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"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Can someone who is a fan or something explain what this guy's fucking deal is? Why is he releasing albums on major labels while prancing around with Wolfsangels and other pseudo-swastikas?
People say it's all full of double meanings, but his music is so unpleasant to listen to, it's such a celebration of anti-intellectualism and being braindead that I end up too disgusted to even listen to it.
Before you immediately assume I'm not "in on it" I'm a big fan of Genocide Organ, who have a similar approach of using reactionary symbols as a weapon against reactionary ideology. When it comes to this guy, I mean, he's hanging out with Tom Metzger and Bob Heick. Stewart Home, who seems like a pretty cool guy, directly accused him of being a Nazi, in an article that is here but I have yet to read it


Damn I wish the left had our version of Boyd.


Wait, Boyd's music is distributed on a major label?


Yes, Mute Records. Also home of Moby, Depeche Mode, etc


Is it wrong I love and miss 90s trash talk shows? Ironically, they feel more mature and insightful than the internet garbage we have today.


So, his music is distributed by UMG?


just listen to any other noise/industrial band, they're pretty much all better and definitely less nazi garbage


The sad thing is, Boyd actually has made good music. He's just a sick fascist fuck.


Has Rice said anything openly Nazi or antisemitic or is he just a shock artist?


who cares lmao



>Is it wrong I love and miss 90s trash talk shows? Ironically, they feel more mature and insightful than the internet garbage we have today.
I've never heard someone say this before and it struck me. We should have a thread about this sometime. Jerry Springer was a pretty progressive and democratic person and had a brief political career. We need people like him.


I mean, Jerry would bring on trans women and actually respect their pronouns at a time when most of America didn't know trans people existed. That's something.


Boyd Rice:
>Hey guys im evil. I like evil things. I think rape is okay because I'm evil. I'm a Nazi because I'm evil. My music is loud and unpleasant because I'm evil.
>What the heck?!?! This guy is spreading Nazism!! He must be evil!


Boyd Rice has autism and it’s very obvious.




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>Be young working class communist from the UK
>form a punk band, make songs about how people shouldn't be racist and the working class needs to come together
>immediately shit-jacketed by the bourgeois media, claim you are racist for making a song called "White Youth" (about how they shouldn't be racist)
>Say "fuck it" and literally start dressing up like a nazi
>This develops into one of the most singular and brilliant musical projects of the last century
>Tactically write songs that have both communist and nazi dogwhistles in them at the same time
>Be coy about it in interviews too
>Keep reminding people that you're gay, rightly assume they'll get it (since whoever heard of a gay nazi??)
>Fast forward to the 2010s-2020s
>There are actual gay nazis now
>In fact there are people that act like the exact character you were protraying for decades but serious this time


Wait, DI6 have communist lyrics?


I got carried away there my bad.


Actually maybe I didn't. I don't know. I hear communist lyrics. I feel like I'm going schizo.


Okay here's an example: "Because of Him."
So the lyrics, if you look them up, obviously on the surface imply that "Him" is Adolf Hitler.
>A friend that will eradicate
>All life's false humanity
>Helping one race, one creed
>To meet their need
Pretty racist… or is it? One race, like the human race? Or the white race?? All life's "false humanity?" Maybe that's the Jews? But this is in actuality cribbed from a song by the People's Temple Choir
Which was a religious cult. So instead it's a critique of ideology! But hang on. Because the People's Temple was also (allegedly) a communist church. So … What is he trying to say

You see what I mean by I feel like I'm going schizo?


first as farce then as tragedy


Fucking pottery

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