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 No.590672[Last 50 Posts]

Right now the biggest mass movement since BLM is happening in the US. This deserves its own thread because its a massive IRL protest. Next week their will be many more colleges joining. This is a massive movement.


>biggest mass movement scene BLM
Is it also as impotent as BLM? Considering it's happening in universities I'm going to guess it is.


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looks like they are going to toss the columbia president for not squashing the protests hard enough


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Bipartisan bill would create "antisemitism monitors" at colleges


The very brutal police crackdown on peaceful protests will cause massive grassroots push back. I am a student at a state college, my SJP group is planning a protest this week. Many other chapters are doing the same. This has just barley gotten started. 2024 will be another summer of rage. This is a MASSIVE grassroots mobilization happening right now. If the campuses crack down we will take the protests to teh streets.


The cops are becoming extremely brutal. Lots of protestors are being beaten up.


Students used to get killed in American universities decades ago and nothing of the sort happened.


The Bolsheviks and CCP had origins in student movements. Students are an important revolutionary class.


>If the campuses crack down we will take the protests to teh streets.
If? You should do it right now because at the moment things are looking limpwristed as fuck.
With every student protest around the world I see I become more and more convinced that Marx was right about solely the proletariat having revolutionary potential.


Lenin and the Bolsheviks didn't even consider intellectuals to be remotely revolutionary, are you on crack?


Not even trying to be marxist at this point, are you?


Lots of working class Arab immigrents were joining student protests in NYC. I think the same will happen if the momentum is kept up. Its important for workers to join the protests. If you are not a student but a college near you has a protest you should join in.


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==Deadline passes for pro-Palestinian student protesters to clear George Washington University
Alan Fisher
Reporting from Washington, DC==

We are an hour past the deadline that the authorities said they wanted the people to move out of College Square right here in the heart of Washington DC – to clear the encampment.

Just in the last hour we have heard from the university saying that the occupation is illegal, is against university policy, and they are continuing discussions with the metropolitan police – the local police department in Washington DC – about how best to clear the area and return it back to the way it was 14 hours ago.



>Just in the last hour we have heard from the university saying that the occupation is illegal





very normal country


>They want a Christian woman fired
Minouche Shafik? She's not Christian.



Comrades, infiltrate them, make them read Marxist works! NOW!


Burger hopium thread


Universities are a major institutional link with Israel and to weapons manufacture. Comparing the relevance of campuses to BLM and to Israel is laughable.
>inb4 hyperbole strawman


lol do you think these just spring up? Where I am (not US), these are organized and instigated by socialist orgs. Every time I see student protestors being whined about in the news, I recognize my comrades front and centre.
If your org isn't doing this, fuck off out of there and find the ones who are.


Are you one of those guys who likes to pretend to have read Lenin but hasn't

>And however weak and embryonic this beginning may be, the party of the working class must make use of it and will do so. We were able to work years and decades before the revolution, carrying our revolutionary slogans first into the study circles, then among the masses of the workers, then on to the streets, then on to the barricades. We must be capable, now too, of organising first and foremost that which constitutes the task of the hour, and without which all talk about co-ordinated political action will be empty words, namely, the task of building a strong proletarian organisation, everywhere carrying on political agitation among the masses for its revolutionary watchwords. It is this task of organisation in their own student midst, this agitation based on the concrete movement, that our university groups, too, should tackle.



>I'm not driving 20 minutes to riot!



Ackshually, its just a glowop to get President Trump voted out. 2020, 2024. Coincidence? I think not.


LMAO I swear to god wouldnt this be framed as some ideological monitoring propaganda if it was the CPC doing to this to their colleges?


of course, you just now realised the double standards?


I wonder if a Kent State type of event, or perhaps even worse would meaningfully galvanize an anti-Israel pro-BDS movement in this country. Until pro-Israel politicians are removed from office sooner rather than later I don't see this happening.


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No but glaring examples like this makes me wish there was an English language newspaper from China or easy to give source that would point out hypocrisy like this. RT is the closest thing but you can't show that to libs.


I know what you mean. When I was a kid I wanted to be a left wing journalist and change the way people saw the world. But then I grew up and realised that if there was a paper like that, stores wouldn't buy it and put it on the shelves, and even if they did, people wouldn't buy it because people like the easy answers of reactionism. Well maybe that's too negative, but, suffice to say actual left wing media isn't profitable. Maybe that is the missing ingredient though, the WSWS and the Morning Star and so on should just rebrand as like 'the Daily News' and trick normies into thinking it's just a 'regular non ideological' newspaper.


Jarvis, I'm going to need you to search Lenin for "student movements before:1917-10-24"


Your first problem is thinking there is one simple trick. Your second is trying to trick normies.


Personally Im optimistic. But where do anons think this is going to go?


Comrade, have you perchance read Manufacturing Consent?


I'm not expecting anything major and sensational, but that should not be confused as this being a failure or pointless. People who aren't on the ground, just looking through the lens of news and social media, don't get to see a movement build momentum.


What's a gopd name for this movement? Not occupy college, but what about Occupy Zionist Lobby?




Fuck it, someone with the tools set up a bingo sheet.
>rubber bullet to a protester's eye
>social media complaint that the protest is 'too White'
>tear gas on campus
>professor loses job
>zionist attempts terrorism (bomb threat, shows gun, etc.)
>15 minute dedicated segment on Fox/Sky news
>socialism/communism blamed
>far-right badge found on cop (e.g. thin blue line, Qshit)


Zionist Occupied Campus (ZOC)


just call it the student protests of 2024. reject the USAnian tradition of giving stupid names to everything.


>fake gotcha "journalist"
>someone not media trained interviewing on fox
>animal abuse by the cops as a justification to abuse protestors
>cops trashing people's belongings pointed out as a littering offense


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>organized and instigated by socialist orgs.
Got any source for that claim?

As far as I can tell, most Westoid Palestine supporters are still just anti-war libs. They need to be educated, so that they may direct their efforts properly.


>republicans and democrats both publish statements condemning the protests
>interview with a protester becomes a meme
>news outlets lead a smear campaign against one student leader
>protests fizzle out before any lasting movement forms
>starbucks drinking sjw stock photos become popular again


Yeah I have, that was basically the book that got me into leftism lol.


>Conditions are still the exact same as the 1910s, hence students can't possibly ever be revolutionary in any context
Kindly kys, glowie


>actual left wing media isn't profitable
What for-profit company would be willing to advertise in leftist media and make it profitable? Only people who can pull it off are individual streamers or celebrities who take donations from a large group and are sustained that way.
>WSWS and the Morning Star and so on should just rebrand as like 'the Daily News' and trick normies into thinking it's just a 'regular non ideological' newspaper.
Epoch times pulled it off and they didn't rebrand. But they are a cult backed by anti-communist dark money and got massive support from Trumptards.

Also, Newspapers are a dying medium. If your not a legacy paper the chances of taking off are limited. Leftist need to get into new media.


Probably less impotent than all Western Marxists combined since the fall of the Black Panther Party


Lenin literally was an intellectual you retarded fuck
And yes, both those countries’ communist movements actually did start as student movements, because, shocker, most people aren’t into obscure radical politics

God I fuckin hate MLs here man, you people are so busy jizzing to propaganda images and memes you genuinely don’t know ANYTHING about the history of the movements you venerate, literally fucking NOTHING bro, even if a bolshevik revolution was possible in this century you sad uber faggot LARPers can’t do ANYTHING to help it because you’re too busy jerking off to read a history book


In the immediate aftermath of the Kent State massacre the majority of Americans still thought the Vietnam war was justified. Iirc, a sizeable minority thought that the massacre was justified too. I don't see why it would change things here.


Less Americans are chinlets now than in 1970
Most people support the protests, only certain upper middle class honkoids and Redditors are anti-protests, but those groups are subhuman and wouldn’t survive a Second American Revolution anyway


>do you now or have you ever hated the Jews


imagine wanting to use the Occupy branding when it's regarded by most people as a joke and before the time of the people currently protesting. Occupy was 15 years ago. College students (undergrads) are 18-22. A lot of these people were wearing diapers during Occupy.


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> The bill would allow the Department of Education to send a "third-party antisemitism monitor" to any college that receives federal funding — and to revoke that funding for colleges that don't comply.

I think I know who they are going to send.


Fingers crossed the revolution is coming


Most people as in the chinlet faggots half this board wants to seem cool to?
How much of a loser do you need to be to want pol to like you, like, who fucking cares what them or the RedScare faggots or redditors care about, if someone could have a brick smashed into their face without the world becoming worse their opinion doesn’t matter


sounds like you have some stuff to work through sweety


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<Oh, so what are you doing about the Palestinian genocide then?
>I’m posting on Leftypol!


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Zios make sure none of the students can ever get a job in a zog country again.


>the chinlet faggots half this board wants to seem cool to
No like the average burger (who is pretty chvddy). The point of the protest is optics - they're not blowing up buildings or killing people, they're trying to sway public opinion. Why appropriate an objective failure that was successfully psyopped by the MSM into being portrayed as a bunch of dumb kids with no idea what they really wanted? If you want to use a historical movement that's actually relevant then go with antifascist action. That was also not really successful but at least it's actually got some connection here. Of course that doesn't have a better reputation with the burgoid public.


The point of protests is to separate the revolutionaries from the cattle


>the cattle
I can only repeat, work through your own shit


>the cattle
You are sorting yourself as a counterrevolutionary.


Occupy Wallstreet didn't accomplish any of is goals. Why associate a new movement that has different goals with one that failed? What's the strategic purposes?


If you are gonna borrow from the past make it 68. That was a tumultuous time. 2008 is nothing.


No, most americans, or at least, most white Americans, more accurately most white males and white women over the age of 35, are born and bred reactionaries and counterrevolutionaries, so deeply ingrained in cultural anticommunism and the capitalist individualist liberal mythos that fascism is practically in their DNA

In a true American socialist revolution there would need to be a cultural revolution, all whites that did not fight with the revolution or ever criticized socialism and communism between 2020 and 2025 would be marched to the eastern shores of the USSA and told they can either truly embrace communism right now and assist the revolutionary people’s development of a society of free association or swim the fuck back to Europe


Why shit on occupy? Do you think this protest is going to accomplish anything more?


Occupy failed. Comparing anything to it is preemptively saying you think it will amount to nothing.


Every socialist and worker movement has thus far failed, yet it never stops this board from jacking off to countries and movements they have 0 connection to
People should absolutely draw on conditions from living memory
I bet you’d be soyfacing if they named themselves the neo-Bolsheviks or something despite that being way more alienating to normies


I don't disagree. burgoids are scum. but so are the demoralization trolls that show up to shit on anybody that does the rignt thing


>I bet you’d be soyfacing if they named themselves the neo-Bolsheviks or something despite that being way more alienating to normies
I already gave an alternative example for a historical comparison, but they ought to just call themselves anti-genocide and use the "not in our name" types of slogans which are both perfectly applicable and highlight what is supposed to be a cultural consensus re: "never again." You're just a troll I guess.


I’m saying that in response to the demoralization trolls
I despise the tendency on this board to downplay ANY positive development in US mass politics
Fags here whined about the BLM protests, they shit on Occupy Wall Street, they whined months ago with the initial pro-Palestine protests
But what do the anons here do that’s so valuable, so much better than le cringe protestors


Just jerking off to dead movements and dead people and countries they have no connection to
You’ve got protestors getting their skulls bashed in by cops and armchairs feeling superior to them
The most people here do based off claims is literally being in worthless microsect book clubs and that one CPUSA anon in a zombie party that constantly sympathizes with fascists, I fucking hate it


We're not shitting on Occupy Wall Street. We're saying it's dumb to try to use that branding for this event because they have fucking nothing to do with each other and Occupy does not have a positive legacy in terms of optics.


Insane that Columbia has a Senate, like fucking star wars


Its a student government thing


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reposting this from the palestine general, emory university chair of philosophy department being arrested for trying to protect student from police brutality


kill all cops


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Where are smashies when you need them?



for-profit media isn't free media, it's one of these things that Marx said that you can absolutely take at face value today


Biden and Dems have proved themselves to be untrustworthy, so there's hope the protesters learned from 2020 and won't allow this movement to be co-oopted.


if the gaza thing is still ongoing months from now i can see this protest going on and peaking at the Democratic national convention


It's 100% guaranteed to still be going on


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>Is it also as impotent as BLM?
No, much more impotent. A hundred thousand times more impotent because they have zero capacity for violence and they are already self constrained to their own "free speech zone". The only reason it has any relevance is because rightoid culture warriors made a big stink of it and valorized participating in these campus protests. The very moment the order is given, it will peter out to the usual fringe activism that nobody cares about.

This shit glows and I can't wait for you cunts to rehabilitate it six months down the road, after it's served it's purpose.


funny pic, lol


>This shit glows

meds, seriously. if youre going to be a useless schizo about it why even bother starting off with a half decent critique? if ANYTHING glows, its accusing a spreading solidarity movement against genocide of being orchestrated by feds. but i dont think youre an agent i think youre just a nihilist who needs to touch grass asap



Failed "radical" movements in burgeristan in the last decades:
>anti-war (Bush) shit:
<conquest of Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria (etc.) happens anyway
<bailouts happens anyway
<police racism happens anyway
>Pro-Palestine protests in 2024

All of you burgers into this new "happening" shit are only doing it so that you may feel better about yourself. The only "plus" you get from the [CURRENT HAPPENING] and """"supporting it"""" is that you can feel better about yourselves.

IF you faggots actually cared about any of the above mentioned causes you would have emerged in a communist party. But you didn't, for obvious reasons….

You burgers do not actually want things to change.

You only want to appear "more moral" than the rest.

You are deeply ingrained with Christian and individualist ideology and you have no understandable way into secular and progressive party building (collectivist) methods. In short, ALL OF YOU BURGER NIGCAS ARE INDIVIDUALIST HEDONISTS WHO CAN NOT BE SAVED.

end of fucking story

you will rot with your empire


Stop badjacketing.


y'all glow


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probably bait which is especially sad. in the off chance any of you are somehow serious, you are terrible marxists if you think "action does not immediately lead to expected result" means it was somehow meaningless. 5 years ago this level of support for palestinians in the US was completely unimaginable, and the consistent efforts of organizers over decades laid the groundwork to make this kind of response possible. i know some people whove been doing palestine solidarity actions & reading groups since the 2000s, and their experience, knowledge, and connections have been instrumental in the maintenance of UNINTERRUPTED palestine solidarity protests going on since october

the idea that because an action doesnt immediately result in the desired effect means it is useless and impotent is first of all an indication that you have no idea how any of this shit works on the ground, and moreover its the mentality of a spoiled child.


The comments on this post are just sad


Thank you. Good post. Sick of all the perpetual contrarians


The people shitting on the protesters ITT are unironically the cancer killing Leftypol. They hate the protesters because the posties here are a bunch of cowards that would turn tail and flee if they were faced with riot cops. They don't care about Palestinians or anybody else but themselves.


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Misguided radlib shit that doesn't advance the interest of working people.


Yeah. I'm too depressed and lazy and antisocial to go to meetings and protests and stuff right now but at least I don't pretend I'm better than the people who do


Ok and what have you achieved then. How do you expect America to change without internal dissent anyways


He's almost certainly achieved nothing other than grandstanding on the Internet, shitting on people far braver than that cowardly piece of shit.


Then fuck off or die
t. Rat coward


kill all contrarians for once


>We're not glowies, we just attack people protesting in real life.
>We do glow shit for free.


I think their brains were broken by 2020


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I didn't say that.

You probably don't get anyting that happened after Occupy without Occupy. People learn from their mistakes.


Everything fails. It would be undialectical if it didn't fail.


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>>Everything fails. It would be undialectical if it didn't fail.


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Is there is something to debate or a happening, i seek to get informated on this and this fag: >>1837238 is derailing this thread calling every burger fascist and calling any kind of actual organization epic fail.
Is there actual discussion here or ignore.

On my opinion the coverage of chvdies and rightoids agaisnt that will backfire because they will look like bootlickers of zionism


>You deserve Gulag


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>Marxists hold that man's social practice alone is the criterion of the truth of his knowledge of the external world. What actually happens is that man's knowledge is verified only when he achieves the anticipated results in the process of social practice (material production, class struggle or scientific experiment). If a man wants to succeed in his work, that is, to achieve the anticipated results, he must bring his ideas into correspondence with the laws of the objective external world; if they do not correspond, he will fail in his practice. After he fails, he draws his lessons, corrects his ideas to make them correspond to the laws of the external world, and can thus turn failure into success; this is what is meant by "failure is the mother of success" and "a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit".

>All individual and all specific things have their births, development, and deaths. Every person must die, because he was born. Man must die, and Chang San [i.e., any Tom, Dick or Harry] being a man, Chang San must die. None can see Confucius who lived 2,000 years ago, because he had to die. Mankind is born, and therefore mankind must also die. The earth was born, and so the earth must also die. Nonetheless, when we say that mankind will die and the earth will die, it is different from what Christians say about the end of the world. When we talk about the death of mankind and the death of the earth, we mean that something more advanced than mankind will come to replace it, and this is a higher stage in the development of things. I saw that Marxism also has its birth, its development and its death. This may seem to be absurd. But since Marx said that all things which happen have their death, how can we say that this is not applicable to Marxism itself? To say that it won’t die is metaphysics. Naturally, the death of Marxism means that something higher than Marxism will come to replace it.


>One thing destroys another, things emerge, develop, and are destroyed, everywhere is like this. If things are not destroyed by others, then they destroy themselves. Why should people die? Does the aristocracy die too? This is a natural law. Forests live longer than human beings, yet even they last only a few thousand years. If there were no such thing as death, that would be unbearable. If we could still see Confucius alive today, the earth wouldn’t be able to hold so many people. I approve of Chuang-tzu’s approach. When his wife died, he banged on a basin and sang. When people die there should be parties to celebrate the victory of dialectics, to celebrate the destruction of the old. Socialism, too, will be eliminated, it wouldn’t do if it were not eliminated, for then there would be no communism. Communism will last for thousands and thousands of years. I don’t believe that there will be no qualitative changes under communism, that it will not be divided into stages by qualitative changes! I don’t believe it! Quantity changes into quality, and quality changes into quantity. I don’t believe that it can remain qualitatively exactly the same, unchanging for millions of years! This is unthinkable in the light of dialectics. Then there is the principle, ‘From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs’. Do you believe they can carry on for a million years with the same economics? Have you thought about it? If that were so, we wouldn’t need economists, or in any case we could get along with just one textbook, and dialectics would be dead.

>The life of dialectics is the continuous movement toward opposites. Mankind will also finally meet its doom. When the theologians talk about doomsday, they are pessimistic and terrify people. We say the end of mankind is something which will produce something more advanced than mankind. Mankind is still in its infancy. Engels spoke of moving from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom, and said that freedom is the understanding of necessity. This sentence is not complete, it only says one half and leaves the rest unsaid. Does merely understanding it make you free? Freedom is the understanding of necessity and the transformation of necessity — one has some work to do too.



Why would Maupin tweet and delete this?


because he is a grifter who is afraid of struggle


the resistance forces in gaza, and the population of palestine, have consistently expressed support and gratitude for western solidarity protests. lets say youre right, and these protests somehow, in opposition to any materialism or historical analysis, vanish into thin air overnight with no impact whatsoever on the world at large outside of symbolic support these acts of internationalism gave to palestinians while they fight back against genocide. even in that unrealistically minimal scenario, how is that not still worthwhile?

90% likely a brainwormed troll, im guessing its someone who is actually seething about multipolarista posters & "third worldism" whose trying to muddy the water by LARPing as the least generous version of them. but still worth replying to it as if sincere for lurkers and delineation of our own ideas


Dude you aren’t a revolutionary, you’re just an asshole.


Don't you have some real place to have a mental breakdown?


Maupin has just discredited himself.


>90% likely a brainwormed troll, im guessing its someone who is actually seething about multipolarista posters & "third worldism" whose trying to muddy the water by LARPing as the least generous version of them.
I think there's a possibility that this person may be JIDF, probably just got back from yelling slurs while posing as protesters. The hasbara is failing so now they're getting out the false-flags. Regardless, these posts seem to have one objective - to demoralize and divide potential supporters. At the end of the day - regardless if they acknowledge it or not - by attacking the protesters, they are on Israel's side de facto.


Oh, wonder what leftypol has to say about the American divestment and solidarity student campaign?
<literally pissing and shitting that students are not doing your le marxist based Lenin revolution instead
Worthless people.
Children that should be shot the lot of you.


I’ve never really had the ‘shock to the system’ that really lets me digest how utterly pathetic, un/miseducated and mentally cucked the majority of boomers and Gen-X really are until I saw the reaction to these protests.

They actually think you should be declared a terrorist and killed for not wanting to give Israel more money.


Agreed, Even if these are just Neo-hippie liberal types, Them not wanting to send Israel 1’374’472’473’373’374 dollars to blow up infants and (probably, with the way the news is pushing things) America invading Iran once the heckin right-wing populist based ‘best friend Israel will ever have’ Trump gets elected serves an obvious on the ground purpose.


Based post


Most of these people aren’t hippies. They are mostly just normies, apolotical types and centrist libs who are upset that such atrocities are happening and are funded by their country.
t student


this af




Also I hate the idea that these protests are bad because they are unorganized. PSL has been top tier rn in organizing people.


Lenin was a university-educated lawyer from a well-to-do family who wrote more pages than there were days he was alive (not an exaggeration). If he was not a student intellectual than I don't know what is.





It was counter protestors who yelled that.



Zionist counter protestors chant "Kill the Jews".

fucked up the post 3 times smh


>>590672 Interesting that Americans want to protest about anything other than their own conditions. I think its an inherent narcissism that makes it unable for the average american to admit their own country is a cesspit. Its either some idpol nonsense or some trendy tiktok cause. No ones going out protesting against our governments increasing death drive to a war with nuclear armed China or rioting about deterorating social conditions caused by deindustrialization and loss of hegemony. Sure these kinds of protests result from the feelings begot from those previous factors, but the fact that were aren't rioting about those instead shows that condtitions have to become ALOT worse before americans begin to seriously realize their country is pure evil and that being the heart of captialism is the reason, and importantly making that judgement materially rather than idealistically unlike most redditors who would rather pat themselves on the back for "fighting for a cause" and "standing up for the opressed" its just a circlejerk of self-victimization and wanting to be "in the right" and a "underdog" at all times. We will get there make no mistake however, it IS getting worse and will contiune to get worse until the real shit starts.


Israel is the 51st state. Israelis are parasites living off American taxes.


As a student organizer at a major school who has comrades across the south and in Emory planning stuff.

This I comment section is sad. You idiots don’t organize yet have the gall to navel gaze as paint these whole protests and glowies or impotent because it doesn’t immediately result in overthrowing imperialism and Israel

You guys are embarrassing and would be laughed out of any organizing space

Mfers in here saying Lenin and Mao opposed student circles when they themselves were active in organizing student circles before they had a communist party

Shoutout to anyone on the ground. Most of y’all’s opinions don’t matter on this because you all have nothing to offer besides gotchas on how students are actually all petit bourgeois libs or something


you've contribute nothing



sorry, doesn’t work on me. Not trying to sound pretentious but it is what it is.

it is aggravation seeing the discourse from mfers who’s only interaction comes from other online leftists comrade




Ironic that Westoid MLs who think the only way to revolution is to watch Russia throw conscripts into the Donbass and criticize student protests while Gaza and Yemen are praising the protests. How about you dumbasses shut the fuck up for once. Few students are even referencing OWS. Talk about a fucking strawman, get it together.


Jewish ethno-nationalists are really playing with fire. They don't realize crushing non-violent anti-racist anti-anti-semetic peaceful, leftist protests and using "concerns" about anti-semitism is probably the only thing that could make /pol/'s theories seem real to Gen Z.


these people think advocating communism is men in hard hats at trump rallys with monster trucks.


>MLs are not attending the protests because [retarded strawman]
your mind is broken by /isg/
that thread should be deleted


it is made up lmao they are twisting the narrative


You assume that the Zionists don't want more anti-semitism. In fact they thrive on anti-semitism, the more anti-semitism there is, the more they can act the victim, get more immigrants from the west, and generally advocate for more ethno-supremacist policies.


I genuinely don't understand how you can shit on the protesters. Yes, they're overwhelmingly liberal, yes, they will be (or rather, are currently being) crushed, but it's fine. The people who were brutally murdered in 1905 weren't bolsheviks, either. This is just one of the moments where the bourgeois state loses their capacity for propaganda.


Assuming someone posts there is the last refuge of a ML-zigger scoundrel. Kill yourself or just enlist in the Russian army already. What exactly pisses you off about the protests? The lack of effectiveness? Pissed off Zionist donors, some of whom have ties to Russia as well? Do you think Gaza is taking away leftist focus from Ukraine or something? What exactly is your malfunction?


This is kind of true, Americans are made because for their first time in their lives they realize just how genocidal the American Empire and its allies truly are.
That makes a lot of sense. It explains why Zionist E-celeb Laura Loomer is racist.
>inb4 Laura Loomer is an irreverent lolcow that dosn't matter
She does matter because she is a mutual contact between Donald Trump and Nick Fuentes.



>What exactly pisses you off about the protests?
nothing, i think it's a good thing they're happening
i'm not attending these protests because i don't live in america
>zionist donors with ties to russia
lol what?
retarded sectarian /isg/faggot, hang yourself


What you call ziggers are very interested in the Palestinian genocide being as publicly known as possible. Ukraine and Israel are very much tied together in public perception, mostly because of Ukrainians themselves. It directly supports the official Russian narrative of the genocide in Donbass, even if you don't think it's real. Kremlin hosted officials from the axis of resistance earlier this year. All "zigger" channels are pro-Palestine.


They're just butthurt because it's college kids doing these protests instead of le based rural blue collar worker


>Ukraine and Israel are very much tied together in public perception, mostly because of Ukrainians themselves.
Elaborate please.


Is the CPUSA doing anything to help the students?


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>You contribute nothing
Projecting very fucking hard on your obscure imageboard rn



>The only reason it has any relevance is because rightoid culture warriors made a big stink of it
lol and /pol/ got Trump elected right?


It's probably the same people who outright spread disinformation about the CHAZ/CHOP group.


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They have some articles on their website where they're calling on people to call politicians and demand to leave the students alone. I actually think that's an important thing. Work every angle.

>We support the constitutional and democratic right for students, youth, and workers to organize and protest against the Israeli-led genocidal war in Gaza. We encourage readers to spread the word among their social networks, friends, and neighbors and to contact their elected officials and demand they put a stop to this aggression against students and workers. We echo student and worker demands for an immediate ceasefire, as well as an end to US institutional and material support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Keep the pressure on! In fact, turn it up!


>The CPUSA urges all those who love peace and justice to call their members of Congress and the White House demanding immediate de-escalation.

>Call Washington:

>202-224-3121 – name your Congressperson and get patched through

>202-456-1111 – the White House

>Vote no on, or veto, weapons delivery to Israel

>Call on President Biden to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza
>Call President Biden to unlock full funding to the UN aid organization UNRWA and tell Israel to stop blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza
>Insist that President Biden restrain Israel from attacking neighboring countries and stop vetoing UN Security Council resolutions that condemn those attacks and attacks on Palestinians
>Or send a message to your representative on the House and Senate websites.


>seem real

at this point any irl organisation has to avoid Stalin's mistake and keep an easily identifiable group from ANY position in an organisation.

I don't come to this conclusion unscientifically



"They don't realize behaving as they always do behave will confirm the way /pol/ says they behave"


What else do you want us to do? Build a nuke?


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improved formatting and capped


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>The reason that not a single sober "rest of the world listener" buys your current_idiocy.png
teleports behind you




nice to hear something good about the PSL for a change


They are doing a pretty good job actually, at least their student chapter at my college is doing a good job.


fellow Mao-head recognized. we are working to get something going around where I am


ive talked negatively about PSL on here before and i stand by what ive said about them as an organization, but ive also defended them against accusations of being a cult because there are plenty of good people in there working hard, especially the local rank & file. ive known a few former PSL college chapters that split from them and they were ALL dedicated people in some way or another who split due to unreasonable party ultimatems. they are genuinely a communist party, no doubt about that, its the question of strategy & tactics. even if i think they do plenty very wrong, very glad to hear whenever theyre contributing to something good.


Leftypol BTFO


waow i neevr thought about it l ike that actually. i'm am no longer left


You are responding to ziggers. They don't know shit. They don't know Lenin was an intelectual. The only thing they know is repeating jungle gang ad nauseam.


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Fox News checked it out and has revealed the protest are secretly controlled by George Soros. Did you get your soros bux yet leftypol? I got mine


Islamobolshevism in full swing


how is that an argument against it lol? we dont support something because the right wing US state is lashing out against it? try going back to /pol/


this is why protesters need batons


Screencapped for future use


Sadly their aren’t many zoomer smashies


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Some of you just get off on feeling hopeless and holier-than-thou from the safety of a computer screen and you’re such goddamn bores to listen to


You’re never gonna get coherence out of /ISG/ vibe schizos who are mortally terrified of reading a single book


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Took you long enough to ban the trolls. Better late than never I guess.


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1,058,846,047,836 DEAD VIBE INCELS


No link = not real.
But kind of funny though.
Zio shills in full force.


Bunch of hazoid pickmes who wanna get deep-prostate boned by the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin


I somehow think not even that. Just /pol/ or reddit trolls.

anyways, seems like the American protests are escalating more and more as well as abroad. It seems that whatever the US does, the rest of the West follows.

Meanwhile Germany is making it increasingly harder to protest. Cracking down harder and harder. It's hilarious how people still think they live in a "democratic" society.


was it /isg/ or /ukraine/ posters?

Fox News has somehow gone even more off the deep end than they already were. I fully expect them to be openly doing holocaust denial tier shit within the year. Reminder that Laura Ingraham is a nazi trying to make her daddy proud.


Did you skip BLM?
Although I don't care so much, I'd much rather have Americans protesting against the insanely oppressive and genocidal regime they're citizens of then about their own conditions. Not that they're mutually exclusive.


>Interesting that Americans want to protest about anything other than their own conditions.
This isn't new at all, there were protests against imperialism since forever. The students shot at Kent State were opposing the intervention in Cambodia. You are just uninformed.


>that gif
Who is this and where is this from???


Laura Ingraham, one of Fox News' main commentators, at the Republican National Convention 2016.


full speech, skip to 17:08 for the salute
it's how she ended the speech




>the people protesting are all fine and good and should be supported in every way
>these protests are generating more heat than all the protests I've been on and are therefore more effective. Occupy everything tbh. why tf do people think that dispersing after a few hours is a good thing.
>the timing of these protests relative to happenings is extremely sus
>the instigation and amplification of these protests is sus and probably suits the state department in their efforts to put another brake on Israel if you believe the narrative that it's gone or going rogue
All these things are true simultaneously imo


>the timing of these protests relative to happenings is extremely sus

what happenings lol


global geopolitical happenings like Iran and Israel trading air attacks wtf do you think


and how do these protests not help iran lol?


>something is happening
>people protest it
>the thing they are protesting causes other things to happen

Whoa dude


>was it /isg/ or /ukraine/ posters?
Probably neither. I think they may have been Zionist apologists looking to divide and demoralize the board.


It's not about helping Iran, it's about creating another soft power pressure to put a brake on Israel. This isn't complicated. BDS is even on the menu in official diplomatic circles, amazingly.


well thats my point, these protests are unequivocally good and anyone saying they're bad is just wrecking


you dumb binch that was the first sentence in my OP


>we dont support something…
OH no, support whatever. Events like these are great for people to get radicalized even if it's just a stop-gap media-OP to contain anti-Zionism to the culture war experience. And despite the students having 0% chance to effect BDS on big university investments and having no power, and no political agenda… That doesn't mean that solidarity with them is without use, they are worthy martyrs in the spotlight to inspire others into action.

By all means support it, but do so IRL. The real threat, and the reason for this media op, is not me, calling it what it is. It's the people who would be contented that their grievances are being settled through the culture war. Go spread the solidarity, get your union/local government to make a statement in support, use the treatment of the students to justify anti-Zionism to fence sitters.

Think of this like a regime change operator. How can you use these protests and elicit a reaction that advances your agenda?


well by saying they're 'sus' you're pretty much saying they're bad


Anon there are more words than sus in the OP. Are you unable to comprehend the post as a whole? The protests are great, they should have been happening months ago. If there was some state instigation and amplification then that is sus, but it aligns with our interests right now. Always be aware of what the state agendas and incentives are because they rarely align with our interests.


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<nothing ever happens, but if communist party get more member, something will happen!



They got away with it.

Zionist counter protestors got 100 pro-Palestine protestors arrested by yelling "Kill the Jews".



nah bullshit
the arrests were gonna happen anyway, this is just a convenient excuse


I’m at the campus protest at UVM. If any annons are in Vermont please pull up.


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american government doing a performative event in which guests are actively encouraged to ridicule the leader to his face to show how much "free speech" they have, while simultaneously using snipers against teenagers protesting genocide legit feels out of a satire. liberals think the only problem with nazi germany was you couldn't say hitler had a stupid moustache


What is this?


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the protests are moving beyond the college.



This is dope, hope it won't end up like that BLM anarchy zone thing.


The picture is a clothes designer, the post is talking about Biden's event where they encouraged insulting authority figures but it was a bunch of libshits making the most milquetoast quips ever and zero mentions of Israel, unsurprisingly.


I'm kind of shocked it's happening, aren't zoomers becoming more right-wing?


class position > "ideology"


Better a communist billionaire then a nazi proletarian amiright bois?



Neither of those exist


I still haven't seen a self-defined "communist" bourgeois that didn't have the most dogshit understanding of communism ever, and nazis are almost always bored petit-bourgeois assholes, not proletarians.




I'm not American.


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Sorry anon, not all of us here are American. Some of us are from Europe and its midnight, with no protests!


What can protesters outside of America and Israel even do short of a communist revolution?


I’m not talking about Euros but fellow burgeranons
t phoneposting protestor


I sure hope you're using a burner phone.


May day is coming though, i will make sure to go to some protest this year, it will be my first time.


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Nothing. Sit down and wait for the urge to protest to pass.
Activism is an illness of the workers movement, do not get sick!


You're right, but marxists separate activism from the class struggle for a reason: that not all protests are useful to communism by themselves, not that protesting is le bad.


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>New Orleans
I am once again reminding you that it is the most downtrodden people in the imperial core who have the most revolutionary potential and will the the ones primarily making up the revolutionaries.


>most downtrodden people
So… the proletariat?


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WTF ARE YUO TALKING ABOUT? GO DO RECKLESS ADVENTURISM NOW! Fukcing opportunist revisionist lumpen…
GO throw yuor life away and become a footnote on a wikipedia article in the history! I WANT BLOOD! NOW!


No, white male zoomers are becoming more right wing, most are becoming more left wing


And both left and right zoomers are more anti-Israel than previous generations.


Only 3 people falling for the bait? Well, is better then nothing i guess, might count it as a win in my book!


Reminder that it was reckless adventurism which destroyed four empires and created the conditions for the Russian revolution.


He was trying to liberate Serbs from Hapsburg rule though, not cause revolution in Russia


So he accomplished his goal and got bonus wins?


well it worked didn't it


>muh wypipo
wheres the marxism


>le conditions
adventurism is for peebee manchildren


Fuck off with your faggot complex
Objectively that’s the only youth demographic drifting towards fascism you spiritual rat


<source: some shitty polls
what point are you even trying to make here


i mean if non-white petit-bourgeois are becoming "more left-wing" i couldnt care less either


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I don't think anyone who answers polls are worth even thinking about. What does it mean in practice, anyway? Some person saying "yeah bro I'm totes left/right" to a random phone call during working hours translates to what, exactly? I don't think the results can tell you much about the class struggle happening in real life. Not that every protest has to do with the class struggle (just look at BLM), but it can be if workers lead them in that direction.

Not to be too pedantic, but it is the proletariat struggling on its own terrain, not an "anti-war" "protest movement" which can stop a war - or ultimately of course end war all together.


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>liberated zone
oh no. not a burger but pls tell me they arent trying the chaz thing again


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>Shaking in fury as the protesters escalate actions without taping a HECKIN photo of Lenin to the wall!


Students are just smashing school buildings. Its super amazing.


who are you quoting


lets hope that anger isnt recuperated onto the terrain of bougie politics as usual


I want these students to cause as much property damage as possible.


yeah it should be pretty fucking obvious for anyone who's been paying attention over the last decade since OWS and BLM that there's been a general trend in the direction, slow as it may be, towards the youth in the US become more left wing that is resulting in things like widespread popular support for Palestine. we have to remember that this is happening in *the* imperial core. I remember in the 2000s when it was completely normalized for everyone to be casually racist towards Muslims and Arabs because of the "war on terror" and the idea that everyone who isn't a boomer living a comfortable middle class existence is not falling for the empire's propaganda about Israel and Hamas is kind of a big fucking deal.

the real impotency is how obviously out of touch the empire's propaganda is with what anyone believes. no one is falling for it except for the people who are bourgeois enough to live in complete political unconsciousness. they're resorting to explicit violence towards peaceful protesters and this is only going to continue to push everyone who is currently closer to the center further towards radicalization because they are seeing the empire demonstrate that it nothing but an illegitimate fascist police state that falls back on thuggery when the media's lies stop working.

this is also after there were nationwide riots only four years ago. things are trending in a very obvious direction and I don't care how much of a nihilist postie doomer you are, you're dumb and blind if you can't see this and probably also yourself some middle class kkkrakkker who has no stake in anything.


Do you consider this based or cringe?



kinda cringe but probably a zionist plant lol

who even has a hamas bandana exactly???


>who even has a hamas bandana exactly???


Protests aren't a place to feel based, its a place to direct attention to a specific target, ie. university funding of Genocide.


>you are terrible marxists
Although I haven't seen the multiple deleted posts you're replying to (an unsurprising phenomenon here lately) you are the ones speaking in terms of "left-wing" trends" (absolutely meaningless) or believing movements based in anti-racism or anti-war are anything but stillborn for the working class because anti-racism or anti-war cannot be the basis for a revolutionary movement. Thinking one more liberal protest means "higher chances of communism next time" makes no sense when they never are fought on a proletarian terrain. And don't get me started on all the organizations trying to co-opt and reign in all the chaos and sterilize the movement even more.

Not any action outside of electoralism has to mean anything for revolutionaries for similar reasons - only the activity of the working class and its political organizations (doesn't include almost all parties) is important.

>probably also yourself some middle class kkkrakkker who has no stake in anything

That's a very ironic thing to say when these protests are mostly comprised of middle-classers with zero revolutionary potential and because of it can only resort to nationalism. The Sakai bullshit is just the cherry on top of your liberal conception of communism.


In order to organize working class people you need a party filled with dedicated cadres. These events on places like colleges is how you recruit cadres.


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>anti-racism or anti-war cannot be the basis for a revolutionary movement


Sure, but these are largely college students, not proletarians. I just don't want the movement to inevitably deflate for having no program/shitty program like all the other times man.


actual NYP article headline
< The Columbia protester diet: Students munch on Pret sandwiches, pricey nuts and sip Dunkin’
based true revolutionary students buying from big brands thus helping big capital (historically progressive) crush small business (hitlerite)


>muh lifestyle signifiers
Do you fucking want the numbers to make this shit into something bigger or do you want to jerk off on an imageboard about how everyone is counterrevolutionary except you?

Fuck off, contrarian.


why are you getting mad at me and not the article im making fun of
i do hate small businesses though


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New theory just dropped


At least Mr. Levine used anti-Israel instead of "anti-semetic".


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Jesus goddamn christ I hate the media so much


It's the New York Post. Which is Murdoch media. Which are all varying shades of conservative fanatics. NYP is also known for wild copaganda and other bullshit.


I hate all intellectuals.


That explains your posting


Major marxists aren't intellectuals so, no.


Horseshoe theory of sex: Vietnam protestors were having too much, Palestine protestors are having too little


>Major marxists aren't intellectuals so, no
>Major marxists aren't intellectuals
>Major marxists


What's the correct amount of sex to have if you're trying to be a neolib imperialist? Three times a week? Four?


nobody but people over 40 watch/read news anyway


Marx openly despised intellectuals and academia in general which he regarded as a bourgie institution. Lenin expressed shared contempt.


Centrists most probably have sex once a week, during the weekend.


I literally don't read/watch the news ever except what I happen to see on here, it's just too frustrating


indeed nothing good comes from being a news addict


wait until people find out what marx thought about philosophy………..


You can't hate intellectuals and spend years of your life in Hegel's classroom, it would repulse you like mint to bugs


huh makes you wonder if one thing led to the other



He wouldn't have lasted years in Hegel's classroom if that's how he found out he hated intellectuals, he would've dropped it or stormed out in a week or two


Do you think that college students don't work in this economy comrade? :)


Love it. He stole this idea from The Streets however.


some students being proletarian dosent make students proletarian


Do you understand the concept of training? It (education) is like that, only more abstract. See, when you trained to be a cook or whatever, were you a proletarian at that point?


The source is the post you replied to. I just told you that is my experience. My org comrades (students and staff) give weekly updates about the rallies they've organised, and like I said, I can see they're front and centre on campus actions. I attend the meetings of groups organising actions and in some cases the majority are members of my org, because we founded the group.

Seriously, what kind of answer were you expecting?

Don't be a bootlicker. The coppers are bastards.





Keyboard warriors should be ostracised. Anyone normalizing the myth that leftypol users don't do things IRL needs to fuck off to /pol/. And I say myth, because I've talked to people on this site about the org work they do, and our organization discussion thread hit bump limit. Whoever is projecting their bitch ass onto the board should be banned for rule 14b.
He who does no praxis, neither shall he shitpost.


Obviously doesn't matter much, but OSINT is Open Source INTel. Which includes but is not limited to observation.


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>What can protesters outside of America and Israel even do short of a communist revolution?
Look at supply chains. You'd be surprised which countries exclusively manufacture critical components of jets and tanks, how many countries have regular trade with Israel. In a global world, your country matters more than you think!
picrel - britbongs wrote off a drone factory owned by Elbit Systems.


absolutely. fuck people who pretend it's normal or fine to do nothing. SiNO - socialists in name only :^)


<n-n-no. You can't occupy space.. that would be like le chaz… I already told u chaz is bad….. fellow comrades..
Shut the fuck up and go the fuck to /pol/.
Worthless do nothing faggot.


>Krondstadt? Never heard of it


>guy who spends his entire life researching and writing capital
<not an intellectual

Are you child labor/trumpsucker dumbass from /usapol/


>keyboard warriors should be ostracized
Based. Fuck vibeposters, fuck schizoposters, fuck internet tough guys


NTA, but Marx learning from intellectuals so he could refute them on their level is a far cry from the postmodern full uncritical embrace of ivory tower philosophers and their “wisdom”. He turned Hegel on his head, he did not let Hegel turn him. This is the key difference between people like Marx and these liberals currently protesting


Their are a lot of communist parties organized these protests, especially PAL. I have shit on them in the past but they are doing a good job now.


He didn't turn Hegel on his head.
He turned Hegel from his head on his feet. You imbecile, you mongoloid.


>they're all liberals because vibes and I'm mad at postmodernists

<I get to pick and choose who I have to work with on a given issue


Rivers of blood


No, they're all soy latte liberals because an e-celeb said so


It’s almost like there’s a difference between constructive and destructive ideology or something!


Nice pun


Stop being a cringy rightoid


Why are all the faggot posters using tor?



vibe pseud detected


It's one dedicated or handful of dedicated braindead schizos


< Accelerationism
< The FBI will arrest everybody who does anything against the regime. Don't even try
< Any labor victory is just reformism. Why care if all politicians are bourgeoisie? Anyway, vote for trump, MAGA is the real labor movement
< Don't worry, the third world will save us. Let the latinos die in the jungle, they are our only hope.
< The contradictions will show themselves in no time.
< The crises is still not big yet, those imperialist wars are nothingburguers, the west still has supremacy over the world
< Don't protest with the liberal woke mob, they are petit bourgeoisie.
< College students are bourgeoisie, just like baristas.
< We should be against China and Russia and Hamas, they are the real fascists, don't believe in woke propaganda.
< Actually, read more, everything i say is based on Marx himself, don't be stupid.
< "Communism is not a state of affairs to be established", therefore is not the job of the working class to establish communism, it will appear by magic and utopia. I am very smart, this is the correct interpretation of Marx words.
< Reddit spacing, radlib detected, glowie go back to pol, i refuse to elaborate further.
< This leftypol is bad, is infested with radlibs and not true marxists like me.

Another day, another win


>ban everyone who defends Russia and China outside “muh containment threads”, without reason or the possibility of appeal for years at a time
>vpns and proxies are randomly banned for years at a time
>dissident MLs end up congregating around the tor node because it’s the only place we can post
<le surprised pikachu face
You’ve fallen into a trap of your own design


who are you strawmanning?


Most of the people whining about radlibs are extremely pro Russia, China, and Hamas, tf you mean?


Hypocrites, who will always find excuses to not do nothing.


>postmodern full uncritical embrace of ivory tower philosophers and their “wisdom”.
This only happens to people who don't study anything in depth. If you don't know anything you just see "intellectuals" being "smart" because they throw around jargon. Doesn't mean they wont be in conflict with other "intellectuals" who can keep up.


word on the street is Haz and Hinkle were booed off stage after being smuggled in by a rogue organiser


NTA, but excuse me, I am very tired and my irony detection meter is depleted.


cool if true. death to them both, once asset vauchinski is dealt with.



Pro-Isnotreal counter protestors at UCLA
Flag contains the Jewish Defense League logo


First video
Is this the brazilian flag?


First and last are pro-Palestinian
Speaker in third video is ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt


One of Hinkle and Haz's "MAGA communists" at the pro-Isnotreal crowd in last pic


File: 1714395101456.jpg (2.27 MB, 3072x4096, 20240429_084920.jpg)

Picture of Trump with Epstein ripped up by the pro-Isnotreal people
Thread where I got all of this from: https://twitter.com/hungryghosts161/status/1784639462829601204


>being hyper rascist
>calling other nazis
Isn’t their a contradiction here?


my bad, lol


You get banned because you're visibly newbie pseuds with bad opinions


Mao was right. Sex is counter-revolutionary!



>dude wearing 'bring them home NOW' shirt

>at pro zionist protest


though I just realised that shirt probably refers to the hostages not US troops. dunno how he thinking bombing gaza is gonna bring them home alive but ok


>Having too many sex can be harmful
<Chair Man Mow


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Not the point you goddamn tryhard torkiddie.
Do you want the necessary numbers to have meaningful leverage to pressure people into doing something about a fucking genocide, or do you want to jerk off to yourself about how they're liberal or you're not? Do you want to GET SHIT DONE or do you want to fucking masturbate on a goddamn imageboard about how nobody except you is Le True Radical?

in the imperial core an outsized chunk of the boots hitting the pavement are gonna be libs and progressive kids. Until shit changes, that's how it is. Nut up, deal with it, shut the fuck up and stop wasting our time with your mewling. You're not obligated to like your allies, and history isn't obligated to give you allies you like. Grow up.


Getting shit done is important, especially when it comes to stopping a fucking genocide, but protests are also a good opportunity for radicalization. Instead of whining about libs on an imageboard, anon could be out there educating the kiddies. Maybe that's to much for a certified keyboard warrior, but the opportunity exists.


IDF flag


Hey Hasbara
Go fuck yourself


>we have tens of millions of CPC, KRPF, ASBP and other party members
I bet you aren't even in a group affiliated with them, lmao. Cringe larplord who makes CHAZ seem like a revolutionary moment.


Not directly but I do have membership in certain clandestine organizations one of which has more or less direct ties to one of the above parties. I can’t give more information than that due to opsec but we’re doing much more than sitting on college campuses eating expensive snacks


>We already have “meaningful numbers”, billions in fact.

Then put up and do something about it, or shut the fuck up and stop sucking your own dick in public, cunt.

Oh? You can't actually say anything about it? How convenient.


>i have membership in da Kommunist Klandestine Kombat Kollektive
>I have decided to breach its security uncontested on leftypol to flex on da radlib
sounds real to me


>while you were partying and having sex i mastered the blade
yeah ok
if waiting for china to save the world is more up your alley then you do you


glowposters who use TWist rhetoric to justify their own laziness and impotence are honestly just sad and pathetic

"muh student radlibs" well ya know what they're doing something instead of pegging yourself on a goddamn imageboard over how you're more "radical" in word than everyone else and therefore it's a waste of time for you to do anything.

Swear to fuck these people are either hasbara or those illiterate dumb kids you see counted in polls


What kind of cringe hasbara shilling faggotry is this?
Like the other anon said, this shit is more of a cringe LARP than CHAZ, Third Worldists and their noble savage “All the brownoids die for ME” delusions man
>Hate to break it to you but sand nig— uh, i mean the Palestinians were always doomed, stop trying to get in the way of them trying to be genocided with dignity!
Nothing separates you from a hasbara op tactically
>Hehe, I may not be part of the brown guerrilla forces I allege exist and will die so I can have communism, but I AM part of a microsect that once went to a discussion form with some members of those other parties 😌
How thrilling


i think you forgot the "meaningful" part in "meaningful numbers"


>Third Worldists and their noble savage “All the brownoids die for ME” delusions man
That's exactly it, every time I read these posts I can fucking smell some noodly white virgin getting fucking cheetos dust over their goddamn dell


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The most insane part to me, what really makes these fuckers inseparable from glowops, is that if you actually look, communist parties around the world, and the Palestinian resistance in the West Bank and Gaza itself, show support to these student protests and uprisings

Foreign communist parties literally say Americans need to do shit like what the students are doing right now and take it even further

The only people opposing the protests are literally cringe LARPers, it’s not an accident that this anon has repeatedly saying protesting and fighting for the Palestinians is pointless because their annihilation is a foregone conclusion


They're alienated shitty dudes from imperial-core suburbs who just hate their parents and neighbors. They're the communist equivalent of a suburban punk kid who calls themselves some kind of lifestyle anarchist but settles into an office job at 22

>Foreign communist parties literally say Americans need to do shit like what the students are doing right now and take it even further

Bingo. And what do these wannabe-first-world-TWists say? They say nothing's ever good enough for them. They're shitty idealists of the worst sort, rejecting anything that isn't being done by the Perfect Fetishized Victim living in their head, refusing to work with the tools at their disposal so they can jerk off. They're not communists, they're just shitty naive misanthropes using TWist rhetoric to justify it.


Let’s say that’s all true, so what faggot?


Including the student groups of literally every faction which have expressly given support.


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Didn't read your shit glowfag, its right to rebel.


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Loser POV


It means shut the fuck up and go back to the kid's table.


I adore how you hunt around for paragraphs to say you didn't read them. NTA, and I disagree with the angle of attack the bitching in this thread is coming at student protestors on.

>>72638374859595 five billion naysayers with bad arguments

A few things:
- many of these people are a symptom of how unpalatable the situation is even for liberal Zionists who condemn Hamas
- this is a symptom of the situation higher education is in across the imperial core, it's not just the students having an identity crisis, these institutions are struggling to give a fuck about anything other than donors and real estate, education and students are a distant afterthought. even if these protests "fail" the student protest movement itself is an extension of the battle taking place across higher education. if I were in the social sciences (LOL) I would get the fuck out of imperial academia instead of waiting to slit my wrists!
- Cold War protest tactics are cargo cult bullshit, Occupy/BLM/Arab Spring anticipates an external color revolution/Maidan that never comes, the people are again gathering around a wishing well.
- none of these actions can just be dismissed out of hand because "the students are reactionary" criticism must be direct and precise


That's a bingo


the best part is when they call you a western leftist from suburb in North Carolina where everyone leaves their doors unlocked


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>Hehe I see you didn’t take the time to pick apart my contrarian armchair suburbanite faggotry point by point!
Wreckers like you aren’t worth the time or the effort


>Flag contains the Jewish Defense League logo
so literal fascists


Mock me as you wish, I’ve seen the effectiveness of the western left and your pitiful attempts at insulting me for actually being an active participant in the real movement rather than a liberal LARPer is like water against a stone fortress. For those claiming I’m “letting” Palestinians die or even claim I’m cheering for it I am assuredly horrified by the Zionist entity’s actions in the Levant, but let me ask you this: what are YOU doing? You say I don’t want to save the Palestinians, but how the hell is rich kids setting up hippie communes supposed to save them? Will they generate enough good vibes to magically teleport the Gazans to safety? Will it give them food? Will it have any long term geopolitical impact that weakens the imperial core? No no no and no? Then maybe instead of throwing a fit because someone outside your bubble thinks liberalism is a fucking joke perhaps you should actually examine the inherent flaws within the protests and how the situation can be used to advance the end of the empire. All this is is at most trying to get a university to cease campus operations in the occupied Levant, which last I checked was not vital to the Zionist war effort in any way. Do any of you understand geopolitics? Do any of you understand how cointelpro works? Have you even read Marx? Signs point to negative but then again if ultras actually read Marx they wouldn’t be ultras so I shouldn’t be too surprised


New John-like pasta just dropped


Protests are the movement of opportunists, true Marxists relax on the comfiest armchairs they can find.


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>Ah ha, you mocked me for mocking a bunch of students protesting and confronting their cops and doing what they can do, demand their institutions divest, while I sit at home doing nothing, but I ask, what are YOU doing!?
Took an entire thread for finally pull out reverse-uno


>but how the hell is rich kids setting up hippie communes supposed to save them?
The protestors are forcing the police to crackdown which will lead to larger protests whihc involve people from different economic backgrounds. Also a lot of students in American colleges more so in state schools, which also have protests work part time while at school and will be prols when they graduate.


So then this just confirms what we’ve been saying, it’s all performance art for college students to let some destructive impulses out of their system. Palestinians are just a backdrop, a grotesque skinned face you’ve put over your movement that’s ultimately just going to your own benefit. Even if certain universities stop funding the Zionist entity they still have more then enough weapons to ethnically cleanse Gaza. But I guess that’s worth it if you can feel morally superior to those heckin tankies right? And you wonder why the rest of the world mocks you behind your backs


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>And you wonder why the rest of the world mocks you
Why do you keep grouping yourself with communists around the world that applaud and have applauded every mass movement and militant student uprising whenever they happen in America and the West, instead of the westoid pigskin suburbanites whining and shitting themselves over the protests that more closely align with your own behavior?


what the fuck are you talking about that, how did you get that from that post? you are a retarded demoralizer


what do the Palestinians say about the protests?



they support them case closed


>If your solutions don't magically end the genocide right now immediately than I am justified in sitting on my ass doing nothing and talking shit about people trying to do something
kys coward

<something something western left carticature

YOU are exactly why the western left sucks.


"Tankies" support the protest you contrarian retard

You're just a lazy asshole looking for an excuse to not do anything.


>Noooooooo, small demand can never build momentum for big demands!!!!! New organizers can't build up their experience with smaller campaigns!!!!! They must blow up raython HQ NOOOOOW!!!!!!!1

Meds, take them now.


I'm honestly pretty certain this is the same dumbass that's been periodically shitting up /usapol/ with contrarian takes for the past year or two. Same posting style, same terrible arguments, same bad faith


>>ban everyone who defends Russia and China outside “muh containment threads”, without reason or the possibility of appeal for years at a time
haven't seen it - give example.


He probably means fascistic schizos like Eurasian anon


tbf eurasian anon was banned because he was a fucked up weirdo race-realist except for races that were basically sci-fi bullshit shorthand for "countries I like" and "countries I don't like" and constantly annoyed the living piss out of people by changing the meaning of basic philosophical jargon whenever it suited him

I'm still somewhat proud of that post I wrote mocking him regarding the HYPERBOREAN IMMANENTIZED ESCHATONIC TIME CUBE or whatever it was called


Pretty much the entire left support the student protests. Palestinians support the protests, MLs support the protests. The only ones who don't support the protests are the ruling classes, zionazis, disgruntled third worldists who all live in the first world, the last five remaining leftcoms in the world and keyboard warriors whose sole idea of activism is to follow osint twitter.


>it’s all performance art
every protest in the west has an element of this, it doesn't negate any value. almost any protest is better than no protest, especially when it comes to Palestine
>But I guess that’s worth it if you can feel morally superior to those heckin tankies right?
who's been saying this? they are wrong ofc lol


>I'm still somewhat proud of that post I wrote
well link it ffs how did I miss this


Destructive impulses lmao, as if you don't jerk it on the regular to videos of Russian nationalists firing off 152mm shells, fuck off you war gooner


It's long gone, someone else screencapped it and I never saved it.


"Wrecker" is such a funny narcissist tic. Whenever you're in an online space, it becomes "the movement" and anyone who offends your gentle sensibilities by having a different analysis is a "wrecker" of "the movement" because they are destroying YOUR ideas. You don't have a movement, this isn't a space. This is the void, where voices carry forever.


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The permanent state of leftypol… DOT org!


it's quicker than saying
>your ideas when put into practice would be deeply counterproductive and your irrational insistence on screeching it constantly when everybody is telling you to pipe the fuck down and move on is disruptive so please shut the fuck up


I petition to wordfilter "wrecker" into "your ideas when put into practice would be deeply counterproductive and your irrational insistence on screeching it constantly when everybody is telling you to pipe the fuck down and move on is disruptive so please shut the fuck up".


>you are wrecking


ok suburbanoid


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Their will be a brutal police crackdown soon.


what's that food item in the bottom right?






Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Houthis have all expressed support for the protests, what do you know that they don't?


he watched Jason Unrue and Haz and CLEARLY the reason no girl will touch him is because he didn't get enough EPIC TRIGGERER points from THE INTERNET


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This reminds me of this silly funny meme, trying to find the original



Was watching CNN, the protestors are circling the encampment to hold off the piggies


So have students at the University of Tehran.



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I believe this is what Marx referred to as "the Cool Zone", this period of time we are in


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their could be a riot at any one of these red dots


cops can break dat shit ez

they have the finest child beating techniques learned from the IDF

>spare the rod and spoil the child

face it letfypollers there is no defeating the American police state

cop has big muscles (300lb bench bress and cgrissmas ham biceps :D :D :df :D d) and many other cops who are same, they have drones, body armor like Fallout, guns, state power

students protesters:

- trash shield from the Hon Depot (Israeli donor, Bernie Marcus (founder of Hom Depot) funds Israeli police collaboration))
-skinny wrists (lifted like antennas to heaven)
-blue hair


- go home and kill someone and have the best sex of their life

students protestors:

- no sex

only thing student protestors have is bravery but the boys in bloo have that too



>their could be a riot at any one of these red dots
Say it ain't so!


Not at Mary Washington, at there and Virginia Tech they straight up arrested everyone involved as soon as they tried to set up an encampment


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words words words words words


File: 1714415890120.mp4 (1.67 MB, 480x854, uGOAjie.mp4)

okay they cannot break your spirit but they can definitely kill you and unless you're Obi Wan Kenibo ummm..


This entire thread reminds me of when idealists on here shit themselves in anger over people not wanting to support the useless french protests when they were going on. Turns out that those were a nothingburger just like these will be and 90% of non-violent "revolutionary" movements, non violence is a grift by the bourgeoisie to trick the proletariat into never revolting in force. Thats why figures like MLK or Gandhi are always given prescedence in bourgeois history instead of more radical figures like Malcom X, Fred Hampton, etc..


<-skinny wrists (lifted like antennas to heaven)
Kek. Gonna go listen to that. Been time.
<- go home and kill someone and have the best sex of their life (non-consensual)


Kids, this is bait
Do not respond to bait
Do not debait bait
Do not reply to bait except with a snappy oneliner


Police crackdowns on non-violent protestors is what causes revolutionary violence. You are an ahistorical idiot.


Once porky brings out the truncheons, we can't call it non-violent anymore


also (me) check em


>Allahspeed You! uyghur Emperor
god tier band, if you can see them live highly recommend

they played Bosses Hang with this cool ass montage of depressed looking suits and stock market type shit and then I bought an IWW song book off the anarchist tablers


There is no reason not to simply mangle the genitals of every fascist and their families.


Nta and I agree, but there was far more violence during the Floyd protests and that remained largely self-contained as a series of incidents. This is all very interesting, but a measured response makes more sense.


I should clarify, "measured response" as in our part as communists or whatever. Protestors actually on the ground should get more violent.


There are no revolutions without class organizations.


Yes 2020 had more violence, but the police were much more hands off.



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Well, here's hoping a happening doesn't happen while I'm taking a nap, otherwise I'll be mighty upset


>if you can see them live highly recommend
They always used to play live in a very fancy venue here with amazing acoustics but I never made it for one reason or another..I shall one day I hope!


I think 2020 started off genuine, but the police purposely didn't interfere with rioters on purpose. Police are arresting peaceful protestors because police are scared of rioters.


There are actually many good reasons.

Firstable, the Wolves of Vinland and other such pro Hyperborean Hellenistic milk drinking bodybuilding cults exist, and that means statistically (not including the population of obese /pol/tards) most committed fascists are either yoked to the gills criminals or yoked to the gills data scientists who beat their wives.

The leftist is just the proxy wive. They will give you a heaping helping of what they dish out to their own family: Victor Jara's broken little fingers.

"Cutting off the fascist genital" implies that you have the capacity to execute such violent acts, and fascists are much, much better at this than leftists and are in virtually all cases much more well equipped and empowered to do so. The only time this wasn't the case was when the Soviet Union was around, and despite being experienced at bullying fascists into suicide where still bullied into national suicide by the United States.

Think of the Soviet Union as a 5'9 bodybuilder from a humble family who trains BJJ and boxing and has a few titles in each. Think of the USA as the 6'4 jock with a big cock, tons of wealthy connections through family and friends and while not a martial artist, has spent inordinate amounts of time beating the shit out of people and finding ways to beat up people he couldn't beat in a fair fight before then personally putting their head in a toilet and then getting their rich dad to sue you for the emotional damages beating you up incurred.

Basically, the world is an unfair place. Fascists are on top because they are excellent, excellent bullies. The only solution is revolutionary bullying, but leftism is anti bullying by nature.


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What the fuck lmao


Very glad you people have this thread instead of being so off-the-chain autistic in the Gaza Fred.




>Fascists are on top because they are excellent, excellent bullies.

I mean, like you immediately pointed out, there's an obvious solution to that.


I had no idea this is an actual word


It’s like a MadTV episode at this point.


Are you like 15 or just an exceptionally retarded bara porn enthusiast?


Impressive, very nice. Now let's show some Gaza footage from the last 7 months.


Don't care, you still can't reproduce


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Your average fascist has the physique of Heelvsbabyface


Impressive how you have all mocked me and my theses instead of refuting me. You know I'm right! Are you really going to go up to some guy like Tiny Tusitala "Ready To Tussle" Toese and cut his balls off? Fuck no, those guys are ready to throw down. Average leftoid is not some KPD street brawler who defeats whip wielding Freikorp freaks to the point that they flip the table and assume state power and kill everyone.


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>the anonymous group in question


And I'm not saying that fascists are accomplished bullies because I believe in "fascism" or anything, I'm just (saddam) hussein: fascist ball chopping or foreskin salting is not a realistic thing. It's pure LARP.


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>fascist ball chopping is not a realistic thing


And I'm not saying this cannot change! We can erect the true anti fascist weapon of mass destruction: a seven mile spanking machine.

Like human bees, swarm the fascist and vibrate with our heat. Then feed him into the belly of the beast: a spank for each injury against the working class. Have you ever run seven miles? If you have, it's far. It takes me about 50 or so minutes.

Do you think they will survive that many ass smacks? the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin, tho' he being a reactionary cult leader, awaits at the end, hand raised in psychosexual anticipation…


Excuse me I'm here to destroy the theater, not perpetuate it.


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>showing the Hamas highlight reel
zionists self owning again


>paid for by george soros
da joos are scheming against da joos, peak rightoid retardation


I'm paid for by george soros


>rightoids project their own self-centeredness onto anyone who gives a shit



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Its just neocon boomers making the same dogshit caricatures they've been making for over 40 years. (picrel)


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They also project their own soy as well.
They operate on a cringe-base dialectic enforced by a clout protection racket scheme. Ironically this means that most actual dysgenetic sorts typically tend to be right-wing.


So did the Texas Uni site get evicted?
What happening?


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I'm on the ground reporting live… and it appears to be dried mango, OP. So, obviously to you guys back in the studio, this is an extremely expensive snack whom the students' parents paid for, and they're surely very upset at them right now… wait… wait… hold on a second there… we're now going live to a police press conference about their next move to return sanity and normalcy to college.


It took over 1000 years for Augustine's theoretical greed to show up in work vs. leisure decisions among the petit-bourgeoisie. Self-fulfilling prophecies take time


>i don't know what i'm protesting for
olympic level projection


ben garrison is gonna be found drowned in his gold trump-face toilet with a preserved trump steak up his ass


Guarantee this will have a significant portion of his fanbase denounce him for being a "Jewish shill"


>Guarantee this will have a significant portion of his fanbase denounce him for being a "Jewish shill"


Why are right politicians risking alienating their actual anti-Semitic online bases anyways?


>fascists win and hold state power because the left is anti-bullying
>also if you beat up a fascist they will go off and attain state power
You lost me tbh


Because the internet dosn't matter aren't their aren't even that many right-wing anti-smites, its a fringe position, even for the far-right.


totally organic anonymous group who can afford to rent a huge screen for days on end
there's barely any labels. ben is losing his touch


Political careers can continue without votes, but not without money and access. The contest spirit of elections is pure dramatic fluff with only accidents of real substance which we call "gaffes."


>>591122 (me)
Also we already have a burger example of radlib antifa vs local fascists from Portland in 2020, fashoids were run out of the city by limp wristed antifa who used superior tactics and gear and discipline.


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>there's barely any labels. ben is losing his touch


much better


for anyone wondering why i put in racial labels its because I have seen hasbara take photos of white protestors and go to black nationalists on twitter and say this is why they should oppose the protests, and then do the reverse on /pol/


are these antifa even that sissish? I get the impression that it's mostly twinks/nerds vs fats for the most part.


>jews are indigenous to israel
literal heresy lmao
the lore is that they had to migrate to the promised land


Not Your Personal Army.


How much time needed for Tiananmen Square Massacre: USA Edition?


why is it relevant to communists whether jews or palestinians are indigenous to whatever place. stop fighting liberals on their terms


mlk got whitewashed by liberals, he wasnt the hippie youre making him out to be, especially by the time feds decided to murder him

gandhi is a piece of shit but his awful views also got brushed aside by libs

too late


>anti-colonial tactics don't work
I agree with this and will ignore the rest of that sign.


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The point is to illustrate that they don't believe their own bullshit and are just opportunistically saying things.


trying to debunk their bullshit just ends up conceding terrain to them tbh. same with right-winger agitprop in general


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for university of pittsburgh, everything just turned to nothing. their demands were vague and wanted government institutions to break the law, the university just didnt work with the students. the students didnt occupy any school ground, and didnt work strategy-wise or idea-wise in direct discussion. no gathering of materials either for a barrier, anyone just walked in and couldnt really stop israeli protestors from just entering camp and sitting there. the camp goes down tonight. everyone there didnt seem to know about the local laws or economic policies. though i think a major contributor is amount of israelis in pittsburgh and amount of people in general. no one could find anyone and just followed some leaders, and if you wanted to talk about the movement at all strategy-wise or your own opinions, you had to do it off camp. it sorta just fizzled out and everyone left.


Police Assault Anti-Genocide Protestors Across America/Biden Signs TikTok Ban/Pecker Testifies


>you get banned from this website for being new
no wonder its dying


CNN claims that Columbia students at encampment have bee suspended.


US congressman from Tennessee confronted about Gaza


Dont fucking link that little rat fuck dusty smith in here


>Lose your only leverage
<Protests continue
Le fuq



>Their will be a brutal police crackdown soon.
>implying they haven't already been happening


Once you have dismissed their terms as whiny dramatic shit, you can proceed to dismiss everything else they love accordingly, up to and including love itself.


Asinine priest calls campus protests "satanic."


graphic is super misleading. Harvard has a total endowment of 50 billion, some of that is probably invested in actual defense contractors manufacturing weapons for Israel and part in tech companies that probably have contracts with Israel intelligence (all of them basically).

the entire premise of divestment seems kinda impotent and liberal but its a clear goal that has been achieved elsewhere so that's nice ig.


Divestments are what ended apartheid in South Africa.


really, source? I know vietnam protests had like a few divestments happen but it seemed pretty impotent then too.


actually reading about it now, they played a key part. thanks for calling me out


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>'These good gentlemen all shouted "police state"! But when did the bourgeois State not have the form of a police state? It was the feudal state that lacked it, really! And when will this bourgeois State lack it? [….] Where is a non-police state, from West to East?'


This dude and his teenage writing style coupled with his complete disregard for punctuation and capitalization just showed up in every second thread and started posting the most awful opinions on every subject here.


are you following me mod


>Glownonymous with the worst takes
Not surprising at all.



Not a mod and never been. You are such an awful poster that within such a sort time frame you became incredibly notorious, congrats.


i posted in two threads, schizo, care to greentext your opinion.


>A hundred thousand times more impotent because they have zero capacity for violence
Whether it's violent or not is not what defines a movement as impotent or not, at least from a marxist point of view. Even then, the protests have had plenty of "violence", at least according to hysterical news outlets.

I still don't hold the current protests in high regard because so far it's only been disorganized smashies and liberal sloganeering but I'd wait until things are over to make a proper judgement.


There's a couple of faggots who piss their pants whenever someone posts from tor because they're unable to have an actual argument. Not that I haven't seen dogshit opinions from other tor posters, but posts are to be analyzed on their own instead of resorting to faulty quasi-schizophrenic pattern recognition.


They're obviously going to try to get them to stop by offering to reinstate suspended students and expunge their records.


>i posted in two threads

Yes, I have already called you out for being an obnoxious and obvious newfag. Don't need to repeat everything back at me.


The 80s aren't like today. Capital was also global back then, but now things get even more complicated with a bunch of asset managers and equity funds.


meds, immediately
> newfag
im from 8ch days retard


Check this out, he just posted another banging opinion. >>1839320 trying to push for actually anti-semitic pol conspiracies in order to A. apologize for the US' complicitly in this genocide and B. to undermine the current protest movement.


not me


The bulk of the right wing now are islamophobes, not jew haters.


Ah man this brings me back lmao. What a wonderful phrase, thank you anon


zog is obviously bullshit, but saying israel is just a puppet in the hands of washington isn't accurate either


woke up, dumb americans go vote stein or gonna do ball torture on you fucks
I refrain from elaborating further


How is what he said antisemetic. I didn’t read the whole post but it was just a greentext about Hamas tunnels and mines.


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Any news? Fizzle or sizzle status?


I feel like the truth is that Israel has been an ally of convenience due to knocking out Arab leaders the US had problems with like Egypt's Nasser. From then it was ideological Zionists in America formed AIPAC which is the most effective lobbying PAC of all time (at least for any foreign country), more than for Armenia or Ireland who have also exerted pressure on the US government in the past. It also helps that the defense industry gets to use the occupied West bank and Gaza to beta test their weapons systems on Palestinians so they can claim said systems are battle tested, that's why the pro Palestinian chants are "In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians" as these weapons eventually end up in the hands of cops in the US for domestic suppression, and US politics is a revolving door with the defense industry. Combine all the above with blackmail rings set up by the Mossad like the Epstein ring and you get the "special relationship" where the US backs Israel even when it isn't in their cynical imperial interests.



It's times like these where maybe you shouldn't have teamed up with liberals to remove gun rights and give pigs an even bigger monopoly on violence


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AIPCA and CUFI are the GOP at this point, the are also a lot of Dems too.


Except its the uni leaders pushing for evictions not the cops.
And that them having guns has no bearing on clearing out a NVDA encampment.


If they're worried about police raids, they need guns. Pigs only respect force


I'm at Columbia, the protestors occupied an academic building and admin has totally locked the place down. Students and faculty aren't even allowed to enter campus anymore.




Parties exist only for strategic hate management, as Schmitt called it.


this. its mainly evangelical maga boomers, right wing old school anti semites are a minority now.


That is nice, but ever heard of vooting with confidence?


>trying to push for actually anti-semitic pol conspiracie
only if you buy into zionist = jew dogwhistle. If you take into account that the majority of zionists are christians, then its actually true:
>WASHINGTON, Oct 21 (Reuters) - When Joe Biden met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet during his visit to Israel, the U.S. president assured them: "I don't believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist."
the fact is 99.9% of elected US politicians are Zionists.


I have no confidence in Cornell West but I'll vote for him anyway


>trying to push for actually anti-semitic pol conspiracie
only if you buy into zionist = jew dogwhistle. If you take into account that the majority of zionists are christians, then its actually true:
>WASHINGTON, Oct 21 (Reuters) - When Joe Biden met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet during his visit to Israel, the U.S. president assured them: "I don't believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist."
the fact is 99.9% of elected US politicians are Zionists.


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This will probably have fizzled within a week, but it's interesting that burgers can create the occasional flashpoint.


If the cops stop cracking down this will end when school ends for college. If the cops continue to beat up peaceful protesters that will galvanize more protesters.


Yet "socialist" foreign countries don't feed in any arms or anything. It's played like a genteel game of mindfucking the global many, playing into Lenin's lawyerly state fetishism rather than against it.


Why would China, Cuba, Vietnam etc. Risk getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar over a student protest that's unlikely to have staying power?


how long until guys like this start getting assassinated so they can meet God faster?


Be the change you want to see in the world


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Is PSL running someone for POTUS? I want to voot for PSL because of how good of a job they are doing?


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>zog is obviously bullshit, but saying israel is just a puppet in the hands of washington isn't accurate either
I think it's better to think of it as a two-way relationship or interaction. I can't say Israel has acted in a "restrained" manner, like at all, but I think it's possible the U.S. did pull Israel back from simultaneously invading Lebanon at least up to the Litani River and launching an all-out assault… before Hezbollah even started skirmishing along the border. The Israelis actually did this in '67 against Egypt but the U.S. didn't have as much of a relationship at the time.

There was talk in the Israeli press that the war cabinet was seriously considering it and some of the generals were pushing for it, and I think that's one reason why Biden sent the carriers, not to aim them *at* Israel, but as a backstop so they wouldn't go completely crazy, just 90% crazy. Or 100% crazy and not 110% crazy. But they went out of their minds and mobilized half a million soldiers. A fraction of them actually went into Gaza.

>This will probably have fizzled within a week, but it's interesting that burgers can create the occasional flashpoint.
I think telling Americans they can't do something will make them want to do it more. It's the "can do" attitude and its opposite, "you can't tell me what to do." The moment the universities were telling students they can't do the protest, it just blows up into a thing. It's like telling MAGA people they can't own a gun. Like hell I can't!


PSL, has Claudia de la Cruz running for POTUS, and Karina Garcia for VP.

All the best anon, hope you vote for PSL.



"It’s 20 January 2025, the day of the presidential inauguration. After taking the oath of office the new president, a 44-year-old woman, born in the Bronx to Dominican parents, takes her seat in the office and gets to work."

"In one of the first acts of Claudia de la Cruz’s presidency, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk watch on as the government seizes control of Amazon and Tesla, along with all of the top 100 corporations in the US."

"And that’s just the start. De la Cruz, America’s first socialist president, goes on to abolish the Senate and the supreme court – there isn’t a specific plan as to how – as well as disbanding the FBI and the CIA and reining in the military."


>saying the US government is zionist is antisemitic
libs can fuck off, jfk was assassinated by cia and mossad for pushing to not arm israel with nukes and force zionists working for their government to register as foreign agents


This is great, I will differently overlook the idpol and vote for her anyways.


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>there isn’t a specific plan as to how


Oh shit, smashies are tearing down buildings at Cloumbia.


it was going to happen at somepoint. Smashies love this kind of shit.


Columbia shouldn't have called the NYPD. This is what happens when you bring out the pigs.


Pigs, smashies, same picture


The Left Can't Make Use of the Gaza War?

Douglas Lain discusses Leftypol mods banning criticism of the anti-war movement.


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Tldr it for us, itgfag.


>war is the health of the state, and health is pretty cool ackshually


Pro Israel protesters released backpack full of mice into pro-Palestine encampment


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<owning the protesters by …giving them free friend mices…


thats fucked up
people who are camping overnight have food supplies that the mice will eat and ruin


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you know how zionists could really disrupt pro-palestine protests? by releasing european chafer beetles into the nearby lawns, they could truly and utterly btfo pro-palestine protestors.


Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein was one among more than 80 protesters arrested at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on Saturday as a wave of anti-war demonstrations at college campuses sweeps the nation.



Take your adderall and watch the fucking video, zoomer.


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Surely we can vote ourselves out of this bind my fellow libsisters




videos are for zoomers who can't read
why not read the article? https://sublationmedia.com/the-left-cannot-make-use-of-the-gaza-war/
(you'll get something different to the people discussing it, obviously, but they didn't put subtitles which means you can't just click "view captions" and then read the thing in 5 minutes rather than watching for 55, but hey, that's their loss.)


(man what a terrible article)


This. After finals everyone's packing up and going home, just like every student movement.


Whats going on with the Columbia building occupation anons?
Will other uni's follow this escalation?


I just read it. I think his premises are BS. Bad article.


what a garbage article, i wish i couldn't read


What a stupid article, skimmed to one point, how does the author do mental gymnastics, of how Palestinians can't have a state due to specifics about population, and then the whole "this is ethno-nationalist", what a bullshit article.


"The nation-state system is a contingent feature of a particular historical moment in capitalism. Increasingly, nation-states are unable to solve irreducibly global problems. They cannot manage flows of capital and people."

Is the author stupid, does not capitalist nation-states, and even socialist nation-states, have policies, and either allowing or limiting policies on volume of immigration, and volume of trade, what abstract theory has gone into his brain?


Whats going on with the Columbia building occupation anons?
Will other uni's follow this escalation?
<I just read it
>I think his premises are BS
also. Delibwrately vague and ambiguous wording to, I think, reach conclusions he wanted to.
In a word; Slippery


Either with plans or without, if she wins the establishment will fuck her with a parlamentary coup or a military coup in the first 3 days of presidency
It is another question if a mutiny on the size of kornilov affair starts the american red october.


Bruh moment


>2 more weeks
libs have been prophesying the death of the nation state for ages now, yet they're more powerful than ever




Yes modern Americans are too cucked by the peaceful protest meme but that doesn't mean we should be dismissive of it. We should encourage the anti-Zionist project in all cases.


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Stopping freedom of movement is oppression!




How much longer until someone gets killed at these protests?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Zionist counter protestors at UCLA are the worst agitators I've seen yet, dumping rats and cockroaches into the protests is some weird shit. And if you try and do anything against that they just scream antisemitism and how it's a pogrom. Bitch you're the one coming to a protest and getting owned.


wouldn't be surprised and in fact kind of expect them to stage stuff like this where a group of people conveniently all wearing the same mark of affiliation are beating up the jewish zionist. they already had a case where an undercover cop was wearing a keffiyeh.


All I wish for is total zionist death


It's American university students, so I feel like they're going to keep cops on a leash. Regardless, if you were to graph it the longer the period of time spent in the vicinity of a cop the greater the likelihood of being murdered = 1.


is there a livestream?

I've been listening to this radio station for updates, but surely there's someone w/ a phone there.



Cops are gathering outside the Columbia liberated zone and are preparing for a raid.


Hoo boy this is gonna get ugly


Man Israel is neo-Francoist Spain isn't it?


Nah it's just straight Hitlerian, Franco fought decolonization but I don't think was actively trying to expand it's remaining colonies, he was much more rational than Netanyahu in that way


it's joever


They've officially breached at least one of the barricades and are violently arresting students. Something something those who make peaceful protest impossible will make violent revolution inevitable



it ain't over. this is just the beginning. all the people imprisoned and many of them are gonna turn into a political vanguard due to their circumstances. the uSS answering with armed forces right now will only radicalize the students further n further.


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Imo the one of the most important things about the student protest is the formation of international solidarity and a growing resilience against imperial propaganda at least in America

To stop eco-fascist and malthusian genocides in a future nearer than it appears, as the world faces likely the larges migration in human history, we will need international solidarity


This also isn't counting how this will impact the protests going on at other colleges and universities


It's just another colonialist state in its developing stage. Not at all different to South Africa, Algeria or South Korea from a few decades ago. That's how they always work. The difference this time is that it's fully broadcast on the internet so people know how horrifying it truly is.


Is interesting to me how American students didn’t get psyoped into doing shit like this for Ukraine or Taiwan yet are doing this for the true crime happening right now


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She's breaking the glass so she chain the door shut.

There's a video of a girl on the ground and pro-Israel people around her trying to help her up, but I didn't see any keffiyeh-wearing thugs beat her up. There's just text over the video that just, like, *says* that happened. Well, okay. But she could've just tripped and hit her head.


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Honestly seeing the groundswell of support for Palestine around the world, but especially in the US (for how out of character it is), is one of the biggest hope pills of the century so far.


>fizzled within a week
it's been over two weeks already, we're past the mark



>NYT: Richard Spencer praises the antisemitic college protests


Well no shit. Rightoids are cowardly cucks who hide behind the police


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There's no point to acknowledging any of Spencer's posts, bait or otherwise.

That said, the US right cannot ideologically clash with local policemen. It would shatter their cohesion and resolve. The most radical segment could resist "federal" police, and in the increasingly less recent past have.


Last time they were more useful as online informers and NAFO psyop irregulars.

Absolutely luminescent


Eh they were psyoped easily for Hong Kong and Xinjiang. They still don't want to talk about those issues because they are fractious and sensitive still.


The 22-Year-Old American Leftist Freer

>Free Palestine

>Free Tibet
>Free Hong Kong
>Free Shmurda


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Handcuffs and shackles won't frighten us.
Neither cattle prod nor electrical whip will silence us.
We shall use all peaceful means to overcome tyranny.
Persist and march on.
They can't use our shame against us,
Regardless of race, social status or gender.
We're all affected.


Lmao rightoids being scared of college kids never stops being funny




And the police have stormed the liberated zone at Columbia and begun mass arrests


Do we have information where the students are being detained?


Putting the power in power ballad, aight


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Welp here we go


Is this gonna fizzle or sizzle, ladies and germs?


==Divided and conquered
Gripped by fear
Wishful thinking that it can't happen here
It's well underway but nobody knows
A repeat of history
That's how it goes==


I wish I could've watched this all go down, but the NYPD physically blockaded us inside our buildings (people on campus proper were threatened with arrest if they left their buildings.) Allegedly bystanders were beaten by cops as they cleared the area around campus.


Stay safe anon


Thanks. I'm just waiting to see how people respond tomorrow, and how badly the MSM and Twitter retards distort the facts. The media coverage of all this has had my blood boiling more than anything else.


Mark my words if the NYPD goes ham it causes a further consensus crack here in burgerland and risks another flashpoint. The rage from 2020 is still simmering, zoomers and millennials are pissed off at everything and everyone


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>It's American university students, so I feel like they're going to keep cops on a leash.


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Jesse Singal is a turd whos claim to fame is being an anti trans intellectual dark web wannabe


>Fahrenheit 451 is about how bad TV is.
Artists can pretend anything they want, especially to avoid potential lawsuits and censure.
But the work stands alone.


Yes but that post is making a joke about the egoism theme.


or they could annihilate everyone since they count with one of the most massive, better trained armies against insurgencies, and the rioters are escalating more and more…
if the universitary petite bourgeois doesnt link its struggles with the working class theyre toast. that already happened here during the 70s and uhhhhhh its not pretty


>if the universitary petite bourgeois doesnt link its struggles with the working class theyre toast
Unfortunately, I don't see this happening. Even if the rank and file are actually majority-sympathetic to the protesters (this is debatable), the union leadership still overwhelmingly backs the Dems and the Dems overwhelmingly oppose the protests. The students should still put up as much of a fight as they can, but things aren't gonna end well for them in all likelihood.


>The media coverage of all this has had my blood boiling more than anything else
Just ignore it, friend. The media apparatus is (and has always been) an arm of the capitalists. Journalists do not actually aim to tell the truth or properly inform the public so there's no reason to get mad when they fail to do so.


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Pro-palestine encampment at UCLA is being bombarded by Zionists with fireworks, they're also shining laser pointers at people's eyes and trying to break up the camp's barricades. Cops are flying overhead in a helicopter. Will post a little more


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It's really heating up there's scuffles, people are using bear mace


vid2… is that a baby? who the fuck takes a kid to this?


>rightoids launching explosives at a protest
wow sure hope the police do something about it.


That shit can easily inflict lifelong tinnitus and other hearing damage. If protestors were throwing firecrackers at cops they'd probably get locked up for life




>trying to hold a position without guns
If they know you're armed, they will wait you out. Otherwise, piggies will have fun cracking skulls

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