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File: 1679817960381-0.png (321.67 KB, 927x873, mod autism 2.png)

File: 1679817960381-1.png (155.83 KB, 1851x531, mod autism 1.png)


why was i banned and my post deleted, but my ban isn't in the logs.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Looked it up
incel shite


It's a locker you mongoloid
Are you okay? Calm down, you are incoherent


oh no where did it go?


>Mods make a literal Fairy Tail Tartaros reference


I don't even know what that is. If I've made any reference it was accidental.

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I've been banned twice now for no discernible reason. all it tells me is that I was banned the exact moment I tried to post something and that I cannot post for another week, I could understand if I did something against the rules but I haven't even been told why that is so I don't know what to correct or stop doing.
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no, I haven't been using one


Absolutely hilarious that they do this for free


What does the ban message say?


I went back to check, but it seems the ban was lifted even though it said I would have to wait till the 28th.


All the world's a stage and we on it merely actors

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This thread is for feedback, suggestions, complaints, questions etc. regarding leftybooru, the main image repository used by /leftypol/


Leftybooru FAQ and Rules:
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B-but, i'm just talking about something that i thought it was worth mentioning


Tf is this spam


a bot got past the captcha. this has been removed.




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You forgot to delete this on the forum


Why was my anti natalism thread deleted?

is anti natalism banned on leftypol now?
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>Anti natalism is a form of anticapitalist praxis


>Not a janny tho.
I'm just going to assume you are a janny mostly because they refuse to post with their capcodes on /meta/ for "some" reason.


Are you still beating your mom tho?


No, but your mom is beating me off and she is enjoying it.


You are boring, predictable. I was making yo mama jokes when you were no more than a clump of cells.


Four pages of this is fucking absurd, and only some are related to Alunya. I think its time we put of foot down and tell Grace Anon that the booru is not a storage area for them and we will delete anything grace related not related to Alunya/leftypol. It floods the booru and makes it so that you have to go through several pages to browse it for leftypol OC


Uh-uhm… I like it. Thanks to anon :3


grace has paid for alunya art so why not let them use the booru in return, it's fine




>sexualized cartoons = principles


This website needs a travel board


You mean a board to doxx users by their movement?


why not just use hobby?


yeah there is a travel thread in hobby already:

I made a thread a while ago for making a cytube channel for a leftypol road trip if anyone's interested:


No wonder I didn't see that thread, it's on page 15


I think that the Tor posting should be allowed again but Tor user cannot post images or create threads and must complete a CAPTCHA before posting.
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/leftypol/'s homebrew captcha doesn't require javascript iirc, its only ever been used like twice during big spam/raids though.


but why


>retarded opinion


who are you quoting


The OP clearly

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"Hi I'm a team leader at subvert.io private intelligence agency. It's a great place to work. I have unlimited access to the latest and greatest GPT bots, 30 analysts and 100 junior shitposters….I mean posting colleagues. We contract to the government agencies, the other government agencies, psycho right wing billionaires, university research departments, gulf monarchs and overseas governments too. We like to say there's no forum too obscure to penetrate, control, embrace and neuter!"

What structures are in place to make sure that I'm not wasting my time posting on some kind of controlled truman show illusion?

Like, wouldn't it be best practice for the weblord or whatever to post daily stats and analysis of site data and posting patterns? What would be best practice for a anonymous left imageboard in 2022 to make sure important customers like me aren't wasting their time?

Need some reassurance before I can love again.


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Capitalism moment


i've thought about this a bunch of times, but then i realized i don't care either way


This was pretty prescient. Has it been addressed by mods in a post anywhere?


how? what? why?
I can identify ChatGPT quite easily

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quick question yall can delete this if theres a way to directly ask the mods this kind of thing but what happend to that one bread about the white working class? in not upset or anything im jusst curious I was gone for like 2 hours max n that shit was gone. did some crazy shit happen?



Moved it back, false positive sorry

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>Options field is a dropdown menu with a single option
Do the devs know there's checkboxes for that?
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Nah it's just they thought it being an email field made people not use it much, and noobs didn't know what saying was so they wanted something plain language. Should be a checkmark with the word sage, with hoverable alt-text explaining what saging is.


>with the word sage
but why


It's shorter.


but space isn't an issue


There should be a [] sage checkbox before [] Spoiler image and get rid of the options row.

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