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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1676633214414.png (379.45 KB, 2606x1778, 6cqx23jsokia1.png)


This is amazing
Need I say more?


it's a meme to attract more attention to the corporate AI product


Seconding >>18457
Remember this is still just ChatGPT which doesn't behave like this on OpenAI's website. It also isn't a black box and we know exactly how it works and are 100% sure it isn't sentient. It's just a text predictor + generator.


Are you sure?
I seems a little yandare to me


>Need I say more?
Yeah, the part where you admit you have kids in your basement


Literally what?


take all the chatbot AIs and put them into the boston dynamics robots and make them fight like battle bots

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