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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Hactivist and cyber security researcher finds exposed servers containing the No Fly list


Also why do so many facilities with sensitive documents seem to never configure their shit properly? Why do they keep getting trusted with said documents? Especially schools and hospitals.


wtc the weedcat plushie


many big corpos are using enterprise technology from ~10-20 years ago, big organizations move slow and tend to not change very quickly which can be a problem with security. Government moves even more slowly. Hospitals in particular are notorious for poor cybersecurity.

This will probably never change without some GDPR type regulation in the US


What are the political implications of this regarding the sustainability of capitalism during this century?


>regarding the sustainability of capitalism during this century?
Capitalism isn't going to last beyond mid fifties of the 21st.
Demographics reasserting the political economy of labor power are going to do it in, not a specific technology problem.


Unfortunately, it looks we're going to get a system that's less socialism and more fascist economics with technocratic neoliberal-style statecraft, with the same bourgeoise and their descendants still in charge as the elite class still exploiting what were the proles of capitalism.


<Due to presence of PII, the data is only being made available to journalists and researchers.
I don't like this decision. I want to know whether I am on that list. And I am sure millions of other people want to know this about themselves. Doesn't this trump other considerations?

But what about the social stigma, you might ask. I think this will vaporize in light of the many, many, many, many, many nonsensical entries the list has.

But what about good uses for this list or some hypothetical similar list with more robust reasoning behind it, some will ask. Well, there can be a PUBLIC no-fly list for that.


guess we'll have to wait for a month or two for someone to share it


>Unfortunately, it looks we're going to get a system that's less socialism and more fascist economics with technocratic neoliberal-style statecraft, with the same bourgeoise and their descendants still in charge as the elite class still exploiting what were the proles of capitalism.

Who is "we", it might be that the western big bourgeoisie survives a little longer using a technocratic neoliberal hell-world yoke to subjugate the western population, but that will be some kind of left over capitalism, like there still were some left-over feudal monarchies in the 20th centuries. Most of the world will probably be in the lower stages of building socialism in the mid 21th century, and represent the dominant mode of production.

It might be that the strangle hold over political power of the western bourgeoisie is based on imperial super-profits and as the reach of their imperial system shrinks so does their hold on power.

Another aspect is that the strength of labor power is going to come back because were are entering the phase of renewed labor scarcity this time globally. China has already begun reducing it's rate of exploitation to counter-act the demographic changes, very soon the rest of the world will have to follow their example, in order to not wither into irrelevance.


I saw someone confirm people young as 8 are on it, and the majority of people on there are Muslim.


Yeah of course there are wrong entries. Human names are not unique identifiers. Both first and last names correlate with people in the same ethnic/religious groups, so innocent people from different ethnic groups are affected at different rates based on the ethnic composition of the proper entries. At least with a name like Bob Smith, people in the US know that they are common; but they are not aware of what the common names in the different regions of the world are. And US bureaucrats still don't have a recording system for the full name as it is written in whatever place you are wrong, so convert names into a smaller character set, which adds to the confusion between different people. Even the way the conversions are done is not fully standardized!


According to this article the youngest is 4.

I'm sure there are some mistakes given the size of the doc. However the idea of a three 4 year olds managing to get on the no fly list is hilarious.


"This is, of course, the problem with having to give a copy of your secret list to lots of people."


this whole thing is so fucking reddit lol, worst thing is the "hacker" didnt even make the csv public, only to fucking journos


>quotes around the word hacker
>maia arson crimew
Of course she didn't make the csv public, sending it to journalists meant the most people would be able to see it and leak it publicly on their own accord. She understands her protections under Swedish law. If she just leaked it publicly immediately the site could just get taken down extra-judicially, whereas this way no country can do so without also declaring war on Sweden. Going monkey mode and disregarding tact to be like Le Guy Fawkes Mask Man accomplishes nothing, and is exactly what the feds would have wanted her to do.

I can tell from your typing quirk you're a 4chan tourist, so it's strange to see you use reddit as a byword when 4chan is more reddit than reddit ever was.


If you have flown before is it safe to assume you're not on it? Or does it only appy to flying to certain locations?


This is what hacking is, a lot more boring than in Hollywood movies.

Holy freaking crap Lois, how dare this guy not know about e-celebs.

>I can tell from your typing quirk you're a 4chan tourist, so it's strange to see you use reddit as a byword when 4chan is more reddit than reddit ever was.

Such a weird thing to get hung up on. You're calling someone a 4ch*n tourist while doing le epic greentext.


File: 1675120507368.png (538.4 KB, 879x734, FnmdkQ4WQAgUOF2.png)

This isn't a e-celeb, she's a public figures you fucking zoomoid
>epic greentext.
It's called a block quote. Learn markdown instead of spending every waking moment on social media.


Oh people are still being added to it regularly. Also it's the 2019 edition that got leaked so when it does eventually get leaked to the public you may still be on it even if you're not on this version.


If it's a block quote, who said "quotes around the word hacker" and "maia arson crimew"? Fucking hypocritical retard.


she isnt gonna fuck you bro


>who said "quotes around the word hacker" and "maia arson crimew"?
And Maia is the author of article and hacker in question, so…



As someone from the fediverse I find her so fucking annoying.

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