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Filter "lumpen" to "-oomer" pls
26 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


bumping the wordfilter suggestion thread. bonus ones:
mrbeast -> nrvnqsr
ai -> machine leanring
soy -> shoyu
goon -> The GNU Operating System


if wordfilters are for overused buzzwords then pedo should be on the list. im not witty enough to figure out what it should be filtered to, tho


Schizo and schizophrenic to "contradictory"


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>pedo should be on the list. im not witty enough to figure out what it should be filtered to, tho
How about "conservative Christian"?


This is actually very good.

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why are people allowed to defend concepts like nationalism and class collaboration on /leftypol/ when you slap china on the image for the thread? you guys are able to ban/delete random posts about "conspiracy theories", people being mean to pro-russian people and random people who got a minor fact wrong in the eyes of the staff.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


This site is dogshit. Thats why I have no remorse shitting it up with low effort shit posts


Its well established https://neznansky.github.io/docs/oss/2001-Book.pdf

Anyway, I would also like to add murder/torture fantasies, calls for group X to be genocided, mouth-foaming bloodthirst post and goreposting in list of things that maybe should be cracked down upon. People complain about this imageboard dying, but like what impression is any newcomer gonna get when they visit /leftypol/ and see some freak stroking themselves to pictures of mutilated corpses on /ukraine/.


this is just about aggression, not violence in general of which there are many types :-DDDDDD


literally a bannable offense and enforced
>some freak stroking themselves to pictures of mutilated corpses on /ukraine/
What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody on /ukraine/ does that. We only got some gore spam early on from /pol/ spammers trying to shit on Russia and that was deleted and everyone told them to fuck off. Stop making shit up.


This feels like some fascist equivocating again.
Point out defense of "collaboration"
>being mean
Most of the time it's not content but form that gets people banned.
I still can't get over how persistently and aggressively obnoxious some people act.
What's a ukraine?

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the word "russian saboteur" should get filtered to "kicycle."


LMFAO didn't realize it already had a filter


what the fucj is a kicycle




What a waste of trips


finish the song

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So, can any mods here explain to me why this thread (https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1671636.html) was saged despite having at least some quality discussion despite the OP being B8 while this thread (https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1671745.html), which is full of "Marxist" shitlibs promoting the "Uighur Genocide" and other atrocity propaganda is allowed to remain unsaged?


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moderation is often random. I agree saging that thread was bullshit, wouldnt have known about zapatistas declaration without it, and it would prolly have been revived when they made additional declarations. If they think its bad faith shit just ban the OP for misleading people but keep the thread.
And I agree that other thread is a fucking cesspool of nato propaganda asking for a large purge. IMO it falls within the "reactionary shit cloaked in leftist rhetoric", claiming china or latin america is "false anti imperialism" should be bannable. Hope its just tourists from palestine happening shitting up the website because the janguard isnt up to the task.


its fake news, simple as.
maybe if the OP said the Zapatistas were restructuring and not finished


for the retarded mod who deleted my thread because I didn't agree with him:


Many such cases.


very civil post anon


ok .neteen

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didnt know this existed, and thought i was doomed to browse 4chan blue boards as the only active and least biggotted (because all the other image boards i knew of were even worse) image board where i didnt have to sign up for

im a trotskyist, are those allowed here or should i just pack up my shit and leave or just consign myself to going here for memes
thank you for the info regardless
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


>I am X
you are an internet addict and a larper


>you are x


ironically i used to be but by the time i switched from anarchism to this, ive actually used the interent far far less now lmao
transitional program and permanent revolution are pretty cool ideas i think are cooler than stages """"theory"""" and him saying stalinism was cringe and not based was pretty based imo (also im an english born somalilander so maybe that has to do with something idk)
thank you all, ill enjoy the stay


>and him saying stalinism was cringe and not based was pretty based imo
Lol literally the core of "Trotskyism."


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You are welcome here on leftypol, but remember, do not expect agreement, some of us will mock you, some of us will ignore you and some will dismiss you. Memes and shitposting is a part of the site and the users, so relax, enjoy yourself and don't take everything too seriously.

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For how long do we archive threads ? Is there any way to mark a thread we find especially good for long time archiving ? Or do we rely on external things like wayback machine and posts screencaps ?
And if we actually archive everything forever, thats a big pile of shit to shift through, so we should still have a way to mark thread/posts especially valuable

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do reports in the report inbox show the whole post or only a link? how detailed should i be with my reports?


I mean they will check the post first anyway, its prolly just used to prioritize and know what to look for if not immediately obvious so id keep it short


it shows the post, you don't have to be that detailed


it shows the whole post, but having at least a word or short sentence as the report reason helps us know what we are looking for. especially if the post is like, a bajillion paragraphs long.


Pro-tip: if it's an obvious shitter, you can write a nice message to the mods in the report. I do that sometimes. (Granted, I equally as often call them incompetent by the same method.)


Petition to filter "schizo" to "neurotypical".
14 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>lets make all conversation a completely incomprehensible word-salad because my schizo takes are being called out every time!
Word-filters should be used sparingly


schizo -> free spirited
retard -> schizoid
autist -> engineer
normie -> ur mom
normalfag -> normie


This is so cringe, yet feels so early 2000s that I fucking love it at the same time. love-hate it?


As per >>>/siberia/462393 i suggest filtering "pretend to be a woman" to "look like a bird".


learn regex
s/pretend(s|ing)? to be a woman/look\1 like a bird/

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Issue: The site doesn't support attaching webp files from the clipboard. The image of Komarov was copy pasted from a social media site which converts everything to webp, most sites today use webp because it's smaller than png - its just better in every way. I hate cluttering my drive with random garbage so whenever posting memes and shit I just copypaste stuff, but this issue is is very annoying because I have to go in paint to paste it there and copy it again before it will work.

Error message: {"readyState":4,"responseText":"<html>\r\n<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>cloudflare</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n","status":400,"statusText":"error"}


>webp files
It doesn't support uploading webp at all, though it uses it for thumbnails. Webp is a bad format and libwebp regularly has security issues, but it's smallest we're getting until mozzila enables jxl in stable.

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