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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Anyone else confused about them? I thought "senior" would mean someone with like a decade of work experience in the field, but I keep seeing people get promoted to it after only 2-3 years of working. Is there any meaning behind the titles or is it seen as just some extra benefit of "prestige" companies throw around to attract/retain people?


Also it seem the best way to "climb the corporate ladder" is to switch jobs every other year. I've been working at the same place for four years now, does that mean that I will be stuck there until civilisation collapses?


Quite possibly yes, the other alternative is to play hardball with the managers and try to get promoted.


well yeah and it's not too surprising
if there's a job you need done you can find more people in the labor pool with a wider variety of skillsets than you can find looking inside your company, compared to the extra work involved in promoting an existing employee. there's really no incentive to reward loyalty to the company so why would they.


job titles are meaningless /thread


lol my senior engineer was late 22s, ex-contractor in [asian country].
ageism is dumb.

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