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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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I haven't been here in years. How have things been?

Oh apparently I need 150 characters. I remember that lel. Well I'll just say despite not hanging out here I'm still a Marxist, I've just been hanging out in other places.


Nothing ever happens


You’re not missing much, this place is a radlib shithole that gives a free pass to let you spew as much Russo/Sinophobia straight from MSNBC as you please as long as you pretend it’s for the sake of socialism


go to /meta/ or some shit


Are you shitting me?


I don't even know what that is. I was here when it was still on 8chan


So you're all just miserable cunts now?


No most here are idiots


Less anarchists and less namefags now


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>I haven't been here in years. How have things been?
Ukraine broke a lot of brains here.


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Jesus what's next, Zionism?


sorry anon I forgot this board was called /multipol/


See OP this is what i meant there are anons here like >>32429 who think any critical analysis of the war is "let you spew as much Russo/Sinophobia (unironic idpol glammed up as anti-racism) straight from MSNBC (no one does this)". Also the claims of radliberry is entirely projection on their part, they are no different from Agent Kochinskiite pro-ukrop faggots.


Are you sure? I'm pretty pro china and even pro russia and haven't noticed much of what you mention aside from threads that last less than a day



Its shit. Board is infested by Neokautskian campists who simp for russia or china because "at least its slightly less bad than the usa".

There is no more serious discussion of world events, its all just campists shouting "whitey" at anyone who says something like ukrainian conscripts don't deserve to die for western oil interests. In the good old days you would get banned for being an identity politics retard.

But hey, the campists won out. Your best bet is never coming back here, joining an actual party irl, and avoiding online russian and chinese capitalist psyop influencers.


leave whitey


You might recall a classic meme of a map of the world with 'the line at which fascism becomes anti-imperialism'. Suffice to say 80% of the board's current remaining users sincerely believes that now and will hysterically call you a glowie for being an actual communist rather than a cheerleader for foreign porkies.


95% of the original founders of the board would have told you to kill yourself. Now there are mods that defend kautskian revisionist identity politics chauvinism,


Oh are you crying


>radlib heaven!
>tankie heaven!
lol, op you might just wanna lurk for a bit and make your own conclusions


How is being for the victory of the imperial periphery “Kautskyite” in any way? Kautsky was explicitly a Germanic chauvinist who much like many socialists here saw people outside America and Western Europe as too primitive to do socialism properly


/siberia/ and the /alt/ boards are pretty comfy. /leftypol/ has been demoted to the news addict containment board, with real discussion happening on the other boards.


hi fellow old poster! old posters only i n this thread


Yes it's looking like that. It sounds like the board has become Agent Kochinski vs. Jackson Hinkle or something


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>tankie heaven!
Kautskists aren't tankies.


/leftypol/ hasn't been any better.


we have an epic twitter account now


> Kautsky was explicitly a Germanic chauvinist
Maybe you should read the reasons kautsky sided with the german state.

At the time of ww1, the german state had the most powerfull labour movement in the world, the SPD was the most powerfull workers party in existance. He sided with the german weimar republic in the war against russia and the rest because he thought saving the place with the most potential for socialism against backwards reactionary enemies was the best way forward.
This same logic is used today. China and russia are painted as the most fertile grounds for a possible socialist future that must be defended against the backwards reactionary american empire.
Kautsky was not an ethno-nationalist like hitler.

Championing one side of an active war in which millions of workers on both sides are send to their deaths at the behest of their national bourgoiesie, because one of the sides is less reactionary than the other, is kautskism. In fact, Kautski explicitly put forward a theory of ultra imperialism, which i will quote below, see if it rings any bells:
>What Marx said of capitalism can also be applied to imperialism: monopoly creates competition and competition monopoly. The frantic competition of giant firms, giant banks and multi-millionaires obliged the great financial groups, who were absorbing the small ones, to think up the notion of the cartel. In the same way, the result of the World War between the great imperialist powers may be a federation of the strongest, who renounce their arms race.
This is just the same illusion that BRICS headed by China holds up to the world. The idea that capitalist powers will realize war costs too much and just divide the world up with benefit for all parties, rather than fight wars.
Lenin in the early part of the 20th century wrote books and books on how this is absolute idiocy and can never happen in real life. If you reject Lenins fundamental work on this, you are not a Marxist Leninist, hell, you aren't a marxist by my standards.


the ukraine and china threads are fast moving echo chambers where no good discussion is to be had.
I should have nuked this site when i had the chance.


this place is less of a radlib shithole and more a site for people with permanently rustled jimmies, everyone thinks some faggot saying "i disagree" amounts too repression


generals were, in general, a mistake


I wouldn't say that. Is there sinophobia on Leftypol? Yes, as most of the Western "Left" is sinophobic but it's not as bad as it is elsewhere. One of the few good things I could say about the mods here is that they do shut down most Reddit-tier glow-posts. There's a China thread with at least one anon from China (https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/211384.html) that does not tolerate sinophobia. I don't often go on /ukraine/ but they do push back against NAFO-tier bullshit.


Notice how the person whining about people criticising russia and china on marxist grounds and calling it racist is using tor.


You're acting like it's Russia's and China's fault that the Western bourgie porkies don't hegemon over the world anymore.


an inane reply with only incidental relevance to what he actually said. why? explain your thought process or absence of one.


You mean what you said.


Oh no… I have been found!


i have posted in this thread exactly thrice:
now explain how on earth a post setting out kautsky's position has anything to do with a moral notion of "fault" or what language gives you the impression that >>32456 is "acting" in that way. explain why you offered no engagement to the bulk of the post, which related to kautsky, while throwing out the kind of meaningless reply that serves as a warning to every user who thinks about explaining something not to bother because they'll only regret it when they get a reply like yours.




>You're acting like it's Russia's and China's fault that the Western bourgie porkies don't hegemon over the world anymore.
No i'm saying that "marxists" simultaniously saying that there is a new emerging multipolar order (multiple imperialist powers murdering each others population), denying any of them except the nato camp are imperialist powers while championing the non nato imperialist powers are the saviours of the communists who are not to be criticised are kautskyites and not marxists.

It is not the task of marxists to support one capitalist power against another, and its especially not the task to support an imperialist power against another. It is the task of marxists to foment revolution, organise the working class, build global working class conciousness and set people up in opposition to their capitalist governments so that when a revolutionary situation happens they can take advantage of it whereever it may happen.

Cheering on russian conscripts dying in ukraine fighing ukrainian conscripts all over ukrainian natural oil and gas fields and markets is not marxist, will not build working class power, it destroys working class power, you become the propagandist of the enemy.

I completely agree with >>32465, >>32468 , this is always what happens. Your lot are a clear psychological operation, using tor to evade bans and detections, using every textbook derailment and fallacy to avoid having to face the holes in your narrative. The campist clique is not an organic movement, it is spearheaded by the likes of Maupin, who openly works for russian state media, and is on this board perpetuated by a self-identifying anonymous chinese person, when in fact leftypol is not banned in china and everything they post follows the official government line of the CPC. Its a psy-op to drum up support for the other camp inside the nato camp, and to disrupt any attempts at actual communist organising which would threaten the capitalists powers of Russia, China and other BRICS countries.


You fail to see the forest for the trees. Kautsky’s conclusions were not rooted in Marxism but in white supremacy, multipolarity by contrast is a refutation of that institutional supremacy except somehow it’s fascism whenever a brown nation dares assert its sovereignty from economic and cultural imperialism. People on this site regularly talk shit about countries like Iran and Syria and call them fascists because they’re religious and their women aren’t compelled to become prostitutes like in the west, just like Kautsky these western leftists believe that their culture must destroy all others so that socialism can be done properly, even if that means siding with capitalism against AES nations


Amusing how anti-multipolaristas have managed to warp a special military operation within a country’s sovereign territory to stop a Nazi bandit occupational government from committing genocide into “both sides bad”. Neither Washington nor Moscow am I right?


You people are so sensitive lol


>Kautsky’s conclusions were not rooted in Marxism but in white supremacy
Ah yes. How could i be so blind. Kautsky was a white supremacist (at a time and place where whiteness did not exist) so he supported his newly formed bourgoies state in a war against other white european countries.
If anyone on this site is a serious marxist, read this laughable bullshit that completely throws class analysis and primary sources out the windows in favour of US-centric race war fantasies (that dont even make sense in this instance), and still thinks there is any merit to this horseshit, you should get off social media, the internet, and go outside, speak to people irl, read some marx lenin and mao.

There is no genocide of russians in ukraine
Neither washinton nor moscow actually does apply now because russia is litterally a capitalist oligarchy, and not the beacon of light on the hill that the ussr was.


>call them fascists because they’re religious and their women aren’t compelled to become prostitutes like in the west
>a special military operation within a country’s sovereign territory to stop a Nazi bandit occupational government from committing genocide
if i had TOR and was trying to make glowposters look like they were in the pay of foreign intelligence agencies, i couldn't write better posts myself. you look half silly and half like you're graded by following a style guide.


critical support for the Kaiser in his noble struggle against the Anglo-French unipolar order


UN said from the 10000 civilian casualties from the russian/ukraine war, 93% are caused by russians against ukraine civilians.



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Now let's look at the casualties between 2014 and 2022


secret confession: the entire region within the former Ukrainian SSR could disappear and it would not make a jot of difference on my life. even the existential questions it threw up: how does a whole region disappear? why does it now look like the swirling, blood-red morass that used to the south pole in the Evangelion series? why does it seem like all of mankind has become infertile?
don't care, don't care, don't care. i have work tomorrow and books to read. any analysis i make starts from memory of this fundamental point.


Where can i see the data about that período? Any recomendations?


anarkiddies are leaking because the /leftpol/ containment board doesn’t exist anymore

isn’t it weird how supposed oldfags cry about tankies but never mention /leftpol/ or /marx/ or all of the other offshoots?


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90% of Nazi civilian casualties happened when they started losing from 1944 onwards. Remember that there was a Nazi proletariat and Soviet bourgeousie. Funny how tankies always supported the slaughter of civilians because they were born in the wrong country. So much for proletarian solidarity and class consciousness, they are just brown-red fascists.

And let’s talk about Wehrmacht troops and even SS, weren’t they all not also proletarian? Think about it. Dirlewanger brigade and Mengele too could’ve been reeducated and put into use to save children! Such a waste of talent, but like always multipolarists and tankies are just supporting capitalist states like they allied with the USA, UK and France against the supposed Nazi baddy, yeah right.


Well they weren't nazi proles, they were proles that were unfortunate enough to live under nazi rule.

Soldiers aren't proles tho, they're petit bourgs: as in they work on a contract / commission rather than conventional employment. Though personally I don't think that matters much.


>they're petit bourgs: as in they work on a contract / commission rather than conventional employment
based uber uplifting so many proles to petit-bourgeois status


>Neokautskian campists


Kautsky supported one imperialist side in an interimperialist war. Campist is a trot slur for people who supported the "socialist camp" meaning the USSR during the cold war with the US. The USSR was communist. China is communist. Being in the socialist camp is good.


Caleb Hammer talks about how full-time uber drivers can make six figures. Uber drivers really are petite-bourgeois. Their cars are not articles of consumption. Their cars are productive capital.


>China is communist
Damn, its 2050 already?


>Caleb Hammer talks about how full-time uber drivers can make six figures.
On what planet?
>Uber drivers really are petite-bourgeois. Their cars are not articles of consumption. Their cars are productive capital.
Cars depreciate in value. It's not like land that will always be worth something.


Caught up


>on what planet
It was a passing remark from one of his videos where he gives financial advice. I will never find it.

These Uber drivers here verify everything I say. The Uber and Doordash subreddits have a totally petite-bourgeois class character.

The income isn't what makes them bourgeois, it's how they get it. The petite Uber bourgeoisie are out here letting their goddamned fully automated computer cars drive them around, leaned back in full blast air-conditioning, watching the profit pour into their accounts effortlessly transaction by transaction. M-C-M' Let's be real. These people are not proletariat.
>cars are a depreciating asset
So is literally any machinery.


"I should add, it's entirely possible to make 6 figures in some markets. Don't just assume someone is lying about it. Between car repairs, having to buy a "new" used car when mine finally crapped out and just taking a steady supply of Fuckitol (tm), I was off for at least a total of 3 months or would have been over 100k easily. Seems like a lot at the time til expenses and that dreaded tax bill comes. Probably closer to minimum wage."


reminder that the Americans were considered better and more humane than the British Empire and that the British Empire was also once considered a humane alternative to the Spanish


Such is the circumstance of most of the petite-bourgeoisie. Just as how a capitalist with shittier machinery makes less profit, a door dash capitalist who can invest in a brand new AI battery car reduces his costs and maximizes his profit.


calling uber drivers petit bourgeois is just a rampant misuse of the term, but what else is new from you


Don't dissociate now


There was such a map!? Please send it. I'm too curious


> Now there are mods that defend kautskian revisionist identity politics chauvinism


Schizzoid forgot to take his pills


> letting their goddamned fully automated computer cars drive them around
Bro hasn't touched grass in the last 4 years


What do.you mean by this


there's no such thing as fully automated cars yet.


The ukraine war broke this place's mind and a bunch of the userbase got alienated by duginist tryhards and left


even those godawful threads feel slow these days, so they truly shat up the whole place and then left


>Muh Dugin!!!
Oh do stop making shit up just because you're ass-mad that the majority of users did not agree with bothsideist sewage spilled out by ideologues. This shit about "le duginites" is literally the baseless narrative Western MSM claimed, about how Dugin was the ideological adviser for Putin or some shit and how he was the one directing Russian policy. The number of Duginists on this site was never high, not even in the Ukraine thread
>It's Slooow
The current thread is slow because not a lot of major new shit is happening, people discuss shit just fine, they're just not buying into bad-faith garbage attempting middle-of-the-road idealism that glowies encourage.

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