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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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would it be possible to set up a non-spying reverse image search service


*that replaces google or tineye or whatever


i want to spy on her 👀


idc i just posted one because it's a meme for OP pics to have anime girls. back on topic


I'm not American and they don't treat collaborators as nicely.


Use Yandex, it's the best one and the Russians are the last people who will snitch on you assuming you're living in NATO


not enough armpit pussy


I will second that yandex's reverse image search is pretty good. Don't know how well vetted it is on the mass surveillance/ data collection front, but handy is handy.


File: 1675062797965.webm (5.59 MB, 800x450, office ladies.webm)

Like saucenao?

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