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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I'm trying to reset my IP address.
I'm supposed to type ipconfig/release into the command prompt window, then ipconfig/renew. When I typed ipconfig/release this came up.


nice username


thank you bruddah
now help a brudda out with his IP problemo


>I'm trying to reset my IP address.
Why don't you reset your networking (potentially by rebooting)? Physically resetting your connection could also do the trick.
You probably can't reset your IP unless you remember the initial address and set it to that. If Windows decides to throw a tantrum, you're fucked either way.


Thank so much. Would that let me escape a ban from 4chan?


not if you're range banned


Literally just unplug your router and plug it back in and if that still doesn't work you have to wait for it to change naturally which can take hours to days.


How did you change you IP in the first place? I assume your PC does not act as a router. Your PCs IP is only relevant to your router and other devices on the LAN. 4chan sees the IP (or NAT sth) of your router. Many routers dynamically assign their IPs, so restarting it could change the IP.


Aww, cool, thanks!
>How did you change you IP in the first place?
I didn't…what did I say to indicate I did?
I made this thread to learn how to do that.

Unique IPs: 4

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