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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Lets talk about old computers. I'll start with my belief that disk incompatibility (outside supporting the IBM) really hurt Atari and Commodore, even though the C128 with the 1571 drive can read a number of 5¼" CP/M disks it is the exception even going forward, other then the MSX that was a licenced standard so of course all the manufactures of MSX computers have the same disk standard as that was the point (and the IBM clones naturally copied the IBM Dos disk format).


It's funny that the very first PCs were just boxes that needed an external screen and keyboard. It all comes full circle.


Or teletype, also those that say Linux is hard never experienced real old skool computers.


I recall a story of someone debugging msdos with their printer as the tty. I thought it was Neil Stephenson, but the grep doesn't show anything related.


Why are UNIX computers never mentioned when people talk about retro computing? did they all experience collective amnesia?
Yes I'm aware not everyone could afford to have a PDP-11 in their mom's basement, but there personal were personal computers being sold with UNIX on them.
Besides the AT&T UNIX PC pic attached to the OP's post, the IBM PCs had options like XENIX from microsoft or hell even from IBM themselves.


I wouldn't say never but far rarer due to them being work horses. You can even see this with the popular view of the C128 of it lacking software where if you looked at productivity it had enough that took advantage of 80 columns and the faster disk drive to make it useable as a home office computer thus why it did sell well yet many in the retro community uses games as a metric even for machines that nobody bought for gaming.


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>codes his own one line editor (ed)
>writes Unix in a few weeks on a teletype
OOP and normies with computers were the downfall of programming


JFC imagine the waste of paper


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MSX was basically Japan's answer to the CP/M machines in the west (if Digital Research created a hardware standard). With NEC, Sharp and Fujitsu collectively owning half the Japanese market at the time, the rest of the Japanese electronics industry agreed to work together rather then competing for table scraps. Microsoft of Japan took a leadership role early on but Microsoft back in the US pulled out shortly after the MSX2 launched as they didn't like having to contribute to support the standard. Panasonic and ASCII Corporation were happy to divvy up Microsoft's take among themselves with MS leaving right when the MSX started to really take off in Asia yet this also marked the beginning of the end for the MSX in the west (not sure if this was a coincidence). Microsoft back in the USA never did support the MSX outside the bare minimal with them not even porting and localizing Multiplan to the any of the Japanese systems.
MSX lasted through the 80s and into the early 90s with it major stumbling block being its inability to come out with MSX3 due to lack of reinvestment.


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is the coil whine issue of modern computers worse or louder than the old computers that used to just need to function normally?


I never heard of coil while being an issue in older machines though cross talk was a bigger issue (line out having distortions from RF noise generated by the computer).


Anyone else find it odd that only the Macintosh and IBM Compat survived? Even in Japan where IBM didn't sell a single IBM PC till 1984 and even then getting slaughtered in the Japanese market throughout the 80s, in the mid 90s just gave up having their own platforms owned by massive firms like NEC and Sharp switched to WinTel machines. Even Sony only sold a hobbyist dev kit that required a PC for the Playstation instead of a kit to the Playstation a full home computer.


people don't like many different platforms, and especially with the rise of the global internet


Code portability is not big of a problem on modern systems. For example you can make the PS3 a workable Linux workstation where the issue is most Linux code not optimized for the PS3 (yet it is not hard to get most Linux code to work on the PS3 architecture).


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It seems the USSR imported MSX computers for its classrooms. Anyone know if they also made a clone of them?


You appear to be using non-libre codecs in addition to bad cropping and compression. Let me help.


>Anyone know if they also made a clone of them?
I don't know, but they did make several ZX Spectrum clones.


File: 1667877118684.webm (41.94 MB, 1280x720, MSX Lightpen.webm)

No offence to the Spectrum but the MSX was a more powerful platform despite what Clive Sinclair and Jack Tramiel said about them back in the mid 80s.

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