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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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The way this A.I in the CPUs work, it is a terrifying, free-will thought

Are we so predictable, that computers can get the next thing we want to do, already, ready?

It's dope but also sad, Like it knows


The image you posted is code prediction where the CPU microcode predicts the code path so it can keep the pipeline full during a fork in the code path. Thus it doesn't know what the user wants to do, it doesn't even know a user exists, it just looks ahead in the code and makes a prediction so it can prefetch data.


It's a branch predictor driving a prefetcher.


what does that mean

that's good
i'll keep making unpredictable moves so the pc doesn't know it's alive


gotcha bitch


Wait didn't Intel processors already do something similar that led to many exploits like Meltdown and Spectre?


>what does that mean
imagine the processor getting instructions like people queuing in a supermarket to get to the cashiers.
this stuff just organizes the people to optimally load each cashier with customers and items to scan.
It does not really work like this, but this is just a simplification to give you at least some idea.
when this stuff got introduced it was a huge deal, processors more than doubled in performance with this one simple trick.


didn't this exact branch prediction bullshit cause huge security vulnerabilities in the past aka SPECTRE/MELTDOWN, etc.?


When you open a program, it is loaded into the memory. The CPU can only hold a small number of instructions in its own store, when it is done with them, it has to fetch instructions from memory. This is slow. The prefetcher tries to fetch the next instructions from memory before the CPU actually needs them so they are ready to be executed as soon as the CPU is ready. This speeds things up.

A branch is a decision point in the code. Based on some condition, different code will be executed. A branch predictor tries to predict what decision will be made. Based on this, the prefetcher will load the instructions that will be needed after the branch. If the prediction was wrong, the loaded instructions will be useless and the correct instructions will have to be fetched, and the CPU will have to wait until they arrive from the memory, slowing things down.


Branch prediction is commonplace, the image's claim of novelty is that they are using Artificial Intelligence™ in it.


I'm sure there's no way this will lead to catastrophic security vulnerabilities that will get found in a decade or so.


You have a head start in finding and exploiting them, don't let the opportunity be wasted.


>You have a head start in finding and exploiting them, don't let the opportunity be wasted.
Sure just hop into your time machine and go back to 2018.
it's actually quite funny how pathetic lefty /tech/ boards are


what's wrong in this thread


Uhhhhhhh ok

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