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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Seriously when you type "mic" it shows so many different types

What do they all mean and what is their purposes, what do anons use to talk to others online


If it's just to communicate and not make formal recordings any will do that is convenient for u.


I use muh webcam miç


I use the ps2 singstar mic you can upgrade it at home


The singstar mic only has one channel. Does stereo sound noticeably better?


Wireless modmic, bretty good


WTF different audio recording devices have different purposes and forms??! As someone that grew up locked in a room, this is fascinating news to me



one of those mini clip on mics


Mandatory Plug of Second Thought
1. Camera
2. Lights (with softbox)
3. Teleprompter

Personal Advice not affiliated with Video

Network Attached Storage with RAID5
Synology for the beginner, TrueNAS for the Tech People

Editing Computer
OS: Fedora or Linux Mint
CPU: 8 Core or more
RAM: 16GB kinda, 32 gb by 2026
GPU: HELL! Gehena!
Storage: OS on M.2 Drive and main storage on HDD in NAS.

Editing Monitor:
Ultrawide is not fun for me. Maybe it will work for you.
22 inch minimum, 32 inch maximum
2.7K or 1440P minimum
HDR is weird (DisplayHDR_, HDR version numbers, and more)
Frame Rate: Personal Preference, but more than 60 is fun but not needed.


whats the purpose of more than one channel?

why does your GPU have the same name as a quirky sod brand


>whats the purpose of more than one channel?
I was asking. Human speech generally sounds fine even at low bitrates, but the 8kb/s mono pcm used by many bluetooth headsets sounds noticeably lofi.


It's probably the bitrate and the specific bluetooth codecs/version more than anything that probably causes issues. The vast majority of people use mono microphones anyways. You usually get stereo mics on expensive devices, or if you're trying to do something like a professional recording.


Stereo audio is mainly to make it easier to distinguish particular sources when there are multiple. If you have a couple people talking or a person singing and playing a guitar for example, having two channels with slightly different positioning give dimensionality to the sound and your brain distinguishes them better.


I'm going to buy PC speakers anything I should be aware of?

I'm taking a decibel counter and I'm gonna make them play stuff to judge it

My laptop spits 54-55


>why does your GPU have the same name as a quirky sod brand

Way to much money!


This is like a dreaming kind of question. Really feeling this in my schizo mood atm

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