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File: 1659142196280.gif (972.83 KB, 350x260, 1442214374207.gif)


Is the overboard worth for le higher PPH when most of those posts come from retards who aren't actually interested in whatever topic at hand?




I use it,and I actually read what board the threads come from before franctically shitposting.


Every since we got /alt/, it's only for adrenalinefags weening off 4chan


I hate green bell peppers


File: 1659339721356.png (152.91 KB, 638x309, green is my pepper.png)

You will eat the peppers.


good god, can you stop making shit up?


Only if you give me a good word for people who can't handle less that one post per hour, dictionary-reactionary.


File: 1659368597859.jpg (115.37 KB, 800x450, yamcat.jpg)


I use the overboard because I engage in all boards. I don't understand what you're trying to say though. Could you rephrase?

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