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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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As communists we know how well porky cuts corrners, even baby formula is tainted

So I'm asking the techies as a luddite, if someone had like wireless mouses, gamepads, etc and used them daily
would it marginally give them more cancer than usual??


File: 1663069542484.pdf (224.82 KB, 180x255, Zain-IJES.pdf)

Yes, radiation used in wireless communications causes adverse health effects. PDF related cites more recent studies than the corresponding Wikipedia article.
The risk decreases inverse to the square of your distance to the source i.e. your phone and other handheld devices pose the greatest danger.


Hmm, I wonder if any infrared trackball mice exist. My wireless mouse is comfy but I don't wanna damage my hand.
This might be hard to find tho since "infrared mouse" seems to show mice that use infrared for sensing movement in relation to the table, rather than using infrared to communicate said movement.


I would avoid wireless mice, game-pads and keyboards, because after a few years the battery will fail and if you can't replace it, the devices become unnecessary landfill. (Assuming that you are not willing to pry open devices to solder in a new battery pack). The wireless connections of these devices can also be hacked

But it's not going to give you cancer, super low power non-ionizing radiation can't knock atoms off the polymer chains that make up your DNA.

Just get wired peripheries, if you really have to have wireless get stuff that has user replaceable batteries.


It's so over, what do I do


>because after a few years the battery will fail and if you can't replace it, the devices become unnecessary landfill

Yes this is true, I can't replace it but if I got one, I'd make sure to go to my local electronics guy to get it refilled with a new battery, might be cheaper

I did the same with my headphones, I bought the detachable, so when it went bad (usually the wire), I got myself cheap new wires and it was good as new


There's wireless peripherals that can use rechargeable AA batteries. Funny thing is this is listed as a con in reviews.


If devices use a decent amount of power, regular metal-hydride AA batteries can be drained quickly.
For those occasions AA batteries that have Lithium-ion batteries with voltage conversion circuits can be used.

You seem to be insinuating a conspiracy that reviewers are pushing for more obsolescence, i think that might be partly so, but also shortsightedness.


>extremely broken English
>random charts that either explain basic stuff that don't need to be explained or disprove the argument that microwave radiation is harmful at all
>brings up random studies with nothing to say about what conclusions they bring
are people not supposed to click on this or something


So is someone who constantly streams video and data to an LTE tablet or phone 4 feet from their head all night in serious danger? Asking for a family member who wonders why they can never get restful sleep


Non-ionizing radiation can't give you cancer. It can however cause other harm, mostly heating of the eyes and skin damage. But only at rather high power levels, not the mW used by Bluetooth and WiFi etc.
t. licenced amateur radio operator


I sleep with a router in my room for over 10 years, how fucked am I?


did you post this from /ghostypol/?
you're already dead my guy


what is a radio operator and what skin damage do you speak of?

i have experienced heat of the eyes, it's nasty
you have to put cucumber and drink cold stuff to get it out of the body




autist hypochondriac thread!


Is op a german microwave hater?

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