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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Me when I'm listening to a Kanye's newest album and I can't give it less than a 7/10 becase he's black.


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This dude was baiting, and a lot of people already didn't like him and were just looking for an excuse.


fuck vlad simple as


She's right


It's the principle, even if vlad is a piece of shit.

1) This music is developed ontop of the influences of white people/whiteness, to argue it's not is the same reactionary stuff of copyright/anti-death-of-an-author
2) The ideology/philosphy/arguments of the song wasn't critized, it was the sound underneath.

She's a great reminder of why college sucks.
It's bad enough that it's systematically stullifies students and puts forward capitalist ideology, but it's also done by people who believe in it and will attack you if you dare to think.
The only reason she seen as good is because of the historical silencing black people face, but when that silencing is done against protestors of Israel, all of a sudden censorship is now bad again.


>It's the principle, even if vlad is a piece of shit.
context still matters


The context is that he's a racist piece of shit who's a "vulture" in the music world, (idk what that means), the counter tweet doesn't engage in that context it only engages with just that tweet.

It's like when Kyle Rittenhouse shot those people at the protests, and chinlets tried defending him by saying that one of them was a pedophile, as if Kyle knew he was a pedophile before going there.

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