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Is it possible to have an option to preview or at least edit posts? I don't like having to delete and re-post after making a mistake.


git gud


I feel like making the markup commonmark markdown would be helpful for this. Hate forgetting that double * is spoiler on here, not bold.


get filtered, redditoid


Markdown is one of the most popular markup languages in existence. It's trivial to implement a flavor that doesn't use "Reddit spacing"
This is like sticking with HTML formatting for no reason. There could even be an optional checkbox to activate Vichan-flavored markdown. Idk why nobody else instantly comes up with perfect software ideas like me. I guess we can't all be perfect and wise in the ways of the world and humble like me, sadly.


I didn't even know reddit used markdown, thanks to having never used reddit.


When you copy the text on almost any article on the entire internet, it will be copied as Markdown.

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