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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Is crypto finally dying? From this crash

Are the prices gonna go back to normal after the middle aged mid-life crises geeks sell their stuff

I can't wait



gpu bros…
it's time

finally we can run the simulations


Crypto crashes happen all the time. That's how the scams work, people pump the price, attract others looking to get rich quick then dump all their crypto causing the price to crater. A few months later the cycle repeats.
Crypto won't die until proper regulation is applied to it, making it unsuitable to run these scams. Once that happens, the interest in crypto will drop since that pipe dream of getting rich through ti won't be feasible.


Bitcoin is still $30k, that's still overvalued.


it's not dying
honestly i might invest in it this time around, it seems to me as if as long as you don't get greedy you may be able to make your savings grow a little
i live in a shithole (nonsocialist country) where inflation will eat all my money unless i invest it into something so im thinkin about going full ancap mode and becoming a bitcoiner


a "friend" of mine hasn't been online since the crash, think he might of lost his house


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Bitcoin will never die, but hopefully people realize all other cryptocurrencies are not safe or wise investments.


We can always kill bitcoin users and hit mining operations with ballistic missiles.


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i will invoost and i will be happy


Biden admin passed crypto regulations, its just taking a while for the treasury to implement it


Any Marxist analyses on the nature of crypto?


it's a speculative asset that really only exists because it feeds from all the excess money printing that is used keep the other asset bubbles from popping in this hyper financialized economy. It really is just a symptom of excess money printing. Just watch when Fed rises interest rates and cryptos plummet because that means no more free money to inflate the bubble and keep the illusion of growth and value going.

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