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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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An article from 2016 on how the Bitcoin blockchain was reaching its limit and being controlled by a tighter and tighter pool of speculators. Even more relevant with the rise and crash of tethercoins lately.


File: 1654408923759.jpg (88.3 KB, 500x542, glindee.jpg)

woah cool af article anon
Do you know any similar ones for other projects (Monero)?


also his blog is cool, there's a really neat post about bots and how the bot metrics are fake it wont stop me from saying social media is 80% bots tho


Kute pic


can't take this guys seriously. get a better source


why the fuck are you necrobumping? you're not even contributing, just spamming.

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