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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I was looking at the PineTime and wondered if there were actual cool uses for a smartwatch but I couldn't come up with any. Does leftypol have a better imagination than me or are smartwatches simply not worth it?


Yeah it can be used as a special timer


Dumb outside of biometrics. Who needs to check shit that often without touching their phone?


pry it open for bits of gold



There are sport watches with an integrated stopwatch for that. Some friend once showed me all backgrounds it had, which is probably the main selling point. I wonder how often you need to charge that thing.


if those smartwatches were secure and private, we had sensible open industrial standards for everything, they could be used as universal interface for appliances


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Kinda wanna get a pinetime too but I feel like I'm just going to use it to look at anime girls when checking the time and nothing else lol and counting your steps absolutely fucking retarded. I checked github and there's zero software for it beyond the most basic stuff.

I could buy a development kit but I can't even think of something cool to program for it.


I have no interest in connecting such a thing to the internet/phone, but I'd love to use such a thing for memorizing Chinese characters and other stuff.


Live Action Roleplaying

Not meming, as in embracing a fictitious proto-cyberpunk aesthetic for fun or (perceived) prestige.

This is an interesting idea, like a convenient authentication device. Sure, a phone works too (that's how lots of banks let you in the front door, an app using NFC or a lanyard with a card).


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>Not meming, as in embracing a fictitious proto-cyberpunk aesthetic for fun or (perceived) prestige.
I'd rather get a terrorist watch


I can't stand those horrible metal pin buttons that older digital watches used to use. They hurt my fingers to press and they had a strong disposition to breaking.


>terrorist watch
cultural aftershocks of the war on terror are trippy


I wonder why there aren't more e-ink smartwatches.


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