat this bush will only quickly alienate you from our communities you are supposedly to be organizing.


I would completely alienate myself from all leftists I know IRL if I went against this, if anything its something that will agitate and get moderates off there ass in defence of the trans people (and even LGBT+ by extension)

Its the topic thats peeling people off of Starmer.


Not saying we *have* to talk about trans people, organizing in support of trans people is an easy in road to orgnaizing for all of those other things though.


>if anything its something that will agitate and get moderates off there ass in defence of the trans people (and even LGBT+ by extension)
No it isn't.
>ts the topic thats peeling people off of Starmer.
No it isn't and you are incredibly online to believe this.


>organizing in support of trans people is an easy in road to orgnaizing for all of those other things though
Or it has absolutely no bearing on these issues and has absolutely nothing to do with real socialist action.

It's almost like the discussion is continually being guided and curated by external opponents who have no vested interest in the success of socialist parties.


Culture wars are an organic and manufactured 'crisis', pure spectacle but also mere reaction and nostalgia bullshit for 'better times' and 'empire' from gammons, diverts peoples attention and tries to grasp it for a quick buck or whatever agenda

agreed, engaging with it will not be beneficial to us and playing with it is like playing with fire, left will burn itself more than it already has (or than the state and its institutions has burnt us)

other than that agreed with this line of thought >>571091
we should always work with all oppressed peoples, we seek liberation for all, simple, no need to alienate those that we work for and those that work for the real movement to change the status quo.




It's absolutely mad how goverment agencies like GCHQ adopt welcoming political positions to these communities.

What could it mean?



there is a reason btw why trans rights marches get 100x the footfall than any pathetic attempt CPB have at organizing.

I went to a cost of living protest recently, the only commies to show up where red fight back, who only numbered about 12 people.

I went to a trans rights protest as well, all of my friends showed up to that. I was then able to convince them to join rent strike movements and do more organizing/protesting off of the back of me showing my solidarity with them.

The moderates below the age of 40 are overwhelmingly in favour of trans rights, if you want to be relevant you need to not alienate them.


>>571094 (me)
by not engaging I mean the right wing narratives pushed out, sure we should critique them, but not capitulate or tail them, either way culture war is just a waste of resources and focus, take this thread for example we could be talking about something else!



because they know they need to absorb these messages because they know they have revolutionary potential if not checked

going against it just means you fail to recongise what GCHQ has already, stop being a fucking retard


>take this thread for example we could be talking about something else!
for the last year or longer this thread has been nothing but reaction to what ever culture war shit is on twitter this week by people like >>571097 who just use it as nothing but a cudgel to act like a disruptive faggot.
I mean honestly anyone looking on by the impression of this thread would believe that the UK has a serious anti-trans problem but is otherwise fine, when in reality the opposite is the truth.


Agencies want to recruit informants or whatever role and those experienced in certain communities for logistical and knowledge reasons, no way!

But also liberal institutions present a face of progressivism for policy justification, no way!

because of these two reasons we should totally blame the oppressed minority group


Yeah dude I'm the retard for seeing through this horroscope tier argument for the prominence of trans inclusivity in the party. It's not like there are deeper issues at stake for voters such as prison and welfare reform, drug legalization, and fairer tax policies.

Nah you're right, we absolutely MUST accomodate these individuals whose only affiliation is their gender.



you are a shining example of western anarchism


It's almost like the transgender issue is liberal in itself. No way!


trans moral panic is the mechanism they are using to make people ignore these real issues; you dont beat a moral panic by just ignoring it. My methods have sucssess in getting the moderates I know who where previously politically inactive, active.

If you want to keep being a LARPing faggot with 4 other ultras in your circlejerk squat go ahead, you will be left behind.



I'm sure there is some negative sentiment, especially just engaging with the media, but more or less it's an issue that is echoed and disproportionately spread, even if it is a very material very real issue that affects people Negatively.

Either way we could look at other things, I for one want to learn more of the class hierarchy in our nation, and how the Aristocracy continue to thrive and live well, own one third of our land and so on.


I'm sorry. Do you have absolutely anything to add but low effort secterian crying about anarchists like a burgoid neet?
>trans moral panic is the mechanism they are using to make people ignore these real issues; you dont beat a moral panic by just ignoring it.
except they already moved back to 'muh smoll boats' after the anti-trans stuff clearly was not cutting through to the public. absolute retard.
>but more or less it's an issue that is echoed and disproportionately spread
I simply do not believe that to be true in the real world, that is, outside of twitter an one or two obsessed anons here.


No dude if you want to pretend like you're doing meaningfully active political work be my guest. I'm sure these individuals will have a vested interest in any socialist rhetoric when they too become homeowners or have actual careers and aren't just infants waddling around with pretty colour flags.



>demoralization against active organizing

nah dude just keep shitting on trans people from your armchair im sure the liberals will come around eventually


>I simply do not believe that to be true in the real world, that is, outside of twitter an one or two obsessed anons here.

thats because you havent left your house in over a decade agent

>except they already moved back to 'muh smoll boats' after the anti-trans stuff clearly was not cutting through to the public. absolute retard.

there is no movement, it is all angles all the time, anything that might work they will try.

>I'm sorry. Do you have absolutely anything to add but low effort secterian crying about anarchists like a burgoid neet?

do you?

what have you done in the last month to help organize an anarchist revolution?


>nah dude just keep shitting on trans people from your armchair im sure the liberals will come around eventually
Yeah bro not wanting to centre the trans debate as THE fundamental issue in the party is shitting on them. Good work sussing that one out. I'll just carry on supporting actual union efforts in organizing. You know, that thing that wins members?



In no place did I say we should center this issue, only that supporting trans protest movements will gain you moderate support so following that in order to not alienate everyone who is pro-LGBT+, which is most people, you dont re-itterate the tories lines on this.


Threads been derailed too much with this culture war bullshit.

I posit some topics to discuss in relation to Britain:

Crises and Contradictions

Domestic policy e.g. leveling up

Foreign policy

racial and/or gendered components of capitalism e.g. social reproduction theory or origins of capital as racialized capitalism

Gentrification across many cities within the UK

Unemployment, Cost of Living

developments in business and finance

British media narratives

The monarchy, a republic

Occupied Ireland

we've got a fuck ton of stuff we can discuss in relation to this shithole rainy island, right?


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also if your idea of 'organizing' is joining a fucking union then perhaps you should try reading lenin lmao


>moderate support
And it's literally just that. Moderate support from a voting bloc that has no real interest in socialist politics, but the recognition of liberal legal rights regarding the status of their gender and from that of society at large.

Meanwhile prisoners who come from a background of poverty, deprivation, and crime, are completely sidelined.

>Don't join unions! They might actually do something!


And probably the biggest most important discussion that could take place:

Contemporary Imperialism & Neo Colonialism of Britain, as well as historical Imperialism and colonialism effects upon today

^ the last discussed and written on much, the first not so much
I recommend looking at Declassifieduk.org for Britain's imperialist foreign policy


>noooo dont read lenin you might actually accomplish something!

>t. CPB


>Nooooo you can't strike what would the heckin trans people think of this othering of able bodies


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>boss please give me a 4% raise please please please


>Don't fight for change that might lead to revolutionary activity guys!

>No you should attend protests where the police kettle you and you sit for hours doing nothing!!!!!!



give me (1) historical example of unions accomplishing revolutionary socialism


Give me 1 (ONE) example of transgendered people accomplishing revolutionary socialism.


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>bro what the fuck does the black struggle have to do with socialism


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>bro what the fuck does the jewish struggle have to do with socialism


Yeah dude the civil liberation of slaves is just like the recognition of gender rights.

It's absolutely comical because this line is constantly brought out by people like you who are desperate to compare or parallel the 'struggle' of trans people to something concrete. Every time you bring it up it's just more comical because it bears absolutely no relation.



no you're right none of those moral panics have anything in common with this moral panic

anyway enjoy your irrelevancy, me? il be gaming.


I found this to be an interesting read, anon:
>British Anarchism Succumbs to War Fever
<A polemic against the wave of militarism seen across the anarchist movement in Britain since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
>what have you done in the last month to help organize an anarchist revolution?
i am actually pretty active in my local space. The problem here is that it does not fucking matter to anything being said.


Yeah dude slavery was a moral panic. Learned a new word have we?

Completely unsurprised that you're giving up. Maybe when you reach 20 you'll have learned something.



neither the black panthers nor the jewish underclass where slaves during there time period but go off i guess king


Bro did you know black people were slaves?!

That's just like modern day transgendered people!

By the way brb I'm gonna go play video games on my £1000 rig I got from student finance.




suck ur mum. wasteman pussyhole.


What is this thread to go by
From the looks of it, there was a transphobic troll that wreaked havoc on leftypol's bait-biting psyches


I still don't understand what differentiates an aga from an oven


"A small, traditional two-oven AGA running on gas will use approximately 2,530 watts; 22,200 kilowatt-hours per year (perhaps half that if switched off during the summer months). The average standard gas oven and hob uses 580 kilowatt-hours per year (66 watts), only 2.6% of the AGA's consumption.[6] AGA's own figures for expected energy consumption for their two-oven AGA support this criticism"

holy shit, agas should literally be banned


They seem like expensive range cookers made of old-timey cast iron so maybe it's a conspicuous consumption type deal


>holy shit, agas should literally be banned
protests bigger than the anti-fox hunting ban will occour outside westminster. lol.
yea, and it is a cultura signifier for like english bobo who buy a farm house and listen to BBC Radio 4 - Archers, usually in their 30's after they have lived out the big city to settle.
They are unironically pretty nice though, i will not lie. they have the double affect of heat the room, you can even sit on them to warm.


People will subscribe to the most hateful, violent ideologies and then act surprised when it affects their "personal" life
Germans that supported the Nazis should have mentally prepared themselves for the probably inevitable fact that their cities would end up bombed-out husks and the body parts of their loved ones strewn out across the streets


lol I thought that article was crazy long due to the scrollbar until I unexpectedly reached the end, turns out 80% of the page is someone in the comments calling the author a genocide apologist


I'm pretty sure I heard something about them being used as central heating, boilers, clothes dryers, etc. too so maybe not as bad if you're not using all those other things too?


>lol I thought that article was crazy long due to the scrollbar until I unexpectedly reached the end, turns out 80% of the page is someone in the comments calling the author a genocide apologist
lmao same when i first read it. these beings are in every comment section across the internet it is something else.


>"Culture war is about refusing to play"
P sure the French Socialists/Communards said the same about Dreyfus lol


>By the way brb I'm gonna go play video games on my £1000 rig I got from student finance.

Look at this fucking gen xer imagine thinking 90% of student finance doesnt go to some parasite landlord lamo


It's very telling that once all the trans marxist-leninists jumped shipped to Red Fightback the various communist parties stopped pandering to the idpol crowd.

That reminds me, what ending up happening to Red Fightback?


It is not the same.


The Communards of the time disagree with you, they spat out the exact same analysis as you just did!


The Dreyfus Affair isn't a cultural war stuff. It is a witch hunt.


What do you mean?? How does intervening in a court martial over espionage in a bourgeois state advance the dialectic comrade???


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oh look its all old men, goto bed grandpa the youth are revolting


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They assaulted a father of 2. A fucking father of 2, it's a travesty!


>goto bed grandpa the youth are revolting
By voting for Corbyn and deciding they are 'non-binary'?


>voting for Corbyn
it's been 4 years grandpa, time to find a new thing to be mad about


>completely irrelevant trot party solely composed of boomers
>report completely irrelevant catfight
>"freez peach"




CPB liberal detected



Are you high or something?


as opposed to what, holding stalinism discussion forums with 3 old men in a pub?


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I just wanna remind you this actually happened
Smile, be gay


Keir Starmer backs British government push to ban trans people from same-sex spaces
Sir Keir Starmer welcomes moves to rewrite equality law to ban trans people from same-sex spaces, his spokesman has said as he attempts to draw a line under his party's divisions on the issue.
The Labour leader has “no quibble” with Rishi Sunak’s suggestion that the Equality Act could be changed to make clear that sex discrimination refers to biological sex – not the gender a person identifies with.

That follows advice from Labour Together, a think tank close with Starmer's team. Starmer's closest advisors attended a briefing by the think tank which advised with its "Red Shift" report ( https://labourtogether.uk/report/red-shift ) that Labour needed to be more socially conservative on a slate of issues to appeal to voters.

Starmer has also emphasized Labour's "tough on crime" stance following the briefing.


is there anything more pathetic than watching so-called communists try to bandwagon jump and hawk their shoddy merchandise?
the desperate grasping for contemporary relevance is somehow more pathetic than their reactionary stance on the issue itself and i'd love to know why. maybe it's because TERFs at least have a sense of direction in their obsession while the CPB impotently sails in circles, the coastguard long since having tuned their radios to a different frequency to spare themselves another advertorial for the CPB's latest position paper cribbed from the policy exchange.


What do we think of that Labour ad then? The novara lot are chimping out big time about it on twitter.


Starmer tryna do hang the paedos will end him.


Jezza should've proposed a nonce gulag tbh, it's a good idea.


thank god i don't watch TV


Nah it was just a twitter graphic ad. I would post it here but retard jannies don't allow images to be uploaded over tor.


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<it's a good idea.
>muh law and order politics
are you mentally infirm?


Nonce. Gulag.



lib, gulag




The SNP's auditors have just resigned, mid audit. It's so fucking over Indybros.


What were they auditing?


you are such a dumb faggot. lead in to law and order politics with easy fear rhetoric about 'le nonce'.
kill yourself.


I agree with you law and order nonces are the most easily misled, the only law and order we should be discussing is related to porky.




your accounts get audited every year to make sure they're all in line with generally accepted accounting practices and so on. if you look up like any shareholder report for a company it's signed off on by an auditor. same basic idea for the SNP. (well, except that they've resigned.)


I just don't like criminals. Simple as.


>I just don't like criminals. Simple as.


Keir is just LARPing as "tough on law and order" to get votes. If in power he would probably be even worse than the Tories on crime.



He's not LARPing. He used to be a prosecutor and he's pretty obviously a small-c conservative of some sort.


he'd be worse in that he'd instigate a new bunch of petty crackdowns and ASBO tier nonsense lol. most actual crime has been in secular decline for decades.


>He used to be a prosecutor and he's pretty obviously a small-c conservative of some sort.
The British judiciary and legal system is rife with liberals. Starmer hasn't got a conservative bone in his body. He's more of a globalist "progressive" social fascist type like Blair.

>he'd instigate a new bunch of petty crackdowns and ASBO tier nonsense
No he wouldn't. The pigs are too underfunded/indifferent/lazy to properly enforce such a crackdown anyway.


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blair wasn't progressive in anything but aesthetic lmao, he went on the record saying he regrets that labour got associated with gay rights in the 1980s long after gay marriage was passed. practically every "progressive" thing labour did in the 2000s was either a random minister's hobby horse allowed through because it wouldn't cost money, or was literally forced on the government against its will by the ECHR.
blair was the one to introduce the "points based immigration" meme to british discourse. blair was the first one to propose shipping asylum seekers to africa. blair was the one to introduce ID cards, to try to force through detention without trial, to bring in tuition fees, to spend every weekend deepthroating Bush. there were a lot of milquetoast "progressive" governments in the 2000s, but the Blair government was firmly reactionary - often on paper more reactionary than the Tories. [spoiler]technically this guy was under Brown, but people forget just how bad new Labour was lmao.[/spoiler]

starmer is already on the record as wanting to bring back ASBOs ("respect orders")


>Blair was reactionary and bad for immigration
Lol. Lmao, even.

Under Blair the British isles saw the highest influx of foreigners since the Roman Conquest. Blair was many things, but restrictive on immigration was definitely not one of them. I mean he imposed no restrictions on immigration from Eastern European countries when the bloc enlarged in 2004, making us one of the only countries who didn't do so.


>No he wouldn't. The pigs are too underfunded/indifferent/lazy to properly enforce such a crackdown anyway.

one of the worst takes ive read here, he was literally a career legal eagle for the criminal justice system, of course hes going to overfund the police and use them to stamp down on yobbos and chavs


being restrictive or not restrictive doesn't mean shit when his actual function was to make the country more anti-immigration, more anti-immigrant and more anti-refugee, and to do so in ways (like co-ordinating an asylum crackdown with The Sun newspaper) which were ultimately irrelevant to the number of people entering or exiting the country. (while representing comically incompetent politics, since Labour was never going to be seen as the more anti-immigrant party but nevertheless they helped put the issue on the agenda.)
for an equal-but-opposite force, imagine a PM who cultivated an incredibly pro-migrant and pro-refugee image without letting more people into the country, which would be the easy "progressive" option. (and would help steer Britain towards being a nation of smug guardian readers, rather than the gammon farm Blair bequeathed us.)


>Can't drive
>Can't graduate
>Can't find a job
>Can't move out

It's unironically over, isn't it /leftybritpol/?


Well, you can still get a job, how long have you been looking?


why are anglos turning non religious?


What vaccious reporting, just stating figures tangentially relating to an idea then a sentence of opinion.


Reckon a cheeky suicide is on the cards lads.


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i love the genre of old people acting shocked at dumb shit.


Anyone have experiences with Patriotic Alternative?

Do you think they are the biggest far-right threat in the UK at the moment? They have been very active in my local area. Incredibly incompetent, but persistent

According to some other nazi groups PA might be a psyop to neutralise the far-right


>stalin would've personally guided the bombs of dresden away from houses if he'd really asked for britain to attack.
He would've though


Where's sage? Where's the socdem flag?


Retired and living in a gay marriage in las Malvinas


Glowie honeypot. I can guarantee that in every one of their meetings there are no less than five undercover cops present.

Sage left because of the mods, idk about socdem. From what I can tell there is currently a transition on the board where all of the OG posters are leaving, while the next generation of redditor converts are arriving and establishing themselves as the main bloc of posters. I call it the Great Replacement Theory.


Guess I need to whip them into shape.


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PA operate like Trots; they see other groups and movements and try to show up to take it over. They have already shown up to "Students against Tyranny" rallies, despite the fact that group is obviously trying to be a british version of TPUSA lamo.


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My gay grandpas are so cute


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It's funny to look at Biden's expression when he's posing with different Northern Irish political leaders.


I have to really squint to see the differences in his expression for the first three pictures and in the fourth he looks more tired. I think his face is partially locked in place by Botox injections or something.


Yeah he had some work done before he ran in 2020


He's always had an uncanny salesman smile


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Looks like he's having a stroke. I think it's time for a visit to Switzerland.


This was really good.
Songs, Poems and Experiences of the Miners Strikes 1984.
By Ken Loach.
It is pretty sad though. I cried.


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Britain is looking into space solar power???
Why did this kind of future tech take so long to get here?


Won 90 quid on the national lads. Gonna be bougie if I keep this up.


well looks like someone can afford butter this month….


What are they going to do when a cloud gets in the way.

Haven't thought about this properly have they xxx


I can't lie, I normally get Marg


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>taking the piss
Which piss? Where are you taking it to?


Willy smells a bit.



Still the Enemy Within was good too and similarly sad.


It's a natural consequence of realising the petty squabbles in here are worth nothing and the whole site is basically just entertainment. It's hard to have the emotional energy for online westoid leftism (let alone this site) for that long when you have a full time job. It won't be popular to say but the energy behind the Bernie and Corbyn fads were a huge contributor to this site and then with covid we basically needed a place to shoot the shit. Then you kind of wake up and realise most people who come here are completely insane or just vile people.


Rishi Sunak has told the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to back his Brexit deal or face the prospect of a united Ireland


Thanks anon I will watch this tomorow. :)
>Then you kind of wake up and realise most people who come here are completely insane or just vile people.
Yea, feeling this atm. It is kind of a cascading thing though, as more leave the more priminant loud and entitled those insane/vile people get. It does not help also that moderation has more or less been abandoned.



Happy St. George's day lads! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


God I hope to see Irish Reunification in 2024




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I thought it would be louder TBH


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Phone didn't even go off. I feel cheated.


I didn't get one, MI5 must want me to burn in the event of a nuclear war 😔


I read the other day it was something to do with 5G, so if you don't have that it might be why.

Yeah guess you poorfags will just die, sorry.


I have an old phone, only does 3G. maybe that's why


Apparently the alarm didn't work for all Three users, as well as everybody not on 4G or 5G, the system (private contract of course) also cost £5.7m to develop so good use of money as always.



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>the leader known only to the authorities as: 'comrade Leninhat' was known to post on an infamous chat room named 'Leftypol', believed to be funded by the Chinese communist party


Diane Abbot expelled for antisemetism because she wrote that Jews, Gypsies and the Irish aren't as opressed as black people. Obviously she's being targeted by the Starmer purges since she's too left wing, though I will say what she wrote was a bit stupid. Tory media is dogpiling on her.


Watching black activists realise that they'll always come second in the oprression olympics is funny. Sure, africans and their descendants are the poorest ethnic group on the planet, while jews are -by far- the richest, but muh holocaust amiright?

It's just a shame she cucked out and wrote an apology on twitter. Jezza would have doubled down in this situation.


Because we're still waiting for our February Revolution.


professional cucks


Does anyone have a projector or access to one in their org? I want to show that movie that got banned from, outside of the Tolpuddle festival.
>she wrote that Jews, Gypsies and the Irish aren't as opressed as black people.
She is dead fuking wrong. What a retard.


>She is dead fuking wrong. What a retard.
Not at all. In the year 2023, a man of Irish descent is the most powerful person in the world, Jews are stinking rich compared to the rest of us and gypsies actually chose their lifestyle while nobody can choose to be black.


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Bro people still try to run don gypsies on the street, it happened to someone cose to me in the UK just recently. Gypsies still get stabbed up, They get violently evicted by the cops, and etc etc. Gypsies simply do not have the same kind of social protections and what-not that even black people are privy to in the UK and much of europe. Even the extreme nimbyism that basically does not allow people to settle is still very much alive and kicking.
Fuck Dian Abbott. Bobo cunt she is.


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Old enough to rmemeber the anti-EDO stuff. Glad these actions are becoming popularized!


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Lads, is this blackface?


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Great shit.




Honestly the likes of Corbyn, Abbott and the like really needed to shit or get off the fucking democratic reformism pot. Like you can be a local campaigner and speak truth to power, but you can't do that and be a fucking MP trying to win an argument against Tory media and get elected in the *hope* you might be allowed to make changes and *hope* those changes will stick.


You realise if they weren't MPs the media would have literally no reason to pay attention to them?


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Brexit. Dividends.

NEETs have no excuse


if you happen to live next to the like 4-5 warehouses they probably have in the uk


Most people live within 50 metres of an Aldi Distribution Centre and don't even know it.


tfw aldi warehouse stackers are getting paid more than my 30+ year old degreed ass bros…


Sounds shady


if i had to guess its the graveyard shift (8pm-8am) rate


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Yeah I looked it up, it's nights 10pm-4am, looks like they have a BS 'twilight' hours category that is a sliding scale between days £13.18-13.59 and that night rate. And you get a whole extra 8.5% or about £1.15 an hour for freezing your tits off. Pretty sure there's a legal or at least advisory break period after working in a freezer for an hour so I bet they will either force you to clock out or under-report actual hours in there.


16.48 should be min wage tbh mate


I know people on night shifts at Aldi making 30k a year


Aldi (and Lidl) are very well known for paying relatively well tbf.


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is it accurate?


Painfully. It's just missing Ukrainian oligarchs.


P&O are kinda fancy, more like viking river cruises


foreign aid is 0.5% of the budget lol


>Paying for the NHS is bad for you prole!
Most classcucked shit there is


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It's over Impossibilist Bros


0.5% too much

Literally nothing will change lol


yay now the police will be even more efficient at locking up working class men what joy


>libdems still holding strong despite never doing anything


Quick reminder that the Deanos and boomers are having the time of their lives while misanthropic /leftybritcels/ are sitting in their boxrooms, still arguing about irrelevant ML orgs and the 2019 election.


>Quick reminder that the Deanos and boomers are having the time of their lives
No they're not. They cannot afford electricity or butter. They're putting everything on their cards and low-key panicking.


>Eurasia flag
>/pol/ shit


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Mick Lynch lead a Mayday Rally in Belfast today. Looks like lit shit.


>balloon arch against the wall
Is the point not that you can walk through it? Also the old guy at 0:35 looks like that one guy in the webm where he shits in his hand and rubs it on his face.

And all this shit for a baby shower? These are not normal people.


The coastguard willingly allowed 27 refugees to drown instead of saving them


For the love of god just any job where I don't have to speak to customers anymore


Who cares?


I guess you could say it's IMPOSSIBLE for impossibilists to succeed hahahahaha


<lib media
Nick Lynch IRA sympathizer! Supports The Good Friday Terrorizers!


Manchester anons come Peters Square midday for a mayday March, Sackville Gardens 1pm for afters.


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Ngl I was kinda depressed that it was a shit turnout (even with shit weather) but then i saw this:
The working class are organised we just have it the wrong way around.


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This is proletarian organisation. Fuck any movement worth its salt should be working with these guys to push them towards radical positions.


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Hindutvas mad



>“They have done this in cities where they felt there were councillors at risk of returning not in line with established views. In Leicester the focus was on deselecting Corbyn and Keith Vaz supporters,” the TOI report quoted Hemant Rae Bhatia, a Labour councillor since 2015, who is one of those deselected, as saying.
>while Bhatia and Rashmikant Joshi have switched to the Conservatives.
Corbyn supporting Tories lets go


careerism gang


Is it worth voting Labour in the council elections? Can they be separated from the parliamentary side of the party?


Unless the specific Cllrs are good and based, no. Protest vote Green or some shit (they are bad but it gives Labour the heebygeebies).



>why yes comrade i care about workers rights i'm a socialist after all, but not if you are one of those transes. "from each according their ability to each according their need"? never heard of it


Anyone got the deets of republican protests this weekend?


Hello MI5!


>some of the strongest intelligence agencies of the west.
>do a lot of large-data lifting fore americans
they don't have to ask anybody anything anon.


People give MI5 far too much credit. These are the same bunch who allowed Soviet agents to run half the British government in the 50s and completely failed to predict the collapse of the USSR.


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Don't worry lads we're not using that awful Chinese facial recognition, we're using good old Swedish facial recognition.


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thank god covid gave me an excuse to permanently wear a gas mask to most public places. can't wait for the next pandemic to hit. your trillion dollar surveillance systems mean nothing to someone who will never show their face.


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Not My King is such a shit slogan ngl


Yeah I don't know if its their intention but its too similar to 'notmypresident'.

Btw does anyone know if Republic is a glowop or not? They're libs for certain but if they actually stand against the monarchy they're progressive in my eyes.


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Proudly march behind our banners
Firmly stand behind our men
We will have them free to help us
Build a Nation once again

On the people stand together
Proudly firmly on your way
Never fear, and never falter
Till the boys are home to stay

Armoured cars and tanks and guns
Came to take away our sons
But every man will stand behind
The Men Behind the Wire.


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Your country is run by American tech companies and Belgian bureaucrats. You have no independence. Maybe if you stopped pretending that it's the 1920s for 5 minutes your would realise this.


>that moment when you are the only black people in the room


all the seething from reactoids and pol incels


based. alt-right republicanism when?


>do you swear by god to defend the British people and adhere to the laws of the government
>No Father, I do not.
>King's guard without warning aim there rifles at the booths full of royals and political officials


You won't have identitarian republicanism in England because English Fascists derive their spiritual lineage from Nazis who despised French Revolution and by proxy any form of republicanism. The closest thing to it that i think is acceptable for english fascists will be ethnocentric military dictatorship in the vein of Cromwell.


Of course, there's little chance of that happening; the British armed forces is for all intent and purpose a US Army auxiliary column. Unless Pentagon gives it a go there won't be any military junta happening in the UK anytime soon


>The closest thing to it that i think is acceptable for english fascists will be ethnocentric military dictatorship in the vein of Cromwell.
Cromwell allowed the jews to resettle in Britain and under his government the seeds were laid for the next few centuries of English radical political thought. Don't let the rightoids take our based lord protector from us.


Can't really imagine a rightoid of any kind supporting Cromwell, only some kind of fringe fascist who thinks of themselves as some sansepolcrist progressive left-wing radical could conceivably like him


I hate everyone in this lame ass thread


It's possible to respect Cromwell without being a fascist, he was undoubtedly a progressive force in history. This is nothing new either, British socialists/radical reformers have been speaking positively of Cromwell for centuries.


I'm saying its impossible to like cromwell while being a fascist


Sorry I must have misread the second part of your post.


THey are either incredibly incompetent or a glowop, honestly probably the former.


I must of missed that.
Gosh Charles looks so disappointed lmao


Coronation in Manchester has very strange vibes. Tiny Republican Pickett of about 5 people, Evangelical preachers calling Charles a Satanist, and the rest of the city outside of Piccadilly acting like nothing was going on. I have seen Pic more busy on a given saturday than today. Meanwhile there was a Ukrainian Rally, Maoists, Hare Krishnas, Vegans, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Islamic Proselytisers all doing their own thing and getting about the same reaction as the coronation. The main view of most people towards this isn't support of the royal family or opposition to the monarchy, its just puer apathy.
Also plenty of City fans are royalists, the one United guy I saw was shitting on the idea of a royal family.




I've seen/heard people crying about the fact that he's trying to be a multi-faith monarch and watering down his position as defender of the faith, as if the CoE has any sway in society anymore, the horse has already bolted


See the shit I have seen is calling him a WEF puppet, which isn't "Le woke" but more (((Charles)))


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>Tiny Republican Pickett of about 5 people, Evangelical preachers calling Charles a Satanist, and the rest of the city outside of Piccadilly acting like nothing was going on.


>plenty of City fans are royalists, the one United guy I saw was shitting on the idea of a royal family.
Feels good to have picked the right team as a child


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1v1, final destination, people's princess only


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>It's possible to respect Cromwell without being a fascist, he was undoubtedly a progressive force in history. This is nothing new either, British socialists/radical reformers have been speaking positively of Cromwell for centuries


>Cromwell was responsible for the potato famine
The Chilean education system sure has gone downhill since Pinochet privatised it all huh






You probably could come to burgeria if you're smart enough. Y'all were dumb for throwing away your EU citizenship; I'd love to live on the Mediterranean. Burgeria is pretty awesome if you're not a retard.




Yeah I been there. The word dreary was invented for your island. Not for me. I remember watching I think Anthony Hopkins talking about moving to LA from London and it was like Shangri La for him or something. Yeah, weather and climate is everything. Choose wisely if you can.


Life here is so unbearably grim. I'm tens of thousands in debt for a degree I can't complete and can't find a job. Renting a room in a city has so many strings attatched besides the obvious high price. Literal referencing and minimum income checks you can't meet for the life of you if you're on minimum wage.

Jesus christ I'd happily take working in somewhere like Italy for minimum wage if it meant good weather over this literal shit hole.


Same. I'm 100% moving to a different country when I can, which won't be for a few decades yet. Still, at least I'll get to watch Britain actually turn into the country from Children of Men, which should be good for a laugh.


Thinking about leaving this shitty island, it has gotten so bad here, i could go to live on the med or i could go to SEA but both i would not have a living-visa and the most important thing would be having to give up the amazing deal i have on rent and leniency that comes with social housing.
What would you do anons?


Uhh try to save up as much money as you can for starter capital. Figure out a way to make money online. That's all there is to it.

Digital nomading is awesome.


>Digital nomading
No anon. I would rather be poor and genuine than your rootless pretentious lot. I have met your kind before.


And as an alternative to all the "sexpat" decrying. I think if you're a foreigner and perhaps a white foreigner who is an ally of your host country, you'll probably receive an overall benefit. Be an expatriot become a new patriot.


I think in all societies people appreciate those that become a member by choice.


>Still, at least I'll get to watch Britain actually turn into the country from Children of Men, which should be good for a laugh.

This isn't the correct version of hell. Hell is an Essex housing estate with Land Rovers on finance full of 30 year old couples working marketing positions and playing Fifa or CoD on 50 inch Bravias.


Digital nomads do not become mebers you dolt that is the entire point. you are only ever glorified (to yourself, nobody else sees or cares the difference) holiday makers.
I want to -live- somewhere, which means community integration and all else that living entails, not flit about being homeless but 'based'. I am not a youth who wants to adventure.
To me it does not look so far away from Children of Men, which isn't even a laugh it is just disturbing and scary.


Well learn the language of the place you want to move. Not that hard. I guess I speak for my culture, if you anyone puts in the effort they are accepted for it. I've seen men and women who feel adopted by it.


>Hell is an Essex housing estate with Land Rovers on finance full of 30 year old couples working marketing positions and playing Fifa or CoD on 50 inch Bravias.
This is basically what we already have, and we can't keep it up for much longer. Soon enough those middle class do-nothing jobs will evaporate, and there won't be anything left for those people to do but a bit of the old ethnic cleansing


I don't think race-based nationalism has a future in Britain. The political project for whichever group aims for power will always be an international one as that is essentially what is dictated by Capital; even the Conservatives have a foot in the immigration debate.

It's easier to imagine a Britain that has simply regressed further due to political and economic austerity owing to the ignorance of its electorate than it is for one in which there is an active ethno-nationalist project. Civi nationalism will just take hold and the space for race-based politics will be debarred by hegemonic discourse. The decline of the democratic state though is set in stone. Zizek has it right when he just says most nations will become more authoritarian and less democratic.


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>Soon enough those middle class do-nothing jobs will evaporate, and there won't be anything left for those people to do but a bit of the old ethnic cleansing
Deano loves his chicken kormas too much to vote for race-based repatriation


For what? A couple anglos in little bit of Chinese polyester.


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>Still, at least I'll get to watch Britain actually turn into the country from Children of Men, which should be good for a laugh.



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>tfw they didn't keep the red flag flying here


His Majesty's Watchful Eyes have allowed constables to aprehend this miscreant on suspicion of carrying eggs without a loicense: https://nitter.kavin.rocks/PatrickEggsKing/status/1654878678831046656


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>diverting money from food banks to the coronation ceremony of a pedophile


Yeah, now ask what he thinks about Gypsies.


someone post the deano my little dark age

clearly we need gypsy takeaways


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Lamo the arrest of the Republic lot has radicalised the libs. FBPE twitter is popping off that the tories are Nazis and the monarchy are evil. Fuck it popular front time.


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disgusting. want putting down, the lot of them.


Very britbong.


TBF he was right in shooting that second one. In the heat of the moment I would have done the same.
And at least they tried to wrangle them with the pole thing first, burger cops would've shot the dogs upon arrival at the scene.


>TBF he was right in shooting that second one. In the heat of the moment I would have done the same.
You absolute piggy cunt.


Fucking cunts, inevitable once pigs start being given guns as standard


In the first bit of the video (cut off from what the anon posted), you see the man actually let his dogs loose and egg them on to go towards the police.
Always happy to call out unneeded police aggression and excessiveness, but it's not really the case here


Weekly Worker, rag of CPGB-PCC, says Jordan Neely's death in US was socialist for some arcane British reason


This is the (slightly) more academic face of Hazite redbrown insanity I guess

Why don't these boomers just join a far right party already where they'll be much more comfortable?






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No fucking way they're actually holding a vigil for those dogs the police shot. I hate Londoners so much.


London is a jewel in the pile of grey, rainy horseshit that is England


I wonder if the pigs will crack down on this one like they did the Sarah Everard vigil? It's the funniest possibility, so it might just happen


I am yet to meet anyone who went to London and returned with a positive opinion of the place.

t. norferner


I don't care what you or your circle of parochial vegetables think


London is physical embodiment of Thatcherism/Blairism. How someone could find any pleasure in that hellhole is beyond me.


Nah that's the lake district. London is a massive shithole, the only places worse are like Swindon and Torbay.


>London is physical embodiment of Thatcherism/Blairism
>lake district
dollar store Lake Como


are you even english?


No, thankfully


I guess that explains why you like London so much.


Ash Sarkar


I will never comprehend the cultural intricacies of being scared of the big bad city with black and brown foreigners in it


I think it's a reasonable expectation that the capital city of a nation be mainly populated by people from said nation.


Britain is a global empire, empires always bring the people from the periphery into the metropole as they do the surplus value and raw materials. If you didn't want Jamaicans, Nigerians, and Indians you shouldn't have colonized those places



Never mind colonialism, London is a massive financial and industrial center connected to global markets
Its political role is marginal, really


Say if we paid the Jamaican and Nigerian governments a few billion in reparations, you would be fine - in principle - with the mass repatriation of their people?


He's saying he's racist and doesn't bother to use any sophisticated language to couch it. Quaint, in a way. Don't get those old-fashioned chavs or hicks anymore.


So what's going on here?


Why would they need repatriation? London isn't Tel Aviv, the RSS didn't go there and kick out all the whites and enforce an enforce a Hindutva colony there


I don't think there are many racist chavs still about honestly.

The Tory Party is the European branch of RSS at this point. They are making fine progress on that Hindutva colony as well: https://twitter.com/JamesCleverly/status/1630875363688497153?s=20


Where is your gaza? Where's the wall and the troops and the settler gangs enforced by the state? No wignat has ever been able to show this


We don't need walls and troops because our people are too spineless to resist. If the English had even 1% of the courage that the Palestinian Arabs do maybe we wouldn't be in this situation.


pretty sure the vast majority of londoners are british citizens


In what situation, you schizo.


>british citizens
Meaningless term. British citizenship can be bought, sold and withdrawn so easily that I don't know why they even bother keeping records of it.


You won't do shit, because you're parasites and the entire country was built by slaves and immigrants
They mean they're not of pure Nordic stock


t. someone that has never tried to get british citizenship


They mean they're not of pure Nordic stock


Sorry you feel that way, I still don't see what big 'issue' you're upset about though


>the entire country was built by slaves and immigrants
We're not America you retard. Up until the last century the immigrant population was fractional.


Also funny fact; this has historically not been the case for most capital cities. Istanbul, London, Berlin, Moscow, Vienna, Alexandria & Cairo, Algiers, all had huge non-ethnically dominant populations from the early modern period onwards. Even back into the Middle Ages and Antiquity capital cities of successful states were incredibly multicultural. It was only with mass genocides that this changed during the 20th century.


Imagine having this little knowledge about the country that you substituted for a personality
Dumb hick


Why would you want British citizenship if you hate this country anyway?

Anglo-saxons don't derive from Scandinavia you uneducated moron.


>immigrant population was fractional
Aye laddy we sons of erin's isle are da real brits yer know!


>Why would you want British citizenship if you hate this country anyway?
I am British lamo.I just know people who have tried. Also i bet your degen ass loves britain so much but doent engage with any actual traditiona culture lamo


Maybe when they were part of some vast empire centuries or millennia ago, sure. Constant conquering and reconquering tends to do that, move populations around. However since the founding of nation states I don't believe Paris, Moscow, Vienna, Cairo or Berlin have been anywhere close to only being occupied by ~40% of their respective country's ethnicity.

Also - for the record - Algeria expelling all the frogs from their capital was based as fuck. I don't care if some moralistic faggot declares it a genocide. It was the right thing to do.

Yankee go home. Don't you have some Syrians to bomb?


Nah unionists are cucks.

>Also i bet your degen ass loves britain so much but doent engage with any actual traditiona culture lamo
Anon I think it may be time to call it a night…


How does the presence of darkies actually affect you in any way?


>Anon I think it may be time to call it a night…
I've been out, waiting on the dawn- o
to welcome in the maaayyy oooo
for winter is a coming and winters gone a wayyy ooo


>Nah unionists are cucks.
I'm talking about the mass migration of Irish, Welsh, and Scots.


>I don't believe Paris, Moscow, Vienna, Cairo or Berlin have been anywhere close to only being occupied by ~40% of their respective country's ethnicity.
54% of Viennese were not born there, of these ~70% were non-ethnic germans. So yeah.


The trend of this country going from good, to OK, to bad, to really bad, and then to SHIT is directly proportional to the number of immigrants arriving on our shores.

In the context of Britain, I wouldn't consider those people to be migrants considering that they are moving within a country they are in a union of. In the same way an American moving from Texas to Missouri isn't an immigrant.
The exception to this is the Irish, and I would consider all immigration from them post-1921 to be immigration.


Probably a bored 15 year old in some exurb that's really into Rhodesian and Sam Hyde memes


What were the demographics of Vienna after the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed and all those minorities got their own independent nation states? In regards to said collapse I think that indicates that this 'melting pot' wasn't very successful either.


It has nothing to do with immigrants though, it's the betrayal of the social democratic ideal and neoliberalism in general. Why is Japan's economy so shitty and suicide rate so high if no immigrants = prosperity?


The Africans were totally within their right to expel the whites in Rhodesia at gunpoint and Sam Hyde isn't funny.


The immigrants in London have nothing like the privileges of a Pied Noir or white Rhodesian,


>it's the betrayal of the social democratic ideal
Every single country which adopted this social democratic ideal has discarded it for neoliberalism. In my view, when the social democrats began implementing policies such as inviting in masses of immigrants, aligning closely with the Americans, removing trade barriers and engaging in creeping privatisations, that was when they sealed their fate to become the neoliberal hellholes they are today.

>Why is Japan's economy so shitty and suicide rate so high if no immigrants = prosperity?

I don't understand enough about economics to talk about Japan's economy, however I'm sure their problems lie much deeper than in a lack of Pakistani and Polish people.


The majority of London's political leadership is of immigrant background. The big political parties wouldn't dream of fielding a white candidate for mayor of London because it would lose them votes. If this isn't privilege I don't know what is.


No you don't get it, Rishi is PM now, we officially live in minority rule

Yes, that's right, the social democrat countries stopped working when they privatised everything as the behest of Americans and stopped being social democratic. I don't think immigration had that much to do with it.

Also I never said immigration solves every problem but at least Japan's stagnant society might be shook up a bit and their aging population wouldn't be as big of an issue.


Boris was mayor of London only like 7 years ago tho?


>I don't think immigration had that much to do with it.
All of the major neoliberal reformers in Europe have pushed hard for more migration. It is a core principle of their ideology.

>Also I never said immigration solves every problem but at least Japan's stagnant society might be shook up a bit and their aging population wouldn't be as big of an issue.

I would rather have a slightly worse (however still much better than ours currently!) economy and a lower population than culturally and demographically destroy my nation. A country doesn't suddenly collapse into ashes if its population falls by a few million.


a lot has changed since 2016 anon…


Also plenty of white MPs lmfao
Uh is someone supposed to be fooled by this?


>Also plenty of white MPs lmfao
Not for much longer thanks to party shortlists.
>Uh is someone supposed to be fooled by this?
It's entirely in line with my political philosophy. I would a hypocrite if I believed otherwise.


oh my gosh, 65 minority MPs out of 650 total, truly this is white genocide


It's the trend that matters.


Nothing about you matters


Strategically Immigration is a positive, organizationally wise for communists, it allows international connections and foreign knowledge.

Alternatively, Economically for Japan, like any Nation with a aging population, they need to produce, work, monetary activity, and with low reproduction rates, I'm sure the Polish and Pakistanis would help Japan.

On a side note, leftybritpol is only 'active' when racist weirdos get on here, stupid.


Funnily enough, Japan has pretty lenient visa requirements and actively targets migration quotas, but people don't want to move there compared with the other G7 countries


Expect Blair-style reforms ‘ON STEROIDS’, says Starmer


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>In the context of Britain, I wouldn't consider those people to be migrants


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Is this the power of social-democracy?


Oi cunts dicksplosion has some important crap to say


I understand why letting agencies want references but fuck me, just to rent a single room? And a fucking minimum income requirement on top of that?

One of the reasons I can't move to a city to try and find work is because of this. I've lived in a decent accomodation before and I'd rather be earning some shite part time wage for 900 a month than living at home doing fuck all all day.

Literally what is the point in a referencing check for a fucking room. I can happily get by on 900 month. I'd need to be working a 50 hour week to meet your income requirement. For a shite little double bed with a bit of cabinet space for clothes. I don't even mind renting rooms; I like living with other people.

God forbid you try spareroom. Some absolute mental cases for homeowners letting out to lodgers with ridiculous expectations. I've lived with homeowners before and it's one of the worst situations you can be in. You are forced to see them every day. There is absolutely no let up. You cannot be yourself.


Apparently there were riots in Ely, Cardiff because the yutes said the police killed some teens after a car chase. Apparently the coopers werent even involved. We might have a spicy summer on our hands.


The British Empire never ended:



Many more articles on the extent of the imperialist reach of Britain and its Neocolonialism on declassifieduk.org

^ Or domestic issues e.g. spycops

I doubt they covered the full range of things!


Tfw I had to stop doing any organising stuff due to health reasons and I lost touch with all my commie frens :(


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