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 No.10433[View All]

I don’t get it. Five years ago we were told this girl was going to save pop music. She made an album where she blended art pop with trap, industrial and dark ambient. She was single-handedly usurping the control if the major labels. She is also extremely socially conscious and leftist, basically the zoomer Joan Baez. Now she’s only released one song in the past two years and it’s bland as hell. Why
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What's your point?


Here’s a real subversive artist, even though her politics seem a little too right-ish.


Basically Billie wishes she was Gnosis.


Billie doesn’t have the vocal ability to do this.


This thread got me thinking, if I were Billie or on her music/marketing team, what's next? I kept thinking of artists to take inspiration from but hitting a roadblock over whether her voice or image could carry them. I think she needs something along the lines of Sonic Youth's "Shadow of a Doubt" (vid rel) in her discography to ease herself and her listeners into new territory for her voice/musical style. If she can do that, she'll have some edge and intensity to draw on in the future that her fans won't reject as inauthentic. If she wants to keep her edgelord identity anyway and I'm not sure that she does.


If Billie wanted to be counter-hegemonic she would be openly embracing radical politics, which she's not. All she does is ASMR vocals over dollar store Aphex Twin beats.



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I find it sad this board know who Boyd Rice is.


She unironically has the right voice for neofolk.


She CAN sing though. She literally belts at the end of Happier Than Ever.


Not that impressive TBH.


Fingers crossed brother!


Eyelash sounds like Erykah Badu if Erykah ate two jars of mayonnaise and lost everything that makes her voice sound sensual and unique.


If record labels dry up it's because they've become de facto obsolete as streaming has taken over. Although now that everyone seems to be into buying vinyls since everyone now realizes what a scam it is to keep paying for subscriptions for music that's not even "yours" (rent essentially) I'd be curious to see how much longer this lasts.


TBQH I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes through a fascist phase. Something about her seems very fascistic.


Nah, the genre is too genuinely deep for her.


Doubtful. Artists who take up an interest in fash do so because fascism is so despicable they see it as intriguing. It’s about exploring an evil that most people won’t touch. I don’t think Eilish has the intellectual capability to see this.


>>Compare that to when more established producers are interviewed and you'll notice how they come off as far more cultured than expected and talk almost entirely about insider musician stuff.
>And this is a hallmark of great artists.
Nah when Madlib was being interviewed a few years ago all he talked about was his kids.


Billie Eillish's stuff is hipster, pretending to be against the norm, but really just being a commodified version of rejecting popular stuff while also being part of pop music. Overrated, with maybe a couple good hits.


Yes, and I'm always weary every time the mainstream media praises an upcoming artist as counter-hegemonic (not the words they used obviously but you got that impression given what the press was saying about her five years ago). Outsider artists don't get praise from the entire industry nor do they parade themselves all over mainstream media looking for clout. Most outsider artists who happen to get praise from the mainstream will reject all that publicity and agree to lay low.


I wonder how this is going to affect her given that Billie is signed to Interscope which is part of UMG.


How many Grammys did she win last night?


TBH I was reminded of Eyelash when I saw this video (surprised she wasn't mentioned since she used to culture vulture A LOT during 2017-2019). Then, as soon as she won her Grammys, she went right back to being white and threw the streetwear/blaccent shit out.




>They didn’t mind attacking the Iraq War 20 years ago.
not true, especially at the beginning. Several people were fired over being against the war in iraq including phil donahue from MSNBC


The point is, there were multiple public figures who spoke out against the war knowing they’d be cancelled for it. Look at what happened to the Dixie Chicks.


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>I don’t get it. Five years ago we were told this girl was going to save pop music. She made an album where she blended art pop with trap, industrial and dark ambient. She was single-handedly usurping the control if the major labels. She is also extremely socially conscious and leftist, basically the zoomer Joan Baez. Now she’s only released one song in the past two years and it’s bland as hell. Why
What happened to Lorde? They find a new girl to be the young alt-pop it girl every few years. Now it's Olivio Rodrigo. They're probably already moving on to a younger chick.


They tried forcing Tate McRae on everyone around the same time but she didn't stick.


She wore a CEASEFIRE NOW pin at the Oscars just now.


Too little too late.

Even Biden is calling for a ceasefire now (in theory, not in practice obviously), namely because paying for Israel's war is too expensive and he'd rather see that money go to Ukraine to kill Russians.


What are our thoughts on this? It comes out on Friday.


100% pure pandering to the vinylheads.

Every single thing this girl does is calculated. She's smart since she knows where the clout is.


damn she's only 22?


Don't remember hearing any singles off her last album on the radio so why not.


I saw that she said she intends for the album to be a whole experience, or something along those lines. My first instinct is this is how big artists game the system now; just racking up more streams than if they'd done the listeners' work for them and highlighted the standouts. Taylor Swift just proved the viability of that strategy—over 300 million streams on her 31-song double album release in 24 hours with no promotional singles. "My album is too artistic to not be listened to as a complete work" is gimmicky bullshit. Big, "artsy" pop musicians have released singles countless times before: Bjork, Radiohead, David Bowie, Kendrick Lamar, Aphex Twin, et al. Non-pop musicians do it too: Swans, King Gizzard, even Throbbing Gristle put out singles in the 70s and 80s. The list goes on and on. The no-singles release has its roots in the surprise album drop trend that started like a decade ago (I think it was Beyonce's self-titled?). It made a big splash the first few times, but it stopped being "buzzworthy" once all the other big pop artists started doing it.


Meaning, it’s a gimmick and pandering.


Yeah that's what I said.


Taylor will always outstream her.


Bait but I'll respond seriously anyway. The reason Taylor Swift is so successful is because her music is first of all unchallenging even within her genre. It is secondly because Taylor Swift writes banal pop music that appeals to equally banal cis, straight, middle class, under 40, white women of America (a very large demographic indeed). These Swifties likely project onto her and imagine their completely average lives as more glamorous, affluent, and cinematic than they really are. In other words, Taylor Swift is the Cheesecake Factory of music.


Eilish isn’t much different.


You can't throw a rock in any Target store in America without hitting a Swiftie. Basic straight white suburban women are just that commonplace. Billie Eilish writes to the somewhat more niche genre of teenage (pseudo?) angst, and is just edgy enough that it makes the most boring people on the planet slightly uncomfortable. I've been dunking on her music for being fake edgy/fake deep in this thread so this is not a compliment to her. Taylor Swift is just that much more bland with a larger pool of potential fans to tap into.


She reminds me a lot of Madonna in how she knows how to be shocking and calculates everything.


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>fellow SPK enjoyer


only when it comes to palestine. they tend to stay in line when it comes to ukkkraine, taiwan, and iran, either because they're delusional (about china and russia) or because they've internalized their own domestic politics on the global stage ("iran is LITERALLY a muslim theocracy, america MUST be more progressive because I think in purely culture war terms!!!")






>Five years ago we were told this girl was going to save pop music.
LOL. LMAO even. The only thing I even remotely care for out of her stuff was "I'm the Bad Guy" and even then only because the beat went hard and vid rel was animated to the song and actually worked. The rest of her stuff is middling and uninteresting. She was nowhere near saving pop unless she could match MJ and that was never going to happen.


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>Billie Eilish
I prefer her Argentine doppelgänger.


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