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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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“You’ll own nothing and be happy” is a distraction for the already semi-successful real plan which is “You’ll be an NPC and be happy”


NFTs but for VR


>hopeful future
Brain rot.


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I think I saw this in that Spieldberg film/product placement.


"You’ll own nothing and be happy" is code for "You'll be a slave and you'll be mind controlled"

If people can be turned into NPCs, programmed by media and technology, then they'll be slaves. Why would the imperialist fascist bourgeoisie program people to just consume? They want to reduce your consumption and get you in gamified mixed reality where you're working for them waking hour of your life.


>If people can be turned into NPCs, programmed by media and technology, then they'll be slaves.
Think of it as a brutal evolutionary filter where only the people survive whose minds are immune to this, look at the past slave empires their slaves also didn't reproduce them selves.
>They want to reduce your consumption and get you in gamified mixed reality where you're working for them waking hour of your life.
it's kinda true, capitalists abhor the thought of normal people having a rich life ,but that also means the slaves won't reproduce.

None of this is the future, it's just another dead end, that might kill a lot of people.


Endlessly producing while reducing consumption is a good way to destroy capitalism, why the fuck would capitalists want that?


>NFTs but for VR
Has the same problem of people just downloading it. People already rip custom avatars by simply going through the client's cache.


actually existing globohomo


Reducing workers' consumption means raising the rate of exploitation, which means more profits. How the fuck does that destroy capitalism?

The bourgeoisie only cares about the absolute mass of their wealth. From their POV, workers producing commodities for consumption by other workers is just waste as long as there's a better way to expand the wealth of the bourgeoisie. Transitioning from labor aristocracy to a slave system where you "own nothing and are happy" is what they've always dreamed of.

Recall all the pro-slavery propaganda made by the slave-owning class in the southern USA. One of their most common arguments was that slaves are happier as slaves.

Now certainly, it could be that the new slave system being built and implemented by the transnational, imperialist bourgeoisie is no longer capitalism, but neo-feudalism, or at very least, a radically different new stage of capitalism. If so, all that means is that Marx was right again– capitalism truly is ending, but the bourgeoisie have been victorious in the last century of class war, so they are trying to invent a replacement for capitalism that maintains their class rule and ownership of the world, instead of communism.


ever heard of this thing called profit


What about it? The ROP is at its lowest point in history.


They're going to make NTFs based on your DNA and biometric data, to facilitate trading slaves as a crypto asset.


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>Endlessly producing while reducing consumption is a good way to destroy capitalism, why the fuck would capitalists want that?
wow this is just unbelievably stupid
(what workers produce) - (what workers consumer) = surplus
You are not going to destroy capitalism by giving the bourgeoisie more surplus, you have to do the exact opposite.

>Now certainly, it could be that the new slave system being built and implemented by the transnational, imperialist bourgeoisie is no longer capitalism, but neo-feudalism, or at very least, a radically different new stage of capitalism. If so, all that means is that Marx was right again– capitalism truly is ending, but the bourgeoisie have been victorious in the last century of class war, so they are trying to invent a replacement for capitalism that maintains their class rule and ownership of the world, instead of communism.

Nope the bourgeoisie can't win the class war, the contradiction of capitalism cannot be resolved in favor of the bourgeois class.
It's either going to be a proletarian victory and society starts changing towards socialism or it's going to be the common ruin of all the contending classes. (Which is also a Marx quote or at least a quote from a Marxist)

Cockshott has explained it very well. If not enough labor-time in the form of consumption flows back to the proletariat, fertility will go down, and then the proletariat will shrink. If this happens over a long enough time, it will cause a demographic shift that causes labor shortages and that will give the proletariat the leverage to assert the political economy of labor above the political economy of capital.

What might also happen is that the bourgeoisie will try to shrink the entire economy to match the demographic shrinkage. So that a labor reserve army can be maintained. There are some hints that the western bourgeoisie might be going for this. It will create a self reinforcing feedback loop, with an accelerating rate of shrinkage. In global affairs this means that the west will fade away. That certainly would qualify as common ruin of all the contending classes in the west.

China is not doing this, they are in fact increasing the rate of consumption for their workers and that means they will not fade away.
The Chinese bourgeoisie lost the class-war they are unable to use neo-liberal policies to sacrifice China to maintain their position, once China runs out of common prosperity compatible capitalism, the Chinese bourgeoisie will evaporate. And Chinese communism will remain with the most advanced productive forces and the largest economy on earth.

Who do you think decides the future of humanity ?
a) shrinking hyperausterity Western neofeudalism
b) expanding hyperindustrial Chinese communism


>Nope the bourgeoisie can't win the class war, the contradiction of capitalism cannot be resolved in favor of the bourgeois class.
They can't win the class war forever, but they of course can win for a significant period of time. I mean, you are denying current reality if you think the bourgeoisie can't win temporarily. They just had a three decade run of successful counterrevolution, and the communist movement is easily at one of its weakest points in history.

Also worth keeping in mind, if we are entering into a new mode of production based on exploitation, that it may no longer be appropriate to refer to the ruling class as bourgeoisie, and rather they are some kind of new class.

>If not enough labor-time in the form of consumption flows back to the proletariat, fertility will go down, and then the proletariat will shrink. If this happens over a long enough time, it will cause a demographic shift that causes labor shortages and that will give the proletariat the leverage to assert the political economy of labor above the political economy of capital.

The big bourgeoisie are very open about their intentions to lower birth rates and cull the working class. Most developed countries have had a >10% reduction in birth rates this year. They are betting that a combination of factors will allow for increased wealth and consumption of the ruling class on the one hand, and decreased wealth, consumption, and population of the working classes on the other hand:
>Automation making significant segments of the working classes AND PMC/clerk class redundant
>The automated digital control grid (IE, AI-driven mass surveillance, programmable CBDCs, pervasive tracking devices, information control, paramilitary police forces etc) can drive up the rate of exploitation, meaning fewer workers needed to sustain the ruling class's lifestyle
>Genetic engineering and psychiatric mind control to turn people into NPCs, the topic of this thread

A shrinking working class population is only a problem for the ruling class IF it means the ruling class's consumption and wealth also decreases. However, a shrinking working class population does NOT guarantee that. If you think the depopulation agenda will fail, fair enough. If you think it has no chance to succeed, I think you should reevaluate. If you think it's not happening, then explain the last thirty years of foreign policy that has led to massive depopulation in post-Soviet states and the Middle East.

>What might also happen is that the bourgeoisie will try to shrink the entire economy to match the demographic shrinkage. So that a labor reserve army can be maintained. There are some hints that the western bourgeoisie might be going for this. It will create a self reinforcing feedback loop, with an accelerating rate of shrinkage.

Yes, this is the openly stated policy of the ruling class right now.

>In global affairs this means that the west will fade away.

This in some sense is ALSO the goal of major ruling class cliques. Look at all of the WEF literature expounding the virtues and inevitability of the multi-polar world order. The big bourgeoisie has become so trans-national that the multi-polar world order is actually preferable to them. Something similar happened to the British empire a century ago. The other big benefit of the "destruction of the West" is that it accelerates re-proletarianization and re-enslavement, and reduces wasteful offshoring.

>That certainly would qualify as common ruin of all the contending classes in the west.

It's the ruin of the working classes and a big chunk of the small and medium bourgeoisie, but that suits our new ruling class just fine.

>China is not doing this, they are in fact increasing the rate of consumption for their workers

Look up some current stats. China is imposing austerity on its working class now, and you are delusional if you think there has not been a very successful counterrevolution in China starting with the rise of Deng Xiaoping.

>Who do you think decides the future of humanity ?

c) Global neofeudalism, including all BRICS countries.

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