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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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What do programmers actually do at their jobs?




expectation: comp-sci designing and optimizing of advanced algorithms and building elegant systems.

reality: finding bugs in a undocumented prehistoric spaghetti code-base and copy pasting slightly modified code snippets from stack overflow.


pretend to program while only writing a few lines of code a day and saving them up to do a bigger commit every few days, drinking coffee, going to meetings where people talk about pointless bullshit, browsing emails, and occasionally zoning out and staring at a screen while thinking of nothing.



Deal with middle management's whims and clean up for them whenever it goes awry


poop their pants and yell at god


nothing. such is the pmc life



My experience of business programming is that it boils down to lashing hash tables together in various ways.


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It's crazy how software engineering jobs haven't changed that much. I saw that movie and it blew my mind how similar it was to my work.



but apparently that's not enough, so we also spend hours upon hours in endless meetings that serve no purpose. see stuff like "scrum" with it's daily meetings, backlog meeting, retrospective meeting, planning meeting, ad-hoc meetings for some shit that broke because of a previous deadline rush, "knowledge sharing meetings", even meetings that just require you to hang out in some online meeting room all day just in case someone wants to ask something and texting it doesn't "feel urgent enough". on top of this also clerical work like writing everything out in some online website like Jira about why we do what we do and so on.
>inb4 u are doing scrum/agile/safe/muh methodology wrong!!!
cool story, I don't give a shit, I don't care about "doing it right"

in my experience, as a programmer, startups are the most exciting places to work at because you build new things to solve new problems. any larger organization will just drown you in bureaucracy. startups do have the downside of a lack of job security though since you don't know how well it will swim or sink.

>ackchyually bureaucracy is not bad.. how can you be on a left-wing site and say stuff like that

again, don't care. I find it terrible so it is terrible, for me.


What do subjects of neoliberal ideology do with their time? Attempt to do busy work to resolve the tensions underneath the tendency of falling rate of profit.

podcast ep: http://generalintellectunit.net/e/091-agile-and-the-long-crisis-of-software/


Typically I’m implementing a clean and useful piece of software for a client who’s not too demanding. Plus I have the whole piece to myself so that’s cool.

But currently I have to write a user manual and it’s incredibly fucking painful, it won’t ever be read by anyone apart from an auditor. My part is nice and could be repurposed but everybody thinks it’s globally a dumpster fire and it would almost be best if the whole thing fucking crashed.


>Typically I’m implementing a clean and useful piece of software for a client who’s not too demanding.
Is this sarcasm and if not, are you hiring?

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