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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Kiwifarms encourages the use of TOR and VPNs
but if I go to kiwifarms.ru (net is blocked by cuckflare) the ddos Guard shows up. Of course the first thing that makes be a bit mad is the need of javascript but well it is what it is now no need to be mad at the moment but, i dont know why it just wont show me the captcha.

i went to the offical ddos guard site, which uses the same anti ddos service ofc, and the captcha appears. I enabled everything, javascript etc. standard browser settings on Tor/tails. still, on the actual kiwi farms it wont show it.

is it me, or kiwifarms?? i cannot currently use a vpn like mullvad because im using tails. and because I dont have money for it. Is there any solution, can i even do anything about it?


not /tech/


then wehere does it belong to? it is tech related.


For us to even attempt to fix this problem you would have to give more personal information than would be wise comrade


We can triage at least

If you have another device with internet access through a seperate line like mobile data it may work for you


what do you mean? I once went to kiwifarms.ru without any anon services because I did not know what it was and it worked. DDos guard is popping up because of TOR otherwise id have no problem


like what? I dont think i need to give any personal information? perhaps we think of different thinks when hearing personal information?


Even cloudflare might have buckled against the flood of tourists going to have a gawk at the train wreck thinking about it

Smart business decision for cloudflare to drop now some other flood protection service gets the bad rep


Information about your software setup stop talking idiot why mention tor when you're a minnow among the massive school of tourist having a gawk at the site and can use a clean connection right now to access the site

Or just wait till the .onion starts working later


right now my software setup is everything on regular mode for TAILS. thats it, no changes at all.

When do you think they will have a working .onion? is it even talked about?


>When do you think they will have a working .onion? is it even talked about?
Probably, I have no inside view though


kiwifarms was a shithole that deserved to die long time ago
>>he is mad his favorite bullying webstite got taken down
get fucked dipshits you all deserve it


Kiwifarms is a shitty fascist website. This should have been gone long ago with fucking everyone that uses it.


You can just check their telegram for updates about their site hopping and so on if you care.

Can't say I'm particularly bothered by Cloudflare dropping them. What bothers me more is I heard about another forum that Cloudlare collaborated with the FBI creating fake logins to track the users, though I am neither totally certain what that forum did (troll raids I think?) nor whether Cloudflare was forced to act like it did because of laws.

>kiwifarms was a shithole
Anon I…


Cloudflare is known to release people's personal data to Kiwifarms

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