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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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More consolidation in the tech market. Figma bought by Adobe.


What's figma?


Figma balls


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Figma is the only competitor to Adobe XD which are UI design software.



>only competitor
What about penpot and akira?


Why are they even allowed to buy out their competitors?




>paying a subscription just so you can put together widgets marginally faster
what a racket


figma balls


i hate adobe garbage, i don't understand how they're stuff is superior

it just seems like they have a monopoly on this shit
i tried premiere and after effects and it was so ass, and non-intuitive to use

i liked using the open source shotcut more and MS Paint


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Waggie #234, did you commit a wrongthing? Not thinking about leaving, ehh?


because competitive free market or some shit that results in this lmao

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