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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Just found out about "invention clauses". In the US there are about 10 states which have 3 conditions: they own everything you name that was made on company time, using company equipment, or using trade secrets taught to you by the company.
Every other state does not include any conditions. They can claim everything you make, even if it's completely unrelated to your job. YouTube videos? Tutorials? Game streaming? A web comic? Literally anything. It's theirs.
They don't even have to make exemptions for collaborative work. They can take a portion of anything you contribute to if they want.


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Wow, what a shitty move.
Are there no legal ways to prevent that ?


Try as hard as you can to make them not know it was you personally who made the stuff.
Use a VPN or TOR for outside services hosting your shit, this includes your own servers.
Do not make any content on company machines that can be accessed easily or remotely. (But do work on your projects on company time lmao, just keep in mind to watch your outgoing connections.)
Do not associate yourself with the accounts you'll be hosting your stuff on, if they keep time logs it would suck if the company found out about them.

Generally be a sneaky pain in the ass.
As for trade secrets, I dunno lol.

Also, try to move out if you got the resources. If not, the next best thing would be moving to a different state.


The wonders of IP law.


this is totally not slavery btw


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I can't even find a list of states that allow this as they're all behind paywalls


Once again, "freedom of contract" turns society into neo-serfdom. What else are you going to do, just not work for any company?


*blood sucking noises*


These laws completely ignores computer history. Workers walking out of Fairchild Semiconductor is how we got Intel, AMD and Zilog. Same with workers walking out of Motorola giving us MOS Technology. Meaning if the laws existed in the 1970s the PC would never have been invented in the USA as the military industrial complex had no interest in it and they employed all the engineers thus it would have had the intellectual property to the tech behind the PC and did nothing with it as DARPA didn't ask them to make one. Then you had Commodore and Atari swap a chunk of their engineers when Jack Tramiel bought Atari and when Commodore bought Amiga (that was engineers the left Atari prior) which would have been a IP nightmare.


Ehh the USSR kind of did the Tetris guy dirty like that. Interesting story.



That was Gorbachev era, prior to that the CMEA didn't really care much about IP at that level where firms in the CMEA would reverse engineer from other firms in the CMEA with no worry along with from firms in the west.

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