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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Is there any danger in pinging random IP addresses? I know code cannot produce true randomness because math, and systems like random.org get around this by observing physical phenomena. But if one were to pseudorandomly select an IP address, one gets two parameters:
- If the IP is active; a boolean.
- Latency; a float.
Would this not be true random? Especially considering latency could be effected by weather.


I don't see why it would be dangerous, worst case scenario if someone doesn't like pings they can be blocked by most routers. Sounds like a decent idea.


I doubt it would be very useful, I would be surprised if the networking stack did not skew the latency in some way, plus IPs in different geographical regions are almost guaranteed to give latencies in different ranges, and the timeout on not getting a reply will make it very slow, not to mention that it sounds like really easy prey for timing attacks, and an attacker could fuck with the latencies by flooding your network, and so on and so on.

Unique IPs: 3

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