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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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can you redpill me on NFTs? I know they're a scam, but can we use it to fund socialist movements around the world?

for shits and giggles I minted an NFT
I was surprised by how easy it was. the only catch is that you have to pay the market something like $60 to have the NFT listed, which means that people have to sell a NFT for at least $100 to make any money.


>the only catch is that you have to pay the market something like $60 to have the NFT listed


The best way to make money from NFTs is to list them on the market at $30 CONFIRMED


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you'd be better off drawing furry commissions


>the only catch is that you have to pay the market something like $60

Holy shit nfts just became even worse


2 hour explanation of the whole thing with context
tl;dw it's 100% a poorly grounded scam with no potential to be anything else


>but can we use it to fund socialist movements around the world?

NFTs are extremely easy to scam with, but the caveat is that you already have to know or have some sort of in with the dumb, retarded rich kids with poor social and critical thinking skills who buy into this shit. The best way to have an in with them and know enough of them to get your gravy train rolling is to already be rich yourself and travel in the same sort of circles. Basically think of it as a way for rich people to trade money amongst each other. You can list an NFT yourself but nobody's going to buy it. The vast majority of these trades are done on a more personal basis through fbi.gov or face to face meetings or advertising in select spaces or word of mouth spread among the right people, and the market platform is only used as a way to exchange things formally once the money has already changed hands. There are a vanishingly tiny number of people who are dumb enough to not understand the grift and take it seriously and actually browse the marketplace to purchase things legitimately.


>and the market platform is only used as a way to exchange things formally once the money has already changed hands.
*Once the money has already figuratively changed hands. IE the deal has been made, now they just need to actually send the money.


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There is the issue of all those GPUs that crunch meaningless numbers so crypto can maintain an artificial scarcity.


unironically hope those places get looted.


I hate crypto but it's based how much they have gamers seething.


GPUs are used for most then just gaming and crypto mining. For example the more powerful the GPU the faster Blender runs. Also render farms have had similar setup to crypto miners since the death of SGI where you jam as much GPUs into a server then jam as many servers into racks and as many racks into a data centre and you have a professional render farm.


Screenshotted every post in this thread


Based bourgeois hijacking prices of graphic cards.


Im thinking instead of NFTs you can make a crypto that parodies crypto and openly states crypto is a scam and the money from buying that crypto will be used to try to end crypto so they don't have to hear about crypto anymore and you can make random computer generated images as proof of purchase so it will work like NFTs to their view.


>crypto parody
<only slightly more scammy than real money
<buy one and get the second for the price of two
<buy today!


*actually uses the money to expand his funko pop collection*

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