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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Stable Diffusion can now texture your entire scene automatically in blender. This will greatly increase the output of small devs IMO as it will multiply the amount of content they can create.


Why is the shadow of the building there?


Neato. Still little more than regression. The copyright implications of something like this are tricky.


wow, that's neato. feel bad for the people that will be pushed out of work by this but hey.


idk why it's freaking out artists so much
tools like this will massively expedite workflow
smaller studios will be able to take advantage of this to jumpstart pieces of their project, like even if you can't directly use what the AI gives you, you can either alter it until it's what you need or use it as a basis for mostly original art


probably due to lighting in blender


This is terrible if you want any kind of control over the art direction of your game.


In time you'll be able to create something like a more advanced color-scheme that makes the AI generate in a style you defined with some kind of script language that's optimized for describing aesthetic patterns.


So how the holodeck worked in Star Trek?
If it progresses to that point why would artists be afraid of this? At that point it's just a faster tool than the tools that already exist to streamline the digital artistic process that no one feared will destroy jobs or end the human creative experience.


>This is terrible if you want any kind of control over the art direction of your game.
… you can modify the uv map still and touch it up anon. its not set in stone. Just like you can edit images from stable diffusion in Gimp/photoshop

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